Clown fish Nemo: correct name and contents in the aquarium

If you have watched the popular cartoon “Finding Nemo”, perhaps you have already thought about its characters from the point of view of an aquarist - is it possible to collect all of them in one marine aquarium, will they get along, what size should it be, what conditions should be chosen?

We also thought about it and even asked our specialist, Evgenia Stepanova, to write a series of articles that we have already published on our channel. Now we want to summarize everything and tell you here on the online store website. And also provide you with the opportunity to buy all the participants in the story of saving the little clown Nemo, if you so desire.

Care and maintenance in the aquarium

The most important nuance of keeping clown fish at home is the correct feeding regimen.
Compared to other coral fish, amphiprion is unpretentious. The clown fish takes root well in the aquarium, and the only problem may arise in selecting neighbors for it. In nutrition, the amphiprion can be called an opportunist. The fish will happily eat any offered food of plant or animal origin. The only important nuance is the feeding regimen.

How to choose an aquarium and other necessary accessories

A spacious aquarium with corals and sea anemones will bring artificial conditions as close as possible to natural ones

For amphiprions, it is necessary to create spacious living conditions. A pair of clown fish needs at least 50 liters of water. It is recommended to choose a panoramic or rectangular aquarium. In order for amphiprions to feel comfortable, it is necessary to place several corals in the container. The aquarium inhabitants will also enjoy the grottoes. If possible, you can plant live sea anemones. It is better to use coral sand as soil (granules volume up to 5 mm).

Ideal water parameters and other nuances:

  • the salt content should not exceed 34.5 g/l;
  • maximum water temperature - 26 degrees;
  • water density - not higher than 1.023;
  • acidity - 8.4 pH;
  • a weekly water change of one tenth of the total volume is required;
  • The aquarium must be cleaned regularly;
  • the presence of filtration and aeration of water is a prerequisite.

What to feed

These tiny crustaceans contain about 50% protein and 20% fat, making them an excellent source of food.

Feeding aquarium amphiprions does not create difficulties for their owner. The fish happily eat dry food for reef fish. You can diversify your diet with brine shrimp and shellfish.

Nutrition nuances:

  • You need to feed the clown fish several times a day;
  • portions of food should be minimal, but reach each fish;
  • if clown fish do not have enough food, they will show aggression, taking it away from other inhabitants of the aquarium.

Diseases and treatment

Poor water quality and violation of maintenance rules can provoke deterioration in the health of clown fish. Under such factors, amphiprions become prone to fungal and bacterial diseases, damage by roundworms and parasites, as well as a number of other dangerous infections.

Variants of diseases and the main methods of their treatment:

  • Brooklynellosis. Fish infection occurs under natural conditions, the causative agent of the disease is a pathogenic ciliate, the first sign of the disease is the lethargy of the fish and light spots on the body. The problem is eliminated with copper sulfate and malachite greens.
  • Oodiniosis. The main symptom of the disease is the presence of itching in the fish, due to which they try to constantly rub themselves against snags and other objects in the aquarium. Such actions can cause injuries; treatment is carried out with the antibiotic Bicillin or malachite greens.
  • Cryptokaryonosis. The parasitic disease manifests itself in the form of characteristic nodules, dots and white spots on the body of the fish; in treatment it is recommended to use copper sulfate, copper chelate complexes or formaldehyde.

How to breed

Breeding clown fish in an aquarium is not difficult. The sex of the fish changes depending on external factors (for example, if there are no females in the aquarium). Spawning occurs mainly during the full moon. A problem may arise with catching the fry. The male will try by all means to protect the offspring. To facilitate the process of catching fry, it is recommended to immediately transfer them to another container.

Reproduction nuances:

  • to lay eggs, the clown fish chooses the most flat surface near the shelter (you can specially place a small piece of floor tiles or other material in the aquarium);
  • the process of laying eggs by the female lasts approximately two hours and occurs mainly in the evening (from 22:00 it is recommended to turn off the lights to create comfortable conditions);
  • clown fish tries to spawn near sea anemones or other shelters (grottoes, corals placed in an aquarium);
  • during one spawning, a female can lay up to 1,500 eggs (the incubation period lasts up to ten days);
  • The male guards the eggs and takes care of the fry. If you remove the fry from the aquarium before they reach puberty, this will not affect the development of the fish;
  • The fry have low immunity, so early hatching will eliminate the risk of infection from other fish.

Diseases and prevention

Basically, amphiprion diseases are associated with water quality. It could be:

  • Ammonia poisoning: inflamed gills, lack of oxygen;
  • Poisoning with nitrates and nitrites: lethargy, lying on the bottom;
  • Bacterial infections (for example, ichthyophthyriosis or oodiniosis, which are also common among fresh fish): scales bristle, the fish swells, uncharacteristic whitish spots appear on the body, itching, etc.;
  • Erosion of the head and lateral line: the appearance of dents on the head and in the middle of the body, which in advanced cases penetrate deeper into the skin, forming deep ulcer-holes.

