Why does the red-eared turtle not eat, is lethargic and sleeps and what to do

So, you are going to buy a red-eared slider, or have already bought one. If you have no previous experience in caring for and keeping red-eared turtles, then first of all read all the recommended articles on care. At the same time, remember the following mistakes that should never be made when keeping this type of turtle:

  1. The red-eared turtle cannot be kept in a small aquaterrarium. That is, it should not be cramped. Your turtle should be able to swim freely both when it is little and when it is 10 years old. Therefore, make sure to buy a large aquarium of 80-100 liters in advance to provide your pet with plenty of space for swimming.
  2. You cannot keep a red-eared turtle (or any aquatic turtle) without an island of land. There must be an island for resting, otherwise the turtle may drown. The fact is that the turtle breathes air, and when immersed in water, it holds its breath. And if she constantly swims, she will get tired and could drown. In this case, the island cannot be made smooth, otherwise the turtle will not be able to climb out onto it.
  3. You cannot keep a turtle without a lamp. The UV lamp helps the turtle to warm up and gently disinfects the water, and also promotes the production of vitamin D, which amphibians often lack in winter.
  4. You should not feed your turtle the same type of food. For example, only one meat, or only one plant, or only one gamarus. The diet should be varied, then your animal will be healthy and full of strength and energy.
  5. The water in the aquarium must not become cloudy, causing a film to form on its surface. This is a direct path to turtle diseases, then you will have a lot more trouble and spend more money on treatment.
  6. It is advisable to use all supplements, vitamins and medications only as prescribed by a doctor, or at least according to strict instructions. Under no circumstances should you dose medications by eye.
  7. Do not rub the turtle with hard brushes or remove peeling horny plates from the surface of the shell. Otherwise, the turtle may develop a disease.
  8. You cannot keep two or more males, or two turtles of different sizes, in one aquaterrarium - they will fight and cause each other stress, and therefore disease.
  9. You cannot put a turtle into hibernation yourself. The red-eared slider usually does not hibernate in warm home conditions. Don't force things. If she wants to sleep, let her sleep. If he doesn’t want to, he doesn’t have to.
  10. Under no circumstances should you use kitchen utensils to clean the aquaterrarium and care for your turtle, which you will then use for cooking. For these purposes, buy all the accessories separately and after cleaning, wash them, dry them and put them in a cotton bag (not a plastic bag). After contact with the turtle, as well as after cleaning the aquarium, be sure to wash your hands with soap and wash the bathtub with a disinfectant, since you will then have to wash yourself in it.


Keeping red-eared turtles

Keeping red-eared turtles often turns out to be more difficult than expected at first glance.
Turtles spend most of their time in the water, although they definitely need land. An adult turtle needs an aquaterrarium with a volume of 100-150 liters, preferably that land occupies about 25% of its area. If possible, soil or crushed stone is poured on the shore. A gentle ascent with a rough but non-scratching surface is arranged to land. The water level must be greater than the width of the shell, so that if the turtle finds itself on its back, for any reason, it can turn over and not drown.

The water temperature in the aquarium should not be lowered below 20°C, the normal temperature is 24-30°C (it is advisable to install a heater to maintain the temperature). The water in the aquarium is replaced as needed, 1 - 2 times a week. A water filter allows you to do this much less often. However, a complete water change should be done at least once a month. It is advisable to install an incandescent lamp above the island in the aquarium. Turtles love to bask on dry land. Also, for the normal maintenance of a red-eared turtle, a source of dosed ultraviolet radiation is necessary.

In captivity, the diet of red-eared turtles includes small crustaceans such as gammarus or shrimp. Small aquarium or river snails, small or cut into pieces fish, meat cut into small strips, liver, small frogs, tadpoles, various insects and their larvae, earthworms, bloodworms, and tubifex are also suitable.

Do not forget that the diet of red-eared turtles should include foods rich in calcium: fish heads, bone meal, chalk, eggshells, etc. The diet of adult turtles also includes plant foods. Pets eat well dandelion leaves, cabbage, lettuce, spinach, and plantain. Among algae, duckweed, elodea, spirogyra, seaweed, anacharis, water beetle, edogonium, etc. are well eaten. Young red-eared turtles are fed 2 times a day. Later they are transferred to single meals. Turtles over 2 years old should be fed no more than 2-3 times a week.

You should not feed your turtle the same thing; the diet should be varied. The amount of food is selected so that the turtles eat everything without leaving anything in the water. Turtles should be fed at the same time every day. It’s good if the turtle has warmed up well before this. At a temperature of 28-30°, turtle digestion is much more intense. You can also feed turtles outside the aquarium, for example in a basin with water. This will help keep the aquarium clean. If the turtle's food is not particularly varied, it should be given vitamins or vitamin complexes. You can find them in pet stores; choose ones marked “for reptiles.” Vitamins are fed to hungry turtles in their food. The dosage must be looked at in the instructions for the drug.

Where and how to properly feed red-eared turtles?

Go to the previous part of the article

In general, red-eared turtles take food in the water, although after this they sometimes crawl ashore to eat. And it would be a good idea to gradually accustom them to constantly take food on the shore, since food in water, especially of animal origin, spoils very quickly, and the water of the aquaterrarium also quickly becomes polluted.

So, for their own (and your) good, you need to accustom them to feeding first at the water’s edge near the sloping shore. Then start putting the food in a shallow saucer with a small amount of water. Then, accordingly, move the saucer a little, gradually further and further from the water... In general, you understand how to gradually carry out this training!

Some owners of turtles, in order not to pollute or frequently change the water in the aquarium, use the following technique when feeding the animal: they take the turtles out of their permanent place of residence and place them in a wide basin or a small aquarium, very slightly filled with clean, settled water at the temperature usual for the animals. Having fed them in this “restaurant”, they escort the satiated and “ripe” clients home.

If you still feed your charges in their native aquarium, then never give food (especially fatty ones - pork, capelin) in excess, and if the turtles have not eaten it in half an hour, then remove the food from the terrarium and throw it away. Such food can no longer be reused.

It should also be borne in mind that fatty foods not only pollute the water in the aquarium, but also spoil the biofilter.

