Choosing an aquarium for the home: tips for a novice aquarist

In this article, we will talk about the things you should purchase to start a freshwater aquarium, as well as those that will help you in caring for it. Some points that will be very useful for beginning aquarists will also be discussed. This article answers the question “What should I buy and what should I consider to start my first aquarium at home?” We will not consider the selection of aquarium inhabitants and plants within the framework of this article. So, what should you buy to start an aquarium?


One of the most important things you should purchase is an aquarium. You can either buy it in a store or glue it yourself. This is not so easy to do accurately, so for beginners I would, of course, recommend the first option. You can learn how to do this correctly and what points to consider when purchasing from the article about choosing an aquarium.

What is better to choose for beginners

Before choosing a future home for your fish, you should consider many different factors :

  • dimensions;
  • manufacturing materials;
  • volume;
  • form.

Don’t forget about the proper location of the aquarium. It should not be placed in direct sunlight.

There are two main approaches to choosing an aquarium:

  • when it is chosen as a decorative element. Here, most often, attention is paid to the shape of the product, the materials used to make it, and the selection of colorful and beautiful inhabitants. Beginners in this business often make serious mistakes. Since they choose a fish house that will be more in harmony with the overall interior of the room. And they don’t always think about how comfortable it will be for its inhabitants to live in it;
  • when a container for fish is selected according to flora and fauna, In this case, it is worth considering the number of fish, their types, living conditions, vegetation, compatibility of organisms. Here the volume of the container, equipment, and requirements for the compatibility of aquatic organisms are thought through.

There are no specific recommendations for choosing a company. All companies are worthy and quality is determined visually.

Cover glass

You can purchase a cover glass for your aquarium. Very often it comes either complete with an aquarium, or its role is played by a plastic cover with a built-in lamp and a small hole for feeding fish. Despite the fact that the second option looks more pleasant, the lamp included in the kit is often quite weak. Replacing it with a more powerful one is usually not possible. Therefore, the built-in lamp will not allow you to grow those plants that require a lot of light. That is, perhaps over time the aquarium lid will be removed to the loggia or mezzanine.

The cover glass allows light to pass through and allows you to install any light fixture you like. The most difficult thing here is to choose the size and shape of the glass so that it does not interfere with the mounting of aquarium equipment, including the lamp.

A cover glass reduces the rate of water evaporation, covers the aquarium from dust, and also prevents some aquarium inhabitants from escaping.


Due to the mandatory presence of living plants, the issue of lighting a small aquarium becomes relevant. There, lamps built into the lid are almost never used; the lamps are installed at a certain height above the aquarium. Fluorescent or LED lamps are usually used. In general, the rule is this: if the lamps are fluorescent, then for unpretentious plants the light should be 0.5 W per liter of water, for fastidious ground cover or those with a reddish tint - 1 W per liter. If the lamps are LED, then the ratio of lamp power and luminous flux is different, and here they already look at the number of lumens. For undemanding plants, illumination of 25 lm per liter is sufficient, for demanding plants - 50 lm.

Another aquarium

Yes, you didn’t think so: we need another aquarium. It should be noted that aquarium fish can often get sick, especially if kept in improper conditions. You will use a separate aquarium as an isolation ward for sick inhabitants of the underwater world.

Such a container should be relatively small (about 20 liters), because the amount of medicine needed to treat fish is calculated based on the volume of water. That is, for a small 20-liter aquarium you will need 10 times less medicine than it would be required if you decided to treat in a 200-liter aquarium.

For such a container, I advise you to purchase an aquarium with black seams, so that the most common medications, which include “methylene blue” or “malachite green,” do not turn the silicone bright blue.

You can also use a separate aquarium as a fish tank for temporary housing of conflict fish.

This aquarium will also require inexpensive equipment that will be used while the fish are being kept in it. That is, buy a simple filter, thermometer, heater and compressor.

Maturation of bioflora

The aquarium must undergo a complete nitrogen cycle, which is necessary to normalize the bioflora. Without this factor, it is impossible to plant fish and other inhabitants, as they may die. Need to:

  • Maintain light mode for at least 8 hours.
  • Leave the aquarium alone for 20 days.
  • Check the condition of the water every 2-3 days. The appearance of a green coating indicates an overabundance of bacteria, which is important to control using special means.

