The most amazing, unusual and terrible fish in the world

Radial Firefish

This interesting fish is distinguished by the fact that its bare fins resemble real needles. The fins are located on the pectoral, abdominal and anal areas of the fish's body and are very poisonous. If a person is unlucky and steps on the fins of a firefish, the poison will cause paralysis and the person may drown. The fish feeds on shrimp and other small shellfish, and is not dangerous in itself unless spooked.

Striped catfish

Striped catfish (Anarhicas lupus) made this list for two reasons. First, this fish has a pair of extraordinary, terrifying jaws, with sharp incisors in the front and chewing teeth in the back, which are ideal for molluscs and crustaceans. Secondly, and more astonishingly, the striped catfish lives in such icy Atlantic waters that it is forced to produce its own "antifreeze proteins" that prevent the blood from freezing at temperatures of -1° C. As you might expect, this strange chemical component makes the striped catfish unsuitable as food for humans, but they are so often caught in deep-sea trawl nets that they are endangered.

Puffer fish

The most poisonous fish in the world is the Japanese fugu fish. It’s not for nothing that masters of its preparation must pass a special exam and receive a license. The fugu fish has an unusual ability - in times of danger, it can increase in size by 2-3 times, and small spines turn into enlarged needles. After this change, she becomes like an airship. The poison of this fish is so dangerous that the natives of Hawaii lubricated their deadly arrows with it.


The ocean is full of unknown and interesting things, it has its own mysterious atmosphere, where living creatures of different types and sizes live. Despite the fact that scientists are studying the “secrets” of the underwater world, there are still many unknown things that each time force humanity to plunge more and more into the mysterious world of marine fauna.

A river, a sea, an ocean, despite the size of the depths of the sea, living fish creatures live in any body of water. But among all the diversity of inhabitants, there are unusual fish that not only inspire with their appearance, but also frighten.

An amazing lion fish, one of the most beautiful and interesting creatures, which is also called the zebra fish. She attracted her attention precisely because of her unusual color, white and black stripes on her body and sharp fins in the form of needles, which have a deadly poison.

Ambon scorpionfish (English Ambon Scorpionfish, lat. Pteroidichthys amboinensis).

Opened in 1856. Easily identified by its huge “eyebrows” - specific growths above the eyes. Able to change color and shed. Conducts a “guerrilla” hunt - camouflaging at the bottom and waiting for the victim. It is not uncommon and has been quite well studied, but its extravagant appearance simply cannot be ignored! (Roger Steene/Conservation International)

Psychedelic frogfish (English: Psychedelic Frogfish, Latin: Histiophryne psychedelica).

Opened in 2009. A very unusual fish - the tail fin is curved to the side, the pectoral fins are modified and look like the paws of land animals. The head is large, the widely spaced eyes are directed forward, like in vertebrates, due to which the fish has a peculiar “facial expression”. The color of the fish is yellow or reddish with sinuous white-blue stripes diverging in different directions from the blue eyes. Unlike other fish that swim, this species moves as if jumping, pushing off the bottom with its pectoral fins and pushing water out of the gill slits, creating jet thrust. The tail of the fish is curved to the side and cannot directly direct the movement of the body, so it oscillates from side to side. The fish can also crawl along the bottom using its pectoral fins, moving them like legs. (David Hall/EOL Rapid Response Team)

Lion fish

The fish itself is calm, inactive, and never attacks first, but if it is disturbed, there is a chance of receiving a dose of deadly poison.

The leafy sea dragon is a very beautiful and unusual fish, its shape is similar to a seahorse, and its size reaches up to 35 centimeters. This is a very slow fish, its fins are greenish, and it is very easy to confuse it with any plant.

Leafy Sea Dragon

Largemouth fish, also called pelican fish. The body of the largemouth is long and narrow; its size can reach up to 1 meter. It is considered an unusual fish because its front part of the body is a mouth, which makes up half of its body.

Largemouth fish

It swims very slowly because its fins are poorly developed, it has no scales, and due to its small eyes it has very little vision. But thanks to the large size of its mouth, this fish can eat prey that is 2 times its size, since the stomach of such a fish tends to stretch to enormous sizes.

