Why do fish swim on the surface of the aquarium when the compressor is running?

What will you learn from the article?
  1. Video with mice
  2. Video for cats with birds and nature
  3. Fish for cats
  4. Video with laser
  5. A selection of games for cats on Android
  6. A selection of games for cats on iPhone, iPad

Surely your pet has “helped” you watch football more than once, or caught the hand of a woman from a cooking show who was whipping an omelette. Did you know that there are not only films for adults and children, but also videos for cats with fish, mice, and also games?!

What is a cat video and where can you buy a ticket to an entertaining movie show?

A video for cats assumes the presence in the frame of birds, fish, mice, squirrels that move, flutter, swim and run. Such videos are both entertainment for the cat and a kind of simulator that helps the pet develop and maintain the hunting skills inherent in nature.

A pet can watch a screensaver for cats online in the comfort of their own home on a computer monitor, tablet screen or, for cats with good eyesight, on a mobile phone. To watch, you need to go to YouTube or use the selection that we made for you.

If you like the selection, share the article with your cat-loving friends on social networks!

Habitat levels

Before sounding the alarm, pay attention to what fish are at the surface of the water. After all, different types require a certain layer. For example, guppies prefer the topmost level, while catfish spend their lives closer to the bottom. Being in the same aquarium, they may not be aware of each other's existence.

If all the inhabitants are in their places, then everything is in order. But if the fish swim to the very surface and grab air, it means there is not enough air in the water.

Fish diseases

When you don’t want to blame yourself for the illness of aquatic inhabitants, the blame is transferred to illness. However, you should not rush to find a panacea for fish diseases - you need to study all the probable causes of their death.

It is necessary to blame diseases only when symptoms were already present. The fish gradually fades away, and does not die at once, without any special reason. Most often, diseases are brought into the reservoir along with new plants and inhabitants. Death can occur due to a malfunction of the heating element during the cold period.

Before going to the pet store, you need to be aware of what kind of medicine is needed. Each drug is aimed at a specific disease. There are no cures for all diseases. Therefore, if possible, take advice from experienced aquarists.

Of course, the disease is not capable of killing a healthy inhabitant. Why do fish die in a tank? If the inhabitant died, it means his immune system was undermined.

Fish diseases

What to do to protect your aquarium


  • quarantine new residents;
  • check the sanitization of plantings and residents.

What to do when a disease appears in the aquarium:

  • replace a tenth of the water every day;
  • increase the temperature;
  • increase aeration;
  • exclude carriers of diseases, as well as those who are already infected.

It is extremely important to remember which inhabitant you launched the fish last. It should be understood that fish from other countries can be carriers of rare diseases, which sometimes cannot be identified independently.

Lack of oxygen

A lack of air in an aquarium is most often caused by poor aeration. This means that the device does not produce the required amount of oxygen. One of the reasons is an incorrectly selected compressor , the power of which does not provide the required volume of air. If this is the case, then you need to install another one, or purchase a more powerful one.

  1. The performance of the aerator is indicated in the instructions for use.

Beginners are often mistaken in thinking that the aerator itself supplies the water with oxygen. Everything is much more complicated:

  • The air that moves the device is enclosed in a bubble and is inaccessible to fish. The main task of the aerator is to mix the layers of water . If this does not happen, then even in a small aquarium, the water divides into several layers, and a film forms on the surface. It blocks air from entering the aquarium. When the aerator works, bubbles rise to the surface and destroy the film. This allows atmospheric oxygen to freely penetrate into the water.

The flow of air into the aquarium depends not only on the efficiency of the device, but also on the condition of the water.

A selection of games for cats on Android

  • Mouse for Cats (best reviewed)


  • Cat Alone


  • Laser Cat 2


  • Mouse on screen


  • Friskies Cat Fishing


Water temperature

The physical quantity that determines the maximum possible ratio of dissolved oxygen in water is called oxygen saturation.

“Aeration of water” - Great Soviet Encyclopedia, - M., 1969-1978.

An important factor affecting the amount of oxygen in water is temperature. The higher the thermometer readings, the faster evaporation occurs, and with it the loss of air.

This is why it is so important to maintain optimal thermal conditions in the aquarium.


