How to fix moss in an aquarium. 5 simple ways.

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Thong moss (Leptodictyum riparium) is an aquatic aquarium moss, translated means “stringed”. A very variable species of moss, when submerged under water it takes on a variety of forms. Currently well known and quite common in the aquarium hobby.

Thong moss is also unpretentious and low maintenance, like Java moss, but grows somewhat more slowly. The main feature of this plant is that it grows straight upward. If you take several stems of thong moss and tie them horizontally to a piece of driftwood, after a few days you will see many stems stretching upward from the tree. Externally, this moss is radically different from Singapore, Christmas or Javanese. Its stems do not branch, and with their help you can create interesting and amazing landscapes. On the threads of thong moss you can also see the “bubbling” effect - the appearance of many air bubbles in its “strings” due to the process of photosynthesis.


Flower growers believe that the optimal time for planting moss is autumn. Plants to be planted are pre-bathed in a container of water.

Rooting is carried out in the following order:

  • Clear the area of ​​leaves, debris, and grass. The soil is loosened and depressions of 2-4 cm are formed.
  • A substrate of peat, forest soil, and black soil is placed in the holes. After that, moss turf is placed there, pressing slightly.
  • For growth, a necessary condition is an interval of at least 25 cm between neighboring moss bushes.
  • After planting, the moss is thoroughly irrigated. As it dries, watering is repeated.
  • An ideal pair for mossy islands would be oxalis, lichens, conifers, and berries (lingonberries, strawberries).

Reproduction and planting in an aquarium

Reproduction occurs by dividing the bush. It is better to purchase a large specimen that is already attached to the substrate. It is placed in an aquarium and given time to grow, and then the mother plant is divided for further replanting. This is done very simply: a piece of the required volume is cut and attached to the substrate with fishing line. As the latter, stones, coconut shells, or other heavy objects neutral to water can be used, which are firmly installed at the bottom or in the ground and do not allow the bush to float up.

Stringy Moss does not adhere to anything, so reliable fastening with thread, fishing line, and stones is necessary.

You can use suction cups for these purposes. They make it easier for the bushes to move around the aquarium and will not cause any difficulties when trimming or siphoning.

Another fastening option is to take it apart into branches and tie each one with a knot to a piece of driftwood. In this case, there is no need for additional fixation with thread, but the diameter of the snag should be such that the length of the stem is enough for tying.

Stringy Moss is also attached using a mesh with a mesh size of 3 mm.

But if the moss tied to the stone lies at the bottom for a very long time and does not grow, then perhaps the plant does not have enough light. To stimulate growth, you can plant a stone with moss on a suction cup or collect the plant in a bunch, wrap it around the suction cup and place it on the side glass closer to the surface (10-15 cm). The closer the Leptodictium gets to the light and carbon dioxide diffuser, the faster its growth will begin.

The thong is regularly trimmed with scissors, leaving a length of at least 5 cm. He doesn’t like haircuts that are too short, because it can turn yellow and die. The plant quickly regains its decorative properties. You cannot start the process, otherwise the branches will turn into weeds, begin to cling to each other, to other plants, get tangled, rot and float.

In a new place, thong moss can take two to three months to take root. Its growth slows down, but after adaptation, it begins to grow again.

Although this species is considered a slow grower, its growth rate exceeds the equally popular Christmas moss. Over the course of a month, there is an increase in its vegetative mass by 2-3 times.

Moss in an aquarium

If you decide to use this plant to decorate your aquarium, remember that it only grows upward. Even if you attach it to a piece of driftwood horizontally, the thong moss will still reach the surface of the water. How to plant this cute plant? Experienced aquarists know some secrets, and we will tell you about them.

When planting this plant, you should take into account that leptodictyum riparium takes root very slowly in the ground, so if you decide to place the thong bush on a stone or driftwood, then it should be tied with a thin fishing line, which is removed after the plant has taken root

What else should you pay attention to? To ensure that the leptodictium is established in the place of your choice, tie it and leave it alone for two to three months.

Moss string is extremely fragile, so you should work with it with extreme care.

To ensure that Leptodictium establishes itself in your chosen location, tie it down and leave it alone for two to three months. Moss string is extremely fragile, so you should work with it extremely carefully.

Design options

The unusual appearance of this species of moss allows you to create towers, columns and other interesting compositions in the aquarium. It is not advisable to plant it near the front wall, because when the moss grows well, it will block the entire view. The best place for it is on the side walls of the aquarium or along the back wall. Thus, you can create outlandish underwater thickets.

