Sign: a fish jumps out of the water - tomorrow it will be sunny!

Photo – It’s hard to imagine a more beautiful fish

North Atlantic salmon, or salmon as we often call it, is one of the most amazing fish that one cannot help but admire. This is a strong, beautiful, playful, fast and unpredictable fish. In this article I want to share my 25 years of observations of this beautiful fish.

During this time, I was lucky enough to visit 15 rivers of the Kola Peninsula, into which salmon come to spawn in spring, summer and autumn. I have visited the largest and smallest rivers in this region. During this time I saw a lot of amazing things, I studied the character of this fish, its habits and its preferences.

Photo - Rynda - an amazingly beautiful salmon river of the Kola Peninsula

Photo – The Vostochnaya Litsa River is a real paradise for spawning North Atlantic salmon

Aquarium cover does not solve the problem

Of course, only those fish that live in containers that are not covered with anything at the top are able to leave the “aquatic abode”. You can block the fish from going to land using a lid (buy or make it yourself), as well as a mesh or glass, carefully covering the top of the container.

Of course, it is unacceptable to use airtight materials as a cover if there is no artificial aeration in the aquarium. And if the aquarium model does not require the installation of a lid, then you should not fill the container with water to the very edge; it is better to leave about 6-10 cm of air space.

However, the problem itself, due to which the fish hit the glass and try to jump out of the water, cannot be solved by blocking the top of the aquarium. Hitting the walls and the lid from below, the fish get severe injuries, so the reasons for their anxiety need to be urgently sorted out.

Common golden gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus - var.)

The common golden gourami is a bright, peaceful fish from the macropod family. It is a selective form of gourami, not found in the wild. All fish of the family are distinguished by the presence of a specific labyrinth organ that allows them to breathe atmospheric air. The golden gourami has a rich yellow coloration with vertical brownish stripes and contrasting specks on the fins. The fish grows up to 10-15 cm and can be recommended to beginners due to its unpretentiousness. A medium-sized aquarium is suitable for golden gourami. For decoration, it is better to use dark soil and natural plants - against their background the fish look luxurious.

Why do fish jump out of the aquarium - Reason #1. Poor aquarium shape

The most convenient aquarium for fish to live in is a container in the form of a cube or rectangular parallelepiped. Containers of irregular, bizarre shapes, including spherical and flask-shaped ones, are unsuitable for fish to live in; pets constantly experience stress in them.

For example, in spherical aquariums, aquatic inhabitants suffer from any sounds from the outside world, because the rounded walls amplify these sounds several times and forcefully direct them to the center of the container. The fish get scared and, as a result, are thrown out of the water.

Varieties of jumping

  • Jumps with noise. When a fish jumps out and hits the surface of the water with a roar, it in this way cleanses itself of parasites and washes its gills of silt.
  • Jumps out halfway. Sometimes this means that the fish is feeding on insects, and in other cases it is so large that it simply cannot jump out entirely.
  • Rolls over. This is how the fish maneuvers before jumping.
  • Sticks his head out. The fish sticks its head out of the water when it feeds on flying insects or washes its gills with clean water.

Why do fish jump out of the aquarium - Reason No. 2. Lack of space in the aquarium

The size of an artificial pond also directly affects the behavior of pets. In containers that are too small, narrow, cramped and low, fish experience a lack of movement, and often, having failed to accelerate, jump over the side. Large fish, as well as schooling, fast-swimming fish, especially suffer from cramped conditions - for them, the length of the aquarium walls should be at least 80 cm. In any case, the fish should always be able to swim and turn around freely.

How dangerous is beluga?

Is beluga dangerous for humans? There are no cases of this fish attacking people. And in fact, this is impossible; the structure of the head and mouth does not allow the beluga to hunt large prey or even bite.

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Why do fish jump out of the aquarium - Reason No. 3. Incorrect operation of the equipment

Aquarium filter

If the filter, heater or aerator works too hard or not well enough, the aquatic environment in the aquarium becomes unsuitable for fish. When the filtration system does not purify water well, toxic substances (rotting organic matter) accumulate in the container.

Lack of aeration leads to a decrease in oxygen in the water and causes hypoxia in fish, and a heater with a faulty thermostat can overheat the water. Excess oxygen and too strong a current, which creates a powerful filter, also negatively affect the emotional state of the fish.

