About aquariums
Dogs, people and fish breathe for the same reason. Everyone needs oxygen.
About Artemia Artemia lives for about 4-6 months. The crustaceans are heterosexual, males are distinguished by an enlarged 2 pair
Leopard Catfish or Corydoras trilineatus is often confused by aquarists with Corydoras
General characteristics Gourami are freshwater fish belonging to the suborder of the sliders of the Osphronema family. Are different
How many fish can we give for an aquarium of 20 liters of fish and their number. Guppy
Why is it dangerous? Yellow water itself is not dangerous either for fish or for
The vampire crab is a small crustacean measuring only 2.5-3 cm from the genus Geosesarma, which
The gecko is a small lizard that lives in subtropical and tropical regions. She has amazing limbs.
Home/DIY HANDS/Do-it-yourself aquarium for fry in a general aquarium Do-it-yourself aquarium for fry in a general aquarium
The family of cichlids or cichlids consists of more than 2 thousand species, distributed throughout