How to care for a land turtle at home

Many people are mistaken in considering the land turtle to be an unpretentious animal. At the same time, caring for a turtle will not become a burdensome burden for its owner if he approaches it responsibly. In general, caring for a land turtle is “based” on three key points: hygiene, habitat arrangement and feeding. Before buying an animal, you need to study these points to avoid problems in the future.

Maintenance and care

The care your landlubber will need is not particularly difficult. But there are a number of conditions that must be met.

How to choose the right house?

It doesn’t matter if, having purchased a turtle, you did not have time to buy it a home. At first, a cardboard box can serve as a home for a turtle, the dimensions of which should not restrict the animal’s movements. It would be a wrong decision to leave the reptile to live on the floor until purchasing a special home, as this may negatively affect the turtle’s lifespan. Your newly minted land pet may catch a cold or hide in the farthest corner, where in the future he risks starving to death. If the turtle is small in size, even despite the presence of a shell, it can be crushed by its owner, who did not notice and stepped on it.

Therefore, proper care and maintenance of a turtle implies the presence of a well-equipped terrarium where your pet will feel as comfortable as possible.

Arrangement of the terrarium

  • An ordinary glass aquarium is perfect for these purposes. The size of the turtle house should be such that its inhabitant can move freely in it. To keep one individual, a tank with a volume of about one hundred liters will be enough. The width of the house must be at least 3 times larger than its occupant.
  • You need to build a special house inside the terrarium so that your land friend can hide and relax alone. You can purchase it at a pet store or make it yourself from plywood.
  • Next, you should carefully choose the soil with which the bottom of the terrarium will be lined. The thickness of the coating can vary from 5 to 10 cm. For these purposes, you can use medium-sized pebbles (small animals can swallow) or sawdust, but their disadvantage is that they get dirty very quickly. The ideal option would be hay with the addition of pebbles. Do not use cat litter, sand or soil as bedding. Ingestion of such soil by a turtle can lead to serious health problems.
  • A home terrarium should have a microclimate that is as close as possible to the animal’s natural habitat. The temperature should vary within + 25-30 degrees. To ensure the proper temperature, a 75 W incandescent lamp is installed at a height of 30 cm from the bottom of the terrarium. There should be a separate place under the heat source, where the temperature reaches +33-35 degrees. A special ultraviolet lamp for reptiles is required, the rays of which are similar to those of the sun. It should be 30 cm from the animal. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the animal’s body produces vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), which helps it absorb calcium.

Caring for a land turtle necessarily includes a bathing procedure. This helps to stabilize the water-salt balance, replenish moisture reserves in the body and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to bathe the animal in warm water (+32-35 degrees) once every two weeks.

Temperature and lighting

The temperature regime in the terrarium is maintained by a 75W incandescent lamp installed at a height of 20-30cm from the bottom of the terrarium. During the daytime, the temperature in the terrarium should be: in the shade +28-30°C, and in the area of ​​the lamp +36-38°C. The terrarium is illuminated with a fluorescent lamp.

The terrarium must have a place for shelter. The shelter is located in the shade, and it can be made from any material, even thick cardboard.

The turtle needs water treatments approximately once a week. To do this, you need to take a vessel slightly larger than a turtle and pour water into it at a temperature of about +25°C and organize a bath. The water should be clean, and its level should reach the turtle’s neck.

Nutritional Features

The beautiful life of a turtle at home should be complemented by proper nutrition. In nature, the reptile feeds on plant foods, therefore, in captivity, preference should be given to various grasses.

A young animal (up to two years old) needs to be fed every day, while an adult animal should receive food once every two to three days. At the same time, the food offered should be served in finely chopped form - this will make it easier for the turtle to chew. Heat-processed foods are prohibited, as they can cause disturbances in the digestive tract.


The reptile's daily diet should consist of 90% herbal plants. The rest is occupied by fruits, vegetables and berries. The Central Asian tortoise will be delighted with:

  • clover, barley, plantain and sorrel;
  • carrots, pumpkins, radishes, peppers, cucumbers and beets;
  • apples, bananas, peaches, oranges and plums;
  • raspberries, strawberries, watermelon and blueberries.

Many animals have a positive attitude towards mushrooms. They gobble up champignons, boletus and russula with particular appetite.

In addition to homemade food, you can pamper your turtle with ready-made food for land animals. They contain an additive in the form of various vitamins and calcium. Such varied feeding will only benefit the fragile health of the household resident.

