What fish and what aquarium plants can be kept in a small aquarium, how to care for them and what problems can arise with a small aquarium

The fascinating life behind the glass shores is recruiting more and more fans into the ranks of aquarists. A beautiful and properly equipped aquarium can decorate any home and bring a lot of positive emotions and become a useful hobby for the whole family.

It has been proven to have a beneficial effect on the human psyche, a calming effect on the nervous system, the ability to relieve stress and normalize blood pressure.

The desire to have fish for a person living in an ordinary city apartment is often opposed by a lack of space. Therefore, the aquarium, especially the first one, is usually small in size. This option is economical and easier to maintain. But here a logical question arises: how to select fish? After all, not all species can live in such a limited space. And as a rule, you want not just one type, but several types of fish. How to choose the right ones for each other?

What aquariums are considered small?

Aquariums with a volume of less than 30-40 liters are considered small, usually from 5 to 20 liters. They are often called nano aquariums (from the Greek nano - “small, tiny, dwarf”), emphasizing with this term not only their size, but also their modernity and manufacturability. There are also microaquariums, their capacity is 1-2 liters, and animals are not allowed in them, with the exception of some types of snails. The world's smallest fish aquarium was created by Omsk miniaturist Anatoly Konenko and his son Stanislav. They placed soil, a specially designed mini-compressor, small Cladophora bushes and several zebrafish fry in 10 ml of water.

Let’s immediately agree that we will not call a round ten-liter jar with a goldfish a nano aquarium, since this is not an aquarium, but a mockery of fish and all the principles of aquarium management.

An aquarium, no matter what size it is, is an equilibrium biological system whose inhabitants feel comfortable.

Achieving this in a small volume is a whole science. But if this is successful, the results can be simply amazing. Such aquariums, where a living biotope is reproduced in a tiny volume, are reminiscent of the Japanese art of bonsai or scale models of luxury cars: small, but everything is real.

Of course, not all small aquariums are worthy of aquascaping competitions or books of records, but any of them should please the eye of its owner and create a comfortable environment for its inhabitants.


A 10 liter aquarium must contain live plants. They not only decorate the reservoir, but also help maintain biological balance, disposing of harmful substances and saturating the water with oxygen.

It is not recommended to plant 10-liter aquariums with fast-growing herbs and plants with long stems and leaves. Overly dense planting should also be avoided. The following types are well suited for small bodies of water:

  • mosses, cladophora and ground cover plants covering the bottom of the vessel;
  • ferns and anubias, characterized by a slow growth rate and undemanding conditions for lighting and fertilizing;
  • low-growing echinodorus, cryptocorynes, sitnyag, staurogyne, reaching a height of no more than 15 cm, which can be planted along the back wall and in the corners.

Advantages and disadvantages

Nanoaquariums have a number of significant advantages:

  • low cost - the price of a 10-liter aquarium starts from 600 rubles;
  • compactness – for a small aquarium it is not necessary to buy a special cabinet; it can be placed on a desk or dressing table;
  • light weight - the tank is easy to transport.

Before you buy a nanoaquarium, you should familiarize yourself with the disadvantages of its content:

  • in a small artificial reservoir it is difficult to achieve biological balance, water indicators may be unstable;
  • the aquatic environment becomes polluted faster, so it is more difficult to care for the aquarium;
  • You cannot keep large fish.

Despite these disadvantages, small, unpretentious fish are successfully kept in such volumes. Guppies, neons and bettas will do well in a small aquarium, as long as you avoid overcrowding.


You can also decorate mini aquariums tastefully. Styles suitable even for 10 liter containers:

  • Iwagumi is a Japanese style that uses several stones of different sizes covered with moss. There must be an odd number of stones. In the center of the composition is the largest cobblestone, the second largest is next to the central one. Smaller stones should emphasize the composition, and the smallest ones should remain unnoticeable.
  • Ryoboku - decoration using driftwood. Green plants are placed on the branching frame.
  • Wabi-kusa - a hill of moss is created in the aquarium, the design is complemented by small driftwood and bushes.
  • Taiwanese. A feature of the style is the imitation of squares and parks. Paths are laid out among the vegetation, benches and figurines are placed.
  • Pets of rich colors look advantageous against a dark background, and dim fish in herbals. Think about the design of a small aquarium and look at examples in advance. If your 10-liter pond is in the nursery, you can put a toy castle and glow-in-the-dark pebbles. If the tank is in the living room or office, decorate it more discreetly.

    Mini aquarium care

    As for keeping a small aquarium, here you can fall under the influence of stereotypes. Parents often buy aquariums for their children, believing that a small aquarium is easier to care for than a large one. Rather, on the contrary, the “underwater world” of a small size is subject to temperature changes and requires frequent water changes.

    If the water is changed rarely, fish waste products begin to accumulate on the walls and it will be quite difficult to clean the container with your hands. In addition, the slightest excess of food lying at the bottom of such an aquarium instantly spoils the water and shifts the biological balance. But if you decide to have a small aquarium, buy it “fully equipped”. Specialists will select all the necessary equipment for lighting, water filtration and water heating. And, despite the equipment, place the aquarium in a room where the temperature is constant.

    With such a small amount of water, a difference of even 1-2 degrees has a negative effect on the fish. When feeding your fish, allocate a small amount of food so that there is no leftover after feeding. Remove excess feed immediately. When caring for an aquarium, you will have to change the water frequently until the bacteria stabilize in the filter.

    Bacteria convert waste decomposition products into harmless substances. A supply of settled water should always be at your disposal. The water in the aquarium should be changed every three to four days, replacing at least a quarter of the volume of water in a small aquarium.

    To prevent the appearance of algae, the aquarium should not be placed close to a window. Direct sunlight should not fall on it, and it is advisable to gradually increase the duration of active daylight hours from six hours immediately after setting up the aquarium to ten hours by the time the biological balance has stabilized.

    Terrible option

    On sale you can find so-called closed aquariums. In our market, most often this is a closed round aquarium with a shrimp, but there are similar options with fish. It is assumed that the animal can exist independently in such a small volume, or it is possible to feed a couple of flakes of food. The argument is: “There are no food pellets in nature, the fish must get their nutrition from the environment.” Although in reality the fish lives in a small amount of water without other creatures.

    In nature, fish live in a huge, well-developed ecosystem, where there is a huge amount of water that is regularly renewed. And food supplies in the natural environment are not limited to a few flakes once a day. In nature, fish have access to a variety of living plants, insects, larvae, worms, crustaceans and smaller fish.