To avoid the rapid growth of flora, you need to completely turn off the lights for a day once every 5 days. Usually, when there is insufficient lighting, the balance balances out on its own.

If it is not possible to wait that long, you can stimulate the growth of flora with the help of special preparations. They are available in liquid or tablet form. When placed in an aquarium, they quickly become active and help maintain biobalance.

During ripening it is prohibited:

  • change water;
  • turn on the filter;
  • turn off the lights for more than 24 hours;
  • siphon the bottom;
  • plant fish in the first 7 days;
  • add water to the desired level.

Be patient. The better the flora is formed, the easier the aquarium is to maintain.


Soil should be poured onto the bottom of the aquarium. The many shades and types of soil available in pet stores will allow you to show off all your talents when creating the design of your aquarium. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that for good growth of some types of plants you may need a nutrient substrate - this is a special soil that contains microelements that plants need. It should be poured in a layer of 1-2 cm under regular soil. Therefore, think in advance whether you will need this later, because otherwise you will have to restart the aquarium completely.

Installing decor and background

It is important to follow the main rule: a lot does not mean beautiful! First of all, fish should be comfortable and free. Some advice from experts:

  • The total decor area should occupy no more than 1/20 of the bottom area.
  • Avoid sharp objects that can injure fish.
  • Do not use houses or towers that have windows or other openings. Bottom fish readily swim in them and get stuck.
  • Buy only those decorative elements that are intended for use in aquariums.
  • Driftwood and natural components are susceptible to rotting and the development of pathogenic flora on them. The water will have to be changed more often, and you can’t do without air conditioners.

To emphasize the unique coloring of decorative fish, you need to glue the background. In pet stores you can choose a lot of solutions that will favorably show off the inhabitants of the aquarium. The film with the pattern is glued to the outer part of the back wall, the edges are carefully trimmed.

Substrate for aquarium

The aquarium should be placed on a flat, hard surface. If you do not follow this rule, then even a small solid particle that gets under it will cause the glass, which is the bottom, to crack. To minimize the risk of such an unpleasant situation, a substrate should be placed under the aquarium, which will eliminate some of the unevenness. This can be a piece of polyethylene foam, polystyrene foam or isolon with a thickness of 3-5 mm.

How many fish can you put in a 30 liter aquarium?

In such an aquarium you can already expand - make larger schools of fish, since most small fish look good among their relatives - about 10 neon fish and about 6 thorns, a couple of catfish. You can diversify the species composition with shrimp; most calm, medium-sized fish get along well with them.

You can populate the aquarium with a flock of 3-5 barbs, not forgetting that these bullies like to leave quiet guppies without fins.

Aquarium 30 liters

Most often, aquariums up to 30 liters are considered by professional aquarists only as spawning grounds, or for raising young animals, which will then be transferred to a larger house. Therefore, such aquariums do not shine with a variety of species - to keep them it is necessary to select the most unpretentious fish.

Number of fish for a 30 liter aquarium (table)

Types of fish Approximate number of fish, pcs.
Guppy 12
Mollies 2
Pecilia 3
Barbs 2
Danio 6
Cardinals 6
Gourami 2
Lyalius 6
Macropods 2
Betta fish (bettas) 7
Tetradons dwarf 2
Apistograms of Ramiresi 3
Neons 12
Ornathus 12
Princesses of Burundi 1
Rhodostomus 8
Ternetia 3
Tetras 6
Flashlights 6
Speckled Corydoratus catfish 2
Swordtails 3

Aquarium background

To make your aquarium look complete, you will need a background. It will hide wires, hoses, and technical equipment of the aquarium - and make the design of the aquarium more natural.

As a background for the aquarium, dark blue, black or other film, which you can purchase at many pet stores, is suitable. Its size should be chosen with a margin, so that later it can be cut to the size of the glass. The background of the aquarium is glued from the outside to the back wall of the aquarium using tape, glycerin or water with a large amount of sugar dissolved in it. So you should buy some of these. I would advise you to use glycerin - it is sold in any pharmacy.

