Veiltail: maintenance, breeding, compatibility, photo, video

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The veiltail is a real goldfish with long fins and a beautiful veil tail. Japan is considered the birthplace of these fish. Veiltails are considered the most common aquarium fish today; thanks to their beauty and unpretentiousness, these fish are loved by aquarists around the world. They are not found in the wild; they live only in artificial reservoirs and aquariums.


Veiltail is a species bred artificially in the east. It can be classic or ribbon. In the classic one, the length of the tail parts is the same, but in the ribbon ones, the fused tail blades have different lengths. The value of an individual depends on the number of “fans”; there are a maximum of 4 of them.


The fish grows up to 20 cm and has a short, round body. The veil tail is forked. All fins are elongated and pointed. The dorsal fin is more than half the height of the body. The eyes are large. Colors come in black, white, gold, red and orange. Popular color forms: red body and white fins, golden red, and spotted.


Goldfish are harmless and slow-moving inhabitants of aquariums. Suitable for single and group keeping. They dig in the ground and dig up plants with a weak root system.


In good conditions, the fish lives 10–15 years.


With proper care, pets will live a long and happy life. A balanced diet will help your fish stay healthy and active. An aquarium with such pets will decorate your home and bring positive emotions to your family and guests.

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There are several varieties that differ in color and tail shape. There is also an albino form of goldfish.


The color consists of orange, white and dark spots. The calico veiltail has problems with coordination due to its large fins.


The tail resembles a fan and is equal in length to half the body. The breed is characterized by a fin angle of 90 degrees between the upper and lower blades.

Black and red

Rare and valuable species. Fins come in different shapes.

Establishment of the "yoke"

After the campaigns of Batu (Batu Khan) to Rus' in 1237-1240. Russian princes were brought to submission to the multilingual empire of the descendants of Genghis Khan. In 1243, Batu ordered the Vladimir-Suzdal prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich to go to him in Sarai on the Lower Volga to recognize the dominance of the khan, threatening disobedience with a new cruel devastation of the Russian land. Yaroslav did not dare to resist, and the khan granted him the label of great reign - supremacy over all Russian lands. However, this decision then required approval in the capital of the entire Chinggisid empire - Karakorum in Mongolia. In 1245, Prince Yaroslav set off on a long journey, from which he never returned - he died on the way home.

After a long struggle with his brother Andrei, Alexander Yaroslavovich (nicknamed Nevsky) received the label for the great reign in 1252. According to Russian testimonies, Khan Batu graciously received the obedient Alexander and, treating him with kumys, said: “You are already completely ours, Tatar, drink our drink.”

Khan of Ulus Jochi issued labels to Russian princes even when he remained formally dependent on the supreme khan in Karakorum. However, this time was short-lived. It was impossible to control a huge empire from one remote center, from which it would take many years to travel to the outskirts. Already in 1269, Khan Mengu-Timur finally made the Golden Horde independent, and the Russian princes stopped going further than the lower Volga to pay their respects.


Stock veiltails with peaceful species adapted to cool water:

  1. some irises;
  2. zebrafish;
  3. swordtails;
  4. cardinals;
  5. speckled catfish;
  6. ancistrus.

A post shared by The Epic Fishkeeper (@the_epic_fishkeeper) on Jan 3, 2021 at 2:18pm PST

The ideal option is to live in a group of 4-6 individuals. Veiltails get along well with similar varieties of goldfish: shubunkins, ryukins or telescopes. Remember that veiltails interbreed with other species of goldfish. Veiltails cannot be housed with tropical fish and fin-biting species:

  1. barbs;
  2. tetras;
  3. cichilds;
  4. cockerels;
  5. boots;
  6. macropods.


  • N. F. Zolotnitsky (1851-1920) “Amateur Aquarium”
  • Ilyin M. N. “Aquarium fish farming”, Moscow University Publishing House, 1977, 400 pp.
  • Glazer S.I., Plonsky V.D. “Unusual aquarium” - Moscow: Knowledge, 1988 - p.192
  • Andrews, Chris. An Interpet Guide to Fancy Goldfish, Interpet Publishing, 2002. - ISBN 1-902389-64-6
  • Johnson, Dr. Erik L., DVM and Richard E. Hess. Fancy Goldfish: A Complete Guide to Care and Collecting, Weatherhill, Shambhala Publications, Inc., 2006. - ISBN 0-8348-0448-4
  • Aquarium Magazine, Goldfish Society of America, March 1968, p. 55.
  • Group of authors: Ph.D. ped. Sciences M. D. Makhlin (habitat, review of fish and plants); Yu. A. Mitrokhin (feed and feeding, how new things are created); G. L. Kupriyanov (practice of aquarium hydrochemistry); Ph.D. biol. Sciences A.E. Mikulin (feed organisms and their cultivation in culture at home, hormones and their use); V. A. Smirnov (secrets of fish breeding). Compiled by V. A. Smirnov. “How something new is created: Science in the practice of aquarium fish farming.” Moscow, “Niva Rossii” - 1993
  • Veiltail (English)


Veiltails do not require special conditions for breeding. Provide high-quality feeding and frequent water changes.

