6 surefire ways to determine the sex of a red-eared turtle

Determining gender by behavior

Experienced breeders claim that it is possible to identify girls and boys among red-eared turtles based on observation of their behavior.
Females are distinguished by calmer behavior. Males move actively and taste everything around them. They also clearly display sexual behavior, which consists of chasing the female, biting her neck, and nodding her head.

Of course, such a definition is possible only in the case when there are several turtles and they are of different sexes.

It is no less interesting to observe the behavior of the male during mating games. He meets a female in the water, turns his muzzle towards her and swims backwards, while tickling the chosen one’s chin with the claws of his front paws.

Now you know when and how you can determine the sex of a red-eared slider, and you can choose a mate. This means that your calm and thoughtful reptiles will now not only become a decoration of everyday life, but will also be able to bear offspring. If you prefer to keep one animal rather than a pair, then you need to remember that males are more aggressive and territorial. If you want to get this pet for a child, then it is better to opt for females, because they are less confrontational and practically do not bite.

Well, in conclusion, an interesting fact: the sex of the offspring is directly affected by the temperature established in the home during the incubation period (if it is less than 27 degrees, then there will be males, and if more than 30, then females).

Behavioral features

Most animals change their character during mating, and red-eared turtles are no exception. By some habits you can understand which sex a particular individual belongs to. First of all, at this time the males perk up, become more active and mobile

How else? After all, the primary task is to attract the attention of a female who is ready to mate. To do this, they stage real performances demonstrating their own capabilities and advantages.

If an individual begins to wave its front legs with long, large claws in front of another turtle, then there should be no doubt that this is a male. In addition, gentlemen at this time become incredibly intrusive and literally do not allow the “brides” passage, while making enticing, playful head movements.

Molting time for red-eared turtles

Do not be alarmed when the red-eared slider begins the molting process. This is a natural process that occurs in a young individual during a period of active growth. The reptile grows quite quickly and the shell simply cannot keep up with its growth. Therefore, all or part of the shell peels off. This process is absolutely safe for the turtle, but during this period it needs special care.

A turtle in the early stages of its development may experience complete peeling of the top layer of its shell. As the turtle matures, the amount of dead tissue decreases. This is no longer the entire upper layer of the reptile’s shell, but only part of it. After some time, the red-eared slider's molting stops.

Identification by claws

The easiest way to determine the sex of a turtle is by its claws. Males usually have longer, elongated, clearly defined claws.

With such claws, males attract females during the mating period.

They wave them in front of the females' noses to attract attention and please them. In addition, males need claws during mating.

They use them to cling to the female’s shell in order to attach themselves more firmly to her during the fertilization process.

In addition, males need claws during the mating period. With them they cling to the female’s shell in order to more firmly fixate on her during the fertilization process.

The claws of female red-eared turtles are shorter and thicker. But keep in mind that this sign is not suitable for young turtles, claws that may not have yet grown to the required size, or for old turtles that may have worn their claws off on pebbles or soil in the terrarium.

How to determine the sex of a red-eared slider?

Length and appearance of claws, shell

The most obvious thing that will almost immediately catch your eye if there are several red-eared turtles in the aquarium is their claws. The claws of females are rather short and blunt

Whereas in males, unlike them, they are long. This feature has two practical applications. Firstly, such claws make it much easier to cling and hold on to the female’s shell during mating. And secondly, red-eared turtles use them to flirt with their significant other, performing peculiar dances and attracting attention to themselves. But there is one caveat: in captivity, a turtle’s claws can wear off
on the rough material of a dry island in an aquarium.

The size and shape of the red-eared slider's shell also matters. First of all - this is its lower half - in males the plastron is concave inward

And in general, their shell is somewhat different from those that the girls “wear.” It is smaller, more elongated and has an oval shape
. As with claws, these features make it easier for turtles to fertilize.

Females, in turn, are somewhat larger and much more rounded in shape.

, since they need to bear and lay eggs.
What is associated with another, less obvious distinctive feature of the plastron: in males in the area of ​​the tail it forms a V-shaped outline
, while in females this edge is short and “shaped” into a semicircle.

Tail and cloaca

To find out the gender in this case, you also need to pay attention to the shape and size. Boys are distinguished by a wider and longer tail, because it is in it that the genital organ is located

Consequently, females do not have such features - their tail is shorter and not thickened at the base.

It would also be useful to look at the location of the cloaca, which clearly identifies the sex of the pet. In females it is located closer to the base of the tail.

and in appearance
resembles an asterisk
. But the boys’ cloaca, on the contrary, can be located almost at the very edge of the tail and has the appearance of a fold, similar to a transverse line.

How to find out the gender of a rubella turtle by its behavior

There are different ways to determine who is who among the red-eared turtles, but it is best to take into account all the signs together to avoid mistakes. For example, male turtles reach sexual maturity a year and a half earlier, the size of the animal also depends on age, and the claws of male terrarium turtles sometimes wear off and may well be shorter than the claws of the female.

If it appears in the house, of course, the new owners usually find out first of all. Determining the sex of these animals is not such an important task, but it will not be superfluous, for example, in order to adequately perceive the corresponding physiological changes in the reptile, and simply to give the pet the correct name.

Usually the question of how to determine age and sex arises when you want to purchase a pair for an existing individual and try to get offspring, because you need to select a turtle not only already capable of reproduction, but also of the opposite sex.

How to find out the age of a red-eared slider?

It can be much easier during an external examination than to decide the question of her gender. Sex determination usually occurs by the shell. There are two main ways to determine the age of a red-eared turtle by its shell. The first is based on counting the concentric rings that form as the animal grows (this is similar to determining the age of a tree by cutting the trunk). Typically 1-2 concentric rings correspond to one year of a turtle's life. In addition, as they grow, the color of the shell becomes less bright, and the red spots on the head also fade.

The second way to determine the age of the shell is related to the analysis of its size. There are average growth rates for a turtle and at 1 year the length of the shell is approximately 6 cm, at 2 years - 9 cm for a female and 8 cm for a male, at 3 years - 14 and 10 cm, respectively, at 4 years - 16 and 12 cm, at 5 years old - 18 and 14 cm, at 6 years old - 20 and 17 cm (age 5–6 years is optimal for starting reproduction). On average, red-eared turtles live 30–35 years, and their maximum size reaches 30 cm.

