Redox potential and pH are super cement for the delicate balance of the body

From this article you will learn:
  1. Description of ORP of water
  2. The importance of assessing the ORP of water
  3. 4 quick ways to obtain water with negative ORP
  4. Choosing an ionizer to produce water with negative ORP
  5. Rules for drinking water with negative ORP

The ORP of water is an important indicator that determines the degree of its usefulness for humans. Since our body needs energy, drinking liquid with the correct ORP will help get it in the required quantities. On the contrary, if you drink water with other ORP values, then negative processes that have a bad effect on health are activated.

Typically, water with a negative ORP is considered the most beneficial. In our article we will tell you what the advantages of a liquid with this indicator are, whether it can be achieved at home and how ionizers will help with this.

Description of ORP of water

ORP is an indicator of the oxidizing or reducing qualities of water. In Western literature there is a similar name - RedOx potential (from the English Reduce (reduce) and Oxidation (oxidation)).

ORP of water is a physical characteristic that is expressed by the potential difference between platinum or silver chloride electrodes placed in an aqueous solution or other liquid. This value is measured in millivolts (mV).

Description of ORP of water

The ORP of water is measured with a conventional voltmeter. If we get a result with a negative value (for example, -100 mV, -400 mV), then such a solution will have reducing properties (electron donor in physics) or, in other words, antioxidant properties.

A positive ORP value (for example, +400, +500), on the contrary, will indicate that the liquid we are considering is an oxidizing agent (electron-acceptor property in physics).

Depending on the ORP values ​​(positive or negative), water will have corresponding names (known to everyone from childhood from fairy tales):

  • Living water is water with a negative ORP value.
  • Dead water is water with a positive ORP value.

Tap water or regular bottled water from supermarkets has an ORP ranging from +200 to +300 mV. Such a liquid is neither living nor dead.

Slows down skin aging

Early wrinkles are an indicator of dehydration in the body, and aging is the first sign of how much the cell is filled with water. Due to lack of living water in the body:

  • the skin becomes dull and less elastic;
  • looks tired and dry;
  • Collagen and elastin are formed more slowly;
  • the amount of hyaluronic acid decreases.

First, barely noticeable rays appear, and then deep-lying “crow’s feet” around the eyes. Living water slows down the formation of this particular type of wrinkle.

Charming man Al Pacino

but alas, wrinkles and age spare no one

Constant renewal of fluid in the body, fullness of cells and intercellular space helps to stay young longer.

The importance of assessing the ORP of water

Since all important systems consist of molecular structures with charges of different polarities, the following physical processes depend on the activity of electrons:

  • energy storage;
  • the process of doubling DNA molecules and the subsequent transmission of characteristics of the species;
  • energy consumption;
  • selectivity and regulation of biochemical processes that occur in the body;
  • work of enzymatic systems in the human body.

Three studies that will help stop aging

Such a simple element as water has always been considered vital and necessary.
But at the same time, the number of myths about water, scientific facts and opinions that are imposed every day and then refuted, encourages us to look for answers to our questions. To help you, my team and I have prepared a webinar and a gift: 3 unique materials based on the experience of our experts on prolonging youth with the help of water. After completing our free webinar you will learn:
Artyom Khachatryan

practicing physician-nutritionist, naturopath

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Aging: you can't stop it, you can't accept it

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In fact, we don't know anything about water.

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Based on scientific research data, a failure of redox processes in the human body will certainly lead to the occurrence of a number of diseases. Drinking positively charged water is dangerous due to oxidative destruction of body tissues. This happens at the moment when H2O molecules take away electrons from cell molecules with a negative charge. The destruction of cell membranes, nucleic acids, and cell organelles causes the loss of life-supporting functions by organs and tissues. Subsequently, the human body ages faster.

The importance of assessing the ORP of water

If you drink water with a negative ORP, and also use it when preparing food, you can avoid or stop some of the negative consequences that arise from drinking a liquid with a positive ORP. Scientists from Russia and neighboring countries, when conducting scientific experiments, have established that a liquid with a negative ORP is capable of protecting against destruction and restoring the tissues of the human body. If a solution with a positive charge is used as drinking water, it will have to be converted using the electrical potential of the plasma membranes.

To further protect your body from the negative effects of the environment by accumulating some kind of reserve, drink water in which the ORP will be less than the human ORP.

The following unfavorable factors contribute to disruption of the body’s redox system:

  • low quality water used for drinking purposes;
  • eating disorder;
  • severe stress on the body, psychological and emotional stress;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • exposure to polluted environment;
  • frequent illnesses;
  • drug abuse.

