How to treat aquarium fish with Sera Baktopur

Sulfur Baktopur is a modern antibacterial drug for the treatment of ornamental marine and freshwater fish. Effectively fights diseases accompanied by symptoms such as rotting of the mouth and fins. It differs from its analogues in its optimally selected composition, due to which it has a maximum effect on pathogens and a minimum toxic effect on fish.

Sulfur Baktopur is an antibacterial drug for fish.

General information about Sera Baktopur

This medicine is manufactured in Germany by Sera Gmbh. Can be used in sea and fresh water tanks. Safe for fish if used in the correct amount.


100 ml of aqueous solution contains the main active ingredients:

Acriflavine209.7 mg
Methylene blue4.95 mg
Phenylglycol0.6 g

An additional diluent is distilled water.

Pharmacological properties

The drug is intended for the treatment of bacterial infections in ornamental fish. Active substances destroy harmful microorganisms, incl. Pseudomonas and Aeromonas.

  • Sulfur has an antiseptic effect on fish and disinfects water.
  • Phenylglycol is characterized by low toxicity and high efficiency against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.
  • Methylene blue is an antiseptic component that has a coloring ability and destroys pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Acriflavine helps limit the growth of harmful algae, bacteria, fungus, and mold.

Release form

The product is available in the form of an aqueous solution with a yellow-green color. Available in quantities:

50 ml

100 ml

500 ml

The aerosol nozzle can be used as a dropper only on bottles of minimal volume.

Indications for use

The drug is used to treat mild bacterial infections that are accompanied by symptoms such as rotting of the mouth, the appearance of light spots on the fins, bruising on the body of the fish, bleeding inflammations along the edges of the fins and at the anus.

Fin rot

This is one of the most common diseases of aquarium fish. The infectious agent lives in natural bodies of water and enters the home tank through food, decorative elements, soil, or is transmitted from aquarium residents who have not undergone quarantine.

Fin rot is a common disease in fish.

The destructive process begins in one area and, in the absence of correct treatment, gradually covers the entire body of the fish.

Main symptoms:

  • bluish coating on the edges of the fins and tail;
  • red stripes or spots, which later develop into an ulcerative form;
  • breaking off fins;
  • clouding of the eyeballs.

The disease develops rapidly, so treatment should begin when mild signs are detected even in one fish.


Ichthyophthyriosis is a fish disease caused by ciliated ciliates.
Its second name is semolina. The microscopic parasite gets into the aquarium with sick fish, live food, plants or decorative elements. Infection is indicated by white dots on the fish’s body, resembling semolina or salt particles.

Subsequently, the pet develops itching, which manifests itself in the desire to rub against the decor, damage to the gills and difficulty breathing, loss of appetite, exhaustion, and decreased activity. If left untreated, it is not the presence of mold that leads to death, but damage to the gills.


It's also the ruffling of scales. Characteristic of young individuals and fish with low immunity. The pathogen lives in natural bodies of water, enters the aquarium with new pets that have not undergone quarantine, as well as through soil, aquatic plants, and fish farming equipment.

At the first stage, fish scales rise in certain areas of the body, eventually affecting the entire surface. This occurs due to the formation of small bubbles with liquid under the scales, causing disruption of gas exchange. Without treatment, the disease leads to death.

Ruffled scales may be a symptom of other pathologies, so to exclude lepidorthosis, taking and examining smears is necessary.


She is also ascites. This is an accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. It is a symptom, not an independent disease.

Dropsy is characterized by the appearance of edema.

If the cause is a bacterial or viral infection, most often the lesion can be seen in several fish.

Possible causes of edema:

  • bacterial infection;
  • viral infection;
  • protozoa in the body of fish;
  • violation of water-salt balance.

In addition to bloating, the following symptoms occur:

  • loss of skin color, appearance of ulcerations;
  • shortness of breath, decreased activity;
  • mucus in excrement;
  • bulging eyes, darkening of the corneas.

Indications for use

The development of bacterial diseases is often accompanied by symptoms such as bleeding inflammation of the fins or anus, bloating, bruising on the skin, and the appearance of white spots on the body. Dropsy of the peritoneum or damage to the scales is indicated by strongly protruding scales, bulging eyes, or the body cavity of a sick fish filled with water.

The drug is used to treat bacterial diseases

There are other, less common signs:

  • whitening the edges of the fins;
  • changes in fish behavior;
  • destruction of the fin structure;
  • small ulcers on the head , often gray in color;
  • formation of a fluff around the oral cavity.

The appearance of these signs indicates the development of serious diseases and the need for immediate treatment. In such cases, Sera baktopur is used. It is worth noting that the drug destroys all bacteria, including beneficial ones. Therefore, after the treatment course, the water in the aquarium should be replaced.

