TDS meter - we measure the hardness of water from various sources, including natural ones.
A little about water hardness Supplying water, hot and cold, to the consumer requires an enterprise that
How to transport and plant aquarium fish in an aquarium?
WHAT IS ACCLIMATIZATION? Acclimatization or transplantation of fish into a new aquarium is a process in which
Can a snail live without a shell?
Snail sleep, hibernation, Achatina leaving for a turn, what to do as a snail breeder
Chemical burn and poisoning When burned or poisoned by chemicals, 96% of individuals die. Contact with
Aquarium filter
Aquarium equipment: what you need for start-up and maintenance
Aquarium equipment. What aquarium equipment do you need to buy to properly start your aquarium? What
Gambusia: content, reproduction, description, compatibility, photo, video
This fish was first noticed in the rivers of North America, and due to its ability to eat
Answers to the most frequently asked questions - Aquarium soil
Soil is an important component of an aquarium. Plants are planted in it, nitrifying bacteria live in it,
Snails are able to maintain water in ideal condition in all respects
Are snails needed in an aquarium with fish: what role do they play and why are they needed?
Are snails needed in a home aquarium? Aquarists often differ in their opinions on this issue. Alone
Tubifex: breeding fish food at home, description
The common tubifex is a popular live food for fish. Habitat: standing waters with
How to choose the best lighting for a planted aquarium and everything about it
Do you need light in an aquarium? We create ideal conditions for fish and plants
Proper aquarium lighting is the key to the health and beauty of its inhabitants. Variety of light bulbs, wide availability
Guppy fish
Can guppies survive without oxygen or FAQ for dummies
General information and appearance Guppies are viviparous fish. Unlike many others
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