Feng Shui aquarium: attracting prosperity and money

We talked about the goldfish themselves and the peculiarities of keeping them in an aquarium in the article “Aquarium with elegant and spectacular goldfish . The next important stage is to design the underwater kingdom in such a way that your pets do not “get lost” in it, but stand out beautifully against the background of their surroundings.

Decorating an aquarium with goldfish is not strictly regulated, and therefore this process can be called a personal matter and a figment of the imagination of every aquarist. You can resort to the services of professionals who will create fabulous conditions for your pets, or you can do it on your own, developing your own, individual project, or even neglect the standards and show the world something original and exotic.


More than 1000 years ago, in the homeland of goldfish, China and Korea began to engage in fishing. The founders of goldfish - crucian carp - were found in the catches. People started keeping them as pets in glass tanks of water.

The silver carp, paradoxically, is the ancestor of the golden carp.

Later, Chinese breeders began breeding and preserving the best genetic traits in goldfish. As a result of the work, it was possible to obtain many varieties of breeds with different tail sizes, body shapes, colors and life expectancy. They became the founders of truly popular fish breeds.

The first mention of fish with red scales was recorded in 265 AD during the Jin Dynasty.

In the 16th century, red crucian carp came to Japan, where new varieties were developed. Breeders tried to develop harmonious and colorful forms, after which the Japanese were recognized as the founders of the distribution of goldfish.

In the 17th century, trade actively developed. Therefore, pets quickly spread throughout Europe, and later throughout the world.



A round aquarium can become a significant detail in the interior of a room. Quite a few aquarists admitted that they purchased a round flask so that a luxurious goldfish would swim in it. Of course, in reality the aquarium turned out completely different. The idea arose not out of love for nature, but out of the search for an effective interior solution.

Placing a round aquarium indoors involves choosing an open location: on a table, on a separate stand, or mounted on a wall. A semicircular aquarium can also be mounted on the wall. The shape of the container gives the underwater world an interesting look. From different angles, aquatic life and vegetation will look different.

How to register it?

Designing a round aquarium requires a special approach. An aquarium is not only an interior object. Its main function is to create conditions for the life of aquatic creatures. Therefore, you will have to purchase special equipment for a round aquarium. Without it, the fish will not be able to survive.

It is necessary to place a compressor, a heater, a filter in the flask, and provide lighting. Conventional devices will not work; they will stand out too much in the water space. When purchasing, you should choose models that indicate “for a round aquarium.” The shape and dimensions allow them to be carefully placed so as to least spoil the appearance.

Pebbles are placed scattered at the bottom, and plants take root in them. Equipment for a round aquarium is hidden as much as possible by plant shoots. It is advisable to select aquatic plants such that they do not hide the main inhabitants with their bizarre appearance. And pay special attention to the shape and size of the pebbles. Remember, in a round aquarium all the details look more prominent. Therefore, any defect is immediately noticeable.


The specific shape and small volume do not allow creating thematic landscapes with large-scale decoration in the form of ship wrecks or castle ruins. However, when decorating a round aquarium, you can use other design techniques. For example, among the stones you can place a miniature model of a chest from a pirate ship. Or lay out several fragments of ethnic ceramics.

The main principle on which the decor of an aquarium space of this shape is based is minimalism. Otherwise, you won’t be able to see the underwater inhabitants behind all the elements.

The lid for a round aquarium performs several functions: it prevents fish from jumping out, or unusual objects getting inside, it protects animals from children and cats, and also serves as a place for attaching the backlight. Therefore, it is better to purchase an aquarium with a lid right away, rather than looking for the right model later. A lid for a round aquarium can only be purchased in specialized stores. It is more difficult to find a lid just for a semicircular aquarium.