Detailed instructions for use of the drug Sulfur Baktopur

Therapy can be carried out in an aquarium or a fish tank.
The drug must be shaken before use. During the procedure, it is important to ensure high-quality aeration and not use carbon filters for filtration. After the procedure, it is advisable to partially change the water or perform filtration using active filter carbon. For a more effective effect of the drug, you can additionally introduce vitamin treatment.


8 drops for every 25 liters of water or 2 ml per 125 liters. First remove soil and gravel from the container.


8 drops for every 25 l or 2 ml per 125 l, provided there are no other prescriptions.

In difficult cases, the drug is continued to be added in the indicated dosages on the fifth and seventh days.

Instructions for use

If the above symptoms are detected, you should immediately begin therapy. Depending on the stage of the disease, the course of treatment may vary.

Early stage

If early symptoms of the disease are detected, you need to prepare a solution in a separate container by mixing Sera baktopur with water (1 tablet of the drug per 50 liters of water). The finished solution should be poured into a tank of water. During therapy, filtering aquarium water with activated carbon is strictly not recommended. It is also recommended to reduce the supply of carbon dioxide and enhance the aeration .

Sera baktopur tablets

On a note! 3 days after the start of treatment, it is necessary to perform a partial water change (no more than 50%). If the symptoms of the disease do not disappear, the course of treatment should be repeated.

Late stage

If the disease lasts too long, then the treatment course needs to be slightly adjusted. A solution should be prepared from 1 Sera baktopur tablet and 2 liters of clean water. Sick individuals must be moved into a container with the prepared solution. After about 30 minutes, the fish must be moved back. After this, you need to carry out the course described above (treatment of the disease at an early stage of development).

Treatment at a later stage

Possible side effects

Sulfur is low toxic and well tolerated by fish. A side effect is the ability to worsen filtration in the aquarium, but to a lesser extent in comparison with similar drugs.

Sulfur inhibits the growth of aquarium vegetation and leads to the death of nitrifying bacteria. It causes increased sensitivity of the skin of fish to ultraviolet rays, so during the treatment period the tank must be placed away from direct sunlight.

Another nuance of sulfur is the irreversible coloring of water and silicone decorative elements into a yellow-green tint.

For diseases of mild and moderate severity, obvious improvements occur after the first dose.

If after repeated treatment the condition of the fish has not changed or worsened, you should contact a specialist. Perhaps another, more potent remedy is required.

The drug is ineffective for diseases in the last stages and for severe infections.

Additional recommendations

Some invertebrates do not tolerate the drug, so before starting treatment they need to be moved to a separate container. After performing a partial water change after treatment, you also need to filter it using activated carbon. It is also recommended to add Sera nitrivek to the aquarium. It promotes the development of beneficial bacteria in the aquarium , which can be destroyed by an antibacterial agent during the treatment stage.

Rules for using the drug

Throughout the course of therapy, the health of the fish should be maintained with the vitamin complex Sera Fishtamin. Sera baktopur can only be combined with other products from Sera. The use of other drugs can harm already weak fish.

Precautions and contraindications

It is prohibited to use Sera Baktopur in combination with drugs from other manufacturers, because it is impossible to check their compatibility.

It is not suitable for aquarium catfish, which are hypersensitive to its active ingredients.

It is not recommended to use it in new aquariums until biological balance has been established and the microflora has been stabilized. Sera Baktopur is not suitable for use for prophylactic purposes or for the treatment of infectious diseases in an advanced stage.

Sera Baktopur direct (Baktopur direct) 1 tablet.

Sera bactopur direct is a medicinal product used to treat bacterial diseases in freshwater and marine fish. Symptoms of bacterial diseases are a swollen belly, bulging eyes, scales sticking out on end, feverish erratic movements along the bottom of the aquarium, lack of appetite, and complete apathy. sera baktopur direct will help your fish cope with the disease, even if you recognize the disease relatively late. The use of sera Baktopur Direct helps protect fish that are not affected by the disease. Application: 1. If you detect the disease at an early stage, dissolve sera baktopur direct at the rate of: 1 tablet per 50 liters of water in a separate container with aquarium water and place the solution directly into the aquarium. During the treatment process, it is not recommended to use activated carbon as a filter material. It is recommended to increase the aeration process using an air compressor during the treatment period and turn off the aquarium CO2 saturation system. After three days, carry out a partial water change (50%) using sera akutan. If there are further symptoms of the disease, repeat the treatment. 2. If the disease has gone too far, dissolve 1 tablet of sera Baktopur Direct in a separate container with two liters of aquarium water. Transplant sick fish into this container for an intensive course of treatment. After half an hour, release the fish back into the aquarium. After this, treat the aquarium with sera Baktopur Direct as described in point 1 of these instructions. * Due to the intolerance of invertebrates to the drug sera baktopur direct, sick fish from marine aquariums must be placed in a separate container for a course of treatment. After the course of treatment, it is recommended to partially change the water using sera akutan and filter the water using filter material - sera Super Carbon activated carbon. It is also necessary to add sera nitrivek to the aquarium water to maintain the vital activity of beneficial bacteria, which may be destroyed during treatment. In addition, it is recommended to support your fish with the branded vitamin preparation sera fishtamin. “Bactopur Direct” can be combined with other drugs from Sera, but in no case with branded drugs from other manufacturers. Do not use together with other medications! Composition: Nifurpirinol – 27.6 g; Neutral binder 1.0 g.