How to determine the sex of a red-eared slider?

There are three main ways to determine the sex of a red-eared slider: by the shell, by the tail, and by the claws. How to determine the sex of a red-eared turtle by its shell depends on analyzing the shape of its lower back part. In the male it has a concave appearance, since it is this shape that facilitates mating, while the female has a more rounded and flatter end of the armor.

Determining sex by the tail is one of the most accurate. It is believed that in males the tail is thicker at the base, and sharply narrows towards the tip and ends with a pointed corner. The female's tail is more uniform in thickness and has a flatter and more rounded tip.

You can also judge the sex of a red-eared slider based on the shape of its claws. The male usually has very long and pointed at the ends, as well as curved claws, while the female is content with shorter, rounded nails. However, this last sign can let down inexperienced breeders, since in the conditions of life in an aquarium, the claws of both males and females can easily grind off on stones and recognizing the sex of the animal will not be so easy.

This question worries many who have decided to have an animal at home, but simply answering it is not so easy. To determine the sex of a red-eared slider, you need to wait until it reaches , when a number of signs begin to indicate gender.

Having reached the age of 6-8 years, the red-eared slider is ready to breed. It is during this period that it is easiest to determine their sex, but already at 1.5-2 years, after analyzing all the combined characteristics, you can try to determine the sex of the red-eared turtle

In order to determine gender, you should pay attention to the following features that can distinguish a boy turtle from a girl turtle

Male red-eared sliders have longer claws on their front feet than females. The male needs this in order to hold onto the female’s shell more firmly at the time of fertilization. Females have slightly shorter claws, but they are more blunt.

This method is quite simple, but can be misleading in the process of keeping them in captivity. Spending a lot of time on the island, the turtle can wear its claws. Here everything will depend on what material the sushi element is made of.

Determining age by rings

Another way to find out the age of a red-eared slider is by the appearance of new rings in the pattern of its shell. The first of them form before she is a year old, and after that new ones appear, two or three annually. Again, the method suffers from inaccuracy. Of course, after observing your pet for a year or two, you can calculate by how much the number of rings increases and estimate the age based on the existing ones. But! The formation of such patterns very much depends on the conditions in which the turtle lived before you. Even hibernation or lack thereof can significantly affect the rate of formation of new patterns. The tightness of the home, the quantity and quality of food, the temperature in the house are all factors that influence the development of rings. Although it will still be possible to establish an approximate age with an error of 5-6 years.

What you need to know before purchasing

The aquatic turtle needs not only water, but also land. The terrarium should be warm. Caring for an animal at home is not difficult; you just need to follow simple rules. It is better for a beginner to purchase a yellow-bellied breed. In winter, the reptile does not hibernate. Most of the time the reptile is in the water, so you need to take good care that the water is clean and at the required temperature.

What you need to know before purchasing:

  • Turtles are active animals and sometimes show aggression.
  • When you buy a small turtle, its diameter is no more than 2 cm. But it must be taken into account that over time its size will reach more than a human palm, so the aquarium for the animal must be the right size.

In captivity, the red-eared turtle lives for more than 30 years, so it will require careful and serious care. Before buying, you need to think about whether the animal is really necessary.

Features of behavior of both sexes

If you are still unable to determine the sex of your red-eared slider, you must first select one turtle. When she grows up a little, you will be able to clearly verify the truth of her gender. After some time, you will be able to understand the behavior of turtles and relate it to a specific sex. But for such an analysis you need to have sufficient experience in breeding turtles of both sexes. You can observe their behavior in the pet store.

Many experienced amateur naturalists have come to the conclusion that females are the calmest. The fact is that the boys are very active, moving around their property and tasting everything that comes their way. Their interest in their chosen one is clearly manifested.

active head nodding

Another sign for determining the sex of a turtle can be the shape of its muzzle. But this sign is very controversial and cannot be the main one, since it has no basis in confirmation by zoologists. Males have a more pointed muzzle than females - this is a distinctive feature of this method.

Other signs of red-eared turtles

If there are turtles of the same age, you can try to determine their sex by their overall dimensions. Females are slightly larger than males because they will have to carry and then lay eggs.

Some experts point out that the male's muzzle has a more elongated shape than the female's muzzle. The female's muzzle has a more round outline. The paws of males have more pronounced spurs, which indicates that they are stronger than the paws of females.


We sorted out gender characteristics. What should you do if you received a turtle as a gift? After all, it is necessary to balance the diet and choose an aquaterrarium. Now we will figure out how to determine the age of a turtle. Age is determined in several ways.

Method one

This method applies more to turtles that live at home, but not to those that live in the wild. Because domestic specimens grow faster than their free-ranging counterparts. Before determining the age, it is necessary to know the gender of the red-eared slider. We already know how to distinguish a female turtle from a male, and we remember that the female is larger than the male. It is necessary to measure your pet's shell. During the first year of life, both boys and girls grow equally and grow from 5 to 7 cm. In the second year of life, ladies overtake gentlemen and stretch up to 9-10 cm, and gentlemen, respectively, 8-9 cm. In each subsequent year, the shell turtles grow by 1.5-2.5 cm. They grow intensively for 6-7 years and they begin to become sexually active. At this point, the size of the female reaches 20-25 cm, and the male 17-19 cm. The growth of turtles slows down to 1 cm per year, and by 9-10 years it stops completely.

Second way

Here we will pay attention to the shell, or rather to its inimitable design. Its uniqueness can only be compared to a human fingerprint

There are ring-shaped stripes on it. They appear with age; by counting them you can find out how old your red ear is. Until the age of three, they appear 2-3 times a year. Then one per year.

Third way

This method is the easiest. You need to remember that young turtles have a bright shell color and a nice pattern is clearly visible. When you run your hand, you can feel every notch. In older reptiles, the shell becomes almost black and smooth without any roughness.

