Frog - features of physiology, nutrition, reproduction, habitat

Frogs are representatives of the most numerous order of tailless amphibians. The first ancestors of modern species appeared on the planet about 180-170 million years ago. In the process of evolution, frogs have spread throughout almost the entire planet, achieving significant species diversity. Thus, in the biological classification there are more than 7 thousand modern and about a hundred extinct species.

Let's look at the body structure of tailless amphibians, their life cycle and developmental features.


The frog has a large and flat head, on the side of which there are bulging eyes . Along with other land vertebrates, frogs have upper and lower eyelids. Under the lower eyelid of the amphibian, a nictitating membrane is found, which is called the “third eyelid”. Behind the eyes of an amphibian there is a special area covered with thin skin called the eardrum. Two nostrils with special valves are located above a huge mouth with small teeth.

The frog's front legs are characterized by the presence of four rather short toes. The hind legs of the animal are strong and well developed, equipped with five fingers, the space between which is covered with a specially leathery membrane. There are no claws on the animal's fingers. The only excretory part is located in the posterior region of the frog's body and is represented by the so-called cloacal opening. The frog's body is covered with bare skin, quite thickly lubricated with special mucus, which is abundantly secreted by the animal's numerous special subcutaneous glands.

This is interesting! The size of frogs depends on the species, so European frogs most often do not exceed one decimeter, and African goliath frogs are a kind of record holder in terms of size, therefore, with a half-meter size, they weigh several kilograms.

The size of an adult frog varies markedly depending on the species, but most often varies between 0.8-32 cm. The color of the skin is also very diverse and can be brownish, yellow, green or an unusual variegated color. Many members of the family prefer to camouflage themselves with herbaceous vegetation, foliage or branches, and therefore have characteristic green, gray and grayish-green skin.

War coloring, as a rule, indicates that the frog is poisonous, which is explained by the presence of special glands on the skin that produce substances that are toxic and harmful to human or animal health. Some frogs easily mimic, imitating dangerous amphibians to escape from enemies.

Spotted dart frog

Spotted poison dart frog (lat. Dendrobates tinctorius)
A stunningly beautiful frog: the head and body are decorated with large black and yellow circles, and the legs are black and blue. The skin of this frog is interesting not only for its beauty and poisonousness, but also because with its help, or more precisely, with the help of the poison secreted, Amazonian aborigines change the color of the feathers of parrots.

Range, habitats

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Vertebrates have become widespread in almost all countries and continents, and are also found even in arctic snow conditions. But frogs give preference precisely to tropical forest zones, where there is simply a huge variety of species and subspecies of such amphibians. Frogs primarily inhabit fresh water bodies.

True frogs are members of the family Anura amphibians, which are almost universally distributed, with the exception of South America, southern Australia and New Zealand. Our country is inhabited mainly by the grass frog (Rana temporaria) and the pond frog (Rana esculenta).

It should be remembered that the distribution of some subspecies and species of frogs may well be limited by natural causes, including rivers, mountain ranges and deserts, as well as man-made factors represented by highways and canals.

In tropical conditions, the diversity of amphibian species is much greater than in zones characterized by cold or temperate climates. Certain species and subspecies of frogs are able to live even in salt waters or beyond the Arctic Circle .

Desert Narrowmouth

This unusual species of frog resembles an animated film character or a wind-up toy. The desert narrowmouth is found in South Africa and Namibia, living in a coastal zone 10 kilometers wide. As a rule, they hide in coastal sands, as well as tropical or subtropical dried bushes. During the day, they bury themselves in the sand to a depth of 10–20 cm, hiding from the heat.

After waiting in the cool and damp sand all day, the frogs crawl to the surface at night. They especially love foggy nights when they can feast on larvae and insects. The desert narrowmouths created a real sensation after a video of them was posted online. It will not be difficult for you to find it and admire these amazing creatures.


Diet of frogs

Insectivorous frogs belong to the category of predatory animals . Such amphibians with great pleasure eat a large number of mosquitoes, as well as all kinds of butterflies and small invertebrate animals. Particularly large adult insectivorous individuals do not disdain prey that is even more impressive in size, which can be represented by some species of animal frogs and relatively small relatives of their own.

