Smart nets for fishermen: how we taught smartphones to recognize fish

The application for fishermen scans and identifies any fish

Sergey Lipchenko, published December 22, 2021
Even the most avid fishermen sometimes catch fish that they simply cannot identify. When this happens, how do you know how much the fish weighs, whether it's in season, and whether it's edible? With a quick scan of your catch, the FishVerify app can identify the type of fish, provide information about its edibility and habitat, and, using your phone's GPS, can tell you how much of a given fish can be legally caught.

FishVerify is built on a neural network, a type of artificial intelligence that can be trained on a set of data and used for image recognition. In this case, the system was filled with 1.5 million pictures of more than 1,000 different types of fish, and the beta version of the application is currently working on about 150 species.

Using an ever-growing set of data, the idea is that fishermen can take a photo of any fish they catch, and in a couple of seconds the app will tell them what kind of fish it is, as well as all its physical features, where it can be found, how to catch it, and how to catch it. whether to eat it. Existing photos can also be imported, if suddenly a week ago you caught an unknown fish, but did not know what kind of fish it was and simply threw it away after taking a photo first.

FishVerify can also use location information from your phone to check how many of these fish you can carry without running into a fine from the fisheries authorities, the seasonality of this fish, and the catch records for this species. The app will automatically geotag your catches, creating a detailed diary of where, when and what you caught. If a fisherman needs a specific fish, the application will tell you where it is best to look for the specified species.

The FishVerify app is on Kickstarter, where $15 or more can get you access to the beta version now. The app is currently only available on iOS, but an Android version is already in development.

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How to Read Underwater Topography on a Sonar Screen

In addition to identifying fish, it is also important to learn how to use the depth and bottom features. On most fish finders, the depth (in feet or meters) between the bottom and the water surface is shown in the upper left corner of the display. Directly below the depth is usually the water temperature.

In addition, the fish finder display also provides information about the structure and density of the bottom underneath your fishing kayak or boat. You can use this to great advantage by moving slowly through the area to identify structures, such as a drop-off or sunken log, that tend to attract a lot of fish.

To get a general overview of the underwater topography of an area, you can set your fish finder to a Wide Beam setting, but if you want to get a more detailed view of a specific location, it is best to change the scan setting to Narrow Beam. This will create a very detailed image of the prospect and the fish within it.

Underwater algae appears on the sonar screen as thin vertical lines. Additionally, you should look for holes or depressions as these may contain lurking fish, as well as logs and underwater mounds that also tend to attract fish.

Various types of bottom consistency

With a little practice, you can tell a lot about bottom stability based on the sonar signal. A hard bottom will appear as a firmer, thicker line compared to a muddy bottom, which appears wider and “fuzzier” on the 2D sonar screen.

Help me identify the fish from the photo

Help me identify the fish from the photo

Post by maktub » 02 Mar 2010, 21:29

Help me identify the fish from the photo

Post by Metal » 02 Mar 2010, 21:30

Help me identify the fish from the photo

Post by Roman » 02 Mar 2010, 21:33

Help me identify the fish from the photo

Post by Metal » 02 Mar 2010, 21:35

Help me identify the fish from the photo

Post by maktub » 02 Mar 2010, 21:39

Help me identify the fish from the photo

Post by Metal » 02 Mar 2010, 21:41

Help me identify the fish from the photo

Post by maktub » 02 Mar 2010, 21:44

Help me identify the fish from the photo

Post by Alexey » March 02, 2010, 21:45

Help me identify the fish from the photo

Post by Alexey » March 02, 2010, 10:04 pm

Help me identify the fish from the photo

Post by Smile » April 16, 2010, 05:59 pm

Help me identify the fish from the photo

Post by Roman » April 16, 2010, 6:20 pm

Help me identify the fish from the photo

Post by Smile » April 16, 2010, 6:29 pm

to AquaStatuS : Yes, yes, the cancer looks much more like the photo than the lobsters I found

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