IMPORTANT! It is strictly forbidden to offer the turtle potatoes, raw meat, baked goods, milk and cereals. In addition, you should not feed fish, citrus fruits and cabbage


An adult turtle can live without food for a couple of days, but a drinking bowl or saucer should always be in the public domain. Reptiles prefer warm water, so it is best to place it under a lamp. But it is worth keeping an eye on the container - the animal often turns it over and pours out the liquid.

The Central Asian pet is prone to defecation in the water, so the cleanliness of the saucer must be constantly monitored. If a turtle accidentally drinks it, it could result in serious illness.

Mating season

Reproduction in reptiles occurs at different times. It depends on the location and type of animal. But all members of the class have similar traits. For the right to fertilize a female, males enter into battle with each other. Land turtles try to turn over or force their opponent to retreat by striking them with their shells. After the competitor leaves the battlefield, the winning male begins courtship. At the same time, he tries to ensure that the female takes the best position for mating.

To attract a mate, the male strokes her face with his limbs or sings.

Females dig holes in the sand to lay eggs. They also often use crocodile nests or their own burrows. The masonry is securely covered with soil from above, and then compacted with light blows of the shell.

The surface of the eggs is covered with a leathery membrane or shell. There are up to 190 of them in the clutch. The incubation period is 91 days. The female lays several clutches during the mating season.

Turtles are solitary reptiles. They look for a mate only during the mating period.

Large matamata predator

To understand what pet turtles are like, it’s worth meeting a representative of the Matamata breed. It reaches 45 cm in length and has a rather bright and unusual appearance. The upper part of the shell has a pyramidal shape, the head is flat and triangular, at its end there is a flexible nasal process. On average, a reptile lives 50-60 years.

The matamata turtle has a unique appearance. Matamata is an omnivore; it prefers food of animal origin. He loves mollies, goldfish, earthworms, and guppies. Does not disdain even small mice and birds. It is best to feed it by introducing several fish into the aquarium: this way the turtle will have a choice, and it will not lose its hunting skills.

Since the turtle grows quite large, the aquarium should not interfere with its development as it should. Matamata is not as active as the European marsh turtle, but it is better to choose larger containers for it. Main characteristics of an aquarium for a matamata turtle:

  1. The aquarium should be deep - 200-250 liters.
  2. The acidity of the water is 5.0-5.5, you can add a little peat or tree leaves.
  3. Water temperature - from +28 °C to +30 °C. It should be stable throughout the year; you should not lower it in the fall or winter.
  4. The soil of the aquarium should be sandy so that the turtle has the opportunity to bury its head in it. In addition, plants and algae that the matamata is accustomed to in its natural environment can be planted in the sand. It is better to add driftwood, since due to its inactivity the turtle likes to lie on the bottom for a long time.
  5. Despite the fact that the turtle almost never comes out to bask on land, a lamp above the aquarium is still necessary.

Matamata does not like to be disturbed. She regards any contact with a person as a stressful situation. The turtle should be handled only to wash it or move it to another aquarium. It is not suitable for families with children who have pets to play with - the matamata does not tolerate such interaction.

Where to keep and how to care

In terms of care and maintenance of living conditions, the animal is quite unpretentious, especially considering its lifestyle in the wild. In view of this, a turtle is often adopted by people who cannot pay much attention to caring for their pet. However, a turtle is not a cactus, so you still have to follow some recommendations for caring for it.

How to choose a house

Any container that will not restrict the turtle’s movements can serve as a home for a turtle. Of course, it is advisable to purchase a separate aquarium, but for the first time an ordinary box will do. The main thing is to never leave your turtle on the floor unattended. A cold floor with many cracks cannot serve as a home for a turtle, even for the first time. In addition to the fact that the animal can get sick, it can hide in a hard-to-reach corner, from which it will be difficult to get it out.

How to furnish a house

A few recommendations for home improvement:

  1. The size of the dwelling for one individual should reach one hundred liters in volume. A prerequisite is that the width must be three times greater than the pet. If you take these parameters into account, the animal will be able to move around in its home without any problems. Ideally, this should be a glass aquarium, but if desired, you can get by with a regular cage, which is not recommended on an ongoing basis.
  2. It is worth building or buying a separate house inside the home, where your pet could from time to time retire and hide from the sun.
  3. The bottom of the terrarium should be covered with something. This could be pebbles or sawdust. It should be borne in mind that everything that is placed on the bottom can later be eaten by a pet, including small pebbles, sand or cat litter. This can't lead to anything good. Therefore, the ideal option is large pebbles mixed with hay.
  4. The microclimate of the terrarium should be as similar as possible to the climate in natural conditions. The temperature should vary between 25-30 degrees Celsius. A good option for achieving this temperature is to add a 75 W incandescent lamp at a height of 30–40 cm from the surface of the bottom of the home. It is advisable to install an ultraviolet lamp together with an incandescent lamp. It can be on the same level as the first and act as the sun - a supplier of vitamin D3, which helps absorb calcium.
  5. It is advisable to give your pet a bath once every two weeks. The main purpose of bathing is to restore the water-salt balance.