If you plant string moss in separate groups, you can get beautiful airy columns of different sizes and shades. From them you can construct both the simplest and most unpretentious patterns, and very original compositions (tower, column or even an entire castle).

Sometimes string moss is mixed with other types for decoration. For example, a Riccia string prevents it from falling apart. By spreading it along the bottom and securing it with stones, you can get a luxurious lawn with vertical branches.

It’s interesting that in the West, string moss is popular not only in the aquarium hobby. It is used in interior design. To do this, plant it in a tall glass or vase. Sometimes shrimp or snails are planted there. This composition looks very impressive.

Features of growth and maintenance

In general, the plant can be described as quite unpretentious, capable of growing in ordinary, unremarkable conditions.

The main feature of the plant is that moss always grows vertically upward, and therefore it must be attached to some surface. Moss is very fragile and must be handled as carefully as possible so as not to damage its fluffy and delicate vegetation. It is planted mainly in the background or on the side of the aquarium, since it is capable of growing very abundantly and blocking the entire view of the expanse of the aquarium. Skillfully planted, it will create a wonderful composition and create the feeling of real natural thickets. It follows that the rooting process of moss is very long, and when planting it, it is necessary to use a fishing line to tie it to the surface of something. After the moss has rooted (after 3 months), the fishing line should be removed.

Thong moss is quite unpretentious in terms of its maintenance. The temperature threshold ranges from 18 to 28 degrees, acidity from 6.0 to 8.0. Low water temperatures slow down moss growth. Bright lighting is preferable, but will grow in low light. The rapid growth of the plant is greatly influenced by good lighting. The water in which the moss will grow must be clean, otherwise it will acquire a so-called “beard”, which does not give the aquarium an aesthetic appearance and will slow down the growth of the moss. To keep the moss clean and beautiful, it is advisable to use a filter to purify the water in the aquarium.

Also, this type of moss needs cutting, which will maintain its decorative shape. Otherwise, it will turn into a shapeless, ugly mass.

It is worth noting that moss is very difficult to acclimatize and, once in a new place, can remain dormant for a long time. Buy a bush, preferably attached to the substrate. This way he will painlessly get used to the new living conditions.

Moss thong: maintenance and care

This plant is unpretentious in maintenance; it does not require any special conditions. But at the same time, caring for it has some peculiarities. Leptodiccium coastal, like most mosses, does not tolerate water temperatures above +25 °C, so problems arise when kept together with more heat-loving plants. At temperatures below +18 °C, the plant stops growing, but does not lose its decorative effect for several weeks.

Another point that should not frighten beginners: the thong takes quite a long time to take root in a new place; after planting, it practically stops growing. After a short time, the bushes will begin to actively develop. The only advice: do not disturb them unnecessarily by moving them from place to place.



Vallisneria is a plant that has become popular in recent years for decorating artificial reservoirs. Its narrow and long ribbon-shaped leaves move beautifully in the flow of water and can grow up to almost a meter in length.

Depending on the type and size of the bush, it can be planted in the background of the aquarium, acting as background landscaping, and in the foreground - here dwarf or spiral-shaped specimens look especially impressive.

The root system is quite developed - this distinguishes Vallisneria from most aquatic plants. Therefore, this species requires planting in the ground and does not tolerate proximity to burrowing fish species that can damage the roots. Otherwise, it is not demanding in terms of maintenance conditions; it grows and develops in a wide range of temperatures (from 18 to 32°C), with average hardness and weak (or neutral) acidity.

Vallisneria leaves that are too long can fill the entire surface of the aquarium, preventing light from penetrating inside, so the thickets must be weeded from time to time, removing overgrown leaves.

Riccardia moss

Riccardia is an aquarium moss originally from Taiwan from a type of hepatic bryophyte flowers. It looks like spreading grass, reaching a height of 2–4 cm. To form riccardia, the aquarium requires filtration, the water temperature is from 18C to 24C. The remaining water parameters are not important, since the riccardia moss plant adapts quite easily to the environment.

Editorial: Hydrocotyl tripartita

This species grows on substrate if tied to stones or branches. Light must be supplied in sufficient quantities, and for the good condition of the plant, experts recommend adding carbon dioxide to the water. It is recommended to remove overgrown layers of riccardia, otherwise the entire moss will get sick and die.