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Artyom Khachatryan

Practitioner, nutritionist, naturopath

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In a situation where oxidative reactions dominate over reduction reactions, one should expect that the body will stop fighting and the accumulated protective reserve will dry up. This is a direct path to disease. Antioxidants can stop this destructive process due to their antioxidant ability. Therefore, whether the liquid will be useful for the body or not directly depends on the ORP of the water.

The effect of pH on the human body

The human body contains both acids and bases and maintains a blood ACR between 7.35 and 7.45. Urine acid levels vary, so doctors often measure urine pH to assess how acidic the body is.

Low urine pH is associated with metabolic syndrome, the symptoms of which are:

  • obesity,
  • high blood pressure,
  • insulin resistance,
  • high cholesterol content,
  • stones in the kidneys.

And it is true! According to the data, low acid-base status (ALB) in urine is a new feature of metabolic syndrome. A difference of less than 1 pH in your urine will determine whether you suffer from the symptoms of metabolic syndrome.

The organs of the human body maintain an arterial blood acid base level of 7.35 to 7.45. To counteract the amount of acids consumed through eating, drinking and breathing, the body begins to consume alkaline substances from parts of the body such as bones. By drinking alkaline water, you neutralize your acid intake and help your body regulate acid-base balance (ABC) in a healthy way.

A blood pH of 7.45 has 64.9% more excess oxygen than a blood acid base of 7.3, and this is a significant difference. Scientists agree that when the body loses its delicate acid-base balance, vital organs are damaged and life is at risk.

The body will go to great lengths to stay in balance between cholesterol, balancing pH, storing fat, leaching calcium from bones or magnesium from the heart or muscles to act as buffers and protect itself from acid damage. Many factors in life today contribute to acidity.

Choosing an ionizer to produce water with negative ORP

The most reliable method of preparing high-quality living water is its electrolysis. During this process, the liquid, in addition to being separated into living and dead, is also saturated with molecular hydrogen. The technique is implemented in special devices called ionizers. There are other devices whose ORP of water prepared in them also has negative values. We are talking about hydrogen water generators. This equipment is designed to saturate a liquid with molecular hydrogen, but its pH does not change (read about the use of the product in the next section).

You should choose an ionizer based on what goals you are pursuing and in what volumes you want to receive life-giving moisture.

  • Portable . This device is a small container with a sealed lid. It is convenient to take the ionizer with you on a trip, to the university or to the gym, as it runs on batteries.
  • Stationary . The shape looks like a filter jug. There are also ionizers, which are a container with a lid and two sections where the process of saturation with hydrogen ions takes place, which takes 3–5 hours. The liquid here is further purified using an installed filter. The downside of this ionizer is the small amount of finished product at the output. If your goal is to obtain a large volume of liquid, the device will need to be restarted.
  • Flow-through . This type of ionizer is built into the water supply system. It combines two functions at once - a purifier and an ionizer. A separate small tap is made to select ionized water. These devices have a number of positive qualities. Firstly, they additionally purify the water through filters installed in it to remove impurities, which will not be superfluous, given the state of engineering networks in Russia. Secondly, using a flow ionizer you can obtain ionized water of the volume you need.

Let us dwell in more detail on the points that are worth paying attention to when purchasing an ionizer.

  1. Plates in the ionizer

    First of all, you should pay attention to the number of plates, since their number determines the performance of the activator - the possible values ​​of the maximum and minimum pH levels. For example, a device with 3–5 plates is not capable of producing a solution with a pH of 10-11, which affects the healing properties of the resulting drink.

    The second important point in choosing an ionizer is the material from which its elements are made. The strongest and most durable are titanium plates coated with platinum or ruthenium dioxide. It is good if the coating method is galvanic.

  2. Ionizer performance

    This indicator is calculated for stationary devices, taking into account the daily consumption of ionized water and the number of people in the family.

    The established consumption rate of life-giving water is 30 ml per 1 kg of weight. Thus, for a person with a body weight of 70 kg it will be 2.1 liters. Using this method, it is necessary to calculate the recommended consumption rate for the whole family and select the appropriate ionizer model.

    It’s okay if the activator doesn’t cope with one turn on and you have to start it 2-3 times, since such water has a short shelf life.

  3. Additional options

    There are generators that are capable of producing both alkaline and acidic water. When purchasing, you should definitely pay attention to this if you intend to use dead water for economic and medical purposes.

    Moreover, there are ionizers that are capable of producing a silver drink that is completely free of germs and viruses.

    A big advantage of the activator will be the presence of a timer that tracks the cooking time. For most devices, overheating is a common cause of breakdowns. If you do not want to be near the equipment all the time, purchase a device with a timer. In simplified samples, there is a sound signal that warns that it is necessary to pause work. Instances with a higher value have automatic shutdown.

