Babies with fins: 6 fish that are hard to spot in the water

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Small aquarium fish or nano fish are no less beautiful creatures than their larger counterparts, and they are not just fish for small aquariums, sometimes they are not. But below you will find the names and photos of the smallest aquarium fish, the most famous, commercially available and popular. These are not all representatives of such a group; this is only a small sample.

First, let's figure out what small aquarium fish are. Even in the last century, fish measuring 4-7 cm in length were considered small. However, time has made its own adjustments, and very small, so-called nano aquariums, have become especially popular. Currently, a nano aquarium is usually called an aquarium with a volume of 5 to 50 liters. Of course, it is difficult to keep fish in such quantities, especially a group of fish.

On the other hand, natural aquariums are now very popular, with many live plants, bright and green. In such a landscape, any fish, even the palest one, will look wonderful. Professionals say that an ordinary silver fish will look even more attractive. If previously the most common fish for a small aquarium were guppies and blue neon, now you can find much smaller fish on sale. We will focus our attention on them.

So, the Top 14 smallest fish are below.

Rasbora (microrasbora) galaxy

This small aquarium fish burst into the world of aquarium hobby only in 2006, and immediately captivated professionals and amateurs. In just 10 years it has become incredibly popular, thanks to its small size and stunning beauty. The scientific name of these fish translates as “heavenly fish decorated with pearls.” They are only 2 cm in size! This is an ideal candidate for a nano aquarium.

Although these are not schooling fish, it is better to keep them in a group, and better in a species aquarium. An aquarium with a volume of 40 liters is suitable for the Microassembly Galaxy group. Water parameters are not particularly important, the water just needs to be clean.

Features of choice

Before finding out which small aquarium fish are popular, it is important for the novice aquarist to consider the following factors related to the choice of phenotypes:

  • The number of future inhabitants depends on the capacity of the tank - even small fish for an aquarium need personal space, so it is important to prevent overcrowding of the tank.
  • Considering the small capacity of the reservoir, you should populate the container with peaceful fish so as not to witness endless squabbles and fights for territory. Before purchasing the variety you like, you need to know about the compatibility of the fish.
  • Even tiny fish have individual maintenance requirements: water parameters, feeding regimen and care, which are important to comply with. Any tank, even a small one, will need to install a filter, lighting fixtures, an aerator and a heater.
  • In addition to choosing multi-colored bright fish, you will need to plant living plants - they will fill the aquatic environment with oxygen, without which the pets will suffocate.


Of course, representatives of this species are among the smallest and hardiest aquarium fish. Males are usually no more than 3.5 cm in length, while females can grow up to 6 cm. The variety of varieties of guppies is sometimes simply amazing, and you can always choose to suit your taste. Endler guppies, for example, are very popular and are always on sale.

It is better to keep only males in a small aquarium, since with females the population will constantly increase. A 20 liter aquarium can accommodate 3 males. For males and females, it is better to take a larger container - 30-50 liters.


This graceful fish reaches 30 mm in length. Males are significantly smaller than females, which have a rounded abdomen.

There is a brown stripe along the body of the Formosa, which stands out beautifully against a light background. If the fish is kept in an aquarium, there should always be clean water in it.

It is better to plant a lot of floating plants there, they will saturate the water with oxygen. Formosa is a calm fish, so it is advisable to keep it with similar species.

Tetradon dwarf

Small aquarium fish are not very popular, but recently, thanks in large part to the Internet, dwarf tetradons are in great demand. The fact is that they have amazingly interesting behavior, and watching tetradons is a pleasure. Their maximum size is only 2.5 cm, they are perfect for keeping in a nano aquarium. However, dwarf tetradons can exhibit territorial and very aggressive behavior.

It is better to keep tetradons in a species aquarium. The best option is an aquarium with a volume of 30-40 liters, densely planted with live plants, 1 male and 3-4 females, or an aquarium of 10-20 liters and one fish. It is imperative to maintain cleanliness with regular water changes.

What aquariums are considered small?

Small aquariums are tanks with a volume of less than 30-40 liters, which are also called nanoaquariums. In most cases, glass aquariums of 5-20 liters are purchased. By the way, special aquarium sets are now also sold, which include everything you need.

Small aquariums have their advantages

On a note ! Such aquariums are cheaper than large ones, they can be installed on almost any stable surface, and maintenance, of course, does not require much effort and time. Nanoaquariums are often placed directly on the desk.

Even in such a compact tank, you can achieve a beautiful design using driftwood, aquatic plants, stones, shells and other elements.


Note ! Due to small volumes, water parameters can change dramatically under the influence of external factors, which will negatively affect fish and vegetation. For this reason, the parameters must be carefully monitored, controlled using special equipment (heater, filter), and changing the water in a timely manner.