Leptodictium coastal propagates vegetatively by dividing the bush. It is better to buy a large specimen already attached to the substrate. It must be placed in an aquarium and given time to grow. After this, the mother plant is divided for replanting. This is not difficult to do: cut a piece of the required volume and attach it to the substrate with fishing line or nylon thread. You can use stones, coconut shells and other objects (neutral to water) that need to be firmly installed in the ground. They will not allow the bush to float to the surface.

Today, you can purchase a moss string in any pet store of the relevant type. An aquarium decorated using this plant looks original and unusual.


Leptodictium coastal propagates by vegetative means. If it is transplanted to a new place, the moss stops growing for quite a long time. There is no need to be afraid of this. You should be patient and continue proper care. Gradually the moss will adapt and begin to grow again.

And in conclusion, we note that purchasing moss thongs today is not at all difficult. Any pet store or online store in the relevant field has it in its assortment. The main thing is to choose the plant carefully. And an aquarium decorated with its help will look interesting, unusual and very airy.

Decorative properties of mosses

Most bryophytes are dwarf plants, the length of which rarely exceeds 4-5 cm. But there are also varieties of aquarium mosses that grow up to half a meter. Mosses do not have true stems or leaves. The plant parts that resemble stems are called caulidia, and the leaves are called phylloides. The most common types of aquarium mosses belong to the class of true mosses. Not so long ago, a limited number of varieties of these plants were used in aquarium keeping, but today their list has expanded significantly. Below are the most interesting aquarium mosses, photos of which will help you appreciate their magnificent decorative properties. Next, we will consider the most spectacular and popular varieties.


Flame moss occupies a special place in aquatic design and is usually used to decorate the middle and background. Often used to create the appearance of forests and trees, or simply to draw attention to objects.

It is good to grow the flame onto horizontal surfaces: driftwood, logs, bamboo tubes. It will spread along the surface on which it was placed. An excellent result is obtained if you tie the Flame to small stones or wrap it in small bunches on driftwood.

This is a very beautiful aquatic moss, winding it on a powerful driftwood in 2-3 months you will get a natural design without any effort, and the driftwood can be placed anywhere. Although flame moss grows quite slowly, it is best not to use it in aquariums with a volume of less than 30 liters.

When the flame grows to its maximum height, it remains in this state for quite a long time. This moss is often used to create a forest effect.

It is better to tie the flame to snags with a cotton thread - while the thread dissolves, the moss rhizoids will attach to the surface. When attaching to a horizontal surface, you can use a plastic mesh.

Moss thong in aquarium design

When decorating a home pond with wavy moss, you need to take into account that it only grows upward and nothing else. Even if you tie it horizontally to a snag, it will still tend to the surface of the water.

What to pay attention to:

The thong must be attached to something (a snag, a stone or a piece of lava), since it grows very poorly to the substrate. Nylon thread is quite suitable for this.

To secure the leptodictium in the right place, we tie it and leave it alone for a couple of months.

Moss is fragile, so you should be careful when working with it.

You should not plant it in the foreground, as it will grow and block the entire view. The ideal place is along the back or side walls of the aquarium.

Design options:

By attaching thongs to stones or snags, we can create outlandish grass thickets.

By planting this moss in separate groups, we will get beautiful airy “columns” that will have different sizes and shades. From them you can build both simple patterns and very interesting compositions (a column, a tower or an entire castle).

The Western fashion is also very interesting, when this “grass” is grown not in an aquarium, but in a tall glass cup or vase. Sometimes shrimp or snails are thrown in there.

With such miniature “living corners” you can decorate not only your home, but also your office.

Japanese moss string: keeping at home

This fragile and delicate plant is well known to aquarists all over the world. String moss helps to achieve a magnificent design for your home pond. Beginning lovers of observing the underwater world are sometimes afraid to purchase this beautiful moss, fearing difficulties in care and not finding the necessary information about the plant.

Today, moss spikes and thongs (you can see the photo in this article) are the most popular among aquarists. Spiky Moss is more robust in appearance and has fairly large bright green leaves. The shoots of the plant have a central stem with lateral branches of different lengths. They are triangular in shape, so the plant resembles a Christmas tree.

And the moss string is very delicate. We will talk about it in more detail. We hope that the information received will be useful not only for beginners, but also for experienced aquarists.

Appearance and its prevalence

The special appearance of moss will not allow it to be confused with other aquarium vegetation - long thin stems of light or dark green color (depending on the lighting) with leaves pointed at the ends. This species is unique to this representative of bryophytes and does not allow it to be confused with other representatives of this genus. It slightly resembles a Christmas tree. It reaches a height of 30 cm. Small bubbles can often be seen on its leaves - this is air, which it is able to actively release.

