Features of choosing nicknames for fish, cockerels, boys and girls

Aquarium hobbyists often like to name their fish with funny and unique names. And this is normal, because fish are just as much pets as cats, dogs, parrots and turtles. Siamese fighting fish - bettas - are very popular. They are unique in both color and character. It's no wonder that owners come up with names for boys and girls betta fish.

Aquarium hobbyists often like to name their fish with funny and unique names.

What do you call the fish?

It's a funny topic, isn't it? We give nicknames to cats and dogs, but names to fish... why not!

We have selected the most interesting nicknames for aquarium fish.

For male fish:

Adam, Admiral, Adolf, Aikido, Iroh, Aquamarine, Aquarius, Alex, Alejandro, Amadeus, Amigo, Angel, Antonio, Antoshka, Anubis, Anchovy, Orange, Armageddon, Arnoldik, Archie, Buddy, Bako, Bucks, Screwtape, Bandit, Barbossa, Barmaley, Fugitive, Whitetail, White, Bilan, Blade, Bob, Boniface, Bonoparte, Borya, Boatswain, Tramp, Bagel, Valdemar, Bartholomew, Vasily, Vaska, Veteran, Victor Karpych, Vini, Leader Naglorohikh, Hamlet, Gangster, Garik, Harry Potter, Hercules, Givi, Chieffish, David, Parasite, Dexter, Demon, Jazz, Jenson, Jerry, Gin, Joe, John, Johnny, Dollar, Associate Professor, Drakosha, Dracula, Brawler, Erik, Zhivchik, Zhorik, Zeba , Snack, Sigmund, Zorro, Nibbler, Indigo, Ichtheander, Kai, Captain Nemo, Casper, Kesha, Killer, King, Kling, Confucius, Korn, Xavier, Cthulhu, Cousteau, Kutuzov, Lazar, Lucky, Larry, Lelik, Lenardo, Леон, Леопольд, Лунтик, Люцифер, Майкл, Манюня, Марио, Марс, Моби, Моня, Нептун, Ниггер,Нэмо, Одиссей, Оракул, Оскар, Палпалыч, Палыч, Пахан, Перец, Петька, ПикАссо, Пират, Полковник, Посейдон, Professor, Puzka, Rein, Rio, Richie, Roberto, Romochka, Rybik, Rybson, Syoma, Simon, Alpha Male, Sassafras, Sid, Soso, Stepan Mikhalych, Tyson, Tamagotchi, Tiki-tiki, William, Mustache, Fedor, Phantom, Felix, Filimon, Foxy, Fredi, Khavchik, Chopik, Charlie, Scales, Chip, Shaitan, Shmyga, Stirlitz, Yunga, Yupi, Eustace, Yakusha.

For female fish:

Aurora, Aqua, Alexa, Alice, Angelina, Assol, Aphrodite, Bagheera, Barbie, Bella, Snow White, Busya, Vanessa, Grace, Melon, Georgette, Asterisk, Cinderella, Toffee, Droplet, Caramel, Kikimora, Blot, Kopek, Lady Gaga , Ribbon, Ice, Mamba, Margosha, Matilda, Nefertiti, Nyusha, Nancy, Penelope, Rihanna, Mermaid, Sakura, Snowflake, Fairy, Feona, Felicia, Frosya, Shakira, Elizabeth, Juno.

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Popular names

Of course, you can take one of the most common names for fish. This choice will help you to be in the center of events and maintain the status of a “fashionable” owner.

  • Assol
  • Vanessa
  • Margosha
  • Nyusha
  • Klaus
  • Amigo
  • Saburo
  • Sayli
  • Sandar
  • Gemmo
  • Angela
  • Argun
  • Nixon
  • Thatcher
  • Napoleon
  • King
  • Quiet
  • Funtik
  • Good guy
  • Nibbler
  • Orion
  • Provence
  • Fanta
  • Laba
  • Luntik
  • Barbos
  • Pearl
  • Will Turner
  • Capt. Jack Sparrow
  • Ariadne
  • Challenge
  • Beauty
  • Bro
  • Luxury
  • Lux
  • Pandora
  • Trinity
  • Timmy
  • Gladiator
  • Tartarus
  • Archil

What do you call the fish?

It's a funny topic, isn't it? We give nicknames to cats and dogs, but names to fish... why not!

We have selected the most interesting nicknames for aquarium fish.

For male fish:

Adam, Admiral, Adolf, Aikido, Iroh, Aquamarine, Aquarius, Alex, Alejandro, Amadeus, Amigo, Angel, Antonio, Antoshka, Anubis, Anchovy, Orange, Armageddon, Arnoldik, Archie, Buddy, Bako, Bucks, Screwtape, Bandit, Barbossa, Barmaley, Fugitive, Whitetail, White, Bilan, Blade, Bob, Boniface, Bonoparte, Borya, Boatswain, Tramp, Bagel, Valdemar, Bartholomew, Vasily, Vaska, Veteran, Victor Karpych, Vini, Leader Naglorohikh, Hamlet, Gangster, Garik, Harry Potter, Hercules, Givi, Chieffish, David, Parasite, Dexter, Demon, Jazz, Jenson, Jerry, Gin, Joe, John, Johnny, Dollar, Associate Professor, Drakosha, Dracula, Brawler, Erik, Zhivchik, Zhorik, Zeba , Snack, Sigmund, Zorro, Nibbler, Indigo, Ichtheander, Kai, Captain Nemo, Casper, Kesha, Killer, King, Kling, Confucius, Korn, Xavier, Cthulhu, Cousteau, Kutuzov, Lazar, Lucky, Larry, Lelik, Lenardo, Леон, Леопольд, Лунтик, Люцифер, Майкл, Манюня, Марио, Марс, Моби, Моня, Нептун, Ниггер,Нэмо, Одиссей, Оракул, Оскар, Палпалыч, Палыч, Пахан, Перец, Петька, ПикАссо, Пират, Полковник, Посейдон, Professor, Puzka, Rein, Rio, Richie, Roberto, Romochka, Rybik, Rybson, Syoma, Simon, Alpha Male, Sassafras, Sid, Soso, Stepan Mikhalych, Tyson, Tamagotchi, Tiki-tiki, William, Mustache, Fedor, Phantom, Felix, Filimon, Foxy, Fredi, Khavchik, Chopik, Charlie, Scales, Chip, Shaitan, Shmyga, Stirlitz, Yunga, Yupi, Eustace, Yakusha.