Sex differences

The sex of the veiltail is determined at the age of 1 year. The female is larger than the male, the abdomen is rounded. White growths appear on the gill covers of the male.


Keep the breeders separate for a couple of weeks before breeding. Increase the protein content in the diet. Then place the pets in the spawning tank. Increase the water temperature by 2-3 degrees and monitor the water quality. Spawning begins in the morning and lasts about 5 hours. The fish disperse up to 10 thousand eggs. To preserve offspring, remove the breeders. The eggs are incubated for 2 days. After a few days, the fry swim and feed on their own. Feed the fry 2-4 times a day with live dust, cyclops and rotifers. When the young grow to 3 cm, transplant them to adults.


Veiltails are omnivorous fish. To provide adequate nutrition, they are fed animal and plant foods.

Features of feeding veiltails:

  • It is recommended to feed the fish twice a day.
  • The dosage is determined experimentally - so much food is given that the fish eats it in 1 minute.
  • They provide special food - less nutritious, and falling to the bottom of the aquarium, where veiltails like to rummage.
  • You should not combine different types of food in one feeding.
  • One day a week is a fasting day (to prevent obesity).
  • The diet should be varied. It is recommended to include in the “menu”: granulated food for goldfish;
  • spirulina;
  • bloodworm;
  • daphnia;
  • peas;
  • lettuce and spinach.
  • Preference should be given to dry food designed specifically for selective goldfish. It is balanced and well digestible.
  • If fish eat poorly digestible food, undigested substances enter the water with excrement and cause the accumulation of toxins.


    Due to the displacement of organs, veiltails get sick more often than their long-bodied counterparts. Proper nutrition is especially important for fish, as they are prone to obesity. Veiltails have problems with their swim bladder, which results in poor coordination. The long fins of veiltails are easily injured, and if poorly cared for, injuries provoke fungal and bacterial infections. Veiltails are susceptible to diseases:

    1. Asphyxia. Oxygen starvation occurs due to poor aeration and rare water changes in the aquarium.
    2. Overheating. Occurs when the temperature is inappropriate.
    3. Dropsy. The scales of a sick individual become bristling, and the abdomen swells. Treated with an antibiotic.
    4. Fin rot. The disease affects the fins and body. There are many medications against fin rot.
    5. Obesity. The disease occurs when there is excessive and monotonous feeding. At the first stage, it is treated with a plant-based diet or fasting.

    Other inhabitants

    Veiltails are non-aggressive fish. They get along well with their neighbors if they are of similar sizes. Veiltails can swallow fish that are too small. They should not be housed with tropical inhabitants due to temperature conditions. They should also not be kept together with aggressive fish. They can bite the veiltails by the fins and tear their wonderful tails. Such aggressors include:

    • barbs;
    • tetragonopterus;
    • thorns.

    Fish reproduce well at home. They do not need hormonal medications or temperature changes. The best conditions for spawning are the correct conditions, a spacious aquarium and good nutrition. Fish are especially willing to spawn in ponds.

    Veiltails have been bred in artificial reservoirs and aquariums for many centuries. They are well adapted to these conditions. With proper maintenance and good care, the fish will delight their owners for many years with their bright colors, luxurious tails and fins.

    Photo gallery


    Thanks to the unique set of substances that white cinquefoil contains, the use of this plant is very diverse:

    • prevention of iodine deficiency;
    • improving the functioning of the endocrine system;
    • restoration of hormonal balance;
    • beneficial effects on the functioning of the stomach and intestines;
    • providing anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effects;
    • fight against tumors;
    • stabilization of the heart and blood vessels;
    • stimulation of the central nervous system;
    • removal of radionuclides and preventing accumulation in the body;
    • slowing down cell aging, increasing immunity;
    • normalization of mental state, fight against depression;
    • providing a slight analgesic effect;
    • increased performance, improved mood.