    In a closed small system with only a plant, the fish or shrimp will slowly starve and become sick due to the stress of being in such a small container. It is better not to buy such closed systems.

    Small aquarium and equipment for it

    Nanoaquariums have a rectangular, cubic or similar shape. They are usually covered with a transparent cover glass, which allows them to be admired from above. They are located away from drafts and direct sunlight and closer to the outlet that will be needed to connect the equipment.

    The equipment for nano aquariums is generally the same as for large aquariums, that is, a filter (in some cases a pump with an aerator is sufficient), lighting fixtures, a heater if necessary, preferably complete with a thermostat, and a carbon dioxide supply system.

    For those who do not have the experience and time to select aquarium equipment, fully equipped nanoaquariums are available for sale. The Aqua El Shrim Set and Dennerle Nano Cube series complexes are recognized as the best in terms of price and quality ratio.

    And if you want to save money or are interested in choosing all the filling for your nanocube yourself, there is plenty to choose from.

    Choosing an aquarium

    A 10 liter aquarium can have different configurations. On sale you can find round, rectangular, cubic, cylindrical and other containers. Preference should be given to horizontally oriented rectangular tanks, as they are easier to install the necessary equipment and carry out cleaning.

    On a note! Containers also differ in manufacturing method and material. There are all-glass, frame and acrylic products. Acrylic structures are more durable, but over time, scratches appear on their surface.


    For a small aquarium, a filter is vital. Since the balance in this system is very fragile, and a small deviation in the parameters of aquarium water can be fatal for its inhabitants, it is necessary to reduce the risk of these fluctuations as much as possible. Therefore, pumps without a sponge or with a small sponge the size of a matchbox are not suitable. Or rather, they can be used, but only in aquariums with a very large number of living plants and without fish, with only invertebrates. However, with such a population, you can do without a filter at all or limit yourself to a compressor.

    If there are fish in the aquarium, the requirements for the filter are very serious. It should have a large filler surface to create biofiltration, pass 8-15 aquarium volumes per hour, but not create strong flows of water that will damage plants, fish and crustaceans. In addition, small inhabitants of the aquarium should not enter its water intakes. And, of course, it should take up minimal space in the aquarium or be well decorated and fit into the landscape. Another optional, but very desirable condition is that the filter material should be removed from the water for rinsing without dismantling the filter itself; this greatly facilitates maintenance of the aquarium.

    The following types of filters partially or fully satisfy these conditions:

    1. Internal filters with open sponges. They do not have a body, therefore, no one will be sucked into them. A large sponge (it is better to immediately replace it with a finely porous one) serves as a good material for mechanical cleaning and a substrate for the growth of biofilter bacteria. Some models of such filters can be placed with the sponge facing up, so it can be easily removed.

    2. External mounted waterfall filters. They take up little space, since the main part is located outside. They have a fairly large volume that can be filled with various filter materials. They do not create a strong current. The disadvantages are that when using these filters the aquarium cannot be closed with a lid. A sponge or fine mesh must be placed on the water intake tube of such a filter to avoid aquarium inhabitants being sucked into the filter.
    3. External canister filters. Currently, models designed for small volumes have appeared. Provide very good mechanical and biological filtration without taking up space in the aquarium. As with mounted filters, the water intake tube must be covered with a sponge or mesh. The only drawback is the high cost.

    In addition to these models, in small-volume aquariums you can use various home-made designs - airlifts, Hamburg filters, plastic bottles with a fibrous or porous substance connected to a pump. There is only one requirement: water under pressure must pass through a sufficient volume of material that provides mechanical filtration and can serve as a substrate for bacteria participating in the nitrogen cycle.

    An additional filter in a small aquarium is live plants, sometimes they are even placed in a hanging waterfall, making it a phytofilter.

    TOP 20 fish for small nano-aquariums

    Nano-aquarium science is one of the most dynamically developing and spreading areas of modern aquarium science, not only in our country, but throughout the world.

    Not only the quantity and quality of small aquariums, equipment, but also decorations for such small volumes are constantly growing.

    What pushes an amateur to purchase a small aquarium? What comes first, the volume or the interesting fish?

    And often hobbyists are faced with the question of which fish are suitable for a small aquarium?

    What kind of fish should I keep in a small aquarium?

    By what criteria? By compatibility, by color, by behavior?

    To understand these issues, and, if possible, help you decide on the choice of population for a small corner of the aquatic world, we have compiled the TOP 20 fish for nano-aquariums (5-30 liters), which, in our opinion and experience, are unpretentious, have interesting colors and behavior.

    20. Endler's guppies (Poecilia wingei) are popular small fish for the aquarium.

    A miniature viviparous fish, the so-called “little brother” of the guppy.

    Male Endler's guppies barely reach a size of 2 cm, while possessing stunningly beautiful colors, a variety of colors, simple maintenance and care, and an easy breeding appearance, even in a small aquarium.

    It is better to plant Endler's guppies in small flocks of 5-7 individuals per 5 liters; males are more beautiful, so we often recommend planting two or three males per female.

    Any lighting is suitable, but the presence of living plants is desirable, especially on the surface, since the fry like to live in the upper layers, among the floating roots, for example, limnobium or pistia.

    Filtration and the presence of a compressor are required.

    Room temperature 24-28° C, water of medium hardness.

    Change water 20-25% once a week.

    Endler's guppies get along with small characins, such as neons, rasboras, zebrafish, as well as cherry shrimp.

    19. Danio GloFish - bright aquarium fish for a small aquarium.

    An artificially bred form of the aquarium fish Danio rerio, the main feature of this fish is fluorescence, that is, the ability of cells to emit photons of light under the influence of UV rays.

    This can only be achieved by implanting into the DNA the genes of marine coelenterates, which naturally glow in low light.

    It is important to know that this artificially bred fish using genetic engineering does not cause any harm to humans or the environment, and the glow gene is inherited.

    Danio glofish is compatible with any small species of characins, carp-toothed, viviparous and peaceful catfish, such as corydoras.

    Feeding, maintenance, care do not pose any difficulty for a novice aquarist. Filtration, aeration, and water changes are required.

    The maximum size is 4-6 cm. Danio glofish are schooling, peace-loving fish, have an enviable appetite and, under good conditions, can give birth even in a small aquarium of 5 liters or more.

