Red-eared turtle: how to care for it at home

Getting a turtle at home today is not particularly difficult. Some are afraid that they will not be able to cope with the hardships of caring for a pet, and some, on the contrary, believe that a dark corner and food once a week is enough, but this is not so. Let's look point by point at everything necessary to make your pet feel as comfortable as possible and live as long as possible.

Features of aquarium design

Caring for a yellow-eared turtle does not involve any difficulties and is very simple.
Before you decide to give preference to a suitable aquarium, you need to take into account the size of the future pet, since it can grow up to 20 cm or more

Therefore, you should take care that your pet does not feel cramped or uncomfortable in its future housing. When choosing an aquarium, it is not necessary to focus on its width and height, but the length must be taken into account so that the turtle, which has yellow ears, has room to move and is not constrained.

A yellow-eared turtle at home needs sushi in its home, even though it is an aquatic reptile. You can create such an island for her using pebbles, which should be placed so that they look out of the water. After this, you need to see if it is convenient for the turtle to get out on it. The aquarium should also be equipped with aquatic vegetation, which will serve as an excellent treat for the turtle.

How to Care for a Yellow-bellied Slider

When it comes to caring for your yellow-bellied slider at home, we need to take into account the following factors: the configuration of your aquarium, diet, and general health concerns that need to be taken into account. To keep our turtle happy and healthy, we must provide them with a clean and well-prepared tank for their needs, as well as a balanced diet. If we see any abnormalities, we should consult our local veterinarian who has experience working with reptiles...

In the following sections, we'll delve deeper into these topics so you can learn how to set up a tank for yellow bellied turtles , what to feed them, and how often to feed them. We will talk about the most common diseases that can arise due to certain nutritional or environmental problems...

These animals are moderately easy to care for. Their calm and basic needs make them an excellent pet that can live for many years if cared for properly. Follow this guide to get the best care for your potbellied turtle.


Since this is an aquatic turtle, its diet is very wide and without animal food, such as tadpoles, fish fry, small frogs, etc., it will not be able to grow and develop normally. At the same time, one cannot discount plant food, which she needs no less than animals. They eat well lettuce, young dandelion and clover leaves. The diet must be planned. This means that you cannot feed your pet one type of food.

At a young age, when the animal is actively growing, the turtle should be offered food regularly, and if the turtle is an adult, then it is enough for it to eat once every 2-3 days. The turtle will eat as much food as it needs. It has been noticed that more active individuals eat more than sedentary ones.


The diet of yellow-bellied turtles is quite varied, but at the same time unusual for a domestic animal. It is worth creating separate food menus for small and larger pets.

Feeding adults

Sea and river fish are the first and most necessary ingredient in the diet, it is worth giving it whole, then the turtle will receive all the useful substances for muscle mass and bone formation, the fat content should not exceed 10 grams per 100 grams of pure product. Shellfish and various crustaceans are an additional source of calcium. It is advisable to give earthworms, bloodworms, and snails 1–2 times a week.

Dry food is one of the turtle's favorite foods, but it is worth taking into account that frequent consumption has a negative impact on the digestive system. Feeding 2 – 3 times every 10 days will not harm

Plant food is a good way to ease digestion. Dandelion leaves, clover, duckweed, cabbage, apple pieces, etc. will help avoid most diseases.

Feeding small animals

Small aquarium fish (swordtails, guppies) are well suited for the first feedings. You can use pieces of sea fish. The diet should consist of 75% seafood, the remaining 25% dry or plant food.

How many times to feed

Young turtles aged from two months to a year (10–14 cm) are fed once daily, the amount depends on how much the pet eats in 20–30 minutes; this is the portion that should be given constantly. Refusal to eat means overfeeding, a day of hunger strike and everything will be normal. Adults 2 - 3 times every 7 - 10 days, and add plant food to the aquarium for free food intake at any time. A healthy turtle is a hungry one, so it is advisable to avoid overfeeding.

Description of red-eared turtles and species

Red-eared slider photo

Red-eared turtles are born with a shell length of only 30 mm and have a very attractive bright color. In the first 1.5 years, the turtle reaches a size of 75 mm. After which the growth rate decreases and on average the growth is 10 – 15 mm per year. Individuals are characterized by the presence of distinct red or yellow-red spots on both sides of the head. The shell and skin are olive, olive-brown or green with yellow stripes. The shape of the shell is oval. Legs with large claws and membranes between the toes.