Tetra Amanda

A small, bright, beautiful fish, no more than 2 cm in length. Since this is a tetra, the fish must be kept in a school of 6 or more individuals. For a small group, a 30-40 liter aquarium is sufficient. It is better to choose a panoramic, elongated aquarium, rather than a cube. Amanda tetras are ideal peaceful fish for a natural aquarium and are easy to keep as long as you keep the water clean.

We carefully study the compatibility of species

Fish for a small aquarium should be selected depending on many factors. For beginners, it is problematic to take them into account on your own, so contact professionals who will help you determine which fish can be kept together and which ones should be avoided.

Factors important when moving in:

  • Ability to survive alone. Some species can only live in flocks, so pay attention to this point first;
  • Water characteristics for species should be approximately the same;
  • The peaceful nature of the inhabitants;
  • The number of individuals depends on the surface area of ​​the water. The larger the footage, the more fish you can have;
  • Breed compatibility. Sometimes individually peaceful fish cannot tolerate each other's proximity.

It is important to remember that small aquariums are a high-risk area for fish. Therefore, the choice of neighbors will completely determine the fate of your charges. If you add predatory fish to a small aquarium, they will eat their peace-loving neighbors. Gouras are suitable for angelfish; other fish will not get along with them. You can get one fish that will be the owner of your pond, or keep a whole flock of miniature fish.

Dwarf Corydoras (Pygmy, Hastatus, Habrobus)

It is also advisable to supplement nano aquariums with bottom inhabitants, which will help clear the bottom of food debris and create movement in the lower part of the aquarium. Dwarf corydoras are ideal for this, because the largest size they can grow to is 2-3 cm. These are the smallest known aquarium catfish. Please note, however, that these species love oxygenated water, good currents and room for swimming, so it is still recommended to take a larger aquarium for them.


This variety of goby is very rare and needs the help of the public. Sinarapan lives in Lake Buhi on the island of Luzon, Philippines.

The fish are constantly being caught, and in addition, they compete with species introduced into local reservoirs. The length of the fish reaches 3 cm, and due to its size it is quite difficult to transport to other lakes.

Nevertheless, this work is being carried out, and the sinarapan is already taking root in new habitats.

Microassortment of erythromicron

The name of these little ones speaks for itself - their size is no more than 2 cm. Microrasbora erythromicron is almost as popular as microrasbora galaxy, and almost as attractive. It is better to keep this species in a school; for 15-20 fish, an aquarium with a volume of 35-60 liters is enough. It is recommended to keep fish in a group and in a large aquarium due to the warlike dominant behavior of males. It is not recommended for beginners to keep these fish, since the water in the aquarium with them must be crystal clear.

Caspian goby

The Volga and Caspian basins are home to a wide variety of gobies. Experts count 37 species of these representatives of underwater fauna.

The size of the male in most species is about 2 cm, females are larger. These fish live up to 8 years and spawn during the summer.

During spawning, the female lays more than 2000 eggs. The nest is usually located among plants on rocks. In the future, the male protects the clutch from predators.

Red-nosed rasbora (sawbwa)

Another small but attractive aquarium fish, up to 2.5 cm long. It is surprising not only for its size, but also for its color: the nose and tips of its tail are bright red. Fish love to live in schools, but a 35-liter aquarium is enough for a group of these little ones. However, this fish is not for beginners - it prefers clean water, so it needs regular care.

List of small aquarium fish

The following species are popular among small inhabitants of artificial reservoirs:

  • Bettas are popular aquarium fish, famous for their unpretentiousness and endurance. Due to its small size, a 20 liter aquarium can contain four representatives: one male and 2-3 females. Male cockerels are brighter and more intensely colored, the length of the fish reaches 6 cm. When moving into a species tank, it should be taken into account that fighting cockerels are small but aggressive inhabitants who conflict with their neighbors.

  • Guppies are miniature and attractive fish that are kept in schools of 6-10 pieces. The guppy genus is famous for its variety of colors, ease of maintenance and easy reproduction. The fish grow up to 6 cm in length, are peaceful and calm, and are among the most unpretentious fish.

  • Badis chameleon - these fish are best kept in pairs: for 2 pets you will need a tank of 20 liters or more. A distinctive feature of badis is that representatives of the species are able to change the color of their coat.


  • Microrasbora is a rare, but beautiful and unpretentious fish that grows up to 2 cm in length. Under natural conditions, it lives in a flock of relatives, so it is recommended to purchase 15-20 microsorts at once. For such a number of fish you will need an aquarium of 35-40 liters.

  • Danio rerio are hardy and tenacious phenotypes known in the aquarium world. Aquarium zebrafish are easy to care for and maintain, grow up to 4 cm in length, and lead a gregarious lifestyle. They are peaceful, therefore compatible with many types of fish. The photo shows the zebrafish in all its glory.