    18. Ternetia Glofish (GloFish) - unpretentious fish for a small aquarium, an artificially bred form from Ternetsia (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi)

    By analogy with Danio, Glofish has the gene of marine coelenterates implanted into the DNA of the fish.

    Ternetia GloFish is unpretentious in maintenance and care, suitable for small aquariums with a volume of 10 liters or more.

    Weekly replacement, aeration, and filtration are mandatory for this interesting and beautiful fish.

    It often happens that aquarists do not know the “secret” of this fish, although it is bright in itself, has several color variations, but fully manifests itself under the influence of UV rays. To do this, you can install a specialized ultraviolet lamp, which can be combined with regular aquarium lighting, and turn it on in the evening.

    The average size of Ternetia GloFish is usually 4-6 cm, by nature it is a schooling, peaceful fish, compatible with Danio Glofish, Cherry Barb, Neons, and Corydoras.

    A simple, unpretentious, spectacular fish, suitable for nano-aquariums from 10 liters.

    Water parameters:

    -temperature 22-28° C

    -pH 6.0-7.6

    -GH up to 20

    17. Cherry barb (Puntius titteya) - the most unpretentious fish for a small aquarium.

    The main features of this type of barb:

    -simple content

    -spectacular coloring

    -peaceful disposition

    -suitable for small aquariums

    It is better to keep flocks of 5-10 individuals of different sexes; males are more impressively colored than females, and constantly play with each other in competition for the opposite sex.

    We recommend small species of characins, viviparous, carp-toothed, and catfish as neighbors.

    Cherry barb prefers water of medium hardness, low temperature (up to 26°C), aeration, water changes, and filtration are required.

    16.Nannostomus beckfordi - original nano fish for the aquarium.

    The homeland of these fish is the basins of the Amazon and Rio Negro rivers, it would be ideal to create conditions in the aquarium that are most suitable for Nannostomus. The presence of living plants, dim, dim light, the presence of snags and shelters under the leaves of plants.

    Living in the upper and middle layers of the nano-aquarium, a flock of several individuals is active during daylight hours; nanostomuses especially like to organize their games in the evening.

    Interestingly, a male who has a high status in the group often assumes an almost vertical position.

    A 40-liter aquarium is quite enough for a flock of 5-8 individuals, the main thing is that there is enough shelter.

    There are some minor differences regarding feeding. Since fish have small mouths, choosing the appropriate food is a little more difficult. You can feed with high-quality dry food, small granules. As a frozen food, feeding with cyclops is ideal, which also affects the intense coloring.

    When keeping Nannostomus Beckford in an aquarium, filtration, aeration and a 20% weekly water change are required.

    17. Red Neon (Paracheirodon axelrodi) and Blue Neon (Paracheirodon innesi)

    Neons are one of the most popular aquarium inhabitants from the Characin family. The fish got their unusual name for the characteristic longitudinal stripe on their body, which in reflected light flashes with glare so bright that it resembles neon advertising signs in cities.

    The neon fish gets its name from the bright luminous stripe along its entire body, which is comparable to the flashes of neon advertising in cities.

    Keeping neons does not present any difficulties; it is preferable to have shelters, dim overhead lighting, and the presence of living plants. Neon fish look especially impressive against the backdrop of long-stemmed green plants.

    Aeration, filtration, and changing 20-30% of water per week are required. Although in nature fish live in water saturated with humic acids (the water has a slight brownish tint), this does not mean that neons can be contained in “old” water. Neons are bright, active, peace-loving fish that love fresh water, only then do they show their stunning colors.

    Temperature: 23 – 25°;

    Acidity: 5.5 – 5.8;

    Hardness: 8 – 12

    What small aquarium fish can be recommended as neighbors for neons?

    When keeping a flock of 5-10 individuals from 20 liters in an aquarium, the following will get along well with neons:





    Glass catfish.

    It is not recommended to plant a small number of individuals, since keeping them alone causes severe stress in these fish.

    Feeding with any dry and frozen food, neon fish are almost omnivorous.

    16. Cardinal (Tanichthys albonubes)

    A small fish from the carp family, it naturally lives in streams and small lakes in China.

    It got its name due to the purple stripe, reminiscent of the color of the robe of priests of the Catholic Church.

    Small size, interesting behavior, bright colors and unpretentious maintenance have long won the recognition of small aquarium lovers.

    An important feature is easy reproduction in the aquarium; if it is possible to create ideal conditions (filtration, 30% water change, aeration, the presence of shelters, living plants), then the appearance of fry will not take long.

    Cardinals love cool water 22-26°C, medium hardness 6-10°, pH 6.2-7.2

    It is advisable to choose tetras, neons, zebrafish, and corydoras as neighbors in the aquarium.

    In our store there are several variations of the cardinal, the regular shape and the gold one.

    16. Rasbora Espei (Trigonostigma espei) are the smallest aquarium fish for a nano aquarium.

    Another tiny rasbora that became known to aquarists a little over half a century ago. In nature, it lives in Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Prefers calm rivers, ponds and swamps.

    One of the most beautiful rasboras suitable for a small nano-aquarium, unfortunately, hobbyists often bypass this fish, although its small size, original, discreet coloring, simple maintenance and peaceful nature are undoubtedly the main factor when choosing pets for your aquarium.

    The dimensions of Rasbora Espey do not exceed 3 cm, the color is copper-orange with a pinkish tint and a wedge-shaped stripe.

    To keep a flock of 5-10 fish, a small aquarium of 20 liters or more is desirable, densely overgrown with small-leaved plants, fine soil, preferably the presence of driftwood that release a small amount of tannins.

    Filtration, aeration, and water changes weekly.

    Maintenance does not present any difficulties, general water parameters for characin fish, I would like to note that Rasbora Espei, despite its amazing qualities, rarely lives in amateur aquariums, this is probably due to the rare availability of this fish in specialized stores.

    Danio glofish, cardinals, platies, endler's guppies, corydoras pygmy, rasbora Brigitte and other types of fish are the most suitable neighbors for this wonderful species from the rasbora family.

    14. Popondetta furcatus (Pseudomugil furcatus)

    Another name is the fork-tailed blue-eye, a small fish of the Pseudomugilidae family, native to the reservoirs of New Guinea, living in reservoirs with variable salinity.

    This fish owes its name to the city of Popondetta, in the vicinity of which it was first discovered in 1953. Due to mass catching, this fish is listed in the International Red Book as an endangered species.

