TOP 11 most unpretentious aquarium fish: types, photos and contents

If you are interested in the most unpretentious aquarium fish, then you are most likely a beginner in the aquarium hobby. Because only beginners may be interested in this. What do you mean by the concept of “unpretentious fish”? What are they? We will talk about this and much more in today's article.

TOP 11 most unpretentious aquarium fish

Unpretentious fish - what are they?

Which fish is best for a beginner to start with so as not to be disappointed in the future? Below we provide a detailed list of unpretentious aquarium fish. Don't forget that any task is easy if you approach it wisely!

So, unpretentious fish are:

  • such fish that even a beginner can handle;
  • inexpensive;
  • characterized by enviable vitality;
  • not requiring any fildepers-like conditions of detention;
  • fish with a peaceful disposition.

On a note ! This is exactly what, in our opinion, unpretentious fish look like. But the problem is that hundreds, if not thousands of fish fit this description! Would you like us to share the “secret of unpretentiousness”?

Unpretentious aquarium fish
If you know what the nitrogen cycle is in an aquarium, set it up and control nitrates, nitrites and ammonia , then you are guaranteed success. Any fish can be made unpretentious, and caring for an aquarium can be made easy. This is the whole secret. You just need to spend a little time and understand everything well.

Well, now we can talk about which aquarium fish we consider unpretentious.

In principle, any fish can be made unpretentious

More difficult in content

Among unpretentious aquarium inhabitants, there are species that are demanding on the quality and parameters of water: more attention and time for caring for the aquarium.


Conditionally peaceful owners of a labyrinthine respiratory organ. They require frequent aquarium maintenance and a large water space. Timely cleaning of the soil and changing water will ensure a comfortable existence for the lalius. They grow up to 8 cm and are colored with alternating bluish-green and orange stripes.


It is acceptable to keep it in a spacious aquarium of 80 liters or more. Gourami require more care than their common hardy counterparts. Pets with different color variations are active. Popular gourami are marbled, pearl, rainbow and golden gourami. Aggression from males is possible.


You will need soft and slightly acidic water. Water changes should be carried out unnoticed. Neon fish do not need a large aquarium and are kept with peaceful species. They grow up to 5 cm in length. They live longer at low temperatures from 18 degrees in a flock of representatives of their species.


Active, kept in a flock. The body of the thorn reaches 5 cm and is compressed on the sides. Wide fins look unusual. Like other characins, they live in soft water.


Friendly, kept in flocks of 8–10 individuals. In dim lighting the color becomes brighter. The combination of beauty and unpretentiousness makes tetras common among aquarists.


There are more than 2 thousand species in the cichlid family. Mostly predatory and territorial, they take care of their offspring. Cichlids are demanding. Take care of the compatibility of residents and maintaining the cleanliness of the reservoir. The least demanding ones are distinguished, for example, angelfish and black-striped cichlases.


Cichlids with a diamond-shaped body reaching 15 cm in length. They move smoothly and gracefully. Angelfish prefer live food with a high protein content. Temperature 22–26 degrees, bright lighting and clean water will be required.

Black-striped cichlazomas

Also called striped cichlazoma. Large, inhabit an aquarium of 100 liters or more. The striped color attracts attention. Caring for them includes periodic feeding, changing water and monitoring their condition. Aggressive during spawning.


The appearance of catfish is recognizable; many people like their peaceful disposition. Unpretentious in food and maintenance, catfish demonstrate endurance and vitality. They take part in cleaning the aquarium from uneaten food and lower algae. Ideal neighbors for most fish. Large ancistrus and small corydoras catfish are common. Popular species: speckled, spotted and panda catfish.


They grow up to 20 cm at home, so choose an aquarium with a volume of 200 liters. Ancistrus catfish are thermophilic, the optimal temperature ranges from 26–30 degrees.


A genus of catfish with a body length of up to 7 cm. They are kept in groups in soft water. During the day they hide in shelters. Activity hours are at night.

TOP 11 most unpretentious aquarium fish

Below is a rating of the most tenacious and beautiful fish that even a beginner in the world of aquariums can handle.