In a round container, light is refracted in a unique way. According to a common opinion among aquarists, not all fish are able to survive in such conditions. Firstly, living beings may experience stress due to distortions in the surrounding reality, and secondly, this shortens the lifespan of nervous fish. Although the main limitation is the amount of space. Fish for a round aquarium are only suitable for small sizes. You should definitely place a small catfish here so that it cleans the glass of green deposits. Neons, cockerels, and laliuses will feel great in the water. Goldfish in small quantities grow poorly and often get sick. The number of small fish should be maintained at the same level. Before adding neons here, you should make calculations: the amount is determined by the volume of the aquarium. Overpopulation will immediately affect the health of the fish and the general appearance of the artificial reservoir. The power of the equipment for the aquarium is selected in accordance with the needs of a specific group of fish.

It is better if the fish for a round aquarium are bright and noticeable. For example, some types of guppies.

Aquarium care

Cleaning a round aquarium has its own specifics. Since it has a small volume, approximately 20% of the water should be replaced every week. Add settled or filtered water.

Particular attention is paid to cleaning glass. Experienced aquarists advise placing living creatures inside that eat algae: catfish, snails. The bending of the glass does not allow the use of conventional brushes. Therefore, craftsmen have adapted to clear plaque using a piece of women's nylon tights.

To remove fish excrement, you need to use a siphon, approximately once every two months. In a round aquarium, the shape of the bottom eliminates the creation of “dead zones”, so debris is removed especially well. Part of it accumulates in the biofilter, and the rest is removed by a siphon.

Red aquarium on video

All devices (filter, compressor, heater) and plants are washed as various contaminants accumulate in them. The main thing is to complete all work on time. Then the spherical aquarium will delight others with its appearance.


Setting up and launching an aquarium

An aquarium is the basis for keeping red crucian carp at home. Several rules must be followed to make pets feel comfortable:

  1. The individuals are large; one requires at least 7 liters of water.
  2. The volume of the aquarium directly depends on the number of individuals in it.
  3. Golden fish are a schooling breed; in the wild they prefer to stay in small groups, but they also feel good alone.
  4. It is preferable to choose horizontally elongated aquariums so that the individuals have enough space to swim. This is especially true for large aquarium inhabitants so that they can swim up and down. In a narrow space, fish will be uncomfortable.
  5. Crucian carp are voracious fish, so they excrete a large amount of waste. The tank is equipped with a powerful water filter. In addition, they are constantly hoping to find some food and do not feel full. Goldfish in captivity often die from overeating.
  6. Coarse soil is laid at the bottom. The fish will constantly sort through the rocks at the bottom in search of food. Fine sand will get into their stomach - this is harmful.
  7. The design of the bottom can be anything, the main thing is that the corners of the decorations are not sharp, as this can injure the pet’s body.
  8. Be sure to install a compressor, it will saturate the water with oxygen.
  9. The water temperature should be no higher than 23 degrees Celsius.

Purchase and test all equipment before purchasing fish.

Before buying fish, prepare the aquarium. All of the above parameters are observed. The first start of all mechanisms is carried out. The fish are released into the “new home” after at least 3 hours, so that the water has time to be sufficiently saturated with oxygen and the chlorine has completely evaporated.

“Let there be light!” - demanded the goldfish

Please note that not only vegetation needs good lighting, but also the inhabitants themselves, whose bright colors may fade and lose their attractiveness from lack of light. Therefore, the best option is for the aquarium to be located close to a well-lit window. If the possibility of normal natural lighting is excluded (for example, the aquarium is built into the wall or is a partition between two rooms), it is necessary to replace it with artificial, but bright enough. The duration of “daylight hours” should be at least 10-12 hours.

Care and maintenance

It is not difficult to care for fish at home. The main thing is to monitor your diet and clean water. Aquarists comply with all parameters; they help preserve the lifespan of the fish.

Volume of water (liters per 1 individual)Temperature (°C)Acidity (pH)Hardness (dGH)

The water must be changed as it becomes dirty, but at least once a week. It is harmful to change the water in full; we recommend updating 20 - 30% of the total volume.

Red crucian carp prefer cool water. In summer, most species can be released into decorative ponds. For them, this will serve as variety and health.

It is important to constantly maintain the water temperature in the desired range; overheating can lead to death.