Young turtles need to be fed every day, and adults (after two years) - once every two to three days. There are plenty of both of them, because... “Redheads” are natural gluttons, this is normal for them.

Among hobbyist owners of freshwater turtles, there is a very common recipe for food that you can prepare for future use yourself. This is a feed mixture based on edible gelatin or agar-agar. It is convenient and beneficial because it is inexpensive, nutritious and can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time. You can also easily include a wide variety of vitamin and mineral supplements.

The mixture includes: carrots - 70 g, cabbage - 50 g, apples - 50 g, fish fillet - 145 g, squid fillet - 100 g, raw egg - 2 pcs., milk - 150 ml, Tetravit - 20 drops , calcium glycerophosphate - 10 tablets, gelatin - 30 g and water - 150 ml.

Carrots, cabbage, apples, fish fillets and squid are passed through a meat grinder. Gelatin is poured with warm water - 150 ml per 30 g, after swelling it is brought to complete dissolution in a steam bath.

Solid food crushed in a meat grinder is poured with prepared hot (80°C) gelatin solution and beaten eggs with milk.

The mixture is thoroughly mixed. Add 20 drops of Tetravit or other vitamins, as well as crushed glycerophosphate tablets, to the mass that has cooled to 30 °C. After adding the last ingredients, the mixture is stirred again and placed in the refrigerator.

This food can be stored in the refrigerator for a week. Before feeding, the food is cut into cubes, warmed to room temperature and fed.

The indicated amount is enough for ten feedings of one turtle with a shell length of about 15 cm.

If necessary, medications can be added to the food. Instead of gelatin, you can use agar-agar. In this case, the resulting food will be harder and melt more slowly in warm water.

So, as you can see, it turns out that there are many recipes and instructions for the proper feeding and maintenance of such seemingly not picky animals as red-eared turtles.

Good luck and happy communication!

Tags: turtle, terrarium, feeding animals, red-eared turtle


Like any living creature, a turtle needs a complete set of nutrients and minerals. In nature, it feeds on crustacean fry and fish, but does not refuse plant food.

Therefore, at home it is very important to ensure that the diet is as varied as possible and suitable for reptiles. It is best to use ready-made species that are available in pet stores.

Here the turtle also surprises its owners. She can live for two to three weeks without food. But a complete lack of appetite can be a sign of some kind of disease. Therefore, the fact that a reptile does not eat should not always be regarded as positive. But how many times a day to feed a red-eared turtle - this issue is decided individually, depending on the age and weight of the turtle.


When you just bought a reptile, it is not surprising that it refuses food. It can take her a day to get used to her new place of residence. The animal is stressed, so she refuses to eat. As soon as the pet gets used to the new conditions, it will begin to take food.

At first, you shouldn’t stand near the terrarium for a long time, much less knock on it. Until the animal gets used to it, you should not try to pick it up, so as not to unnerve your pet again.

Moreover, you should not handle baby turtles; babies are very timid and this can become stressful for them; as a result, they stop eating and may even get sick.

Got sick after a walk

During its long walk, the turtle could get sick from a draft, get dehydrated, get hurt when falling, and other pets could injure it. Observe the animal after it has been found. Let's look at the most common diseases and their symptoms.

  1. Pneumonia. Your pet was walking in a draft and got cold. Hoarse breathing, thick liquid appears in the mouth, runny nose, and later you can hear squelching breathing. Treatment and dosage are prescribed by the doctor, mainly intramuscular antibiotics.
  2. Runny nose. Possibly from dust or hypothermia. The treatment is simple, you need to rinse your nose, each nostril in turn. When rinsing properly, the liquid should come out through the mouth. When a turtle has a runny nose, it needs to be warmed up well.
  3. Fractures. When falling from an aquarium. If the fracture is closed, then in principle it will heal on its own; if the fracture is open, then surgical intervention is necessary. In any case, consultation with a doctor is necessary.
  4. Dehydration.

At the beginning of our conversation, we found out how long a red-eared turtle can go without water. But, if you find it more than 5 days later. By signs you can determine the condition of your pet

Sunken eyes, lethargy, in some cases muscle twitching, also pay attention to the skin. When squeezed with two fingers, the skin should straighten; if this does not happen, it means your pet is suffering from dehydration.

The doctor must prescribe treatment, but usually this is water and a special solution.

  1. Worms. If worms are detected, the help of a doctor is necessary, because you cannot get rid of some types on your own. Some experts advise feeding your turtle raw, grated carrots as a treatment for them.
  2. Lacerations. The wounds may come from other pets. A dog or cat may have injured the turtle. If such a situation arises, then it is necessary to remove the turtle from the water to avoid infection and to stop the bleeding. Treat wounds with an alcohol-free antiseptic. If the wounds are serious, then you need to see a doctor to get stitches. Do not put it in water for 2-3 days until the wounds begin to heal.
  3. Conjunctivitis. This is a highly contagious disease. If you have several turtles, then the sick one needs to be removed, and the common aquarium needs to be cleaned and the water changed. With this disease, the turtle's eyes become very swollen. It is necessary to wash the eyes with chamomile decoction and drip antibacterial drops 2 times a day. If the disease is severe, you can use tetracycline eye ointment. The illness should go away within a week.
  4. Stomatitis. Bad odor from the mouth, swelling of the mucous membrane and purulent formations in the mouth are the very first symptoms of stomatitis. With this disease, the turtle must be placed in a separate container to exclude the possibility of infection of other animals. This is a serious disease that we strongly do not recommend treating on your own.
  5. Dermatitis. The main symptoms: peeling of the skin, the appearance of acne, ulcers on the shell and paws. All this is caused by improper care of the turtle. Change the water more often, check the temperature of the water and on the island, balance the diet. Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor.
  6. .Constipation and diarrhea. The causes of these diseases always turn out to be poor nutrition. Review the feeding process itself. After feeding, turn off the light above the aquarium only after the turtle has gone to the toilet, otherwise constipation may occur. Also check that there are no small stones or sharp shells at the bottom that it can swallow. If she has diarrhea, it means you are overfeeding her or giving her fatty foods.