Prevention measures:

  • Regular monitoring of water parameters;
  • Compliance with the rules for caring for a marine aquarium;
  • Compliance with feeding regimen;
  • When restarting or creating a new biotope, you need to wait until the water goes through the nitrogen cycle;
  • Additionally, you can place doctor shrimp in an aquarium with amphiprions, which destroy the causative agents of certain diseases.

Keeping a clown fish in an aquarium

Clown fish are quite popular among domestic aquarists, which is due to their unusually bright tropical coloring, as well as interesting behavior. Another big advantage when kept in captivity is the absolute unpretentiousness of the aquarium clown fish compared to other popular coral fish

However, there are some disadvantages to growing amphiprion in aquariums. As aquarium practice shows, in captivity, clown fish very often become quite aggressive, so it is undesirable to introduce peaceful varieties to them.

The coloring of an aquarium clown fish reproduces the natural color of the species with maximum accuracy. The fish has large black stripes that alternate with stripes of red or orange and white. The fins have a pronounced black border. The area around the eyes is bright orange. The only difference between the species is the different shape of the stripes. The size of aquarium clown fish most often does not exceed 60-80 mm.

Criteria for choosing an aquarium

Before purchasing clown fish, you need to take care of purchasing a good aquarium with sufficient volume. For a pair of amphiprions, it will be enough to set aside an aquarium with a volume of 50-60 liters.

A prerequisite for growing clown fish in captivity is planting anemones, as well as several corals, in the aquarium soil. This rule is due to the need for clowns to hide. The most correct is considered to be a rectangular or panoramic shape of a home aquarium.

Water requirements

Clownfish are very susceptible to certain diseases, among which fungal and bacterial infections, trematodes and various types of ectoparasites are especially common.

In order to preserve the health of aquatic inhabitants, it is necessary to pay special attention to the quality characteristics of aquarium water. The average temperature should be 25-27oC

A 10% change of water in a home aquarium should be done weekly. Replacing a quarter of the total volume of water can be done only a couple of times a month.

Care and maintenance of clown fish

It is very important to follow the rules of fish compatibility inside the aquarium, as well as regularly monitor water parameters and the conditions of keeping decorative aquatic organisms. An aquarium with clown fish should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

The aquarium filled with water needs to stand for about a day until the fish move in.

The same should be done with any specimens that are suspicious in behavior or appearance.

Nutrition and diet

Clown fish should be fed several times a day, giving aquarium pets food in small but equal portions. Food should not remain in the aquarium water, as this will cause the food to rot and the water to quickly deteriorate.

The main diet of amphiprion can be represented by special, high-quality dry food intended for growing ornamental aquarium fish. A very good protein diet for feeding clownfish is live or frozen brine shrimp, small pieces of sea fish or squid, and algae, including spirulina.

Amphiprion propagation and breeding

All clown amphiprions are characterized by the birth of males with active male and completely inactive female reproductive organs. The fish is monogamous and, if in natural conditions reproduction directly depends on the lunar cycle, in which moonlight has an activating effect on the behavior of male clowns, then in captivity such a natural factor is not significant.

Egg laying most often occurs in the evening hours. Aquarium artificial grottoes or corals can serve as a place for throwing games. Such a place is cleaned very thoroughly over the course of several days. The entire spawning process takes no more than a couple of hours. The eggs are looked after by the male, who is always nearby. The incubation period lasts no more than nine days and occurs at a temperature of 26°C. Females are suitable for breeding until the age of ten to twelve years.

Editor's note: Blue gourami

It is recommended to immediately place the newly born fry in a separate small home aquarium. As experience in aquarium keeping of clownfish shows, transplanting fry at the age of two to three weeks and feeding them with high-quality feed substitutes does not negatively affect the survival process and growth characteristics.


Only the dominant couple produces offspring. All fry are hermaphrodites (possess both male and female reproductive cells) . But the female ones are in a “dormant state”, so all the babies that appear are males.

The breeding cycle of fish is associated with the phase of the moon and directly depends on it. If there are anemones in the reservoir, the female will lay eggs among the tentacles. If there is no symbiont, then a secluded place is chosen for laying .

Interesting! The entire flock takes care of the clutch, not just the parents.

The fry hatch in about 10 days. If the aquarium is not a species aquarium, it is better to place the fry in a separate tank and keep them there for some time.

Care and maintenance

Before you get a clown fish, it is important to know that to keep it you need an aquarium with sea (salt) water. Marine fish are much more sensitive to water quality, and even minor changes in its parameters can be disastrous for most aquarium inhabitants

To keep one pair of amphiprions you will need an aquarium with a volume of at least 50 liters. Sand is placed on the bottom, “living” stones are installed - special pieces of natural coral reefs with living microorganisms, algae and animals. It is advisable to place various types of sea anemones in the aquarium in advance, before planting the fish.

The aquarium must be equipped with standard equipment: filter, foam separator column, flow pump. If sea anemones live in it, you will need bright lighting.