Dirty water

Dirty, poor (or oversaturated) with oxygen and overheated water necessarily causes restless behavior of aquatic inhabitants; they begin to rush around the entire container and often jump out of it. This behavior can be explained by another equipment malfunction: current leakage. When receiving electric shocks, pets also rush to leave their glass house.

Incorrect lighting

Another stressful factor is improper lighting. Many fish are frightened by sudden switching on of bright light or are unnerved by excess lighting during the day. And if you don’t turn off the lights at night, the fish will definitely start to behave restlessly. For individuals that are predominantly nocturnal, you should choose dim lamps and install darkened shelters in the aquarium.

How pioneers behave

It is very interesting to watch the first salmon enter the rivers. It is difficult to see her at this time, because... it begins to appear on the surface when the water temperature warms up to 8–10 degrees. At the very beginning of the season, when the river looks like one big raging torrent, the salmon moves upstream along the shore. She stops at every lull, at every snuggle, to rest and move on. It happens in sunny weather that in these quiet areas the fish are clearly visible, provided that they are not very deep. For those who hunt for salmon with an underwater camera, this is a good chance to take good shots.

Photo - By creating such outlandish places, nature has surpassed itself - the salmon river Kharlovka

Photo – The first salmon to enter the river always presses against the shore and bottom

Why do fish jump out of the aquarium - Reason No. 4. Dangerous proximity of incompatible fish

Predatory and territorial fish, even with enough space and food, chase their calm small neighbors, and often injure them. Some species of fish also become aggressive during the period of spawning and protection of eggs.

But clashes that lead to jumping out of the aquarium also happen between completely peaceful fish. Sometimes this happens due to a lack of food, but more often it happens when the container is clearly overcrowded. Too many neighbors irritate absolutely all the fish, and they begin to show aggression towards each other.

About the rivers of the Tersky Coast

In the rivers of the Tersky Coast, everything happens a little differently. Here the main run of salmon occurs in autumn, and summer and spring runs are very insignificant. Spawning occurs two weeks later than in rivers flowing into the Barents Sea. Most of the rivers in this region are flatter and the size of salmon entering these rivers is much smaller. However, the number of fish entering to spawn is much greater - this is a feature of these rivers.

Photo – Sometimes the underwater photographer only gets a view of the tail

Why do fish jump out of the aquarium - Reason No. 5. Improper aquarium care

Improper cleaning of the aquarium

Sometimes fish are thrown out of the water or, having accelerated, hit the glass when the owner begins to clean the container. Some shy fish react sharply to sudden movements and accidental touches of hands or a soil cleaner, as well as the friction of an aquarium scraper against the walls of the container. Therefore, you should clean the aquarium with care, without causing fear in your pets.

Incorrect water change in aqua

Improper water changes are extremely stressful for fish. Sometimes novice aquarists completely replace all the existing water in the aquarium with new one. Fish, suddenly falling into water with a completely different chemical composition, suffer such severe harm to their health that they can die. Sometimes such water changes cause them to rush around the aquarium in agony. It is important to remember that the water in the aquarium is replaced with fresh and settled water only partially, about once a week.

Incorrect use of filter

It is also wrong to turn off aquarium equipment at night or when leaving home, as some aquarists do. Filters and aerators must be turned on at all times. If the filter is left idle for several hours, the organic residues in it begin to rot and poison the water, and without aeration the fish will soon begin to suffocate.

Improper use of the water heater

The situation is a little different in the summer with an aquarium water heater. In the hot season, as a rule, it is not needed at all. And sometimes the water in the container with fish even needs to be cooled. If the thermometer tends to reach 30? C, and the apartment does not have air conditioning, then the water in the aquarium must be cooled using special equipment or ice from the freezer. Fish also cannot stay in overheated water for long.

Rules of conduct on the road

There are no special obstacles along the way. Fishing road signs mainly come down to the meaning of oncoming faces. It is undesirable to see the following persons on the road, much less communicate with them:

  • police officers;
  • clergy;
  • nuns.

It is not advisable to communicate with women along the way. Hares are considered the most dangerous objects for fishing in the animal world. If a bunny crosses the path, you shouldn’t despair right away. It is enough to wait for someone who has not seen the running hare to go forward. Good deeds accompany good luck. Therefore, it is customary for fishermen to give rides to fellow travelers absolutely free on the way to their fishing spot.