In conclusion, I can add that it doesn’t matter what gender or how old your pet is, the main thing is that you live in harmony and joy. Don't regret spending time on your friend and he will happily surprise and inspire you

General rules for distinguishing the sex of turtles

It is not possible to determine the sex of small turtles (up to one year old), so if at the time of purchase you want to understand whether this is a male or a female, you are unlikely to succeed right away, since this requires only an adult reptile. Most species of turtles can be distinguished closer to sexual maturity. In the event that you have one representative at home, you will need to focus on the general distinguishing characteristics of the sexes. But if you are the happy owner of several individuals, or you have the opportunity to borrow from friends their pet for comparison, then you can determine the sex of a pet turtle by making some observations of the behavior of individuals.

Additional indicators

If it was not possible to determine the gender of the red-eared turtle based on the main characteristics, then additional parameters will come to the rescue.

  • you need to compare the body sizes of turtles;
  • compare the shapes of the posterior part of the plastron of both sexes;
  • compare the anal openings of individuals;

The first sign for determining belonging states that the female must be larger than the male; this state of affairs is inherent in nature and is necessary for the successful bearing of eggs with future offspring.

looks like the Latin letter "V"

The anus is the last circumstance that will help determine the sex of the turtle. In males, this part of the body is located closer to the pointed end of the tail and has the shape of an oblong line. Females have a cloaca shaped like an asterisk, and it is located closer to the base of the tail.

Features of the shell

By carefully studying the structure of the shell of a red-eared turtle, you can just as easily determine the gender of your pet. In order to facilitate the mating process, males have a shell with a concave abdominal part. Females do not have this feature.

If you look closely at the shape of the shell, it is different: males have a more elongated and elongated shape. In the area of ​​the tail, the shape of the shell of males is similar to the Latin letter V, while in females it is more rounded. In the tail area, the female has a large hole, which facilitates normal egg laying.

Why know the gender of a reptile?

When breeding these domesticated reptiles, knowledge of the sex of the individuals is necessary, because if you miss this point, you may not get stable pairs of red eared birds ready to produce offspring. Turtles begin choosing a partner long before they reach sexual maturity. And if you place small individuals of different sexes in a tank, you can subsequently expect the appearance of small turtles.

Another nuance is that male red-eared turtles are quite aggressive towards their fellow turtles and can cause serious injuries to their opponents. The reasons for this behavior are related to their territoriality, and even outside the mating season they are unfriendly. In addition, any pet must have its own name, and so do the red-eared cats. What do you call a reptile without a specific gender?

Exoticism never ceases to attract people and forces them to make incredible decisions - to have snakes, boa constrictors, crocodiles, alligators and other incredible, and sometimes dangerous, living creatures. Among similar inhabitants, the red-eared turtle looks more than modest, and it may seem that it is very unpretentious and tenacious. But redfish are still reptiles with all the ensuing consequences.

The owner needs to provide the pet with suitable conditions and become familiar with the breed characteristics before purchasing. Otherwise, it will be difficult to understand what this turtle likes and dislikes, and whether it is a boy or a girl.

Usually, a person’s character influences the choice of his friends, including pets. If one likes a restless one, then the other likes silent fish in an aquarium, or a turtle. When choosing a red-eared turtle as a friend, you need to be aware that your friendship can last for decades. And throughout this entire period, her life will depend on you.

Before purchasing this amphibian, it is a good idea to educate yourself on the question of how to determine the age of turtles. After all, the advanced age of a pet affects its behavior, and it also has other requirements for food and living conditions.

Determining the age of a turtle

They are distinguished from other relatives by red spots instead of ears. There are several ways to determine the age of such turtles. Each one is based on the marks that passing years leave on their body. However, none of them can be said to be accurate. After all, the appearance depends on factors such as the number of inhabitants in the aquarium, temperature and nutrition. For this reason, deviations from the truth of several years are possible.

You can try to determine the age of a turtle by its shell (carapace). The technique of the method is reminiscent of determining the age of a tree by cutting the trunk. Every year it leaves behind two or three rings on the scutellum. Before celebrating his first birthday, the turtle already has one ring. After two years of life, it begins to slow down its growth and, accordingly, in the future, only one ring will grow.

A method such as measuring the length of the shell will help us determine the age of the red-eared slider.

The size of a newborn turtle is about 3 cm. Over the course of a year, its body increases to 6 cm. At the age of two years, the size of the female becomes 9 cm and the male - 8 cm. In three years, the female grows to 14 cm, the male - to 10 cm. Up to six years they add 2 cm per year. And at this age the numbers are already 20 cm for females and 17 cm for males.

The turning point begins when the length reaches 18 cm. Reptiles practically stop growing, although there are exceptions. Under ideal living conditions, red-eared turtles reach 30 cm.

If you compare the appearance of a young turtle and an older one, you will notice several differences. This method also helps answer the question of how to find out the age of a red-eared slider.

Over the years, the rings on the shell darken and at an advanced age they become almost black, and the shell itself becomes smooth and more elongated. In mature turtles, the spot near the eyes is dark burgundy instead of red. And their behavior is calmer than that of young people. In the form of a turtle, you acquire an intelligent, sensitive and unpretentious creature.

Main distinguishing features

To determine the sex of an adult, it is enough to analyze several external signs and behavior of the animal.

The most significant external differences that make it possible to determine the sex of a turtle with great accuracy are:

  • tail length and configuration;
  • size and shape of claws;
  • structural features of the carapace and plastron.

Determining sex is easier to do in comparison, among several individuals.

Tail length and shape

This gender determination sign is the most accessible, simple and quite reliable.

. It is enough to visually compare the tails of several representatives, and it will immediately be clear whether it is a girl or a boy:

  • the male's tail is longer, thick at the base and tapering towards the end;
  • in females the tail is rounded, much shorter and straighter.

When determining sex by the tail, to ensure the accuracy of the conclusions, it is appropriate to pay attention to several more secondary sexual characteristics:

  1. 1. Location of the anus (cloaca): in females it is located at the base of the tail, near the shell and has a round or star-shaped shape. The cloaca of males is located in the last third of the tail in the form of a straight line.
  2. 2. Adult males sometimes evert the penis when defecating. Outwardly, it resembles a rose and hides when touched.

Features of claws and limbs

Males are distinguished by large hind limbs equipped with long and sometimes curved and thickened claws. They are necessary for courting females and holding them during mating.