This is interesting! Frogs of many species bring great benefits to people. They actively destroy and eat many worms, bugs and insects that are harmful and dangerous to humans and plants.

Hunting for their victims is carried out by frogs using a sticky and fairly long tongue, which deftly catches midges, dragonflies, moths and other winged creatures directly in flight. Among the currently existing species and subspecies of frogs, omnivorous amphibians are also known, which happily use fruits or berries for food.

Brazilian slingshot

The Brazilian slingshot, also known as the changeable slingshot, has a mouth no smaller than the decorated slingshot. As for its reputation, it is perhaps even more aggressive than the previously described species. Disguised in leaf litter, this 20cm frog sticks out just its head, ready to grab anyone who passes by. Some individuals die because of their greed. Slingshots grab prey that is too large, however, they do not release it, preferring to die from suffocation along with the victim, which remains sticking out of the mouth.

She will attack anything, including the legs of animals or people passing by. Here's our advice: don't tease the beast!


Character and lifestyle

Frogs are able to move perfectly on land, as well as make huge jumps, climb the crowns of tall trees and dig underground holes. Some species are characterized by the ability not only to swim perfectly, but also to run, walk, quickly climb trees, and even easily glide from a height.

One of the very interesting features of frogs is the absorption of oxygen through the skin. This process is quite successfully carried out on land or in water, due to which the animal belongs to the category of amphibians. However, European grass frogs, which are very widely known in our country, approach water bodies only during the period of active reproduction.

This is interesting! The activity levels of different species and subspecies are very different, so some of these amphibians prefer to hunt exclusively at night, but there are bright representatives who remain tireless twenty-four hours a day.

An interesting fact is that frogs need lungs in order to make rather loud and peculiar sounds called croaking . Sound bubbles and resonators help the amphibian produce the widest range of sounds, which is most often used to attract the opposite sex during the breeding season.

Periodically, adult frogs shed their skin, which is not an organ necessary for the life of an amphibian animal, and then eat it in anticipation of the growth of new skin. According to their lifestyle, all true frogs are sedentary loners, prone to short-term migration over short distances only during the breeding season. Species that live in temperate zones hibernate with the onset of winter.

Venezuelan pebble toad

Pebble toad is the perfect name for this small amphibian. It's all about its habitat and defense mechanisms. It lives on rocky slopes, and since this toad is not capable of flying, when danger arises it tenses its muscles and jumps down. Due to its minimal weight, as well as strong muscles, such falls do not harm the pebble toad. She lands in crevices or puddles, remaining alive and healthy. This strategy is designed to protect against predators such as tarantulas.

Not only does it roll down the slopes like a pebble, but the toad also resembles it in its appearance. The dark color of the toad, whose length does not exceed 2.5 cm, allows it to camouflage itself among rocks, and when rolled up it is no different from a small stone.


Types of frogs

The entire diversity of these amphibians is represented by subfamilies:

  • toad frogs;
  • shield-toed frogs;
  • African wood frogs;
  • real frogs;
  • dwarf frogs;
  • disc-toed frogs.

In total, there are more than 500 species of frogs in the world. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the most common are pond and grass frogs. The world's largest frog reaches a length of 32 cm - this is the Goliath frog. The smallest frog in the world is the leaf frog, measuring 2 cm. In general, all types of frogs amaze with their diversity in size and color.

Popular types of frogs: tree frog, lake frog, Dominican frog, slingshot frog, sharp-faced frog, Siberian frog, pond frog, etc.