Replacements, as well as monitoring the state of water parameters, should be carried out at least once a week. No more than 10% of the water is changed at a time.

Pair cohabitation and reproduction

A pair of male and female is always a calm coexistence at home. Not everyone knows that at the moment of birth only males are born, and only after a while the dominant individual turns into a female. In order for fish to have the opportunity to reproduce, the aquarium must have water at least 28 degrees.

Clownfish breed easily in captivity

A few days before spawning, you can notice the courtship of the fish, and soon the swelling of the female’s abdomen from eggs becomes noticeable. The pair begins to intensively clean the surface of the stones near the sea anemone to lay eggs. The moment of spawning can be recognized by the specific movements of marine inhabitants - a “ritual” dance. There are up to three hundred eggs in one clutch. The fry hatch on the 8th day.

In 10-15 days, some of the fry will be eaten, and those that remain will become young clownfish and will begin to actively look for an anemone protector. In captivity, Ocellaris reproduces more easily and more actively than in ocean waters. Spawning frequency is 12-15 days. This allows their fish breeder to arrange for the sale of young fish every 4-5 months.


Fact: amphiprion is such a cute, interesting and unpretentious fish that it is very popular, so many aquarists want to see it in their aquarium (it became especially in demand after the popular American cartoon “Finding Nemo” was shown).

The demand for Ocellaris fish is so great that amphiprions bred in captivity only satisfy half of it. Their lack is compensated by fish caught in the ocean, which is why their population has recently been endangered, and conservationists are demanding that the authorities regulate this process.

The demand for Ocellaris is unlikely to subside in the near future, since these fish are interesting for another feature - they do not behave quietly in the aquarium: they constantly grumble, click, and make popping sounds. They are ideal for beginner hobbyists who want to have marine fish at home (and their maintenance is somewhat more difficult than their freshwater relatives) - the main thing is to know the basic nuances and do not forget to consult with specialists.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that amphiprion is not a freshwater fish and needs appropriate water. For one pair of aquarium fish, 50 to 100 liters of high-quality salt water is enough (otherwise the fish can get sick and die).

The parameters of the aquatic environment should be as follows:

  1. Water temperature – from 25 to 27° C;
  2. Acidity – about 8 pH;
  3. Density – from 1.02 to 1.025.

It has long been an established fact that aquarium hygiene must be monitored extremely carefully. First of all, the water needs to be changed four times a month - if it is replaced by ten percent and twice a month - if it is replaced by twenty.

You should definitely put corals, grottoes and various pebbles on the bottom of the aquarium, and before they appear, add sea anemones. The aquarium must be equipped with water filters, foam separators, and pumps with oxygen enrichment function.

Clownfish require bright lighting (especially if the aquarium also contains sea anemones). These fish are unpretentious in food - they are fed 2-3 times a day with shrimp, fish, squid, bottom algae, dry flakes and even meat.

For diseases

If you have any illnesses, we advise you to discuss the patient’s menu with your doctor. Most often, the therapist recommends following a fairly strict diet. But variety in dishes should also be present, so you should not completely exclude fish from the patient’s diet. The main thing is to eat the product in limited quantities and prepare it correctly.

For pancreatitis

During an acute attack of the disease, you should not eat fish at all. As soon as the patient’s condition has stabilized a little, you can carefully introduce low-fat varieties into the menu, including dory. Its fillet has similar nutritional properties to cod. This product does not harm the pancreas, and for example, steamed cutlets made from tender dory meat will only bring benefits.

For diabetes

Oreo-dori is recommended for use by patients with diabetes, as it contains a high protein content. It stabilizes blood sugar levels and prevents the body from further development of the disease.

For overweight and weight loss

When losing weight, sea fish are much healthier than river fish. A low-calorie breed like the Dory is recommended for consumption. It saturates the body and allows you not to feel hungry for a long time. A small portion of sunflower (only 200 grams) replenishes the daily requirement of fats by 25 percent and protein by up to 50 percent. We recommend eating this fish as part of your diet and during active sports to increase muscle mass.

Variety of species

Almost all individuals of this species have an oval body with dorsal spines and a rounded caudal fin. The most common are the typical bright yellow and orange sea creatures with three distinct white stripes. Nature loves to surprise, so the fish is also found in other natural colors:

  1. Snowflake - representatives of the classic orange color with extended and fuzzy stripes. It is believed that individuals with a predominant white color in color have the highest price.

Ocellaris Midnight - one of the varieties of Nemo fish

  1. Snowflake Premium is another expensive species in which the first two stripes join to form only a few yellow parts on the body.
  2. Black Snowflake - the vertical white stripes of this species are located like the Snowflake, but instead of orange there is a black color on the body, turning into dirty yellow in the head area.
  3. Black Ice - the fish is similar in appearance to the Premium Snowflake species, but there are dark outlines on the edges of its fins and at the junctions of yellow and white.
  4. Ocellaris Naked - has a solid bright orange color without splashes of another color.
  5. Ocellaris midnight - individuals are dark brown or an original caramel shade with black fins.