    One of the common traditional methods of treatment is tincture of white cinquefoil. To make it, both the leafy and root parts of the plant are taken, depending on what needs to be cured. For example, the roots of a plant are more saturated with biologically active substances compared to the above-ground part. Several recipes are known.

    1. Tincture from the leafy part
      For brewing, it is better to take a thermos, but other suitable containers will also work. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over two tablespoons of dried herbs, let it brew for 9 hours (it’s better to do it in the evening), strain through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. To reduce blood pressure and normalize the functioning of the central nervous system, a tincture of white cinquefoil prepared in this way is used; the instructions for use are very simple. You should drink a third of a glass before meals.
    2. Alcohol tincture
      Crush 50 g. dried pentapala roots using a hammer, food processor or other convenient method. Pour the resulting powder into a clean glass jar and add half a liter of vodka. Hide the closed jar in a dark place for one month. Stir the liquid occasionally and strain before use. You need to take thirty drops of the remedy before meals.
    3. Mixed tincture
      To prepare, you need to mix the dried stems, leaves and crushed root parts, pour boiling water (250 ml) over the mixture. Let it brew for 9 hours, strain well before using. Take 1 to 3 spoons before meals. Drink the tincture during thyroid problems.

    Another way to overcome this disease using the root of the white cinquefoil is the use of endonorm - a medicine in the form of capsules. The active ingredient is white cinquefoil, endonorm is available without a prescription. Even taking into account the fact that it is based on plant extracts, there is no need to self-medicate. Before use, it is better to consult a qualified specialist.

    An indispensable substance is a decoction of cinquefoil root (boil 20 g of root for 15 minutes in 250 ml of water). It heals wounds well, promotes tissue regeneration, and acts as an antiseptic. To get rid of eczema, numerous bruises, boils, purulent wounds and other diseases of the skin, lotions from the prepared decoction help. And rinsing the mouth will help get rid of stomatitis and bleeding gums.

    The infusion of this herb treats uterine bleeding due to hormonal imbalance. For this purpose, one tablespoon of root powder is poured into a liter of boiling water and the mixture is placed in a water bath. After 15 minutes, remove, allow to cool and strain. The decoction should be consumed before meals, half a glass. This remedy will help normalize hormonal balance and strengthen the body.


    1. Goldfish are voracious and beg for food even if they have eaten too much. Do not violate the feeding regime, because it is better to underfeed the fish than to overfeed it.
    2. To boost immunity, add salt to your water. Be careful when calculating the required salt concentration. Smoothly transfer your pets to salted water.
    3. Quarantine new fish for a month. This will prevent diseases from being introduced into the aquarium.
    4. Periodically check the condition of the water with special tests. It is especially important to do this in the spring, when the composition of the water is unstable.
    5. To measure the water temperature, use a thermometer immersed in water. Such a device will provide accurate data.

    Veiltails are beautiful and unusual inhabitants of the aquarium. Goldfish are also interesting because they can survive in water temperatures below 10 degrees.


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    Veiltails are demanding about housing and feeding conditions. Before purchasing, please review all available information. It is important to provide your pet with appropriate care. If you follow certain rules, keeping and breeding will not cause trouble.


    Rectangular aquariums are suitable for keeping goldfish. It is not advisable to use round and polygonal aquariums, as they affect the pet’s vision and development. At least 50 liters are required per individual. That is, no more than two pets of this species can live in a 100-liter aquarium. Sometimes 3 or 4 individuals can live quietly in 100 liters, but such a company requires powerful cleaning and filtration systems. Veiltails need spacious containers in which they can move freely.

    There are known cases of keeping veiltails in 20–30 liters, however, pets do not live in such conditions. As an exception, a smaller aquarium is used for growing fish.

    Attention! Goldfish in small aquariums do not grow to their actual size. Limited space inhibits growth and development.

    Water parameters

    Veiltails do not tolerate long-term temperature increases from +27 +28 °C. It is important that the water does not contain high concentrations of phosphates and nitrogen. Nitrites, nitrates, and ammonia are considered harmful compounds. A high content of such substances is the first cause of fish diseases.

    Water parameters:

    1. Hardness5–19 dGh.
    2. Acidity 6–8 pH.
    3. Temperature +18 +22 °C.

    To control water quality, you need to use special tests that are sold in pet stores. It should be remembered that weekly you need to replace from 25 to 30% of the total volume. When replacing water partially or completely, the liquid should be treated with drugs that neutralize harmful substances. Even ordinary tap water is purified using special means. Some preparations not only cleanse, but also saturate the liquid with useful microelements and vitamins.