Dominican tree frog

If you observe the movement of such a creature for the first time, you will probably think about its clumsiness. And it is absolutely justified. This frog actually moves quite problematically. It's all about her specific physique, or rather, her disproportionately large head. Along its edges are large black eyes, closed by a large fold of frontal skin. The mouth of the Dominican tree frog is also quite wide. It is interesting that this type of amphibian frog is capable of completely changing its body color in a very short time. The main factor contributing to this is a sudden change in weather. However, the Dominican tree frog is capable of changing color even with a change in mood. Not everyone has such talent in the animal world. The Dominican tree frog is a predator. She eats almost everything that comes her way. If the amphibian is hungry, it can even eat its own children. During such a bloodthirsty activity, it makes a jubilant sound, reminiscent of “quack-quack.”

pond frog

This cute inhabitant of reservoirs is found not only in Russia, but also abroad. Based on the name, it is not difficult to determine that the habitat of this creature is water bodies. A feature of the pond frog is its unpretentiousness in choosing a lake, pond or river. She will settle in any body of water where there is food and water lilies on which to sit, looking for midges. Body measurement - 10 cm. The greenish-yellow skin of the pond frog is covered with brown spots. A narrow strip runs down the center of her back. An unusual species feature is the well-developed eardrums.

Edible frog

Zoologists claim that the ancestor of the edible frog was a hybrid of a lake and a pond frog. This type of frog looks especially beautiful in the photo. The individual has a pleasant light green body shade. Its front part is diluted with beige colors. Black stripes of varying widths run from the head to the hind legs. Why was the frog called “edible”? The paws of this amphibian are one of the favorite delicacies of the French. Edible frogs are found mainly in European reservoirs. She is demanding about the place where she lives. If an amphibian determines that there is no current in a body of water, it is unlikely to settle there.

Australian tree frog

This type of green frog is rightly called by zoologists one of the most beautiful. In terms of size, the Australian tree frog is not inferior to the Dominican tree frog, however, with its appearance, it radiates friendliness, unlike the second one. Body color is bright light green. The breast of the Australian tree frog is slightly lighter than the back. By the way, there are barely noticeable black dots all over the surface of her small body. The eye color of the individual is yellow-gold. However, it changes periodically, as does the color of the entire body of the living creature. The tree frog turns turquoise or light blue. But this individual is known for its ringing voice. Many people will not like the sounds made by the Australian tree frog, and this is not surprising, since they are very reminiscent of the barking of an irritated dog.

Charming leaf climber

This type of poisonous frog is very beautiful. The body has a black-golden hue. Orange stripes are clearly visible on her back. The muzzle of the charming leaf climber is slightly flattened, the eyes are large and black. Looking at such a frog, you might think that the tips of its paws do not belong to it. What is this connected with? Of course, with color. They are gray, covered with black circles, like those of a marsh tree frog. It is worth noting that this beautiful frog is one of the less poisonous. She rarely attacks others, preferring to lead a solitary and friendly lifestyle. However, such a frog cannot be called cautious. She never hides to hide, because she knows that, thanks to the presence of a toxic substance, few will agree to conflict with her.

Transcaucasian frog

Medium-sized type (up to 8 cm). The specificity of the Transcaucasian frog is its pink abdomen. Not so long ago, this species was widespread in the Krasnodar region of Russia, but pollution of water bodies led to a reduction in its numbers. Today the Transcaucasian frog is one of the endangered species listed in the Red Book. This rare species of frog prefers to eat not only insects, but also crustaceans.

Blue dart frog

In fact, the blue poison dart frog itself is bright and contrasting. There are black circles all over his slippery skin. By the way, the blue dart frog is a poisonous frog. A toxic substance of this type can even kill a person, however, this does not happen often. Much more often, the blue poison dart frog kills forest and steppe predators with its poison. Some people keep dart frogs in home terrariums without any fear of their poison, which in a safe environment is less likely to be produced by its skin. Lake frog This amphibian does not belong to the “small frogs”. The body size of a lake frog can reach 16 cm, but for this the individual must eat well and regularly. Gray-brown or green-yellow individuals are found on lakes. The lake frog is an excellent camouflage fish. It can hide in foliage or mud so that even people with very good eyesight cannot find it. The head of this species is very wide and massive. In addition to Russian reservoirs, this species is common in some countries of Europe and even Africa. He is attracted to deep waters. The lake frog's main food is water beetles, but it can also feast on other insects. Interesting fact! The lake frog is an amphibian valuable for medicine and biology. It is caught for the purpose of conducting experiments, testing medications, studying the insides, etc.