Features and description

Nemo the clown fish is a true symbol of all home aquariums, so every hobbyist is proud to acquire such a resident for his collection. The biological name is Amphiprion ocellaris, although it is less recognizable. It is difficult to confuse this sea creature with anyone else. The fish has a bright color, a red-orange body with vertical white stripes behind the eye line, in the middle of the body and near the caudal fin.

Nemo fish is similar to another biological species - percula

The color makes the Nemo fish very similar to another representative of ocean waters - the percula clownfish (Amphiprion percula), and biologists call these individuals brother-cousins. You can recognize species by external characteristics by determining the number of spines on the back: Ocellaris has 11 pieces, and Percula has 9. Another color is found in nature - black with vertical white stripes. This is a black form of Ocellaris that can be found off the Australian coast. Specimens bred in captivity are identified by a middle stripe that does not run along the entire body, but only along the upper part.

The fish called Nemo prefers shallow lagoons, inlets with calm waters, as well as reefs and coastal bays. The maximum depth of its habitat is up to 15 meters. The main diet of individuals consists of:

  • tiny shrimp;
  • crustaceans;
  • amphipods;
  • seaweed;
  • plankton;
  • detritus.

Adult fish prefer to stay close to their hosts (anemones), which provide these colorful inhabitants of the seas with protection from predators. The bright protective coloring of Ocellaris also serves as a warning to predators: if they approach too quickly, they risk being stung by the anemone's tentacles.


The surgeon family unites many interesting marine inhabitants from the Indo-Pacific.

Zebrasoma brown

Simplicity of content:

Other names: scopas, Zebrasoma scopas.

Recommended aquarium volume: from 200 liters/individual

Average size: 15 cm.

Average cost: 2000 - 5000 rubles.

The fish lives in the Pacific and Indian oceans. Peaceful fish in all respects, they pose no threat to the reef or its inhabitants. Only sometimes does it happen that a fish bites the fins of bottom inhabitants that are too slow. But this is the exception rather than the rule. Adult fish live in schools in nature, but juveniles prefer solitude. In the aquarium it is worth equipping a grotto or cave made of stones for it because... fish need shelter to feel comfortable.

The basis of the diet of brown zebras is plant food, which should sometimes be enriched with lettuce and spinach leaves. You need to feed 2 times a day.

Brown zebrasoma does not reproduce in an aquarium.

A representative of the same family, the yellow zebrasoma, has similar parameters; it will undoubtedly bring joyful notes to the aquarium.

Black-striped zebrasoma

Simplicity of content:

Other names: surgeon swallowtail, zebrasoma veliferum, zebrasoma veliferum.

Recommended aquarium volume: from 1000 liters/individual

Average size: 40 cm.

Average cost: from 4000 rubles.

The sailfish is fastidious in care, therefore it is much less popular in aquarium keeping than its relatives, despite its interesting appearance and docile nature.

Surgeon olive

Simplicity of content:

Latin: Acanthurus olivaceus.

Recommended aquarium volume: from 600 liters/individual

Average size: 45 cm.

Average cost: 2500-18000 rubles.

Non-aggressive. Omnivorous, easily adapts to changes in diet. Suitable for aquarists with minimal experience in the field of marine aquariums.

Does not breed in an aquarium.

Surgeon blue

Simplicity of content:

Other names: royal, Paracanthurus hepatus.

Recommended aquarium volume: from 250 liters/individual

Average size: up to 30 cm.

Average cost: 2000-11000 rubles.

An excellent choice for a reef aquarium. Both pack and solitary keeping are allowed. Does not show aggression towards neighbors. Adaptive in feeding. Requires consumption of seafood: shrimp, squid, fish. Suitable for aquarists with minimal experience in the field of marine aquariums.

Does not reproduce in an aquarium.

Surgeon zebra

Simplicity of content:

Other names: convict, Acanthurus triostegus.

Recommended aquarium volume: from 120 liters/individual

Average size: up to 20 cm in an aquarium, up to 30 in the ocean.

Average cost: 3000 - 5000 rubles.

A non-aggressive schooling fish that feeds on algae, phytoplankton, and plants. It is required to keep at least 5 individuals. Does not breed in an aquarium.

From the editor: sera baktopur - Baktopur instructions for use

Surgeon striped

Simplicity of content:

Other names: lineatus, pajama surgeon, acanthurus lineatus.

Recommended aquarium volume: from 500 liters/individual

Average size: 35 cm.

Average cost: 4000-9000 rubles.

Aggressive large fish. Harem or solitary housing is recommended. The pajama surgeon is picky about food. This is a herbivorous fish that gets used to other foods, but they cannot maintain its health at the proper level.

In aquarium conditions, the striped tang does not reproduce. All fish are brought to market from their natural habitats, like the vast majority of marine fish.

Surgeon blue white-breasted

Simplicity of content:

Latin name: Acanthurus leucosternon.