How to calculate correctly

The variety of shapes and sizes can create a calculation problem, especially for humanities students. If the aquarium has the shape of a rectangular parallelepiped, then everything is simple:

  1. First, measure the length, width and height of the container from the outside. After this, you need to measure the thickness of the walls and subtract this thickness twice from the length and width, and once from the height. The result will be internal measurements of the tank .
  2. Now you need to find the product of the three obtained quantities (multiply them by each other).
  3. If measurements were taken in centimeters, then the result should be divided by 1000 to obtain the volume of the aquarium in liters.

The easiest to measure is a rectangular aquarium.
These steps are valid for a parallelepiped-shaped container. For other forms you need to make changes:

  1. Cube : take one side, subtract double the thickness and cube it, everything is simple here.
  2. Prism : First you need to calculate the lengths of the two bases. After that, find their sum and divide it by 2, subtract twice the thickness of the walls. The resulting number must be multiplied by the geometric height drawn from the smaller base to the larger one, not forgetting to subtract two wall thicknesses from it. The result should be multiplied by the actual height, minus one wall thickness.
  3. Hexagon : Draw an imaginary line from the center of one of the sides to the center of the opposite side and measure its length. Divide this length in half, subtract the wall thickness, and multiply by the length of one of the six sides. Multiply the result by 3 and the height.
  4. Cylinder : everything is simple here. You need to find the diameter of the cylinder, divide it in half, subtract double the thickness, square it. Then multiply by 3.14 and the height, but before that you need to subtract the bottom thickness from the height.
  5. Half-cylinder : same as with a cylinder, but then divided into two.
  6. Angular panorama : subtract the volume of the cylinder, divide by four.
  7. Octagon : just like with a hexagon, only the result will be one third larger (divide the volume by 3 and add the resulting number to the calculation result).
  8. Shape “H” - mentally divide into 3 parallelepipeds and subtract the volume of each separately, and then add the results.
  9. Triangular prism : calculate the distance from one of the vertices of the base triangle to the middle of the opposite side. From the resulting value, subtract the wall thickness and divide in two, then multiply by the length of the base, after subtracting twice the wall thickness from it. Then multiply by the difference between the height of the aquarium and the thickness of the walls.
  10. Any complex shape : attempt to divide into the simple shapes described here and find the sum of the volumes. If there are rounded parts, then on the Internet you can calculate the area of ​​the spherical segment, which is calculated using an integral.


The aquarium, along with water, soil and decorations, weighs quite a lot. Therefore, placing an aquarium with a volume of more than 20 liters on a regular desk or bedside table can be very unsafe, so you should not save on this. Buy a special cabinet for the aquarium. It will not only serve as a reliable stand for it, but will also give you the opportunity to hide an external filter, compressor and fish food in it. The only thing I want to draw attention to is: the size of the cabinet should not be smaller than the size of the bottom of the aquarium!

How many fish can be placed in a 10 - 15 liter aquarium?

You can diversify the species composition of a 10-liter aquarium compared to a 5-liter aquarium with bottom fish. Speckled catfish get along well with most species, so a couple of these bottom cleaners will come in handy.

One gourami or a family of bettas (a male and a pair of females) are well suited for living in the middle layer of a 10-liter aquarium. It would be quite nice in such a volume and a flock of neon fish, swordtails, guppies, and mollies. You can take a couple of each of these fish, but they feel more comfortable in schools of 5-7 pieces, so for such a large aquarium it is better to stick to just one species.

10 liter aquarium


To populate aquariums with a small volume of 10-30 liters, it is better to select small-sized fish - no more than 4-5 cm in length.

When calculating the number of fish for small aquariums, it is important to take into account other inhabitants - for example, large ampullaria snails. They also produce waste that pollutes the system, so snail populations need to be kept under control.

Number of fish for a 10 liter aquarium (table)

Types of fish Approximate number of fish, pcs.
Guppy 4
Mollies 1
Pecilia 1
Barbs 1
Danio 2
Cardinals 2
Lyalius 2
Betta fish (bettas) 2
Tetradons dwarf 1
Apistograms of Ramiresi 1
Neons 4
Ornathus 4
Ternetia 1
Tetras 2
Flashlights 2
Speckled Corydoratus catfish 1


It is strictly forbidden to wash the aquarium and its equipment with soap or dishwashing detergents. For these purposes, you need to use ordinary baking soda, which you can purchase at almost any grocery store. After cleaning the aquarium with soda, it must be thoroughly rinsed with running water.