The sacfish is a very dangerous and little-known fish. It grows up to 35 centimeters in length and has a very elastic stomach, which allows it to eat prey 4 times longer and 10 times heavier than the bagworm.


It is most often found in tropical waters, but very little is known about the life of the fish, since it lives in the depths of the ocean. Due to the fact that its stomach stretches well, gases are formed in it in the process of eating food, and when it comes out, the fish are pushed to the surface. It was only thanks to this factor that this type of fish became known, because they were found with swollen bellies on the surface of the water.

The barrel eye is another of the unusual fish that live in the depths of the sea. This is a very amazing fish, it has a transparent head and its eyes can only look up. The eye color of these fish is green, this helps reduce the brightness of light, and allows you to distinguish and quickly catch the necessary prey. These fish themselves are slow-moving and live at depths of up to 800 meters.

Barrel Eye

The sunfish is very large and round, which surprisingly does not know how to swim, so it can often be seen on the ocean shore. It can weigh up to 1.5 tons and resembles a disk in appearance. Its tail is short and pointed, and its skin is covered with tubercles.


The drop fish is a very strange fish in appearance; it lives in tropical waters at a depth of up to 300 meters. The color of these fish is always different and depends on the color of the coral near which they live. In addition to the fact that this fish can swim, it can also move along the ocean floor with the help of its fins. This fish was given this name due to the fact that it has large and sad eyes, and it has a nose that is very similar to a human nose, and its weight can reach up to 10 kilograms.

Fish drop

Black dragon fish is a very dangerous, flexible fish that lives at a depth of up to two thousand meters. Their sizes reach up to 40 centimeters in length, but these are the sizes of females. Males do not exceed 5 centimeters in length. They have long whiskers and teeth with which they can catch their prey.

Black dragon fish

The Goliath tiger fish lives in the rivers of the Congo and is one of the most dangerous fish in the world from the piranha family. Dimensions can reach up to 180 centimeters in length, and weight can be more than 50 kilograms.

Such a fish is very difficult to catch, because thanks to its jaw and sharp fangs, it is able to bite through any net. She chooses her victims regardless of size, so even a crocodile can become her prey.

Goliath tiger fish

The African protoptera fish is amazing because with the help of its fins, of which it has four pairs, it can move freely along the seabed. It moves only with its rear fins, and if it needs to push off from the bottom, it uses all four.

African protopter fish

Dimensions reach up to 35 centimeters in length, weight up to 20 kilograms. Since these fish live on the ocean floor, scientists have not been able to fully study them, so there is an assumption that these fish move along the “soft” bottom, in the form of algae, stones, since their fins are not able to support their weight.

The silver locomotive fish lives in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. This is a very poisonous fish, quite large in size up to 45 centimeters in length, whose skin, liver and other organs contain a substance that can lead to the death of not only a person, but also the creatures around him.

Fish silver locomotive

The monkfish lives in the depths of the Atlantic and Antarctic oceans, and is the most feared creature in the world. They have a very flexible body and a very large jaw, which allows them to eat prey almost twice their size. Their size is up to 1 meter in length, and the end of the spine of these fish glows, which allows them to lure victims to them.

The most amazing thing is that the males of this species over time cannot digest food, and then they develop into females.


The tripod fish is known for its three “legs,” which are long fins. The length of the fins reaches up to 1 meter. With the help of these fins, the fish can rest on the bottom and move around. They live in the warm waters of tropical oceans.

The fish themselves are small in size, body length up to 35 centimeters. Their color can be either dark brown or black, but they have the ability to glow in the dark thanks to bioluminescence. Most often, this fish lives on the seabed, where it catches and hunts its prey.

Pineapple fish or crawling fish can remain on the surface without water for up to 8 hours, thanks to the respiratory organ, which helps it absorb oxygen from the air.

They move on the ground with the help of fins, and can easily climb onto stones, bushes and even trees. They most often live in South Asia. Their sizes reach up to 25 centimeters in length, and the color can vary from brown to green. They do not get along well with other inhabitants of the deep sea, so they like to be alone.

