Tetra diamond description, maintenance, nutrition, breeding, photo
The diamond tetra (Moenkhausia pittieri) belongs to the genus Moenkhausia, family Characidae. Genus includes
Aquarium for bettas: care and maintenance, how to care, what’s wrong with small (mini) and round ones, how to need it, how to set it up, start-up, plants and algae, prepare, volume
Aquarium for bettas: care and maintenance, how to care, what’s wrong with small (mini) and round ones, how to need it, how to set it up, start-up, plants and algae, prepare, volume
Profile containers for cockerels Cockerels have been widespread in many countries for a long time, therefore
Trichodins and trichodinosis (trichodinosis): symptoms and treatment.
Immediately read about how to treat fish for trichodinosis >>> Trichodinosis (trichodinosis) is a disease
Goldfish diseases: external signs and treatment, photos, symptoms
Goldfish are a real favorite of aquarium owners. These pets are graceful and bright. They immediately
Food for guppy fry - full development of babies
Aquarium fish are not just beautiful pets. They demand attention and
Male guppies choose partners in strict accordance with theories of sexual and kin selection
How does childbirth occur? Guppy labor begins at night or in the morning and lasts until
Swordtail fish
Swordtail fish - care and maintenance, reproduction and what is the difference between a female and a male
One of the most common ornamental fish living in home aquariums are Swordtails, belonging to
Guppy fry: how long they grow and how to care for them.
Beginning aquarists often find themselves in the dark, not knowing exactly what kind of fish to get. Seeing
Beautiful white angelfish
Raising the fry Raising the fry! (Incubation of Eggs and Rearing of Cichlid Fry)
From the outside it may seem that caring for a home aquarium and even breeding your favorite fish
Monodactyl silver (Silver swallow) - marine
Habitat in nature Monodactylus silver or Argentus was first described by Linnaeus in 1758.
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