This species cannot be classified as ornamental, since the average size of the freshwater red-eared turtle is from 125 to 289 mm, however, there are records of individuals reaching a size of 350 mm. In the wild, the red-eared turtle lives for about 20 years; in captivity, it can even live up to 40 years.

Over time, the turtle's large size and lifespan embarrass buyers, who are unable to keep the turtles in captivity for long periods of time and release them into the wild.

Trachemys scripta elegans.

Red-eared slider photo

The length of the carapace of Trachemys scripta elegans reaches 280 mm. There is a wide red stripe on the head and narrow stripes on the chin. On each costal carapace there is a transverse yellow stripe. Plastron with a large spot on each scute.

Trachemys scripta scripta.

Red-eared slider photo

The length of the carapace of Trachemys scripta scripta reaches 270 mm. There is a yellow postorbital spot on the head, connected to a stripe on the neck. Each costal carapace has a yellow stripe. The plastron is yellow with spots on most of the front scutes.

Trachemys scripta troostii.

Red-eared slider photo

The length of the carapace of Trachemys scripta troostii reaches 210 mm. The head has a narrow yellow postorbital stripe and wide chin stripes. Each costal carapace has a yellow transverse stripe. Plastron with a pattern of “eyes” or small black spots.

Lifespan of turtles

Many people consider turtles to be the record holders for life expectancy. But this opinion is based on rare cases of old-timers belonging to large species. But in fact, the survival rate of the young is very low, and the population is maintained by the large number of eggs in the clutch. In the best case, no more than 60% of them hatch, and in the worst case, no more than 5%. The remaining eggs are eaten by predators. Young animals are also a tasty morsel for most animals, as well as for people.

Very few individuals live to be 30 years old. On average, it is believed that a turtle lives no more than 20 years. And the age of old-timers largely depends on the factor of luck. The reptile cannot get out of its shell - it is fused with it.

The larger the individual, the longer its lifespan:

  • small ones live no more than half a century;
  • large ones - up to 80 years and longer.

There are 5 popular types

How to properly set up an aquarium for a yellow-eared turtle

In order for a turtle at home to please its owners for a long time and feel good, first of all it is necessary to choose and design the right aquarium for it.

Decorating a pet's future home begins with its purchase. Basic criteria for choosing an aquarium for a yellow-eared turtle:

  • length is the most important parameter. The turtle needs space to swim. Do not forget that the size of the shell of an adult is about 20 cm;
  • height - the animal must be able to swim, completely immersed in water. Additionally, you need a place to arrange a “dry” bed, it is necessary.

The bottom of the aquarium needs to be “covered” with pebbles and sand, which are sold in pet stores. Soil from a natural reservoir contains many microorganisms that can harm the turtle. The pebbles should be large enough so that the turtle cannot swallow them.

If you keep a turtle in a small aquarium, it will not stop growing! But the shell can become distorted, which causes a lot of pain for the animal.

Additionally, you can plant aquatic plants that are suitable for feeding the animal - they will become both a decoration for the aquarium and a treat for your pet.

Land can be presented in the form of an island built of pebbles, or a floating wooden bed. The main thing is that the turtle can easily climb into the dry house. Land should occupy at least 25% of the entire water area, one shore should smoothly go into the water. Another important point is that there should be no gaps between the glass and the island in which the pet could get stuck. The material should not be toxic - after all, it is used in conditions of elevated temperatures and high humidity.

Additional accessories for the aquarium:

  • water heater;
  • filter;
  • thermometer;
  • UV lamp;
  • lamp;
  • heating lamp.

It is important to choose the right location for the aquarium - away from drafts and direct sunlight. These factors have a detrimental effect on animals

The temperature of the water and air in the aquarium must be stable. in this case, the water temperature should be 10 C lower than the air temperature, but not lower than 20 C. If the difference is more than 10 C, this can cause hypothermia.

To keep babies, special temperature conditions are required:

- water - 26C;

- air - 32C.