Be responsible when cleaning your aquarium. You should know the water parameters and check it with tests. If your goldfish dies, immediately remove the deceased pet from the tank and inspect the other inhabitants of the aquarium. Before getting a fish, get acquainted with the features of starting a reservoir, feeding, compatibility and maintenance of the aquarium. Goldfish die for the following reasons:

  • water pollution;
  • unsuitable conditions;
  • no quarantine for new fish;
  • neglect of processing of feed and plants;
  • overfeeding

Water quality

Lack of air in the aquarium is caused by the accumulation of organic residues. These are waste products of all inhabitants, excess food, dying parts of plants. All this settles on the ground and other surfaces. When organic matter decomposes, oxygen is absorbed and harmful compounds containing toxins are released :

  • Ammonia,
  • Nitrates,
  • Nitrites,
  • Phosphates.

Important! If the water is polluted and there is not enough air, the fish rise to the surface to grab atmospheric air.

Systematic water changes and soil siphoning can cope with the problem.

To maintain the optimal condition of the water in the aquarium, updating should be done once a week. The replacement volume depends on the set of fish. But most often it is at least 30%.

The quality of water in the aquarium is monitored using special indicator testers.

Each package of indicators has a color scale that you can refer to to determine the characteristics of the water.

Tip #1 . Tests are sold in pet stores. It is better to purchase brands from trusted manufacturers, avoiding random sellers and distributors.

Why do new residents eat poorly?

Lack of appetite in fish is observed immediately when moving to an aquarium, when introducing new food, changing the feeding regime and even the location of the feeder. Two weeks of acclimatization in new conditions are not critical, so temporary loss of appetite and poor feed intake are the norm in this situation. Guppies need to get used to new living conditions.

If the fish does not touch food, behaves sluggishly, there are tears in the fins, and the body shape is somewhat changed, this is already a cause for concern. You need to carefully look at how your neighbors behave. Perhaps they are chasing and terrorizing the fish. Maybe the reason is hidden in illness. In any case, it is advisable to place the fish separately in another aquarium.

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Excess of plants

Everyone knows that all plants, even aquatic ones, produce oxygen. Therefore, it is good to have them in the aquarium. But many people forget that O2 synthesis occurs only during the day, and at night plants need oxygen, just like fish. So it turns out that a large amount of aquatic flora is one of the reasons for lack of air. Of course, plants are important in the biological balance of the aquarium. However, their growth must be controlled .

  1. A large number of plants in the aquarium makes it difficult for fish to move and causes a lack of oxygen at night.

What is this?

It's no secret that cats are very playful and are always interested in exploring the world around them.

Until recently, owners entertained them with the help of candy wrappers tied to a string, but now almost every child has at their disposal a tablet, smartphone or computer, on the screen of which you can find more interesting entertainment even for pets.

Games for cats, which are, in fact, an ordinary video with mice, fish, and birds present in it, are gaining quite a lot of popularity. They all perform many movements (running, swimming, flying or jumping), sometimes so quickly that it is quite problematic to keep track of them.

When caring for a cat, it will be useful for you to learn more about how to accustom a cat to the litter box, how to wash it in the bathroom without scratches and abrasions, how to trim a cat’s claws yourself, what diseases cats suffer from, how to mate cats correctly and what a furminator is needed for.

For your home hunter, such videos are a kind of simulator, because in the absence of real mice, they remind him of the instincts inherent in nature.

If your pet has good eyesight, then he will enthusiastically watch the actions on the smartphone screen, but most often cats react to a larger image, that is, a video displayed on the monitor screen of a desktop computer, laptop or tablet.

All that is required from the owner is to download several of the most popular games for your cat or periodically play them online (for example, with a running mouse or a swimming fish). Very soon you will be able to determine your pet's favorite video.

Important! Don’t try to keep track of everything that’s happening on the screen, because unlike a cat’s visual organs, your eyes will begin to experience strain from the constantly flashing picture.

Overpopulation of the aquarium

If there are more inhabitants in the container than necessary, this naturally leads to a lack of air. In the struggle for existence, fish not only rise to the surface of the water, but also become aggressive, displacing competitors from the best places.