Reptile house

The Central Asian land turtle needs its own housing. Constantly moving around the house without having her own corner is simply dangerous for her:

  • the reptile can catch a cold - the shell is not protection against diseases and external influences;
  • you can accidentally step on your pet;
  • the animal can get stuck - if not noticed in time, the reptile faces death.

You can avoid unpleasant consequences if you buy your turtle your own house.


A great option is to buy a terrarium. Optimal dimensions: 60 cm – length and 40 cm – width. This area will allow the turtle to move freely.

A special bedding should be placed at the bottom of the terrarium. It could be:

  • a mixture of sand and clay;
  • large gravel;
  • hay;
  • sawdust.

You can mix several fillers at once. The thickness of the coating is at least five centimeters. The litter needs to be changed every two weeks.

If there is no possibility for such a large layer of soil, then the turtle must be provided with shelter. A pot or box in which the pet can hide will do. Mandatory conditions are the absence of sharp edges and the ability to turn around.

The reptile needs warmth. An incandescent lamp of 60-100 W will help create the optimal temperature. Placement height – 35 cm from the surface.

Ultraviolet light is vital for turtles, so a special lamp should be installed in the terrarium. It will provide your pet with vitamin D and promote calcium absorption. It should be placed directly above the animal at a height of 40 cm.

ATTENTION! Temperature and ultraviolet radiation are important conditions for the health of a turtle. Don't neglect buying lamps.

Turtle selection

Basically, they buy Central Asian (steppe) turtles, which are not very demanding in terms of care. They can grow up to 20cm in length and are characterized by the presence of a small, rounded shell of a yellow-brown hue in combination with brown spots.

To begin with, it shows its activity in the morning and evening hours, and during the day and at night it rests in some kind of shelter. Based on this, we can conclude that for such a turtle it is necessary to create similar conditions.

The Central Asian tortoise goes into a state of anabiosis (hibernation) twice a year, thereby escaping heat, cold and lack of food. This does not mean that she will do this at home, because she has enough food and the temperature is within optimal limits.

General information about turtles

Currently, science knows about 40 species of land turtles. Their sizes range from very small - the size of a matchbox, to giant ones - weighing at least 500 kilograms. But for home keeping, a representative of this species has proven itself to be quite mediocre in size.

The Central Asian (steppe) or Horsfield's tortoise is a representative of reptiles that feels quite comfortable in a home terrarium. Its natural habitat is considered to be semi-desert and steppe terrain in Central Asia, but it is also found in Pakistan, Afghanistan and even on the Caspian coast.

These turtles live mainly in sandy soils, but are also found in clayey soils. Despite the arid climate, the soil in the habitats of these animals must be moist. This is due to the fact that turtles dig holes and if the soil is dry, they are forced to wander in search of a suitable option. Another reason why reptiles prefer moist soil is the presence of large quantities of grass, which is their food supply.

The peak activity of these turtles occurs in the early morning and evening. During the daytime and evening hours, they prefer to sleep, hiding under stones, snags or in burrows.

In nature, these reptiles hibernate in winter and summer to protect themselves from the effects of unfavorable temperatures and from hunger, which they face due to a lack of food at this time. If the home conditions are comfortable for the turtle, it will not need to hibernate.

Freshwater turtle in the house

Freshwater turtles are usually kept in a terrarium with water. In this case, it is necessary to equip an island on which the animal can warm up a little under an infrared lamp and dry out. The size of the island ranges from 25% of the terrarium area (for Far Eastern and red-eared turtles) to 70% (for European marsh turtles).

It is also necessary to take care of the water temperature. This is especially important to remember for anyone who does not yet know how to care for a turtle at home. The water turtle needs a warm terrarium.

The optimal water temperature is +20 ºС (for trionics + 26 ºС). You need to change the water 1-2 times a week. The volume of the terrarium for the rubella turtle is 150 liters, for the European marsh turtle – 200 liters, for the Far Eastern turtle – 250 liters.

Feeding freshwater turtles

Red-eared turtles prefer shrimp, worms, freshwater snails and crustaceans. Young red-eared turtles need to be fed every day, older ones - 2-3 times a week. From plant foods, you can add seaweed, dandelions, lettuce, duckweed and spirogyra to your diet.