For female fish:

Aurora, Aqua, Alexa, Alice, Angelina, Assol, Aphrodite, Bagheera, Barbie, Bella, Snow White, Busya, Vanessa, Grace, Melon, Georgette, Asterisk, Cinderella, Toffee, Droplet, Caramel, Kikimora, Blot, Kopek, Lady Gaga , Ribbon, Ice, Mamba, Margosha, Matilda, Nefertiti, Nyusha, Nancy, Penelope, Rihanna, Mermaid, Sakura, Snowflake, Fairy, Feona, Felicia, Frosya, Shakira, Elizabeth, Juno.

Heroes of books, films, TV series

Tolkien's Heroes

Hunter, Gandalf, Marach, Sauron, Azog, Goblin, Orc, Brood, Gimli, Thorin, Durin, Fili, Bilbo, Frodo, Took, Gollum, Legolas, Elf, Hobbit, Sorcerer, Bard, Smaug the Golden, Troll, Aragorn, Isildur , Ugluk.

Aerin, Belladonna, Galadriel, Tauriel, Arwen, Primrose.


Alastor, Albus, Severus, Potter, Kreacher, Fawkes, Phoenix, Dursley, Harry, Neville Longbottom, Draco, Cedric, Hagrid, Goldsmith, Flinch, Sirius Black, Lord Voldemort, Tom Riddle, Lucius, Victor, Dobby, Salamander, Percival, Grindelwald, Credence, Niffle, Pickett, Obscurus.

Augusta, Lily, Hermione, Bellatrix, Moaning Myrtle, Petunia, Luna Luna, Lavender, Minevra, Tina, Nagini, Lyta.

The villain Grindelwald is a bright and memorable name for an aquarium pet.

Game of Thrones

Joffrey, Tyrion, Stanis, Jaime, Theon, Sandor Clegane, The Hound, Gray Worm, Tormund Giantsbane, Daario, Khal Drogo, The High Sparrow, Podrick, Pie, The Three-Eyed Raven, Littlefinger, Greyjoy, Hodor, Rhaegar, The Mad King, Tully, Syrio Forel, Ollie, King of the Night, Mance Raider, Craster, Steer (magnar Tennov), Ghost, Summer, Fluffy, Direwolf, Balerion the Terrible, George Martin, Keith.

Daenerys, Khaleesi, Misa, Cersei, Sansa, Aria, Missandei, Melisandre, Margaery, Shae, Ygritte, Olenna, Myrcella, Talisa, Yara, Mira, Osha, Lianna, Brienne, Leaf, Nymeria.

Female Siamese bettas look rather modest, but sometimes you want to give them a name.

Mortal Kombat characters

Baraka, Striker, LiuKeng, Raiden, SubZero, Bo Rai Cho, Meat, Johnny Cage, Goro.

Katana, Sindel, Sonya Blade.

Other serial and film names

Bill, Dean, Harvey Specter, Chewbacca, Fore, 007, Sheldon, Marlboro Cowboy, Sherlock, Mr. Big, Jacob, Medici, Borgia, Prince Caspian, Aslan, Damon, The Witcher, Avatar, Saw, Cube, Gleb Zheglov, Mask, Terminator , Indiana, Jack Sparrow, Neo, Jack "Dude" Lebowski, Tyler, Ocean, Solo, Palpatine, Darth Vader, Enagen, Jaba, Willy Wonka, James Bond, Walter White, Jesse Pinkman, Chandler, Austin Power.

June (Fredova), Mrs. Hudson, Max, Kerry, Renesme, Narnia, Umbrella, Isaura, Alice, Leia.

A stylish black and red cockerel begs to be called Darth Vader.

Other literary heroes

Gulliver, Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer, Robin Hood, Romeo, Othello, Hamlet, Ivanhoe, Tristan, Sherlock, Dorian Gray, Dracula, Don Juan, Baron Munchausen, Figaro, D'Artagnan, Quasimodo, The Little Prince, Onegin, The Inspector General, Oblomov , Gerasim, Petka Microbe, Alibaba, Dodon, Poirot, Fandorin, Cowardly Lion, Friday, Ret Butler.

Lady Macbeth, Isolde, Thumbelina, Kashtanka, Esmeralda, Alice, Mumu.

cartoon heroes

Cheburashka, Moidodyr, Raja, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, Vlas the Lazy and Loafer, Pinocchio, Pierrot, Harlequin, Cog, Shruntik, Fixik, Chipolino, Dobrynya, Ivan Tsarevich, Boniface, Mowgli, Kaa, Chunya, Antoshka, Akela, Sherkhan , Umka, Mister Pronka, Ratibor, Lolo, Little Raccoon, Brownie Kuzya, Carlson, Losharik, Red Dog, Funtik, Oh, Ah, Kesha (Innocent), Uncle Fedor, Matroskin, Tuchka, DimDimych, Tramp, Oliver, Valli, Minien , Buzz Lightyear, Beast, Roger, Bambi, Shrek, Mike Wazowski, Genie, Totoro, Stitch, Asterix, Obelix, Goofy, Snoopy, Smurf, Mufasa, Meni, Sid, Jimi Neutron, Arnold, Walt Disney, Ryder, Timon, Chip , Silent.