  • Formosa are small schooling fish for the aquarium, related to livebearers. The body length of males and females is 2-3 cm; to keep these inexpensive fish, an aquarium of 12 liters is required. Despite the fact that frontoses are not yet as in demand as guppies or neons, the variety is gaining popularity every year.

  • Speckled catfish are peaceful and friendly inhabitants of aquariums. Catfish are known for eating leftover food in the tank, helping the owner maintain cleanliness in the artificial pond. It is advisable to keep a flock of 5 pieces.

  • Barbs - the genus has many varieties, among which the cherry barb, which grows up to 8 cm in length, is popular. Cherry barbs are very active and inquisitive, and unlike their relatives, they are peaceful and undemanding to keep at home.

  • The swordtail is a hardy and strong fish that grows up to 11-12 cm in length. For the comfort of pets, it is necessary to purchase a school of at least 10 fish; each resident must have 7 liters of water. Swordtails have excellent compatibility with other fish, however, due to their mobility and jumping ability, the tank must be equipped with a lid.

  • Cardinals are small aquarium inhabitants up to 4 cm long. In addition to their attractive appearance, cardinals are unpretentious to keep and easily tolerate fluctuations in temperature and parameters of the aquatic environment. They prefer to live in a group of relatives. In this case, a small fish aquarium is suitable.

  • The Lalius fish is a member of the Macropod family, with a beautiful color and funny antennae instead of ventral fins. Lalius stretch up to 6 cm in length, are a little fearful and timid. An aquarium of 10 liters or more is required for maintenance.

  • Neon blue are schooling miniature fish that stand out from their aquarium counterparts with a bright luminous stripe on their body. Mobility, unpretentiousness and friendliness are what aquarists love neons for.

Small aquarium fish, despite their miniature size, are in no way inferior in beauty to their large relatives, and can decorate any small artificial pond. When choosing phenotypes, the individual requirements and compatibility of fish should be taken into account in order to create favorable living conditions for pets and ensure long and happy years of life.

Torch epiplatis, or clown pike

(Aplocheilus annulatus) has a body length of 3-4 cm. It has a peaceful disposition. A group of these fish, consisting of 5-6 individuals, is recommended to be kept in an aquarium with a volume of 45 liters or more. Clown pike do not tolerate sudden changes in water, so water changes should be made in small portions. It is recommended to feed these miniature fish with live dust, finely chopped meat or dry food.


Green goradandia

(Horadandia atukorali), like all small fish, has a timid disposition, preferring to stay near shelters or in the company of its fellows. The length of goradandia in adulthood is only 2 cm. It is recommended to keep fish in a school of 12 or more individuals. The larger the group, the more interesting it will be to observe. But you should not overpopulate the aquarium, this will lead to negative consequences.

Dwarf gourami or trichopsis

(Trichopsis pumila), have a body length of approximately 3-4 cm, interesting color and difficult behavior. When creating a comfortable environment for dwarf gourami, it is necessary to take into account their “passion” for caves and other shelters. These miniature fish can be kept in aquariums from 15 liters, preferably in a small group. Dwarf gouramis get along well with other fish of similar sizes.

Existential threats

The main threat to Paedocypris progenetica is the destruction of their natural habitat. After all, after large-scale fires in 1997 in the peat swamps of Indonesia, the lion's share of the swamps were completely destroyed. In addition to fires, the area of ​​swamps decreases every year due to their deliberate drainage to free up new areas for agricultural land and infrastructure.

Scientists claim that due to neglect of wetlands in Indonesia, dozens of populations of Paedocypris Progenetica have already been destroyed.

Title competitors

Having received two titles at once upon discovery - the world's smallest fish and the smallest vertebrate, Paedocypris Progenetica made a lot of noise among biologists.

Almost immediately, American scientist Ted Pietsch announced the discovery of an even smaller fish. He was referring to the male monkfish Photocorynus spiniceps. Its size in adulthood does not exceed 6.2 mm. But this species did not receive the title of the smallest fish in the world due to the significant size of females in the region of 50.5 mm. In addition, small male monkfish survive solely by parasitizing females, that is, they are not a completely independent creature.

After this, several more miniature fish species were found, but the fact of their sexual maturity was never scientifically confirmed. Thus, Paedocypris Progenetica is still considered the smallest fish on the planet.

Appearance of record holders

Tiny Paedocypris Progenetica look more like fry than full-fledged fish. And the reason for this is not only the miniature size. They have almost no skull, which makes their heads very vulnerable.

The smallest fish in the world - Paedocypris Progenetica

Through the transparent body of the world's smallest fish, you can see their insides. Scientists explain the absence of scales and pigment in Paedocypris Progenetica by the desire of evolution to make them invisible to enemies and save the energy of the fish for procreation.

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