    The size in aquariums does not exceed 4-5 cm, it is better to keep them in small flocks of 5 or more, like many Pseudoimugiles, solitary keeping is depressing and leads to stress.

    The minimum volume for keeping Popondetta furcata is 20 liters, for a flock of 5-7 individuals, it is desirable to have living plants that are used by fish as natural shelters, the presence of snags and small stones also has a very positive effect on the well-being of Popondetta furcata.

    Filtration, aeration and stable temperature are very important for Popondettes; the optimal parameters are:




    A standard water change of 30% has a beneficial effect on the well-being of Popondette.

    Popondetta furcata is a medium-sized and peace-loving fish, so it is better to choose equally calm neighbors for its neighbors, for example, medium-sized tetras, neons, microrasboras, ancistrus.

    Feeding is not difficult; the fish happily eat both dry food and small frozen food.

    13. Amanda's tetra (Hyphessobrycon amandae) - unpretentious aquarium fish for a small aquarium.

    A species from the Characin family, discovered in 1987, other names: dwarf tetra or ember tetra. In nature, it lives in slow rivers, streams, lakes and swamps of the central states of Brazil.

    Amanda's tetra is suitable for all aquarium lovers, both beginners and advanced aquascapers, as it is unpretentious, has a stunningly beautiful ruby ​​color with golden sparkles, and is easy to keep in an aquarium.

    The size of Amanda's tetra does not exceed 2 cm, males are usually smaller than females; a small aquarium of 10 liters or more is sufficient for a flock of 5-7 individuals.

    Conditions of detention are common to all Kharacins




    Filtration, aeration, and weekly water changes are required.

    It is advisable to create dim lighting in the aquarium; you can use floating plants; pistia or limnobium are perfect.

    Amanda's tetra is a schooling and non-aggressive fish; viviparous fish, characins, and small carp-toothed fish are perfect neighbors.

    Amanda's tetra is unpretentious in nutrition; it is advisable to combine fine granular feed and feeding frozen cyclops.

    It is important to remember that the better the conditions of detention, the brighter this fish becomes, i.e. Coloring directly depends on the quality of conditions in the aquarium.

    12. Dwarf gourami (Trichpsis pumilia) - unpretentious small aquarium fish.

    The smallest representative of the labyrinths from the Macropod family, the length does not exceed 4 cm, discreet coloring is not the main feature of this fish.

    Dwarf gourami is common in water bodies of Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia).

    Dwarf gouramis are rather shy fish, so it is advisable to keep them in aquariums with dim light; the presence of floating plants, thickets of long-stemmed and bushy plants, as well as natural decorations such as driftwood are an anti-stress factor.

    Keep in pairs or small schools with any calm and peaceful fish.

    Dwarf gouramis are very useful in the fight against "crashers", planaria and other flatworms. By introducing a couple of fish into a 40-liter aquarium, dwarf gourami destroy pests in just a few days and allow you to avoid the use of copper-containing preparations.

    11. Iriaterina werneri

    An interesting representative of ray-finned fish from the Melanothenia family. This species is native to Australia and the waters of New Guinea.

    These small fish are truly a “pearl” of nano-aquariums, although often the coloring does not strike the imagination at first. However, upon closer inspection, you can see all the colors of the rainbow. I would like to note that the color of this miniature fish is very variable and depends on lighting, health and mood, which directly depends on the number of individuals in the school. Being alone in an aquarium has a depressing effect on Iriaterin Werner.

    The body is spindle-shaped, the caudal fin has braids, the dorsal and anal fins are saber-shaped, and the front fin can be compared to the sea “cheetah” tuna.

    The natural habitat of Iriaterin Werner is swamps, slowly flowing streams and river backwaters; fish hide among fallen leaves, snags, and prefer to be under the crowns of trees.

    Therefore, it is desirable to create conditions in the aquarium that are almost completely reminiscent of the natural biotope.

    Iriaterina Werner is a schooling fish; for one male there should be 2-3 females; for 6-8 fish, an aquarium with a volume of 40 liters or more is preferable.

    Filtration, air aeration, water change about 20% per week.

    Temperature when kept in an aquarium is 24-26°C, pH-6.8-7.0.

    Werner's Iriaterina cannot be called an easy fish to keep; it can only be recommended to experienced aquarists.

    It is better to select neighbors according to their temperament; due to the fact that Iriaterinas are very timid fish, the ideal option would be the following set:

    -Norman's Blue Eyes

    -Amanda's Tetra

    -Panda corridor

    10. Aplocheilichthys or Norman's Blue-eye (Poropanchax normani).

    An African species of interesting fish of the poeciliaceae family, inhabiting shallow rivers and streams flowing in the savanna.

    A simple, unpretentious fish will be an excellent addition to the existing composition of the nano-aquarium.

    The length of the Blue-Eyed Norman does not exceed 4-5 cm, it looks like a gray, nondescript fish, but there is a twist! On the iris of the fish's eye there is a luminous blue pigment, which gives the color the striking effect of neon-colored eyes.

    Keeping Norman Blueeyes does not present any difficulties, the fish are omnivorous, they happily eat dry food, as well as a small fraction of frozen food in blisters.

    For a dozen fish, an aquarium of 30 liters is sufficient; filtration and a compressor for air supply are required.

    Since these fish have a fairly playful disposition, it is advisable to cover the top of the aquarium with a cover glass.

    It is advisable to decorate the aquarium with live plants, driftwood, small stones, and always dim light.

    Interesting! Although the Norman Blueeye belongs to the poeciliaceae family, it is not viviparous; these fish spawn. They can reproduce in a community aquarium, but it is necessary to acidify the water and make it softer, otherwise the survival rate of the larvae in hard water will be extremely low.

    Norman's Aploheitliss treat both their relatives and other fish peacefully. They look great with neons, corydoras panda, and honey gourami.

    9.Honey gourami (Colisa chuna or Trichogaster chuna)

    This representative of labyrinth fish lives in the waters of Bangladesh, India and Nepal.

    Honey gourami, as a typical representative of labyrinths, has a special labyrinth organ, a modified gill apparatus, which is responsible for saturating the blood with oxygen. Since in nature this fish lives in small bodies of water, with muddy water and low oxygen content, as a result of evolution, honey gouramis have learned to breathe atmospheric air. Modified pectoral fins turned into an organ of touch. It’s funny to watch how honey gouramis seem to “feel” the space in front of them, moving equally well both forward and backward.