Nowadays, more and more time is spent on studying the underwater world, therefore, having examined several unusual species of fish, we can conclude that the marine world is not as simple as it seems; many discoveries remain to be made, including the discovery of new species of marine life.

Bonus: we can’t help but say about our pride - the omul from Baikal. The Baikal omul belongs to the salmon family. As centuries-old scientific research in the field of genetics shows, this subspecies of fish is very close to the classic and herring whitefish. At the moment, it is completely distinguished as an independent species - Coregonus migratorius.

Lake Baikal is its most common habitat. Less often it can be observed in Siberian and Ural reservoirs. To date, as many as 4 of its populations have been officially recorded: - Severobaikalskaya - Posolskaya - Selenga - Chivyrkuiskaya. - Barguzin (but it is distinguished extremely rarely) Classic omul rarely weighs more than 800 grams, however, there are exceptions here too. So, sometimes it was possible to see this fish with a length of 47 cm and a body weight of almost 1.5 kg! The life expectancy of omul is quite high - 18 years. In the entire history of studying this species of fish, the largest specimen of the Selenga population was encountered, with a body weight of 5 kg and a body length of 50 cm.

frog fish

This fish was first discovered only in 2008. The creature has an amazing shape and appearance and has strange stripes and bumps on its body. Thanks to its shape and color, the frogfish is able to blend so well with the surrounding corals that it becomes almost invisible. It's hard not to notice the frogfish's eyes. They are not located on the sides like those of fish, but are directed forward, like in humans, and are also distinguished by a bright blue color. The frogfish's skin has no scales and is covered with a layer of mucus.

Spiny-nosed Whiteblood

Almost all vertebrates on Earth use the protein hemoglobin to carry oxygen, which gives blood its characteristic red color. But the spiny-nosed whiteblood (Chionodraco rastrospinosus) fully lives up to its name, since due to the lack of hemoglobin its blood is colorless. This amazing Antarctic fish uses whatever oxygen dissolves in its blood directly from its oversized gills. The advantage of this adaptation is that clear blood is less viscous and is more easily pumped throughout the body; The disadvantage is that the spiny-nosed whiteblood must lead a sedentary lifestyle, since prolonged bursts of activity quickly deplete oxygen reserves.

Hairy monkfish (caulophryne polynema)

Unfortunately, or fortunately, you won’t be able to meet a hairy monkfish on the beach. This strange and creepy fish lives at a depth of 1 km, where there is no sunlight. The monkfish has very sharp teeth, thanks to which it can eat whatever it wants. There is a strange growth on the head of this fish; it is able to glow in the dark habitat of caulophryne polynema. Many details of the life of monkfish remain unclear to scientists due to their deep-sea habitat.

Red pacu

The red pacu (Piaractus brachypomus) looks like something out of a nightmare, or at least a mutant from a David Cronenberg film: this South American fish has unusually human-like teeth. Oddly enough, red pacu are sold as "vegetarian piranhas" in some pet stores, whose owners often neglect to inform their customers that these fish are capable of inflicting serious, crushing bites on the fingers of their owners, and a 10 cm young pacu can quickly outgrow the size of its aquarium. demanding large and expensive dwellings.

Asian sheephead wrasse

This fish lives on the territory of the Japanese Islands and does not have a cute face. The sheephead wrasse has a very strangely shaped head, with an enlarged forehead and chin. The face has plump, large lips and small eyes. The fish's head resembles a convex potato, which gives it a funny and stern appearance at the same time. Wrasses live a long, interesting life, since at first they are born females, and after they produce eggs, they change their sex to male.

Goblin Shark

A deep-sea counterpart to film director Ridley Scott's Alien, the goblin shark (Mitsukurina owstoni) is characterized by a long, narrow snout on top of its head and sharp, protruding teeth underneath. When this shark is within range of its prey, it pushes out its lower jaws and captures the prey. However, do not be afraid, the goblin shark is unusually lazy and relatively slow and would probably not be able to outrun a frightened person. Surprisingly, Mitsukurina owstoni is probably the only living shark that flourished during the Early Cretaceous period, 125 million years ago, which explains its fearsome appearance and feeding habits.

