Which glass to choose for an aquarium based on thickness and material

Anyone who has ever encountered the stalemate of flooding neighbors due to a burst aquarium knows firsthand: the main point on which attention must first be focused is the strength of the tank and auxiliary structures. You must be sure that not only the container itself, but also the cabinet under it will withstand all the loads.

Choosing material for the walls of the aquarium: silicate glass or plexiglass

When it comes to large aquariums with a volume of more than 500 liters, the advantage of plexiglass products over silicate ones grows in proportion to the volume of the container:

  • A light weight. A 500-liter glass jar will weigh about 100-120 kg, and an acrylic jar will weigh about 35 kg.
  • Reliability and durability. Aquariums made of plexiglass, glued using a special technology, become a monolithic whole, while the shelf life of sealant such as silicone, which glues the joints of glass containers, is limited.
  • Impact resistance. This parameter is higher for acrylic. At the same time, tanks installed in places with a high risk of accidental mechanical damage are usually made of triplex or laminated glass. Such aquariums, for example, are indispensable in billiard rooms. Their walls can withstand a direct hit from a heavy billiard ball, while a glass container would break.
  • Base load. Due to the heavy load, a 500-liter silicate glass container cannot be installed on every ceiling and floor covering. While the same acrylic aquarium can be easily installed anywhere, on almost any surface.
  • Variety of forms. Acrylic material can be given any shape, which allows you to realize the most intricate design solutions.

But, of course, a huge advantage of glass aquariums over plastic ones is scratch resistance: to scratch silicate glass, you need to make an effort and work hard with some sharp object.

But acrylic scratches very easily: just get a grain of sand under a rag while wiping the walls, and the scratch is ready. Although scratched acrylic aquarium walls can be sanded, few people do it.

Where to go for help in choosing an aquarium?

Choosing the material that is ideal for your aquarium is a rather scrupulous matter. There are a lot of nuances to consider, including the location of the aquarium, stand, size, filling, etc. Naturally, it is not always possible to make the right decision on your own. But there is a way out - this.

The company's experts will be able to give you all the necessary information and advise on all issues. Moreover, it is here that they will be able to offer you a ready-made version of an aquarium that is ideal for your purposes. You can get a free consultation by calling the company (495) 506–05–48 and 366-74-56 or by email. In addition, you can talk with professionals in person by visiting the office in Moscow at st. Ibragimova, 5A.

The strength of glass depends on:

  • From the sizes. The larger the area, the lower the strength characteristics. Therefore, the longer the aquarium, the thicker the glass from which it is made should be.
  • From manufacturing technology. The best choice is float glass, which is formed on the surface of molten metal (eg tin). This material is not only much stronger, but also has better optical characteristics.
  • From thickness. The thicker the glass, the stronger it is.
  • From the quality of surface treatment. Abrasive damage is a factor that negatively affects the strength of a glass product.
  • From the use of hardening technologies - hardening, etching, external and internal lamination.

Why do you need an aquarium calculator?

As a rule, when a person moves from the category of “amateur” to professional aquarist, he begins to think about buying a new, more spacious or interesting aquarium. There are usually three options here:

  • purchase a ready-made design;
  • order a model from a professional craftsman;
  • make it yourself.

It’s precisely for those who want to experience all the hardships of aquarium “creativity” and make a house for the fish themselves that they need an aquarium calculator. It is needed in order to accurately calculate the required volumes of water, wall thickness and much more. Next we will talk in more detail about its varieties.

Aquarium glass thickness

The thickness of the glass for an aquarium is one of the most important indicators of the strength and reliability of the product. Once you have decided on the dimensions of the container, you need to select glass of the “correct” thickness for it. It is clear that too thin glass is a huge risk. If it bursts, you will flood your neighbors, and all the inhabitants of your home pond will die. There is also no point in having excessively thick glass, since in this case the structure becomes significantly heavier, the degree of transparency is reduced and, of course, this is an extra expense (glass is about one-third of the cost of the aquarium).

Please note that the glass used in the manufacture of reservoirs also comes in different brands and can be made of different materials, each of which has its own thickness standard calculation (tempered, acrylic, silicate, etc.). For example, in two containers of the same volume, the glass one will have less wall thickness than the acrylic one.

So, the longer and the higher the aquarium, the thicker the glass should be. So, for a container with a length of 1000-1200 mm and a height of 600-700 mm, its thickness should be 10 mm. If the tank is 1000-2000 mm long and 700-800 mm high, then 12 mm thick glass is required. For very long and tall aquariums (1200-2000 mm long, 900-1000 mm high) a nineteen-millimeter thickness will be required.

The quality of the glass used to make an aquarium is very important. Under no circumstances should you mess with old display or window glass - they are absolutely unsuitable due to the presence of bubbles, sagging, and a greasy film on the surface. They may also be too old or damaged by welding.

Additional recommendations

There is another type of glass - tempered . But it is not recommended to use such glass for aquariums, as they are quite fragile. Even with minor deformations, they cannot withstand and crumble into small pieces. Also, the glass should not have any scratches on the surface, since even the smallest scratch can ultimately turn into a big nuisance for the owner of the aquarium and for his neighbors below.