This representative of mosses can be found in the wild almost everywhere (Australia, Europe, Asia, Africa). Typically, moss can be seen in bodies of water with standing water or weak currents at a depth of no more than 1 meter. It can also settle on marshy surfaces. Its habitat is stones, driftwood, and sometimes it is simply attached to the bottom.

External features

String moss is a member of the Amblystegium family. It got its name due to its appearance. It has very thin, dark or light green stems that grow upward, up to thirty centimeters long. The distances between the beautiful two-row leaves, often facing the same direction, are quite large.

The leaf is oblong-lanceolate, with a pointed tip up to three and a half millimeters long, with a thin vein that ends slightly above the middle and rarely branches upward. You can often see bubbles on the leaves because Leptodictium produces oxygen. The turf is soft, colored brown or yellowish-green.

Reproduction and planting

The plant reproduces, like all mosses, easily and quickly. You just need to separate part of the stem and plant it in a new place.

Christmas moss grows incredibly quickly under good conditions. To make this process even faster (for example, when starting an aquarium), it is enough to provide the water with a regular supply of CO2. Over time, the bush needs to be trimmed periodically so that it does not become detached under its own weight, or its lower part does not begin to rot from lack of light and flow.

There are several ways to cut moss:

  • The top layer is completely removed to form a fluffy mound;
  • Select branches are trimmed so that in the future the moss hangs in separate clumps.

When cutting, you need to carefully work with the branches that grow from the bottom layer. Damage to them can disrupt the attachment of the moss, and it will fall away from the decorations/driftwood.

After cutting, be sure to siphon the soil. This is necessary to remove cut branches that may germinate in the place where they fell.

In general, cutting moss is a useful activity that not only removes old branches, giving the plant strength for new growth, but also gives the shrub any shape

It is important to observe frequency and not cut frequently so as not to inhibit the growth of the plant. The minimum period must be 1 month

Christmas moss is widely used in aquascaping. It is highly prized by aquarists and designers for its luxurious appearance and ability to quickly and easily attach to driftwood and decorations. The size of the aquarium is completely unimportant; moss looks great in containers of any size.

To secure a plant to the decor, just tie it with a natural cotton thread, which then dissolves in water, or with fishing line. Without additional fasteners, the plant will not catch on snags on its own, since it does not have a root system. Moss is attached by thread-like processes called rhizoids.

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In aquadesign, Christmas moss is used as:

1. Decoration for the foreground. Due to its small stature, this is an excellent option for decorating the main side of the aquarium;

2. Decorating the back wall of the container. The workpiece consists of a plastic mesh, on which a thin layer of moss is laid, and then covered with a second layer of mesh. All this is connected with fishing line around the perimeter of the structure and attached to the glass with suction cups. The workpiece must adhere firmly to the wall so as not to become a trap for small fish and shrimp. After a few months, the back wall will resemble a continuous carpet;

3. Creating hills. We repeat the previous process with the only difference - now the stone is covered with a plastic mesh or it is stretched from the snag to the ground, and attached on both sides, depicting a steep descent or mountain.

Types, breeding and planting of aquarium mosses with photos, names and descriptions

Many species are quite unpretentious, so they can be bred in a home aquarium. The disadvantage, and to some extent also the advantage, is the slow growth rate. After planting in a container, a period of adaptation to new conditions begins, which can take several days or weeks. For each type, special conditions regarding hardness, acidity and water temperature must be observed.

It is best to plant moss on hard wood, porous stones, lava, and gravel is suitable for some species.

We will describe the most popular aquarium mosses, which are most often used in aquariums.

Moss flame

The name of this species speaks for itself. It grows with wavy branches up to 8 cm and up to 10 cm wide, the leaves very much resemble a blazing fire. It differs from other species in being a darker shade of green.

Must be kept under the following conditions:

  • water temperature from +18-30 °C;
  • acidity from 6-8 pH;
  • general hardness from 7-8° dH;
  • carbonate hardness from 4-14 kH;
  • lighting from 60 Lm/liter.

For planting, it is recommended to use tweezers, after cutting off the roots and dividing the moss into separate pieces. Reproduction occurs by separation of layering.

