We are sitting at home with benefit. Material for conversations with children “What do we know about aquarium fish?”


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Among domestic animals, aquarium fish occupy a special place. The homeland of most aquarium inhabitants is the warm fresh waters of China, Thailand, Indonesia, South America, and Africa. Most fish can only live in aquariums. How to properly set up an aquarium, which fish are the most popular, and what to feed them, we will look at in this article.


Modern aquariums are made of glass or glass substitutes and have a rectangular, cubic, or spherical shape.

The volume depends on the number and types of fish. Special equipment provides lighting and air supply (8–12 hours/day). Tap water for the aquarium is left to stand for 6–7 days.

You cannot use soil and aquatic plants from a natural reservoir, since parasites, pathogenic bacteria, and industrial pollutants are introduced with them.

Before getting fish, you need to consult a specialist or read special literature.

Rice. 1. Aquarium with fish.

Fish in the house

Man, fish helps you relax after a hard day. When people watch the inhabitants of the water world swimming calmly, they themselves plunge into the bliss of tranquility and forget about the problems of the outside world. Some perceive the fish as a full-fledged pet, while others consider it completely non-contact. But the fish loves when people communicate with it.

Why choose fish

In general, fish believes that the lesser of all evils must be chosen. With a dog there is eternal movement, she constantly wants something. The cat is very wayward and seems to be independent. The aquarium is the least problematic. Fishes don’t scream in the morning, don’t rustle at night, and don’t rush around the apartment like crazy. They don’t want to be walked twice a day, they don’t do dirty tricks past the litter box, onto the floor or into slippers. They also do not leave fur everywhere and do not damage property; they sit quietly in the aquarium. In general, you don’t have to worry too much about fish. Only in humans a strange pattern arises. Once you start an aquarium, you can’t stop. I always want to add new fish, improve and diversify the options for the inhabitants. But how harmlessly it all starts: first you buy an aquarium and maybe just one fish.

The importance of man

The person who looks after me is very important. What can you do – learned helplessness. Although the fish does not quite understand what kind of animal this is outside the aquarium. She perceives herself as a part of nature, and sees a person as a huge block behind glass. How does a significant part of life go?

When a person approaches the aquarium, the fish is very, very happy: it begins to actively move back and forth, swim up to the glass and poke at it. Unlike cats and dogs, you cannot stroke a scaly one, and the tactile sensations are not so pleasant. When the owner leaves home, the fish finds peace. But he’s a little sad and practically doesn’t swim. The only thing the fish can do during this period is to circle around the aquarium, and even then at a slow pace.

The fish is happy to see people

In fact, the fish are very different. Among them there are very developed representatives with many behavioral reactions and reflexes. The fish sees how, upon the owner’s arrival, the dog jumps joyfully and wags its tail, looking devotedly into the eyes. The cat doesn’t lag behind either, although she pretends to be independent and independent. But he still runs to meet him, except that he doesn’t know how to bring slippers. They like it when a person comes home, feeds and caresses.

But what about contact with fish? Know that if a fish moves and pokes at the glass, it means it is reacting to a person. Know that this connection is called communication. Fish, like dogs and cats, also love to eat delicious food. When the block comes to pour food, the fish is as happy as a cat and a dog: it becomes fussy, moves back and forth, but without making any sounds. During the feeding period, you can even touch and stroke the fish. At the same time, the owner’s hand does not seem so threatening.

When a person appears, especially with food, the fish begins to get very worried. It’s a pity that fish are considered stupid, unlike cats and dogs, with whom it is much easier to find contact. After all, the fish also establishes a connection as best it can, and with its appearance it decorates the room and brings a lot of joy, positivity, relaxation and stress relief. If a person talks to a fish, then it takes up more space in his heart. Thus, it becomes not only an object for relaxation, but a real pet.

View of the world

But the fish has a huge advantage - its eyes. This is a real camera. The lens acts as a lens, and the retina is the film onto which the image is projected. The lens easily changes its curvature, so the fish sees not only what is happening near the aquarium, but also everything that is happening in space. But a person’s capabilities are limited. Underwater, his vision, like all boulders, is not very good. The lens is not developed enough to focus the gaze in water, and the rays are concentrated behind the retina. The image becomes cloudy and blurry.

The owner of the aquarium should know that the fish scans the surrounding space at a distance of 10-12 m. The fish brain is designed in such a way that it sees the situation from different angles, which not every person is capable of. The eye is designed in such a way that it sees almost 180 degrees. Therefore, the fish sees almost everything without even moving. A person has no idea that a calm fish notices absolutely everything that happens. A fish can look at the world like a person only if the object is located above it, that is, at the zenith. The more perpendicular the beam is to the water, the closer the perception of the object is to that of a human. Do you want a fish experience like yours? Straightforwardness and openness are the only option.

If the rays are refracted at an angle, the fish is able to see hidden objects. Therefore, when a person sits by a pond on a steep cliff, he does not see the fish from beyond the shore. And the fish sees a person due to the reflection of rays from the water surface. In this case, the image turns out to be mirrored. It is especially interesting for fish to look at images that are half immersed in water. Among people there are savvy individuals who are able to look at the world through the eyes of a fish. For example, Perelman.

He suggested that due to the refraction of rays, a person walking in water seems very strange and is divided into two parts. The lower half appears to the fish with not two, but four legs. And the upper part is separate and without legs. Moreover, when a person moves away from the fish, the surface part is deformed and a moment arises when the fish sees only its head moving above the water. Whether this is true or not, the lump will not know, even if it asks the fish. If you are very interested, you will have to create a tool that will confirm or refute the mathematician’s hypothesis.