Chinese Trionics are predatory turtles. They have powerful jaws and not the most pleasant character. The diet is the same as that of European swamps. In addition, Far Eastern turtles love fresh live fish.

Features of carapace care

Due to the fact that the turtle is constantly in the water, algae or pieces of food may stick to its shell. Therefore, it is necessary to wash the turtles periodically. For freshwater, warm water with a solution of baking soda is suitable, as for land.

It is also recommended to conduct ultraviolet irradiation sessions. A quartz lamp is used for this. The duration of the first session is no more than 30 seconds. Gradually increase the time to 5 minutes, but make sure that the lamp is at a distance of a meter from the turtle's shell.

Dimensions and arrangement of the terrarium

Taking into account the fact that a turtle can grow up to 20cm in length, the dimensions of the terrarium range from 100x50x30cm and no less. It should be spacious enough for the turtle to actively move around. It is not as slow as some people think, and it is impossible to have artificial barriers in the form of sticks or branches in the terrarium - these are all unnecessary.

The bottom of the terrarium is covered with a layer of sand and clay, but you cannot take sand from the yard or a nearby construction site, as it can introduce some kind of “infection.” The simplest, most affordable and reliable option is sawdust purchased at a pet store. They are changed as they become dirty, and the sand should be changed 1-2 times a month.


Puberty occurs at the age of 6 years. Make sure turtles are completely healthy before breeding. Main conditions: hibernation, dense nutrition and warmth.

At home, you can distinguish turtles by the following characteristics: first, females are larger than males in size, second, if you turn the male over, you can see a small concavity on the shell, which is necessary for mating, third, the female’s tail is much thicker and larger, fourth, the female’s cloaca located at the very base of the tail.

Select several females so that they are larger in size than the males. Boys are placed in the enclosure with girls, and not vice versa. It is better if there are more females, let the males fight for the females, but only under your control, so as not to injure each other.

Video: how to care for a pet?

strong>A pregnant turtle is easy to spot: it becomes restless, hardly eats, and begins to fence off its territory. Offer her a choice of foods, but be sure to add calcium. Pregnancy lasts 2 months, but the turtle can tolerate it if it has not completely equipped a place for the eggs.

The baby turtles, about 3 cm in size, can sit in the shell for another 3 days after pecking. Only after this period, if they do not have enough strength to get out, can you intervene. Be careful if twin turtles appear, they are much weaker than single ones. Tie it around the umbilical cord, which is connected with thread. Then they separate themselves.

Babies should be kept separately! Living conditions are suitable for adults, only the food should be softer, irradiation should be carried out with a 10% UVB lamp. Under good conditions, your pet will live with you for 40 years.

Reproduction process

In their natural habitat, Central Asian turtles reach sexual maturity at the age of about 10 years.
Between April and July, the female makes holes in the ground, into which she then lays eggs. One individual can make up to three clutches, each of which contains up to six eggs. At a temperature of +30 degrees and a humidity of 60-70%, the incubation period lasts from 60 to 65 days.

Between August and October, the eggs hatch into hatchlings measuring about 3 cm .

At home, steppe tortoises can become parents at the age of 5-6 years.

For breeding, a female and two young males are required. After the mating process is completed, the female must be isolated immediately. For 2-3 months, the expectant mother is busy carrying eggs. During this period, her diet should be rich in vitamins and microelements.

The female lays her eggs in the ground and happily forgets about them. They must be immediately taken out and placed in an incubator - a special place where the soil layer is at least 18 cm, the temperature is +29-30 degrees and the air humidity is at least 60% . The individual that has laid eggs should be kept separate from the others for some time, continuing to feed it intensively. This is done to ensure that the animal recovers after pregnancy.

After three months, newborn turtles emerge from the eggs.

Caring for the Cubs

In order to ensure maximum survival of the offspring, certain care is required. Small turtles should not be placed in the same terrarium with adult reptiles, as they can cause injuries incompatible with life to babies. The bottom of the terrarium for young animals is lined with medium-sized sawdust , the temperature regime is the same as for adult animals. The cubs need to be fed plant foods with added calcium.


The land turtle is a herbivore. Her diet should consist of 90% plant foods and 10% animal foods. At home, just chop up a green salad from:

  • dandelions
  • clover
  • plantain
  • lettuce leaves
  • vegetables: carrots, cabbage.

Apples are suitable fruits; you can also give some berries, bran and seaweed.

