The largest aquariums in the world Top 10. Photos, videos, where it is

An aquarium is a small piece of aquatic paradise. It can be created and designed as you wish.

If you have an aquarium as large as one of those located, for example, in Japan, a European country or the United Arab Emirates, you can arrange it like the largest aquariums.

An aquarium is a small piece of the giant underwater world of the Earth.

Chiraumi Aquarium, Okinawa, Japan

The Japanese are famous for their cutting-edge projects, and the Okinawa Chiraumi Aquarium is no exception. It was built in 2002 and was built using the world's largest acrylic viewing panels. This aquarium attracts visitors from all over the world. There are a huge number of fish and many types of aquatic vegetation. You can dive into the aquarium and there are a number of other activities that will make your visit to the aquarium truly magical.

The aquarium was designed to simulate the deep sea. The Kuroshio Reservoir, which is the main attraction here, is home to whale sharks, entire schools of sardines, stingrays, and other life forms.

First start

To begin with, you buy the pond itself, soil, equipment and decorative decorations. We purchase fish, shellfish, plants and other residents last.


There are two options for purchasing an aquarium.

  • Buy a ready-made one, from European manufacturers, fully usable, complete with a lid and a plastic tray. Its price, naturally, will be quite significant.
  • Just pay for the glass cube. You need to buy or make a lid and a soft base for the aquarium yourself. This is a budget option that will help you save money.


After choosing a tank, you should think about a special cabinet on which it will be placed. It is not recommended to place an aquarium with a volume of more than 200 liters on ordinary furniture; it may simply not support its weight. It must be remembered that the mass of the tank with water and equipment is slightly larger than the displacement.


When purchasing, be sure to check the aquarium for the absence of:

  • cracks;
  • scratches;
  • chips;
  • abrasions.

You also need to make sure the seams are tight and the lighting is working. And do not forget to obtain a warranty card for the product from the seller, if a warranty is provided.


Let's start gluing the background. It can be glued to the back and end walls so that less light enters if the aquarium is located sideways to the window. But this is done at the request of the owner. It is better to choose a background of natural colors, so it is less annoying and hurts the eyes. There are a huge number of different types of products on sale - from the simplest to 3D and internal volumetric backgrounds reminiscent of a natural habitat.

Ground and decorations

Next, lay the soil and select decorations for the aquarium. It is better to choose natural soil, without the use of dyes. The size of the soil fraction depends on what fish and plants will live in the home pond. If artificial plants are available, then you can use regular pebbles in the range from 30 to 70 mm. The height of the soil layer is up to 30 mm. If you plan to plant living plants, use mixed soil and a height of at least 40 mm so that the roots of the algae can strengthen.

Under no circumstances should soil of different fractions be mixed; it must be laid in layers: first the smallest, necessary for plant roots, then larger ones, for fish.

Then we start decorating, installing all the purchased stones, driftwood and other decorations. Before purchasing decorations and artificial algae, you must make sure that they are made from environmentally friendly materials, so that the population of the reservoir will not suffer from low-quality products in the future.


The following items must be present in a home pond.

  • Pump filter. The cleaning device must pass through itself from 4 to 6 volumes of the aquarium per hour so that the water remains clean and the population of the reservoir has enough air.
  • Heater with thermostat. Power is calculated very simply - one W per liter.

The equipment must be of high quality, as it operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Filling and connection

To fill the aquarium, you can use regular tap water, but first you need to let it sit for several days. If this is not possible, then you will have to use chemical cleaners. To prevent the soil from eroding, any container should be placed at the bottom, and water should flow onto it. The reservoir is completely filled with liquid; it should be at room temperature (25-26 degrees) to prevent condensation. After this, we connect the equipment, plant living plants and leave the pond for several days (from 7 to 9 days). During this period, the reservoir slowly begins to open up.

We spend a week checking for leaks, dampness or smudges. The water is completely mixed, saturated with air, and the desired temperature is established in the aquarium. Now everything is ready for residents to move in. After checking, we go to a pet store or market and buy fish, snails, etc. It’s better to introduce them in parts: first, give the first batch time to adapt, and after 4-5 days, introduce the rest. At first (up to 5 days), to maintain the biobalance of the fish, you should not feed them - it will not harm them.

Thus, we can conclude that a novice aquarist needs, in addition to money, to be patient. Launching an aquarium should occur in a measured and unhurried manner, and then with a high degree of probability you can count on the success of this event.

Next, watch a video with a master class on designing and launching a large aquarium.