Furnishing an aquarium is an extremely creative process. You yourself or with the help of a designer choose the color and texture of the material that will most harmoniously fit into the design of your interior. The company where I work has been engaged in aquarium furniture for many years, and, based on existing experience, I offer a choice of four most suitable materials - MDF, chipboard, SOLID WOOD and ACRYLIC STONE or combinations thereof. The list of advantages and disadvantages of each material goes beyond the scope of a compact article and you can find them here.

All other things being equal, all materials except acrylic stone are not moisture resistant; my choice is acrylic stone. Artificial acrylic stone is ideal for aquariums in classic, modern and minimalist styles - a wide range of colors and the ability to take any shape allows you to create the most original solutions.

PS The most comfortable height of the aquarium cabinet is 75cm, which makes it easy to watch the fish both sitting and standing. Install a shelf inside the cabinet to store food, care products, etc. attach the light (2) and the towel hook (1), you will use the towel every time your hand is in the aquarium. If the aquarium is installed in the bedroom, I recommend covering the inside of the cabinet with foam acoustic panels (3), this will eliminate the noise of the compressor and filter.

Network filter

As you already understand, all aquarium equipment requires a constant supply of electricity. A filter, compressor, lamp and thermostat must be connected to the network. Thus, you will need 4 sockets at once. Using “tees” is not very safe, so I advise you to purchase a good surge protector with a sufficiently large number of outlets so that you can connect additional equipment if necessary. Ideally, if the surge protector has at least 5 sockets, then you will always have at least one in stock.

How many fish can you keep in an aquarium 60 - 100 liters

Aquariums with a volume of 60 to 100 liters are already large enough to contain larger fish with a body length of 15-20 cm. When calculating the number of inhabitants, it is better to adhere to this principle - first select large breeds from 2 to 4 pieces depending on the volume (this can be gourami, cichlids, goldfish, labeo), and then they select several species of bottom fish and several top-level fish, buying them in schools, and always taking into account compatibility with the selected large fish.

In this volume range of 60-100 liters, it is very easy to get carried away and overpopulate the aquarium, especially when you initially buy young animals and until they grow up, the aquarium looks empty. It is important to clearly define the species you want to keep and stick to your choice, otherwise the aquarium will turn into a “fish hostel” with an endless flurry of all sorts of shapes and colors. In such conditions, the fish will suffer from constant stress, which will affect their appearance and well-being.

70 liter aquarium

It is imperative to take into account that large fish tend to choose a corner to their liking and protect it from the invasion of strangers, so a corner, for example, occupied by a pair of angelfish must already be deleted from the total volume of the inhabited territory. Barbs, on the contrary, tend to spread throughout the aquarium, giving no rest to slower fish, starting fights and bullying everyone and everything.

Number of fish for an aquarium per 100 liters (table)

Types of fishApproximate number of fish, pcs.
Labiosis green2
Betta fish (bettas)25
Tetradons dwarf10
Cockatoo Apistograms4
Apistograms of Ramiresi10
Common piranha1
Princesses of Burundi4
Yulidochromis Regan1
Speckled Corydoratus catfish10
Sacbranch catfish1
Catfish Tarakatuma1


Most aquarium fish require a water temperature of 22 to 28 degrees. To maintain the temperature in the desired range, you will need an aquarium heater or, as it is also called, a thermostat. It should be selected based on the volume of the aquarium. Don’t be afraid to purchase a higher-power thermostat, because it doesn’t turn on all the time, but only when the water temperature starts to drop. That is, a heater for an aquarium with a higher power will simply turn on less often.

I advise you to choose a device with temperature control. The fact is that when treating fish, they should increase the water temperature to 28-29 degrees. If you purchased a thermostat without the ability to adjust, then you will not be able to independently influence the temperature of the water in the aquarium.

Which aquarium is better: glass, acrylic or plastic?

Aquariums are made of glass, acrylic or plastic. Each of these materials has its own pros and cons.

— Glass is easier to clean, because... When washing, do not be afraid of scratches. However, such a surface can change the acidity level of water by reacting with it.

— Plastic is safer for both aquarium inhabitants and their breeders. But the plastic surface quickly loses its original appearance and fails.