Male claws

The limbs of males of some land species have additional devices in the form of well-defined femoral spurs, which are skin growths.

Carapace and plastron

A significant sign of determining the sex of a turtle is the shape of the shell and plastron:

  • in males the carapace is somewhat narrower and longer, with a pronounced back part in the shape of the letter V;
  • The shell of females is distinguished by its large width and rounded ends.

The gender of some species can be determined by the color of their shell. For example, the male painted turtle has a bluish color.

In order to examine the plastron, the animal is turned over on its back. In males it is concave, in females it is flat.

Relationship between age and red spots

The most likely place to purchase a turtle for a home pond is a pet store, where the seller, among other data, must tell you the age of the reptile being purchased.

However, you, as the future owner, also need to navigate this issue, since reptiles of different ages feed differently and require different care, and having at least basic information about the future pet will be very useful.

So, the red-eared turtle is called due to the presence of red spots behind its eyes, which, in general, are in no way connected with the hearing organs.

Over the course of a turtle's life, as it grows, these spots change their color saturation from scarlet to burgundy.

The green carapace of the red-eared reptile with stains and stripes at a younger age becomes darker and duller as it ages.

An important indication of the age of a red-eared turtle can be the size of its carapace. But here it should be taken into account that in comfortable conditions a pet can grow at an accelerated pace, and there are many subspecies of red-eared reptiles, and not all of them have the same shell length/age ratio.

So how can you determine the age of your red-eared pet as reliably as possible?

The most accessible to a non-specialist for determining the age of red-eared reptiles are several methods - by the length of the carapace and the pattern on it, by its color and shape.

Determination of gender

Having bought a funny turtle, many owners think about breeding offspring, and, as a rule, about acquiring a sexual partner for their pet. However, before getting a second animal, you must accurately determine the sex of the red-eared slider, and this is not an easy question.

The easiest way to find out the gender of a pet is at 6-8 years of age, when the turtle shows characteristic signs. However, if you carefully analyze the behavior and appearance, you can determine the sex of the turtle at one or two years.

Red-eared slider - how to determine gender:

  • by claw size;
  • by shell;
  • along the tail and cloaca;
  • having studied the characteristics of behavior.

The first way to determine sex is to compare the length and shape of the male and female claws. Male turtles have claws that are irregularly shaped and long, while female turtles have short claws with a rounded edge. When examining the fingers of your pets, you should take into account that turtles living in captivity have their claws ground down on the ground, so this method is not infallible.

The second method of determination is to examine the shell. To facilitate mating, nature created a more extended and elongated shell shape in boys; the female sex has a more rounded and wider shell.

Features of behavior

Try watching red-eared sliders in a pet store or on video.

You can easily distinguish males by their behavior. Boys are more active and curious, they constantly move, try out all available objects, and pester girls. This is manifested by the fact that the male catches up with the possible partner he likes and tries to lightly bite her neck. The suitor invites the female to mate by fluttering his claws right in front of the female’s eyes.

Males constantly “nod” their heads, like Chinese tangerines.

In addition, “men” compete with each other, trying to drive the rival away from their territory or from the female. It almost never comes to a serious fight, but males can push and bite for a long time until one of them retreats, leaving the battlefield to a more successful competitor.

Extra options

Everything that was stated above can be conditionally attributed to the primary sexual characteristics of turtles, however, like other animals, there are also secondary characteristics to determine gender. They are less obvious, but you still shouldn’t ignore them.

Body size and head shape

In biology, differences between male and female individuals of the same species based on anatomical features not directly related to the structure of the genital organs are called sexual dimorphism. One of its main features is such a criterion as size.

In red-eared turtles, females are usually larger than males. This feature is explained by the fact that females must bear and lay eggs, but it should be noted that for many other representatives of this order the situation is the opposite.

You need to understand that, firstly, size is a relative concept, and secondly, it is influenced not only by gender, but also by the age of the turtle and the conditions of its detention.

In general, this sign cannot be considered particularly reliable and convenient from a practical point of view: it is impossible to determine the sex by the size of a single reptile (you need to see at least a couple in order to have something to compare with), in addition, when considering several individuals, you need to be absolutely sure the fact that they are the same age and lived in the same conditions.

It is interesting that, being smaller in size, male red-eared turtles, as befits representatives of the stronger sex, look stronger and stronger than their female companions. In particular, their paws are decorated with impressive femoral spurs.

Experienced breeders can also distinguish turtles by the shape of their faces. The same rule that was mentioned when describing the tail of reptiles is observed here: the male has a more elongated muzzle, and the female has a rounded muzzle.

For self-checking, we can highlight several more signs of sexual dimorphism in red-eared turtles:

  • hind legs: in males small scales can be observed on them, in females this distinctive feature is absent;
  • nose: in boys it is smaller and more pointed;
  • head: the longitudinal stripe on the side of males has a brighter red color, this is especially visible during the mating season;
  • upper jaw: in girls it is green, in boys it is whitish.


Differences in the behavior of turtles of different sexes can only be observed during the mating season and if there is a couple in close proximity to whom such behavior can be demonstrated. For this reason, this criterion cannot be called convenient, but you should still be aware of it.

As befits males, male turtles, under the influence of the reproductive instinct, begin to demonstrate their irresistibility to their ladies in every possible way. They swing their legs with spread claws, make significant movements with their heads, and actively pursue females, trying to grab them by the neck.

Females watch the efforts of their gentlemen, maintaining equanimity.

People who have extensive experience in breeding red-eared turtles note that in the absence of a potential “lady of the heart” nearby, male representatives are much more active and curious.

They are characterized by faster movement around the aquaterrarium, enthusiastic study of the territory, testing out new objects and generally demonstrating research abilities.

However, novice turtle breeders who have only one red-eared individual at their disposal should not rely on such a criterion. To summarize, we note that there are many more or less obvious signs that allow you to distinguish a boy turtle from a girl.

