Aquarium in the interior of an apartment or house: 145+ (Photo) types for your design (corner, dry, partition, small)

Not everyone can afford to place an aquarium in their apartment, which will have enough space not only for its inhabitants, but also for decorative elements that will allow it to fit harmoniously into the home interior. Some people lack free space, while others are worried about the safety of a fragile product because an overly active child runs the house.

What to do when you want to decorate your apartment with a stylish piece of furniture in which multi-colored schools of fish will flicker, without having extra square meters? Inventive interior designers have found a solution to this problem by offering corner aquariums to aquarists.

Types of corner aquariums

There are 3 types of corner aquariums based on their shape:

  • L-shaped;
  • Triangular;
  • Panoramic.

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  • The L-shaped look should be chosen by those who want to zone the room without reducing the space. With its help, you can advantageously separate the office space from the recreation area, or, for example, the guest room from the dining room. Designers recommend using this option for owners of studio apartments that have become popular recently.
  • The triangular view is ideal for depth viewing. Its only drawback is the corner joint, which is not visible to the naked eye and if there is a leak there, it will be extremely difficult to detect the fault in a timely manner.
  • The panoramic view can be either L-shaped or triangular. Its main difference is the front windows concave or curved outwards. This design trick allows the viewer to more closely examine all the details of the interior decoration.


For a finished look, they usually order a corner aquarium with a cabinet, which plays the role of a stand for the container and a furniture accessory. Ordinary furniture will not work, as there will be contact with water and there will be a risk of rapid deformation of the stand. Only a special cabinet for an aquarium can protect against leaks and cracks in the glass.

The configuration of the cabinet must be precisely calculated for the weight and load of the aquarium. The cabinet must provide the necessary openings for wires, hoses and other heavy aquarium equipment. All things should fit easily and be hidden from view so as not to spoil the interior design with their appearance.

The height of the cabinet must correspond to the correct and convenient visual perception and withstand the weight of the corner aquarium. This cabinet is treated with a special waterproof coating and is resistant to water. The most common materials are moisture-resistant chipboard and MDF, less often metal and plastic.

An aquarium with a stand is usually sold in specialized stores as a ready-made set in combination with color and size. But in order to perfectly fit such an aquarium into the design, it is better to order it individually along with a cabinet and carefully consider its design.

The best would be to combine the predominant color of the room with an aquarium cabinet. Most often you can find cabinets in white or black, since these tones are universal and will match any other colors. Today, cabinets can be made both in the style of antique furniture and in the high-tech style.


Designing a corner aquarium is not an easy task. Before you organize a cozy home for your pets, you need to look around and decide on a color scheme that matches the design of the apartment.

To decorate a corner aquarium, decoration can be done in the following ways:

  1. Using special inserts with images on the rear walls;
  2. According to the “from smallest to largest” principle, placing plants as they grow towards the back wall, creating an impromptu slide;
  3. Complementing the interior with decorative figurines or vases;
  4. By decorating half of the aquarium in the style of a river or seabed.

Aquarium care

The corner aquarium requires further care, which includes:

  1. Checking water quality. It is necessary to test the level of hydrogen, ammonium, nitrates. To do this, you can use special test strips that are sold in pet stores.
  2. Monitoring water temperature.
  3. At least once every 7 days, replace about 30% of the water.
  4. If necessary, clean the bottom and walls of the aquarium from fish waste.

Corner aquariums have a number of advantages. They are suitable for any type of premises. A properly designed and decorated tank on a beautiful cabinet-stand zones the space, creating coziness and comfort. If you liked the article, leave comments and share a link to it on social networks.


  • Saving space and visually increasing space A corner aquarium not only saves space by occupying and decorating a useless corner in the house, but also visually increases space. The design of the container allows it to be placed in any, even the smallest, room. After all, in almost every house there is an unnecessary corner, so you don’t even have to think about where to put the aquarium in the apartment. But square or rectangular vessels are not allowed to be in any room, because not everyone has a safe place.
  • Additional storage area and the ability to be built into a cabinet. A cabinet with an integrated aquarium is not just a practical stand, but also a place to store handy attributes, replaceable decorative elements, food, etc.
  • Safety An undoubted advantage of a corner aquarium for families with children is its safety. It cannot be dropped, knocked over or brushed aside with your hand, like a small round aquarium.
  • Overview Panoramic glass, which adds depth to the view, cannot be installed on any other vessel.