    Choosing an ionizer to produce water with negative ORP

    More expensive ionizers are capable of self-cleaning, which will free you from manually cleaning parts and plates. Contamination of the device will subsequently affect the quality of the resulting product, so you should carefully monitor its cleanliness.

  4. Operating costs

    Keep in mind that once you purchase your ionizer, you will need to periodically replace some parts and maintain it.

    Most often, the partition separating the chambers becomes dirty. The shape of the partition is determined by the design of the device and differs among different manufacturers. Let's list the most popular:

  • membrane - requires replacement every 3-4 days, as it gets wet and gradually becomes clogged;
  • ceramic glass - such a partition must be cleaned once a week in a solution of vinegar and citric acid;
  • tarpaulin - requires manual cleaning.

The next point is changing the cartridges in the activator. Elements that filter liquid should be replaced every six months, at best a year, and their cost is quite high. This can have a significant impact on your budget.

Concept of pH

PH is a measurement of the alkalinity and acidity of substances and solutions, giving a value on a scale from 0 to 14, where 7 is neutral, less than 7 is acidic, and more than 7 is alkaline. The closer you move to 0, the more acidic it is, and the closer to 14, the more alkaline it is. The pH value is displayed on a color scale.

Hydrogen potential is a measure of the alkalinity or acidity of a substance or solution. First introduced by Danish chemist Sørensen in 1909, hydrogenation potential means "the power of hydrogen."

Pure water at 25° C has the same concentration of dissolved hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-) and is considered “neutral”. The hydrogen index indicates the concentration of hydrogen and hydroxide ions on a scale of 0 to 14, with 7.0 considered neutral.

The pH scale is logarithmic, each hydrogen ion concentration value below 7 is ten times more acidic than the next value. For example, a pH of 4 is 10 times more acidic than 5 and 100 times more acidic than 6.

This is true for a measure of alkalinity of a solution greater than 7. The alkalinity value indicates that the solution is ten times more alkaline (another way of saying basic) than the next lower integer value. For example, a pH of 10 is 10 times more alkaline than 9 and 100 times more alkaline than 8.

How is blood pH regulated?

Human blood approximately has a pH of 7.35-7.45. It is desirable that the liquid we drink matches blood in this indicator.

Blood is alkaline. A person is not a plant and the methods of obtaining nutrients vary, not to mention maintaining the blood ACR. The amino acid reaction factor of the products does not affect the blood amino acid reaction factor. If this were the case, then a person would not last even a couple of days on such a diet.

The acid-base balance (ABC) of the blood is mainly regulated by the breathing of the lungs. It takes from half a minute to three to equalize the shift in blood pH.

Next, the kidneys go to work: in them, hydrogen ions combine with potassium and sodium bicarbonate, forming carbonic acid. But the kidneys do not work as quickly as the lungs. To equalize blood acid level, the kidneys need from 10 to 20 hours. There are other ways to maintain the acid-base balance of the blood, but they are not as effective in operational work.

Science shows that blood, breast milk and amniotic fluid have an oxidation-reduction potential of -70 mV. This once again emphasizes that blood, mother's milk and amniotic fluid protect the little person from the harmful effects of free radicals.

Fight free radicals

Conclusion: The water we consume is far from being the water that should bring our body health and longevity!!! A very aggressive factor in the formation of Free Radicals is the environment, which today contains a great variety of chemical compounds. Penetrating into the lungs, Free Radicals spread throughout the body.

Free radicals are supplied to the body by low-quality food products, chemical medications, as well as the water and drinks we drink. To neutralize them, our body produces peculiar enzymes:

  • antioxidants,
  • vitamins C, E, B, A, group P,
  • flavinoids,
  • Kakhetians,
  • carotenes,
  • quercetin.

These are the preventative and repair workers of our body. Their task is to stop oxidation reactions and help the body repair damage . They catch and neutralize Free Radicals. However, they themselves do not change chemically. But their antipodes, Free Radicals, turn into neutral compounds, which the body copes with with less energy.

Today it is known that the development of fatal diseases is directly related to the oxidation of poly-unsaturated fatty acids and cell membranes. Since the products of these reactions are toxic to cells. It happens that oxidation reactions acquire a chain character, when Free Radicals result in the generation of new Free Radicals. Our body is not able to independently cope with the growing avalanche of cell destruction and it dies.

Industrially produced antioxidants also help neutralize Free Radicals. At the same time, having given their electrons to the body, they themselves become foreign and far from useful substances for the body, which are removed from the body through complex biochemical processes with great energy expenditure.

Today it is clear how to stop the aging process. How to regain lost health and how to prolong your active, healthy life. And today each of us is able to change this situation for the better.

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