Recommended aquarium volume: 400 liters/individual

Average size: 40 cm.

Average cost: 5000 - 7500 rubles.

The White-breasted Tang is an excellent choice for a large reef aquarium. Does not harm invertebrates. However, it shows aggression towards members of its own species, other surgeons, and species similar in size or color. It reacts calmly to other fish. It is difficult to adapt to a new environment.

Basic diet: algae, spinach, lettuce, dry food for herbivorous fish. It is necessary to add: meat of shrimp, mussels, squid. An important role in nutrition is played by algae growing in the aquarium, which must be constantly purchased.

Compatibility with other fish

Amphiprions react very aggressively to members of their own species. This happens due to similar living conditions and competition for territory. Therefore, it is impossible to house different representatives of clowns in the same aquarium .

Poor compatibility with all predatory fish (eg triggerfish or cichlids). Good neighbors will be:

  • sea ​​anemones;
  • shrimps;
  • small stars;
  • small crabs;
  • surgeon fish;
  • fish-dog.

How to Keep Clownfish in a Home Aquarium

It should be borne in mind that it is somewhat more difficult to keep saltwater fish at home than freshwater ones, so before purchasing clowns you need to consult with experts in this field

It is very important to properly equip the aquarium for future pets. Since clowns are sea fish, they must therefore live only in high-quality and salty water, otherwise they may get sick and die

In order for waterfowl to feel comfortable, the tank in which they will be located must be quite large. For example, for two individuals an aquarium with a volume of 50 to 100 liters is suitable. At the bottom you need to place corals, grottoes, shelters that imitate rocks, and it is advisable to plant an anemone before launching new pets.

It is imperative to take into account certain water parameters, which should be as follows:

  • the water temperature should be from 25 to 27 degrees;
  • the acidity of the water should be about 8-8.3 pH;
  • density – 1.02-1.25.

An aquarium with clowns requires good lighting, and if an anemone is present here, then light is also very necessary for its life. Be sure to place water filters in the tank and install aeration. Don’t forget about a thermometer and thermometer to always know the temperature, which should be constant, since its changes have a very negative impact on the health of the fish.

You also need to take care of the aqua system on time. To do this, every 7-10 days about 15% of the water must be changed to fresh and prepared in advance. To produce salt water, you need to buy sea salt from a pet store. Then, following the instructions, dilute a certain amount of it in water, which will depend on the volume of the aquarium. Tap water can be used, but before this procedure it must stand for several days so that chlorine and other harmful compounds can escape.

Here are the basic rules for keeping clown fish:

  1. The water where your pets will live must be of high quality: fish are very sensitive to its chemical composition, for example, an increased level of nitrates is detrimental to them.
  2. Before purchasing, be sure to ask a specialist about the peculiarities of keeping and behavior of waterfowl, because some species, due to limited space, can show quite strong aggression towards other inhabitants of the aquarium.
  3. It would be best to settle an already established pair; they will probably reproduce under favorable conditions for this. Clowns can live next door to calm representatives of other species, for example, surgeon fish.
  4. Do not place too many pets in one tank and keep in mind that its volume should not be small for these fish; for example, two individuals will be most free and comfortable in a 100-liter aquarium.

This species of marine inhabitants needs proper care and regular feeding 2 times a day. The fish are absolutely not picky about their diet: they can be given algae, shrimp, fish, dry flakes and granules, which are intended for feeding marine life (they can be purchased at a pet store).

Your new pets may be susceptible to diseases such as bacterial infections, ectoparasites and flukes, so to avoid this, you need to monitor the water quality and nutrition of the fish, especially if you prefer to feed them live food.


In their natural environment, Ocellaris eat the remains of their anemone prey. Thus, they cleanse its tentacles of dirt and decaying fibers. List of what the clown fish that lives in the ocean eats:

  • animal organisms living at the bottom of the sea, including crustaceans and shrimp;
  • algae;
  • detritus;
  • plankton.

Aquarium inhabitants are unpretentious in matters of nutrition - they feed on dry fish mixtures, which include tubifex, bloodworms, daphnia, gammarus, nettle, algae, soy, wheat and fish meal. Among frozen foods, clowns prefer shrimp, brine shrimp, and squid.

Feeding is done 2 times a day at the same time. During breeding, the frequency of food distribution increases up to 3 times. The fish should not be overfed - excess food may spoil in the water. After eating it, clowns can die.


Clowns are not at all capricious in terms of nutrition. They need to be fed several times a day, giving food in small portions. Due to the fact that all the leftovers from the fish’s meals go to the sea anemone, waste from these inhabitants of the aquarium is minimal. Therefore, unlike other representatives of the underwater world that live near coral reefs, amphiprions are suitable for not too expensive and fairly simple equipment for water purification.

Clowns eat all the traditional foods that can be found in pet stores. A special treat for them is frozen food. Due to the not picky nature of such inhabitants, they eat almost everything that fits in their mouth.

Fried in a frying pan

Calorie content of 1 serving is 426 kcal.