Blob fish

The drop fish is an amazing creature living on our planet. These fish have a very human-like face and have long been recognized as one of the strangest and ugliest fish. The blobfish lives deep in the waters of Australia, under intense pressure, so by the time it accidentally lands on land, its body becomes like slime. The drop fish has no scales or fins, it has no enemies in its habitat, it feeds on plankton itself and is completely harmless.

Cube body

The marine equivalent of the rectangular watermelons sold in Japan, the boxfish (Ostracion cubicus) frequents the coral reefs of the Indian and Pacific oceans, feeding on algae and small invertebrates. No one is sure how or why boxy fishes distorted the classic evolution of fish with flat, narrow bodies, but their maneuverability in the water appears to depend more on their fins than their body shape. An interesting fact is that in 2006, Mercedes-Benz introduced the Bionic concept car, modeled after a cube-shaped fish (if you've never heard of the Bionic, that's because the car was a real evolutionary failure compared to its more successful inspiration ).

Coelacanth Indonesian

Coelacanth Indonesian. Considered extinct until 1999, this amazing fish is the oldest species on the globe. There are two species of coelacanth on earth. Their divergence period is approximately 40 million years. To date, only a dozen individuals have been discovered. Until 2006, only four individuals were known, two were caught by fishermen and two more fish were observed from the submersible. In 2007, a fifth individual was discovered. The fisherman who found her fenced her with a net in the shallow waters of the sea. The individual lived for about 15 hours, although it was believed that in the upper layers of the sea it lived no more than two hours.

Piranha in Ob

Author: shernigin

We all remember how this “news from the pond” spread across half of the regional media. Still would! Employees of the city water canal caught a real piranha in the Ob! Not only was it a piranha (where it came from in the Ob is unclear), but what was also shocking was how big it was. Our users have come up with all sorts of names for it, from carp lobster to predatory bream.

Long-horned sabertooth

Among the amazing inhabitants of the deep sea, one cannot fail to mention the long-horned saber-tooth, which looks very terrifying. His appearance does not deceive him: he is a fierce predator who can easily defeat an opponent one and a half times his size.

Among marine inhabitants, this species has the longest teeth relative to the rest of the body proportions. The huge lower fangs grow for a very long time and begin to interfere with the closing of the sabertooth's mouth. In order to still close his mouth, special pockets are formed in his brain, where the ends of the teeth sink while the jaws close.

These fish live at very great depths, reaching up to 5 thousand m, but can live after rising to the surface for another 7-10 days. This is extremely amazing, since the conditions of the vast depths and the surface of the ocean differ in the same way as the surface of the Earth and space.

How to catch

Vendace is caught throughout the year by residents of local populations of this fish. The main fishing time is from September to May. You need to catch it with small and light tackle due to the small size of the fish itself.

Interesting note! Seagulls and predatory fish chasing this fish can warn you that vendace is approaching the fishing site.

For float gear

An excellent way to catch vendace is to use float gear both from the shore and from a boat. The option with a boat is the most preferable, as it makes it possible to fish at different depths. It is not recommended to use rough gear.

A light fishing rod about 4 meters long with a spinning reel is best. It is also recommended to equip the rod with a sliding float, which will allow you to cast the rod further.

For winter gear

In winter, vendace is caught from the ice. In winter, nodding fishing rods with jigs are used. The fish will usually slightly raise the nod or cause it to shake, indicating that the fish has been caught on the bait. When fishing, you should not make unnecessary noise, as you can scare away the entire school of fish, warning of the danger.

On the ice, fishermen set up entire tent camps if one of them spots a large school of fish.

In winter and autumn, fishing using nets is also popular. In winter, fishermen make small holes in the ice and, using special tools, place nets under the ice.

You need to be extremely careful when fishing on ice, because you can make a mistake in determining the thickness of the ice, which can be a fatal mistake with a disastrous outcome.

In summer time

In summer, nodding rods are used to catch vendace, the same as in winter. These fishing rods are equipped with fly rods with specialized nods. For summer fishing for vendace, you can use wider fishing lines than for winter fishing.