— Acrylic (plexiglass) containers are more expensive than glass ones. At the same time, they are stronger, lighter, and the water in them cools more slowly than in glass tanks.


To ensure there is enough oxygen in the water, you will need a compressor. In addition to the device itself, you should definitely buy the following things for it:

  • Air supply hose. I recommend taking it immediately with a reserve - 5 meters
  • Suction cups for attaching the air supply hose to the glass of the aquarium
  • Aerator stone. Needed to distribute air in water in the form of small bubbles
  • Check valve. This device is needed so that you can place the compressor below the water level in the aquarium. Without it, water may flow through the air supply hose when the compressor is turned off, which will lead to damage to the device.

When purchasing a compressor, you should pay attention to the noise it creates. Do not hesitate to ask the seller to demonstrate the operation of the device - this way you can choose the quietest compressor that will not disturb you at night. I also recommend choosing a compressor with power control - it is very convenient.

If you purchased a filter for an aquarium with aeration, then you do not need to purchase a compressor. Despite this, I would like to note that such filters are quite noisy. A compressor with power control turned to minimum creates much less noise.

We carefully study the compatibility of species

Fish for a small aquarium should be selected depending on many factors. For beginners, it is problematic to take them into account on your own, so contact professionals who will help you determine which fish can be kept together and which ones should be avoided.

Factors important when moving in:

  • Ability to survive alone. Some species can only live in flocks, so pay attention to this point first;
  • Water characteristics for species should be approximately the same;

  • The peaceful nature of the inhabitants;
  • The number of individuals depends on the surface area of ​​the water. The larger the footage, the more fish you can have;
  • Breed compatibility. Sometimes individually peaceful fish cannot tolerate each other's proximity.

It is important to remember that small aquariums are a high-risk area for fish. Therefore, the choice of neighbors will completely determine the fate of your charges. If you add predatory fish to a small aquarium, they will eat their peace-loving neighbors. Gouras are suitable for angelfish; other fish will not get along with them. You can get one fish that will be the owner of your pond, or keep a whole flock of miniature fish.


Live plants are needed in small aquariums, as they help remove dangerous substances from the water - nitrites, nitrates and ammonia. Plants in a mini-aquarium provide additional insurance and reduce stress in fish. They are also very convenient for growing some small species of plants, because in a mini-aquarium it is easier to create good lighting, but in large ones the light simply does not reach the lower level in the required quantities.

To choose the right plants for your aquarium, read materials on the Internet and talk to experienced sellers, they will always help.


The most important point. The food you feed is the main source, and in some cases even the only one, of various breakdown products. The less you feed, the less dirt and the more stable the aquarium. Of course, the fish must be well-fed, and your task is to maintain a balance between well-fed fish and overfed fish.

A good way is to give as much food as the fish eat in a minute, so that none of the food falls to the bottom. Commercial fish food, in the form of flakes, is a good choice for a small aquarium, it sinks slowly and produces less waste, but also produces small waste and they do not need to be fed excessively. It is better to feed the fish in a new aquarium with it. When the balance is established, or you have bottom-dwelling fish, such as catfish, you can add other types of food for a complete diet.


To keep the water in the aquarium clean, be sure to purchase a filter. There are several varieties - choose the one that is most convenient in your case. The most efficient and least noisy is external. If you are purchasing a filter for your first aquarium, then take the simplest option - an internal one. You can read more about this in the article types of aquarium filters.

When purchasing a filter, you should consider the volume of the aquarium. If there is insufficient power, the device will not do its job well. If you buy a filter that is too powerful, you will create a strong current in the aquarium, which will create discomfort for its inhabitants.

Important note on choosing the size of the aquarium

People live in different living conditions. The concrete base will support a large reservoir. Houses with several floors and wooden floors are unlikely to be designed for the installation of powerful and heavy water systems. In addition to liquid, fish and other inhabitants, a substrate is added to the aquarium, which also has weight.

Salt and live rocks in reef systems add mass to the reservoir and make the structure heavier. Lighting and external filtration systems “eat up” the living space, taking away the volume near the artificial water feature.

To feel comfortable in an aquarium, fish need to have enough free space to swim and rest. The requirements for the size of the container and the number of neighbors for each type of fish are individual.