Proteins - 53.35 g,

Fats - 15.55 g,

Carbohydrates - 17.05 g.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • fish carcass - 1 piece (450-500 grams);
  • chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • wheat flour - 2 tbsp;
  • salt, pepper, spices to taste;
  • vegetable oil.
  1. Defrost the frozen carcass in the refrigerator. Wash, clean, dry. Remove the head and fins.
  2. Cut into portions. Rub in salt, pepper and spices. Leave to marinate in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  3. Take 2 deep bowls. pour flour into one. In the second, dilute the egg with water.
  4. Place the frying pan on the stove, grease with oil.
  5. First dip the fish steak in the egg, then roll in flour and immediately place in a heated frying pan. Do this with all the pieces.
  6. Fry the pieces until golden brown on both sides.

You can serve Oreo fried fish with any side dish. It tastes just as good cold as it does hot.

Personal life of an orange fish

If we briefly recall the plot of the cartoon “Finding Nemo,” then each of us will feel a little sad, because in it the little hero lost his mother at the very beginning and was raised by his father, who misses his beloved all his life. It's hard to believe, but this story is not so incredible. The thing is that orange amphiprions, like some other coral fish, are bisexual in nature, that is, they have the sexual characteristics of both a male and a female. If necessary, they can change their gender or play two roles at the same time.

There is a certain hierarchy in the families of these fish: the female, which plays a dominant role, is the largest individual. Only she and her partner, together with their offspring, can occupy one anemone; a living house cannot accommodate more than one family, and the owners will not be happy. If the female, whose laws and rules the family is subject to, suddenly dies, then the male receives her rights and her “social status”, at this moment he changes his gender characteristics and becomes a mother for his children, and the role of father, if necessary, is given to the largest of the males - teenagers. In other cases, the amphiprion - the head of the family can be both father and mother at the same time, thus, many clown fish try on several roles during their lives, just like Martin, who raised Nemo without the participation of his beloved wife.

After the release of the well-known cartoon “Finding Nemo,” in which the main character is a clown fish, interest in these sea creatures has grown significantly. Many people wished to have such a bright and interesting pet, despite certain difficulties in maintaining a marine aquarium compared to a freshwater one. The clownfish is usually one of the first residents of new saltwater aquarists. Let's take a closer look at this funny inhabitant of coral reefs.

Calorie content

The price of Oreo fish, as well as consumer demand, are not high. But the usefulness of black Dory is difficult to overestimate.

The low calorie content of fish and its rich composition make it a valuable product.

100 grams of fried black Dory contains only 115 kcal, boiled one - 93 kcal; cooked in a slow cooker or oven - 95 kcal.

Energy value of 100 grams of Dory fish:

  • fats - 8 grams;
  • proteins - 19.25 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 1.54 grams.

Clown fish in the wild

Aquarium clown fish and sea clown fish do not have significant external differences. This is the most striking representative of the deep sea, perfectly adapted not only to life in natural conditions, but also thrives in aquarium conditions.

Appearance and description

The coloring of the sea clown fish is distinguished by rich and bright shades. The appearance can be represented by dark blue and even bright orange colors. Somewhat less common are specimens with an uncharacteristic bright red or light lemon yellow color.

Editorial: Labeo green

Males of this species are much smaller than females. The average length of a marine amphiprion in nature does not exceed fifteen to twenty centimeters. Clown fish have a short head, a laterally flattened body and a high dorsal part. The upper fin is divided. Its front part has prickly spines, so it may visually appear to be a pair of them.

Habitats – where does the clown fish live?

There are about thirty species of clownfish around the world. In their natural habitat, sea clown fish can live for about ten years, but aquarium amphiprions, when comfortable conditions are created, live, as a rule, one and a half to two times longer than their wild relatives.

Under natural conditions, clown fish inhabit waters in the Pacific and Indian oceans. A significant population is observed near the territory of eastern Africa, and also lives off the coastal zone of Japan and the Polynesian islands. Large numbers of amphiprions can be found near the reefs of eastern Australia.

Amphiprion lifestyle

Amphiprion is very characterized by a mutually beneficial symbiosis with almost any type of sea anemone. First, the clownfish lightly touches the surface of a poisonous sea anemone, which stings the fish and thereby reveals the exact composition of its mucous coating.

As a result, the amphiprion reproduces this composition as accurately as possible and gets an excellent opportunity to hide between the tentacles of the poisonous sea anemone, escaping from numerous enemies. Clown fish carefully take care of the sea anemone, performing a ventilating function and removing all undigested food debris.

Beneficial features

The fish, which is completely unremarkable in appearance, has a rather valuable composition. The beneficial properties of dory are due to the presence of a large number of vitamins and minerals. Moreover, the product contains components that cannot be obtained from plant foods.