Be prepared for the fact that after such a vacation your fish will gain a lot in height and weight!

The fish are more tolerant of other parameters. The main thing is that there are no sudden changes. The pets' bodies will not be able to undergo dramatic restructuring, which will result in death.

When using tap water for an aquarium, use a special conditioner to bind toxic substances. It is used according to the instructions. It binds chlorine and other substances, and also saturates the water with essential microelements.

Aquasafe from Tetra can quickly turn tap water into fish-livable water.

Some aquarists simply settle the water, believing that all the toxins for the fish settle at the bottom. In fact, only chlorine compounds break down, and heavy metals remain. Using such water is unsafe.


Round aquariums require carefully thought out design and constant care. In a small volume, the biological environment is constantly changeable and unstable. You need to change the water by 20% and siphon the soil weekly. There must be settled water in the vessel when starting or replacing.

Standard volumes of spherical containers range from 10–15 liters. Pet stores have 25 and even 30 liter jars.


Filters and compressors are not suitable for standard rectangular containers. They are too bulky to secure. If you don’t want to collect all the necessary components, then you can look for a spherical tank with built-in elements necessary to support the life of the fish.

For a round aquarium you will need the following equipment.


It will prevent the fish from jumping out and protect aquatic pets from external dangers in the form of a curious cat or child. It happens that the lids for a round aquarium, sold separately, do not fit in size. Fully equipped fish tanks are available for sale.


It is needed for stable fastening of the vessel to the surface, and sometimes for the location of additional equipment (lamp). The stand is made to order or purchased complete with a spherical fish house.


Typically the lamp is attached to a cover or stand. The lighting should be bright for plants. The lamp itself can be installed with your own hands.


For round aquariums, there are flat filters placed on the bottom. In addition to bottom filters, there are submersible and mounted ones. They have miniature sizes and a special structure.


The water in which the fish live must be saturated with oxygen. Good aeration is mandatory in a spherical aquarium. It is better to buy a separate compressor. There are miniature aerators on sale.


It helps to avoid sudden changes in water temperature and reduce stress caused to fish due to frequent water changes and unstable parameters.


You can keep several breeds of goldfish in one aquarium. It is advisable not to combine long-bodied and short-bodied pets. Short-bodied ones are much slower. They will not get enough food. Suitable neighbors:

  • zebrafish;
  • catfish;
  • Cardinals.

Since red crucian carp are cold-loving species, they cannot live in the same aquarium with tropical fish.

Goldfish compatibility chart - an assistant when choosing neighbors.

Also, you should not put small breeds into the tank as neighbors; they can become food for goldfish. The same applies to overly large individuals that will devour crucian carp and bite their tails.

How to care

Goldfish are unpretentious individuals; care and maintenance must be regular. Goldfish need clean water, they tolerate fresh water well, with a short settling time. Features of the content are related to the life activity of the individual. Due to the active growth of algae inside the reservoir, they should be removed and the container glass should be regularly cleaned of them. Plants need to be thinned and pruned once a week.

Keeping goldfish does not require complex and unusual procedures; the manipulations consist of maintaining regular cleanliness inside the reservoir to ensure a quality life for pets.


Anyone who has an aquarium with goldfish at home should know the symptoms of diseases that they should pay attention to and sound the alarm. These include:

  • clouding of the eyes, increase in their size;
  • unusual movements around the aquarium;
  • bloated body of the pet;
  • poor appetite or its complete absence;
  • spots on the body of any size and color;
  • change in gill color;
  • plaque or white mucus on the body;
  • peeling of scales;
  • turn belly up;
  • the presence of growths of any nature.

Most of these symptoms are easy to identify visually. The most common diseases that occur in goldfish are:


Spots appear on the pet's body in the form of a white coating, they affect the fins. The fish are slowly dying. Treat with salt baths or bicillin.


A fungal infection immediately manifests itself, red stripes appear on the body, and suppuration begins on the gills. Methylene blue helps; the fish is isolated during therapy.