An aquarium light is essential for plant growth and also for creating a natural habitat for fish by simulating sunlight. The power of the lamp should be selected based on the volume of the aquarium. Light that is too low may not be sufficient for certain types of plants, while light that is too bright may lead to algae growth.

Preparatory stage

It’s important to take a pen and notepad and write down the main parameters:

  • aquarium volume;
  • number of fish and their types;
  • vegetation;
  • other inhabitants, including snails;
  • presence of light and filter;
  • soil type.

It is not recommended for people who have not previously experienced keeping an aquarium to purchase containers larger than 45 liters. The same applies to fish. The simpler and friendlier they are in character, the better.


In order to catch fish in an aquarium, for example, to transplant them, you will definitely need a net. Choose a net of a size that is comfortable to use. If you are too small, it will be difficult to catch a nimble fish, and if you are too large, it will cling to the aquarium equipment and decorations. I recommend purchasing a net with a hole in the handle so that you can hang it. It will also be convenient if there is a special hook on the handle of the net for attaching it to the edge of the aquarium.

Aquarium volume and overpopulation. What are the dangers of an overcrowded aquarium?

It is better to let the aquarium be a bit empty than crowded. In an overcrowded aquarium, fish begin to get sick more often, look worse, and conflict more with each other. Water in a crowded tank is often cloudy and not of the quality required for healthy fish.

Some aquarists are misled by the fact that in pet stores there are large numbers of fish in one aquarium. In fact, batches of fish in these aquariums are constantly changing - new ones are brought in to replace those that are sold. No fish can live normally in close proximity for a long time.

Only if the necessary maintenance conditions are met, aquarium fish will delight the owner with health and bright color.


Over time, a greenish-brown coating may form on the glass of the aquarium, preventing you from enjoying the beauty of the underwater world. It is convenient to clean it with a scraper. This device will definitely come in handy for caring for your aquarium, even if not in the first days.

Material of manufacture

Based on the materials used to make aquariums, there are:

  • glass;
  • acrylic.

Acrylic products are most often offered in pet stores. Their advantages include:

  • affordable price;
  • variety of forms;
  • strength and reliability;
  • light weight;
  • ease of care.

But keep in mind, acrylic products are easy to scratch . Cheap material turns yellow over time and loses its attractiveness.

The advantages of glass products include:

  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • aesthetics;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • transparency.


Buy long tweezers: with their help it is very convenient to plant plants without disturbing the soil structure and move decorations. It will also help you catch particles that clog the aquarium and leftover food. Of course, all this can be done by hand, but tweezers will greatly simplify your life in these tasks. This tool is also indispensable if your aquarium is deep enough and it is difficult to reach the bottom with your hand.

How much do plants need?

For photosynthesis and growth of aquarium plants, it is especially important to choose the right lighting and soil. There is an individual approach for each aquarium. The power, spectrum and other parameters of the lamps will depend on the whimsical nature of the plants .

IMPORTANT! The main thing is to follow the rule: the plant must receive the required amount of light.

Underwater vegetation has different requirements for the amount of light. Therefore, the flow of light can be adjusted using reflectors (reflectors). Without them, 20% of the heat is lost. Plants often need brighter light than fish, so fish hide in the shade of leaves and spend most of their time at the bottom. Also consider the height of your aquarium.

At the very bottom it is better to plant plants that are unpretentious to light, others may die there . Most plants come from the tropics and have 12 hours of daylight. This also needs to be taken into account. With the right choice of lighting, the growth and healthy appearance of aquarium plants will be observed.

What is the best lighting method for you? It all depends on the inhabitants, size and depth of the aquarium.


A siphon is a simple hose with a nozzle designed to drain water from an aquarium and clean the soil from fish waste. I recommend purchasing a siphon with a bulb, because this will save you from having to “drain gasoline” every time you use it: just press the bulb a couple of times and the water will flow by gravity into the bucket.

How many fish can be kept in an aquarium from 300 to 1000 liters

Great attention must be paid to selecting fish for such large aquariums. Most specimens, having reached their adult size, will eat everything that can get into their mouth, so there is no point in “dilute” the inhabitants of the aquarium with small fish - they will all turn into food. Therefore, it is worth stopping at one species and populating the aquarium with the number of individuals that the volume allows.