Purple frog

The appearance of the frog is frightening and repulsive. The animal resembles a large clot of dirt. The body color of the individual is gray-brown. It is very large and slippery. The nose of the purple frog is pointed. Despite the fact that the legs, like those of many other frogs, are slightly turned outward, they are completely different from the others. The purple frog moves very rarely, preferring to remain motionless most of the time. Zoologists classify this species as a fossil. The amphibian spends most of its time underground. Because of this, scientists for a long time could not classify the frog, since it was literally out of human reach. The purple frog was studied relatively recently, in 2003. The love for the earth is also reflected in the feeding habits of the species; it does not come to the surface to catch midges, as it prefers to eat underground termites. Aibolit frog And this type of amphibian creatures has long been domesticated by humans. Some names of frog species are very eloquent, as in this case. Why was the frog called aibolit? It's simple. A specific skin secretion is released from its skin, which can heal fish from diseases, mainly infectious ones. Therefore, “aibolit” is kept in aquariums with fish, so that, in case of their illness, the amphibian can share its healing properties. By the way, such amazing creatures feed only in water. But treatment is not the only useful property of the aibolit frog. Its skin secretions have a cleansing effect on the aquarium water. Despite its small size, the aibolit frog brings great benefits. The external distinctive feature of this species is its powerful hind legs, which are quite fleshy. With their help, the amphibian easily tears apart its food. Advice! If you decide to keep an aibolit frog in an aquarium as a pet, you will have to cover it with something so that the amphibian does not jump out.

Pointy-faced frog

The peculiarity of this slippery creature is its pointed face. This is a small individual, up to 6-7 cm long. There are spots and stripes all over its skin. In the wild there are not only brown frogs, but also olive frogs, and, less commonly, black frogs. Some natural factors affect the body color of an amphibian, such as humidity levels. In terms of nutritional preferences, this species did not stand out in any way. The animal often feasts on flies, mollusks, gadflies, etc. It often breaks its camouflage during the hunt, becoming easy prey for forest predators. While the weather is favorable (there is no frost), the frog spends time in shallow water, but as soon as cold weather comes, it will begin to seek refuge in holes, stones or foliage.

Red-backed poison frog

This species has very bright colors. The red-backed frog is very difficult to miss. Guess what makes her stand out? Of course, with a bright orange or red back. It is classified as a poisonous amphibian. However, the poison of such a frog is not enough to poison a person or a large predator. However, contact with such a creature can cause serious health problems. Toxicity is transmitted to the frog from poisonous ants, which it eats. Then the poison will be secreted by the skin glands of the amphibian, but it controls this process and does not consume the supply of poison unnecessarily. Typically, the red-backed frog's trigger for releasing skin toxins is an attack from a predator.

Siberian frog

This species is not particularly remarkable. The body of the Siberian frog is of standard size - up to 9 cm. There may be red spots on the back of the individual. The hind legs of this species are much longer than the front legs. This allows the frog to jump high. The population of this individual is large. She is unpretentious to living conditions. The approach of cold weather indicates that it is time for the Siberian frog to hibernate. The favorite food of this creature is algae.

Red-eyed tree frog

The red-eyed tree frog is distinguished from others by its red eyes, which occupy most of its face. This is a beautiful frog, whose skin is painted in bright green and blue colors, and the toes on all its legs are orange. These cute creatures spend the maximum period of their wakefulness in wetlands and the banks of reservoirs. The red-eyed tree frog's lifestyle is diurnal. Their daily menu includes not only midges, but also some animals. But among the people, this type of frog is known not only due to its unusual appearance. The red-eyed tree frog is capable of making a huge number of different sounds that are associated with mysticism. Some people keep such amphibians at home, in aquariums. This is not surprising, because they are really very beautiful. By the way, such individuals are also considered poisonous. However, a person has nothing to fear, since for him, the specific frog secretion does not pose any danger.

grass frog

This animal is quite popular in Europe. The grass frog is considered an excellent camouflage animal in the wildlife world. When it is in dense thickets, it is almost impossible to notice it with the naked eye. This ability of the individual is perfectly complemented by its small dimensions, up to 9 cm. It is known that the skin of a male grass frog acquires a lighter shade during the period of courtship with a female. This cannot be said about the female of this species, which, on the contrary, darkens. The grass frog is notable for the fact that its body closely resembles a piece of marble slab.