Watch your animals. Take time for this, because the better you know their habits, you will immediately understand if your pet is sick and will not waste precious time treating it. Do not self-medicate, but contact specialists. A competent diagnosis and timely treatment are the key to your pet’s longevity!

This is interesting! A special shelter for turtles has been opened in Switzerland. Adults who are no longer able to be kept at home end up there.

Why doesn't the turtle eat anything?

Refusal to eat can be the result of a variety of reasons. Some species are sensitive to temperature changes, others do not eat the food offered, sometimes this is a process of adaptation or behavior patterns at different periods of the year.

  1. When an exotic pet appears in the house, the process of feeding it is exciting and you want to pamper it with different delicacies. However, the first and most common reason why a turtle does not eat is overfeeding. The young eat little by little every day, and the adult eats enough in just three meals a week. By observing the turtle, you can determine its portions and taste preferences, because you won’t be able to force feed it.
  2. If there are several individuals in the aquarium, the male turtle does not eat due to the desire to reproduce. Pets simply do not want to waste time and energy on food. After mating, everything will return to normal and the appetite will resume.
  3. When a turtle does not want to eat and does not open its eyes, it should be taken to a specialist. A common cause of illness is low temperature and improper care. This issue can only be resolved after consultation.

Why don't turtles eat in winter?

With the arrival of autumn cold weather, many species begin to prepare for hibernation. There are several important points in this matter.

  1. The idea of ​​wintering is to sleep in a cool, damp place before the temperature starts to rise. If there is food left in the stomach, after waking up the death of the turtle is inevitable; at best, it will wake up sick and long-term treatment will begin.
  2. Therefore, it is difficult to ensure the correct hibernation regime at home. But nature itself suggests giving up food and switching to low energy expenditure. The red-eared turtle does not eat in winter for the same reason: it is gradually preparing for suspended animation.
  3. To prevent hibernation, you should increase the temperature and install a UV lamp.

Article on the topic: Homeland and origin of turtles: where and how the first turtles appeared

Why doesn't the red-eared slider eat anything?

This species is capricious and picky in matters of home maintenance. Long before purchasing, you should learn more about the basic rules of content in order to avoid common mistakes.

  1. As the temperature in the apartment drops, the red-eared turtle becomes lethargic and does not eat. These are the first signs of preparation for winter sleep. Hibernation over the winter should not be allowed at home. You should increase the temperature in the house and install a lamp.
  2. If the turtle does not eat, but the activity remains the same, you have acquired a male and he is showing sexual activity. This is typical when keeping several turtles in an aquarium. After the mating season, the red-eared turtle will eat in the same portions.
  3. It makes sense to observe the situation in an aquarium where several individuals are kept. Sometimes the larger ones begin to dominate and simply take food away from the other cohabitants.
  4. Red-eared turtles require a constant temperature of about 30°C. This is the main condition for maintaining vital processes, this also applies to the reptile’s appetite.
  5. We must not forget about the peculiarities of feeding. A young red-eared turtle eats only meat; for adults, half of the diet consists of food of plant origin.

The land turtle does not eat

Inexperienced owners of land turtles often do not fully understand the importance of observing the conditions of keeping the reptiles. The Central Asian species does not claim a lot of attention; the reptiles are truly unpretentious. However, every beginner faces the problem of lack of appetite. If the already listed general answers to the question why the turtle does not eat do not fit the description, the land pet is probably refusing food due to another reason.

  1. The place of purchase is of great importance. Buying from someone unknown increases the likelihood of bringing home a sick animal significantly. The first thing you should check is the lower part of the shell and the mouth and neck for yellow spots and flakes.
  2. Delivering a pet home is another challenge for the owner. Refusal to eat at first is a consequence of adaptation. However, on the way home the turtle could have caught a cold. For the same reason, experts strictly do not recommend allowing a turtle to roam freely around the apartment.
  3. Find out what your pet was fed before the sale. The turtle eats familiar food more readily in new conditions.

Article on the topic: How red-eared turtles sleep in an aquarium at home and in the wild

Why doesn't the turtle eat food?

When it comes to feeding, any extreme can cause irreparable harm to the pet’s health. Therefore, a combination of dry store-bought food and natural food is considered the optimal solution. If your turtle doesn't eat a certain food, this may be a sign that it needs to change its diet.

  1. Every pet has its own taste preferences. It is likely that you did not like the proposed brand of food. Sometimes the composition causes constipation or indigestion, causing the turtle to ignore the pellets and not eat.
  2. If you offer only natural food, the body will spend more energy on digestion, but will receive fewer minerals and vitamins. A diet of only dry food will compensate for the lack of microelements, but will worsen digestion. You will have to use trial and error to find out why the turtle is not willing to eat, but rely on the promises of the manufacturers. The breeder’s task is to find the optimal ratio of natural and granulated food.

The turtle does not open its eyes and does not eat

After the winter period, the pet should return to activity and its previous appetite. If this does not happen on the fifth or sixth day, you should consult a specialist. An alarm signal is the turtle's constantly closed eyes.

  1. An obvious reason why a turtle is not eating may be a lack of vitamin D. A UV lamp will help replenish its deficiency. Closed eyes, lethargy and refusal to eat are the first symptoms of rickets or metabolic disorders. The turtle should take sunbathing under a lamp for about 12 hours a day; in addition, vitamins and medications must be introduced into the diet to restore the body after wintering.
  2. The picture when a turtle does not eat anything, and its eyes are closed and signs of conjunctivitis are already visible, is characteristic of a lack of vitamin A. The fact is that vision in reptiles plays a vital role for nutrition, therefore inflammation of the eyelids will certainly lead to a refusal to eat. Washing, injections and other procedures will be prescribed by a specialist; in this case, self-medication poses a real threat to the life of the turtle.

Article on the topic: Can a child be allergic to a turtle, symptoms of allergies to red-eared and land turtles

The turtle does not eat and constantly sleeps

Wintering in apartment conditions without hibernation presupposes a low-active lifestyle, but this period is confined to a very specific time frame. Large adult individuals hibernate for 12-14 weeks, young animals for 8-10. If on the fifth day after the supposed end of hibernation the turtle does not begin to return to its previous rhythm, this is a sign of disturbances in the body.