Aquarium 500 liters

Suitable for aquariums from 300 liters:

  • pterygoplix brocade;
  • astronotus;
  • African cichlids;
  • silver arowana;
  • Indian knives;
  • discus,
  • large sucker catfish.

All these fish grow to very large sizes, so they require from 100 to 300 liters per specimen.

Often, when the tank volume is over 300 liters, the aquarium is made into a marine one and is stocked with fish typical of coral reefs - clownfish, surgeonfish, yellow zebrafish, and chrysiptera sapphire. The number of fish in a marine aquarium is calculated as follows: 35 liters of water per 10 cm of small fish and 5 cm of large fish.

Number of fish depending on the volume of the aquarium:

Aquarium volume Recommended number of fish
5 l2-3 small fish or a couple of medium ones (in particular swordtails, other species may be less able to tolerate small volumes)
10-15 lA pair of medium-sized fish
or 5-7 small ones
20 l2 medium-sized fish, 1 medium bottom fish, 2-3 small fish
30 l10-16 small and a couple of bottom ones
or 3-5 medium ones and a couple of bottom ones
40 l2 large, 2 bottom and 5-7 small
50 l1 large and 10-15 small and 3-4 bottom
60-100 l2-4 large and 3-4 bottom and 10-15 small
More than 150 l8 large
200 l2 very large
300 l2 very large and 3-5 medium
300 – 1000 lDepending on the type of fish.


To change the water in the aquarium, you will need a regular plastic bucket. You will drain water into it, and you will also wash the filter sponge in it. This “aquarium” bucket should no longer be used for any other purpose. Therefore, if you have an old bucket with which you once washed the floor, then it will not work. No cleaning residues should enter your aquarium (eg through a sponge). It’s not worth the risk: just buy a new bucket.

If you have a large aquarium, then you may need several buckets at once. About 30 percent of the water should be changed weekly. That is, from an aquarium with a volume of 100 liters, you will drain approximately 30 liters. In this case, a 17-liter bucket is enough - you need to go to the bathroom twice. But with a larger aquarium, you will need to drain much more water - and this process can be speeded up by carrying two buckets at a time.

How many fish can you keep in a small aquarium of less than 5 liters?

It’s worth noting right away that keeping fish in such microaquariums is a very troublesome task. It is very difficult to achieve equilibrium in the system; it requires a lot of effort and patience to clean the aquarium and change the water (at least 4 times a week). You can plant a couple of guppies or one cockerel in such a small volume. The cockerel will feel great, but the guppies will quickly breed and the container will become crowded.

3 liter aquarium

Aquariums smaller than 2 liters are not populated by animals, with the exception of some types of snails.


The smallest aquarium was created in Omsk by miniaturists A. Konenko and S. Konenko - in a volume of 10 ml of water they managed to place a nano-compressor, small cladophora bushes and a zebrafish fry.


To monitor the water temperature in your aquarium, you will need a thermometer. This is very important because different types of fish require a certain water temperature - and it is important to monitor this indicator. There are several types of thermometers, but I recommend purchasing a liquid thermometer with a suction cup that is placed inside the aquarium. It is the most accurate and inexpensive. Again, if you are purchasing a thermometer for an aquarium where you will be treating fish, then choose one with a black suction cup rather than a transparent one. Don’t go after well-known brands, because their thermometers don’t really stand out in terms of quality, and often look exactly the same as their cheaper counterparts.

As you can see, starting an aquarium requires quite significant financial costs. Despite this, many of the things and devices listed in the article are purchased only once and serve you for many years.

Shape and size options

There are many different forms of nano aquariums. Each breeder will be able to choose the appropriate option for himself.


This is a classic of the aquarium world. All types of fish feel comfortable in such tanks. The aspect ratio is most often as follows: for a 5-liter - 25x13x15.5 cm, for a 10-liter - 32x15x21 cm, for a 20-liter - 36x19x29, and for a 30-liter - 40 ×23×32.


These aquariums are also rectangular in shape, but they have a curved front glass. Because of this, the internal image of the underwater world may be distorted. Despite this, many people like this form, because “TVs” look very nice in the interior .


The aquarium is rectangular in shape with beveled corners. Provides good viewing, fish can be admired from any angle.


Containers with equal sides. The size of a 10-liter aquarium is 21x21 cm, and a 20-liter aquarium is 27x27 cm.