Fontinalis or key moss

The stems of Fontinalis or spring moss are quite branched, up to 25 cm high, with leaves up to 1 cm long and up to 0.6 cm wide. Depending on the conditions in the container, it can have a different color from brown-red to green.


  • The water temperature varies depending on the season. So, in summer +24-28 °C, in winter +10-12 °C;
  • acidity from 5-7 pH;
  • water hardness from 8-14 dH;
  • illumination 30-40 Lm/l.

The plant is propagated vegetatively. Planting is carried out on a rough surface, for example, on a stone, using fishing line or special glue.

Phoenix or Fissidens fountainus

Fissidens fountainus got its name for its resemblance to a frozen fountain and grows in all directions. Branch length up to 2.5 cm. Platinum leaves are narrow and elongated, up to 2 mm long.

The necessary conditions:

  • temperature from +22-27 °C;
  • acidity from 6-8 pH;
  • water hardness up to 9 dH;
  • carbonate hardness from 4-14 kH;
  • lighting from 70 Lm/l.

When caring for your Phoenix, it is important to ensure high-quality water filtration. It is also necessary to clean the leaves from small particles and algae that form on the surface over time.

For propagation, it will be enough to separate a branch from the main plant and attach it to a snag using a thread or fishing line that dissolves itself in water. The plant is also planted by attaching it to the decoration. As the bush develops, it releases rhizoids that help it gain a foothold.

Christmas moss

Outwardly, it really looks very much like a small fluffy Christmas tree up to 10 cm high. The leaves are round with pointed tips and increase along the length of the stem towards its base.

Preferred conditions for reproduction:

  • temperature +20-27 °C (comfortable +25 °C);
  • acidity from 6-7.5 pH;
  • carbonate hardness from 5-20 kH;
  • lighting 30-40 Lm/l.

A special feature of care is providing the aquarium with clean water and timely trimming.

Reproduction of this species is quite easy; it is enough to separate the shoot and fix it on the decoration, after which it quickly attaches to the surface.

Java moss

Javanese is a little similar to Rozhdestvensky; it consists of interlacing thin, highly branched stems, which are covered with pointed leaves. The plant itself can reach a height of up to 17 cm with leaves up to 2 mm long.

Well suited for spawning.

An unpretentious plant that can grow in different conditions. But the most suitable parameters for it will be:

  • temperature + 18-30 °C;
  • acidity from 6-7.5 pH
  • hardness from 2-15 kH;
  • illumination 30-40 lm/liter.

Acidity and hardness of water do not have any effect on the plant.

It does not require special care; you just need to carefully trim the overgrown stems to form the desired frame. Also, if, due to the bright light, algae begins to sprout on the moss, then they must be carefully removed.

It can be propagated by dividing its mother part into smaller parts and planting.

Before planting green decorations, it is important to disinfect either the moss itself or the aquarium with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

After disinfection, the mossy carpet is laid out in a thin layer on a special base.

Riccardia Hamedrifolia

Belonging to the class of liver mosses, it has a height of up to 4 cm. The color of the fleshy stems is dark green, the dissected structure has a hairy frame, vaguely reminiscent of corals.

Favorable conditions conducive to the formation of dense clusters:

  • temperature +18-25 °C (can withstand temperatures +30 °C);
  • acidity: from 6-8 pH;
  • hardness from 5-10° dH;
  • carbonate hardness from 5-15 kH;
  • Illumination is moderate.

There is no need for special care, as it is one of the unpretentious species.

Planting of this species is possible only on hard surfaces; soil is not suitable for Riccardia. Secure with fishing line or special glue.


Riccia also belongs to the hepatic class, like Riccardia. It does not have any stems, leaves or root system; it consists entirely of small branched plates 0.5-4 mm long.

Riccia stands out for its originality; it can float at the surface of the water in the form of islands or be fixed at the bottom.

Can feel comfortable under a wide range of conditions:

  • water temperature in the aquarium +22-26 °C;
  • acidity from 5.5-8 pH;
  • hardness up to 14° dH;
  • lighting from 60 Lm/l.

In the absence of the necessary light, it can lose its beautiful appearance and turn from a fluffy island into a bush with sparse branches.

There is also one caveat: a dense green lump can harm the inhabitants of the aquarium, preventing oxygen and light from penetrating. Therefore, you need to frequently cut the plant and clean it of debris, rinsing it with plain water.

For breeding, you can simply lower a neat branch without any creases onto the surface of the water and after a couple of weeks you will get mossy islands.