Ushaka Sea World, South Africa

Ushaka Sea World is located in Durban, South Africa and covers an area of ​​16 km. sq. This marine theme park was built to resemble a shipwreck and is divided into many different areas. At the Ushak Sea World you can dive with sharks, watch a dolphin show, feed stingrays and fur seals. The park has a “wet” section, which consists of water slides and pools. The park also has a shopping and entertainment center and a playground where children can be children.


Ushak Sea World has a ton of unique marine species and visitors will be amazed by the huge collection of fish and other animals that live in the ocean. The aquarium is home to both common and completely unique species of animals; in addition, the aquarium serves as a kind of refuge for animals that are on the verge of extinction. This is a very impressive place that both children and adults will enjoy.

7. Lisbon Aquarium

The largest museum of living marine nature in Portugal is located in its capital, Lisbon, at the address: Esplanada Dom Carlos I s/nº. This place became home to 16 thousand sea inhabitants, 450 species. The building was built at a depth of 7 m, and it seems that you are in the open ocean. The area of ​​the aquarium is 1 hectare. The pride of the establishment is a giant octopus weighing 250 kg and a sunfish, which requires specific conditions of detention. The collection of jellyfish deserves special attention. They are kept in a separate pool, which is illuminated with special lighting. It seems to visitors that the jellyfish are twinkling with colorful lights. The aquarium is open daily from 10 to 19:00. For an adult entrance ticket you need to pay 1100 rubles, for children – 750.

Shanghai Ocean Aquarium, China

Shanghai Ocean Aquarium is 24 km. sq. water surprise. This aquarium displays the rarest animals in the world. Visitors are delighted to see chinstrap penguins, alligators from the Yangtze River, and giant salamanders, creatures rarely seen in the wild.

The Shanghai Ocean Aquarium features Chinese water dragons, white sharks, and black and white rays. This aquarium also delights guests with a pedestrian tunnel, which is built right inside the aquarium. Walking through this tunnel will make visitors feel like they are walking through an aquarium, the tunnel provides excellent views and the views will enchant even the most discerning of tourists.

Monterey Bay Aquarium, California

Monterey Bay is commonly called “a window to the wonders of the ocean.” This aquarium is one of the most unique attractions on the American West Coast because it has an impressive collection of aquatic fauna and flora. The aquarium also strives to find endangered species and provide them with a favorable habitat. The aquarium has more than 35,000 animals, and 620 different species of animals and plants.

Monterey Bay is not only a fun, but also an educational place for people who love sea animals.

It offers such people a unique experience.

Visitors can take part in feeding the animals, enjoy a fantastic show, or take one of the many educational tours. The aquarium features whales, sharks, seals, octopuses, jellyfish, conger eels and sardines.

Oceanographic Aquarium, Spain

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This aquarium is a true paradise for a water lover. It is one of the most beautiful places not only in Spain, but also in the world. Visitors will be able to look at the schools of fish, which consist of both ordinary goldfish and unique fish of a very strange appearance, which can only be seen in this type of aquarium. The visitor will also be amazed by the amazing dances of seals, dolphins and penguins.

The Spanish Oceanographic Aquarium is the largest in Europe. It includes 12 buildings designed to mimic a wide variety of marine ecosystems. When visitors come there, they can be sure to see a variety of marine life. These are not only fish, but also birds; in total there are 500 different species of marine animals.

Grandiose building

The largest aquarium in the world is located in the US state of Georgia. Its volume is 23.8 million. In total, this tank is home to 120 thousand individuals, the total value of which is about 290 million dollars. The large aquarium is called Georgia Aquarium.

A little history

This gigantic structure was created in 2005 and boasts a rather interesting history of its construction. The richest man in Georgia at the time was Bernie Marcus. He decided to give the Atlanta city government $250 million. Those, in turn, were confused, not knowing what to use the donated funds for.

And then Marcus himself put forward the idea of ​​​​building the largest aquarium in the world, which should be located in his state. The fact is that Bernie himself, since childhood, loved to watch the animals in the aquarium. And he wanted the residents of his hometown to also be able to admire these creatures.