Keeping a turtle at home

To keep a turtle you will need a spacious aquarium from 150 liters to 200 liters. If you keep it in a smaller volume, it will tighten and become distorted. Such requirements may seem inadequate at first, but it is worth remembering that the animal is growing and needs a place to live. The aquarium must have an island where the turtle can crawl out to warm itself. The island must occupy ¼ of the aquarium and meet the following requirements:

  • The temperature on the artificial shore should be 10 degrees higher than in the water.
  • One side of the island should be slightly submerged.
  • Be safe, that is, do not emit harmful substances when heated.
  • The island must be stable so that the animal cannot turn it over.
  • Have a textured surface.

The presence of soil in the aquaterrarium is not necessary. It is placed only as decoration. But, under no circumstances should you use fine soil, as the animal may choke on it and die.

Arrangement of the aquarium

Maintenance and care do not require a special approach, but you should always remember that turtles of this subspecies can grow up to 20 cm or more in length. Therefore, when arranging a home, this factor should be taken into account so that the turtle does not feel crowded. In this case, take an aquarium that is not tall and not wide, but long enough so that the space can be divided into two parts.

Despite the fact that this species of turtles (yellow-eared and red-eared) are related to aquatic ones, the turtle definitely needs land. You can organize the land in any available way: put a large stone on the bottom of the aquarium so that it looks out from the water or add some soil. In short, the main thing is that the land is above the water level, and the turtle can easily climb onto it. If there is enough space in the aquarium, then you can add soil and plant suitable plants, then the turtle will feel just like in natural conditions. In this case, there is a huge space for the flight of your imagination.

Turtle Dream

Each individual sleeps as much as it needs. Just like nutrition, sleep has to do with individual factors. Given proper housing conditions and the right diet, the turtle leads an active lifestyle and sleeps only at night. Some individuals can sleep almost constantly, but this does not mean that this is abnormal.

This type of turtle can hibernate and must be monitored, as sleeping in such conditions can harm the turtle. This is due to the fact that conditions in nature and conditions in an apartment are different things. To prevent the turtle from trying to sleep, it must be kept at the upper limits of permissible temperatures. If this does not happen and for some reason the temperature has dropped, the turtle may try to sleep. Therefore, the temperature regime must be monitored regularly, and if necessary, raise the temperature to the upper limit.

What to feed red-eared turtles?

Red-eared turtle diet

Red-eared turtles are omnivores and love to eat a wide variety of plants and animals: filamentous algae, snails, terrestrial insects, crustaceans, small vertebrates, etc.

However, the feeding frequency of turtles varies depending on age. So young turtles are fed daily, but adults only 2-3 times a week.

All young Red-eared turtles are primarily predators, therefore they need live food for active growth, which they are fed once a day (neither 2 nor 3). In addition, the aquarium must contain live plants (algae, lettuce leaves) as plant food. Adult Red-eared turtles (over 7 cm) are fed 3 – 4 times a week, and the amount of plant food approaches 50%.

Proper and nutritious nutrition for red-eared turtles will keep them healthy and playful for many years. The diet of domestic turtles must include plant foods (such as basil, aloe, oregano, peas, balsam, figs, clover, coleus, calendula, nettle, onions, dandelions, petunias, rose petals, barley, rose hips, cyperus, Kalanchoe, fern, hibiscus, lawn grass, coffee, plantain), vitamin and mineral supplements, fish (such as cod, hake, thalassa) and meat.

Red-eared turtle eating

But not all plants are useful for turtles, there are also poisonous ones (monstera, epipremnum, philodendron, anthurium, silent, acalyph, croton, jatrophe, azalea, delphinium, crocus, morning glory, lily of the valley, lupine, periwinkle, oleander, juniper, nightshade, ficus, philodendron, shefflera), some of which cause great harm to health even after touching. In some cases, eating these plants leads to disruption of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.

You should not include in the red-eared turtles’ diet such foods as are so familiar to us, such as: meat (minced meat, sausages, beef, pork, lamb, chicken, etc.), fatty fish, fruits, bread and cheese.

Please note that feeding aquarium fish and aquarium turtles must be correct: balanced and varied. This fundamental rule is the key to their successful maintenance.

