What vitamins are necessary for the normal development of fish?

A healthy ecosystem is the key to longevity of reef inhabitants

Medicines for aquarium fish are just as necessary as other attributes of an artificially created “home sea”. Antibacterial agents promote the harmonious development and growth of living organisms.

The catalog presents highly effective and fast-acting remedies for a number of diseases:

  • Bacterial infections;
  • Gill, skin and intestinal parasites;
  • Fungal etiology;
  • Skin wounds and injuries;
  • Common and specific fish diseases.

We offer to buy medicine for aquarium fish in any convenient form: in the form of a suspension, powder, tablets or liquid instant mixtures. You can choose the drug yourself if you know exactly the cause of the ailment. Detailed instructions will help you quickly make your choice. If you have any difficulties choosing a drug, our consultants will help you choose the right product. Our technical support team consists of experienced specialists who are ready to answer your questions.

How to make fertilizer for aquarium plants with your own hands

You can learn how to make your own fertilizing after watching a video that describes the process.

For fertilizer you will need:

  • 17.5 g boric acid;
  • 1 g iron gluconate (weak chelate);
  • 0.7 g zinc sulfate;
  • 5.4 g manganese sulfate;
  • 0.3 g copper sulfate;
  • 0.2 g ammonium molybdate (per 1 l).

The components are sold in pharmacies and specialty stores. For dissolution you will need distilled water at a temperature of +30…+40°C.

Substances are added in the following sequence:

  • ammonium;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • boron;
  • iron.

The resulting composition is stored in the cold. Add 0.5-1 ml to a 100 liter container.

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Preparations for controlling algae in the aquarium

Excessive algae growth has a detrimental effect on the biological balance of a marine aquarium. To prevent environmental imbalance, we suggest purchasing algae control products in our online store.

A number of reasons contribute to the rapid growth:

  • Inadequately selected aeration and filtration system;
  • Exposure to direct sunlight;
  • Untimely cleaning and water changes.

Preparations for algae in the aquarium have a carefully developed composition. The components it contains prevent the growth of harmful algae species and do not harm fish. When using the product, you do not need to place your pets in a separate container.

Vitamins for aquarium fish - review, types

In today's article I would like to touch on the topic of vitamin supplementation for aquarium fish. After all, whatever one may say, vitamins are vital for all living organisms; accordingly, we and fish must receive the entire necessary complex of nutrients along with food. If minerals can be contained in sufficient quantities in the aquarium soil and water, then everything else must be given to the fish along with food of various origins.

The key condition for the normal development, reproduction and growth of fish is a balanced and proper diet. The diet should contain food rich in carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins. In order for aquarium fish to have a healthy and bright color, minerals and various vitamins must be supplied to the aquatic organisms along with food. Let's look at what types of vitamins exist that should be given to fish along with food.

Water-soluble vitamins

: Vitamin B1 - thiamine, essential for the growth of fish, especially fry. With a deficiency, underdevelopment and sometimes deformities are observed. Contained in plant components: lettuce, spinach. Vitamin B2 - riboflavin, is necessary for the formation of proteins, growth and normal digestion. With a deficiency - underdevelopment, intestinal disorders, emaciation, and sometimes ulcers. Contained in large quantities in beef liver. Vitamin B5 - necessary for the formation of hormones in the body and normal metabolism Vitamin B6 - necessary for normal metabolism Vitamin C - ascorbic acid, necessary for normal carbohydrate and energy metabolism. With a deficiency, sometimes skin hemorrhages, underdevelopment, and poor fins. Vitamin B12 is a cyanocobalamin, when deficient it can be fatal. A lot of it is found in shell meat and liver.

Fat-soluble vitamins

: Vitamin D3 - required only by vertebrates for the formation of skeletal bones. If there is a deficiency, there is curvature of the spine, emaciation, and a sunken abdomen. Vitamin E is necessary for the normal development of the genital organs and reproduction. If there is a lack of fish, they are therefore unable to reproduce. Vitamin A - essential for normal growth. With a deficiency, underdevelopment, sometimes deformities. Vitamin K is a phylloquinone, essential for growth and proper blood formation. With a deficiency, underdevelopment and ulcers. Contained in lettuce and spinach leaves.

Sera Fishtamin is a multivitamin liquid preparation that is added both to fish food and directly to the salt or freshwater environment of an aquarium or garden pond. Application: 1. During illness and after the fish have recovered, it is necessary to add Fishtamin directly to the aquarium daily at the rate of 6-7 drops per 50 liters of water.

