About aquariums
Key moss grows in large groups, forming magnificent openwork thickets, gracefully decorating the aquarium. Its rising
The turtle is a representative of the class of reptiles. The main feature of the animal is the presence of a shell. This element protects
Home/AQUARIUM SETUP/Shells in an aquarium: processing, placement, choice An aquarium in any style will be a wonderful element
Mexican oak is a fast-growing, unpretentious aquarium plant. Mexican oak (trichocoronis Rivularis) fast-growing, unpretentious aquarium
A holiday at sea is an unforgettable time that you want to capture not only in amazing
Home › Aquarium shrimp › Types of aquarium shrimp › Your rating will be the first! Black
People often turn to me for advice on how to make a beautiful, successful
Blue neon (Paracheirodon innesi) Myers, 1936. Russian synonyms: Blue neon, Common neon, Neon tetra,
Swims with its belly up. The fish is alive and breathes rapidly, and its abdomen increases in size. If
Dwarf newt (Hypselotriton orientalis) among its genus it is the smallest Dwarf newt (Hypselotriton orientalis)