Currently, dry food is, of course, popular and popular food for fish and turtles. For example, you can find food from Tetra, the leader of the Russian market, on aquarium shelves all the time and everywhere, having a range of food “for every taste.” Tetra’s “gastronomic arsenal” includes individual food for a specific type of fish: guppies, goldfish, cichlids, loricariids, labyrinths, arowanas, discus fish, etc. Tetra has also developed specialized foods, for example, to enhance color, fortified, or for feeding fry. You can find out detailed information about all Tetra feeds on the company's official website - here.

It would not be amiss to note that when purchasing any dry food, you should first of all pay attention to the date of its manufacture and shelf life, try not to buy food in bulk, and also store the food in a closed state - this will help to avoid the development of pathogenic flora in it

How long do red-eared and yellow-eared turtles live?

The red-eared one can live 35-40 years in captivity. Today it is the most popular among households. And so that your pet can please you for as long as possible, when keeping red-eared individuals you should adhere to some rules:

  • do not keep your pet in close quarters;
  • there must be dry land in the aquarium; she can drown, even though she is aquatic;
  • the aquarium must be heated;
  • You shouldn’t keep them on a diet of only raw meat or plant food, the food should be varied;
  • if there is not enough calcium in the feed, it is necessary to add mineral supplements;
  • give vitamins in accordance with the instructions;
  • do not leave the water in the aquarium dirty, especially if a film has formed on the surface;
  • do not clean your pet with rough brushes if it is overgrown with algae and do not remove the horny scutes;
  • do not keep several males in one aquarium;
  • do not introduce new animals without a preliminary month’s quarantine;
  • do not use only smooth materials for the manufacture of the ladder and island;
  • You should not wash the aquarium in the kitchen or use people's utensils.
  • clean the aquaterrarium regularly;
  • strictly observe personal hygiene after cleaning the terrarium and contact with the animal;
  • It is better to transport it in your bosom in a linen bag.

Water in the aquaterrarium

The turtle spends most of its time in water. This is where she sleeps, eats and defecates. The water quickly becomes dirty and begins to smell unpleasant, so the aquarium definitely needs a good filter and frequent water changes.

There should be enough water in the aquarium for the turtle to swim and roll over. In general, the more there is, the better. The water being replaced must be settled. Comfortable water temperature is 22-28 degrees. If its temperature drops below, install a heater.


Turtles, like any other animal, are susceptible to various diseases. The diseases of the yellow-eared slider, as well as their treatment, correspond to the diseases of the red-eared slider. Since there is more than enough information about the red-eared slider, it is worth studying the red-eared slider and applying this knowledge to the yellow-eared slider

Among the many common diseases, you should pay attention to pneumonia, inflammation of the eyes, bone diseases, or rather, rickets, etc. The most common preventive methods are: hygiene, proper maintenance and proper nutrition.

If you adhere to these three rules, you can exclude the occurrence of any disease in the turtle at all. Vitamin supplements should be added to the diet, which will certainly work to strengthen her immunity. Such vitamin preparations can be purchased in specialized stores, in the form of a spray or powder.

Particular attention should be paid to the presence of UV radiation, since its absence is directly related to the appearance of rickets in a turtle. In addition, the UV lamp helps kill various microorganisms

This suggests that such a lamp has double benefits, and this fact should not be ignored, otherwise maintenance problems will quickly make themselves felt.

To prevent the turtle from being overcome by fungal diseases, you need to regularly refresh the water in the aquarium. At the same time, you should know that changing the water completely and often is not recommended, so as not to disturb the biobalance in its home. It is advisable that the aquarium be equipped with a powerful filter. This will also bring a certain amount of positivity to the management of yellow-eared turtles. In other words, if this approach is a comprehensive one. If this is not done, then caring for the turtle will take on an unexpected, negative character associated with the search for a veterinarian. And this certainly involves treatment and taking medications, and sometimes surgery. But it could be even worse - the pet could die, and this is certainly a psychological trauma, especially for children.

Appearance care

Many people make a very serious mistake: they cut the beak of a red-eared turtle; this species is an exception and you should not touch the beak; it can harm both food intake and lead to death. The claws are trimmed after the paws are illuminated with an ordinary lamp; if the tips are transparent, then they can be trimmed. Carry out this procedure using wire cutters. You can straighten the claws with a nail file.