Determining the sex of the red ear by external signs

When carefully studying the turtle, pay special attention to the main characteristic features. Tail

This is the most common criterion among breeders. If you take two turtles and compare their appendages at the rear end of the body, the one with it longer, wider at the base and narrower towards the tip is the male. And the individual with a shorter tail, uniform in thickness and rounded, is a female

Tail. This is the most common criterion among breeders. If you take two turtles and compare their appendages at the rear end of the body, the one with it longer, wider at the base and narrower towards the tip is the male. And the individual with a shorter tail, uniform in thickness and rounded, is a female.

Plastron shape. Inside this formation, in the lower part of the abdominal shield, the genitals are located. In females, the back of the shell has a smooth surface. But in males it is modified and slightly concave. Thanks to this feature, the covaler can fixate on the female at the time of mating.

Claws. The indicator is their shape and length. If the claws are short and pointed, then this is a female, and if they are long and curved, then it is a male. However, when determining sex by claws, you can make a big mistake, especially with turtles that are too young or old. The claws of the former may not yet be fully formed, while the claws of the latter may have already rubbed off on the ground.

Additional characteristic features.

  • Body dimensions. Females are always larger than males because they have to carry the eggs.
  • Shell shape. In males it is narrower and longer, while in females it is rounded and short.
  • Shape of the posterior end of the plastron. In males it is V-shaped and pointed. In females, on the contrary, it is rounded.
  • Anal hole. The female's cloaca is star-shaped and located at the base of the tail. The male's anus looks more like a longitudinal line and is shifted towards the end of the tail.
  • Muzzle shape. This sign is very controversial and has not been fully confirmed by zoologists. However, it is believed that males have a narrower muzzle than females.

Signs characteristic of all species

Size. If you try to determine the sex of a turtle by its size, you need to compare two individuals of the same species and approximately the same age. The size of the female is usually slightly larger, which is due to the need for reliable gestation of eggs.

This does not apply, however, to such species of turtles as box and desert turtles, American marsh turtles, Mullenberg turtles and some other rare species where the male is slightly larger than the female.

The shape of the shell can also tell a lot. If males have an elongated carapace, and its back part almost touches the ground, then females generally have a round carapace. In addition, females differ from males in that the surface of their shell is usually lumpy. If you imagine how mating occurs between individuals, then this characteristic feature becomes understandable.

The shape of the plastron - the lower part of the animal's shell - is a very important sign of sex. In females, the plastron almost always has a smooth surface, and may even be slightly convex. As for males, their plastron is always concave, which also corresponds to the position of the individuals during the mating period.

Thus, you just have to turn your pet on its back and examine the abdominal part of the shell, and you can immediately determine his (or her) gender with a high degree of probability.

The shape and length of the tail can help determine gender. Males have a relatively long and thick tail, where the genital organ is hidden (located under the posterior lowered part of the shell). In females, on the contrary, the tail is slightly shorter, wider at the base and pointed at the end; it protrudes outward from under the shell.

The cloaca of individuals also has differences. Turtles are oviparous reptiles. For careful and accurate laying of eggs, females are equipped with a star-shaped cloaca. In males it has the shape of a short straight line.

Claws. If they are long and slightly curved, then this is a sign of a male. The fact is that the claws help him stay on the female during the process of reproduction. Females usually have short claws.

True, this sign is not obvious and characteristic, since all turtles like to sharpen their claws on stones.

Mating of land turtles. Males need a depression in the shell in order to mount the female.

Getting to know your pet

Red-eared turtles are easy to care for and therefore are recommended for those who first decided to have reptiles. Red-eared turtles are a freshwater species. They live about 30-40 years. The length and shell can reach 18-30 centimeters.

The shell of turtles is olive or yellowish-brown in color. In young individuals it may be deep green.

The turtle's head and neck are covered with white and green stripes and spots. But they owe their name to two spots extending from the eye area. They have an orange-red tint.

The red-eared turtle comes from America. Its natural habitat is all of Central America and the northwestern part of South America. The species was also introduced into Israel, South Africa, Guadeloupe and other European countries, where it successfully took root.

Find out how long ferrets live at home if you feed them properly, maintain them, and treat them promptly.

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The amphibian lives in small swampy bodies of water: lakes, ponds. Turtles are inactive, but curious. Their favorite pastime is lying in the warm sun.

The red-eared turtle has well-developed vision and sense of smell, but the hearing and vocal cords of this amphibian are poorly developed. The turtle can only hiss or snort when excited and irritated. Possessing strong jaws, the red-eared turtle can seriously injure a person or other pet if it is in danger.

How to distinguish the sex of a turtle: general nuances

No matter how much you strive to find out its gender when purchasing this exotic pet, it is almost impossible to do this, unless you are offered an adult. Typically, most species of turtles develop sex-identifying characteristics by the time they reach sexual maturity. If you have only one turtle in the house, then you will have to focus on the standard differences in appearance inherent in these animals. If you have several of them or have the opportunity to compare your pet with similar pets of your friends, then the most accurate answer to what gender your turtles are can be given by a comparative analysis of the behavior of these animals.

How to distinguish the sex of a turtle by external characteristics

To find out the sex of a turtle, you should pay attention to the following features of the anatomical structure of these animals.

Carapace and plastron

The shell of males is more elongated, elongated in shape compared to the shell of females. The ventral side of a turtle's shell (plastron) is one of the most characteristic features by which one can quickly and easily determine the sex of the animal. One has only to turn the turtle over, and the differences will be noticeable: the back of the male’s plastron is slightly concave, while that of the female is flat, which ensures the convenience of mating for these animals. True, this applies only to sexually mature individuals, the length of whose shell reaches 11 cm. In most species of turtles, males are usually smaller than females.

Tail, cloaca and claws

Nature has endowed male turtles with tails that are longer and wider at the base than females. An additional definition will be the shape of the tail. In males the tail is usually curved towards the ground, while in females it is very short and straight.

In a female turtle, the anus is located closer to the top of the shell and the tip of the tail and has the shape of a star, while in males it is in the form of an oblong line. Another distinctive feature of these animals is their claws. In males, they are usually much longer on the front legs than in females (with the exception of panther turtles, in which the opposite is true). Male box turtles have thicker claws on their front legs and curved downwards on their hind legs.