Guppy ranks first among the most undemanding aquarium fish to keep. Male guppies differ not only in size (they are smaller than females) but also in their slenderness and bright color. But the females have a nondescript gray color. To keep a flock of guppies, you will need an aquarium of at least 20 liters. Moreover, it is better to keep only males in it, because guppies are viviparous fish that reproduce quite quickly. And soon their number may increase significantly. Guppies can also adapt to different living conditions (there is information that they survived in small aquariums without aeration ).



Calm and peace-loving platies tolerate hard water without problems. The fish are brightly colored, usually orange or red, although golden ones can also be found. You need to feed special flakes, and if you want to pamper your platies, give them frozen bloodworms or daphnia. Note that platies, like guppies, are viviparous fish, i.e. their fry



The color of swordtails can vary, but in most cases it is red. Females are larger than males. The latter, by the way, have elongated lower fins , and the tail resembles a sword (hence the name). Swordtails are also viviparous fish. If you want to get a fry, place the female separately about a few days before giving birth. Otherwise, the adults may eat the fry.

sword bearer


Danio is a schooling fish for which water hardness does not matter. To maintain a flock, you will need a long aquarium so that the pets can chase each other in it. In pet stores you can buy zebrafish of various colors - glo, pearl, blue, light green, pink, silver with blue horizontal stripes, etc. For feeding you can use flakes, frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia.



Corydoras are small catfish that are considered aquarium orderlies. The fact is that they eat food that has fallen to the bottom after feeding other fish. Corydoras are unpretentious in their maintenance and rarely get sick. If aeration is turned off for a long time, they may use intestinal respiration. They are also peaceful and schooling fish that lead an active lifestyle at night. Although during the day they can swim in search of food.

Som Corydoras


Among all poeciliids, viviparous mollies are the most demanding to care for. They need good lighting and warm water. If the temperature in the aquarium is low, the fish will start to get sick. Typically, some species prefer to live in slightly brackish water.



Tetras must be kept in a school. To make the fish comfortable, you need an aquarium with a volume of at least 35 liters (a group of 5 individuals will get along well in such a container). Also, the aquarium must have an aerator, a filter and many live plants. For feeding, you can use frozen bloodworms, daphnia, cyclops, as well as dry food.

Tetra Amanda


These are active and peaceful small fish. They get along well with other peace-loving fish species. Contained in aquariums with a volume of at least 30 liters. Typically, the tank must be equipped with an aerator and filter. To make the thorns comfortable, plant a lot of plants in the aquarium.



Gourami is also a peaceful fish, but some individuals can be aggressive towards their neighbors. Aeration in the aquarium is not necessary, since the fish breathe atmospheric air using the gill labyrinth . There are many types of gourami, among them there are individuals of various sizes and colors.

Pearl gourami


The cockerel is an unpretentious and beautiful fish. It must be kept in clean and warm water. The cockerel, like the gourami, can breathe atmospheric air thanks to the gill labyrinth. The main disadvantage of the fish is its quarrelsome nature, which is why it is kept alone in the aquarium.



Barbs are active school hooligans. Despite the fact that barbs are peaceful, they should not be kept together with those species of fish that have long fins. The fact is that while playing, they can simply pluck them. It is better to use a separate aquarium for keeping barbs, where several species will be kept (for example, scarlet barb, cherry barb, Sumatran barb).

Cross barb

Video - Barbs in the aquarium


Livebearers are characterized by the birth of offspring without laying eggs. They differ from spawning ones in their endurance and unpretentiousness. Most types are suitable for beginners.


The most unpretentious and tenacious fish for a small aquarium. For many, their passion for aquarium farming begins with guppies. They survive in an aquarium without an aerator or filter. Tiny fish are kept in schools of at least 5 individuals. Non-conflicting and playful appearance.


Unpretentious aquarium inhabitants with a body length of up to 10 cm. They got their name due to the characteristic shape of the tail. Kept in groups of 3–4 or more.


Reach 10 cm in length, in different colors. Mollies require weekly water changes, soil cleaning, filtration and oxygenation.


Hardy fish with color options. These close relatives of swordtails grow up to 4 cm. They are unpretentious to water parameters. They are not considered to be gregarious. Content with related species is acceptable.

How to choose unpretentious fish for an aquarium?

When choosing unpretentious aquarium fish, you need to consider the following characteristics.

Table. How to choose an unpretentious aquarium fish?