Gadget, Cinderella, Little Mermaid, Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood, Lady, Belle, Shine, Gray Neck, Snow Queen, Snow Maiden, Malvina, Lyubava, Shapoklyak, Baba Yaga, Maria Mirabella.

Stitch is a bright, funny mischief-maker. A short and sweet name for a rooster.

Names for male betta fish

Al Pacino is synonymous with an indomitable character.

Azazello, Excitement, Ike, Axel, Al Capone, Al Pacino, Altair, Alf, Amigo, Amon RA, Cupid, Anti, Anubis, Orange, Apollo, Aramis, Watermelon, Argon, Ares, Armageddon, Art, Atlas, Atom, Achilles , Ajax.

Buck, Eggplant, Cormorant, Bucks, Barak, Bart, Basta, Bounty, Hippopotamus, Bambi, Bennito, Bison, Billyboy, Bingo, BlackJack, Blitz, Fornication, Boxing, Chatterbox, Borscht, Boatswain, Bro, Bagel, Bugor, Beech.

Vampire, Vandal, Varenik, Varyag, Web, Vader, Giant, Broom, Viy, Viking, Weekend, Willie, VIP, Whiskey, Knight, Leader, Walter White, Volt, Sunday, Tuesday, Vulcan, Val.

Gabriel, Gagarin, Tie, Latrine, Gambit, Hamlet, Ganges, Harry Potter, Guidon, Gale, Gandalf, Genius, Hermes, Hephaestus, Hitler, Dwarf, Proud, Grand, Count, Gringo, Vulture, Terrible, Thunder, Hussar.

Dagestan, Dar, Parasite, Darth Vader, Demon, Dandy, Deputy, Dessert, Jazz, Django, Jem, Jimbo, Jeep, Joker, Wild, Dingo, Dionysus, Disney, Dobrynya, Dollar, Don, Drago, Dragon, Doubloon, Duncan , Inch.

Euro, Egypt, Hedgehog, YellowSubMarin, Yenisei, Eroshka, Ershik, Efrat, Eshka.

Jean Claude Van Dame is an unbeatable fighter.

Jacques Cousteau, Jaco, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Acorn, Zhigalo, Zhigan, Zhora, Priest, Beetle, Julien.

Zador, Zamboni, Zanzibar, Boring, Zduhach, Zenit, Zerro, Zephyr, Ziggy, Zil, Snake, Golden, Zombie, Zorro.

Hegemon, Raisin, Icarus, X, Il, Hilarion, Iliot, Hindu, Inspector, Hippolytus, Irtysh, Ichthyander.

The Godfather or Don Vitae Corleone is a legendary film character.

Kayote, Kamaz, Kanalya, Captain, Crucian carp, Cardinal, Cascade, KaStoSixtyTwo, Kenya, Cyborg, Killer, KilkinTail, King Kong, Whale, Clif, Cowboy, Coconut, Sorcerer, Condor, Coral, Sidekick, Corleone, Corsair, Handsome, The Godfather, Mole, Crowley, Krosh, Crimea, Kubrick.

Doctor, Lex, Sloth, Leonard, Leshy, Liman, Lemon, Limur, Lipsy, Loyd, Locky, Slice, Longepas, Lorry, Salmon, Lotus, Luchador, Luchezar, Lux, Luthor, Lucifer.

Morpheus is a fighter against the system.

Moor, Tycoon, Major, Macbeth, Malek, Mandarin, Mars, Sailor, Maharaji, Makhno, Bear, Mezgir, Mendeleev, Mig, Mickey Rourke, Mildonius, Mirage, Mister, Michel, Silent, Walrus, Morpheus, Moore, Muscat, Garbage , Monsoon, Muchacho, Musket, Mayor.

Narciss, Nats, Nauryz, Nevzor, ​​Neuron, Nekras, Necromancer, Nemo, Mute, Neptune, Nibilung, Nickname, Ninja, Nintendo, Nobel, Novohutonosor, Nord, Normal, Rhinoceros, Notty, Newton.

Obama, Werewolf, Twinkle, Fire, Oji, Odysseus, Ocean, Okay, Perch, Olaf, Olympus, Lobster, Omen, Omelet, Opal, Eagle, Orestes, Nut, Orionchokopay, Orpheus, Oscar, Ostap, Osterix, Dunce.

Panteleimon, Paris, Partos, Pegasus, Dumpling, Peresvet, Perseus, Perun, Peter, Petushara, Peak, Picker, Pinkman, Pirate, Pie, Pete, Flame, Pluto, Pluto, Poker, Regiment, Monday, Pont, Donut, Poseidon, Pride, Prince, Bubble, Punch, Pursh, Putin.

Rocky Balboa is indestructible.

Radar, Raj, Robbery, Overclocking, Reasoner, Paradise, Rally, Ramzan, Ramses, Ranch, Rolling, Ratatouille, Rafik, Relax, Rimbaud, Rome, Remus, Riuk, Reef, Richard, Robbie, RoboCop, Rod, Roger, Rocky, Rock and roll, Rum, Rubik, Rubin, Rybakop, Rurik.

Saigon, Site, Samurai, Sapphire, Saturn, Svarog, Svyatogor, Siam, Signal, Singapore, Signor, Skywalker, Horse, Snow, Soldier, Spartak, Spot, Octopus, Stalker, Stoyan, Strike, Sukhpay, Sammy, Sandy.

