Sidex for aquarium. What you need to know about this tool.

All experienced aquarists know what sidex is, how and why to use it. Well, for those new to aquarium keeping, I’ll say this: Sidex is an indispensable tool for maintaining the vegetation in an aquarium in proper condition.

There are two reasons for this - sidex rids your aquarium of unwanted lower algae and saturates the water with carbon dioxide, which is always lacking in a home aquarium with higher plants.

A bonus to Sidex is its disinfecting properties.

But first things first. Read this article to the end, then you will be convinced that you simply need Sidex.

The principle of operation of Sidex in an aquarium

Sidex promotes the death of lower algae, such as blackbeard, threadbare, and so on. However, when used correctly (without exceeding the dosage), there is no harm to higher plants and fish (or other aquarium inhabitants, such as snails or shrimp).

Simply put, when water in an aquarium is disinfected with Sidex, lower algae simply die off and seem to dissolve in the water.

During natural biological decomposition in an aquarium, sidex breaks down into water and carbon dioxide. Sidex decomposes into water and carbon dioxide within 24 hours.

Thus, higher plants receive an additional bonus in the form of carbon dioxide dissolved in water, which is very quickly consumed by plants to build their own tissues.

How it works

The drug contains the dialdehyde glutaric acid. When the substance gets into the water, it destroys some types of algae and leads to their gradual death. Used against a wide range of microbes and protozoa. The substance can be used as a prophylactic agent to protect aquatic life from diseases.

Sidex is effective against algae called blackbeard; the substance is not used against leaf algae.

What kind of algae will Sidex help get rid of?

Sidex is perhaps the only remedy that will allow you to get rid of algae of any type.

Sidex absolutely helps to rid the aquarium of black beard, blue-green algae and filamentous algae. Sidex also destroys Vietnamese, xenococcus, chlamydomonas, and diatoms, there is no doubt about it.

Even experienced aquarists will not argue that Sidex is the best remedy for any type of algae in an aquarium.

Not a single chemical product sold in the pet store in your city can deal with algae as effectively as Sidex. This is not an advertisement, but personal experience of using the drug.

Well, in the case of a black beard, when neither a scraper, nor populating the aquarium with catfish or other cleaners, nor chemicals help, Sidex will be a real godsend.

How does it affect the biosystem?

The biological system in a container with fish is a very important criterion. Sidex refers to drugs with chemical compounds, so it must be used carefully. The following reactions may occur:

  • the water begins to change color. This occurs as a result of the decomposition of blue-green algae;
  • increase in carbon dioxide levels. As a result, leaf algae begin to actively increase in size;
  • a sharp increase in nirins in the first day after use.

However, such changes in the biosystem are quickly normalized, and no adverse reactions are observed.

Instructions for using Sidex in an aquarium

To combat algae or provide the aquarium with an additional source of carbon dioxide, Sidex must be added to the aquarium daily.

The more algae in the aquarium, the greater the dose added to the aquarium. Although you can do it differently: apply a small dose, but for a longer period of time.

Personally, I use Sidex in my aquarium on an ongoing basis as a source of carbon dioxide. And I’ll tell you what: I’ve long forgotten what algae is. They simply don't exist. And higher plants, as they say, bloom and smell.

The dosage per number of liters of water is indicated by the manufacturer on the bottle with the product. It is optimal to use the drug exactly in the dosage volume indicated by the manufacturer.

Why? Well, at least because manufacturers of aquarium chemicals often change the concentration of drugs to the one that is optimally suited for use in home aquariums, both from the point of view of safety for aquatic inhabitants and from the point of view of achieving optimal functional use.

If we talk about the standard dosage of Sidex, then it is usually from five to seven milliliters of the drug per 100 liters of aquarium water. If there is an algae outbreak in the aquarium or you want to speed up the removal of algae from your home pond, you should increase the dose of the drug to 12 milliliters.

What is Sidex

Today, all chemicals used in the fight against lower algae are called Sidex. This is the wrong wording. In fact, each remedy for combating harmful flora has its own classification and indications for use.

Cidex is the most popular among aquarium enthusiasts and is considered safe for the ecosystem as a whole. Therefore, its name has become a household name.

The first manufacturer of a disinfectant composition for ponds was the popular brand Johnson and Johnson. The Americans have developed and patented a formula for a drug designed to eliminate unwanted flora in home ponds. Later, additional properties of Sidex were discovered, which made it possible to expand the scope of use of the composition far beyond the aquarium hobby.

For which aquatic inhabitants is the use of Sidex dangerous?

It should be remembered that sidex is a toxic poison, so in no case should you exceed the recommended dosage of the drug. If the dosage is grossly exceeded, Sidex can lead to the death of all inhabitants of the aquarium.

Higher plants do not receive any harm from sidex due to the presence of an outer protective layer called the cuticle.

However, it has a detrimental effect on such higher plants as vallisneria and hornwort sidex. So, if you have Vallisneria in your aquarium, then Sidex cannot be used, otherwise the plant will simply dissolve in the aquarium.

When using high concentrations of the drug, aquarium inhabitants such as snails (for example, Helena and Beeline) may also die.

Sidex is also destructive for the tubifex. So, if you plan to feed your fish with live tubifex in the near future, it is better to wait a day after using the drug Sidex. After all, after just one day, not a trace of Sidex remains in the aquarium.

Fighting "blackbeard"

Cidex, Sidex for algae.

Cidex (hereinafter referred to as Sidex) is a universal, highly effective disinfectant for killing algae. KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN! KEEP OUT OF ACCESS, if Sidex gets on your hands, wash your hands with soap.