Bloodworms are the best bait for vendace. Fishing with pieces of fish or small worms is also a good option. Today, artificial baits are used very often.

Bait plays an important role in competent fishing for vendace. It is the bait that will enhance the efficiency of fishing for such small fish.

Feeding allows you to attract the attention of large populations of fish and keep them in the right places for a longer period of time. The vendace is fed with bloodworms, mollusks and crustaceans in crushed or crushed form. If you don’t have time to bother preparing bait yourself, you can find a worthy replacement in any fishing store.

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gold fish

Author: luka22221

This goldfish opens our hit parade of unusual photographs. As the author of this photo himself explains, “this is a Chinese carp caught in the village of Verkh-Tula, on one of the pay zones.” However, the bulk of our users did not believe him. According to readers, this specimen looks too much like an ordinary aquarium fish.


  1. gold fish
  2. Leopard sorog
  3. African catfish
  4. Piranha in Ob
  5. winged fish
  6. Grayling carp
  7. Horned snoutbeak
  8. "Semidyrka" Siberian
  9. Mutant pike perch
  10. African in Siberia

During the off-season, when summer fishing gear is no longer needed, and winter fishing gear is not yet needed, we suggest recalling the most unusual catches that were caught by Siberian fishermen. From winged fish to the famous “seven-hole fish”. Ready? Let's go!

Smallmouth macropinna (English, Latin: Macropinna microstoma) is the winner for quirkiness.

Opened in 1939. It lives at very great depths, so it has been poorly studied. In particular, the principle of fish vision was not entirely clear. It was believed that she must experience very great difficulties due to the fact that she can only see up. Only in 2009 was the structure of the eye of this fish fully studied. Apparently, when trying to study it earlier, the fish simply could not tolerate the change in pressure. The most notable feature of this species is the transparent, dome-shaped shell that covers the top and sides of its head, and the large, usually upward-pointing, cylindrical eyes that lie underneath this shell. A dense and elastic covering shell is attached to the scales of the back at the back, and on the sides to the wide and transparent periocular bones, which provide protection for the organs of vision. This covering structure is usually lost (or at least very badly damaged) when fish are brought to the surface in trawls and nets, so its existence was not known until recently. Under the covering shell there is a chamber filled with a transparent liquid, in which, in fact, the eyes of the fish are located; The eyes of living fish are bright green and separated by a thin bony septum, which, extending backwards, expands to accommodate the brain. In front of each eye, but behind the mouth, is a large rounded pouch that contains an olfactory receptor rosette. That is, what at first glance appears to be eyes in photographs of live fish is actually an olfactory organ. The green color is caused by the presence of a specific yellow pigment in them. It is believed that this pigment provides special filtering of light coming from above and reduces its brightness, allowing the fish to discern the bioluminescence of potential prey. (Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute)



You can go fishing not only with a fishing rod, but also with a shovel. You will have to dig if you want to catch protoptera - fish that know how to live on land.

During a drought, they can lie in the sand for six months, waiting for a favorable time. Protopters are very unpretentious, they can easily endure any difficulties. Even without food, they will last 3 years, losing significant weight during this time and becoming thinner. During the hungry months, they fall into torpor several times, but do not die.

Thanks to four thin fins, protopters deftly walk along the bottom of reservoirs. In addition to gill respiration, they also use pulmonary respiration. Scientists suggest that these amazing inhabitants of the seas and fresh water bodies are creatures that served as the origin of animals from water to land.

Breeding and rearing

To profitably breed vendace, you should know the nuances of artificial pond breeding of this fish. You need to have a certain amount of knowledge about breeding methods and the peculiarities of growing vendace.

Pond fishing

Today, pond fishing is divided into warm-water and cold-water. You should focus on the second species, because vendace is a cold-loving fish. If we consider pond farming from the perspective of cycle duration, we should distinguish between full-system, feeding and fish hatcheries.

The full-system variety involves the complete cultivation of fish from the fry stage to full maturity. Feeding fishing involves the development of adult fish. Fish hatcheries are engaged in raising fish for up to two years from the fry stage.