Tagil, Tyson, Typhoon, Tank, Tarzan, Teddy, Term, Terminator, Tibet, Tiger, Til-Til, Timmy, Tyrant, Titan, Tobik, Thomsan, Topaz, Torrero, Tractor, Trump, Troll, TNT, Trophy, Stuntman, Ace, Tour, Tutankhamun, Carcass, Jerboa.

Gloomy, Pattern, Vinegar, Catch, Umka, Ghoul, Hurricane, Ural, Uranus, Urban, Urgant, Uruk-hai, Osama Ben, Cliff.

Fawn, Fantik, Fart, Farshmak, Phoebus, Phoenix, Queen, Fiji, Ficus, Fim, Finish, Fish, Flipper, Forward, Fofan, Frant, Frigate, Freddy Krueger, Freddie Mercury, Frodo, FullHouse, Pound, Fufel.

Mr. Heisenberg (Walter White) is a selfish genius.

Hub, Heisenberg, Han Solo, Harley Davidson, Tail, Happy, Hippie, Hitchcock, Hobit, Ferret, Brave, Juan, Hooligan, Houston.

Tsar, Caesar, Centaurus, Cerberus, Cyclone, Cyclops, Cynic, Circus, Citrus, Cicero, Tsoi.

Chappie, Charlie Chaplin, Charles, Sorcerer, Champion, Chernomor, Devil, Thursday, Scales, Chicha, Chop, Chewbacca, Weird, Miracle, Chewie.

Chagall, Naughty, Shaman, Caricature, Sharik, Shah, Sheikh, Sheldon, Sheriff, Sherlock, Chief, Bigwig, Skipper, Bumblebee, Shnobel, Shock, Chocolate, Spy, Shrek, Stirlets.

Aegeus, Egsorcist, Ego, Eli, Elegant, Elton John, Elf, Anakin, Endor, Endorphin, Enso, Eros, Eskimo, Ashton.

Yuar, Eugene, Yuz, Yuk, Yunga, Jupiter, Jurgen, Eustace.

Young, Yandex, Yantar, Janus, Yar, Yard, Yarilo, Yary, Yakhhu, Yashka.

Religious and mythological names

Bible names

Adam, Aaron, Abel, Azor, Barak, Gad, Gordey, Zara, Ezekiel, Juy, Herod, Elisha, Cain, Lazarus, Noah, Onan, Samson, Solomon, Silas, Titus, Uriah, Ham, Erastus, Jason.

Bathsheba, Keturah, Leah, Esther, Judith, Solome, Sapphira, Sarah, Delilah, Eve.

Beelzebub, Leviathan, Lucifer, Satan.

Abadon, Mammon.

Slavic mythology

Balda, Gorynya (Gorynych), Koschey, Wolf, Knight, Bogatyr, Lel, Leshy, Perun, Peresvet, Svarog, Svyatogor, Stribog, Yarilo, Rod, Veles, Morozko, Falcon.

Sirin, Sineglazka, Mara, Lada, Mavka, Makosh, Zhiva.

Gloom is a stylish and colorful name for a Siamese betta.

The strangest Slavic names

Arefiy (to cultivate the land or plow), Filat (God's guardian), Ermolai (fun), Parfen (pure), Borsch (tops), Blud (dissolute), Voeneg (enjoying war), Devyatko (ninth son), Jerk off (no description ), Kriv (crooked), Gloom (darkness), Mokh (moss), Myamlya (unintelligible speaking).

Parasha (Friday), Golub (meek), Rumyana (ruddy).

Greek mythology

Zeus, Augeas, Hermes, Poseidon, Hephaestus, Hector, Hero, Centaur, Dionysus, Apollo, Prometheus, Hercules, Achilles, Perseus, Odysseus, Theseus, Orpheus, Jason.

Aphrodite, Hera, Athena, Hestia, Artemis, Hella, Europa, Idea, Cassandra, Cassiopeia, Artemis, Medusa, Pandora, Themis.

Zeus the Thunderer is a great name for a beta betta.

Roman mythology

Romulus, Remus, Aegeus, Menelaus, Patroclus, Euculapius, Hector, Cupid, Alexander, Leonidas, Atlas, Brutus, Cupid, Neptune, Tartarus, Cerberus, Mars, Janus, Gladiator, Caesar, Julius.

Psyche, Agripa, Amazon, Venus, Vesta, Larva, Fury, Grace, Fortune.

Egyptian Gods, Pharaohs, Heroes

Amon, Anubis, Aten, Bes, Horus, Osiris, Ra, Set, Phoenix, Anti, Hat-Hor, Amenhotep, Thutmose, Akhenaten, Xerxes.

Isis, Siya, Maat, Nefertiti, Hatshepsut.

Chinese mythology

Dragon, Qinglong, Bailong, Xuanlong, Huandi, Baihu, Basian, Huangdi.

Long Mu, Nuwa.

Having named the cockerel Dragon, you will notice the similarity not only in appearance, but also in character.

Mayan and Aztec Mythology

Chuck, Sipakna, Kimi, Tohil, Huracan, Cavil, Kukulkan.

Zoroastrian pantheon

Zam, Mach, Friend, Arshtat, Ashavan, Zorathustra.

Ashi, Jasna.

Hindu deities

Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Surya, Yama, Agni, Ganesha, Rama.

Shiva symbolizes the masculine principle of the universe; beta, despite its appearance, is one of the most courageous fish.

Vikings and Scandinavian deities

Axel, Atilla, Asgard, Ask, Bo, Bjorn, Harold, Konung, Ing, Urd, Olav, Ulf, Floki, Frost, Sigurd (Siegfried), Nibelung, Ragnar, Ragnarok.