  1. The appetite will return gradually; there is no point in expecting sudden active eating of your favorite food. Spring anorexia, when about 40% of weight is lost during the winter without food, is considered normal. Warming up under a lamp will return your pet to an active life.
  2. The obvious reason why a turtle does not eat and sleeps constantly may be dehydration and exhaustion of the body. If before the hibernation period the animal did not have time to empty its stomach, there is a possibility of kidney or liver failure due to improper wintering.

The turtle does not eat and does not swim

Proper living conditions are relatively easy to maintain; this is the key to the health and life of your pet. Letting it walk on the floor or carpet, not checking the temperature of the water and air, forgetting about the gradual decrease or increase in temperature with the change of season - all this is a direct path to the development of pneumonia in a turtle. If an aquatic turtle does not eat and immediately falls over on its side in the water, these are symptoms of pneumonia. Injections, warming under a lamp, increasing the temperature and warm steam baths will help here. All this is prescribed by a specialist.

Little turtle doesn't eat anything

For young animals, typical reasons for refusing food are adaptation after a change in living conditions and improper care. To avoid health problems when your baby turtle doesn't eat, you should follow the advice of experienced breeders.

  1. Purchase a reptile only from a trusted pet store.
  2. Deliver it home as quickly as possible, and try not to catch a cold.
  3. Provide the home with all the necessary living conditions and give it a week to adapt. Only after five to seven days can food be offered.

Article on the topic: How many years do red-eared turtles live at home (in an aquarium) and in the wild?

Basic rules of care

Today, these reptiles have become very common pets. They are actively kept in medium-sized terrariums.

One cannot but agree with the statement that if any animal today can inspire admiration, it is the red-eared turtle. How long a given creature can be without water is a must-know for those who are used to walking a reptile at home. The reptile may well run away, crawl into the far corner of the room and hide. If it is not detected in time, it can easily die from lack of moisture.

This pet also prefers to eat outside of land. By the way, this is why the water in her “house” will have to be changed quite often.

What does a pet need for a long life?

When properly cared for, these reptiles can live up to fifty years, so keeping them is expensive. You can make an aquarium yourself or buy a suitable, optimal volume of approximately 100–120 liters. One third of the dwelling's area is land, connected to the water part by a rough ladder. There should be enough water in the aquaterrarium for the reptile to move freely: usually the turtle does not move or swim if there is insufficient space.

The water temperature should be higher than room temperature, so additionally purchase a thermostat based on the capacity of the aquarium. To heat the surface air space, I use 40–60 W incandescent lamps, which are usually turned on during the day. For the formation of vitamin D in the pet’s body and the absorption of calcium, it is necessary to install ultraviolet lamps with UVB 10%.

The water used is regular tap water. Turtles heavily pollute the aquarium; for regular cleaning, you need a filter whose volume is two or three times larger than the actual one.

Some tips

  • You should not place the aquarium in direct sunlight, because overheating is possible, and this will also negatively affect its health. The aquarium should be divided into zones: a heating and eating zone and a swimming zone, while the temperature is maintained at an optimal level in one or another zone.
  • It is not advisable to install the aquarium in drafts.
  • There should be 2 thermometers in the aquarium: one thermometer controls the water temperature, the other controls the air temperature on the island.
  • The diet may include food of plant and animal origin, and such food is given alternately.
  • Feed is provided only for feeding times. After eating, the dishes are removed with any remaining food so that it does not get into the water.
  • It is advisable that a powerful filter be installed in the aquarium to purify the water. If there is no filter, then it is advisable to change the water every 2-3 days. The fact is that turtles recover in water, and if you consider that the water temperature is around +25ºС, then the rapid development of microorganisms is possible.
  • Turtles need to take baths followed by cleaning their shells of dirt and algae.
  • In summer, when the temperature rises above +20ºС, turtles can be taken out into the fresh air for sunbathing. For these purposes, you can use an inflatable pool, installing it with a slope so that there is some dry land.
  • If it is not possible to expose them to the sun, then the turtles can be irradiated with an ultraviolet lamp, and this procedure must be done regularly, otherwise rickets may develop.
  • For the sake of the interior of the aquarium, you should not place all kinds of driftwood and sticks in the water. Due to the fact that the water is warm, the wood begins to quickly decompose and spoil the water.
  • You should not add neighbors to turtles in the form of aquarium fish. Turtles love fish very much and will not mind eating it, so they will soon catch them and eat them.

In conclusion, I would like to say that no matter who they have at home, they need care, constant attention and constant costs. As a rule, children insist on such a choice, and parents cannot refuse them, and they do the right thing, since such a living corner of the house not only introduces children to the animal world, but also contributes to the formation of a certain worldview, the basis of which can be love for our smaller brothers

But this does not mean that, having satisfied the wishes of your child, the worldview will develop by itself. Unfortunately, it is not.


Charming red-eared turtles (Pseudemys scripta) are very funny creatures, cute, unpretentious, and require almost no care. They express their joy in a very interesting way when their owner approaches; they rejoice at the “sweets” by gurgling and whistling. You don’t need to play with them a lot or walk them for a long time; in the aquaterrarium they perfectly entertain themselves.

Having fallen in love with these creatures from friends, having played enough with them both in the house and in the sunny meadow, asking about the problems with maintenance and care, we decided to definitely set up a house for amphibians in our apartment.

What to do if the red-eared turtle does not open its eyes, what kind of disease is it and is it dangerous? Read here what to feed your ferret if it is your pet.

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It describes how to care for hamsters and how to properly maintain them.

And now almost flat green patterned “pebbles” the size of a fingernail lie in warm water at the bottom of our aquarium. They lie there for half an hour, an hour...

There was no limit to delight when, after more than two hours, our “pebbles” came to life. We're holding our breath

The babies carefully poked their heads out from under the shell, showing those same bright red oblong spots near the eyes for which they are called red-eared

Then tiny paws with claws appeared. And then the kids swam, choosing a place to get to land. A barely noticeable movement - and there were two “pebbles” at the bottom again, although this time the kids sat motionless for only a short time.