Add before turning off the lights, as vitamins are destroyed in the light. 2. After possible stress, such as transportation, placing fish in a crowded aquarium or in cases where incompatible fish species are in the same aquarium, as well as with each water change, it is necessary to add 4-6 drops of Fishtamin to the food.

It absorbs the drug quite quickly, after which it can be fed to the fish. In case of stress, it is possible to add “Fishtamine” directly to the aquarium at the rate of 6-7 drops per 50 liters of water. 3. After moving new fish into the aquarium, you must quickly add Sera Fishtamin directly to the aquarium at the rate of 6-7 drops per 50 liters of water. 4. For the purpose of breeding aquarium fish, it is necessary to add “Fishtamin” before the start of the spawning process and within ten days after the start of the process directly into the fish food at the rate of 4-6 drops per 50 liters of water. 5. To improve the growth of fry, once every two days you need to add “Fishtamin” directly to the food “Mikron”, “Mikropan”, “Microgran” or to the brine shrimp solution, mix quickly and give the enriched food to the fry. The daily dose of Fishtamine can vary from one to five drops and depends on the volume of food and the number of fry.

6. To enrich frozen live food with vitamins, immediately before feeding, add “Fishtamin” to the food at the rate of three to four drops for each portion of food after thawing. It is necessary to wait some time until the drug is absorbed into the food and then give it to the fish. 7. For pond fish, while they are taking food in the fall, and in early spring, when they are already taking food, as well as for the prevention and treatment of fish from viral diseases, it is necessary to add 10-12 drops of Fishtamin directly to their food every day for three weeks. It is necessary to wait some time until the drug is absorbed into the food and then feed it. Shake before use!

Due to the fact that the aquarium industry, which produces various foods, is physically unable to supply its products with all the necessary nutrients, minerals and vitamins due to the limited shelf life of the food, aquarists are forced to purchase special vitamin mixtures that contain the necessary micro- and macronutrients.

If you purchased a vitamin complex, then you must store it in the refrigerator, as this can extend their service life. When adding vitamin mixtures to water, you must first turn off the light in the aquarium, as it destroys the vitamins. German aquarists buy vitamin concentrate in pet stores, which is made for pets, but it can also be given to aquarium fish without any problems. In pharmacies, such a concentrate is not that expensive, especially if the fish only need a couple of drops of concentrate per couple of liters of aquarium water every day. Even if you make a mistake with the dosage and overdo it, the fish will not suffer from this.

When using vitamin supplements, it is better to mix it with various preparations that do not have any impurities. The ideal option is to dissolve the vitamin supplement in distilled water. Aquarists add vitamins to food; the best option is to add them to live food (bloodworms, tubifex). Before feeding, you need to spray the bloodworm with the preparation and then you can feed the fish in small portions.

If there is a lack of vitamins in the fish’s body, vitamin deficiency begins to develop. In cichlids, it manifests itself in the form of nibbling on vegetation in the aquarium, which they can turn into rags in a short period of time. If you don’t want or don’t have the opportunity to purchase vitamin complexes for cichlids, you can make up for this by feeding the cichlids various greens and vegetables: lettuce, zucchini, nettles, pumpkin and dandelions. No matter how strange it may sound, vegetation in cichlids is simply vital, especially if you do not provide them with additional vitamin supplements.

JBL Atvitol provides the necessary vitamins and amino acids to fish and microorganisms living in the aquarium. Prevents symptoms of deficiency, increases color brightness, promotes fish growth, spawning, and increased appetite. The addition of JBL Atvitol to aquarium water provides microorganisms with the vital active substances needed to combat biological contaminants, providing better conditions for biological filtration. Special emulsion treatment using lecithin prolongs the stability of vitamins in water. Application: Shake well before use. As a food supplement: 2-4 drops (per feed) daily per feeding. As an additive to aquarium water: 2 drops daily per 20 liters of water.

JBL Acclimol The important vitamins and plant extracts in JBL Acclimol help aquarium fish acclimate to their new environment without stress or other problems. Adds beneficial natural substances to aquarium water, reduces stress when introducing new fish into the aquarium, reduces the risk of disease and ensures stress-free transport of live fish. It is used when repopulating aquariums with new fish, after working in the aquarium and during transportation of fish.

Seachem Nourish Seachem Nourish is a special universal supplement for freshwater fish, containing vitamins, amino acids and trace elements. The drug was developed taking into account the needs of freshwater fish. It contains spirulina and chlorella, which are very rich in potassium iodide, which is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones - thyroxine and triiodothyronine. Also, spirulina and chlorella contain many amino acids and vitamins. Nourish can be used in marine aquariums, however, it has been specifically developed for freshwater fish. Instructions for use: Shake the product well before use. For best results, add 1 cap of Nourish to one cap of food. Seachem Vitality is a special universal supplement for marine fish containing vitamins, amino acids and trace elements.