Before use, it is recommended to clean the aquarium, siphon the soil, and do a water change (1/3). Sidex kills algae cells (but not plants!), making it the most effective and safe algaecide for an aquarium. It is best to use Sidex in diluted form. For example, you have 100 litas. aquarium. We take 1-1.5 liters of plastic. bottle pour cold water, add a tablespoon of sidex. We make a hole in the lid of the bottle (you can use a hot nail), close the bottle and put it on top, glass in the aquarium, or hold it suspended and very gradually add all the contents to the aquarium.

Application scheme No. 1.

Options: a. Daily application of up to 5 ml per 100 l. does not lead to noticeable death of algae living in large quantities in the aquarium. This dose can only be used as a prophylactic dose. Algae will not appear in a clean aquarium. It is recommended to use it for prevention 1-2 months after treating the aquarium for black beard and other algae. b. When applied daily, 10-12 ml per 100 l. Green algae disappear within 3-7 days. The glass of the aquarium is practically not overgrown with anything, if there are no blue-green ones described below. The black beard stops growing and partially dies. The fish is fine. It is possible to use this dosage for a long time (up to 30 days). V. With a daily application of 20-25 ml per 100 liters, all algae die within 3-5 days except light green and black blue-green. Some fish begin to show mild signs of poisoning within 3-5 hours after administration of the drug. Invertebrates are fine. g. With daily application of 30-40 ml for 3 days per 100 liters. All algae die without a trace in three days. Ancistrus may die, fish show obvious signs of oxygen starvation, even with powerful blowing. 5-7 hours after applying the drug everything was in order. In rotala makrandra, after the third application, the tips of some leaves become discolored. The effect on invertebrates in the aquarium is not known. It is recommended to use in case of severe infection with mandatory jigging of fish. d. A dosage of 60 ml per 100 l was added once to an aquarium without fish. All the algae and snails died. The next day, the growing points of tonin died off. The remaining grasses, including macrandra, were not affected.


Application scheme No. 2.

Over many years of research, SCHEME No. 2 is considered the BEST! Once a day (applied daily at the same time), the optimal dosage for long-term use is 15-20 ml. Cidex-a daily for every 100 l. water in the aquarium.

Please note that the maximum dose is 20 ml. per 100 l. - may be necessary for particularly severe blackbeard infestations. When using high doses of Sidex (20 ml and above), it is desirable to increase aeration. Course 10-14 days (depending on infection) Light for no more than 12 hours. Feeding once every 2 days. After 1-2 days, superficially (lightly) clean the soil. After 7-8 days, remove, soak and rinse all objects and plants in a sidex solution (15 minutes, 15 ml per 1 liter of water). Dry and rinse with cold water. After 1-2 months, prophylaxis (Scheme 1. option “a”).

The influence of sidex on the biological balance of aquariums

When Sidex is used in an aquarium, the biobalance in the aquarium suffers slightly and is restored very quickly.

A slight disturbance of the biobalance and an increase in the content of nitrites and nitrates in aquarium water occurs due to the simultaneous death of a large number of unicellular lower algae.

Therefore, to minimize the impact of Sidex on the biological balance, you need to carry out a complete siphoning of the soil before the first use of the drug, and then carry out a siphoning of the soil for at least three days (this way you will rid the soil of dead algae getting on it).

How to administer the drug correctly

In order not to harm the flora, it is important to know how to use the drug correctly. The required amount of the substance should be diluted in a liter of warm aquarium water. Carefully introduce into the water in a thin stream and darken the container. To darken the aquarium, you can cover it with a dark cloth.

Leave the container covered for a day. Then open and carefully remove all dead vegetation. Replace 50% of the total water. If a day is not enough to treat the aquarium, the procedure is repeated. For complex cases, a course of treatment of 10 days may be required. After such prolonged exposure, the vessel must be thoroughly rinsed with running water.

Precautions for use

When using Sidex, you must adhere to safety rules. When working with liquid, it is necessary to ensure access of fresh air to the room. Do not allow the substance to come into contact with the skin or mucous membranes of the eyes; use gloves and safety glasses. It is also prohibited to allow persons with individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to chemicals to work with the drug. Sidex should be stored in a dark place, away from medications and out of the reach of children.

Red algae pest

Blackbeard is a representative of red algae. Compsopogon forms black bushes from non-branching threads. Bunches grow everywhere - on the ground, equipment, plants, decor. Compogon gets its nutrition from water. Therefore, first of all, “moss” covers the internal or external filter, as well as the recesses.

Blackbeard grows into the surface (substrate) with rhizoids. If the algae takes over the plants, the cells of the infected crop are damaged. In a short time it can destroy all the flora in the aquarium.

Slow-growing crops - cryptocorynes, anubias, ferns - are especially affected by red algae. First, the bunches are formed at the edge of the leaf plate, and then spread over the entire area. Then it seems that the plant is covered with dark hair.

Why is complete darkness necessary?

The darkening method significantly disrupts the biorhythms of algae. Since photosynthesis occurs only during the daytime, the absence of lighting for 3 days contributes to the death of algae - pests, and the rest of the plants in the aquarium withstand this period without problems. But longer periods of darkness have a negative effect on higher aquatic plants, especially those with long stems.

It is advisable to combine the action of an antiseptic in the aquarium with Caridina multidentata, which eats live and infected algae with spores, and can tolerate darkness for more than a year. The use of sidex and shrimp, as a complement to each other, contributes to the complete destruction of the colony of aggressors. Red cherry shrimp act in a similar way, helping to eliminate algae thickets.

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