There is another classification of pond farming - by duration: one-year, two-year or three-year.

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Effective pond farming requires multiple ponds for different seasons and uses. The primary and most important reservoir is the spawning reservoir. It is subject to the most stringent requirements due to its importance in the entire growing chain. This reservoir must be located in a non-wetland area with young greenery and optimal conditions for hatching larvae. The spawning pond is always used only for spawning females.

The next one in the sequence of reservoirs should be the fry one. Strict monitoring of the growing medium should be carried out, monitoring the concentrations of toxins and parasites.

Next, the young animals are sent to the nursery pond, where they undergo further ripening. Nursery ponds are usually located next to wintering ponds.

The presence of a wintering pond, in turn, is also mandatory, since in winter a large number of vendaces die from a sharp drop in temperature. The cause of death of an entire population can also be a decrease in oxygen concentration in the reservoir. The depth of this pond should be more than one and a half meters.

The last body of water in the chain of pond farming is feeding. In it, the fish finally enters the marketable stage. The dimensions of this pond should be the largest in the chain, since older individuals need more space. It is also not recommended to use reservoirs with a greatly increased volume, because in this case it is difficult to monitor the stages of fish development.

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Ambon scorpionfish

Ambona scorpionfish. This fish lives at the bottom of sea waters. It spends most of its life buried under the sand, so it camouflages itself and hunts. This amazing fish is easily recognized by its bright violet color, sometimes turning into pale purple. She can change color, which is a necessary quality for camouflage. Animals camouflage themselves not only to hunt, but also to protect themselves from other predators. First discovered in 1856. It is distinguished by growths above the eyes in the form of eyebrows. Once you see her, you won’t confuse this extravagant look with anything else.

Short-snouted pipistrelle

Representatives of the order Anglerfishes stand out from their relatives with a disproportionately large head, the size of which is almost half of the body weight. With their physique, the bizarre fish resemble giant tadpoles.

The mouth of sea bats is normal in size. But due to his fleshy red lips, he seems simply huge. The common belief that red lips are a way to attract prey is wrong. This function is performed by the esca, a tube-shaped outgrowth on the head that secretes odorous substances that are attractive to small fish and sea worms.

The whimsical image of one of the most amazing fish on the planet complements the original method of transportation. Being a clumsy swimmer, the fish moves along the bottom on its pectoral fins, moving them like legs.


Cloakbearer. Another little-studied fish species is the Frilled Shark. This type of shark, discovered in 1884, looks more like a conger eel or a snake. This is a very rare species and their number is about one hundred individuals. The serpentine body of the shark is covered with stripes; these are gills hidden by the skin. The shark has 12 of them, six on each side. The first pair is interconnected and forms a single cavity. Like other individuals, the jaw of the Cloakbearer is dotted with teeth, but not small ones in several rows. 12 pairs of teeth, each of which is something like a Christmas tree branch, with many sharp formations.

Protection of vendaces

The issue of protecting many biological species is being discussed quite vigorously in modern society. Among these species is vendace.

First of all, to preserve biodiversity, it is necessary to educate the general public about the need to preserve the diversity of the biosphere.

Today, a number of measures have already been taken that equate catching the Pereslavl variety of vendace to poaching. This species is listed in the Red Book, and its catching is strictly protected by law.

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Gastronomic value

Vendace is an ideal option for a healthy diet and various diets. Its caloric content is quite low, it is full of various useful substances, it is a storehouse of fluorine and protein, and it is not at all bony.

Vendace is loved not only for its beneficial properties, but also for its unobtrusive taste. It is prepared in a variety of ways: from smoking to frying. One of the most popular ways to prepare this fish is frying it in tomato or sour cream sauce.

Boiled vendace marinated in vinegar, horseradish and salt turns out very tasty. Next, the vendace is seasoned with herbs, pepper and left for several days. This dish is a traditional decoration for the festive table of many northern regions.

If we talk about Western cuisine, vendace is popular there in Finland. It is a filling for a pie made from unleavened fried dough. This is a dish with a fairly high calorie content.

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