Male Carolina box turtles have red irises, while bog turtles have yellowish eyes in females and dark brown in males, which in this type can also be distinguished by a whitish upper lip. Distinctive features of female turtles include more developed jaws compared to males. Male red-eared turtles have a pointed muzzle with a longer nose than females.

How to determine the sex of a red-eared slider?

Length and appearance of claws, shell

The most obvious thing that will almost immediately catch your eye if there are several red-eared turtles in the aquarium is their claws. The claws of females are rather short and blunt. Whereas in males, unlike them, they are long. This feature has two practical applications. Firstly, such claws make it much easier to cling and hold on to the female’s shell during mating. And secondly, red-eared turtles use them to flirt with their significant other, performing peculiar dances and attracting attention to themselves. But there is one caveat: in captivity, a turtle’s claws can wear off on the rough material of a dry island in an aquarium.

The size and shape of the red-eared slider's shell also matters. First of all - this is its lower half - in males the plastron is concave inward. And in general, their shell is somewhat different from those that the girls “wear.” It is smaller, more elongated and has an oval shape. As with claws, these features make it easier for turtles to fertilize.

Females, in turn, are somewhat larger and much more rounded in shape, since they need to bear and lay eggs. What is associated with another, less obvious distinctive feature of the plastron: in males in the area of ​​the tail it forms a V-shaped outline, while in females this edge is short and “shaped” into a semicircle.

Tail and cloaca

To find out the gender in this case, you also need to pay attention to the shape and size. Boys have a wider and longer tail, because it is where the genital organ is located.

Consequently, females do not have such features - their tail is shorter and not thickened at the base.

It would also be useful to look at the location of the cloaca, which clearly identifies the sex of the pet. In females, it is located closer to the base of the tail and resembles an asterisk in appearance. But the boys’ cloaca, on the contrary, can be located almost at the very edge of the tail and has the appearance of a fold, similar to a transverse line.

Basic indicators

In order to independently recognize the gender of a reptile at home, it is worth considering that they have a certain period of life during which the gender of this animal can be easily determined. It is usually observed between 5 and 7 years of age of the reptile. Of course, experienced freshwater breeders know how to determine the age and sex of a reptile before this period, but a novice naturalist will not be able to do this.

When purchasing an amphibian animal, many buyers pay attention to some external characteristics. When choosing, they compare them with each other, they help them accurately select the reptile

So, these indicators include the following:

  • tail length and shape;
  • external structure of the plastron (lower part of the shell);
  • length size and shape of claws.

According to the first option, it is necessary to compare the tails. Males have a longer tail, unlike the tail of females. Also, in males, the tail part is thicker at the base and tapers towards the end. Females have a straight tail, it has neither narrowing nor widening. At the same time, it has a more rounded shape. This method of determining sex in reptiles is the most popular.

How else can you distinguish the sex of a red-eared turtle when purchasing it? It is worth examining the plastron; it is usually located in the back of the shell. It contains the genitals of an amphibian animal.

In males, the plastron has a concave appearance, which facilitates the mating process. But in females this part does not have any noticeable changes. It is usually even, smooth, without bumps or depressions.

There is a third way that will help you understand what gender the turtle is. When choosing reptiles of this species, you should carefully examine the length and shape of the claws. Males have slightly elongated fingers with claws. But the claws are slightly curved. Females, on the contrary, have short fingers without claws. In addition, their fingers are not pointed, but rounded.

Note! The third method of determining gender is erroneous and inaccurate. The fact is that when a reptile lives in an aquarium for a long time, its claws wear down on the surface of stones and soil

In addition, over time, her fingers change their appearance.

Diseases of aquatic reptiles and preventive measures

If you provide the marsh turtle with decent living conditions, you can avoid any problems with its health. She has strong natural immunity and high vitality. Most turtle illnesses are associated with improper housing conditions or poor care. More often than others, the following diseases and pathologies are detected in freshwater reptiles:

  1. A cold is the result of cooling or keeping your pet in a draft. It manifests itself in the form of irregular, difficult breathing, the appearance of mucous discharge from the nasal passages and oral cavity. The turtle begins to wheeze, refuses to eat, and moves little.
  2. Rectal prolapse or prolapse of the cloaca (cloacitis) - pathology can occur due to various reasons. Most often it develops against the background of helminthic infestation or prolonged diarrhea. The turtle's cloaca is visible, soil and debris stick to it, and the front limbs may swell.
  3. Diarrhea - in most cases, is the result of eating low-quality or stale food.
  4. Nematodosis and cestodosis - tapeworms and roundworms enter the reptile's body from food that has not undergone heat treatment.
  5. Intestinal obstruction - the main cause is associated with the ingestion of foreign objects - small pebbles, sand, debris. Rarely manifests itself in the form of vomiting, shortness of breath, and neurological disorders.
  6. Paralysis of various origins.
  7. Violation or delay in egg laying - a turtle can carry its offspring beyond term due to a narrowing of the birth canal, large egg size, lack of a ready-made nest, and other reasons.
  8. Infection with ectoparasites - creatures that parasitize the outer surface of the reptile.

In addition, when home furnishings are violated, residents are often injured and their skin is damaged. Often, inexperienced owners of marsh reptiles make a number of mistakes when keeping their pets, which leads to deformation of the armored scutes. More often, this occurs as a result of a deficiency of vitamin components and calcium during the period of active growth and puberty of the individual.

Recommendations from experts

Inexperienced people planning to get into aquarium keeping are advised to start by keeping groups of guppies of the same species. To begin with, 10 individuals will be enough - 5 males and 5 females. The volume of the aquarium must be at least 50 liters.

It is advisable to keep the fry separately, since adult guppies often eat their offspring. If the fry were born in an aquarium with adult fish, it is necessary to take care of their shelter. It can be used as floating algae, which will form dense and lush thickets at the surface of the water.

See below for information on keeping and breeding guppies.

How to distinguish a boy turtle from a girl by behavioral characteristics

Typically in nature, males have to compete for the right to impregnate a female.

To do this, they have to do their best to please and attract the attention of the chosen one of their heart. Red-eared turtles are no exception in this matter.

During the mating season, males become more energetic. They demonstrate their potential and play a variety of games. If one turtle is constantly catching up with the other, then we can conclude that the mating season has begun. The boy catches up with the girl to show himself to her in all his glory. Usually males attractively shake their heads and move their front paws in front of females.