Aquarium fish

Fish for aquariums range in size from 2–3 to 10–15 cm and come in a variety of colors. There are breeds with large fins in the form of veils (veil angelfish), bulging eyes (telescope), outgrowths on the head similar to horns (ancistrus catfish), convex scales resembling mother-of-pearl beads (pearl or shinshurin).

Predatory fish (angelfish, clown fish) and harmless fish (barb, gourami) are not placed in the same aquarium. For predatory fish, they produce special dry and frozen food, and sell live crustaceans and bloodworms. Dry food and aquatic plants with small leaves (duckweed) are suitable for herbivorous fish.

Most fish lay eggs, from which hatch fry. The guppy fish is viviparous; it gives birth to fry, which are placed in a separate aquarium.


Guppies are little mischief makers.
More precisely, boy guppies. Well, they love to misbehave! The girls swim peacefully to the side, and the handsome guppies wave their huge rainbow tails in front of them. So they find fault with each other, organizing gladiator fights with races at the ready. And they show off more and more. They turn around and look for a long time at the object of courtship. If something goes wrong, they immediately rush into a fight, sailing after their opponent with full sail.

And yet guppies are peaceful fish. They love their children and do not touch them. Their children are very tiny with huge eyes and tiny tails. It is difficult to immediately determine which of them is a boy and which is a girl. Only with age does the caudal fin begin to change color and shape. But based on his behavior, one can almost unmistakably conclude that the future guppy boy is growing up: he is restless, loves to play catch-up, and is picky. What a mischievous little fellow!


gold fish

The first decorative fish appeared in China (7th–10th centuries). These were silver crucian carp with a golden, red color. Since that time, through the efforts of breeders, many breeds have been developed that differ in the shape of their eyes, fins and color - from white, blue, red to black. For example, the butterfly goldfish has a forked, veiled tail, similar to butterfly wings, and bulging eyes.

Grottoes and stones with sharp edges, which can injure the inhabitants, should not be placed in an aquarium with goldfish. Plants should have dense leaves, since soft leaves are completely eaten by fish.

Rice. 2. Goldfish butterfly.

Goldfish released into Australian waters grew to 1.5–2 kg. They feed on the eggs of other fish and eat algae, which is a threat to the natural ecosystem.

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Betta fish Siamese betta

This aggressive fish was used in Asia for tournament battles. In the aquarium, males get into fights, which leads to damage to the veil fins.

Before spawning, the male builds a nest consisting of air bubbles glued together with saliva, floating on the surface. The fish place their eggs there.

Bettas have an organ that provides additional air supply in conditions of stagnant water. It is located in a special cavity above the gills. Bettas need access to the surface to periodically inhale air.

Rice. 3. Siamese cockerel.

Polypterus and Lepidosirene

Polypterus is a fish of African origin. In the wild, these fish reach up to 40 centimeters in length; in captivity, they, of course, do not grow into such giants.

Lepidosiren in appearance and plasticity resembles a moray eel or a snake. In nature, lepidosirens can reach half a meter in length. But they go on sale as small 15-centimeter teenagers.

Polypterus is a fish with African roots.

At first, Polypterus and Lepidosirene live very amicably, eating minced beef heart together.


According to reviews from owners, these extraordinary fish are capricious in nature and demanding to care for. They belong to cichlids. For them, water with a temperature of 25 to 30 degrees is comfortable. It is distinguished by a beautiful disc-shaped body of brown color with vertical blue stripes. This is a large fish with long fins, so an aquarium for a pair of such specimens should be at least 150 liters. Since these fish are schooling, it is recommended to keep 5-6 individuals in one container. In this case, the size of the aquarium should be from 300 to 500 liters.

Fairy tales for children

Author: Alexandra Lenarskaya

On the outskirts of one village there was a pond. He was small, but very beautiful. There were a lot of fish in it. In one family of minnows there lived a small fish, her name was Vikusya. She was so pretty that her parents and grandparents simply doted on her. They spoiled her and always left the tastiest morsel for her.

All day long the fish got their food at the very bottom of the pond - in algae or mud. It was hard work: you had to dig up food for a long time, dig your nose into the mud, stir up sand. But no one complained. After all, fish have been told since childhood that easy prey can lead to big troubles! Everyone knew that fishermen came to the pond and threw their treacherous traps - fishing rods - into the water. It’s easy to get caught by them, but it’s impossible to break free. Only a few managed to escape. One of these lucky ones was Grandpa Vikusi, a big old minnow.

One fine morning he gathered all the little fish around him and began to tell them his favorite story:

– Once, in my distant youth, I was swimming along a pond and suddenly I saw a large worm. There was no need to search for this worm, dig it up, or pull it out of the sand. I remember now: here he is, right in front of me! So fatty and delicious! “Well, what could happen if I eat this worm? – I thought then. “You can try it just once.” I deftly grabbed the worm and wanted to quickly sneak with it to my home, but that was not the case! The worm was tied to a fishing rod, and a second later I felt that I was flying over the water and was about to land on the shore, right into the hands of the fishermen. If I hadn't spat out the worm then, I wouldn't have lived. We fish are not given the right to make mistakes. So you, my grandchildren, always remember my words: never take easy bait, earn every piece with your own labor.

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