The habitat of common musk turtles is the silted reservoirs of the eastern and southeastern parts of the United States; they can also be found in southeastern Canada. The animal’s lifestyle is exclusively aquatic, so there are some specimens overgrown with algae. The musk turtle spends almost all its waking hours in search of food, slowly moving along the bottom of the reservoir in which it lives, but at the same time it can swim quite well. This species of animal leaves the water expanses extremely rarely, mainly only to lay eggs or during precipitation. The time of greatest activity is twilight and night.

From time to time, musk turtles can be seen on the surface, when they expose their shells to the warm rays of the sun and bask, sometimes they even climb onto branches leaning towards the water, and in case of the slightest danger they promptly tip back into a safe body of water.

During the colder months of the year, this species of turtle spends at the bottom of the reservoir, burrowing deep into the silt. If for some reason the reservoir dries up, the turtles go in search of a new shelter; at such moments they can be found even in the snow. External description

The sharp, persistent and unpleasant musky odor released by turtles at the moment of danger from the glands located under the shell gave the name to this subspecies. The local population simply calls them “stinkers” or “Stinky Jim.”

Despite the ability to swim well, it spends most of its time slowly moving along the bottom of the reservoir in search of food.

The carapace in this subspecies of turtles has an oblong oval shape, with an average length of about 8-10 cm, extremely rarely, in large individuals it can reach a maximum of 14 cm. Young representatives of musk turtles also have 3 longitudinal ridges. The plastron, movably connected to the main part in the anterior lobe, also has an oval shape, small size, as well as an inconspicuous ligament and 11 scutes. But, despite the movable joint, the range of movements in this part of the musk turtle is extremely limited, therefore, unlike their locking counterparts, they are unable to close the front hole.

The color of the head and neck of musk turtles is dull, dirty brown with a light pattern in the form of stripes.

A shortened plastron, a blunted crest, an elongated tail and the absence of spiny scales on the inside of the hind legs distinguish males from females. By the way, the scales, which were previously called the “chirp organ,” help the male hold his partner in place during mating. A similar name, still often found in popular literature, scales earned their name thanks to the sound they make when they rub against each other with their limbs bent. The sound produced at the same time is very reminiscent of a bird chirping or the roulades of a cricket. The long and mobile neck of the common musk turtle allows it not only to reach its own hind legs, but also to quickly bite an unwary owner who dares to pick it up.

The musk turtle is distinguished from other types of turtles by small wart-like growths located on the neck and lower jaw.


The favorite food of ordinary musk turtles is small fish, aquatic insects, mollusks, shrimp, algae; these reptiles do not disdain a variety of carrion, for which they have earned a reputation as orderlies of reservoirs.

If a musk turtle lives in a home terrarium, then, given its taste preferences, there is a high probability of contamination of the water with food debris, so for feeding it is recommended to use tweezers or special needles adapted for threading food. Most likely, the turtle will not immediately understand the purpose of such devices, but if you wave a tasty piece of meat in front of its nose, it will get used to it quite quickly. Mobile young individuals can begin hunting for small fish kept in the same aquaterarium, for example, guppies.

What to avoid when keeping

Despite the apparent indifference to everything that surrounds it, the turtle can experience severe stress. If Central Asian land turtles live in captivity, they are sensitive to the attitude of their owners towards them. Loud sounds in the house and rude screams disturb the usual calm environment and can lead the animal to a nervous breakdown. Therefore, you should take the following postulates as a rule:

  1. Be careful when handling the reptile, do not drop the animal or frighten it with sharp sounds. If children play with the pet, adults should supervise the process.
  2. If you notice anything strange in your reptile's behavior or appearance, do not delay checking with a veterinarian. Refusal to eat, changes in the shape of the shell, lethargy, the appearance of tumors and ulcers are serious signals of illness.
  3. When purchasing new armored reptiles, quarantine them for a month. At this time, the future neighbor must live separately.
  4. Do not keep reptiles of different species in the same terrarium.
  5. If the reptile escaped from the aquarium and cannot be found, place a bowl of water and your pet's favorite food indoors. Turtles have good eyesight and will respond quickly to treats and water.
  6. Remember that the depth of the reservoir should allow the animal to easily stick its head out and keep it on the surface.
  7. Install two thermometers in the aquarium: one for water, the other for air.