Simultaneous comparison of several individuals and a combined analysis of all the listed characteristics will help determine the sex of the future pet. If you know how to distinguish red-eared turtles (boys from girls), then you can choose a nickname for your pet in advance. Of course, before sexual maturity it is quite difficult to accurately determine the sex of this exotic animal. To do this you need to be a great specialist, but, as they say, you can try your luck.

Red-eared turtles are amazing and funny creatures that today are found not only in the natural environment, but also in many home aquariums. The popularity of these pets is only increasing over time. They are cute, cheeky, lively, and are not averse to quarreling with their relatives and putting on a hilarious face. Of course, reptiles differ from more common pets - cats, dogs, parrots, they require special conditions of maintenance and nutrition

In addition, they raise a lot of questions among novice owners, for example, it is not always clear why they behave one way or another, and even the sexual difference of individuals often remains in question. How to determine the sex of red-eared turtles, what to look for?

Unfortunately, it is not so easy to distinguish a male red ear from a female, and even a specialist will not be able to select babies of the desired sex among the young animals. More or less obvious signs appear only during puberty of individuals.

Red ears can reproduce from 6-8 years of age; it is during this period that sexual differences are most noticeable. But indirect signs are also present in 1.5-2 year old turtles, and if you compare them all, you can find out the sex of your pet.

An owner who is tormented by the question of the sex of a reptile living in his aquarium should pay attention to a number of physiological characteristics of these reptiles

Differences in the character of males and females

Behavior during the mating season clearly demonstrates the difference in temperament between individuals. If girls are characterized by a calm state and moving within the aquarium only when necessary, then males show aggression. In order to attract the attention of the opposite sex, they begin:

  • chase turtles;
  • bite females on the neck;
  • make a squeak.

The last sign does not provide a guarantee - some girls are capable of imitating this sound, which introduces uncertainty. In childhood, they can imitate flirting with their claws and bite other individuals.

During the mating season, boys begin to actively court and demonstrate their advantages, which looks like a dance: they begin to move their front paws and tail, actively shake their heads in different directions, and try to ride the person they like.

To prove his own strength, the male shows aggression towards his aquarium neighbors, provoking fights. They begin with a flip onto the shell and strikes with the paws. Sometimes there are attempts to bite competitors on parts of the body that are not covered with a hard shell (hind legs, tail, neck), which leads to severe, life-threatening injuries.

What conditions should be created for a pair of turtles?

Thus, we found out how to determine the sex and age of red-eared turtles. Selecting an adult male and female for keeping at home will not be difficult. But getting offspring from red eareds in captivity, even if the aquarium contains guaranteed individuals of different sexes, will still be quite problematic. These turtles lay their eggs not in water, but on land, burying them in the sand.

But be that as it may, the conditions for a couple of turtles in the aquarium, of course, should be created decent. In this case, a container for keeping reptiles should be purchased with a volume of at least 150 liters. For each turtle, you need to provide its own raft with suction cups and a stand. An incandescent lamp and a UV lamp should be placed above the rafts to create a comfortable temperature.

If the owners of turtles still expect to get offspring, in the aquarium, among other things, they will need to place a cuvette with sand or peat. Such a container should be installed so that the female can easily climb into it. Layed red ear eggs can then be incubated in a regular chicken apparatus at a temperature of 22-30 °C.

The red-eared turtle is a very cute pet that requires a minimum of attention and care, looks great in photos and delights children with its friendliness. Therefore, owners often try to breed these reptiles by crossing them with each other. The question of determining the sex of the red-eared turtle in this case plays a very important role. However, this task is not at all easy.

, and its solution causes difficulties even for specialists.

The easiest way to do this is to compare two creatures of different sexes


This is clearly shown in the video

Then the differences can be seen clearly and the gender of the turtles can be most accurately determined.

Length and shape of claws

Adult males who have reached the age of five have long curved claws, pointed at the ends. While females have short claws and are not sharp at all. If you look carefully through a magnifying glass, you will notice that their ends are rounded.

This sign must be considered in conjunction with the others, since it cannot be considered completely reliable. Some turtles living in a terrarium with hard ground may simply have their claws worn down. In this case, their length and shape will change. And the male can easily be mistaken for a female.

Shell differences


Pay attention to the peculiar growth at the base of the beak, where the pet’s nostrils are located - this part is called the cere.
It is this thickened skin that will help distinguish the female from the male. When budgies are still small, the wax is light pink or cream in color. Wait until the newborn chicks are 3-4 months old. In males, part of the beak will turn sky blue or light purple, while in females it will remain pinkish. In some cases, the cere in girls becomes snow-white or brown.

Sometimes in females you can notice a small light edging near the nostrils, while in males the cere is a single color, without any markings.

In the event that it is impossible to distinguish parrots by the wax, all that remains is to take a closer look at their habits. Males, as a rule, delight their owners with frequent singing, chirping to themselves, and happily sitting in front of the mirror. Girls are not as interested in their appearance in reflection and are less active.

Video: gender determination


In mature individuals, from the moment of the first molt, dark specks will appear on the inside of the wings. On the tail feathers you can also see stripes that line the tail crosswise.

Females have light cream or yellow spots on the inside of their wings, and large red “cheeks” seem somewhat faded in comparison with the markings of males.

The male cockatiel is distinguished by its frequent singing and high mobility. From time to time, boys may tap the bars with their beaks, which forms the basis of their habits and behavior. In terms of body structure, they are elongated and slender, while females are more rounded.

Female cockatiels behave more quietly and do not have the habit of screaming loudly or singing for no reason. Males, on the contrary, love to produce long trills, creating their own “melody”.

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How long can guinea pigs usually live at home, what to feed them - https://tvoipitomec.com/gryizunyi/skolko-zhivut-morskie-svinki-v-domashnih-usloviyah.html

How to determine the sex of a land turtle?

Paws and shell

Many of the external sexual characteristics of the land turtle are similar or identical to those of the red-eared turtle. For example, in their case, the claws of males are also longer, thicker and stronger

than in females. And they serve a similar purpose: the need to stay on the female’s shell at the time of fertilization. But at the same time, the claws of land turtles are much more likely to be worn down due to their constant stay on the “land” of the terrarium. Therefore, you should not rely only on this sign, despite all its obviousness.