Aud, Annalisa, Brynhildr, Valhalla, Valkyrie, Viva, Lagertha, Oda, Saga, Helga.

Criteria for choosing nicknames

First, it’s worth determining what criteria you can use when choosing a name for your aquarium pet. The flight of fancy is unlimited here, for example:

  • species (Golden, Piranha);
  • pet color (Stripe, Ryzhik, Sinik, Chernushka, etc.);
  • taste preferences (Gluttony);
  • character traits (Bully, Smart);
  • unusual or funny sound (Herring under a fur coat, Marcus).

It is important to take into account not only the color, but also the breed of the small pet. After all, perhaps it is the breed that determines the characteristics of behavior. Thus, aggressive and brutal nicknames are chosen for fighters, while goldfish and guppies are given cute and gentle nicknames. If you find it difficult to choose what to name a girl or a boy fish, you can use the names of other animals, the names of acquaintances or even famous personalities. For example, you can use the names of popular singers, artists, and athletes.

Choosing a nickname for a betta or goldfish is no different from coming up with a nickname for any pet. The names of songs, cartoon characters, etc. are also suitable.

Choosing a nickname for a cockerel or goldfish is no different from coming up with a nickname for any pet.

“Water” nicknames

It's no secret that fish are aquatic creatures. And you can play with variations of the translation of the word “water” from different foreign languages. The foreign sound is exotic and quite consistent with an unusual pet.

Painted, veiled Byakha

  • Uje
  • Water
  • Yur
  • Vada
  • Dvir
  • Agua
  • Vand
  • Uys
  • Udens
  • Ilma
  • Wasser
  • Su
  • Amanzi
  • Metsi
  • Omi
  • Byaha
  • Mazhi
  • Wai
  • Tubig

Siamese fighting Betta splendens

The Latin name for the betta is Betta splendens. He is quite unpretentious, beautiful, but aggressive. A pet can even kill his female and other males living with him in the same aquarium. It also has the qualities of a typical labyrinth fish, that is, it breathes air freely. It was the cockerels that were one of the first ornamental fish brought to Europe from Asia. However, this fighting fish was known in Thailand and Malaysia long before it began to spread throughout the world.

Pet character traits

The fish has become widespread due to its luxurious appearance, chic tail, original behavior and ability to live in small volumes of water. It is also easy to breed and cross, which is why today there is such a variety of colors. Bettas are diverse in everything from color to fin shape. Wild Betta splendens is not at all beautiful. Its external characteristics:

  • green or brown color;
  • oblong body;
  • small fins.

And he received the title of fighting fish because the males periodically get involved in fierce battles with each other. These fights often end with the death of one of the participants. Wild fish are still bred in Thailand for this purpose, although fights, of course, are tried not to lead to a tragic outcome.

Appearance and beauty

The cockerels presented in the trading network are no longer as fighting as their wild relatives. Of course, their character has not changed; they will still fight to the death. The approach to these fish has changed. Modern aquarists value them for their beauty, bright colors and gorgeous fins, and not at all for their pugnacious nature.

If the neighbors in the aquarium are properly selected, the bettas can be quite friendly. But still, during the spawning period, the male can be extremely aggressive. He still attacks any fish, especially violently attacking it when it looks like himself or is simply brightly colored.

If the neighbors in the aquarium are correctly selected, the cockerels can be quite friendly

Usually, cockerels are kept in an aquarium one at a time, or they are given partners whom they cannot offend. And a male and a female can live together only if the aquarium is of the required size and the female can find shelter in it. The cockerel is good for keeping by novice hobbyists when they are not able to purchase a large aquarium. It requires minimal care. He is also unpretentious, has good health, is always on sale, and has a huge number of colors. The popular aquarium Siamese betta comes in:

  • plain;
  • two-color (when the body is one shade and the fins are another);
  • complexly colored.


The behavioral features are not as clear-cut as one might think based on the name “Betta fish”. Some species are indeed very temperamental, while others, on the contrary, are extremely peaceful. In the first group, males are aggressive towards each other and when they meet, they engage in fierce fights, which, however, rarely lead to death. In relation to other species, they are peaceful, unless, of course, the neighboring fish looks like a rival. Males should be kept in separate aquariums. However, keeping them alone often makes them lethargic and unattractive, so in order to keep the male in good shape, a mirror is temporarily placed in the aquarium - a virtual but safe rival. Females are not so warlike and even meek, although if there is not enough space, notes of aggression may arise. In the second group, both males and females behave quite friendly towards their relatives. Of course, rivalry between males exists, but it is not as pronounced as among representatives of the first group.

Single fish are often kept in nano-aquariums, however, you should not use too small tanks of less than 20 liters. The design is arbitrary. Water conditions should have slightly acidic pH values ​​and low hardness. There is an opinion that the labyrinth organ makes Betta fish more resilient than other freshwater species, but this is not entirely true. It does provide some advantage, however, prolonged exposure to unsuitable conditions will quickly lead to a decrease in immunity and subsequent infection. Selected species are especially susceptible to disease, often developing fin rot.

Variety of names

If, nevertheless, the owner of the aquarium finds it difficult to come up with nicknames for the fish, you can use the tables below and choose nicknames for your pets from the proposed list for any letter of the alphabet. Names for cockerels and goldfish can be as follows:

Names for cockerels and goldfish

You can name a boy or girl fish by choosing any of the names suggested in the table:

You can name your fish a boy or a girl by choosing any of the names

Fish names by color:

Selecting names from a table by color

You can call a blue male betta fish, for example, like this:

Of course, it is not at all necessary to select nicknames for the inhabitants of the aquarium, especially when it comes to a whole flock of completely identical pets. But sometimes the bright charisma of a silent friend manifests itself so clearly that it is simply necessary to designate it through additional personification.