Aquariums 50 - 100 liters

Small aquariums from 50 to 100 liters will decorate any room without harming the space, because they are very easy to place indoors. They do not take up much space, so we can call them tabletop. This is an ideal option for small, unpretentious fish, and also an excellent decoration option for a child's room.

Corner aquarium 70 l Biodesign Diarama

Size: 500 mm x 500 mm x 500 mm Glass thickness: 5-6 mm detailed description

Aquarium cost: from 8,600 rubles

Corner aquarium 100 l Biodesign Laguna

Size: 450 mm x 450 mm x 600 mm Glass thickness: 5-6 mm detailed description
Cost of the aquarium: from 8,800 rubles


  • Distorted view On aquarium forums, users note the impracticality of corner aquariums with panoramic glass concave inward or outward: the view of the interior is distorted and the inhabitants look unnaturally large or too small. This problem is easily solved by installing a corner vessel with straight glass, which will not interfere with long-term observation of fish.
  • Low lighting There is an opinion that a corner aquarium is dimly lit by default, which can negatively affect some of its inhabitants. But there is a solution here: LED lighting and additional lamps will provide adequate lighting to its most demanding residents. In addition, decorative lamps attract the attention of others.
  • Difficulties in setting up and planting plants Many find it difficult to organize the space inside the container due to the non-standard shape. This problem is faced by people who are accustomed to the traditional square or rectangular shape, which, most likely, was located along the wall, opening up views from 3 sides. It is worth noting that people who have cared for round ones in the past (with all-round visibility) do not encounter difficulties in arranging a corner aquarium, but, on the contrary, note the ease in choosing furnishings and decor.

A corner aquarium is an ideal solution for those who are not ready to sacrifice extra space and value safety and practicality!

How to determine the practicality of a stand?

When choosing a cabinet for a high or low tank, you need to consider more than just the angle. Experienced aquarists also consider the following indicators:

  1. Degree of moisture resistance. The raw materials used to prepare the stand should not absorb moisture. After all, drops of water constantly fall on the tabletop and frame.
  2. Persistence. Low-quality products are deformed or destroyed by mechanical stress or vibration. Therefore, you should focus on proven materials.
  3. Presence of holes. The stand, which is equipped with holes, is convenient for use. Indeed, in this case it is easier to install a compressor, connect a lamp or an aerator.
  4. Shelves and doors. The shelves contain food, items for caring for fish and vegetation. If the shelves are covered with doors, then this is much more convenient.

What can be used as aquarium decor?

A properly designed indoor pond looks consistent and complete. The aquarium is the central element of the interior, so the composition should not fall outside the design of the room. The decor must be disinfected before use.

Separation of kitchen and living room Source

Small aquarium in the kitchen Source


A background pattern will help to visually increase the volume of the container or complete the design. Self-adhesive film with a thematic image is often used as a base. The rear outer wall of the tank can be painted with special paints. Volumetric plot models or underwater algae gardens are made with your own hands from available materials.

Design option Source

How to choose an aquarium for a beginner

A common mistake made by beginners in aquarium keeping is to start with too small volumes. In fact, a small volume of water will mean frequent changes and constant filter cleaning. It is impossible to create a balanced ecosystem in such a space. Therefore, if the choice is a triangular jar, it is better to choose a corner aquarium of 200 liters or more. This will give scope both in terms of the use of large decor - stones, driftwood, and in the choice of aquatic inhabitants. You should also not opt ​​for containers that are too high (from 60 centimeters), the problem with lighting also applies here - the plants will not take root.

How to choose a container for different rooms?

Each room has its own characteristics. If you decide to install an aquarium in a room, then first of all you should take into account its functionality. Based on this, the appropriate model, shape and configuration is selected. This will allow you to create an individual room interior with a comfortable environment.

