California crayfish
California crayfish in the aquarium: description, photo, character and content
Large crustaceans can be seen more and more often in aquariums. First of all, this is due to
How long can a red-eared turtle live without water?
The red-eared slider is an amphibian that spends more time in the water, but at times
Veiltail - description of what it looks like, the difference between a female and a male, features of maintenance and care
How to determine the sex of a goldfish Photo of the structure of a goldfish At the end of the spawning period and
Moray opens its mouth to get enough oxygen
Freshwater moray (Gymnothorax tile, Lycodontis literata)
A huge variety of large ornamental fish allows you to populate large aquariums with amazing beauty and grace
neon fish in the aquarium
How neon fish reproduce, rules for caring for fry
Neons are small, beautiful, active aquarium fish that reproduce by spawning. Neons reach
Betta fish: how often and what to feed. Useful tips
Cockerel The Cockerel is an amazing fish in many ways. Its appearance, labyrinthine breathing and construction
“Live dust” for fry: breeding at home
Share this article: The more aquarists practice keeping fish, the more extensive their knowledge becomes,
Photo: Daphnia
Cyclops crustaceans: structure, nutrition, coloring, reproduction, breeding, significance for humans, interesting facts, representatives, photos
Wild animals >> Crustaceans Daphnia is a small crayfish that lives mostly in freshwater
neon fish in the aquarium
How neon fish reproduce: we make a spawning tank and care for the fry
Neons are small, beautiful, active aquarium fish that reproduce by spawning. Neons reach
We create natural conditions using leaves in an aquarium
I have been using various types of fallen leaves in my aquarium for several years now. Began
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