Nutritional Features

The habitat of the yellow-eared turtle is fresh water bodies. The basis of its diet consists of small aquatic animals and plants.

What should be present in a pet’s diet:

  1. small fish;
  2. tadpoles or small frogs;
  3. insect larvae;
  4. grass.

It is preferable to buy food of animal origin in specialized stores - where fish and tadpoles are grown in sterile conditions and cannot cause infections in your pet.

The turtles' favorite herbs are clover and dandelion leaves, lettuce, and Chinese cabbage. During the season, the grass can be collected from the lawn, and immediately before feeding, it can be washed well under running water. In winter, the grass can be grown as indoor plants.

The diet of a yellow-eared turtle should be complete and varied. You cannot feed exclusively one type of food - such a diet will negatively affect your pet’s health.

Having figured out what to feed your reptile, it’s time to move on to the question of how often it should be done. Toddlers and teenagers should be fed at least once a day, and preferably 2-3 times. Adults are fed once every two to three days. The serving size depends on the appetite of the individual animal.

Be sure to include calcium in the diet in the form of a supplement - it is necessary for the formation of the shell.


Most hobbyists are interested in the question: how long do red-eared turtles sleep? Few people want to watch a motionless animal for six months. This reptile usually does not go into suspended animation if properly cared for.

Keeping a red-eared turtle is a year-round process; wintering for the turtle occurs only when the temperature drops. If the temperature drops to 18–20 degrees, freshwater fish begin to freeze and become less active. This is why it is necessary to constantly monitor the water temperature. In its normal state, it sleeps very little, while the sleeping red ear reacts to movement in the room and light.

Red-eared turtles very rarely go into deep hibernation at home, and only because of the dishonest attitude of the owners!

The red-eared slider easily adapts to home conditions, is undemanding, and most importantly, active. Keeping a red-eared turtle, observing its life, and caring for it will bring you and your children many pleasant experiences. This reptile will become a member of the family and will delight you for many years.

Interesting facts about red-eared turtles

Red-eared slider photo

— Today, the red-eared turtle is one of the most popular inhabitants of the home aquarium. In European countries, promotions are regularly held that urge lovers not to purchase these turtles, because their population is rapidly declining. In Switzerland, a special center has even been created where you can bring a grown turtle.

— Turtles have lived on earth for almost 200 million years, they appeared long before birds, crocodiles, mammals and even lizards.

— In Russia, freshwater turtles with a characteristic red spot on the head are called red-eared, and in Germany – red-cheeked.

— Red-eared turtles have a well-developed sense of smell, vision and touch, and their shell contains a large number of nerve endings.

— The lifespan of red-eared turtles is 30 (40–45) years, European marsh turtles are the same, sometimes even 80 years.

— Fishermen look for clutches and use turtle eggs as excellent bait for fish.

— Young turtles are caught in untold quantities (especially in the Mississippi Valley) and transported to pet stores throughout the United States.

— Turtles are often aggressive and can bite both people and other turtles. Red-eared turtles, accustomed to being handled, often do not bite.

— And in some Asian countries, it is customary to release turtles into the wild environment as part of the tradition of the Buddhist ceremony of mercy to increase positive karma, respect for the Buddha and repentance for sins.

Author Alexander Isakov

Short description

This turtle is also known as the yellow-bellied turtle . The main natural range is the northern and central regions of North America, as well as southwestern South America. It is distributed in large quantities in the Iberian Peninsula and South Africa.

The species got its name because of the noticeable red (optionally orange) stripe that runs from the eyes and down to the neck. Note that the colors are very varied, and instead of a stripe there may be large bright spots, complemented by a narrow “ribbon” at the chin.

The top of the shell (the so-called carapace) is round in shape and smooth to the touch. Its olive green color is “diluted” with yellow and black lines. The bottom of the shell (plastron) is yellowish in color, interspersed with blue spots. Young individuals have a bright green carapace, which begins to darken as they grow. The same goes for spots and “signature” stripes.

In terms of size, this species is medium: the length of the carapace ranges from 19–30 cm (domestic specimens have a larger carapace, usually 25–28 cm). Females are much larger than males.