Feed an adult turtle once every 2-3 days. More frequent feeding can cause problems with the digestive tract. A turtle under 2 years of age must receive food daily. Animal food in the form of ground beef should be added to the animal's food once a week.

Not suitable for feeding turtles:

  • potato
  • fruit seeds
  • citrus peel
  • dry food for cats and dogs.

Proper care should include vitamin-mineral complexes and supplements, for example, Reptilife. It is better to purchase vitamins in powders - they allow you to avoid mistakes with the dosage. Calculate the required dose according to the instructions and add it to the food once a week. You can simply put a piece of chalk in the terrarium. If a reptile lacks calcium, it will begin to consume it on its own.


The main feature of the reptile is the ability to fall into prolonged suspended animation, called hibernation. In nature, such a process is necessary because it provides:

  • preservation of thyroid activity;
  • support for sexual activity of males and females;
  • stopping excess growth;
  • supporting hormone balance.

At home, this phenomenon is very difficult due to the lack of usual sleeping conditions. Most often, hibernation occurs in winter, when the turtle becomes less active and begins to refuse to eat.

To avoid suspended animation of the animal, you should bathe it more often and artificially increase the temperature in the terrarium to 32 degrees.

The land turtle does not require excessive attention and care when keeping it at home. The most important thing for the future owner of a reptile is to provide it with a comfortable home and maintain a diet and hygiene regimen.


Animal body:

  • head and eyes;
  • neck;
  • beak and tongue;
  • shell;
  • color;
  • limbs;
  • tail;
  • dimensions.

The head of these reptiles is streamlined and designed in such a way that the animal can quickly pull it under its shell. In some species, the length of the neck is equal to the length of the shell.

These animals have a strong and hard beak with bulges inside, with sharp or jagged edges that act as teeth. The function of the shell is protection. The dorsal (upper) part is called the carapace, the ventral (lower) part is called the plastron.

They grow slowly throughout life. In adult individuals, the length of the shell is 20–30 cm. The tail is hidden inside the shell. The tip of the tail in some species is pointed, similar to a spike. Differences between Central Asian and red-eared cats in appearance

AppearanceCentral Asianred-eared
ColorYellow-beige color, shapeless dark spots on the shell.The carapace has characteristic stripes of olive, black, and yellow colors.
PlastronDark color.Smooth, variegated color: dark spots on a yellow background.
HeadThe upper jaw is hooked.From the eyes to the neck, on both sides there are yellow-red lines resembling ears.
EyesLocated on the sides of the head in such a way that they look down; small, black. Directed forward and upward, located near the crown.
LimbsThe front paws are flat, designed to dig soil, and the hind paws are powerful and strong. They have four toes on their front paws with blunt claws. The feet have leathery membranes for swimming.
DimensionsCubs are born 3–3.4 cm long and weigh 10–12 grams.
By the second year of life, the size will increase to 5 cm, by the fourth to 9 cm. The weight of an adult turtle grows to 2 kg.
A newborn cub is 2.4 cm long, and during the first year of life it gains 2.5–4.5 cm. At two years, its size will be 8 cm, at six years - 18 cm.

Sense organs

Turtles have good low-frequency hearing and excellent color vision. Red-eared turtles have an excellent sense of smell and smell. They see both in water and above water. Hearing is like that of cats: they can distinguish dull sounds and vibrations. Nerve endings pass through the shell. Animals with a sense of touch distinguish the taste of food. Aquatic turtles are not adapted to breathe underwater; they swim up for oxygen.

When determining age, they are guided by size and also count the number of rings on the shell. In one year, 2–3 rings are formed. But this growth is not uniform; it is influenced by conditions of detention, illness, and hibernation. In older individuals, the carapace is smooth, the growth rings are pale. The younger the turtle, the brighter its color. Inappropriate maintenance and disease are the main causes of death.

Horsfield's tortoise is quite modest in size. The dimensions of its shell range from 13 to 25 centimeters in length. Males are inferior in size to females: their shell grows from 13 to 20 cm, and that of females from 15 to 25 cm. But at home, these animals grow up to 17-18 cm in length.

Their shell consists of 16 keratinized scutes on top and 13-15 similar scutes on the bottom. Another 25 scutes are located on the lateral surfaces of the shell. It has a round shape, slightly flattened at the top. On top, its color varies from olive-yellow-green to olive-brown. Dark spots are located on top of the main color; their color correlates with the color of the soil on which the turtle lives. The turtle's head and paws are brown. There are four clawed toes on the paws.

Under natural conditions, reptiles feed on plant foods: grass, young shoots of bushes. Sometimes they can treat themselves to berries and fruits.