It is characterized by the rise of scales on the body, as a result, in some places it completely falls off and the pet dies.

Fin rot

A dangerous disease that begins with white spots on the head, split fins, and acquire a blue tint. The individual is quarantined and given baths with malachite green, methylene blue or salt.


Small parasites attach themselves to the fish’s body and feed on its blood. Growths are noticeable on the fish. This disease is caused by improper care. Special preparations are added to the water.

Rolling over a pet

If a goldfish swims with its belly up, this indicates a swim bladder disease. Most often they occur due to frequent overeating. The sick individual is taken into quarantine and food is limited.


Fish's gills are always slightly open, which means they don't have enough oxygen. There may be problems with the compressor.


Occurs due to oversaturation of oxygen in water. The pet's skin darkens and blisters appear on the body. They regulate the parameters of the habitat and everything is restored.


An infectious disease, small red dots appear on the skin of the fish. Treatment is carried out with special drugs and antibiotics.

Even with timely assistance, it is not always possible to save your pets. If any signs are present, it is better to quarantine the sick individual. To do this, it is advisable to have a separate aquarium or glass tank with a compressor.

Aquariums are currently gaining momentum, having fans both among large families and people of mature age, as well as among young people. Due to its diversity, it allows you to satisfy even the most daring, exotic desires and whims of customers in organizing an underwater piece of nature at home or in the office. Despite the widest selection of aquarium inhabitants, which is only replenished every year with new species and the most unusual living creatures (like freshwater shrimp, crabs, crayfish and turtles), aquariums with goldfish do not lose their justified popularity. They appeared more than fifteen centuries ago in ancient China, through the domestication of golden crucian carp. Very soon, goldfish appeared in the gardens of the most privileged nobility of China. But the legendary breed requires not only special care, but also a certain design of their habitat, which has many important nuances.

Read more about goldfish aquarium design.

A good start to the design would be to select a background that will not only visually enlarge and embellish the aquarium, but also hide the wires of the filtration system behind the back wall of the goldfish house. It is worth remembering that these inhabitants prefer to live where there are several places for shelter at once, rather than the completely free space of an “underwater glass house.” Therefore, first of all, you need to choose for little residents various models of castles and ships, driftwood of bizarre shapes, as well as stones, best of all natural, but for lovers of everything unusual, artificial ones are also presented in our store. It is worth remembering that goldfish love to eat plants, pulling them out by the roots from the soil or sand, so artificial plants can be a practical alternative, which will only need to be cleaned from time to time so that the aquarium maintains its aesthetic appearance and is pleasing to the eye. But still, living plants are preferable, they help to aerate the water, which is important for fauna, so it is worth noting the Java fern, its advantage over other plants is that its hard leaves will not be eaten by fish. It may seem that corals and sea shells are perfect for decorating a goldfish aquarium, but we do not recommend using them, as they release chemical elements into the water that can greatly harm the main inhabitants of your aquarium - the goldfish. Also, particles of dirt often accumulate in shells and corals, which significantly worsens the hygiene of the aquarium. In general, it is important to remember that you should not try to save money on the design and launch of an aquarium with goldfish: do not cover the bottom with sand and stones that you found on the shores of the sea or river, as they can be very dirty, in no case use pieces of wood or driftwood, picked up there - you can start the process of rotting, but the most important thing in any aquarium is water. When creating an artificial habitat for goldfish, it is necessary to bring its properties as close as possible to natural ones, then they will delight you for many years with their not only beautiful, but also healthy appearance of golden barrels and fins. The best solution to this issue would be to entrust the launch of the aquarium to professionals from our company. Someone may limit themselves to a one-time visit to a specialist to install an aquarium, but it is worth remembering the many nuances that indicate the need for systematic high-quality maintenance of an aquarium with goldfish, preferably once a week. Our company is ready to offer you a whole range of services: from installation, installation of the aquarium and placement of equipment, filtration systems to water treatment with aquachemistry, as well as monitoring the levels of all chemical elements in the water where your fish live, as well as the release of beneficial bacteria and invertebrates , which will become excellent neighbors for your goldfish. All this can be done at your discretion with different frequencies: four times a month or forty-eight times a year, and it is worth remembering that the larger the package for a longer period of services you take, the more you save, and most importantly you make life in an aquarium your pets are better and safer.