  • Aquarium fish Names for fish
  • List of fish in alphabetical order
  • Aquarium care
  • Feeding aquarium fish
  • Diseases of aquarium fish
  • Breeding aquarium fish
  • Seawater aquarium
  • Aquarium plants
  • Reservoir (pond) on the site
  • PHOTO of fish
  • Pond fish diseases
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  • Dog in the house
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  • Horoscope for a dog
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  • In the service of man
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    "Divine" name

    Each culture had its own patron gods of the seas, oceans and rains. They were given honors and tried to gain leniency. The picture is reminiscent of keeping cockerels, isn't it? So give your miniature aquarium lord a divine name!

    The frowning Olokun checks the space

    • Poseidon
    • Atl
    • Triton
    • Suijin
    • Baal
    • Sebek
    • Chuck
    • Pereplut
    • God Niy
    • background
    • Crow

    Interesting fact, the official name of the betta fish is translated as “shining warrior”.

    • Tyrant
    • Uishtosiatti
    • Nate
    • Isis
    • Afitrite
    • Ezili
    • Nommos
    • Mindis
    • Olokun
    • Sezibwa
    • Nyami Nyami
    • Bunzy
    • Kimbazi
    • Fnza
    • Yam
    • Tefnut
    • Nephthys
    • Satet
    • Abzu
    • Tiamat
    • Sirsir
    • Laume
    • Grann
    • Selkies
    • Nodens
    • Sevan
    • Sirona
    • Boann
    • Lear
    • Banuda
    • Freyr
    • Saga
    • Rura
    • Njord
    • Achelos
    • Doris
    • Alpheus
    • Karcin
    • Galena
    • Forcis
    • Thalassa
    • Telcin
    • Potamaya
    • Coventina
    • Tiberin
    • Juturna
    • Salacia
    • Astlik
    • Makara
    • Ahourani
    • Habo
    • Mazu
    • Ebisu
    • Ryujin
    • Imoogi
    • Dakuwaka
    • Ikatere
    • Taniwa
    • Eigan
    • Alignaq
    • Tlaloc
    • Parikia

    We recommend watching: 348+ beautiful names for chameleons


    The betta fish was first selected in 1910, giving it a colored color. Today there are more than 10 species of betta. They differ from each other in color:

    • plain (red, yellow, white, black, blue, turquoise, purple);
    • two-color (the color of the fins differs from the body color);
    • multicolor (marble color, butterfly, dragon).

    And also by the type of fins.

    (Betta Over Halfmoon)

    Betta crowntail
    Short-tailed cockerel
    (Betta Plakat)
    Veiltail cockerel
    (Betta Veiltail)
    Delta-tailed Betta
    (Betta Super Delta)

    Betta Double Tail
    Elephant-eared cockerel (Dumbo)

    Nicknames in honor of marine painters

    Betta fish are so beautiful that you want to paint pictures with them. Their striking colors are worthy of at least a high-quality photo. And the following marine painters were famous for their skill in painting pictures from water spaces.

    Canaletto posing for the camera

    • Aivazovsky
    • Afremov
    • Claude Joseph Vernet
    • Zarina Forman
    • Bato Dugarzhapov
    • Edward Brian Seagoe
    • Katsushika Hokusai
    • Paul Signac

    In the profile you can admire beautiful privately bred betta fish. They don’t have names, but such a clear description of their character gives free rein to imagination:

    View this post on Instagram

    Posted by Russkie Betta (@russkie.betta)

    • Claude Lorrain
    • Claude Monet
    • Rembrandt
    • Canaletto
    • William Turner
    • van Gogh
    • Marek
    • Dehong He
    • Tom Nelsen
    • Tim Thompson
    • Betsy Akerosloot-Berg
    • Nicholas Avlvaro i Brieva
    • Hewitt Jackson
    • Montague Dawson
    • Adolf Fessler
    • Guglielmo Ciardi

    Maintenance and care

    These fish are not called fighting fish for nothing.

    Male cockerels conflict with each other over habitat and females. You can only place 2 males in a rectangular aquarium with a volume of 50 liters or more, additionally equipping it with a partition.

    Otherwise, cockerels are undemanding in care, but some recommendations are worth following.


    Even the smallest aquarium is suitable for one male. But it’s still better if it’s 5-10 liters. To add several females to it, you need a larger tank volume - an additional 3-4 liters per fish. The aquarium must be equipped with a breathable lid so that the fish have a flow of air and do not jump out. Also, do not fill the tank to the brim.

    Fish will be comfortable at 24-28°C. A significant drop in temperature has a negative impact on bettas, making them susceptible to parasites and infections. In small aquariums, it is necessary to update the water once every 5-7 days (about a third). In large containers, it is advisable to carry out this procedure once a month.

    When changing water, it is important to avoid temperature changes. Bottled water is not suitable for an aquarium; it is better to use distilled water.

    Filter and aerator

    Cockerels breathe atmospheric air due to a special labyrinth organ. An aerator is not required to maintain them. For these fish it is not necessary to have a filter, but it is still better if there is one. A filter with minimal flow will do.

    Soil and decor

    You can put river pebbles or gravel in the aquarium. It is important that the pebbles are smooth, otherwise the betta may injure or tear its fins. A special primer sold in a pet store will also work.

    It is better to equip the aquarium with live plants for safety reasons. Suitable for an aquarium with fighting fish:

    As decoration, it is better to give preference to driftwood, water caves or stones. Do not use natural shells and corals.

    Lighting is not particularly important for the betta itself, but it affects the brightness of the fish’s color and the condition of the plants. You can install the aquarium in a bright place, avoiding direct sunlight, or use special lamps.