Difficulties on the road should be taken calmly. Popular beliefs say that a difficult road will lead to a big catch. Even a traffic police inspector who stopped a car and imposed a fine foretells good luck. If the traffic police officer simply checks the documents and does not impose any punishment, the result of the fishing will be disastrous.

Buying fishing gear on the way to a fishing spot is also a bad sign.

Why do fish jump out of the aquarium - Reason No. 6. Diseases and poisoning of aquarium fish

Parasites in fish

Many diseases cause aquatic inhabitants to behave restlessly. For example, parasites that infect the gills cause fish to swim chaotically and scratch themselves on rocks. Unpleasant and painful sensations often cause fish to jump out of the water. Sometimes pet diseases in the initial stages are invisible to the owner, but any unusual behavior of the fish should alert you, and treatment should begin immediately.

Poisonous substances in aquarium water

It happens that for various reasons toxic substances get into the aquarium water. This happens especially often when spraying chemicals from spray bottles near an uncovered aquarium. For example, these could be insecticides or acaricides that were used to poison insects in the house or to cultivate the soil in flower pots.

Improper cleaning of the aquarium

The owner of the aquarium may have unknowingly washed the outer walls of the tank with something that is dangerous to the health of the fish, or a small child may have thrown something into the aquarium that made the fish sick. In any case, if the water has changed its color and smell, and the fish tries to leave it, there is a possibility of poisoning.

Why is the fish trying to jump out?

Any stress factor can cause fish to jump out:

  • Strong aquarium lighting, which also cannot be turned off at night
  • A sharp sound or impact on the aquarium
  • Maintaining an aquarium with a scraper or siphon
  • Overpopulation of the aquarium

Overpopulation of the aquarium provokes constant skirmishes between fish, which is further aggravated by joint keeping with territorial fish like angelfish, which strive to win their own personal corner of the aquarium.

Constant aggression from neighbors and general overpopulation of the aquarium provokes jumping out of the aquarium.

A sharp sound or knocking on the aquarium frightens the fish. Frightened, the fish begin to frantically rush around the aquarium, accelerating and jumping above the surface of the water.

But jumping out of fish does not always mean the presence of a stress factor in the content. The fish jump out of the aquarium, hunting insects flying over the aquarium, or simply playing. I personally observed how swordtails caught mosquitoes flying over an aquarium.

What kind of fish can jump out?

By and large, any aquarium fish can jump out. Most often, large or fast fish jump out:

Large fish overcome the side of the aquarium due to their size. Fast fish fly over the side of the aquarium due to their high speed of movement.

It's easy to prevent fish from jumping out of your aquarium using several effective methods.

  • Cover the aquarium with a lid. The lid will prevent it from jumping out, but the fish may be seriously injured if it hits the lid.
  • Do not add water 8-10cm to the edge of the aquarium. This is a sufficient height to prevent the vast majority of aquarium fish from jumping out.
  • Maintain your aquarium on time and your fish will not have the most significant reason for jumping out in the form of a dirty aquarium.

Obviously, another aquarium problem lies in improper maintenance of the aquarium, and is eliminated by correcting the conditions of maintenance.

What to do if a fish jumps out of the aquarium

On average, fish can survive without water for several minutes. But sometimes you can bring back to life an individual that has completely stopped moving and has almost dried up. If the aquarium is not high, and the fish did not die when it fell, it must be carefully lifted from the floor and placed back in the aquarium, after first rinsing with water (from the same aquarium). If too much time has not passed since the fall, then most often after such a jump the fish survives, although it receives injuries of varying severity.

If the fish began to swim normally immediately after being placed in the aquarium, most likely nothing bad happened to it. But you still need to watch her during the day. If there are bruises, abrasions on its body, or damage to its eyes, fins or scales, it should be separated from other fish in a separate container (in this case, water from the aquarium should be taken into the fish tank, not new water). Leaving a damaged fish in the same aquarium with other fish in this state is dangerous; relatives can beat it to death - this is an instinct of self-preservation; sick individuals are driven away by all animals.

It is advisable to add a few drops of a caring conditioner to the container with fish, which contains special vitamin supplements and substances that promote rapid wound healing (for example, Tetra Vital, Aqua Medic Aqualife+Vit, Dennerle Avera, Aguarium Pharmacenticals Stress Coat). If the fish has spent a long time without water, in the first hours it is important to provide increased aeration in the container in order to neutralize the effects of hypoxia.