NameShort description
Temperament compatibilityYou need to know about the habits of this or that species so that there are no conflicts in the future.
Eating habitsThe inhabitants of the aquarium feed at different levels - some get food from the bottom, others feed near the surface. If you don’t think through the nutritional system, it will have a bad effect on the health of the fish.
Conditions of detentionAlso, for proper settlement it is necessary to take into account the requirements for the habitat. In particular, you need to consider water hardness , acidity level and comfortable temperature.
Pack keepingMost small fish live in schools in natural conditions. To keep your pets in good health, introduce several pets.
Adult sizeIf you clearly know what size an adult fish will reach, you can avoid making a common mistake.


A distinctive feature is the structure of the respiratory system. They breathe air and regenerate well. They do not need aeration. It is important to provide access to air. This is why they are often called fish that live without oxygen.


Aquarium fish up to 10 cm in length with a memorable appearance. Known as paradise fish. The caudal fin of the macropod fish is distinguished by its large size and pointed shape. The scales shimmer in the light, adding shine. Aggressive and cruel, but at the same time caring parents.


The species have multi-colored veil fins. Body length 6 cm. Demanding about the purity of water, otherwise unpretentious. Take care of compatibility with your neighbors. Betta fish are aggressive towards smaller fishmates, cichlids and other predators. Intraspecific conflicts between males are not uncommon.

How many fish should I stock?

Universal rules for determining quantity.

  1. The aquarium population is selected based on the net volume of water. 10–15% of the space spent on decorations, plants and soil are not taken into account.
  2. Large fish are placed in a spacious aquarium. For small, active and social animals you will need a container of 40 liters or more.
  3. The calculation is based on oxygen exchange. If there are plants and additional sources of oxygen, then the number of inhabitants of the aquarium increases. To dissolve oxygen, the water temperature rises. Overpopulation is indicated by the concentration of fish near the surface even with good aeration.
  4. The larger the fish, the more waste it produces. To determine the permissible number of inhabitants, measure the level of nitrogen compounds and impurities in the water. Water tests are purchased at pet stores.
  5. In a mixed-sex aquarium, the number of females is 2-3 times greater than males.

On a note ! These recommendations do not take into account the characteristics of individual representatives. Each aquarist must select the number of fish himself, monitoring the behavior of his fish and creating the maximum level of comfort for them.

We are talking about the most unpretentious aquarium fish

Other families


Cute fish with a serpentine body up to 10 cm in length. They belong to the loach family. They spend time searching for food among the soil and help in cleaning the aquarium. We recognize it by its yellow-brown color in the form of rings encircling the body. The absence of scales makes acanthophthalmus vulnerable to medicinal drugs. Popular types include kuhl and myers.


  1. A 10 liter aquarium contains 4 guppies, cardinals or neons.
  2. For a flock of 4 danios, a pair of gourami or lalius, a 20-liter container is enough.
  3. A flock of cherry or four-striped barbs can be placed in a 40-liter pond.
  4. For one cockerel - 2 liters of water.
  5. A pair of angelfish, black-striped cichlas or large gourami will need an aquarium of 100 liters or more.
  6. Two small gouramis are placed in a 20-liter vessel.
  7. When settling catfish, other neighbors are often not taken into account, since the habitat occurs at different levels: catfish are at the bottom, and the rest inhabit the middle and upper tier.

See also : TOP 10 largest aquarium fish, photos and descriptions. In addition, you will be interested in the TOP 20 most beautiful aquarium fish.

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Even the most unpretentious aquarium fish receive a minimum level of care and comfort. Unassuming fish are sensitive and fragile creatures!


Popular inhabitants of freshwater aquariums. Decorative natives of the carp family are selectively bred and are known for their varied appearance and adaptation to the conditions of an artificial reservoir.


The size of barbs does not exceed 10 cm. Energetic schooling fish are dangerous for small neighbors with long fins. They live in a spacious aquarium with similar temperamental neighbors. The most unpretentious aquarium fish are the Sumatran barb and the cherry barb.


There are dozens of species of these peaceful and beautiful fish. Pink zebrafish and zebrafish remain popular. Maximum body size 7 cm.


Beautiful, reaching 4 cm in length. They keep in flocks of 6 or more. Easy to keep and breed. Cardinals get along well with other similar fish.

Danio rerio

Danio rerio is a small (up to 5-6 cm), graceful fish. Due to its small size, peaceful disposition and unpretentiousness, it has earned great popularity in the aquarium hobby.