Video - Gold: new selections and the best from the 2021 China CIPS Goldfish Competition

If you have long wanted to have fabulous goldfish in your apartment or house, or maybe even in your office, then you have definitely come to the right place! We will be happy to answer all your questions, take into account your wildest and most unusual wishes and find the optimal solution, not only choosing the ideal design and design, but also helping you install and launch the aquarium with the fabulous goldfish of your dreams! Make your life a little more beautiful by placing a piece of underwater wildlife next door, and we will help you with this!

You will find more information about aquascaping and aquadesign in these articles: Aquadesign (aqua design) of an aquarium - styles and directions

Decorating an aquarium with stones and driftwood in the Japanese Amano style Decorating and launching a herbalist’s aquarium

And also several dozen articles in this feed:

Aquascaping video lesson


To breed goldfish at home, it is better to create a separate aquarium for this - a spawning tank. It will be equipped as follows:

  1. Vegetation with small leaves is placed on the bottom: riccia, duckweed, periofolia and others.
  2. The stones and soil are removed; the eggs are better preserved on the empty bottom.
  3. The water temperature is increased to 24 degrees.
  4. Provide good lighting throughout the day.

After preparing the conditions for spawning, individuals are selected:

  1. Males grow to sexually mature individuals by the age of one year, and characteristic white spots appear on the gills.
  2. Females have a more rounded abdomen for containing eggs.
  3. For 1 female, 2 males are selected.
  4. The larger the female, the more eggs she will lay.
  5. Individuals are added to the spawning tank at the end of March so that the first eggs appear by the beginning of summer.

Goldfish spawn until October, if all conditions are created. Egg laying in females occurs gradually. The males chase the females, they touch the plants and drop 10-15 eggs each time. The grains settle to the bottom or attach to plant leaves. The males immediately water them with seed, and fertilization occurs.

The spawning ground for goldfish can be equipped in different ways, but if the bottom is uncovered, the parents can eat their eggs themselves.

After this, the water level in the aquarium is reduced by 15 cm. After sweeping, the optimal water temperature is maintained. On the 4th-5th day of the incubation period, the juveniles appear. The fry appear weakened and take 2 days to adapt. After which they continue to develop into adult fish.

To remove unfertilized eggs, snails are released to the bottom.

Flora in an aquarium with goldfish

We recommend that anyone who has doubts about plants in an aquarium with goldfish, known for their gluttony, do not give up living vegetation. Firstly, its lush greenery will highlight the color and beauty of your pets. Secondly, thanks to the presence of flora, an optimal ecological balance will be maintained in your small underwater kingdom. And thirdly, an aquarium beautifully decorated with live plants will please the eye and attract attention.

Yes, many people worry about goldfish eating almost any aquarium plant, which is why a thriving underwater garden can quickly turn into a gnawed wasteland.

However, on sale you can find a lot of large-leaved flora with leaves that are hard or simply “unpalatable” for goldfish. So, you can plant an aquarium with Anubias, Elodea, Vallisneria, Sagittaria, Java moss, Schisandra, Echinodorus, Cryptocoryne. Not only will the fish not touch them, these plants will also become a kind of additional environmental stabilizer. Aquarium plants suitable for goldfish can be found in our special catalogue.

To avoid uprooting vegetation after each “mowing” by the inhabitants in the ground, when planting plants in the ground, lay larger, smooth pebbles without sharp edges on top of it around the roots. It is best for the flora to be planted in pots. It is also desirable that there be floating vegetation on the surface such as duckweed, riccia, which will be an excellent food for fish.

Popular types

There are more than 300 varieties of goldfish. The most popular of them:


The body shape resembles a crucian carp, the body is rounded downward. The fins are red, the cut tail has a white border. Belongs to the round-bodied species.