    Honey gourami is an ideal fish for a small nano-aquarium, occupying the top layer of water, it does not conflict with other fish, but since the honey gourami has a calm character, its neighbors need to be selected with the appropriate attitude.

    Who can be placed with honey gourami?

    -Neon red

    -Neon blue

    -Acanthophthalmus Kühl

    -Pygmy corridor

    -Micro-disassembly galaxy

    And so on, most of the small tetras, carp-toothed, small livebearers.

    Maintenance is not difficult, the water parameters are general, as for most aquarium fish; an aquarium of 20 liters or more is enough for a couple of gouramis. Aeration is not so important for honey gourami, but it is desirable if there are peaceful neighbors. It is important that the temperature is within 24-28°C, not allowing it to drop below 24°C.

    These magnificent fish look best against the background of dark soil, in thickets of bushes or long-stemmed plants; it is advisable to create a shaded area, for example, with the help of floating plants (pistia, limnobium).

    It is better to feed honey gouramis with food that sinks slowly, since most often they eat from the surface; any granular or flake food will do. To diversify feeding, you can give frozen food in blisters, for example Artemia.

    8. Corydoras pygmaemus

    A small species from the Callichthidae family, the size of this catfish barely exceeds 2-3 cm, occupying the bottom and middle layers, these cheerful and peaceful fish diversify the species composition of any nano-aquarium.

    It is better to keep Corydoras pygmies in schools of 3 or more individuals, the aquarium size is from 10 liters per couple; any small-sized fish with a peaceful character will suit them as neighbors.

    An interesting feature of pygmy corydoras is the ability to direct their eyes downwards - this helps in nature and in an aquarium to find food more easily.

    Like all types of corydoras, pygmies have the ability to breathe atmospheric air, the so-called “intestinal respiration”. Part of the blood vessels in the intestines, when taking in air, ensures oxygen saturation of the blood. Therefore, it is necessary to have a small gap of air surface, especially when the aquarium lid is closed.

    The homeland of pygmies is the waters of the Amazon tributary, the Madeira River; Corydoras mainly live in the coastal, shallow zone, far from the main channel.

    Corydoras pygmies are fairly active fish; they show their playful character best in schools of 3 or more individuals; the presence of bush plants is desirable, because Corydoras like to rest on the leaves after their games. Mostly broad-leaved plants, anubias, cryptocorynes, and echinodorus are suitable.

    Pygmy Corydoras are quite sensitive to the composition of water, so they need fairly powerful filtration, aeration, and changing no more than 30% of the water per week.

    It is advisable to keep the temperature within 23-26°



    7. Lalius (Colisa Lalia)

    Another representative of labyrinth fish, originally from Southeast Asia, is a typical inhabitant of rice paddies, small slow-flowing rivers and shallow swamps, and irrigation canals.

    Lyalius is a very unpretentious fish, easy to keep and easy to breed in captivity. It can be safely recommended to beginners for planting in small aquariums.

    Sexual dimorphism is very pronounced, males have stunning body colors, a bright red body is crossed with neon stripes, females are colored more modestly, in a silvery color.

    To keep a pair of lalius, an aquarium of 20 liters is quite enough, since this fish does not have the ability to swim quickly, it will always be the center of attention.

    Although lalius are labyrinth fish (they absorb oxygen from atmospheric air), they nevertheless need filtration. The fact is that with a high content of waste products and accompanying high water levels (nitrates, nitrites), the lalius can get a bacterial infection.

    Therefore, filtration, light air blowing to mix the layers, and a water change of at least 30% per week are mandatory.

    It is preferable to decorate the aquarium with live plants, driftwood, and dark soil; against this background, the laliuses show their bright colors more intensely.

    As neighbors for Lalius, it is advisable to choose aquarium fish that are similar in temperament and conditions; medium-sized rasboras, viviparous fish (guppies, platies, swordtails), corydoras in the bottom layer (pygmies, speckled ones), as well as ancistrus will get along well with them.

    The process of reproduction in Lalius is very interesting.

    The male builds a “nest” from scraps of plants and small twigs, holding it all together with bubbles of foam from his mouth. The height of the nest sometimes reaches 2 cm, and the diameter can reach 5-10 cm, depending on the size of the male.

    After the nest is built, mating games begin, and the male, whimsically playing with his body, invites the female to the nest. Spawning is very interesting, it occurs mainly in the morning hours, the ideal would be for part of the aquarium to be exposed to sunlight.

    The larvae are tiny and quite difficult to feed, but professional breeders can do it without any problems. It is important to provide the young with suitable food and maintain ideal cleanliness in the nursery aquarium.

    The optimal conditions for keeping lalius are:




    Feeding Lalius is not difficult; they happily eat both dry food (flakes, granules) and frozen food in blisters, for example, medium bloodworms, small bloodworms.

    6.Microrasbora nevus (Boraras naevus)

    A tiny representative of microrasbora, also known as “strawberry rasbora,” inhabits small lakes and swamps of the Malay Peninsula. The water on this peninsula is saturated with organic residues (leaves, driftwood) and therefore has a dark color due to the presence of humic substances in it.

    Microrasbora nevus reaches a length of only 2 cm and is an excellent candidate for small aquariums, having a peaceful character and a gregarious lifestyle.

    To keep Microrasbora nevus, an aquarium of 10 liters or more is enough for a flock of 6-8 individuals. Aeration, filtration with a gentle flow, and weekly water changes of no more than 20% are required in order to avoid a sharp jump in changes in the main water parameters.

    To create conditions close to natural, it is advisable to place a few almond tree leaves on the bottom.

    When replacing tap water, be sure to use conditioners to remove chlorine and other dangerous compounds, especially heavy metals.

    Decoration in the “biotope” style, with dim overhead lighting, will allow you to fully reveal the discreet beauty of this fish.

    Microrasboras nevus get along well with other types of microrasboras, small characins, as well as corydoras and ancistrus.

    Adequate feeding with dry and frozen food is the key to successful maintenance and breeding of microrasbors. The main rule when choosing food is that the size of the food particle should correspond to the fish’s eye.

    The more varied the feeding, the faster the nevus grows and shows its amazingly interesting coloring.

    5. Corydoras panda

    These tireless workers of the aquarium appeared in amateur aquariums relatively recently and immediately fell in love with both beginners and experienced aquarists. Natural habitats - South America, were first discovered and described in 1986, so this is really a young inhabitant of the aquarium.

