Goldfish drawing fairy tale - How to draw a fairy tale about the Fisherman and the Goldfish with a pencil step by step?

How to draw a goldfish with a crown (from The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish)


Many will remember Pushkin's instructive tale about an old man who caught a goldfish in the sea. She promised to grant three wishes if he let her go. The fisherman does not need anything, but his wife had many whims. Everything has come true. But when the old woman wanted to become the mistress of the sea, the fish took everything from her. The moral is that one must be able to moderate desires, otherwise boundless impudence will lead to a “broken trough.”

In this instruction we will show you how to correctly draw a beautiful goldfish from a fairy tale (cartoon).


Body Shape

We will draw in parts. The first is an oval.

Now let's give it the correct shape. On the right, where the tail will be, the contours become narrower.

Erase the extra lines.



In the fairy tale, the fish talked. So draw her mouth.

Erase the line that separates it from the head.



Draw a freehand line that separates the head from the body.



Large and very lush.

We divide the tail with lines.



Draw one circle of medium size, the second - inside.



There is one large ridge on the back. Below are three smaller fins.


Small parts

Add a couple of strokes on the fins, and the drawing is ready.



You can color the drawing with paints, colored pencils or felt-tip pens.


Online coloring book

Choose how you want to paint.



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More instructions on this topic:

Easy drawing of a pike

We've sorted out the bright and fabulous fish, now let's try to draw a pike. Almost every person has seen a pike, some even caught it while fishing. To work you will need a pen and colored pencils. Let's draw:

  1. First, draw a long oval at the top, with a sharp left edge.

    We add another similar oval to it in the lower part. We supplement them with lines and get the volume of the silhouette. In the center we add many small and sharp teeth.

  2. Starting from the top edge of the sketch, we begin to draw out the body.

    Draw the eyes in the form of circles. We draw the fins and finish drawing the body. At the end of the body we show a wide tail. We detail the fins and tail, and show shadows on these parts.

  3. In the upper left corner we draw a thread, at the end we draw a hook and show on it the bait that the pike is chasing.

    Against the background of this sketch we draw algae. Once you've finished drawing, you can start coloring.

  4. Use a yellow marker to place dots on the body. Use a green pencil to color the back of the fish.

    We color the fins with a pink pencil. We make the mouth and belly of the pike gray. We paint the bait with a red pencil. We color the algae green, and show the water around the picture in blue.

The picture is ready.

After studying our material, you not only learned how to draw fish with a simple pencil step by step for children, but you will also be able to draw other similar pictures with different silhouettes.

?How to draw a goldfish step by step

In this lesson I would like to teach you how to draw a goldfish with a pencil step by step. The lesson is quite simple and suitable for children and the youngest readers of our site.

So, first of all we draw the base for our goldfish. An oval like this with a small line at the tip is perfect.

Next, we draw a more accurate body of the goldfish, smoothly turning into a tail.

On the body of the fish we draw a round eye, an arc in the form of gills and some scales.

On top you can draw a fin of any shape you like. Fill the space inside the fin with lines.

Next, in turn, draw the tail of the goldfish and the lower fins.

We finish drawing the lines - this way the drawn goldfish will look much more interesting.

If you are drawing a goldfish from a fairy tale, then you can add a neat crown to it.

Color the drawing you made - I'm sure your goldfish turned out just great! Good luck in your creativity, leave comments and your drawings - I will be very glad to see what you come up with.



We draw a fish in watercolors for a child

This option is well suited for children, it is easy to draw and the result is a beautiful picture that can be hung on the wall in the nursery.

For this drawing you will need:

  • White paper, it is advisable to use special paper for painting with watercolors, in any format;
  • A simple pencil for sketching;
  • Eraser;
  • Glass of water;
  • Brushes of different sizes;
  • Palette;
  • Paints.

You can use a ready-made fish template from the previous version.