The graceful fish has different body colors. A distinctive feature is a double tail with sharp edges.


It has an unusual appearance due to specific growths in all areas of the head. There are subspecies with beautiful tails, the color of the fish is varied. One of the most popular types of goldfish.


The color of the scales is golden-red. The head is small, the body has a spherical shape. There are minor white spots on the scales. Refers to short-bodied.


The most expensive and rare breed. The body is spherical, the tail is fused and forms a circle when swimming. The scales are golden, the fins and tail are white.


Goldfish with an oblong body, scales of various colors. The eyes are large, bulging, the front fins are short, the tail is divided into 2 halves, reminiscent of a butterfly.

There are many types of goldfish. Each breed has its own characteristics. Also among the popular ones are: Jikin, Wakin, Fish-Egg, Ranchu, Lionhead and others.

Acceptable Content

Keeping with the following types of fish is quite acceptable.


Large mollies are also introduced to Carassius auratus. As an edible object, they are not suitable in size, and the mollies themselves are indifferent to the fins of other fish.




Neighborhood with gourami is quite possible. These are non-aggressive labyrinth fish with habitat parameters similar to Carassius auratus.

However, among the peace-loving gourami there are warlike individuals, the proximity of which will not bring anything good to the scrofula.


With young small goldfish, it is quite possible to place a peace-loving tetra, which belongs to the family of characin fish. However, it can become easy prey for large adults, who eat everything that fits into their mouth. The same applies to other miniature characins. Neons, rhodostomuses, minors are too small neighbors that will certainly become the object of food for scrofula.

Tetras and scrofula are fully compatible

If we talk about other characin fish, then it will be successful to be in proximity to large specimens of thorns or congo fish.

However, you should not forget about the temperature regime. Most aquarium inhabitants, especially tropical species, require warm water of about 25 degrees, while golden carp are cold-water creatures.


A similar situation, as with tetras, arises if zebrafish are placed in the same dwelling. With small goldfish, aquarium zebras will exist peacefully. Both species prefer the same temperature regime; zebrafish are indifferent to other people's fins and do not fight for food. However, for larger representatives, zebrafish will become prey.

Danios will coexist peacefully with goldfish

Carassius auratus is compatible in temperament and temperature with all bottom-dwelling fish and catfish (acanthophalmus, botia, corydoras, ancistrus, cockroach, etc.). But some catfish behave aggressively, for example, bots. It would seem that the calm botia has a similar character to the golden mistress. These beautiful, colorful creatures also prefer to peacefully swarm in the ground, rest in the grass or under snags, and swim peacefully in a school in an aquarium environment. However, they will not mind feasting on the tempting fins of goldfish.

And such an aquarium resident as Ancistrus is a nocturnal lover of clinging to other sleeping neighbors and spoiling their appearance. From such cohabitation, the golden beauties will soon take on a shabby appearance.


I have been maintaining an aquarium since childhood. I always bought different types of goldfish. I really like their behavior and colors. Every year I send several females and males to spawn. The fish are easy to care for and are suitable for beginner aquarists. Alexander 29 years old, Tyumen

I work in a pet supply store. We sell many varieties of fish, including golden ones. I take care of them myself. These pets love to eat live food and swim a lot. We try to keep each breed in different aquariums. But when mixed with each other, they behave friendly. The main thing is not to plant large and small individuals together, otherwise they will start biting each other. Oleg 45 years old, Samara

I read a lot about keeping aquariums and couldn’t decide to get my own. I went to the store and bought everything I needed for the arrangement. I decided to start with one goldfish, I immediately liked it. We've been together for two weeks, it's a joy to watch the fish. And most importantly, the maintenance is minimal. I'm thinking about buying a few more. Valentina 60 years old, Astrakhan

Keeping goldfish and plants together

For plants, such a neighborhood does not promise anything good at all.

Firstly, all these crucian carp need a huge amount of free space, so if their free swimming areas are overgrown with grass, the thickets will noticeably decrease.