If glass with a small scratch will still be used for the aquarium, then it should be installed so that the scratch is on the inside. The pressure created in the aquarium will not damage the glass.

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Surface for an aquarium

As already discussed above, acrylic volumetric aquariums are much lighter than their glass counterparts. However, it should be remembered that it is necessary to focus not on the net weight of the container, but on how much it will weigh together with all its contents: water, soil, vegetation, inhabitants, etc. That is, the gross weight in any case turns out to be decent, and therefore the base for the aquarium must be strong and stable.

An aquarium cabinet differs from ordinary furniture because it must withstand heavy loads:

  1. It provides additional supports at a distance of 300-500 mm from each other, thanks to which the weight is distributed evenly.
  2. Stability – there should be no wheels or fragile legs. Typically, such a cabinet stands monolithically on the floor and its height does not exceed 900 mm. At higher heights, it is necessary to further strengthen the rear wall.
  3. Water resistance and perfectly flat surface of the tabletop. Defects in the form of bends and “screws” are not allowed.
  4. The dimensions of the cabinet must match the dimensions of the bottom of the aquarium.
  5. The support must be leveled, especially when it comes to an aquarium made of silicate glass.
  6. For small and medium-sized aquariums, you can use ordinary furniture, where the back wall is made of load-bearing material. Otherwise, the cabinet can be improved by inserting a metal back wall or frame.

Creation date: 10/02/2018

Tempered glass aquarium

Tempered glass is ordinary silicate glass that has undergone a tempering process, somewhat similar to the process of tempering metal. This treatment increases the strength of the glass several times, but at the same time makes it more fragile. In addition, having decided to make an aquarium from this particular material, you can forget about the usual cracks on its surface - from the slightest blow with a metal object, the aquarium will crumble into many small fragments. Not to mention that after the procedure, it will no longer be possible to perform any other operations with glass - all holes, bends and slits must be made before hardening.

Amazing DIY fish shelter

There are a number of advantages to making a homemade aquarium. The main thing is that purchased structures are quite expensive and not every user is willing to pay for a simple glass cube. In addition, the user can build the structure himself and not worry about its quality and durability, because nothing can make a thing better than the own hands and soul of a craftsman.

Types of calculators

At the moment, on the Internet you can find a huge number of mathematical programs designed to calculate certain parameters. With their help you can calculate:

  • volume of liquid;
  • glass thickness;
  • mass and location of the soil;
  • amount of fertilizer for aquarium vegetation;
  • light power;
  • operating power of the water heater;
  • required amount of carbon dioxide;
  • fish population density.

In addition, all calculators offer a wide range of glass box shapes, divided respectively into rectangular, angular, panoramic, cylindrical and other types.

From the video “Making an Aquarium” you will get some useful tips.


If any part of the aquarium leaks, you should not immediately disassemble and redo it. Often it is enough to correct small errors in the design.

Leaking corner

Treat the damaged corner from the inside with silicone glue.

If the leak continues, cut and remove the two joining walls that form the corner. Remove the silicone with a knife and degrease the cleaned surface. Seal the walls with silicone glue and attach them back.

The seam is leaking

If a structural seam leaks, use a knife to remove the problem area of ​​the seam. Cover the inside with silicone glue.

If this is not enough to stop the leak, then cut out the two walls and re-glue them with copious amounts of glue.

Small bubbles

If small bubbles form from a small gap, no measures should be taken. This is acceptable if no leakage is observed.

If there is a leak in a problem area, replace the silicone adhesive to prevent damage to the integrity of the container in the future.

How to correctly calculate the volume

First of all, in order to calculate the volume of water and calculate the size of the aquarium, you need to decide on its shape. After this, in the appropriate lines of the calculator you need to indicate the desired dimensions of the walls and the expected height. When all the parameters are specified, the calculator will be able to show you the estimated volume of water and soil. So, for example, for a rectangular aquarium with a front wall width of 100 cm and a side wall of 50 cm, with a height of 70 cm, we will get an aquarium designed for 350 liters.

At the same time, having indicated the desired soil layer of 2 cm, we find out that we will need 10 liters or 15 kg of total filler for the bottom.

How to make an aquarium

Follow these instructions to make a fish container.

  1. Lay any unwanted carpet or other fabric over the surface to avoid damaging the floor.
  2. Make your own corner stands for glass. They must be vertical and parallel to each other.
  3. Cover the surfaces along the seam with masking tape.
  4. Apply sealant to the glass cuts.
  5. Place the glass on the glue.
  6. We turn the structure over and apply glue to the cuts.
  7. We cover the surface with masking tape, spread the glue and press the glass.
  8. Attach another side wall.
  9. We make longitudinal and transverse ties, covering the surface with tape.
  10. We wait for the surface to dry and place the aquarium on the stand.

Design options

  • Rectangular.
  • Obtuse.
  • Acute angular.