    Cockerels are not picky about food; they eat both natural and dry food, but it is better to combine them.

    Suitable for feeding cockerels:

    1. Frozen food: bloodworms, brine shrimp, tubifex, glass worms, daphnia. They can be given live, but there is a risk of infection.
    2. Specialized dry food in the form of granules or flakes.

    Dry and live food should not be mixed at the same meal. It is recommended to alternate them with each other.

    Bettas need to be fed 2-3 times a day. Everything that the fish ate within 3-5 minutes is their one-time portion. If there is food left in the aquarium, it should be removed. It is also useful for fish to have a fasting day (no more than once every 7 days).

    Great people

    President, Stalin, Lenin, Marx, Freud, Jung, Pushkin, Lagerfeld, Dior, Freddie Mercury, Peter 1, Davinci, Vermeer, Chagall, Dali, Disney, Elton, Newton, Confucius, Einstein, Genghis Khan, Shakespeare, Alexander the Great, Napoleon , Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Bach, Steve Jobs, Ford, Guccio Gucci, Picasso, Gandhi, Gagarin, Churchill, Henry 8.

    Queen Elizabeth, Gala Dali, Autry Hebren, Iron Lady, Joan of Arc, Diana, Marie Curie, Coco Chanel, Madonna.

    Compatibility of cockerels with other fish

    A cockerel can live in an aquarium with other fish, but it is worth considering similar conditions of detention, nutrition and its aggressiveness. Small fish and representatives with large fins do not get along with the betta, and even eats snails.

    • swordtail;
    • pecilia;
    • thorns;
    • zebrafish;
    • speckled catfish;
    • gourami;
    • mollies.
    • guppy;
    • cardinal;
    • macrognathus;
    • lalius;
    • barb;
    • labeo;
    • angelfish.
    • Akara;
    • parrot;
    • lineatus;
    • astronotus;
    • goldfish;
    • piranha;
    • snail.

    Cute and affectionate nicknames

    Such a gentle creature as a fish deserves the smallest and most affectionate nickname.

    Guipure is resting

    • Fish
    • Fish
    • Bubble
    • fin
    • Sparkle
    • Rybonka
    • Pavlyusya
    • Kuronka
    • Cockerel
    • Cockerel
    • Petenka
    • Laponka
    • Kitty
    • Star
    • Pusenka
    • Veil
    • Crochet
    • Tatting
    • Guipure
    • Otrada
    • Delicia
    • Lasochka
    • Omyaga
    • Iris
    • Darling
    • Falcon
    • Dear
    • Buddy
    • Buddy
    • Milenok


    Males mature quickly and are considered sexually mature at the age of 4 months, and begin to reproduce at 6-8 months. A pair of the same breed, and preferably the same color, is suitable for breeding.

    Preparation for spawning takes several stages:

    1. For spawning it is better to equip a separate aquarium. A 4-5 liter tank with a water level of no more than 10-12 cm is suitable. Soil is not placed at the bottom, but plants are needed. The female creates shelter in them, and the male often uses them to build a nest.
    2. It is advisable to separate the female and male from each other for a week, during which time the female’s abdomen will noticeably become rounder.
    3. Then the fish are allowed into the spawning aquarium and their temperature is constantly raised to 28-30°C, this stimulates spawning.
    4. The male will begin to build a nest of foam on the surface of the water, which takes him from 1 to 3 days. If the pair is selected successfully, spawning will begin within a couple of hours.
    5. During spawning, the male courts the female, picks up the eggs and carries them to the nest.

    After the end of spawning, the male drives away the female (she needs to be removed), and he himself takes care of the eggs in the nest: adding bubbles, removing unfertilized eggs. When the fry hatch and begin to swim, the male also needs to be removed, otherwise he may crush the fry.

    During one spawning, 200 eggs are released, about a third of them survive.

    Breeding bettas in an aquarium

    Breeding aquarium bettas is not at all difficult; sometimes replacing the water with fresh water or a slight change in temperature is enough to stimulate spawning.

    When breeding betta fish, the differences between the female and the male are more than noticeable. Surprisingly, females play a minor role.

    The male himself builds a nest of air bubbles on the surface of the water, holding it together with saliva for strength. Small plants that float on the surface (such as duckweed or riccia) can be added to the breeding aquarium to provide the male with additional material for building a nest.

    When the nest is ready, a female with eggs is placed next to the male (whether the female has eggs can be determined by the enlarged round abdomen).

    After the end of spawning, the female must be removed from the spawning aquarium as quickly as possible; the male will perceive her as a threat to the offspring and constantly attack.

    The male takes care of the eggs in the foam nest, and if everything went well, in a couple of days the tiny fry will begin to swim. Then you need to remove the male as well, because he may well mistake his offspring for food.

    It is best to feed the fry with small live food, then they will grow quickly and be healthy.

    Caring for fry

    The fry grow quickly and do not require much effort, you just need to follow some recommendations:

    • in the first days, feed brine shrimp or ciliates.
    • after 7 days you can already give specialized granulated food for fry or finely chopped tubifex;
    • replace ¾ of the water in the aquarium daily;
    • in 2-3 weeks it is advisable to sort large individuals from smaller ones;
    • At the age of 4 weeks, the fry are transferred to a large aquarium.

    Nicknames by color

    The variety of shapes and colors of cockerels gives room for imagination. The name can be one of the modifications of the “color” word.