Secondly, they happily eat most plants, since part of their diet consists of plant foods. Therefore, whatever they like will be swallowed.

And what you don’t like will be dug up, or torn, or will float near the surface or in the water column.

And a crushing blow to the roots of plants will be dealt by poop, which has the property of burning the roots of plants, due to its action. This is very similar to the effect of chicken manure on the roots of ordinary plants.

Plants simply die, so if you want to green up your aquarium, plant a couple of bushes of artificial plants with non-sharp edges.


Separately, it is worth mentioning about the diet. In general, goldfish are not picky and will eat almost anything given to them. But it should be borne in mind that they are gluttonous by nature and do not have a feeling of satiety. Therefore, no matter how much the aquarist gives them, they will still eat. However, this is very dangerous for their lives.

Goldfish are naturally prone to obesity.

These animals are prone to obesity and have a weak gastrointestinal tract. If overfed, they quickly gain weight, and they can also develop diseases in the gastrointestinal tract, which can even lead to death. Therefore, it is better to feed them in moderation and even better to underfeed them. Young animals are fed twice a day, adults - once a day. It is better to go on a hunger strike once a week. If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you can increase the number of fasting days (they can easily withstand this). These pets need to be fed so that they eat everything in 2-5 minutes. Leftovers should be removed immediately to prevent these gluttons from overeating.

As for the diet, it is important that it be varied. These can be dry flakes, pellets. The last food needs to be soaked in advance, about 10-15 minutes, so that it is completely swollen and soaked. Otherwise, the fish will swallow a slightly dry piece, which will begin to increase in size inside the stomach, and this can cause health problems.

For better growth, goldfish can be given frozen brine shrimp 1-2 times a week. This is the safest type of food among living things, and at the same time it is very nutritious. Also, your diet must include peas. It is well absorbed and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The packaging can be purchased at any supermarket. The peas must first be doused with boiling water to defrost them. For a small individual, 1 pea is enough, for large ones, 2-3. Be sure to give cleaned. The number of feedings is 1-3 times a week.

But that's not all. It is advisable to diversify the diet with other foods. These can be scalded leaves of nettle, plantain, and fern. These fish also love vegetables. Pumpkin works especially well. In addition to them, zucchini, peppers (sweet), cucumbers, cabbage are suitable. It is advisable to cook the vegetables a little before feeding so that they become softer and the air comes out of them, otherwise the pieces will float on the surface.

It is advisable to diversify the diet of goldfish with other foods. These can be scalded leaves of nettle, plantain, and fern.


There is an assumption that the name of the aquatic resident is associated with the high price for it at the dawn of its popularity. A more common version is that the aquarium species owes its name to the unusually beautiful color of its scales.

In fact, not all goldfish are golden in color. Among them there are subspecies of various colors.

Appearance Features:

  • The body shape depends on the breed: it can be elongated, laterally flattened, or short with a rounded belly.
  • All types of goldfish have enlarged gill covers. Their first fin rays have hard serrations. All breeds have additional pharyngeal teeth in the throat or throat.
  • The sizes of the scales vary. Some varieties have large plates, others have small ones. There are fish with a complete absence of scaly covering in certain parts of the body.
  • The most popular color is red-gold. It is he who is associated with classic goldfish. There are also breeds with bronze, black, blue, spotted and other colors. The bellies are always lighter than the main tone.
  • Goldfish are famous for their variety of fin structures and shapes. Tails are single, forked, veiled and others. The dorsal ones are short, veiled or completely absent.
  • The eyes of all representatives of the species are large and slightly convex. There are breeds with very large eyes.
  • The size of adult fish is at least 15 cm. Some specimens reach 30 cm in length.
  • Sexual characteristics are poorly expressed. The differences between the female and the male become noticeable only before spawning.

Features of behavior of goldfish:

  • peaceful character;
  • ability to coexist with other species;
  • are defenseless against aggressive fish - you should not keep goldfish with them, otherwise they will be left without fins;
  • They love to dig in the soil, which is why they often destroy plants by undermining their roots.
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