The turtles have a well-developed sense of smell and vision - it has been proven that they distinguish colors and the smallest details at a distance of 35-40 m. The sense of touch is also in order - if there is a choice, the turtle will easily settle on more tasty food. This is a kind of compensation for not particularly developed hearing. The ears are closed, and a layer of skin muffles the sound. The reptile can only distinguish vibrations or dull sounds.

Important! Often the purchased copy
is not the only one in the “collection”.
Such newcomers are not placed in a common aquarium immediately, but after a 2-month quarantine in a separate container with all the conditions. If it turns out that he was never accepted, then the “temporary building” becomes a permanent home. Such pets are “taciturn”; the most that can be heard from them is a weak squeak, a quiet snort or hiss.

They prefer leisurely swimming, which alternates with long rests on various kinds of snags. There they love to “catch” the sun’s rays.


Red-eared turtles become sexually mature at different times. If they live in a home environment, then from the age of four, males become ready for fertilization, while females at the age of only 5 or 6 years can bear offspring. Red-eared turtles become mature in the wild only at 8 years of age. The breeding season begins in March for turtles in natural conditions. As pets, they can reproduce all year round. The mating season marks the male, who begins to attract the female. He shows himself to the female by constantly swimming nearby and showing off his fast legs. The female lays no more than 10 eggs, which in size do not exceed 4 centimeters. Masonry must take place in a specially equipped place. If she is in captivity, she needs to organize a special space.

In the wild, the female lays her eggs in a small hole on land, which she moistens with water. Incubation can last up to 150 days. In order for females to be born, the temperature of the nest must be above 30 degrees Celsius, and if the temperature is below 27, males appear. While pregnant, the female begins to change her behavior. As a rule, she begins to worry, tries to dig with her hind limbs and tries to swim out of the aquarium. Very often during pregnancy, females swim to land.

Singles or need neighbors

These turtles are not very friendly in nature. Fights are a common thing for them (especially in adulthood). Dividing up territory or trying to resolve the “sexual issue” often ends in wounds of varying degrees or severed tails. The risk of such serious injuries forces owners to distribute representatives of this species in different aquariums.

When this is not possible, and a couple of individuals end up in the same “vessel,” you have to resort to a trick. Barriers or plastic walls are placed through which aggressive inhabitants simply will not see each other.

Important! Remind children to wash their hands after playing with the family pet. Still, “shellfish” live in a different environment, and various bacteria can accumulate on their skin.

If they do spot a competitor, but are physically unable to reach him, this can result in stress. You can smooth out its consequences with abundant feeding.


Indian star tortoises typically eat plant foods. They can easily be treated to pet food (cats and dogs), but green grass, rich in fiber, will be their main treat. These reptiles need to be given plants, vegetables and fruits, as well as artificial food.

You can feed turtles:

  • cabbage and carrots;
  • pumpkin and zucchini;
  • lettuce and dandelion leaves;
  • apples.

Occasionally they need to be given:

  • watermelons and melons;
  • bananas and strawberries;
  • tomatoes.

However, fruits should be fed with caution, since if you overeat them, the animal will suffer from diarrhea. Before feeding food into the terrarium, it is crushed and placed in a low bowl so that the reptile can comfortably reach the food.

There are special foods for land turtles, which are also added to the general diet.

Feeding babies:

Terrarium equipment

This species spends time both on land and in water, an aquarium is an integral part that cannot be avoided. For an adult, the volume should be 160 - 200 liters. Next, it is necessary to create an outlet to land, the so-called island, 20 - 30% of the water area is quite enough, install a reflective lamp above it, turtles like to bask. If the terrarium is a closed type, then it is worth drilling holes on the lid for air intake, and you can use an ordinary mound of stones as sushi. The room where the terrarium is located should have enough natural light, but it should not be placed too close to a window. The water must be filtered; if there is no filter, then you will have to settle the water, but then you need to change it more often than 1 - 2 times every 10 days. The water temperature is regulated by an electronic sensor and should be 27 - 29 degrees, it cannot be lower, otherwise the pet will freeze, which will lead to pneumonia. The level of water filling should exceed 30 cm, the animal should move calmly and, if necessary, roll over.

How does reproduction occur?