    Aquamarine has spread all her fins

    • Aquamarine
    • Goldie
    • orange
    • whitetail
    • Indigo
    • Pepper
    • Foxy
    • Bella
    • Melon
    • Caramel
    • Snowflake
    • Striped whale
    • Chernushka
    • Ryzhik
    • Sunny
    • Little Dove
    • Dove
    • Redneck
    • Nasturtium
    • Serushka
    • parrot
    • Protein
    • Chalk
    • Zelenka
    • Vitriol
    • Potassium permangantsovka
    • Platinum
    • Serebrushka
    • Lazurchik
    • Rosette
    • Limonka
    • Belukha
    • Belyash
    • Blue


    With good care at home, a cockerel can live for about 3 years. But if the aquarium is poorly maintained, overfed or fed with live food, there is a risk that the betta will get sick.

    Diseases can lead to the death of a pet, so you should pay attention to the appetite and behavior of the fish, because these are the first signs of any ailment.

    1. Symptoms. The edges of the fins first become dull, then erosion appears, which grows intensively over the entire surface of the fin. Then the process of rotting occurs, and the fin disintegrates.
    2. Causes. The causative agent of the disease is the bacterium Pseudomonas. It occurs due to poor quality or untimely cleaning of the aquarium, when feeding contaminated food or introducing infected fish and plants.
    3. Treatment is carried out with salt baths and streptocide. It is also important to disinfect the aquarium, change some of the water, and rinse the plants and soil.
    1. Symptoms. A gray spot with copious mucus secretion and clouding of the skin are formed.
    2. Causes. The parasite is caused by a flagellate, which can be introduced into an aquarium with live food or infected fish.
    3. Treatment is carried out with furazalidone and malachite green. In this case, it is necessary to change the water by 20-30% every day. As a rule, fish recover within a week.
    1. Symptoms are a swollen belly, raised scales, redness of the fins and abdomen, loss of appetite, apathy.
    2. Causes. Incorrect feeding of fish, supplementary feeding, infections.
    3. For treatment, use Bicillin 5, white streptocide, and a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
    1. Symptoms. Small white dots (similar to semolina grains) appear on the fish's head, which spread throughout the body. Lethargy, loss of appetite, swims in jerks.
    2. Causes. Introduced into the aquarium with new fish or plants. The culprit may also be live food contaminated with ichthyophthyriasis.
    3. Treatment is carried out with salt baths, malachite green, bicillin 5, antipar preparations.

    By following all the recommendations for caring for a cockerel, the fish will delight you with its beauty, absence of diseases and large offspring.

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    Cool and funny nicknames

    The perky disposition of the cockerels gave them such a name. They are full of tricks and fun. So take a look at the following list of names.

    Zhivchik shows everyone all his beauty

    • Anchovy
    • Bandit
    • Anubis
    • Parasite
    • Dexter
    • Korefan
    • Dracula
    • Zinger
    • Have a snack
    • Ichtheander
    • Bubble
    • Rybik
    • Flake
    • Shmyga
    • Aqua
    • Glug-glug
    • Akulina
    • Glutton
    • Pyatyunya
    • Shustrik
    • Iris
    • Zelenka
    • Diamond

    Stunningly beautiful Rainbow

    • Agatha
    • Opal
    • Chocolate
    • Violet
    • Marble
    • Blueberry
    • Nebushko
    • Steel
    • Metallic
    • Cream
    • Peanut
    • Peanut
    • Berry

    Character and lifestyle of the betta fish

    The cockerel's character is quite daring. Therefore, there is practically no compatibility of the fish A bright, handsome man will always find a reason to sort things out, and a fight for a female or for his own territory is completely the holy of holies.

    This is especially true for guppies or veil tails. These peaceful fish are just a red rag for the “bull”; their luxurious tails will be chewed off, and their slowness will not give any chance for salvation. Cockerels treat their own kind with even greater hatred - there should be only one “king” in the aquarium.

    True, these “gentlemen” have an unbreakable code of honor. So, for example, if during a fight one of the males rises up to take a breath of air, the second male will never finish him off, but will patiently wait for the battle to continue.

    The photo shows male betta fish

    Or, if two males are fighting, the third will not interfere in the fight, this is not according to the rules. But when the winner is released, a fresh opponent with new strength will be waiting for him. To avoid beatings, some owners keep a couple of bettas in a separate aquarium. But this has its drawback - the male will not show the full brightness of his color.

    Females are more peaceful, however, their modesty will not save the inhabitants of the aquarium from the attack of her partner. To avoid fights, it is best to introduce all the inhabitants of the aquarium at the same time and at an early age, while they are still fry. Then the cockerels get used to the fact that the territory does not belong only to them.

    Betta fish feeding

    Despite the fact that these fish can eat anything, they should be fed with special food and strictly 2 times a day. You should not hope that a well-fed rooster will refuse to eat. These beauties are not at all concerned about their figure; they are too gluttonous and can overeat to the point of death.

    The fish's diet should consist of ready-made granulated food, and natural food - frozen bloodworms, crustaceans. Aquarium snails are a good choice of natural foods; cockerels eat them with pleasure. Pelleted feed should be purchased in special stores. Quite a few companies already produce food only for cockerels.

    Such granules include a balanced content of protein and plant base. Feeds for fry have been developed. There are vitamin supplements to enhance color. In addition, there is a rich assortment with various components. That is, all the nutritional needs of the fish are taken into account, the owner can only choose the appropriate food and check the expiration date.

    Features of labyrinth fish

    All species of labyrinth fish are native to swampy lakes and slow, shallow rivers of Africa and Southeast Asia. During the hot season, the water level in such reservoirs decreases sharply, and the oxygen content in swampy water also becomes very low. To survive in such uncomfortable conditions, the ancestors of labyrinthine fish developed a special organ that allowed them to breathe atmospheric air. This organ, called the labyrinth, is located in the head of the fish and consists of a series of plates penetrated by blood vessels.

    It is this feature of all labyrinth fish, including betta fish, that makes them the most unpretentious inhabitants of home aquariums.

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