Home conditions require a varied diet for the turtle:

  • 75-80% of the total amount of food should come from fresh greens and hay
  • 5% should be vegetables
  • 15-20% fruit

The prepared food should be placed in a plate or on a special surface, where the possibility of eating soil along with the food will be excluded. It is not recommended to feed the animal by hand.

As for the frequency of feeding, young individuals need to be fed daily. Adult turtles are usually given food once every 2-3 days. The serving volume should be approximately half the volume of the animal's shell.

Attention should be paid to the fact that excessive consumption of juicy food and fruits by the turtle can lead to the fermentation process beginning in the turtle’s stomach. It is not recommended to feed the turtle food from the owner’s table - this can negatively affect the pet’s health

It is not recommended to feed the turtle food from the owner's table - this can negatively affect the pet's health. A land-dwelling pet does not require constant access to water, so there is no need to place a container with it in his house.


Caring for a turtle at home is impossible without hygiene. These exotic animals need to be bathed: they love “bath” procedures.

You need to bathe your turtle as follows:

  1. Fill the container with warm water (about 36.6 degrees Celsius). Calculate the water level based on the turtle’s height (1/3 should be above water, and 2/3 under water).
  2. Place the animal in the container. Gently wipe your pet's paws, shell and face. To do this, use your own hand or a soft sponge. If there is serious contamination, you can bathe the turtle with soap. The main thing is to thoroughly rinse off any remaining product with warm water.
  3. Wipe the animal dry and place your pet in the terrarium.

It is advisable to bathe land turtles once every 7 days; young individuals under two years old - once every three days.

You also need to take care of your pet’s claws - living at home does not allow them to wear down naturally. Claws can be shortened as they grow at home. To do this, you need to use nail scissors or nippers. Cut off the light fragment of the claw: in the dark area there are vessels that should not be touched.

Don't forget to take care of your turtle's home. The terrarium must be washed periodically with soap, baking soda or another easily washed off detergent.

When it gets dirty, you need to change the filler. Wash artificial turf or gravel when soiled and place it back into the terrarium. Make sure that the turtle's feeder, water bowl and house are always clean. Promptly remove leftover uneaten food and change drinking water.

Keeping a turtle at home is wonderful. But sometimes you need to let your pet walk in the fresh air. You can make forays into nature only when the air temperature rises above 25 degrees and the sun warms the ground well. Before releasing the animal from your hands, make sure that the field is free of inedible grass. Always keep an eye on your pet: the turtle may hide in the tall grass, and you will lose it forever.


The well-being of a Central Asian reptile living in an apartment depends on the quality of food and care.

  1. A varied diet and timely bathing provide great guarantees for a long and happy life for your pet without health problems. From an unbalanced diet, the corners of a turtle's mouth can become covered with horny formations. The only way to get rid of them is to see a veterinarian.
  2. Various medications or vitamin and mineral supplements help support the turtle’s immunity. They enrich reptile nutrition with microelements, which are necessary for good skin condition, strong shell and maintenance of reproductive function. Thanks to the positive effects of vitamins, the turtle's lifespan will increase significantly.
  3. Walking is an integral part of a reptile's happy life. They have a beneficial effect on the pet's health. Sometimes, after a walk in the fresh air, you can notice ticks on the tortoise's paws and head - they need to be removed.
  4. Your pet's long nails need trimming. To do this you need to use special scissors.

Keeping and caring for a land turtle does not pose any particular problems. Anyone, even the laziest person, can afford to own a reptile.

Basic information

The living types of these reptiles are divided into two groups: marine (intended to live in large pools filled with sea water) and terrestrial. The latter species has many varieties, differing from each other in size and methods of care and maintenance.

Domestic turtles are most often land animals. They use water only for bathing and drinking. You can have almost any reptile as a pet, but future owners should remember: the larger the pet, the larger the terrarium it will need.

About 40 species of turtles are protected by law, as a result of which the concept of illegal import, export and sale has emerged. Basically, illegal immigrants place reptiles in unbearable living conditions, which is why some do not make it to the pet store, while others die after purchase or even transportation. Therefore, be more careful when choosing the place where you are going to buy your future pet. To ensure a legal sale, ask the seller to show the appropriate documents. This will ensure that you are purchasing a healthy animal.


  • aviary An ordinary glass aquarium is suitable for it. You can buy a plastic one (not necessarily a terrarium, take a container for toys), or make it yourself from wood. The main thing is that the pet is comfortable and not cramped. Change as you grow;
  • bedding Its thickness should be at least 4 - 5 cm. Hay and clean large sawdust are ideal. You can add pebbles or small flat smooth stones to them. Do not use: earthen compounds and cat litters;

How to care for a freshwater red-eared turtle at home, how to properly set up an aquarium. And here is an article about how and what is recommended to feed land turtles.