At about a year old, the common musk turtle reaches sexual maturity. The mating process takes place in water; after fertilization, the female can remain fertile for about four years. The clutch, usually consisting of 2-7 eggs, occurs in the spring-summer period, from April to July. The eggs are covered with a fragile hard shell, the female places them in a small self-dug hole in the ground or in a natural depression; there are often cases when they do not bother themselves with digging nests, leaving the future offspring simply on the surface.

The eggs mature in 2-3.5 months, the optimal ambient temperature should be in the range of 25-29⁰ C. The hatched turtles grow quite quickly.

This subspecies of turtles has a high reproduction rate, so the threat of extinction does not hang over them.

Benefits of keeping baby turtles

Many people dream of having some kind of exotic animal live in their home. It is worth noting that in some apartments you can find pythons, lizards, snakes, etc. Unfortunately, most apartments are not large enough to accommodate a crocodile, for example. Although rare, such an animal can be found.

As for the turtle, this is what is needed. Firstly, this is a completely harmless animal that will not harm anyone, including children, and secondly, a small turtle takes up very little living space. And feeding a small animal is always much easier. In addition, caring for such a pet can be entrusted to a teenager. He will not only become familiar with the living conditions of this animal and its habits, but will also learn to love nature in general, and not just pet turtles.

Purchase rules

If you decide to purchase such an “armadillo,” be patient and take your choice seriously.

The best place to purchase would be a pet store, where they can give sensible advice. Unfortunately, there are not many such establishments, so you have to rely on your own knowledge.

Pay attention to the following points:

  1. Condition of skin and shell. There should be no blood, scratches or unnecessary stains on them.
  2. Take a closer look at your eyes. In a healthy individual, they open normally, without traces of “sourness” or cloudiness.
  3. Don't forget to inspect your nose (for discharge). Bubbles mixed with saliva, as well as strange and frequent sniffles are excluded.
  4. Turtle activity. Cheerful movements indicate excellent health.
  5. It is advisable to arrange another “exam”. Check if the selected specimen dives in the water. If not, it may be a consequence of pneumonia.

Unscrupulous sellers often assure beginners that “rednecks” are a decorative dwarf species.
In fact, this is not so: they are not that small, and they are also quite aggressive relative to other turtles. Once you have made your choice, be sure to ask for a receipt. It may come in handy if the animal turns out to be sick and a return follows. And when crossing the border, it obviously won’t be superfluous.

If it is possible to buy a turtle from a nursery, then this will be at least some guarantee that it was kept in normal conditions and is healthy.

Did you know? In Australia, this species is recognized as...pest! Large “herds” of these turtles deprive many species of local animals of their food supply.

"Wet" zone in the aquarium

When caring for a marsh turtle at home, it is necessary to take into account all the maintenance parameters. First of all, we suggest understanding the water conditions; here three points must be observed:

  1. The level should be at least 25 centimeters, since the turtle needs to be able to swim freely, and not just walk along the bottom.
  2. The water temperature in the aquaterrarium should be about +25 degrees. Under natural conditions, when the water temperature drops, turtles hibernate, which does not happen when kept in captivity. If the air in the room is cooler than the specified mark, then you will need to install a heater.
  3. Clean water is the key to the health of a domestic marsh turtle. Monitoring its condition must be constant, because turtles not only feed in the water, where food particles fall, but also defecate here. A powerful filter for cleaning can help, but the marsh turtle is a predator and perceives the equipment as a threat, starting to attack it (there should be no problems if the hatchlings grew up in an aquarium with a filter, they quickly get used to it). A more suitable option is to replace 50% of the water every two days.

If it is not possible to change the water so often, then pollution can be reduced significantly. To do this, feed the turtle in a separate basin or other container, and then place the pet back into the aquarium.

Sleep process in turtles

The process of sleep, as well as eating, is very individual for each individual. Sometimes there are representatives of yellow-eared turtles that are active throughout the day, and only sleep once during the entire night. While some individuals sleep almost all the time.

It is also worth considering the fact that the yellow-eared turtle can hibernate at home, which in some cases can cause it more harm than good. Due to the difference in habitat between a home aquarium and the wild, there is no need to let your pet hibernate. The best thing to do is to increase the temperature in your turtle's tank.

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