    They got their name because of their color similar to that of a bamboo panda bear, as well as because of their peaceful and tireless nature.

    Panda corridors are always on the move, constantly looking for food and playing funny school games.

    These fish can be planted in a small aquarium of 20 liters or more, preferably in schools of 3-5 individuals.

    Since panda corydoras belong to the family of armored catfish, they have the ability to absorb oxygen by swallowing air bubbles from the surface and filling the intestines with it. This is the so-called “intestinal breathing”, so it is absolutely normal behavior of pandas when they rise to the surface.

    The aquarium should not be tightly covered with a cover glass so that there is always an influx of fresh air, or leave a few centimeters of air space under the lid.

    Any peace-loving fish, neons, platies, microrasboras, as well as other types of armored catfish can be added to panda corridors.

    Pandas are unpretentious in nutrition; they happily eat dry food, in granules and tablets. It is advisable to feed with frozen food, for example small bloodworms in a blister.

    Maintenance is not difficult; these corydoras adapt perfectly to the conditions of a small aquarium, but there are some nuances. It is advisable to use oval-shaped soil as the ground, without sharp edges, so that the pandas do not damage their antennae.

    The temperature can be low (22-26°C); under natural conditions, corydoras pandas live in rivers into which melt water flows from glaciers (the upper reaches of the Amazon, the Ucayali River (Peru).

    4.Pecilia (Xiphophorus maculatus)

    Platypecilia belong to the group of viviparous fish (the development of eggs occurs in the body of the female and fully formed fry are born), previously they were called Platypecilia, but after a revision of the genus by ichthyologists they belong to the genus Swordtails. It would be more correct to call them swordtails, but since the last century the old name of platie has been established, and in modern aquarium keeping this name is often used.

    Compared to swordtails, the size of the platies does not exceed 4-6 cm, the body is shorter with a wide caudal fin.

    The habitat is quite wide, these include reservoirs of the southern part of North and Central America (Guatemala, Mexico), freshwater rivers with a relatively calm current, and platies are found in the lower parts of rivers flowing into the Atlantic Ocean, therefore, in aquarium conditions, these fish often withstand increased salinity (Treatment of costiosis in viviparous women is carried out by adding salt and increasing the temperature).

    When kept in small aquariums, it is necessary to ensure sufficiently good filtration, aeration, and fresh water changes up to 40% per week. If these conditions are met, platies can easily reproduce in an aquarium, which is very interesting, especially for novice aquarists.

    It is easy to feed the young; they eat any food for fry; for adult platies, it is desirable to have food with plant components in the diet.

    Water parameters most suitable for keeping platies:


    pH 6.2-7.8


    It is worth noting that all platies do not like soft water, so the use of osmotic water is contraindicated, but at the same time, platies easily tolerate water parameters from the water supply system, the water parameters of Moscow are optimal, but lovers from St. Petersburg should take care of increasing carbonate and general hardness in aquarium.

    As neighbors for platies, you can select any species of viviparous, neon, tetra, microrasbor, or armored catfish.

    Pecilia is a fairly variable fish; today in aquariums there is a variety of shapes and colors of these wonderful fish.

    Pecilia Mickey Mouse

    An interesting breeding form of the spotted platie, it got its name because of its resemblance to the cartoon character Mickey Mouse, one black spot in the center of the body and two small ones on the sides, which really resembles the famous mouse. At the moment, there are several variations in the color of the Mickey Mouse platie, from reddish-golden to bluish shades.

    Pecilia black

    The body color is mainly black, but on the back and abdomen of the fish there can be shades from pink to golden-reddish.

    Pecilia red

    An important feature of this color of the platie is the solid red color of not only the body, but also the fins; in the breeding form of the red platie, uncolored transparent fins are allowed.

    Pecilia blue

    Another interesting and unusual color of the platie, the body of the fish is painted in a bluish color, with metallic sparkles, which are clearly visible in reflected light.

    Pecilia balloon

    The unusual body shape, which evokes only positive emotions among aquarists, has attracted attention and deserved popularity for many years in the aquarium hobby.

    The shape of the body almost resembles a ball, and the movements of this fish are sometimes reminiscent of tetraodon; the platy balloon easily moves along the vertical axis. Today there are many color options for this fish, gold, marbled, red, black and red-black.

    The silver color of the platylon balloon looks interesting in an aquarium; this color form is especially impressive in dim lighting. White-silver bright spots in a nano-aquarium look quite impressive.

    Pecilia radish

    Through selection back in the last century, a very interesting form of platie was developed - the so-called platie radish.

    The main attractive feature of this form is the unusual tail fin; in these fish it is in the shape of a diamond, with a stripe running down the center, and can be painted in different colors.

    3.Brigitta's rasbora (Boraras brigittae)

    A small fish from the carp family. The homeland of this magnificent fish is Southeast Asia. What's interesting is that Rasbora Brigitta is endemic to the island of Borneo. Another interesting feature of this fish is the dominant behavior of the male in a school. The male, who is the leader in a group of 4-10 fish, is visually distinguished by a brighter color, in which bright red colors are present. The remaining males are more faded in color. Females are larger than males and have a rounded abdomen.

    Under natural conditions, this species of microrasbor lives in reservoirs with a minimum amount of light and shelter, so it is advisable for them to create conditions similar to natural ones in the aquarium.

    Water characteristics:


    pH 6.0-7.8


    It is important to keep in mind that Rasbora Brigitta is sensitive to the content of nitrates, nitrites, phosphates and ammonium compounds in water. Regular water changes, moderate feeding of dry (microgranules and flakes) and frozen food (brine shrimp, cyclops, moina) are the key to the successful maintenance of these fish, which are truly the pearls of aquarium farming.

    Reproduction is simple, in an aquarium in which there are islands of Rasbora moss, Brigitte reproduces without the help or participation of an aquarist, laying several eggs over the course of several days.

    Keeping it with any other species of small characins and carps, as well as shrimp, does not cause any difficulties.


    Due to the mandatory presence of living plants, the issue of lighting a small aquarium becomes relevant. There, lamps built into the lid are almost never used; the lamps are installed at a certain height above the aquarium. Fluorescent or LED lamps are usually used. In general, the rule is this: if the lamps are fluorescent, then for unpretentious plants the light should be 0.5 W per liter of water, for fastidious ground cover or those with a reddish tint - 1 W per liter. If the lamps are LED, then the ratio of lamp power and luminous flux is different, and here they already look at the number of lumens. For undemanding plants, illumination of 25 lm per liter is sufficient, for demanding plants - 50 lm.