The benefits of fish are:

  1. Stimulates brain activity and improves memory.
  2. Normalization of water-salt balance.
  3. Nutrition of the body with Omega 3 acids, which reduce the possibility of the formation of heart disease, blood vessels, arthrosis and arthritis.
  4. Improving the functioning of the visual apparatus.
  5. Freeing the circulatory system from unnecessary cholesterol and toxins. Thus, dory serves as a good prevention of the development of blood clots and hypotension.
  6. Restoring the body during stress or depression.
  7. Strengthening the immune system.
  8. Protect cells from premature aging, damage by viruses or bacteria.
  9. Stimulation of the reproductive functions of the body.
  10. Increasing blood clotting and improving its composition in general.
  11. Improving the condition of hair and nails, accelerating their growth.
  12. Strengthening tooth enamel and bone tissue.
  13. Normalization of the endocrine system.

Mutually beneficial cooperation

Both representatives of the animal world, clown fish and sea anemone, benefit from such a neighborhood. If the unconditional fact is that sea anemones protect their little partners from various predators, then cnidarians need ocellaris because, despite their predatory nature, in reality they are quite helpless.

These inhabitants of the deep sea are completely devoid of a mineral skeleton and, once established on solid sea soil, never leave it again, and therefore are absolutely unable to take care of themselves - small fish do this for them: they clean the cnidarians from debris and dirt, ventilate the water among tentacles, eat up undigested food remains.

Sea anemones feed only on those creatures that are either accidentally brought by the current, or that will swim past, or that are lured by amphiprions with their bright colors (for example, large predatory fish, in pursuit of small, bright, beautiful fish, often fall into a trap). By luring prey to the cnidarian, clown fish feed themselves.

First, sea anemones use their stinging cells to kill and paralyze their prey. What the sea anemones could not digest is eaten by the three-ribbon ocellaris. Since these fish do not like to move away from their place of residence, their diet also includes various types of plankton, which the current and small algae bring to them.

Clown fish are quite capable of living without sea anemones; if there are not enough stinging fish for all members of the school, they settle among underwater rocks or in the grottoes of coral reefs.

Benefits and harms

Oreo is a dietary fish: it is low in fat and high in protein - 79%. Fat content of meat is no more than 21%. 100 grams of fried Dory contains only 115 kcal.

The mineral composition of the fish is amazing: potassium, iron, copper, calcium, iodine, molybdenum, fluorine, cobalt, manganese, chromium, zinc, sodium, phosphorus. It's hard to find a healthier fish.

Dory meat is rich in the following vitamins: groups B, PP, A, C, E, K, H.

  • B vitamins in fish have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, the condition of hair, skin and nails, and the vascular system. Vitamins of group I promote the absorption of other beneficial substances by the body.
  • Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and helps fight viruses and bacteria.
  • Beta-carotene supports vision, enhances the protective functions of the skin, and breaks down fats.
  • Vitamin PP prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques, maintains proper metabolism;
  • Vitamin E ensures the supply of oxygen to cells. It has a positive effect on reproductive function and is indicated during pregnancy planning.
  • Vitamin H - stops the aging process at the cellular level.

Oreos should be included in your diet:

  • to strengthen blood vessels;
  • cleansing the blood of cholesterol;
  • for diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • to reduce blood glucose levels;
  • to strengthen bones and tooth enamel;
  • to prevent anemia.

Dory is one of the healthiest types of fish due to its content of an optimal ratio of microelements, vitamins and healthy fats.

Sea anemones in the life of Ocellaris

Interesting fact: Ocellaris fish prefer to live among sea anemones - sea cnidarians from the class of coral polyps that kill those inhabitants of ocean waters who were careless to swim too close and touch them (the poison of these small creatures is so strong that it can cause painful burns in humans)

In order to be able to live next to these dangerous invertebrates (among them, these fish feel protected from larger predators), the clown fish has developed immunity in itself in a rather interesting way:

  • Having found a suitable cnidarian for itself, the three-ribbon ocellaris lightly touches it so that it stings it;
  • Having received a portion of poison, the amphiprion organism produces mucus, which makes the fish insensitive to the poison of this predator.

An interesting fact in this case also lies in the fact that each fish is assigned its own anemone - and next to it, the clown fish agrees to tolerate only a representative of the opposite sex: the males drive away the males from their cnidar, and the females drive away the females (despite their small size, these fish are quite warlike).

If there are enough sea anemones and there are enough of them for everyone, an idyll reigns in the school. If there are few of them, then a real war breaks out. Apparently, it was precisely this that caused these fish to appear brightly colored: they don’t particularly need camouflage from enemies, since few people would follow them into a deadly colony of stinging predators (and if they do something like that, it’s good for them will not end), but you need to warn your friends: the place is occupied.

Recommendations from nutritionists

According to nutritionists, the benefits and harms of dory fish are incomparable. Considering its low calorie content, beneficial properties and lack of allergies, sunflower is recommended for everyone.

In order to lose weight, it is better to cook fish. Then, while maintaining a diet of 1300 kcal per day, you can eat up to 600 grams of dori. This portion completely covers the daily protein requirement. The amount of fats and carbohydrates can be replenished with salad, vegetable side dishes, fruits and even sweet dishes.