Tasteful interior design


Here you need to install medium or small models. They should have a simple style. The main purpose of the room is a calm, quiet rest after a busy day . Therefore, it would be inappropriate to place bright and catchy containers with live fish here.

If it is not possible to care for underwater inhabitants, then you can install a dry aquarium or its imitation. Thanks to this, there will be no need to regularly change the water and install special lighting.

Peaceful rest after a hard day

Living room

Guests always gather in this room. Therefore, the aquarium can be placed on the wall or in a special niche.

Advice To impress people around you, you need to install only a classic model with a rich underwater world. The equipment can be mounted in a column, partition or used as a table.

Aquarium in the living room - choose a convenient place

If the room has a small area, then it is appropriate to use the container as a partition that separates the workplace and the relaxation area. This will save space and will also be an interesting solution for creating an interior.

Design styles

A beautiful aquarium is a bright, memorable detail in the interior. Harmoniously decorated, it looks luxurious in the apartment. There are several popular stylistic trends that will help transform it.

Aquarium table Source

Modern interior Source


The design of the aquarium is as close as possible to the natural bottom. The design recreates in detail the atmosphere of a natural reservoir, taking into account the natural habitats of fish and underwater plants. The cost-effective solution demonstrates the diversity of flora and fauna of a particular region.

Aquarium landscaping Source


The design of the aquarium reproduces a small section of the bottom of the tank. To create a harmonious composition, you need to carefully select the biological environment.

The pseudo-marine style of aquarium design is not as expensive to maintain as the original. The imitation resembles a piece of the bottom, but the liquid and inhabitants remain freshwater. The landscape is created using stickers on the walls, shells and artificial algae. White sand and blue lighting create the illusion of the sea.

Aquarium with blue lighting Source

Aquarium centerpiece Source


A laconic aquarium design requires a large amount of free space. Harmonious unity with nature requires careful selection of details. The complex style is presented in 4 types:

  • Iwagumi. Dwarf plants and stones and sunken ships are used in the pond.
  • Wabi-kusa. In the container, above the surface of the liquid, a picturesque hummock covered with moss peeks out.
  • Rock garden. For decoration, natural materials (flat, three-dimensional) are used, which are assembled according to the scheme.
  • Reboku. Originally shaped driftwood will become a bright accent in the aquarium.

In the Japanese direction there is no brightness and congestion of European styles. Vegetation, decorations, underwater inhabitants only complement the harmony of freedom and nature. Aquarium landscape gardens are designed for meditation and relaxation.

Small fish Source

Aquarium design Source

Landscaping a pond Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in interior redevelopment.


The unusual design uses a combination of bright colors, non-standard decor and neon lighting. The original aquarium will become a very noticeable design detail, so it is not suitable for all interiors.

Reservoir in the arch Source

It is better to place the element in the partition between the living room and the hallway.


The complex Dutch style uses many plants to create lush stands. There is not a single piece of free space at the bottom of the container. For every 10 cm2 there is a group of greenery of one type; in total, at least 12 varieties are used. In the design of the aquarium, all cultures develop harmoniously without disturbing the neighbors.

Freshwater reservoir Source

The main decoration of an indoor pond is different types of vegetation. Planted in a random manner, decorative elements are not trimmed or leveled. Wild thickets look beautiful and natural. Fans of strict order in design will like the forced version of the herbalist with curly haircuts and a clear line.

Beautiful aquarium lighting Source


A simplified version of the Dutch aquarium design style is suitable for beginners. Different types of fast-growing plants are planted in one area. A kind of bed for cultivating algae is undemanding in terms of the shape and volume of the container. Corner options with an interesting bottom perspective look impressive. In a harmonious natural composition, the emphasis is placed on living organisms - fish, shellfish.

Stylish design Source


The artificial pond is decorated according to a specific theme. Often they use plots from fairy tales (films), legends or literary works. Undemanding fish species, artificial and live vegetation are placed in the tank. The main emphasis is placed on the scenery and recognizable details.

Home office design Source

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