Materials for work

To make an aquarium you will need tools and materials:

  • Silicate glue.
  • Glass cutter.
  • Gun for distributing glue.
  • Sponge.
  • Roulette.
  • Masking tape.

Preparing glass parts

When preparing the glass, determine the dimensions of the structure. After measuring with a glass cutter, cut out the walls and bottom. Do not sand glass fins. This provides better grip. Place the bottom of the aquarium inside the walls in advance.

Before gluing glass parts, degrease the surface. Cover the inside and outside of the glass near the gluing area with masking tape to avoid contamination.

Working with glue

Apply a couple of drops of glue to the bottom glass sections and wait 2 hours until it hardens.

Cut off the glue, leaving a layer of 1–2 mm. This is done to avoid glass surfaces touching each other. Touching will cause the glass to gradually break. After this, glue the front wall; Use supports to secure it. Secure the end glass with masking tape and seal it with sealant. A Also attach the second end glass and the rear wall. Remove excess sealant from the surface with a sponge.

The sealant dries out 2 hours after finishing work. Now apply another layer of silicone glue for tightness and strength. After the silicone coating has dried, the excess on the seams is removed with a knife. Peel off the masking tapes. Assembly is complete.

Strengthening the walls

The walls of the structure are strengthened using rigid ribs. The fins are made of glass with a width of 7–8 cm. They are attached between the upper parts of the vertical walls. Stiffening ribs distribute water pressure over the entire area of ​​the aquarium. They are recommended for large volume containers.

When making large aquariums, additional ribs will be required on all walls and bottom.


When making an aquarium yourself, follow the basic rules:

  1. Selecting proven glass.
  2. Choosing a safe sealant.
  3. Don't forget to degrease surfaces.
  4. Place an unnecessary carpet or something similar in the place where the future tank will be assembled.
  5. Apply the sealant in an even, even layer.
  6. Cut off excess glue with a knife.
  7. Do not touch or rearrange the container for 24 hours after gluing.
  8. Every other day, glue the stiffeners and ties.
  9. After complete drying, fill the container with water.

Aquarium shapes

Before design, the shape of the container is selected.

The choice of forms is quite varied:

  • Round form.
  • Rectangular shape.
  • Angular shape.
  • Panoramic form.

Each of these forms fits its own interior. These forms are feasible when making an aquarium at home. The only exception is the round shape. To make it yourself, you will need the work of a glass blower.


Glass is the main material for creating a fish house. It is designated by the letter M with numbers. To create a container, glass of at least M3 is recommended. The best option would be to use M1 - the most durable and reliable. It should not have scratches, chips, or cracks. To make the container, ordinary silicate glass is used. Choosing good glass is the starting point, starting the production of the container.

Glass thickness is the second most important selection criterion. Determine the volume of the future container using the formula:

Volume = Length * Width * Height.

Knowing these characteristics, the thickness of the container is determined.

For greater structural strength, stiffeners and ties are used.

The glass collected must be of good quality. This will allow you to make an aquarium with your own hands without any problems.

Glass cutting

The cutting determines the stability and tightness of the future structure. Don't do your own cutting. It’s better to buy already cut ones.

Why is it better to purchase cut glass:

  • Cutting is a difficult and long process.
  • Special equipment is required for high-quality cutting.
  • More economical.


For gluing you will need silicone glue. The glue must consist entirely of silicone and be approved for gluing fish tanks. Adhesives are commercially available to prevent mold and bacteria. This glue is not suitable. It is dangerous to the health of fish.

Before work, decide on the color of the silicone glue:

  • Black. Suitable for large containers. Black sealant outlines the boundaries of the container. But if you do not work carefully and use black glue, chips and unevenness will be visible.
  • White. Used in combination with the interior.
  • Colorless. Universal and most common sealant. When using it, unevenness due to sloppy gluing is invisible.

When working with sealant, use a glue gun.


When making a tank, it is important to take care of the holes. Wires and hoses of devices are laid through them, and aquarium accessories are placed.


A lid on the aquarium will protect the fish from dust and dirt getting into the water, and will not allow them to jump out and die. It should be light, removable, and made of moisture-resistant materials. Lighting is often built into it. Lids are often made of plastic or organic glass.

What tools will you need?

In order to make a high-quality and durable structure, it is better for the user to stock up on the following tools:

  • glue gun;
  • masking tape;
  • metal corners;
  • clamps;
  • spatulas;
  • substrates;
  • stationery knife;
  • sealant;
  • the glass itself;
  • glass cutter (if you need to cut glass).

Having prepared this material, we can consider that half of the work is done.

How to choose the right sealant

Because it is not the simplest material that will stick together, and its operating conditions are not the most favorable - glass and constant contact with water. You need to carefully choose a sealant. What criteria should you pay attention to?

  • safe composition;
  • strength and elasticity of the material;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • fast setting;
  • ease of use;
  • possibility of dismantling;
  • durability;
  • high degree of adhesion to the material.

If the glue meets all the criteria, then it can be safely used for working with glass.

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