Curious eyes sparkled with beads, heads were drawn to the treat: small earthworms and pieces of fish. And then the crumbs grabbed onto one of the worms. We were simply amazed by the appetite of the turtles.

They turned out to be real predators. But they stopped being scared only after a week, and for 7 days they hid at any movement, not wanting to get out onto land, run around the floor and play in front of witnesses.

We learned that the “babies” love to spend time under a lamp on a snag, warming themselves, stretching their paws and necks, drying every part of their tiny body. And we decided to get something more attractive and convenient.

Gradually, the aquaterrarium began to take on a lived-in appearance: islands for relaxation, ladders, platforms with sand, an ultraviolet lamp, driftwood. Our kids somehow climbed out along one of the ladders and platforms and plopped down on the table. They picked him up, examined him, saw that everything was fine and released him into the water. Since then, we have been carefully monitoring to ensure that there are no opportunities for pinnipeds to escape.

Video: proper care

How long will the “fugitives” live?

Didn’t our experience make you immediately carefully examine all the “toys” in the aquaterrarium? Using them, these tenacious and dexterous creatures, despite their apparent clumsiness, can climb to any height and fall to the floor, and then quickly hide in dark corners?

Then it is worth adding that it is dangerous for the health of red-eared turtles to stay in the air without the opportunity to plunge into water for more than 2 - 3 hours. Why?

Turtles of this species are amphibians; in nature they need fresh water, dense vegetation, a place to bask in the sun and to build nests.

Lakes and swamps with warm water, a small current, a sandy bottom - what else is needed for happiness? In nature everything is balanced. We basked in the sun, swam in the sand, and then in the water. Turtles never go far from moisture.

Mating season and other reasons

In captivity, the reptile grows faster and reaches sexual maturity earlier. When the male reaches 10 cm in size, he is ready to mate.

If your pet remains active but ignores food, it may have reached sexual maturity. During the mating season, male turtles are very restless and often have no appetite at all. There is no need to worry; as soon as it passes, the reptile will begin to eat.

Although in captivity the reptile rarely hibernates, with the arrival of autumn the red-eared turtle does not eat, is lethargic and sleeps. In this case, you don’t need to do anything; as soon as January comes, everything will return to normal. It is necessary to maintain the same temperature regime and dose of UV rays; the pet will survive the fall, but will be a little less active.

If, after all, the animal has fallen into hibernation and does not open its eyes, then you need to be prepared that it will sleep for 1-2 months. You need to place your pet in a small house, pour 10 cm of sand on the bottom and pour a little water to maintain humidity. After this, over 1.5 weeks you need to gradually reduce the ambient temperature to 8-10 degrees. Your pet should be checked regularly during hibernation.

If there are several turtles in the terrarium, then perhaps they take each other’s food. In this case, you need to observe the reptiles and if you notice that one of them does not have enough food, then during feeding it should be removed and given food separately.

Interesting facts about the reptile

It would seem, what else might interest red-eared turtles? We have already found out how long these animals can go without water. But breeders claim that this is far from the most interesting fact from the life of this animal. What else?

For example, not everyone knows that, although such turtles are considered very unpretentious, their maintenance and breeding require a lot of time and effort. Of course, they spend most of their lives in a wet environment, but they also cannot do without dry land. Strange as it may sound, if they stay in water for a long time, they can even become weak and drown.

It is not for nothing that turtles of this species are considered long-lived animals. In captivity, they can please their owners for up to 30 years.

Scientists have proven that marine reptiles can swim underwater for a long time without emerging onto land. According to the observations of researchers, the record of stay of this type of reptile at the depths of the sea is 10 hours 14 minutes. Among all the vertebrates existing on Earth, no one else can withstand such a time in water without replenishing the supply of oxygen. It is the ability to accumulate oxygen in the lungs and hold their breath that helps amphibians make long journeys to the sea.

As for everyone's favorite domestic red-eared turtles, they cannot live longer than 3 days without immersion in water. That is why these animals, accidentally left on the floor or windowsill by children, painfully endure such treatment. They just might die.

In addition, these amphibians are sensitive to the purity of water and its temperature, which cannot be lower than 25 degrees. If this recommendation is not followed, the amphibian loses activity and appetite, and may catch a cold and get sick. She may perceive a decrease in temperature as a signal for hibernation and simply fall into suspended animation.

In the aquatic environment, the reptile swims, eats, defecates, and sleeps. Therefore, these amphibians are considered dirty. They need to regularly change up to 40% of the liquid in the aquaterrarium, otherwise they can catch infections, for example, eye inflammation, fungi.

Herpetologists explain that the younger the amphibian, the more time it spends in the water. With age, turtles more often swim to land and spend a significant part of the day there. Young individuals under the age of one year die without water. As for adults, they can live only on land for a day without significant damage to their health. On the second or third day their condition worsens and they may die.

A turtle house should have a lot of space for comfortable living. Therefore, for one individual you need an aquaterrarium of at least 100 liters, equipped with a ladder for moving from the water part to the land part, a filter, and a UV lamp.

An amazing incident in Brazil

A turtle named Manuela disappeared in 1982 while the house was being renovated. The owners decided that the animal had escaped through the open doors while the builders were going about their business.

And only in 2012, after 30 years, they found their pet in a closet, among a heap of rubbish. The owners claim that the door to the closet is always tightly closed, and that nothing edible is stored inside. Moreover, there is absolutely no access to water there. How the reptile could survive without water and food for so long is unclear.

And many simply do not believe in this fantastic story. However, scientists were not so categorical. They identified the species of the animal and classified it as a member of the family of red-footed turtles, which in nature can live without food for up to 3 years. And its diet can consist not only of dishes familiar to turtles - fruits, grass, leaves - but also of carrion, insects and even excrement.

Therefore, scientists suggested that Manuela could eat termites that were found in the floor. From these the reptile received the moisture necessary for life. Well, the reptile partially had to absorb excrement. So what: you want to live and you don’t dare to do that.


First, try placing a cup of water in a visible place and another cup with your favorite food. These creatures are very curious and have excellent eyesight, so a few minutes in silence and they should approach the treat.