Operating procedure:

  1. Make the main background by choosing more suitable colors for this, for example, blue, cyan and green, making smooth transitions depicting the underwater world.
  2. For example, you can draw a sandy bottom, shells and algae.
  3. Let the paints dry, then simply cut out the fish and place it in the middle of the worksheet, tracing it.
  4. Next, using a simple pencil, draw all the details as in the sample and paint with paints. Good luck.

The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish | Read a fairy tale with pictures

The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish is a wonderful Russian fairy tale about how an old man once caught a goldfish, and it promised to fulfill his three wishes. The author of the tale is the Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Pushkin wrote “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” in 1833. But “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” in 1835 in the magazine “Library for Reading.”

And it turns out that Pushkin wanted to include the fairy tale in the “Songs of the Western Slavs.” The fairy tale and poetic meter are similar to this cycle.

So, I suggest that you just read now a fairy tale about a fisherman and a fish.

Read other interesting children's fairy tales on the site:

"Puss in Boots" "Cinderella" "Masha and the Bear"

The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish

An old man lived with his old woman by the very blue sea; They lived in a dilapidated dugout for exactly thirty years and three years. The old man was catching fish with a net, the old woman was spinning her yarn. Once he threw a net into the sea, - The net came with nothing but mud. Another time he cast a net, and a net came with sea grass. For the third time he cast the net, - The net came with one fish, With a difficult fish - a golden one. How the goldfish prays! He says in a human voice:

“You, elder, let me go to sea, Dear, I’ll give a ransom for myself: I’ll pay off with whatever you want.” The old man was surprised and frightened: He fished for thirty years and three years and never heard a fish speak. He released the golden fish and said a kind word to it: “God be with you, golden fish! I don’t need your ransom; Go to the blue sea, take a walk there in the open space.”

The old man returned to the old woman and told her a great miracle. “Today I caught a fish, a goldfish, not an ordinary one; In our language, the fish spoke, asked to go home to the blue sea, paid off at a high price: I bought off with whatever I wanted. I did not dare take ransom from her; So he let her into the blue sea.” The old woman scolded the old man:

“You fool, you simpleton! You didn’t know how to take ransom from a fish! If only you could take the trough from it, ours is completely split.”

So he went to the blue sea; He sees that the sea is playing up a little. He began to call the goldfish. The fish swam to him and asked: “What do you want, elder?” The old man answers her with a bow: “Have mercy, lady fish, My old woman scolded me, Doesn’t give me peace to the old man: She needs a new trough; Ours is completely split.” The goldfish answers: “Don’t be sad, go with God, you will have a new trough.” The old man returned to the old woman, The old woman has a new trough. The old woman scolds even more: “You fool, you simpleton! You begged for a trough, you fool! Is there a lot of self-interest in the trough? Turn back, fool, you are going to the fish; Bow to her and beg for a hut.”

So he went to the blue sea, There will be a new trough for you.” The old man returned to the old woman, he began to call the goldfish, the fish swam to him and asked: “What do you want, elder?” The old man answers her with a bow: “Have mercy, lady fish! The old woman scolds even more, Doesn’t give the old man peace: A grumpy woman asks for a hut.” The goldfish answers: “Don’t be sad, go with God. So be it: you’ll have a hut.” He went to his dugout, but there was no trace of the dugout; In front of him is a hut with a lighthouse, With a whitewashed brick chimney, With an oak and plank gate. The old woman sits under the window, where the light stands, scolding her husband. “You are a fool, you are a simpleton! The simpleton begged for a hut! Turn back, bow to the fish: I don’t want to be a black peasant woman, I want to be a pillar noblewoman.”

The old man went to the blue sea; (The blue sea is not calm.) He began to click on the goldfish. A fish swam to him and asked: “What do you want, elder?” The old man answers her with a bow: “Have mercy, lady fish!” The old woman is even more foolish than before, She doesn’t give me peace to the old man: She doesn’t want to be a peasant, She wants to be a pillar noblewoman.” The goldfish answers: “Don’t be sad, go with God.”