Slingshot frog

The entire body of such an individual is dense and massive. In appearance, it resembles a huge drop of water. The slingshot frog is perfectly camouflaged in the external environment. But its distinctive feature is not its huge size, but its razor-sharp teeth. The mouth of such a creature is huge. Despite its short legs, the slingshot frog is capable of moving nimbly, but rarely does so, preferring to remain invisible. This is a slow frog, which, moreover, swims very poorly. In the wild, such an individual is a bloodthirsty predator, capable of eating even small animals that it meets on its way. In addition to invertebrates, the horned frog does not disdain fish. To catch large prey, the “slingshot” surrounds it and grabs it with its powerful jaws. Sharp long teeth contribute to a strong grip on the victim. In this case, there is no need to use a sticky tongue.

Hokkaido frog

Based on the name of the species, it is easy to conclude that it lives in the waters of the Japanese island of Hokkaido. However, this is not the only point on Earth where it can be found. It is also found in Russian reservoirs, for example, on Sakhalin. Despite its complete unpretentiousness in the place of settlement, the number of Hokkaido frogs on the planet is small. This species is completely indifferent to whether there is a current in the selected body of water. This does not affect the reproduction of the Hokkaido frog in any way.

Black spotted frog

The species becomes sexually mature by 2 years. But if the length of an individual has not reached at least 6 cm, it will not reproduce. By the way, the standard dimensions of the black-spotted frog are 8 cm. There are small black spots on its skin. They also cover the back and legs of the individual. The amphibian's eyes protrude upward, which may give the impression that it has horns. The front part of a representative of this species is slightly lighter than the back. The color of the individual is olive-yellow. The coloring of females is brighter and more expressive. Knowing this, you can easily determine the sex of the animal. It loves water very much, so it never strays too far from its pond. The black-spotted frog is a predator that hunts primarily on land. Its main food is caterpillars. But the individual will not disdain the lake bug. Her activity is almost around the clock.

Common tree frog

The tree frog is considered a small amphibian animal, whose body barely reaches 8 cm. But it is difficult not to notice these small creatures; they stand out with their very bright light green color. The toes of this slippery creature can be colored brown. The physiology of this amphibian may influence the change in its color. The male tree frog is very noisy. The animal's throat sac is greatly inflated before mating, during the vocalization stage. But this is not the last difference between such amphibians. Tree frogs love trees. They can sit on plants near water bodies for hours, deftly jumping from one branch to another. Such a frog will never fall from the tree, because there are special suction cups on its fingers. Some people keep tree frogs in aquariums. It has been noted that, in captivity, with good care, such frogs can live up to 25 years.

Bicolor phyllomedusa

The second name of this species is monkey frog. He received this nickname because of his excessive curiosity. The bicolor phyllomedusa is a large representative of poisonous amphibians. The front of the individual is neon yellow, and the back is purple-blue. Wide black stripes run across the animal's skin. It has been proven that the venom of the bicolor phyllomedusa can cause hallucinations in humans. But for this you need to get a large amount of a harmful substance. More often, the toxin secreted by the glands of this amphibian provokes gastric dysfunction. In any case, it is not fatal to humans.


More than 50% of the body of such an individual is occupied by a massive and wide head. Her eyes are very large and beautiful, with a golden hue. The spadefoot has fairly long legs, thanks to which it jumps well. This frog is often kept as a pet. But in order for him to feel comfortable, it is necessary to create favorable conditions. The main thing is a spacious home. The spadefoot will feel good only in a large aquarium with loose soil at the bottom. This species prefers water to land. The spadefoot often burrows into the ground, creating a large mound. While digging a hole, an amphibian can create a specific sound that resembles a squeal. But this doesn't happen often.

Terrible leaf climber

This type of frog received its frightening nickname for a reason. It was nicknamed “terrible” because of the huge amount of poison contained in the skin glands. However, with its appearance, the leaf climber does not frighten, but, on the contrary, pleases. The color of the individual is bright yellow. When the body of the terrible leaf climber is illuminated by the sun, reflections can be seen on it. This species lives only in Colombian reservoirs. As practice shows, the bright color of an animal often indicates that it is dangerous. To die, a person or a large predator just needs to touch the terrible leaf climber. However, these poisonous frogs use the toxic substance only for defense. Therefore, you should not be afraid that in the wild, this dangerous amphibian will attack you.