Similar drugs

Sera Omnipur

A universal remedy that is effective against most pathogens of bacterial infections, skin opacities, fungal diseases, oodiniumosis, trichodinosis. Used for external wounds and lesions, as well as to combat gill and skin worms.

Sera Baktopur Direct

Sulfur baktopur direct, produced in tablet form. Intended for the treatment of severe bacterial infections. Copes with dropsy, bleeding inflammations, abscesses. Can be used to treat intestinal pathologies caused by flagellated parasites.

Tetra Medica General Tonic

The drug is in liquid form. Used to treat parasitic and bacterial diseases of fish in freshwater aquariums. Effective against fungi, helps heal wounds. It is used not only for treatment, but also during periods of quarantine and foster care for pets.

Mela Fix

An American drug based on tea tree extract, positioned as a herbal remedy for the treatment of fungal and bacterial diseases. Promptly heals wounds and eliminates minor bacterial infections.

sera baktopur direct 24 tab. for 1200 liters

Sera baktopur direct is a medicine for the treatment of severe bacterial infections such as Hydrops of the abdomen or Bleeding inflammations, as well as abscesses in freshwater and marine fish. The active substance fights bacteria and inhibits the reproduction of flagellates. Used for internal bacterial diseases. Helps avoid secondary bacterial infections. You can recognize internal bacterial diseases in ornamental fish by their swollen bellies, which are often accompanied by protruding scales and swollen eyes. Other signs include swaying swimming movements, reluctance to eat and, in the final stage, complete apathy. Even if you recognize the disease relatively late, the use of the drug helps and, in addition, protects animals not yet affected by the disease. Dilute 1 tablet for every 50 liters of aquarium water. During treatment, aerate the aquarium well. Do not filter through activated carbon. After three days, perform a partial water change (30-50%). If further symptoms of the disease occur, repeat treatment. When treating dropsy, the Sera guide “How to keep your ornamental fish healthy” recommends using baktopur direct at double the dosage. The drug also destroys beneficial bacteria in the filter and soil, so the filter is removed. When finished, you need to filter the water through activated carbon.

If the disease has already progressed very far, we recommend the use of Bactopur Direct sulfur in an intensive short-term bath. To do this, dissolve one tablet in a two-liter container. Keep the sick fish in this container for 30 minutes and return them to the aquarium. Treat the aquarium with the normal dosage. Sera baktopur direct can be used in combination with Sera baktopur preparations (to enhance the antibacterial effect), or, if the disease is complex, in combination with Sera costapur or Sera mycopur. In this case, the accompanying drug should be administered in half the dose.

Directions for use: dilute 1 tablet for every 50 liters of aquarium water. During treatment, ventilate the aquarium well. Stop the CO2 addition unit. Do not charcoal filter. After three days, perform a partial water change (50%) using sera aqutan. If further symptoms of the disease occur, repeat treatment. When the fish are healthy, the water after replacement should be treated with sera aquatan and sera nitrivec. This is important because sera baktopur direk also destroys beneficial bacteria in the filter and aquarium. In addition, we recommend filtration with sera super carbon. If the disease is already very advanced, we recommend using sera baktopur direct in an intensive short-term bath. To do this, dissolve one sera bactopur direct tablet in a two-liter container (e.g. a small plastic bowl), which you first fill with aquarium water. Keep sick fish in this container for 30 minutes and return them to the aquarium. Treat the aquarium with the normal dosage. Upon completion of treatment, it is necessary to strengthen the resistance of the fish by treating with vitamins with sera fishtamin (sera flshtamln). sera bactopur direct is not tolerated by deep-sea animals in seawater aquariums. Therefore, in this case, sick fish should be treated exclusively in intensive baths.

Expiration date: 08/2019

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