Weeping Moss

It has dense thread-like gracefully hanging stems from 1 to 3 cm in height. Moss growing downward is ideal for creating decorative trees in an aquarium; its width can be from 3 to 5 cm.

Required containment conditions:

  • temperature +22-27 °C;
  • acidity from 6-8 pH;
  • carbonate hardness from 4-9 kH;
  • hardness from 3-20° dH;
  • lighting from 50 Lm/l;
  • CO2 – 6-14 mg/l.

Additional care for the plant is regular trimming of the hanging ends.

With weak roots, it will be difficult for it to attach itself, so you need to plant it using a mesh, fishing line or glue.

Triangular moss

In appearance it resembles a forest fern, only the length of the branches of the moss itself is much shorter - 5 cm in an aquarium. The shoots have a triangular structure, which is why it was called triangular.

Comfortable conditions:

  • water temperature +24-28 °C;
  • acidity from 6.5-8 pH;
  • carbonate hardness up to 14 kH;
  • hardness from 4-25° dH;
  • Any lighting is suitable, both weak and stronger.

Planting is carried out in the same way as with any other species, by tying a fishing line to a snag or using glue.


For breeding mosses in an aquarium, there are certain general conditions, for example, good filtration, sufficient lighting, cutting and cleaning, yet each species has its own individual needs, the observance of which will ensure the most beautiful decor.

If you have a confident decision to decorate with beautiful lining or hanging green carpets of moss, you need to pay attention to which type is suitable for you and your inhabitants, since for some fish mossy decor is very tasty and nutritious, which can spoil the entire decoration. In addition, you need to consider how exactly you want to decorate your home underwater world.

Riccia floating

Riccia floating is the most unpretentious among the representatives of this species. Despite the unremarkable appearance of these bryophyte flowers, they are popular among aquarists because they serve as a spawning ground and shelter, and affect the whirlpool of substances in the aquarium.

Riccia floating has no stems or leaves. As the plant grows, it forms a lush green carpet up to 2 cm thick. If Riccia changes color from green to scarlet or chocolate, this will signal that it is dying.

The growing conditions are the following parameters:

  • water temperature from 22C to 28C;
  • water hardness – up to 8 units;
  • The aquarium lighting is bright and strong.

Riccia floating propagates vegetatively, independently, while growing luxuriantly. If the plant has occupied too much surface, it can be partially removed. To keep Riccia underwater, it is tied to the ground and fertilized by adding oxygen to the water.

These lower plants are found only in South America. The first mention of them was made quite recently, namely in 2005. It is also worth noting that, despite its species diversity (about 300), only about 3-5 species can be found on sale today.

Externally, Riccardia chamedrifolia, or as it can sometimes be called small liverwort, looks very presentable, which contributes to its frequent use for decorative purposes. In addition, like other representatives of the liver, riccardia also cannot boast of high growth (maximum height 20-40 mm), preferring to creep along the surface of the substrate.

This lower plant has a dark green hue, the stems are fleshy with pinnate or palmate branching. As for the archegonia, they are either represented by hairy edges with a specific brownish-pale tint or are dissected. Also interesting is the fact that in insufficient lighting their color can become significantly lighter.

How to keep wavy moss in an aquarium

This type of moss is not picky about living conditions. He is very unpretentious. Like most moss species, it is characterized by slow growth. In well-lit areas, the leaves acquire a bright light green tint. It is capable of actively releasing oxygen, which causes bubbles to form on the plant. With insufficient lighting it gets dark.

When keeping wavy moss in an aquarium, soft water is preferable. A prerequisite for the successful growth and development of this species is clean water, otherwise the moss may grow a beard

But keep in mind that mosses do not like fast flows, so you should use internal filter pumps very carefully. The pump is too powerful for mini aquariums, which are often used for growing moss.

What is important here is not so much the presence of filters as the absence of free organics in the water. In a small jar of 20 - 40 liters, you can do without filters at all, if you clean the aquarium regularly, remove excess dirt with a siphon, and do not introduce too active fish that raise sludge from the bottom. The moss itself also needs to be cleaned of small debris; shrimp can help with this. When threads appear, only amano shrimp will help.

The presence of excess minerals, especially phosphates, can also lead to algae, as can a lack of nitrates or potassium.

This type of water moss is particularly fragile. It often breaks and pieces scatter throughout the aquarium. For this reason, it should not be kept with large or digging fish, which could damage it.