Black rain frog

This amphibian looks like an inhabitant of another planet. It is huge, lumpy and intimidating. However, some call it the "sad frog". It's all about the downturned corners of the individual's wide mouth. This gives the visual impression that she is upset. The image of a saddened amphibian is complemented by large black eyes. The black rain frog is found in the waters of South America. Despite its vague body, it cannot be called large. It easily fits into the human palm. A feature of this species is its love for the earth. The black rain frog digs deep holes, more than 25 cm. Copefoot frog The difference between the species is its wide interdigital membranes on all legs. Thanks to them, the individual’s limb resembles an oar. Hence the name. This unusual shape of the legs allows the copepod frog to jump high, more than 50 cm. The average body size of an individual is 11 cm. Such amphibians have a very slender body, large eyes, the pupils of which are located horizontally. The color of the dorsal part of the copepod frog is light green, and the front part is white. Thanks to the copepod shape of its legs, this frog is an excellent swimmer. She prefers to settle on the branches of low trees and bushes. Bullfrog This is a very large representative of the “slippery animals”. It weighs about 400 grams. This species is distinguished by its large head and very wide mouth. But that's not all. Zoologists talk about the incredible gluttony of the bullfrog. She eats almost everything that comes her way. Such an amphibian can even swallow a rat or chicken. The species is also known for its low and very sonorous voice.

Terrible leaf climber

The name of this species of amphibians fully justifies itself. This frog is one of the most poisonous creatures on the planet. One 5 cm long individual contains enough poison to kill 10 to 20 people or 2 elephants. Just one gram of the toxic substance produced by the terrible leaf climber can kill about 15 thousand people. By the way, an article about the most poisonous frogs in the world was published on our website

Scientists still cannot understand how such tiny creatures can produce such a strong poison. It is assumed that the whole thing is due to poisonous plants, consumed by beetles, termites and ants, which later become prey for leaf climbers. Captive-bred frogs cannot produce toxic substances that are only available to the wild. The alkaloid toxins that coat the skin of the terrible leaf climbers remain effective for a long time, even if the frog is removed from its usual food sources.

As for the victims of this type of frog, they kill everyone who dares to attack them, except for the snakes Liophis epinephelus, which are resistant, but not immune, to the toxins of the terrible leaf climber. This species lives in the Colombian rainforests, near the Pacific Ocean. The high population density of Phyllobates terribilis (scientific name) is due to its small habitat, however, the destruction of forests in the area has led to the threat of extinction of this unique animal.


How long do frogs live

Unique animals, which are very prominent representatives of the order Tailless amphibians, have different life expectancies. Its determination in natural conditions is carried out by the method of skeletochronology, which allows one to correctly assess the individual growth rate and the onset of puberty.

This is interesting! According to scientists, a significant part of frog species live in nature for no more than ten years, but numerous observations have shown that individual species and subspecies have a life cycle of thirty years.


And finally, an interesting documentary about monster frogs.

Author: Pavel Chaika, editor-in-chief of Poznavaika magazine

When writing the article, I tried to make it as interesting, useful and high-quality as possible. I would be grateful for any feedback and constructive criticism in the form of comments on the article. You can also write your wish/question/suggestion to my email [email protected] or Facebook, with respect, the author.

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Sexual dimorphism

Permanent and seasonal sexual dimorphism is a characteristic characteristic of many amphibians, including some species of frogs. Some poison dart frogs are characterized by enlargement of the finger pads of males, which is used by the amphibians when tapping on the ground and helps to actively attract females. Males of some species are distinguished by greatly enlarged eardrums. Seasonal dimorphism is caused by the presence of so-called gonadotropic hormones in the animal’s body.

This is interesting! There are species in which, upon visual inspection, it is impossible to determine their gender in accordance with only one characteristic, so it is necessary to compare several morphological characteristics at once.