Since this is a schooling fish, it is better to keep at least 5-6 individuals. The aquarium can be planted with plants, but it is important that the zebrafish have free space to swim near the surface, as it is a very active fish.

If you are going to get a veil form, do not plant them with fish that can break off their fins, for example, the Sumatran barb. The aquarium must be closed as the danios may jump out of the water.

Omnivores, they eat any type of food - artificial, live, frozen. It is better to feed them flakes, as they pick up food from the surface of the water and happily collect flakes that do not sink for a long time. Breeding zebrafish is very easy; the female lays from 200 to 500 eggs at a time.

Pseudotropheus zebra

Pseudotropheus are prominent representatives of the cichlids of Lake Malawi. Pseudotropheus is distinguished by an elongated, fusiform, slightly laterally flattened body with a pointed head with thick lips. This mouth is convenient for plucking algal growths on stones or decorations.

Pseudotropheus are very unpretentious and take root in an aquarium without any problems. They grow about 12 cm. Like most cichlids, pseudotropheus are territorial and aggressive, but get along well in species aquariums with similar fish. To redistribute aggression, they should be kept as a “harem”: several females for one male.


Guppies are another popular fish breed that many beginners enjoy. They are a breed of tropical fish that require a warm, clean water environment to thrive.

You can find guppies at almost any pet store that sells fish for personal aquariums. They come in different shapes and colors, so all you have to do is choose the one you like.

When purchasing guppies, it is important to remember to always keep the water temperature at the optimal level. Typically 70-78 degrees Fahrenheit is a good water temperature for this type of fish.

But so that you make them feel absolutely comfortable. Keep the water at 78 degrees the entire time if you can. If you have an aquarium in a colder place, simply install a water heater. Don't forget to take care of this for the guppies.

Swordtails and mollies

These fish are similar in behavior and content, despite their external differences, so they can safely be combined into one group. Both are viviparous, and the fry immediately swims, eats and hides.

Every beginner should have swordtails

The fish are bright and active, do not hide and, on the contrary, will willingly beg for food, swimming up to the feeding trough. They are tolerant of the conditions of detention and forgive mistakes that beginners make.

Elegant black mollies

Red parrot Cichlasoma sp. (hybrid)

The parrot is an artificially bred fish that is not found in nature. Its selection is based on American cichlids, in particular Cichlazoma labiatum. The parrot has a barrel-shaped body with a bow-shaped mouth, it grows about 20 cm. Parrots are very unpretentious. They have bright colors, which makes them even more attractive in the aquarium.

Parrots can be recommended to beginners, but they prefer a spacious (from 150-200 liters) aquarium with securely fixed decorations: these fish are active soil diggers. Parrots are not suitable for a community aquarium; smaller fish can be treated as food. They are ideal for “cichlid fish” with similar fish.

Cherry barb

A peaceful, small fish, the males of which are very brightly colored, for which they got their name. This is a schooling fish, so it is better to keep at least 5 cherry barbs.

But you will notice that he does not stay tightly, gathering in a flock only when frightened. The cherry barb is small in size, the color of the males is bright red and very noticeable, and the maintenance requirements are low. This is a good fish to include on our list.

Regular water changes

You may think that this is not difficult, but many people forget to change the water in their aquariums from time to time. Why is this so important? Even with a good water filter, the aquarium will get dirty over time.

This is why regular water changes are very important for a healthy fish community in your aquarium. Typically the water will vary depending on the aquarium you own. But it's good to know exactly when it's time to take this step.

To ensure a longer water replacement period, you should maintain your water filter regularly. Residue will fill the media inside the device and you must clean it to ensure good performance. This way, the filter will last a long time and you will have clean water all the time.


Because of their funny appearance and behavior, they are very popular among beginners. However, they often overlook the fact that most of the cute little barbels sold in pet stores grow into quite large catfish.

Thoracatums, plecostomus, pterygoplichths and ancistrus should absolutely not be kept in an aquarium with a volume of 30-40 liters.

The unpretentious pygmy corydoras (Corydoras pygmaeus) or its close relative the dwarf corydoras (Corydoras hastatus, sparrow catfish) are well suited for small aquariums. They grow only about 3-4 cm, feel good in a wide range of hardness and acidity, do not pay attention to the intensity of light, feed on any dry or live food, as long as it is small enough to fit in their mouth. They are only demanding on temperature. It should be within 24-26°C. Schooling fish, it is necessary to keep them in groups of at least 5-6 pieces.