If 2-3 hours have passed since the escape, and you still have not been able to find your pet, place saucers of water in all places accessible to it. In every dark corner, under the sofa, under the table. This is necessary so that the baby can find water and stay in it at least for a little while.

Several hours in the air can have a very bad effect on its skin and shell. Drying causes delamination of the shell, damage to the delicate skin, on which wounds and cracks subsequently appear that take a very long time to heal.

Don’t waste time, look at all the places where the turtle could have fallen, where it could have been trapped. Distance does not matter much for turtles: they are very nimble, able to move quickly, overcoming obstacles.

Remember that a turtle can hide in any dark corner for a long time

If you find contact with a pet, he will quickly make himself known; red-eared cats have good intelligence and can whistle, hiss, click, attracting your attention.

An adult red-eared cat has difficulty turning over from its back to its stomach, so if it falls badly, it may not be able to cope on its own.

Find out what to feed your hamster at home, what should be included in the diet, and what should be completely excluded. What do red-eared turtles suffer from and what effective treatment is recommended - https://tvoipitomec.com/cherepahi/bolezni-krasnouhih-cherepah-simptomyi-i- treatment.html

Video: what should not be allowed?

And a few more tips

  • Do not place the aquarium in direct sunlight.
  • Do not place where there are drafts.
  • Maintain stable water and air temperatures.
  • Feed plant and live food alternately.
  • After feeding, remove any leftover food to prevent the water from spoiling.
  • If there is no filter, change the water every 2 to 3 days.
  • The turtles are washed in warm water, using a soft brush to remove dirt and algae from the shell.
  • On sunny days, turtles can be taken out to bask in the sun in an inflatable pool, placing it on a slight slope and filling it with water so that part of the bottom remains dry. This is where the turtles will crawl out to dry. But if the temperature is below 20 degrees, bring them indoors.

We have never had to regret that we had these glorious creatures. But we made a lot of mistakes in the content.

Now our beauties have a shell with a diameter of 8 centimeters, they rejoice in the morning when people approach, willingly play with tennis balls, take food from our hands and even hear when we call them by name, rushing towards them slowly or very quickly.

Content Features

It is possible to extend the life of a turtle with proper maintenance. The reptile needs both land and water. The pet must live in an aquaterrarium. It is strictly forbidden to keep turtles in:

  • basins;
  • buckets;
  • boxes and other containers not intended for keeping animals.

The following recommendations should also be observed when maintaining:

It is extremely rare to pick up reptiles. This is allowed only when cleaning the place of residence; Turtles grow rapidly and need a lot of space. For small individuals, an aquarium with a volume of about 50 liters is enough. It is gradually increased to 150 liters; Do not place the container on the window. The turtle's place of residence should be in the back of the room; During the cold season, it is undesirable to open windows in the room in which the aquarium is located.

Otherwise, the risk of a particular disease in the turtle increases; It is important to monitor the temperature in the container in which the pet lives; Do not overuse the arrangement of various plants in the aquarium. Some species may be toxic to reptiles; The stones must be large so that the pet cannot swallow them; The aquarium must have a dry area

This is necessary so that the red-eared pet can warm up if necessary. The area should not occupy more than 25-30% of the total volume of the aquarium; The land should be dense and located at a slight angle; The aquarium should be well lit. There are two lamps. One of them is for heating, and the other is for lighting; The water in the container must be purified. We must not forget about replacing it. The temperature should range from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius.

By following all recommendations, the lifespan of a red-eared slider will increase to 30-40 years. The main thing is to provide your pets with all the necessary conditions and care, then they will feel completely safe. If everything is done correctly, the reptiles will grow quickly and will always be in a positive mood.

A turtle lived locked in a storage room for 30 years.

A family from Brazil who lost their tortoise Manuela more than 30 years ago

, recently discovered a beloved pet in her home.

The Almeida family says the turtle disappeared from the family in 1982 and was never found despite a thorough and lengthy search.

Everyone believed that their pet walked out through the front door during renovations to the house when the door was unlocked.

However, after the death of Leonel's father, which occurred this month, the family decided to clear out and organize the storeroom, where they found their pet


Son Leonel was clearing out boxes and was about to throw away what he thought was an old record player when suddenly a neighbor pointed out the turtle.

Daughter Lenita, who was given the turtle Manuela, said that the family was extremely happy about the find. However, no one can understand how the turtle was able to survive for more than 30 years in a closed storage room.

Experts believe the turtle may have been feeding on termites living in the wooden floor. Manuela is one of the red-footed tortoises that can go without food for a long time (2-3 years).

. In the wild, they feed on fruits, leaves, dead animals and even excrement.

Content Features

To safely keep an animal, novice breeders will need to construct a so-called aquaterrarium, which will be divided into two zones: land and water.

By the way, it is highly not recommended to keep (or walk) a reptile on the floor. And there are several reasons. First of all, you can accidentally step on it and injure your pet. Secondly, the turtle may well swallow small debris. And finally, the floor is a place of drafts, and this type of reptile is very susceptible to colds.

For an adult turtle, a 100-160-liter aquarium will be enough, the land area of ​​which should be no less than 25%. Like all reptiles, red-eared turtles also prefer to rest on the improvised shore. How long these animals can remain without water depends largely on their age and health. But on average, they rarely stay on a platform or mound of stones for more than twenty minutes. After this, they again happily immerse themselves in their familiar habitat.


There are several reasons why a red-eared turtle may lose its appetite and not eat anything at all for several days:

  • Feed is given too often
    . This is typical for inexperienced owners. In most cases, not everyone can know the nutritional norm for a given type of reptile. Adults eat food once every two days and are able to control their own needs when replenishing energy;
  • The onset of hibernation
    . As a rule, this results in a sharp decrease in the activity of all reptiles. If the red-eared turtle stops eating at this particular time, then it is quite possible that he is about to fall asleep;
  • Mature turtles may enter breeding season.
    This causes a sharp change in the behavior of the animal. True, this option is possible if two individuals of different sexes are kept together;
  • The turtle got sick.
    As a rule, animals that feel unwell
    refuse to eat, become lethargic
    , and are constantly sleepy.