The problem can be solved simply - you need to initially select the right size of the aquarium based on the needs of the fish. In the future, monitor the reproduction and promptly vacate the excess residents. Then there will be enough space and oxygen for everyone.

  1. An excess of fish in the aquarium leads to a lack of air and rapid clogging with waste products.

Neighbors' aggression

Before going to the store for new fish, you need to weigh the pros and cons, as well as the ability of the existing inhabitants to get along with the new “neighbors.” You don't need to rely on the seller's experience. Follow the fundamental rules:

  • large inhabitants always try to devour small ones (this also applies to herbivorous species);
  • a large number of fish are susceptible to aggression within species;
  • some species attach themselves to small neighbors, which threatens death;
  • the strong always consume the weak;
  • Buy only those fish that have a peaceful character.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to identify why fish die in an aquarium. Experienced aquarists also experience fish deaths. Treat the inhabitants attentively and then it will be easy for you to identify the cause of their illness.

Nitrogen poisoning

This problem is the most common and often occurs among beginner aquarists. The cause of nitrogen poisoning is the desire to feed the fish to a state of extreme satiety, completely forgetting about the increase in the amount of waste products.

According to basic calculations, each aquarium fish should excrete 1/3 of its weight in 24 hours. But not everyone knows that during oxidation and decomposition, nitrogen compounds are formed, which consist of nitrites, nitrates, and ammonium. Each of the substances presented is poisonous in its own way.

The most dangerous for the life of fish is ammonium. Its excess amount becomes the main cause of their death. This is most often found in extremely neglected tanks. The most critical is the first week from the start. There are 3 options according to which the level of ammonium in water increases:

  • increase in the number of inhabitants;
  • filter failure;
  • a large amount of food.

An excess amount is easily determined by the state of the water, or rather by the smell. Have you noticed that the water has darkened and there is a rotten smell? This means that the process of increasing the ammonium concentration has already started.

Nitrogen poisoning

The main reason for strange behavior is overeating

There can be many reasons why a fish swims sideways. Often, it can be saved if the right actions are taken in time.

The first reason is overfeeding. Fish are voracious, so it is important to time their meals and ensure that no food remains. Otherwise, the water will be polluted prematurely and a favorable environment will arise for the development of putrefactive bacteria. In addition, the fish may develop serious digestive problems, including intestinal blockage and death. Angelfish react especially acutely to overfeeding.

If they begin to float upside down or lie on their sides on the bottom, but look completely healthy, then most likely this is the result of overeating. Place the fish and give it a fasting day for at least a day.

Observe the food storage conditions. Pour a small amount into a convenient container that can be refilled as needed, with a tight-fitting lid.

Scales, heads, bones of fish - warning signs

What's not allowed?

There were quite a lot of taboos associated with fishing.

  • It was strictly forbidden to be interested in other people's things or to brag about your catch - this was equated to a purposeful evil eye.
  • You can’t scrape off the scales on the shore - your luck will run out.
  • You should not eat the head of a fish - in this case, the sign promises a persistent migraine.
  • Children should not play with their father's spoils - they will grow up sick.
  • The fisherman himself should not look around while he is busy, otherwise the bite will inevitably end.
  • About fish

    • Finding dry bones in your home was considered a very bad omen - with their help, the residents could be damaged.
    • For pregnant women, fish with caviar was prohibited - a sign said that lovers of this delicacy could have a deaf-mute child.
    • But for a woman dreaming of imminent motherhood, it was very useful to have a dream about fishing - it predicted a quick fulfillment of the desire.

    About the first bite

    There is a special sign: when you catch a small fish on the first bite, you miss the big one. So it’s best to throw the outright little thing back into the water and let it invite its adult relatives to feast on the worms. And if you are hooked by a prickly ruff, you can safely change your location. You won't be able to catch anything serious at this point.

    Video for cats and mice

    Mice are the only animal that cats are partial to. The squeak makes the pet prick up its ears, take a pose, and prepare for the hunt. It is interesting to watch how the cat tries to understand where the sounds are coming from. Having discovered a mouse on the monitor, the cat cannot look away and carefully watches what is happening. And some look behind the monitor with amazement and confusion as to where she went. When several mice appear on the monitor, the animal does not hide its joy. A short video of 4 minutes will amuse both cats and their owners.

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