    What kind of fish is suitable for a mini aquarium?

    Pets with miniature body sizes should be placed in a small 10-20 liter tank. Fish 2-6 centimeters in length will tolerate this volume of water. But remember that even small fish want to swim in a spacious environment. They should not be kept in containers that will restrict movement. Territorial and aggressive fish should not be placed in mini aquariums. Which ones should not be placed in 10-liter aquariums? These are swordtails, medium-sized barbs, cichlids, gourami, and zebrafish. They have an active and energetic disposition and require more hiding space.

    In an aquarium of 10-20 liters you can put small barbs, Gertrude pseudomugil, rice fish, cherry barbs, rasbor, erythrozonus, neon, Amanda tetra. You can also keep the following fish and shrimp there: otocinclus catfish, corydoras, amano shrimp, cherry shrimp, copper tetra. Representatives of the genus Poeciliaceae, viviparous fish, get along well in mini tanks.

    You need to buy fish breeds with strong immunity, that is, not purebred fish, but hybrids. If you do not have the opportunity to buy a spacious “house” for your small pet, you need to buy a small aquarium with a capacity of 10 liters. The well-known Siamese cockerels are also often housed there. The cockerel can live alone and does not get along with its relatives; it is a fighting fish, after all.

    What type of fish can be kept in a round aquarium, one unpretentious one?

    It is logical to assume that many inhabitants cannot live in a small amount of water. Sometimes you want to watch the monotonous movement of underwater inhabitants. Beginners very often prefer the round shape of the tank, captivated by its aesthetic appearance and size. You can put 1 fish in a small round aquarium. The most common option is the well-known cockerels. The unpretentious betta fish can easily live alone, because it doesn’t get along well with its relatives.

    Ideal dimensions, not exceeding 6 cm in length, allow you to feel free in a small amount of water. And the beauty of such a fish will not leave anyone indifferent.

    Round body shape. The pelvic fins are filamentous. There are all kinds of color options. They are fascinating. You can choose blue, green, red, yellow fish. Everyone can find a suitable option for themselves. The selectively bred veiled variety of cockerel is especially beautiful. The male has larger fins and bright colors. The color becomes even more saturated as the temperature rises and the emotional state of the fish changes.

    To prevent your pet from jumping out of the water, the aquarium must be covered with glass. In addition, this is an excellent way to protect against dust and excessive evaporation.

    Shape and size options

    There are many different forms of nano aquariums. Each breeder will be able to choose the appropriate option for himself.


    This is a classic of the aquarium world. All types of fish feel comfortable in such tanks. The aspect ratio is most often as follows: for a 5-liter - 25x13x15.5 cm, for a 10-liter - 32x15x21 cm, for a 20-liter - 36x19x29, and for a 30-liter - 40 ×23×32.


    These aquariums are also rectangular in shape, but they have a curved front glass. Because of this, the internal image of the underwater world may be distorted. Despite this, many people like this form, because “TVs” look very nice in the interior .


    The aquarium is rectangular in shape with beveled corners. Provides good viewing, fish can be admired from any angle.


    Containers with equal sides. The size of a 10-liter aquarium is 21x21 cm, and a 20-liter aquarium is 27x27 cm.


    These are aquariums in the shape of a ball or glass. There is an opinion that almost all types of fish are very uncomfortable in a container of this shape. Nevertheless, unpretentious fish are successfully kept; it is especially popular to keep a betta in a glass.


    These are narrow, elongated aquariums. The aspect ratio may be different; some manufacturers make the containers more elongated, others wider. A cylindrical aquarium, like a round one, is not very convenient for fish; it is especially not recommended to keep catfish in it.


    Aquariums have an original shape, one side of which is completely flat and straight, and the other is rounded. They look especially interesting if you hang them on the wall.


    Compact and convenient. Such aquariums can be placed in the corner of a desk; they do not take up much space. Among the models there are options with both straight and curved front glass. The approximate dimensions of a 10-liter triangular aquarium are 25x25x18, and a 30-liter one is 34x34x27.

    Now there are many aquariums of unusual shapes: in the form of a jug, a diamond, a house. Particularly interesting is such a creative option as two cubes connected by a tunnel. Containers of this shape are very difficult to equip yourself, so most often they are sold already fully equipped with all the necessary paraphernalia.

    We carefully study the compatibility of species

    Fish for a small aquarium should be selected depending on many factors. For beginners, it is problematic to take them into account on your own, so contact professionals who will help you determine which fish can be kept together and which ones should be avoided.

    Factors important when moving in:

    • Ability to survive alone. Some species can only live in flocks, so pay attention to this point first;
    • Water characteristics for species should be approximately the same;
    • The peaceful nature of the inhabitants;
    • The number of individuals depends on the surface area of ​​the water. The larger the footage, the more fish you can have;
    • Breed compatibility. Sometimes individually peaceful fish cannot tolerate each other's proximity.

    It is important to remember that small aquariums are a high-risk area for fish. Therefore, the choice of neighbors will completely determine the fate of your charges. If you add predatory fish to a small aquarium, they will eat their peace-loving neighbors. Gouras are suitable for angelfish; other fish will not get along with them. You can get one fish that will be the owner of your pond, or keep a whole flock of miniature fish.


    Live plants are needed in small aquariums, as they help remove dangerous substances from the water - nitrites, nitrates and ammonia. Plants in a mini-aquarium provide additional insurance and reduce stress in fish. They are also very convenient for growing some small species of plants, because in a mini-aquarium it is easier to create good lighting, but in large ones the light simply does not reach the lower level in the required quantities.

    To choose the right plants for your aquarium, read materials on the Internet and talk to experienced sellers, they will always help.


    The most important point. The food you feed is the main source, and in some cases even the only one, of various breakdown products. The less you feed, the less dirt and the more stable the aquarium. Of course, the fish must be well-fed, and your task is to maintain a balance between well-fed fish and overfed fish.

    A good way is to give as much food as the fish eat in a minute, so that none of the food falls to the bottom. Commercial fish food, in the form of flakes, is a good choice for a small aquarium, it sinks slowly and produces less waste, but also produces small waste and they do not need to be fed excessively. It is better to feed the fish in a new aquarium with it. When the balance is established, or you have bottom-dwelling fish, such as catfish, you can add other types of food for a complete diet.