What does a clown fish look like?

Amphiprions living in the wild and fish sold as aquarium inhabitants have no external differences. Clown fish adapt well to aquarium conditions, but have special requirements for water quality. Most species of amphiprions have a color that combines bright orange and dark blue. Some varieties are distinguished by a lemon or red palette of shades on the body. The average body length of the fish is no more than twelve to fifteen centimeters (males are smaller than females).

Clown Perkula

Most specimens are bred artificially in Florida, the color is predominantly orange, the body has three wide white stripes and dividing black stripes, a dark border is present on all fins, the maximum body length of the fish is 12 cm.

Clown Percula is one of the most common types of these fish.

Anemone amphiprion ocellaris

The color includes orange, white and black, the dark stripes are narrower than other species of clown fish, the maximum body length reaches 11 cm, the distinctive feature of this species is the head, shaped like a frog, as well as the dark edging around the eyes.

Thanks to the cartoon Finding Nemo, the fish has become very popular among children.

Chocolate clown

The color is represented by brown and yellow stripes. Compared to other amphiprions, this species is large in size, the male can reach 15 cm in length, the body color of such a clown fish changes with age, adult fish are much darker than young individuals.

This fish is undemanding and can be recommended to beginning aquarists for breeding.

Red Clown

The main color is red; between the body and head there is a characteristic white stripe; in adult fish, the sides begin to darken and become almost black. In size, these varieties of amphiprions do not exceed 13 cm in length.

Another name for this fish is tomato clown

Saddle Clown

The main color is black, yellow lower fins and two white stripes on the body are characteristic differences of this species, the size of males does not exceed 6–7 cm in length, females reach 11–12 cm.

These clowns are relatively peaceful in the aquarium

Skunk Clown

The color can be pink or orange, there are no characteristic dividing stripes on the body, the distinctive feature is the presence of a white stripe along the back. The size of such fish does not exceed 12 cm.

Females of this species are larger than males

In a slow cooker with vegetables

Calorie content per 100 g dish 124.68 kcal

Proteins - 11.62 g.,

Fats - 6.63 g.,

Carbohydrates - 4.24 g.


  • fish carcass - 450-500 grams;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • carrots - 1 medium-sized;
  • butter - 1 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp;
  • cream 10% - 1 glass;
  • flour - 1 tbsp;
  • salt to taste.
  1. Wash the fish, clean it, remove the fins and head, cut into portions.
  2. Peel and chop the carrots and onions.
  3. In the multicooker, select the “Frying” mode, pour in sunflower oil and squeeze the root vegetables for 5 minutes.
  4. Add fish pieces to the vegetables.
  5. Prepare the sauce in a frying pan. Fry the flour in butter, stirring constantly. Pour in the cream and season with salt. Boil. There should be no lumps in the sauce.
  6. Pour the sauce over the fish pieces in the slow cooker. Cook in the “Stew” mode for 20 minutes.

The finished dish can be supplemented with mashed potatoes or baked vegetables.

What products does it combine with?

According to chefs of famous restaurants, fish goes well with buckwheat and rice.
You can serve artichokes or spinach as a side dish; mint or parsley will complement the herbs. Fruits that can be combined with dory are lemon and orange without harming digestion. Compatibility table with other products

FineGhee, whey, greens, cabbage, carrots, beets, pickles, green vegetables
AcceptableRice, buckwheat, lemon, quinoa, tomatoes, butter, vegetable oil, pumpkin, eggplant, zucchini
BadlyMeat, poultry, eggs, mushrooms, cream, sour cream, lard, nuts, seeds, potatoes, dairy products, cheeses, feta cheese, wheat, rye, oats, bread, peas, chickpeas, mung beans, beans, beans, lentils,

Doctors do not recommend seasoning a fried dish with cheese. This product will increase the percentage of fat in the dish and make it more difficult to digest.

How to select and store

The video describing the individual clearly shows that the breed is distinguished by a greenish-brown tint and yellow stripes on the sides of the belly. Importing dories to Russia takes quite a long time, so the fish arrives on the shelves frozen, most often without the head. Because of this, there are several points to consider when choosing:

  1. It is preferable to buy such a rare breed as dory in specialized fish stores, after making sure of the quality of the fish.
  2. It is better to postpone the purchase until October, the time of mass catching. Firstly, due to storage, such fish will cost less. Secondly, this will protect the product from repeated freezing.
  3. Do not buy promotional items. Most likely, such a product will not be fresh or may be infected with dangerous helminths.
  4. If you need to buy a carcass with caviar to prepare a dish, then you need to choose a female.

After defrosting, the dory needs to be cooked within three days. In general, the shelf life of a frozen carcass is no more than six months. To preserve meat for a long time, fish must be canned. Then you can enjoy the pleasant taste of dory for 3 years.

It is better not to buy dried and smoked dory. The smoking process fills the fish with carcinogens, which strongly oxidize the body and promote the development of cancer cells.

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