The old man returned to the old woman. What does he see? High tower.

His old woman is standing on the porch, In an expensive sable jacket, A brocade cap on the crown, Pearls hanging around her neck, Gold rings on her hands, Red boots on her feet. Before her are diligent servants; She beats them and drags them by the chuprun. The old man says to his old woman: “Hello, madam noblewoman! Tea, now your darling is happy.” The old woman shouted at him and sent him to serve in the stable.

One week goes by, then another, and the old woman gets even more foolish: Again she sends the old man to the fish. “Turn back, bow to the fish: I don’t want to be a pillar noblewoman, But I want to be a free queen.” The old man got scared and begged: “Why, woman, have you eaten too much henbane? You can neither step nor speak, You will make the whole kingdom laugh.” The old woman became even more angry and hit her husband on the cheek. “How dare you, man, argue with me, with me, a pillar noblewoman? “Go to the sea, they tell you with honor, If you don’t go, they will lead you willy-nilly.”

The old man went to the sea, (The blue sea turned black.) He began to click on the goldfish. A fish swam to him and asked: “What do you want, elder?” The old man answers her with a bow: “Have mercy, lady fish!” Again my old woman is rebelling: She doesn’t want to be a noblewoman, She wants to be a free queen.” The goldfish answers: “Don’t be sad, go with God! Good! the old woman will be a queen!”

The old man returned to the old woman. Well? before him are the royal chambers. In the chambers he sees his old woman, She sits at the table like a queen, Boyars and nobles serve her, They pour overseas wines for her; She eats printed gingerbread; There are menacing guards standing around her, holding axes on their shoulders. When the old man saw it, he was scared! He bowed to the old woman’s feet and said: “Hello, terrible queen! Well, now your darling is happy.” The old woman did not look at him, she only ordered him to be driven out of sight. The boyars and nobles ran up and pushed the Old Man backwards. And at the door the guards ran up and almost chopped me up with axes. But the people laughed at him: “Serves you right, you old ignoramus! From now on, ignoramus, science: Don’t sit in the wrong sleigh!”

One week, then another, the old woman became even more foolish: the courtiers sent for her husband, they found the old man and brought him to her. The old woman says to the old man: “Turn back, bow to the fish. I don’t want to be a free queen, I want to be the mistress of the sea, so that I can live in the Okiyan-sea, so that a golden fish can serve me and be on my errands.”

The old man did not dare to contradict, did not dare to utter a word against him. So he goes to the blue sea, He sees a black storm on the sea: And so the angry waves swell, And so they walk, and so howl and howl. He began to click on the goldfish. A fish swam to him and asked: “What do you want, elder?” The old man answers her with a bow: “Have mercy, lady fish! What should I do with the damned woman? She doesn’t want to be a queen, she wants to be the mistress of the sea; So that she could live in Okiyan-Sea, so that you yourself could serve her and be on her errands.” The fish said nothing, only splashed its tail in the water and went into the deep sea. He waited for a long time by the sea for an answer. He didn’t wait, he returned to the old woman - Lo and behold: again there was a dugout in front of him; His old woman sits on the threshold, and in front of her is a broken trough.

Read the tale of the fisherman and the fish

An old man lived with his old woman by the very blue sea; They lived in a dilapidated dugout for exactly thirty years and three years. The old man was catching fish with a net, the old woman was spinning her yarn.

Once he threw a net into the sea - The net came with nothing but mud. Another time he cast a net - A net came with sea grass. For the third time he cast the net - The net came with one fish, With not an ordinary fish - a golden one.

How the goldfish prays! In a human voice he says: “Let me go to sea, elder!” Dear, I’ll give a ransom for myself: I’ll pay off with whatever you want.” The old man was surprised and frightened: He fished for thirty years and three years and never heard a fish speak. He released the golden fish and said a kind word to it: “God be with you, golden fish! I don’t need your ransom; Go to the blue sea, take a walk there in the open space.”