Despite its fragility, this moss is recommended for decorating not only moss plants, but also larger aquariums with a wide variety of flora. First of all, the optimal temperature for this type of moss is 18-28 degrees, pH - 6.0-8.0. Most mosses do not like temperatures above 24-25 degrees Celsius, and this greatly limits the joint keeping of other species of plants and fish.

Subtleties of care

This unpretentious moss does not require special conditions. Here's what you need to pay attention to:

The temperature range at which thongs feel good is quite wide (18-28 °C). Optimal hardness 4-14 °H, acidity 6.0-8.0 pH.

The water must be clean, without free organic matter.

In dirty water, moss quickly grows a “beard,” which has a bad effect not only on its appearance, but also on its growth and development. If the container is small (20-40 l), then it is not necessary to equip it with a filter. Regular cleaning and removing dirt with a siphon will be sufficient. Larger aquariums will require a good filter that operates 24 hours a day and does not create strong currents. This is especially true for the internal filter pump.

An imbalance of minerals in the water can cause algae to grow on the moss. This happens especially often with a lack of potassium and nitrates or with an excess of phosphates.

The lighting can be anything, but the brighter it is, the faster Stringy Moss will grow. The lack of light is easy to identify - the moss will darken. Some sources recommend sticking to at least 0.3 W/L.

Amano shrimp are excellent at “hygiene” of moss, removing all small debris and filament from it.

Large and ground-digging fish are poor companions for thong moss due to its fragility and brittleness.


Thong moss, the photo of which you see below, has several other names: Stringy Moss, Leptodictyum riparium, wavy moss. It can be considered one of the most common types. It grows in Europe and Antarctica, the Caucasus, Asia, the Far East, Australia, and Africa. It usually settles near temporary and permanent bodies of water. Loves standing water, tolerates weak currents.

It can often be found on the roots of trees located under water, and on driftwood. The depth of growth is small - no more than one meter. This plant can also be found on land - in wetlands. In this case, for settlement it chooses tree bark, stones, dams, and sometimes the ground.

Japanese string moss has features that make it difficult to confuse with other species. It grows only upward, has a memorable appearance, and belongs to the tallest plants in its family - the bushes grow up to 15-30 centimeters.

Wavy moss growing places

Aquatic mosses are valued by aquarists for their very beautiful and unusual appearance. The ability to decorate aquariums using various types of mosses makes them popular and very common aquarium plants. One of the most beautiful species is wavy moss.

This aquarium plant is distributed in the wild throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Its distribution area is very wide: Eurasia from Europe to China and North America. This is a very variable species. Like most types of aquatic moss, it can grow in water and in air. It prefers water that is still or with a slight current. It grows at a shallow depth of up to 1 m. Wavy moss can grow outdoors in damp soil or on the bark of trees in damp and swampy places.

Planting Ideas

Java moss is a flexible and convenient tool for creating an unusual landscape in an artificial pond. The most popular uses for it are as a thick carpet on the bottom or on the back wall, as well as on driftwood and decorative boulders. But there are also more rare applications.

Idea 1: Mesh Carpet

Thickets of Java moss form a very impressive green background, against which both dark and light fish will be clearly visible. But to achieve results, you will have to be patient. To begin with, you will need a small mesh (mesh size no more than 8 mm) made of stainless steel or plastic, as well as suction cups or glue to fix it.

Distribute small bushes of Java moss evenly over the mesh and secure with fishing line (you will need to remove it yourself) or cotton threads (they will simply get wet over time and rot in the water).

To prevent the moss from drying out during the fixing process, spray it with water from a spray bottle or moisten it with a damp cloth.

Get ready for the fact that for the first week (or even two) your Java moss will hardly grow - during this time the rooting process occurs. Then the green mass will begin to increase quite quickly - and within 1-2 months you will get an ideal green surface.

A similar design can be installed not only on the wall of the aquarium, but also on the bottom, if your pets do not need special soil. A carpet of thick Java moss will be useful for breeding spawning fish.

Editorial: Riccia floating

Idea 2: On a stone or driftwood

This method is much easier to implement, and the result, with proper care of the composition, can be even more impressive!

Attach pieces of Java moss to the surface of a driftwood or stone in the same way as you would on a net - that is, wrap them with threads or fishing line and place them in a pond. After a few weeks, having grown, the plant will look like a lush crown of a tree or a green lawn on top of a cliff.

This method may require you to constantly monitor the shape and size of the colony - if it grows too much, simply remove excess branches to maintain a realistic appearance.