These are aquariums in the shape of a ball or glass. There is an opinion that almost all types of fish are very uncomfortable in a container of this shape. Nevertheless, unpretentious fish are successfully kept; it is especially popular to keep a betta in a glass.


These are narrow, elongated aquariums. The aspect ratio may be different; some manufacturers make the containers more elongated, others wider. A cylindrical aquarium, like a round one, is not very convenient for fish; it is especially not recommended to keep catfish in it.


Aquariums have an original shape, one side of which is completely flat and straight, and the other is rounded. They look especially interesting if you hang them on the wall.


Compact and convenient. Such aquariums can be placed in the corner of a desk; they do not take up much space. Among the models there are options with both straight and curved front glass. The approximate dimensions of a 10-liter triangular aquarium are 25x25x18, and a 30-liter one is 34x34x27.

Now there are many aquariums of unusual shapes: in the form of a jug, a diamond, a house. Particularly interesting is such a creative option as two cubes connected by a tunnel. Containers of this shape are very difficult to equip yourself, so most often they are sold already fully equipped with all the necessary paraphernalia.

Flow system

The best filtration is frequent water changes. A flow-through aquarium greatly simplifies maintenance and reduces it to an absolute minimum. But not everything is so simple, difficulties can arise due to seasonal changes in the quality of water in the central water supply; water from wells also leaves much to be desired; most often it contains too much iron. The solution is to install a pre-filter including a softener (if necessary), a physical filter, and a deferrization station, but this is not very cheap equipment. It is possible to reduce the cost of the system somewhat by creating a flow using reverse osmosis. It is necessary to plan a flow-through aquarium at the stage of repair work, and plumbing work must be carried out by a qualified specialist.

Carbon dioxide generator

Instead of a compressor, in some cases a carbon dioxide supply system is installed, but it is needed for plants, not fish. The installation is a gas cylinder with a volume of 100 ml to 5 liters with a reducer, valve, hoses and a sprayer. The CO 2 it produces is needed to build the tissues of particularly demanding plants that lack the carbon dioxide exhaled by fish. The installation also allows you to regulate the pH value of the water.

To ensure that there is enough gas for the plants, but at the same time the fish do not suffer from it, the supply level should not exceed 30 mg/l. But usually such a large amount is not required; it is enough to maintain CO 2 at a level of 3−5 mg/l .

If plants need a supply of carbon dioxide, they will additionally need to provide regular fertilization and adequate lighting. But not all aquariums require such specific care and equipment.

Influence of soil on biological balance

Another thing is “herbalist” (that’s what a container with a large number of plants is called). Here you cannot do without soil enriched with nutrients; it is needed to strengthen the root system. But not only.

The condition of the soil has a fairly significant impact on the biological balance in the aquarium, because it is no secret that living creatures and aquarium plants are in close relationship, in one closed ecological system.

As long as the aquarium hobby has existed, discussions have continued about the correct feeding of the soil. We have to come across statements that enriching an aquarium bottom substrate is not much different from creating nutritious soil on land (in a greenhouse or greenhouse, for example). So after this, “craftsmen” appear who obtain nutritious soil by mechanically mixing the earth with coal, peat, clay and even manure.

You can imagine what a blow this mixture causes to the well-being of ornamental fish!

The listed materials can be used in small quantities as additives only in a specific planting location.

  • In addition, peat, for example, is used to soften and acidify water if fish require an environment with such parameters.
  • Marble chips, on the contrary, make aquarium water hard and add alkalinity.

Option without equipment

Of course, full-fledged, expensive equipment for an aquarium is not always necessary, and the tank itself can be replaced with a very small container or even an ordinary jar. But in this option it will be possible to keep a very small number of fish. They must withstand temperature changes well and generally be very unpretentious in conditions.

In this case, instead of installing an oxygen generator, you will have to plant more plants in the aquarium; the oxygen they produce should be enough for one or two inhabitants.

If there is no filtration system, you will have to replace some of the water with fresh water more often and add special products from the pet store to it for additional cleaning. Pets will need to be chosen from those that are adapted to life in cool water; varieties of goldfish are suitable for this purpose. And instead of lighting built into the lid, you can place the aquarium under a table lamp, since plants that act as a source of oxygen will not be able to function normally without light.

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