How does the venom apparatus of amphibians work? In the process of evolution, amphibians developed glands that secrete skin
Description of aquarium discus fish Discus fish photo Discus is one of the most popular species
Wild animals >> Reptiles The spiny tail got its name due to its ability to curl its tail into a spiral.
Every pet, especially exotic pets, needs to be provided with conditions that are as close to natural as possible. And snails
Aquarium lighting is required when breeding fish from tropical or subtropical climates, where the duration
Description and natural habitat Tetra's homeland is South American reservoirs in which the water is round
Ocellated astronotus or Oscar (lat. Astronotus ocellatus, English oscar fish) - large and
4.9 (9) When creating a composition in an aquarium, you need to take into account a lot of nuances, including
Parrotfish The parrotfish has a jaw shaped like a bird's beak. With her mouth she gnaws coral
The cichlid family consists of many different species, representatives of which can be found on almost any