Idea 3: Story compositions

A little imagination combined with a good basis for creativity will help you create very unusual and vibrant compositions. So, a blank for a hobbit house can be half a coconut, on which aquarium moss is planted on top, evenly over the entire plane, and to model an abandoned hut or a sunken ship, you will need a full-fledged base made of wood or ceramics, made by yourself or ordered from a specialist. Be prepared for the fact that in this case the thickets of Java moss will need to be weeded regularly, and also make sure that the new decorative element will not interfere with any of the inhabitants of the artificial reservoir.

Appearance and habitat

This representative of the Briev subclass is found throughout the Northern Hemisphere of the planet: in North America and Eurasia from Europe to China.

The species is very variable. Can grow both on land and in water.

If it is water, then it is most often stagnant or with a very weak current. There is no need to search deeply; wavy moss prefers a depth of no more than 0.2-1.0 meters.

If it is open air, then Stringy Moss grows in moist soil or on tree bark, but in any case the place is damp and swampy.

This representative of the Amblystegiev family must “thank” its appearance for its interesting name. This ornamental plant is easy to distinguish from other representatives of bryophytes.

It has thin, light or dark green stems that grow only upward. Their length can reach 20-30 cm.

There are large distances between the beautiful, seemingly double-rowed leaves, often facing one direction. The leaf is oblong-lanceolate, pointed, no more than 3.5 mm long. The vein on it is thin, ends just above the middle and rarely branches upward.

You can often see bubbles on the leaves themselves, since Leptodictium is capable of releasing oxygen. The turf is soft, yellowish-green or brown in color.

Thong moss can be called one of the most common and unpretentious types of moss. It has a unique feature: it grows only upward, no matter how it is tied to the substrate. Thus, beautiful air columns of various green shades and sizes are obtained, which serve as a wonderful background for the aquarium.

Due to its high decorative properties and ease of cultivation, it is loved not only by beginners, but also by experienced aquarists. By planting it in separate groups, you can get a simple pattern or an interesting composition reminiscent of castles in the air, columns and towers (that’s what anyone has enough imagination for).

Buying moss Thongs today will not be difficult. Pet stores, markets, and online stores offer various types of the moss family. Many aquarists, in order to expand their collection, exchange existing ones for new species.

Thanks to its characteristic appearance, Moss Thongs are very difficult to confuse with others. Thin stems that always grow in an upright position and beautiful leaves located far from each other cannot be confused with anything else. The moss reaches a height of 30 centimeters, so many owners strive to trim it. It is for its appearance that the plant received such an interesting name.

Thong moss grows very poorly to the substrate, so it has to be tied with nylon thread to pieces of lava or driftwood. A rather tender and brittle plant that scatters its branches throughout the aquarium. Moss has the ability to release oxygen, which causes pimples or bubbles to form on plant leaves.

This type of moss is quite unpretentious and does not require special conditions for its maintenance. Lighting can range from low to very high. However, the brighter the light, the faster the moss grows. The optimal water temperature in an aquarium can vary from 18 to 28 degrees, with a KH of 4-14° and a pH of 6-8. Loves clean water, so round-the-clock filtration is mandatory.

Moss Thongs are a rather inert species of this family. Like most other mosses, after being transplanted into another aquarium, they may stop growing for a long time. However, if all conditions of detention are observed, it will soon adapt and begin to grow again. Therefore, be patient and do not pull it in vain!

Scope and description

The habitat of wavy moss is very wide: North America, the European part of the continent, China. Leptodiccium coastal grows both in water and on land. It settles near permanent and temporary bodies of water. Prefers standing water or places where there is a weak current. It settles on underwater tree roots and driftwood, while the growing depth is small, from 0.2 to 1 meter. On land, the bryophyte chooses wetlands and can settle on the ground or tree bark, on stones, and dams.

The characteristic external characteristics of thong moss do not allow it to be confused with other aquatic bryophytes. Its stems grow exclusively upward and reach a length of 20-30 cm. The leaves are located on the stem in two rows and far from each other. They have an oblong shape, pointed at the ends and facing one direction. The leaves are 3.5 mm or less in length. A vein runs up to the middle of the leaf, starting from the center, it branches greatly. Leptodiccium coastal has a green color with all its shades. This is a very tender and brittle plant.

All shoots of Stringy Moss grow evenly, there is no difference in height between them, as is the case with long-stemmed plants. It actively releases oxygen. This can be determined by air bubbles appearing on the surface of the leaves.

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