You can also determine the sex of an adult reptile by simply examining the shell.

In addition to the obvious presence of concavity of the plastron, the hind legs are almost always “equipped” with powerful spurs

. Which, like the long claws in front, help him stay on his partner.

The female has a flat or even convex plastron shape

. Its shell is larger, with distinct tubercles, which smooth out with age in males. But there is another characteristic feature - it bends strongly in the tail area.

Tail and cloaca shape

Here it is similar to aquatic turtles:

  • The male has a long tail, wide at the base and quickly tapering towards the end. With all this, he is almost always completely hidden under the shell.
  • The female has a thin and short tail located outside the shell.

An addition to this feature may be the shape and location of the cloaca on the tail. In female land turtles, like in the red-eared turtle, it has the shape of a star and is located at the base of the tail. In males - closer to the middle or even the tip, in shape approaching the longitudinal stripe.

The decision to choose a pet is not easy for many. Do you want a pet to appear in the house - a companion who will not react painfully to the absence of the owner, will be balanced and will not create fuss in the house, and will not require significant material costs? In this case, a turtle is the best choice.

If it is an aquatic turtle, for example, then the aquaterrarium in which you place it will also become an expressive element of the interior of your home. It must be said that centenarians in nature can live up to 50 years. However, the life expectancy of this animal in a home pond is determined by the comfort of its existence in it.

With proper care and constant care, your reptile can live 30 years or more. Caring for a turtle in captivity does not require much effort, but there are some nuances here. First of all, you need to know exactly how old the pet you are purchasing is in order to provide it with optimal care.


Having reached sexual maturity, females and males already differ in size. Males are usually smaller than females and have a more elongated shell. Females are larger and have a rounded shell. But this applies only to those individuals who have already reached sexual maturity.

At the age of six years, the length of the shell in males reaches 9-11 centimeters, and in females - 10-18.

The ventral part of the shell is the plastron

, in males it has a more concave shape.
This is explained by the fact that during mating it will be more convenient for him to stay on the female’s back. The posterior part of the plastron in males is slightly pointed
and resembles the English letter V.

Females have a flat, slightly rounded plastron closer to the tail.

Differences between the sexes of turtles in appearance

To understand how to determine the sex of land turtles, you need to learn about the anatomy of individuals, in particular their features.

Plastron and turtle shell

If you compare the shell of both sexes of turtles, you will find that in females it is not as elongated as in males. At the same time, such a part of the body as the plastron (located on the abdominal side) has much more characteristic differences. If you turn your pet over, you can immediately see all its features. In females, the ventral part of the shell is flat, while in males it is slightly concave inward. Such comparisons of the sexes can only be made with mature individuals that have become capable of producing offspring and have grown to no less than 11 cm. You should also know that females are larger than males.

Claws, cloaca and tail of a turtle

The tail of a reptile can also help answer the question of how to determine the sex of a domestic turtle. In male representatives, the tail is longer and wider than in females, while its shape is also different. Males have a tail that is slightly lowered to the ground, while the tail of females is straight and short.

In female representatives of the turtle world, the anus has the shape of a star and is located closer to the end of the shell, while in males the cloaca looks like a straight line.

Claws are another characteristic feature that can be used to determine the sex of a turtle. The front paws of males have claws that are significantly longer than the claws of females, with the exception of panther tortoises, in which this feature is reversed. Male box turtles have thick claws on the front limbs, but on the hind limbs they are curved down.

Reptile head

The eyes of the Carolina box turtle, particularly those of the male, have a reddish tint. But such a species as the female marsh turtle has yellowish eyes, while the “boys” have brown eyes.

Another characteristic feature for female turtles is the development of the jaw at a higher level than in males. Red-eared turtles, namely males, have a longer nose, but females do not have such a pronounced feature.

Other signs

There are other methods for distinguishing a female from a male red-eared slider. For example, this can be done by looking at the iris of the eye—individuals of different sexes have different eye colors. Females have a yellow nose. In males it is pointed and small. The male usually has a larger head and a brighter red stripe. During reproduction, it acquires a rich scarlet color. In females, the color of the head is paler, and the red stripe is not as prominent.

A rare method to find out gender is a blood test and x-ray. This technique cannot be used until the age of seven, because the testes of males have not yet matured, and the ovaries of females have not yet matured.

A blood test will not help determine the gender of a turtle until it is under seven years old.

  1. When the age of puberty is reached, the sex can be determined by testing the reptile's blood.
  2. There is also a method for determining gender using ultrasound.

The differences are especially visible if you compare several animals. Sometimes individual signs are similar in several individuals, so it is better to check the gender based on all factors at once. If the animal has improper living conditions, the reptile may experience hormonal imbalance. Then only an experienced veterinarian can determine the sex of the animal.

Third way

Another evidence of the years the turtle has lived is the intensity of the color of the shell and the structure of its body. The younger the turtle, the lighter and brighter its color.

Only at four years old does the animal’s shell begin to darken. During this period, the age rings that appear on the shell are the same color as the previous ones, but the old ones become increasingly darker. Over time, they almost turn black, which is why older reptiles also become almost black.

In addition, in mature turtles, the shell acquires a regular oval shape over the years, loses its surface roughness, becoming almost smooth with grooves barely perceptible to the touch.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the age of any animal is indicated primarily by its behavior - young individuals of all types of earthly fauna are curious, active, and have a large supply of energy; mature age reminds itself of its poise, sometimes fatigue and a sedentary lifestyle. Turtles are no exception in this regard.

Both aquatic and land turtles are kept at home. Among the latter, the most popular as pets are Central Asian and red-eared cats.

The need to determine the sex of a turtle usually arises when purchasing an animal. However, determining the sex of a small turtle is very difficult: babies of the same species are very similar. As they grow older, that is, after a few years, secondary sexual characteristics appear, by comparing which it is possible to determine with a high degree of probability the gender of this animal. Boys and girls have different sizes of the body and tail, shape of the shell, plastron and eyes.

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