Only an attentive and experienced owner can determine the correct reason for a pet’s refusal to feed, therefore, it is recommended to use the help of specialists from veterinary clinics.

Can a red-eared turtle live without water for a long period?

By nature, red-eared turtles are freshwater animals that spend most of their lives in water. But at the same time, they need a piece of land, which they go out to periodically to warm up in the sun. In the aquatic environment, this animal swims, eats, fulfills all its natural needs, and even sleeps. But how long can a red-eared turtle live without water?

Note! Young individuals spend most of their time in water; without it, they can quickly die. But an adult red-eared turtle can live without water for about 48-72 hours

But this reptile should still spend most of its life in water, for this reason, if you decide to keep it at home, then be sure to take care of the proper preparation of the aquaterrarium:

  • For amphibians to live in, it is recommended to use a large aquarium. Its volume should be at least 150-20 liters. This volume should be used even if you bought an individual with a small size;
  • It is worth taking into account the water thickness indicator. Its level should be at least 45-55 cm;
  • compliance with optimal temperature indicators. The temperature should be +23-28 degrees C. At a reduced temperature, the turtle’s behavior will be lethargic, inactive, passive, and its appetite will completely disappear. In addition, the reptile can quickly catch a cold;
  • It is recommended to keep the red-eared turtle in clean water, so it needs to be replaced regularly - approximately 40% of the total volume. This is also required due to the fact that these freshwater species are terrible dirty creatures.

Particular attention should be paid to the land area; its presence in the aquarium is a prerequisite. This area can be made independently or already prepared in a pet store, especially since these places sell a variety of figurines, houses, artificial stones of two or even three levels

When arranging sushi in a terrarium, it is worth considering several important conditions:

  1. The area of ​​land should be non-slip, it should be slightly sloping. The animal should easily climb and descend on it;
  2. The size of the land island should be 30% of the total volume of the aquarium, and it should slope down into the water column;
  3. If desired, for maximum convenience, you can arrange an island with two levels. One part may be under water, and the other protrudes above its thickness.

Do not place the ultraviolet lamp too low over the land area, otherwise this can lead to burns and overheating of the freshwater animal. It is advisable to protect the lamp from various harmful fumes.

You should not cover the land area with gravel, earth, or soil. The fact is that the turtle will begin to eat the mound and this will lead to disruption of the digestive system.

It is recommended to place an electric pump with a filter in the aquarium. This device will be able to purify water from various pollutants and particles, and will also maintain the normal state of the aquatic environment. But even with this device, regular water changes will still be required.

How to make you eat

If the turtle has stopped eating, you need to check whether it is time for it to hibernate. Reptiles are active in summer, and in winter they usually sleep. But there are exceptions when the pet hibernates at another time. This happens if the turtle has eaten well in spring and summer. You just need to leave the animal alone, place it in a box with dry leaves and put it in a cool place.

It happens that you get a pet, look after it, take care of it, and at some point it gets sick or simply loses its appetite. This can easily happen with, which can be very picky in its care. Of course, she won’t say why she doesn’t want to eat, but it’s quite possible to watch her and try to figure out what’s wrong yourself. And you should not hesitate with this in order to take timely measures and avoid complications.

There are many things you should pay attention to to help your turtle feel the joy of life again. Some of the possible reasons that could deprive the mammal of calm:

  • Getting used to a new environment;
  • Adaptation in captivity;
  • Disease;
  • Stress;
  • Intestinal problems;
  • Extreme temperatures (cold or hot);
  • Puberty;
  • Poor nutrition.

The main reasons for the reluctance to eat are considered to be stress from a change in habitat and hypothermia of the animal. From the transportation process itself, the reptile’s nervous system can be severely damaged and it will take more than one day to recover.

Main characteristics of the species

These are medium sized turtles. In the shell, their length varies from 18 to 30 cm. Sexual dimorphism is manifested mainly in size - males are much smaller than females.

Juveniles are bright green, allowing them to hide among plants. As turtles mature, they acquire olive or yellow-brown hues with characteristic patterns of yellow stripes. These stripes give the reptile an elegant look, which attracts many who like to fill their home with unusual animals.

On the head, neck and limbs the patterns are especially pronounced. In an adult turtle, they are a combination of white and green wavy stripes and spots.

Turtles do not have ears.

Why then did this turtle get the name red-eared? Those who name species have their own logic and flight of fancy

Apparently, the zoologist who named this species noticed the elongated bright red spots on both sides of the head

They extend along the head from the outer edge of each eye. These red (or maybe orange or even yellow) spots are located where ears would be if they had ears. So we got a bright name for an unusual turtle.

This species has a wide range. Initially, its representatives lived only in Central America and northwestern South America.

However, humans contributed to its spread to other regions. Now these turtles live in southern Florida, Arizona, Guadeloupe, Israel, South Africa, Spain, Great Britain and even Australia.

This turtle is considered aquatic, but it is able to go onto land, bask in the sun and move from body of water to body of water. She prefers to live in small fresh lakes, ponds and other bodies of water with low, swampy shores. It feeds equally on animal and plant foods. However, she has not been shown to have a predilection for carrion. She needs fresh game (crustaceans, fry, tadpoles, etc.) or fresh grass, including coastal grass.

Under favorable conditions, these turtles lead an active lifestyle.

They swim well and are quite capable of catching up with a small fish at a short distance.

Improper feeding

Perhaps the red-eared turtle does not eat because it is given the wrong food. She needs animal and plant food. Reptiles should be given lean meat: beef, poultry, horse meat is also suitable. But pork and lamb are contraindicated for turtles, since they are too fatty and the animal’s gastrointestinal tract is not designed to digest them.

In addition to meat, your pet can be given offal. To prevent calcium deficiency in the reptile's body, the diet should include shrimp and low-fat sea fish, which should be given along with bones. You can give raw snails and squid.

But in the absence of plant food, the animal will develop hypovitaminosis and other health problems. You can give dandelion and plantain leaves, carrots, beets, pumpkin, cucumbers, and zucchini.

The older the pet is, the more plant foods should be included in its diet.

But small turtles may refuse if they are given vegetables and fruits; they prefer animal food.