The old man returned to the old woman and told her a great miracle: “Today I caught a fish, a goldfish, not an ordinary one; In our language, the fish spoke, Begged to go home to the blue sea, She bought herself off at a high price: She bought herself off with whatever she wanted I didn’t dare take a ransom from her; So he let her into the blue sea.” The old woman scolded the old man: “You are a fool, you simpleton! You didn’t know how to take ransom from a fish! If only you could take the trough from it, ours is completely split.”

So he went to the blue sea; He sees that the sea is a little rough. He began to click on the goldfish. A fish swam to him and asked: “What do you want, elder?” The old man answers her with a bow: “Have mercy, lady fish, My old woman scolded me, Doesn’t give me peace to the old man: She needs a new trough; Ours is completely split.” The goldfish answers: “Don’t be sad, go with God. There will be a new trough for you."

The old man returned to the old woman, The old woman has a new trough. The old woman scolds even more: “You fool, you simpleton! You begged for a trough, you fool! Is there a lot of self-interest in the trough? Turn back, fool, you are going to the fish; Bow to her and beg for a hut.”

So he went to the blue sea (The blue sea became clouded). He began to click on the goldfish. A fish swam to him and asked: “What do you want, elder?” The old man answers her with a bow: “Have mercy, lady fish! The old woman scolds even more, does not give me peace to the old man: a grumpy woman asks for a hut.” The goldfish answers: “Don’t be sad, go with God. So be it: you’ll have a hut.”

He went to his dugout, but there was no trace of the dugout; In front of him is a hut with a lighthouse, With a whitewashed brick chimney, With an oak and plank gate. The old woman sits under the window, Where the light stands, scolds her husband: “You are a fool, a straight simpleton! The simpleton begged for a hut! Turn back, bow to the fish: I don’t want to be a black peasant woman, I want to be a pillar noblewoman.”

The old man went to the blue sea (Restless blue sea). He began to click on the goldfish. A fish swam to him and asked: “What do you want, elder?” The old man answers her with a bow: “Have mercy, lady fish!” The old woman is even more foolish than before, she doesn’t give me peace to the old man: She doesn’t want to be a peasant, she wants to be a pillar noblewoman.” The goldfish answers: “Don’t be sad, go with God.”

The old man returned to the old woman, What does he see? High tower. His old woman is standing on the porch in an expensive sable jacket, a brocade cap on the crown, pearls weighed down her neck, gold rings on her hands, red boots on her feet. Before her are diligent servants; She beats them and drags them by the chuprun.

The old man says to his old woman: “Hello, noble lady madam! Tea, now your darling is happy.” The old woman shouted at him and sent him to serve in the stable.

One week goes by, another goes by, the old woman gets even more foolish; Again he sends the old man to the fish: “Come back, bow to the fish: I don’t want to be a pillar noblewoman. But I want to be a free queen.” The old man got scared and begged: “Why, woman, have you eaten too much henbane? You can neither step nor speak. You will make the whole kingdom laugh." The old woman became even more angry and hit her husband on the cheek. “How dare you, man, argue with me, with me, a pillar noblewoman? Go to the sea, they tell you with honor; If you don’t go, they will lead you willy-nilly.”

The old man went to the sea (The blue sea turned black). He began to click on the goldfish. A fish swam to him and asked: “What do you want, elder?” The old man answers her with a bow: “Have mercy, lady fish!” Again my old woman is rebelling: She doesn’t want to be a noblewoman, She wants to be a free queen.” The goldfish answers: “Don’t be sad, go with God! Good! the old woman will be a queen!”

The old man returned to the old woman, Well? before him are the royal chambers, in the chambers he sees his old woman, she sits at the table like a queen, boyars and nobles serve her, they pour her overseas wines; She eats printed gingerbread; There are menacing guards standing around her, holding axes on their shoulders.