Before the appearance of the aquarium in Atlanta, the largest in the world was considered to be the one located in Japan on the island of Okinawa. But the area of ​​Georgia Aquarium was 200 thousand square meters and it became much larger than the Japanese one. The construction of this structure took 27 months.

general description

The shape of the giant Atlanta Aquarium resembles a large cruise ship, divided into 60 separate chambers. In the center of the structure itself there is a bust of the man who initiated the construction of this miracle. All cameras are divided into separate thematic zones. There are quite a few of them:

  • George's Underwater World, built primarily for young children.
  • Inhabitants of cold water bodies, where you can meet very interesting representatives of the fauna.
  • Tropical area with penguins, crabs and sea lions.
  • A trip to the river, where representatives of local rivers are concentrated.
  • The ocean zone is a real living reef with corals.
  • In total, the entire chamber capacity is 34 million tons of water. There are also sections filled with only salt or only fresh water.

    The shape of the giant Atlanta Aquarium resembles a large cruise ship, divided into 60 separate chambers.
    In addition, there is a tunnel in the aquarium, laid 30 m deep into the glass structures. When a person walks along this corridor, a 7 m long whale shark can be seen swimming above his head.

    Guests can even feed this creature themselves, which, by the way, eats only plankton. When people feed a shark, impudent small fish swimming nearby, the size of which is several times smaller than a giant fish, calmly eat its food. The shark does nothing, only angrily wags its tail. If a small fish accidentally swims into her mouth, she simply chokes. And for $300 you can even swim next to a whale shark.

    Various large-scale exhibitions and high-level events are also often organized on the territory of the structure, aimed at promoting the conservation of the aquatic environment.

    Ticket prices and occupants

    Anyone who wants to visit the Georgia Aquarium will be wondering what the cost of tickets is. The price for a regular adult is almost $30. To get into this building, a pensioner will have to pay 21 dollars. Child tickets cost $19. Despite such a small price for visiting the aquarium, it paid for itself in record time - literally 3 months after opening. During this time, one million visitors have already visited there. In the summer of 2009, the Georgia Aquarium welcomed its 10 millionth guest. After this event, the administration of the building no longer began to keep track of visitors.

    In addition to the usual inhabitants of aquariums, you can also find very exotic sea creatures there:

  • large sea bass;
  • white whales;
  • whale sharks, which have never been seen outside Asia.

In total, the aquarium is home to more than 500 species of creatures, so people can always see something new for themselves.

Programs and events

The aquarium was designed in such a way that all guests could receive maximum positive emotions and retain memories of this visit for the rest of their lives. One of the goals of Georgia Aquarium is to improve the education of visitors, regardless of their type of activity or age. Here guests explore the diversity of marine life, receiving a huge amount of interesting and useful information about these individuals. The largest compartment houses two whale sharks, which are the center of attention for visitors.

The administration organized an exhibition of artifacts found at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean after the sinking of the well-known Titanic liner. In addition, visitors to Georgia can see various informational videos, displays and about 200 objects recovered from the ocean floor. The interior of the ship that sank in 1912 was completely copied.

Guests are presented with the entire chronology of the life of the liner. The exhibition was helped by the New York company RMS Titanic, which has the right to raise found objects from the sunken ship, as well as officially conduct photography and video filming. Employees of this company organized 7 expeditions at a depth of about 3 kilometers.

Sydney Aquarium, Australia

The beauty of the sea is redefined at the Sydney Aquarium on Darling Harbour. This aquarium is home to 650 different species of animals. Since 1988, a total of 6,000 animals have lived there. As we know, the Australian continent is home to some unique animals, and Sydney Aquarium is the best place to showcase this unique marine fauna and flora. The aquarium features a unique acrylic tunnel that visitors can walk through while the fish swim around them.


The aquarium also recreates the Great Barrier Reef, which is an integral part of the Australian coast. There, visitors can see seals and penguins, both in and out of the water. In addition, the aquarium features various types of sharks, sardines, octopuses, crocodiles, stingrays, and all this will not leave even the most demanding people indifferent.

The Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium

A large and beautiful aquarium, which is located in the exhibition park on the island of Okinawa (Japan). Opening date: 2002. In 2010, on March 30, the twenty millionth visitor was officially registered.

The Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium includes sections with fish, manatees, dolphins, a theater and aquariums with rare species of sea turtles.

The pride of the oceanarium is a dolphin named Fuji. The film “Dolphin blue: Fuji, mou ichido sora e” was made about him. The film tells how a dolphin struggled with an illness that resulted in him losing part of his tail. Subsequently, his lost fin was replaced with a prosthesis.

New England Aquarium, Boston, Massachusetts

The New England Aquarium is virtually indistinguishable from the natural habitat of marine fauna and flora.

It was built in 1969 and is still a haven for endangered marine species.

The aquarium has created a real revolution in marine viewing panels because they are cylindrical, and inside there is an imitation of a Caribbean coral reef.