Is it good that a ferret lives in the house, what are the pros and cons - this is described here.

  • pool. A flat container with a small amount of water. Should be low so that you can easily climb;
  • house: its presence is necessary so that the turtle can hide from its owners. Plastic or wooden will do, but your pet will chew cardboard;
  • feeder: flat container;
  • heating. Lamp – just turn on for 2 hours in the morning and evening. Avoid drafts!

Video: how to maintain?


Proper nutrition: for a land turtle, the most basic food is plant matter. But it should also be varied, so it is better to make a green mixture. Suitable for her: grass - dandelion, plantain and clover and coltsfoot. In smaller proportions: vegetables - carrots and cabbage, fruits - apples and bananas, strawberries.

Very rarely you can give a piece of boiled egg, rolled oats with water, or lean meat. All food must be chopped. Don’t forget to buy special food for turtles, they contain vitamins and minerals. You need to feed once a day, and an adult - once every two days.

Water procedures: despite the fact that you have made a pool, your pet must be washed. They do this once a week. Pour some warm water into a basin; it would be nice to add chamomile. If your pet is very dirty, you can use a soft sponge with a small amount of soap. The entire procedure should take no more than 30 minutes. Then wipe with a towel. Turtles have molting – changing the upper shell plates. During this period, bathing should be done with baking soda added to the water.

Communication with people: a turtle is a peaceful pet, but you can’t often pick it up, especially for small ones. Constantly tugging at a turtle can cause it to become stressed, which can lead to slower activity and illness.

Free range: In the summer, it is worth taking the enclosure outside or making it a separate, special outdoor one. In good weather, you can leave the turtle overnight. Make sure your pet doesn't escape and there's no threat from other animals!

What does it take to keep a land turtle?

One of the necessary conditions for keeping a land turtle at home is the arrangement of a convenient habitat for it -. Many owners make the mistake of allowing turtles to crawl freely on the floor; this method of keeping pets has negative aspects:

  • low levels of temperature, humidity and light;
  • dustiness, against which allergic reactions may occur;
  • possibility of injury.

While being kept in a terrarium, turtles dig in the ground, gnaw objects made of a special abrasive material, and overwinter in conditions specially created for this. Terrariums are equipped with devices to create the correct temperature, shelters that allow land turtles to feel comfortable, taking a break from excessive human attention, and give owners the opportunity to more easily care for the animals.

Land turtle - keeping temperature

Keeping a land turtle at home is not difficult; these animals are resilient and unpretentious, easily adapt to a new habitat, and caring for them is not difficult. But some rules that bring reptiles closer to natural living conditions must be ensured. Turtles accustomed to warm climates will be most comfortable in a terrarium where the temperature is maintained at +25-35°C. For this purpose, use an incandescent lamp, placing it in the corner opposite the shelter house.

Terrarium for a land turtle

Before you set up a terrarium for a land turtle, decide on the number of future inhabitants, this will affect its size, also take into account the growth of the turtles and purchase a terrarium with a reserve. Provide reptiles with free space to move, which should not be cluttered with unnecessary objects. It is easier to maintain and care for land turtles, and their living will be as comfortable as possible in a spacious horizontal terrarium, the width of which is two to three times greater than the width of the largest pet in it.

Equipment for a land turtle terrarium

To create good living conditions for a land turtle in a terrarium, it should be equipped with special equipment:

  • heating lamp;
  • feeder;
  • tray for drinking and water treatments;
  • shelter house;
  • ultraviolet lamp;
  • hydrometer, thermometer;
  • ground.

Special terrarium lamps are installed to illuminate and heat the terrarium; they also help produce vitamin D in reptiles and better absorb calcium. If you deprive land turtles of ultraviolet rays, their shells will soften, there will be a risk of rickets, and there will be a risk of getting fractures. Fill the bathing container with warm water 1-2 times every 10-14 days; for water procedures, its level should reach the turtle’s neck. Place the feeder away from the lamp, filling it with food for 2-3 hours.

Soil for a land turtle in a terrarium

Keeping a land turtle at home requires the presence of soil in the terrarium, otherwise the animal’s limbs will be deformed, claws will wear out, abrasions may appear, and there is a danger of colds. The optimal soil thickness is a layer of 3-8 cm, consisting of coarse gravel, sawdust, hay (or a mixture of them), it needs to be changed once every 3-4 weeks. You can use ready-made, purchased soil; it is easier to change, so it becomes easier to care for the turtles, and the terrarium will be cleaner.