Seachem Vitality is designed to meet the needs of marine fish kept in closed aquarium systems for long periods of time. It contains ascorbic acid,

found in spirulina and chlorella. Ascorbic acid is involved in the hydroxylation of proline and lysine into procollagen, a precursor of collagen necessary for the formation of connective and scar tissue, as well as bone matrix. Spirulina and chlorella are rich in amino acids and vitamins. Seachem Vitality can also be used in freshwater aquariums, however, it is specifically formulated for marine fish.

Dennerle V-Maxx Vitamin Tropfen - vitamin drops for all ornamental fish and freshwater aquariums. All vitamins are microemulsified. Contains 15 vitamins vital for fish. These vitamin drops simply need to be dripped onto nutritious flakes or dried live food, let the drops be absorbed and then give the food to the fish. To increase the level of vitamins in live food: five minutes before feeding it to the fish, drop a few drops into the liquid containing the live food. Additionally, drop a few drops of the drug directly into the aquarium water.

API Vitamin and Mineral Pyramid is a slow dissolving, nutritional pyramid for all types of aquarium fish. Vitamin and mineral block contains everything your fish needs. The supplement contains vitamin C, which improves the color of fish and increases their appetite. A block pyramid with vitamins and minerals has a positive effect on the health of fish, stimulates their growth, health and coloring. Application: The block is designed for 7-10 days (for aquariums with a volume of 38 liters.) Do not use in aquariums with a volume of less than 20 liters.

Tetra Vital contains a number of substances (vitamins, microelements, etc.) that have a positive effect on fish. How does it work? - improves vitality, general condition and color - establishes biological balance and promotes the formation of a healthy biological habitat in the aquarium - vitality and health are strengthened by B vitamins and microelements - enhances the growth of aquatic plants and creates a favorable environment for beneficial microorganisms - promotes the creation of natural biological environment for fish in an aquarium, since the drug contains elements that are completely absent in tap water - the effect of the TetraVital conditioner is optimized using AquaSafe - suitable for all freshwater aquariums - used once a month (when using UV sterilizers - once a week).

Dennerle Elements+ - contains a complex of vitamins and provides fish with all the necessary microelements.

Targeted addition of minerals not found in tap water or used up in the aquarium, such as iron, zinc, manganese, molybdenum and lithium. Ideal for adding trace elements to osmosis water. Does not increase overall or carbonate hardness. Dennerle Elements+ prevents micronutrient and vitamin deficiencies and related diseases. Suitable for all fish in a freshwater aquarium. Directions for use and dosage: Packaging 25 ml. for 800 liters of aquarium water. Usual dosage: for regular replenishment of spent microelements: once a week, 2 presses of the measuring pump-dispenser (3 ml) per 100 liters of aquarium water.

Tropic Marin® IMMUVIT - activates the immune defense of fish and serves as a supplier of vital vitamin B. Scientific research has proven that Betaglucan contained in yeast naturally activates the immune system of fish and thus stimulates their body's defense against disease. The water-soluble vitamin B complex found in yeast and spirulina are an ideal addition to any feed. Vitamin B 12 contained in spirulina stimulates the appetite of fish. In addition, spirulina also contains astaxanthin, which enhances color and stimulates the reproductive function of fish. COMPOSITION Tropic Marin® IMMUVIT: spirulina, natural extracted brewer's yeast.





Effective means for biological balance

A marine aquarium is a complex ecosystem that requires regular monitoring. Human waste, leftover food and other waste release dangerous chemical compounds that can cause a number of diseases in fish. An aquarium water conditioner will help quickly stabilize the environment of marine life.

The Lysmata online aquarium store offers a wide selection of medications for treating fish, as well as medications to prevent possible diseases. Delivery of goods is carried out to all regions of the Russian Federation and CIS countries.

Dry food

The biggest and most common mistake is feeding fish with dry food. A hungry fish pounces on such food and swallows it. Then this food begins to rot in the stomach. A very small part of it is absorbed, the rest enters the water and changes its chemistry. The more dry food you give, the faster the water deteriorates. Unnecessary organisms develop. Dry branded food of high quality contains almost all the elements necessary for fish, but they must be used carefully.

The second mistake is monotonous nutrition. With all the variety and availability of all kinds of food, a novice fancier stuffs his pets with the same food every day. The choice of food is very large; skillful combination and alternation of them will allow you to grow healthy fish and focus your attention on more interesting aspects of the life of the underwater kingdom.

Do not forget that fish are mainly predators; there are very few species among them that feed exclusively on plant foods.

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