This reef is home to many representatives of the animal world, for example, there are great white sharks, beautiful and colorful tropical fish, sea turtles and octopuses.

The aquarium also has an observation panel with an imitation of a South American river. There are anacondas, piranhas, freshwater electric eels, and much more.

L'Aquarium de Barcelona

Another huge and beautiful oceanarium with a volume of 4.5 million liters of water with 11 thousand inhabitants of sea waters, represented by 450 species, is located in Spain in the magnificent city of Barcelona.

The Barcelona Aquarium consists of 35 aquariums, divided according to the size and type of underwater inhabitants. The most beautiful and unexpected representatives of marine flora and fauna live here: graceful seahorses, royal bream, sea dragon, cow fish, huge toothy sharks, predatory piranhas, Mediterranean moray eels, sunfish and the terrifying sawfish. There is also a pool with smart and friendly dolphins living there.

For experienced divers, the aquarium offers extreme shark diving excursions. Those who are ready for a desperate adventure should take care of their tickets in advance, as there are always many people willing to embark on a dangerous journey.

Two Oceans Aquarium, South Africa

One cape in South Africa is located where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Indian Ocean. Warm and cold ocean currents meet and create extremely favorable conditions for marine life to thrive.

But there is no need to go underwater to see this amazing life, because Two Oceans Aquarium has brought this life to earth. The aquarium has six thematic exhibitions featuring 3,000 marine animals. Among the animals there are inhabitants of the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, as well as inhabitants of the rivers and forests of Africa. Thrill-seekers can dive with sharks. You can also feed the animals and walk through the kelp forest.

Tank Dwellers

Rating of the largest lizards

It is worth noting that only those that can hold more than 200 liters of water are called large tanks. It is on the territory of a space of such volume that an ecosystem can be created in absolutely any corner of our planet. At the same time, the eco-balance will be maintained on its own, without causing any trouble to the organizers.

A large aquarium should not be empty and boring. A whole family or at least several large fish should live in such a structure, which will always be visible to visitors. It is also worth considering that some species of large creatures lead an active lifestyle only at night and during twilight. During the day, such individuals usually hide. Such inhabitants include the original black legs or black ghosts.

In huge aquariums, several species of small-sized fish that prefer to swim in the middle layers of water can coexist peacefully. But it is recommended not to add small ones to large ones, so that they do not become a delicacy for large individuals. The main rule in the aquarium is: if a fish can fit into its neighbor’s mouth, then it is not a resident. In addition, the selection of inhabitants is carried out not only on the basis of size, but also on the characteristics of behavior, living conditions and temperament of individuals.

National Aquarium, Baltimore, Maryland

The Baltimore National Aquarium is one of the most complete aquariums in the world. It has been around since 1980 and is home to 660 different species of animals. And the total number of animals in this aquarium is 16,500. The aquarium also presents the fauna of the tropical forest, with different species of tropical birds.

There are also amazing tanks with sharks, 9 meters high. There you can see the hammerhead shark and the deadly great white shark. Another unique feature is the frog tank, which houses the largest collection of frogs in the world.

Georgia Aquarium, Atlanta, Georgia

The Georgia Aquarium is one of the largest in the world and is home to some of the rarest marine animals on the planet. This aquarium is organized in the form of five different galleries. Ocean Travel Gallery, Explorers Gallery, Tropical Divers Gallery, Scouts Gallery and Cold Karst Waters Gallery.

In these galleries, visitors have the opportunity to see a wide range of animals in their natural habitat. The Ocean Journey Gallery is home to sharks and giant manta rays. It holds 10 million liters of water and the largest acrylic viewing panels in North America. The Explorers' Gallery features unique animals found only in Georgia, such as lionfish and sea turtles. Gallery Scouts are animals that can only be found in the rivers of Africa and South America. The aquarium also features penguins, dolphins and other amazing sea animals.


This unique cylindrical aquarium with a volume of almost 1 million liters of sea water is located in Berlin, in the 5-star Radisson SAS Hotel. The tank with the aquarium, 16 meters high and weighing 2000 tons, rests on a powerful concrete foundation. With the help of a special slowly circulating elevator, tourists have the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the oceanarium from the inside.

The aquarium is home to more than 1,500 fish belonging to 97 different species. Here you can see a whole collection of beautiful tropical fish, sea bass, mackerel, Napoleon fish, as well as jellyfish and starfish. Every day, three scuba divers feed all the inhabitants and clean the aquarium.

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