Another small catfish is Otocinclus. It also does not need large volumes of water for life, but it requires the presence of living plants, plant nutrition and clean water with a low nitrate content.

All these catfish are peaceful and can get along with any fish that will not offend them.


It’s worth starting with the fact that almost all small aquarium catfish are a priori unpretentious. Moreover, they are the “orderlies of the aquarium world”: they clean the soil and eat the remains of fish life. The corridors were selected from all soms, because In addition to gill breathing, they also have intestinal respiration, i.e. If the aeration is turned off, they will live for a long time.

Pisces are very peaceful and calm. They slowly swim along the bottom in search of food. In an aquarium they are usually kept in a flock. The fish do not pose any threat to other inhabitants of the aquarium.

Ancistrus (stuck)

It is distinguished by its unusual suction cup mouth. This catfish does not lie on the bottom, but slides along the walls of the aquarium, eating off the algae that have grown on them. Like other species of catfish, ancistrus like to hide in bottom snags.


  • Will survive changes in water temperature within +20..+28 °C;
  • They get their own food because they eat plant foods;
  • Problem-free breeding in a community aquarium;
  • Relatively harmless to most “neighbors”;
  • Lifespan – 7 years or more.


  • Sometimes they chase slow fish, especially golden ones, causing them harm with their suckers;
  • You cannot place it in an aquarium with scaleless inhabitants;
  • They require a large “living space” from which they feed - at least 80 liters for each pair of ancistrus.

Some people don't like these fish because of their repulsive appearance. But catfish bring great benefits, so beginners should not refuse to add them to a common aquarium. There's less cleaning work for you.


If a novice aquarist is immediately serious and is ready to spend time caring for the aquarium and studying special literature, we can recommend that he buy the simplest cichlids - angelfish and black-striped cichlids. These species need a fairly large volume of water (at least 100 liters per couple) and careful selection of neighbors, but otherwise they are not too demanding.


The angelfish fish is very beautiful and unusual, popular both among experienced aquarists and beginners. In nature, they are camouflage in color, with black stripes running along their silver body. Although there are changes there too, fish without stripes, completely black and other options. But it is precisely this tendency to change that aquarists use to breed new, brighter species. Now many different types have been bred: black, marbled, blue, koi, green angel, red devil, marbled, diamond and others.

Cichlazoma black-striped

Black-striped cichlasoma is one of the most popular fish of the cichlasoma family. These are relatively small fish, unpretentious in keeping, with a beautiful, sophisticated body color and, importantly, unlike many cichlids, they have a calmer character.

Black-striped cichlids are not very large cichlids; an aquarium of 100 liters or more would be best for keeping them. for a couple. However, there have been cases of keeping black stripes in a 50 liter aquarium. In such an aquarium, the fish will not be comfortable, they will not grow, and the breeding process will be in question.


These are small, agile, beautiful and schooling catfish. There are many different species of corydoras, but the most popular are the speckled catfish and the golden catfish.

They are all similar in their behavior - living on the bottom, they are constantly looking for leftover food, thereby cleaning the aquarium. They are very mobile, while remaining quite small, and tolerate a wide range of conditions.

Any type of food is suitable for feeding, but it is important to ensure that the food falls to the bottom, and the catfish do not remain hungry while other fish fill their bellies.

It is best to feed corydoras with special food for catfish; they sink quickly, and when they fall to the bottom they do not fall into pieces. It is better to keep Corydoras in a flock; they love to live surrounded by relatives, and it is very interesting to watch them in a flock.


This is perhaps the largest fish on the list; it grows about 15 cm, if the aquarium allows. But it has earned its popularity for its unusual appearance, for the fact that it cleans the aquarium and for its endurance. Ancistrus is a catfish, but it is an unusual catfish; in nature it lives by eating algae and fouling.

And his mouth turned into a suction cup, with which he scrapes it all off. In the aquarium, he is a cleaner of walls and decor.

Males have unusual growths on their heads that make them very distinctive. Peaceful, but can get into fights with other males. Vegetable nutrition is important for him; he needs to be fed with special tablets.

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