    Most Popular

    Let's consider what aquarium fish for small containers exist.


    Bright fighting inhabitants with a large beautiful tail and a cool disposition. They do not get along well with others, which is why it is best to house them in isolation. The body length is from 5 to 10 cm, these are ideal fish for a 5 liter aquarium.


    If you are a beginner and buying fish for the first time, then it is better to start with guppies. These are unpretentious little ones, the males of which have a beautiful pearlescent color.


    1. Their length does not exceed 3 cm.
    2. They consume very little food.
    3. They do not need complex decor, labyrinths and grottoes. The simplest design is quite enough.

    When considering what kind of fish to keep in a small aquarium, first of all pay attention to guppies.


    Let's continue to consider which fish can be kept in a small aquarium. These are miniature catfish that will also be quite comfortable in a small tank.

    Important! You should purchase 2-3 corydoras at once, since these schooling fish cannot live alone.


    These are oblong, hyperactive babies, so they will need free space for games and entertainment. A maximum of two males can be placed in a 10 liter container.


    Owners of a 20 liter aquarium (which is also considered small) may consider raising catfish. They prefer to stay in the lower layers, at the bottom, performing the functions of aquarium cleaners.

    Important! Remember that these little ones can grow up to 10 cm, so one small tank will eventually become too small for two or more individuals. But to prevent the catfish from getting bored, you can add a small flock of nimble guppies to it.

    Microassortment galaxy

    This is a tiny fish that prefers to live with a school of representatives of its species. Body length – no more than 3 cm.

    Suitable for tanks with a volume of 20 liters or more, since for comfortable living it needs relatives (a flock of at least 8-10 pieces). They will also need plants and decorative shelters.

    Amanda's tetra

    Another type of schooling fish. The parameters are similar to microassembly, but more friendly. Two Amanda tetras can easily get along with guppies or zebrafish. It is important to note that they need free-floating plants to provide shade.


    This is a schooling fish with a body length of up to 2 cm. It is inferior in beauty to microrasbora or tetra amanda, however, schools of 10 formosa can be safely settled in tanks of 10 to 15 liters. If you don’t know what kind of fish to keep in a tiny aquarium, then take a closer look at the Formosa.


    Pecilia is one of the most popular aquarium fish. The length of its body is approximately 4 cm; a couple of such individuals will feel quite comfortable in a 20-liter aquarium. This species is active, so don’t overwhelm the aquarium with decorations—it’s better to give them a place to swim.


    Otocinclus is another popular species of aquarium catfish. Unlike other species, they are calmer and timid, and get along well in small aquariums with another otocinclus and other fish. They are afraid of large inhabitants of waters, so it is better not to add species exceeding 5 cm in length to them.

    Decorating a small aquarium

    You can decorate a nanoaquarium in different styles. Popular among aqua designers are the styles of iwagumi—decorated with stones of various shapes, rayuboku—decorated with driftwood, and wabikus—in the form of a hummock with plants. But here the taste and preferences of the owner are decisive. For example, if an aquarium is in a child’s room, it is quite appropriate to place a mermaid’s castle or a sunken ship and toy scuba divers in it. The main thing is that the decorations do not take up too much space (as a general rule, no more than a quarter of the bottom surface and half the height), hide the aquarium equipment and leave room for plants and fish. In addition, if there are shrimp in the aquarium, you must keep in mind that any objects protruding from the water can contribute to their escape from the aquarium.

    The soil in small aquariums is usually used in two layers: the bottom layer is a nutrient substrate, the top layer is gravel, the total thickness of the layer should be 3-4 cm.

    Vegetation for a nano aquarium

    To avoid the appearance of toxic substances in the water, a small tank must be planted with living vegetation. It also allows residents to hide from annoying “neighbors,” which reduces tension and eliminates the development of stress.

    Typically, a small tank is better lit than larger containers, which means plants grow better and get sick less. You can pay attention to the following breeds:

    • dwarf Anubias barteri - an unpretentious, slow-growing plant that does not require pruning or correction, suitable for the most modest tanks;
    • bacopa carolina - needs good lighting and looks great at the back wall of the container, its height does not exceed 30 cm;
    • Cryptocoryne Beckett is a beautiful plant with luxurious red-brown leaves. Suitable for the middle and background, does not require abundant lighting.

    If the owner has experience in decorating small aquariums, you can purchase breeds that are more difficult to grow: Didiplis, Japanese Blyxa, Hydrocotyla, Glossostigma. All of them are suitable for decorating a small tank, but require special conditions.

    Why are small aquariums worse than large ones?

    Firstly, a small aquarium is highly susceptible to temperature changes, especially at night when it gets cool outside, but for many fish a temperature jump of two or three degrees can have a detrimental effect on health.

    Secondly, with even a small amount of uneaten food, the water will become cloudy and its quality will deteriorate. It can also lead to oxygen starvation of fish, a drop in biological balance occurs, and fish waste accumulates in the aquarium. You can go on and on about the consequences, but the main thing is the correct approach to an aquarium of this size.

    Since a small aquarium is subject to temperature fluctuations, you will have to think about heating it, that is, maintaining the required temperature. An aquarium water heater will help you with this. The calculation is simple: one watt of heater power is needed for one liter of water. But it can also overheat the water, you might think?

    But even here, time-tested aquarium heaters with a thermostat come to the rescue. They allow you to set and maintain the required water temperature in the aquarium.

    Of course, all heaters already contain a thermostat. But you can never be sure of our sellers, who may slip in another Chinese counterfeit. So, carefully approach the issue of purchasing components for your “can”.

    I advise you to avoid choosing containers with curved glass! Even if it seemed more interesting and beautiful to you compared to the others. Curved walls distort the underwater space. As a result, it will not look very attractive and exciting.



    Starting an aquarium

    Prepare a reservoir for populating aquarium fauna:

  • pour soil and arrange decorations;
  • fill the tank with water;
  • plant plants;
  • install and turn on the necessary equipment;
  • turn on the lights for 8–10 hours a day;
  • after 2–3 days, start stocking the fish;
  • on the 7th day after start-up, replace up to a quarter of the water volume.
  • Maintain a schedule for cleaning and turning lights on and off. If a small aquarium is populated only by top-level fish, feed them small, non-sinking flakes at first. When the balance of beneficial bacteria is established, add other foods to the diet. Use water tests in the first weeks after launch.

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