Jebo Aquarium: Stylish and Controversial

Characteristic features of the jebo aquarium

The jebo aquarium was created by the company of the same name, which has been producing aquarium equipment for a long time. When the model first arrived in stores, the tank caused surprise and delight among aquarists - the jebo is made without seams, which allows you to view the underwater depths and inhabitants from all angles. Thanks to the hard work of the designers, the side walls of the tank gradually merge into the front part, which classifies the jebo as a seamless aquarium. This property is considered the “highlight” of the model.

Another characteristic feature of the model is the functionality of the jebo. The aquarium is equipped with built-in equipment: a filter, pump, aerator and light bulbs are located in the tank lid. Thus, the company took care of the convenience of the owners: the equipment is started when one contact is plugged into the socket - and the devices work. Also in stores are models without built-in equipment.

Jebo Aquariums

Jebo aquariums and additional equipment from this company are very well known to all Russian aquarists, be they a real professional or an amateur aquarist. Aquariums of this brand are distinguished by a carefully thought-out package, and you immediately have at your disposal a completely ready-to-use home sea or freshwater pond.

Absolutely all Jebo aquariums come with lid lights, and most models have aquarium filters built into the lid, which helps to significantly save the usable volume of the aquarium, especially if it is small in size. Well-chosen light sources will help create ideal conditions for the growth and development of plants and provide excellent illumination for the aquarium. An additional advantage is the possibility of switching on the lamps separately.

Pumps and filters that are installed in the aquarium lid will help ensure crystal clear water and excellent circulation, regardless of the size of the aquarium. Jebo tanks are equipped with cabinets in several colors, made of laminated chipboard. Inside these cabinets there is a large number of various shelves and shelves where you can place various aquarium accessories.

Contrary to popular belief that all Jebo brand aquariums are made of acrylic glass, this is not true. Their curved front-side glass is made from real silicate glass, which, compared to acrylic, does not become cloudy or scratched over time. The strength and reliability of these, at first glance, fragile elements has been tested by many years of experience in operating aquariums, and today does not cause absolutely any complaints or doubts from buyers and owners.

Thanks to the complete set of aquariums, modern design, pricing policy and professional approach of Jebo, these tanks occupy well-deserved leading positions in the market not only in Russia, but also outside the country.

Today, Jebo aquariums have no competitors among foreign manufacturers of aquatic equipment and in their price segment and can become a worthy “home” for your little friends living in sea or fresh waters.

We always have aquariums of various shapes, sizes, volumes and colors in stock. Buying an aquarium is very simple - just contact our specialists, name a few important criteria that your future aquarium must meet, and your issue will be resolved as quickly as possible, and you will certainly be satisfied with the purchase.

Varieties of jebo

The products provide a wide selection of aquarium models, which are divided into groups depending on the characteristics and appearance.

According to their configuration, the tanks are divided into:

  • with and without bedside table;
  • equipped with and without equipment;
  • with filter media.

Based on their shape, reservoirs are divided into the following categories:

  • "jar";
  • hemisphere;
  • angular;
  • polyhedron;
  • "table";
  • "torpedo".

The aquarium cabinet comes in different colors; there are also models of tanks without cabinets. The capacity of a seamless artificial pond varies from 20 liters to 400 liters of water; the design of the lid and back can be of different shades. Even a small and simple jebo model looks elegant and attractive.

Common types

Among the presented jebo aquariums there are many models that differ in various parameters and indicators. Reservoirs are distinguished:

  • With or without equipment.
  • With or without stand.
  • With spare filters designed for biological treatment.

The containers differ in shape:

  • Rectangular and square.
  • In the form of a hemisphere.
  • Multifaceted.
  • Angular.
  • In the form of a table.

The aquarium cabinet is constructed from various raw materials. Larger stands are made of metal and durable plastic. The structures are additionally treated with paints and varnishes. Therefore, choosing a cabinet of the required shade is not difficult.

Operating a jebo: tips and tricks

Despite the original design, the seamless jebo pond is an ordinary artificial pond, so there are no restrictions on keeping fish, shellfish and plants. Of course, the capacity of the reservoir is selected in accordance with the number and size of the inhabitants. It should be noted that the jebo aquarium is used to create both marine and freshwater biotope.