You should not give your pet boiled or fried foods, bread, or dairy products (except cottage cheese).

It is also important to follow the reptile's feeding schedule.

She may be fed too often and given too much food. While the turtle is small, its age is less than 12 months or its size is less than 10 cm, it is fed daily. Adults are given food 2-3 times a week. To determine the volume of one serving, you need to see how much the reptile eats in 30 minutes and give this amount constantly.

How long do red-eared turtles live at home?

When planning to have a reptile at home, you should take into account how many years red-eared turtles live; you may have to care for it for decades. But this is more of a plus than a minus. With good care, a turtle lives about 30-40 or even more years. But with an inexperienced or irresponsible owner, the turtle may die without even living for a year.

The main factors on which the lifespan of a turtle depends:

1. Balanced diet, optimal balance of plant and animal foods. 2. Living conditions as close as possible to natural ones: a large aquarium, proper heating, UV lamp, etc. 3. Maintaining hygiene, regular cleaning and maintenance of the terrarium. Caring for a turtle does not involve complex manipulations: regularity is important here. 4. Timely treatment of diseases. If the turtle’s behavior or appearance has changed, or it is lethargic and inactive, you should contact a specialist. 5. Communication with brothers. This recommendation applies more to small turtles, since adults prefer the company of their relatives to splendid loneliness.

Why do turtles die in captivity?

The first common reason is poor content.
If young individuals can live quite well in a small “aquarium”, then with age they need more and more space. An adult requires an aquarium up to 150 liters in size. In this case, it is necessary to frequently change the water, plant plants and do not forget to regularly examine the turtle. The second reason is infections. A turtle can get sick by picking up an infection from another individual, or from the “decorations” of the terrarium - ampularia and store-bought algae. In addition, unfavorable conditions can also have an effect - lack of light, stagnant unfiltered water, too high or too low a temperature. In addition, turtles, like people, are susceptible to the environment and can get sick almost out of the blue.

The third reason is a lack of vitamins due to an unbalanced diet. In nature, the body tells the turtle if it lacks a certain vitamin, and it itself changes its diet. But in the confined space of the apartment she has no such choice. The diet of both adults and young individuals should consist of both animal products (food for fish and the fish themselves are suitable) and plant products (algae, lettuce and dandelion).

But here lies the fourth reason for the frequent deaths of turtles - not every city has a specialist who understands reptiles and is able to correctly identify the disease and prescribe treatment.

Features of appearance and life

The red-eared slider is easily recognized by its appearance. It differs significantly from other representatives.

So what features does it have:

  1. There is a stripe of red or orange color on the head;
  2. The surface of the armor covering is smooth and rounded;
  3. The color is olive green with characteristic black or yellow stripes;
  4. The species of red-eared turtles differ insignificantly. Young individuals have a richly colored shell. The coating darkens with age.

The size of an individual is determined by the length of the shell. Coverage is measured from edge to edge

In this case, you should not pay attention to the bending of the surface. Measurements are taken using a ruler

By about a year, the size of the reptile is 6-8 centimeters.

The size of the turtle is directly related to the conditions of detention and the subspecies of the pet. The aquatic reptile usually reaches a length of 20 to 30 cm. Males are smaller in size than females.

The age of a turtle is not precisely determined by its size. When well maintained, individuals are large. Only a specialist can tell the exact age of the turtle. Approximate data can be obtained based on the size of the shell. Approximate data is given in the table.

Approximate age Shell size
11-12 months 5-7 cm
2 years 7-9 cm
3-4 years 10-16 cm
5-6 years 14-20 cm

The world's largest red-eared turtle has a shell length of 40 cm. Males are usually 5-6 cm smaller than females.

Is it dangerous

The situation becomes dangerous if the turtle gets sick. In other cases, appetite returns on its own.

Turtle owners are often concerned about what to do if the reason for the lack of appetite is not clear. In this case, the animal must be taken to a veterinary clinic and shown to a qualified specialist.

Usually, experienced turtle breeders themselves can correctly determine the cause of a pet’s lack of appetite. Beginners need to pay attention to the slightest deviations in the animal’s behavior and, at the first suspicion that the turtle is unwell, make an appointment with a veterinarian.

By the term “pet” most of us mean a cat or a dog. But some people prefer to become the owner of a more exotic animal - a parrot, lizard or turtle.

Owners of a pet turtle often turn to veterinarians with a problem related to the fact that it has stopped eating. Let's figure out what could cause such changes.

How to extend the life of a turtle?

  1. When purchasing an ornamental reptile, learn about the natural environment in which its relatives live and its preferences.
  2. Make a varied diet, taking into account all the necessary minerals and vitamins.
  3. Make sure that the turtle does not live too crowded in the tank. For a medium-sized adult, select a vessel with a volume of 100 liters or more.
  4. The reptile should live only in a fully equipped aquarium. Pets live shorter lives in containers and boxes.
  5. Equip the aquarium with the necessary equipment: a water filter, an ultraviolet lamp and a heater.
  6. Bathe your pet at least once a week. The duration of water procedures is no more than half an hour. Aquatic species live in aquariums with a small pond and an island.
  7. Maintain the air temperature at 31–33 degrees, water temperature at 20–24 degrees.
  8. Be careful when handling the reptile, do not drop the animal or frighten it with sharp sounds. If children play with the pet, adults should supervise the process.
  9. If you notice anything strange in your reptile's behavior or appearance, do not delay checking with a veterinarian. Refusal to eat, changes in the shape of the shell, lethargy, the appearance of tumors and ulcers are signals of illness.
  10. When purchasing new armored reptiles, quarantine them for a month. At this time, the future neighbor must live separately.


When a red-eared turtle gets sick, it completely loses its appetite. The reptile may suffer from pneumonia, constipation, helminthic infestations, etc. But in addition to refusal to feed, other symptoms are observed in this case.

A herpetologist can determine the reason why the turtle stopped eating. He will select treatment, perhaps prescribe vitamins. In addition, the specialist will tell you how to get the turtle to eat.

If you discover signs of illness in your pet, you should not delay a visit to the veterinarian, otherwise everything may end in the death of your pet.

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