One of the most striking and pronounced sexual characteristics that are characteristic of male frogs is the formation of nuptial pads as a response to changes in the hormonal levels of the testes.

In the frog, such pads are formed on the lower part of the forelimbs, on the fingers and near the mouth, due to which all mature males remain in a mated state with the female even when there is strong movement of water or attack by other animals.


If you do not pay attention to the willful behavior, keeping and caring for the clawed frog does not pose any particular difficulties.


For clawed frogs, the aquarium should be rectangular, short in height and long .

The volume of water for one individual is at least 35 liters. If you plan to keep 2-3 frogs - at least 70 liters.

Attention! The container is filled with water right up to the sides - dropsy does not need open islands of land.

Water parameters

The water parameters should not contain nitrogen compounds and chlorine; the main indicators are as follows:

  • temperature - 19...25 °C;
  • acidity - 6.5–7.5 pH;
  • hardness - 2–12 dGh.

Water is replaced by 1/3 of the volume once a week. The use of an external filter will reduce the frequency to once every 2 weeks.

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Publication from Manicure Studio. Novoazovsk (@nastya_matosova) Sep 6, 2021 at 1:47 PDT

Substrate or primer

The choice of substrate is not so much a rational necessity as a trick that owners go to in order not to use soil.

Spending a lot of time at the bottom, clawed amphibians stir up small fractions and swallow large pebbles. Pebbles fall into the frog's stomach and clog it, which can lead to the death of the amphibian.

A piece of dark fabric equal in size to the bottom of the aquarium is used as a substrate . It is allowed to decorate the bottom with stones or plastic plants glued to it.

When using river sand, the process of cleaning the reservoir becomes more frequent. In addition, sand clogs the filter. The best option is small pebbles .


And again we are looking for an alternative between living material and artificial ones .

Conventional aquarium plants will not be suitable, since frogs will quickly damage them with their sharp claws.

Plastic ones look beautiful, but they get more dirty, and you will have to wash them more often, and they can harm frogs with their hard edges.

Professionals advise giving preference to Anubias. All species of this plant have leaves with a strong structure.

However, it should not be planted in the ground, but in weighted pots. As a compromise, you can use artificial plants made from silk.


Amphibians have a positive attitude towards shelters. All kinds of caves, coconuts, grottoes, and jugs are suitable for them .

The main thing is that the shelter is spacious, without sharp edges and holds firmly to the bottom.


To ensure that the water always remains clean, which is what clawed frogs love, an aquarium with them needs a powerful filter , but it should not create a strong current in the reservoir.

This means that it is better to install an external model.

Please note that the amphibians themselves, demanding crystal clear water, do everything to pollute it. Such picky people!


Their need for light is small. The duration of daylight hours is no more than 12 hours .

Living plants require more lighting than amphibians.

Attention! Bright lighting is contraindicated for Spur albinos - they can go blind from it.

Reproduction and offspring

The breeding season of tropical amphibians occurs during the rainy season, and any species living in the temperate zone reproduces exclusively in the spring, immediately after emerging from hibernation. With the onset of the breeding season, large aggregations of frogs form, in which all males tend to occupy hills or hummocks. During this period, the animals “sing” loudly, and this peculiar croaking of males attracts females well.

The males, climbing onto the back of the females, fertilize the eggs that are swept into the water and gathered into round and dense lumps. During the spawning process, snapping frogs that live in South Africa secrete quite abundant and foaming mucus, which coats all the eggs. After the foaming secretion hardens, a kind of nest is formed on the plants, inside which the eggs are incubated and the larvae subsequently hatch.

Different species of frogs lay different amounts of eggs, which can vary from several tens of eggs to twenty thousand eggs. The average incubation time for eggs directly depends on the ambient temperature, but most often ranges from three to ten days. The larvae of an amphibian animal develop quite quickly, so they first turn into tadpoles, and a little later become small frogs. The standard development period most often takes between 40-120 days.

This is interesting! Frogs are not characterized by any kinship feelings, so large species often hunt small amphibians or eat their own offspring, but adult bullfrogs always swim to the cry of their babies and drive away or eat their offender.