Rules for operation and installation of the tank:

  • The container should not be installed close to heating appliances, or near a TV, music speaker or other devices that produce loud sounds.
  • The tank is installed in a quiet place so that the vessel is not exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Before launching, the artificial reservoir and instruments are cleaned of dirt and dust. Fish, shellfish and other inhabitants are introduced into the aquarium only after the biological balance has been established.


The manufacture of jebo tanks is carried out by a Canadian-Chinese company. It is this company that is actively introducing methods, methods for creating and constructing devices and structures for aquarium farming.

A unique feature of the jebo aquarium is the absence of seams. Acrylic glass was used for their preparation. Therefore, you can easily view vegetation, shellfish and fish from all sides. There are no edges on the front part. The designers made sure that the side walls are connected in a special way.

For a long time, only jebo used this technology for the preparation of aquariums and cabinets.

Among the features of seamless aquariums are increased functionality. After all, the tank includes devices that are necessary for growing fish and shady plants. The container lid is equipped with a filter unit with a pump. The composition includes fluorescent lamps and aeration equipment. To run such a tank, you need an electrical network, a household outlet.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any model of artificial reservoirs for fish, the jebo aquarium has a number of advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of seamless tanks include:

  • A simple design that is easy to move and install.
  • Functionality - the models are equipped with aquarium equipment that is necessary to support the life of pets and plants.
  • Cost – seamless aquariums are cheaper than Italian and German models.
  • Wide assortment - among the containers, every aquarist will be able to choose a tank to his liking.
  • Equipment - the container is equipped with a lid, a stand, and some kits include additional elements and filters.

Despite their significant and attractive advantages, jebos also have disadvantages that owners identified when using seamless tanks:

  • The appearance of microcracks - for the manufacture of jebo, seamless glass made of silicate or acrylic is used, so cleaning the container is carried out with care, using specially selected tools.
  • Insufficient light bulb power – some aquarists note that the bulbs built into the lid do not provide enough light. This drawback is eliminated by purchasing additional lighting.
  • Noise – the pumps included in the kit make a lot of noise when operating, which frightens some species of fish.
  • The seams are processed regularly, since the hoses are connected poorly.

The jebo aquarium has caused a lot of controversy in aquarium circles, despite its appearance and modern design. But, even taking into account the shortcomings of the tank, it is worth noting that jebos have been successfully used for keeping fish for a long time, and among the company’s assortment, every aquarist will choose a model to his liking.

Advantages and disadvantages

The constant advantages of seamless tanks include:

  1. Relatively simple and lightweight design. If necessary, the container is moved and installed in the required angle.
  2. Convenience. Modern models are supplemented with aerators, pumps and other equipment with the help of which the ecosystem is stabilized.
  3. The presence of a removable cover, stand, tray.
  4. Optimal cost.
  5. The range of models is extensive. Among the presented options, each aquarist will select a design that meets the given parameters.
  6. The kit includes spare elements and filters.

But such models also have some disadvantages, because of which not all aquarists decide to buy them.

  • For preparation, seamless silicate or acrylic glass is used. Incorrectly selected cleaning tools are the main cause of microcracks. Therefore, the procedure is performed with maximum care.
  • Poor lighting. The lighting equipment located on the tank lid does not provide enough light. All due to the fact that the devices are located inconveniently.
  • The included pumps make excessive noise. For some phenotypes this is unacceptable.
  • The hoses are connected poorly. Therefore, periodically there is a need to process the seams.

Operating rules

Jebo aquariums are stocked with all types of fish, shellfish, shady vegetation and algae. The only condition is to determine the appropriate volume. After all, jebo tanks differ in volume.

The containers are suitable for sea and freshwater water with different levels of hardness and acidity. Before filling the water, the tank is washed. Running water is used for this.

Special requirements apply to the installation of tanks indoors.

  1. It is prohibited to install containers near heating equipment or heating elements.
  2. There are no acoustic systems or electronic equipment located near the tank. After all, radiation and noise affect the development of fish and plants.
  3. The jebo aquarium is located away from the windows. After all, direct rays should not fall on the structure and its inhabitants.
  4. The container and filter elements are washed under running water before use.
  5. The release of shellfish and fish is carried out after 2–4 days. This time is enough for beneficial bacteria to appear in the water. The tanks are filled with algae and vegetation.
  6. The containers are periodically inspected in order to detect leaks in a timely manner.

The jebo aquarium is a container that deserves special attention. After all, it has unique characteristics. Among the tanks supplied by the Chinese company, it is easy to choose a model that has the required volume and configuration.

Video reviews of the jebo aquarium

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