    You need to choose an aquarium of a suitable size


    Veiltails happily eat large quantities of aquarium vegetation. The soft and juicy leaves will be eaten within a few days. You can regularly plant new soft bushes or give preference to hard types.

    Plants for an aquarium with veil tails:

    • Vallisneria;
    • different types of Echinodorus;
    • egg capsule;
    • Anubias;
    • sagittarium;
    • Bacopa Madagascar;
    • arrowhead;
    • cryptocoryne;
    • elodea.

    Some decorate the aquarium with artificial plants. Plant in the ground and press the roots with large stones or plant in individual ceramic pots. It is important that pets do not have access to the roots, otherwise they will dig the plants out of the ground.


    Goldfish love to dig in the soil. If you observe the behavior, you can note that not a single pebble is left unattended. They swallow small stones for a couple of seconds and then spit them out. In one day, veiltails can suck and move all the soil. Because of this feature, medium-sized smooth pebbles should be placed on the bottom of the aquarium. Small or sharp stones can injure or choke fish. You can replace natural pebbles with round glass pebbles.

    Coarse sand is poured under a thick layer of pebbles for additional filtration. You should pay attention that the soil layer is at least 10 cm. Once a week, using a vacuum pump or pump, you need to clean the soil from food residues and traces of vital activity.

    It is better to use pebbles or coarse sand as soil.


    All subspecies of goldfish are quite voracious and sloppy. In the process of life, a lot of waste is constantly generated. Fish love to stir up the soil, thereby lifting all the turbidity from the bottom. To prevent water from becoming sour, it is necessary to install powerful filtration systems. It is advisable to use external filters for an aquarium, they are more powerful.

    Important! The water flow during filtration should not be too strong. The same applies to the water suction system. Goldfish are poor swimmers. Strong currents will carry them to the walls or suck them into the intake tube.

    Veiltails breathe oxygen dissolved in water. To saturate the water, powerful compressors are needed. Typically, filters and oxygen blowers come in the same package. But if the filter is not equipped with air supply tubes, then you will have to purchase a compressor separately.

    If the room where the aquarium is located is not warm enough, you can install a heater. Such devices are sold in pet stores and are equipped with a temperature sensor and regulator. The thermometer must be in the aquarium at all times. It is necessary to regularly monitor the water temperature.

    To catch fish you need a net. Veiltails are quite delicate and large, so the net must be of a suitable diameter. If the mesh is small, there is a risk of denting or tearing the tail and fins. You can use any container that is two or three times the size of the fish.

    Ideally, one goldfish should have at least 50 liters of water


    Veiltails prefer natural light. The processes of development and reproduction largely depend on the length of daylight hours. But if you place the aquarium in the sun, the water will overheat and all surfaces will become covered with green algae. It is difficult to remove them from walls and decorative items. Therefore, it is better to install a special lamp and place the aquarium in a shaded place.


    All known subspecies of goldfish cannot feel full. Don't pay attention to their sad appearance. Unlike other subspecies, veiltails are prone to overeating and obesity. Systematic overfeeding will have a bad effect on the health of pets and will lead to illness or death.

    Now let’s learn more about how and what to feed goldfish in an aquarium. So, feeding should be divided into several stages. In one stage, a small amount of food is given, which the fish eat in 5–10 minutes. Residues of food must be removed using a net or pump. The next day you need to reduce the portion. Usually feeding is divided into 2 times.

    It is better to use feed that sinks. When feeding on the surface, veiltails may swallow air along with food particles. After such a meal, pets become bloated. Such fish are not fed for two or three days.

    For feeding, it is best to use balanced store-bought food. For additional feeding, you can give the fish edible aquarium plants, fresh lettuce or spinach.

    Veiltail lies at the bottom - reasons

    This fish is unique, but it immediately makes you aware of uncomfortable conditions. If your pet lies down and begins to breathe heavily, you need to immediately find out the reasons and take action. Factors that support this behavior in veiltail fish:

    1. Adaptation
      . When moving into a new home, the fish will need a little time to get used to the new environment and conditions. The adaptation will take no more than two days.
    2. Not comfortable conditions
      . Improper keeping of fish can also cause such consequences.
    3. New aquarium or equipment
      . Insufficient levels of microorganisms also have a negative impact on health, as does their excess.
    4. Water quality
      . Temperature, filtration, acid-base balance must be within normal limits for a particular type of fish.
    5. Diseases
      . Injuries or poor health cause the fish to sink to the bottom. It is necessary to identify the disease, transplant the fish into “quarantine” and begin treatment.

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