Surinamese pipa

Also known as the American pipa, this toad is one of the most bizarre amphibians with a disorienting (yes, disgusting) method of reproduction. But first, let's talk about its shape. The Surinamese pipa is almost completely flat, with small eyes protruding. In addition, she does not have a tongue or teeth; instead of croaking, she literally rattles the bones in her throat, making a clicking sound. The weirdness of the pipa doesn't end there.

This species of amphibian breeds underwater. During the mating process, females release 3–10 eggs at a time, which land and become embedded in her back. Having penetrated the skin, the eggs develop there, going from tadpoles to toads. That's right, tiny toads burst out of the mother's back. It's very strange, but entertaining enough that you should watch the whole process on video.


Natural enemies

Natural enemies of frogs include leeches, larvae of swimming beetles and dragonflies, as well as predatory fish, including pike perch, perch, bream, pike and catfish. Frogs are also actively hunted by some species of reptiles, including grass snakes and vipers. Amphibians very often become easy prey for adult storks and herons, crows and waterfowl, some mammals, which include muskrats, rats and muskrats, shrews and representatives of mustelids.


It seems to be a simple creation, but it has its own special requirements for content.

Frogs are not picky when choosing food , they do not need aeration, but caring for them has its own difficulties.


Frogs are omnivores, moreover, they are all terrible gluttons. In a small space in a home aquarium, where they lack freedom of movement, you need to carefully monitor the dosage and caloric content of food.

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Publication from Vlad and Olga from Riga (@vlad_aquaman_tehnik) Sep 9, 2019 at 10:53 PDT

The diet of amphibians includes:

  • bloodworm;
  • fresh fish;
  • shrimp meat;
  • beef and beef heart.

Some frog owners pamper their pets with small species of aquarium fish. is also suitable for them , for example, Tetra ReptoFrog Granules .

Young individuals are given food every day, adults only need 2-3 times a week.

Population and species status

Research shows a significant decline in the total number of frogs . More than a third of all known species are currently under threat of extinction. The causes of this plight are most often habitat destruction, noticeable climate change and alien predators.

Particularly destructive and dangerous for the frog population are infectious diseases represented by chytridiomycosis and ranavirus. Among other things, amphibians in general and some frogs in particular have an increased sensitivity to severe environmental pollution, which is due to too permeable skin and the characteristics of their life cycle.

Tree frogs

Among the tree frogs there are little ones the size of a fingernail and “giants” – up to 12 cm. Male tree frogs are desperate screamers. During vocalization, their throat swells greatly. And the main feature of tree frogs is the ability to masterfully climb and jump. The high glass walls of their home will not become an obstacle, because their legs have suction cups. They are capable of jumping from the wall of the aquaterrarium to the opposite one. Tree frogs are also wonderful chameleons.

They spend most of their time in natural conditions on trees, quickly changing color to match their environment. Their predominant colors are green and gold. In aquaterrariums they live up to 20 years. Of course, with careful care.

The longest-livers among amphibians can be considered the gray toad, whose life expectancy is 26 years, the crested python - up to 28 years, the toad - 20 = 29 years, the tree frog - 22 years, the grass and lake frog - 18 years, the clawed frog - 15 years. So if you already got a frog, take care of it!

Interesting facts about frogs

  • Frogs have unique vision - they can look up, forward and sideways at the same time.
  • Frogs do not close their eyes for a long time - even during sleep.
  • Frog skin has antibacterial properties that our ancestors used. They threw frogs into milk to prevent it from turning sour.
  • In Japan, the frog is a symbol of good luck.


Paedophryne amauensis

If we are surprised by the size of the Diana glass frog, what can we say about Paedophryne amauensis, also a recently discovered species. It was discovered a little less than 10 years ago; the size of the frog does not exceed 7 mm, which allows us to call this type of amphibian the smallest vertebrate creature on earth.

Due to its size, the frog resembles an insect. The color, similar to forest cover with dried branches, also adds similarities. It's not surprising that it took scientists a while to figure it out. The method that enabled the identification of the new species also deserves attention. The researchers used triangulation to locate the sounds and then collected the foliage in a plastic bag to determine the source of the noise. This is how the smallest frog in the world was found. Its habitat is the forests of Papua New Guinea.


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