When the old man saw it, he was scared! He bowed to the old woman’s feet and said: “Hello, terrible queen! Well, is your darling happy now?” The old woman did not look at him, she only ordered him to be driven out of sight. The boyars and nobles ran up and pushed the old man behind his back. And at the door the guards ran up, almost chopped him up with axes, and the people laughed at him: “Serves you right, you old ignoramus! From now on, ignoramus, science: Don’t sit in the wrong sleigh!”

One week goes by, another goes by, and the old woman gets even more foolish: The courtiers send for her husband. They found the old man and brought him to her. The old woman says to the old man: “Turn back, bow to the fish. I don’t want to be a free queen, I want to be the mistress of the sea, so that I can live in the Okiyan-sea, so that a golden fish can serve me and be on my errands.”

The old man did not dare to contradict, did not dare to utter a word against him. So he goes to the blue sea, He sees a black storm on the sea: And so the angry waves swell, And so they walk, and so howl and howl. He began to click on the goldfish. A fish swam to him and asked: “What do you want, elder?” The old man answers her with a bow: “Have mercy, lady fish! What should I do with the damned woman? She doesn’t want to be a queen, She wants to be the mistress of the sea: So that she can live in the Okiyan-Sea, So that you yourself serve her And be on her errands.” The fish said nothing, only splashed its tail in the water and went into the deep sea. He waited for a long time by the sea for an answer. But when he didn’t wait, he returned to the old woman. Lo and behold, there was a dugout in front of him again; His old woman sits on the threshold, and in front of her is a broken trough.

Artist: N. Rashchektaev

Mixed painting techniques

Let's expand our drawing skills further, let's try to combine drawing with watercolors and wax crayons.

You will need:

  • Watercolor paint;
  • Glass of water;
  • Tassels;
  • White paper;
  • Fish stencils;
  • Eraser;
  • Glue stick;
  • Napkin.

Operating procedure:

  1. Let's imagine that we are drawing an aquarium. And more than one fish, and more than one species, can swim in it; the variety is countless.
  2. You can prepare about 3-4 different types of fish.
  3. Before you start painting, glue on the fish stencils with a small amount of glue.
  4. Since the habitat is water, use colors of purple, blue and cyan, or you can paint a beautiful coral reef in the background, as is usually done in real aquariums.
  5. A good background option would be a painted grotto or underwater rocks and algae. For a smooth and beautiful transition of colors, add more water.
  6. All excess moisture can be removed with a napkin, toilet paper or paper towel. Leave until completely dry.
  7. After the main background has dried, peel off the fish stencils, trace the outline of the fish in any color you like and paint.

If you want to paint without a stencil, don't forget one thing: wax crayons show through the paint. And also the watercolor paint will drain, but in order not to spoil the drawing with excess moisture, use a napkin.

Illustrations for “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”

The illustrations for “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” were made by the Soviet graphic artist and illustrator Boris Aleksandrovich Dekhterev. Boris Dekhterev is a laureate of the Stalin Prize, II degree, and also has the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR (1966). Dekhterev is characterized by his work in watercolor and pencil.

For thirty-two years Dekhterev worked as the chief artist at the Children's Literature publishing house. He has accumulated vast experience, which, combined with unsurpassed talent, is expressed in a large number of works.

IllustratorBoris Dekhterev
AuthorA. S. Pushkin
WorkThe Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish
A countryRussia
The year of publishing1991
Publishing houseChildren's literature

Fish drawing diagram for preschoolers

Older children are no longer interested in the too simple version of the fish design, when it consists of an oval body and a triangular tail.

  1. The body line at the top is drawn with an arc.
  2. At the bottom, the arcuate line is repeated, but the bend is in the other direction. They do not connect to each other.
  3. On one side of the arches a mouth is drawn. All connection lines are smooth. The tail is also added. An eye is drawn inside the arcs.
  4. The fins of the fish are drawn on top of the body, on the side and below.
  5. The tail ends with a wavy line.
  6. The head is outlined in an arc.
  7. The body of the fish is decorated with scales.

A simple fish is ready.

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