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You can write poems about this

One can write endlessly about the unique, beautiful and memorable jumps of the silver beauty. A large fish appears heavily on the surface, but if it splashes with its entire mass, the sound can be heard far away. Waves on smooth plums can reach the shore, despite the strong current. Small individuals usually jump much higher, often performing flips in the air. A stripped fish, ready to spawn, jumps in a completely different way. She feels like a mistress in the river, she stayed here for a couple of months and studied every pebble. Therefore, her jumps are “smart, wise and thoughtful.” She won’t jump just like that, without a reason. She has a real fight for spawning places and for females. This is not a joke.

Photo - This is what a female salmon looks like after standing in the river for three months after entering

Photo – A male grows a fang on his lower jaw during the pre-spawning period

Other diseases

In addition to breeding and fin problems and typical ailments, there are many other illnesses that can occur in guppies. If you identify atypical behavior or appearance of your pet, you should carefully examine the fish and analyze all the signs, thereby determining the type of disease. It should be remembered that the earlier the disease is detected, the greater the chance of curing the guppies. However, the best option will, of course, be to avoid illnesses - proper care, balanced nutrition and proper living conditions.


Dropsy, or ascites, most often occurs due to overfeeding fish, poor water quality, or viral pathogens. Symptoms of ascites appear as follows:

  • the fish hides or spends time at the bottom;
  • the abdomen is swollen;
  • eyes become swollen;
  • the scales rise and look ruffled.

Fish suffering from dropsy can be cured by disinfecting the aquarium and fasting. Additionally, salt is added to the liquid - 1 tbsp. spoon for 10 l.

Pay attention to the compressor

The compressor is the heart of the aquarium. It supplies the fish with oxygen, but it can also create problems if you do not pay due attention to the choice that is right for you. The main parameter that is important to observe is to be sure to purchase a compressor that matches the displacement of your aquarium. Otherwise, you risk creating a lack or excess of oxygen. Neither one nor the other is useful to the silent inhabitants of the watery depths.

Natural signs

The experience of fishermen allows us to understand which natural factor is a favorable forecast for catching a certain type of fish:

  • Hawthorn blossoms mean good luck in crucian carp fishing.
  • Blooming rye – carp biting.
  • Flowering viburnum means good luck in catching ide.
  • Bird cherry blossoms – pike are doing well.
  • Lightening water after a spill is time for minnows and roaches.
  • Full moon - for pike, perch.
  • Superstitions send fishermen out for carp on June 8th. The reason is the sound coincidence of the name of the Saint - the patron saint of the day (Carp) and the name of the fish.

Some fishing signs connect successful fishing with the behavior of animals and birds. Good luck was expected if swallows and swifts flew high above the water. Attentive people have learned to predict a good bite based on the behavior of aquarium fish. If they dig the bottom, then river and lake inhabitants will show interest in the bait.

The weather is judged by the behavior of the inhabitants of reservoirs. The fish jumps out of the water to a great height - there will be light rain. Usually carp and ide jump out, they make a jump to grab insects huddling against the water surface. If the fish jumps out of the water a little, and simply splashes its tail more, it means a dry, sunny day.


Aquarium from an aquarium. novice aquarists. actions of aquarium inhabitants for an aquarium not in an aquarium no model of an aquarium not the top of an aquarium the non-shape of an aquarium spherical aquariums aquatic Why do fish jump out of fish up to the point of forcing the fish to leave the behavior of the fish read Block the passage of the fish which fish fight which fish lead Why do the fish jump out living fish aquarium containers. Fish are afraid to leave the water and the container with water until the composition of the water and in aquariums aquatic inhabitants from the water. Sometimes the fish are thrown out, why do the fish jump out, why do the fish jump out? Some fish

do articlejump out of the aquarium after lighting chlorine poisoning

Weather signs

Fishing in the drizzling rain

To ensure a satisfying bite, fishing is carried out in certain weather conditions. Each season has its own characteristics. In summer, during the daytime, it is better to forget about fishing. Bright sun and heat are factors that show that you won’t be able to get anything you need from the water. Changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure are also negative factors. In any weather, a pond with blooming water does not promise anything good.

Drizzling rain is considered by fishing weather signs to be a completely acceptable fishing condition. If there is a thunderstorm, the bite will be bad. The optimal time is a foggy, calm morning or a period when prolonged rainy weather has changed to sunny weather. On the eve of bad weather, on the contrary, you won’t be able to go fishing.

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