When preparing a home for turtles, make sure that no dangerous objects that could injure the animals get into it. To entertain your pets, place flat pebbles or driftwood in the terrarium, which will be convenient for reptiles to climb on.

When choosing a suitable soil for land turtles, pay attention to the size of its components; they should be such that the animal cannot swallow

Diseases of land turtles

A land turtle at home may encounter the following common diseases:

  1. Rickets. Due to a lack of vitamin D3 and ultraviolet radiation, turtles’ shells often begin to soften and then become deformed. At an early stage, you need to review its diet and buy a UV lamp for the terrarium. Progressive rickets requires injections of veterinary calcium, and still the curvature of the shell remains irreversible.
  2. Watery, sticky, swollen eyes are a sign of vitamin A deficiency. If you observe this condition, rinse locally with chamomile solution, drop Albucid or Sofradex drops. In addition, injections of multivitamin preparations are necessary.
  3. Damage by parasites. Worms are expelled with the veterinary drug Albendazole.
  4. Colds, pneumonia. Manifested by a runny nose and difficulty breathing. The mucous membranes become pale, with a white coating, foam, saliva becomes viscous. Such diseases are treated with antibiotics.

Home improvement

Contrary to popular belief, you cannot let a turtle “free swim” around the apartment. A pet can climb into a secluded place from which it cannot get out, get under the feet of someone in the household, or catch a cold. In this regard, it is advisable to keep the animal in a terrarium.

The optimal solution may be a terrarium with transparent walls from 50 cm in length and from 30 cm in width. A worthy alternative could be a house in which all the walls (except the front) are made of opaque material - plastic or painted wood. The main thing is that the material washes well: this will make it easier to care for. You can create such a terrarium with your own hands.

Two lamps should be hung above the terrarium. The first one is with a conventional lamp with a power of up to 60 W, the second one is with an ultraviolet lamp. The ultraviolet lamp should be replaced from time to time (once every year and a half) with a new one. Ultraviolet light is vital for the turtle: it promotes the absorption of calcium, which means it ensures the strength of the internal and external skeleton.

The terrarium should be covered with practical artificial turf. Some owners use natural materials for this: hay, coarse gravel and sawdust. As for the layer itself, ideally its thickness should be about 3 cm.

The terrarium must contain a “shelter” - a house in which the turtle can hide from prying eyes. You can make such a house yourself, with your own hands. It is advisable that the shelter be made of washable materials - this will make it easier to care for.

Before placing your pet in the terrarium, make sure that you have purchased a feeder and water bowl. The best option is a wide round feeder made of heavy material.

As for the drinking bowl, it can be a ceramic container or a special drinking bowl. It must be installed directly under the lamp so that the liquid in the container is always warm. Both the feeder and the drinker should have low edges or be almost flat. A properly equipped terrarium is the key to a long and happy life for your pet.


Basic hygiene is important for everyone, including reptiles. Land animals love to dig into the litter located at the bottom of the terrarium, and the corners of their mouths get dirty with food particles, so turtles should be looked after and washed regularly.

The bathing process is quite simple:

  1. You need to add a teaspoon of soda to one liter of warm water.
  2. Pour the water into a convenient container (preferably a special bath for turtles).
  3. Gently lower the pet, leaving the head on the surface.
  4. Leave in water for 20 minutes.
  5. After the time has passed, remove the turtle and let it dry.

After water procedures, it is necessary to lubricate the reptile’s head and paws with olive oil.

In small turtles and hatchlings, the drying process is much faster than in adults. Therefore, babies should be bathed a little more often - 2-3 times a week.

ATTENTION! When bathing a turtle, the air temperature in the room should not be less than 23°C. Otherwise, your pet may catch a cold.

Appearance and dimensions

The most commonly kept as a pet, the land turtle is small in size. In males, the size of the shell is smaller than in females and is 14–22 cm. In females, the length ranges from 16 to 24. At home, the size of the shell grows to a size of 18–20 cm for females and males.

The carapace is made up of keratinized scutes, the number of which is 14 on top and 12 to 13 below. There are scutes not only on the bottom and top, but also on the sides. There are 25 of them there. The shell resembles an oval, slightly flattened on top. The dark green paws have four toes with claws. The color of the shell resembles the environmental conditions in which the turtle lives - the middle of the shield is dark in color, and the edges are olive green. In the wild, it lives for about 50 years; at home, a turtle can live a little longer.

Characteristics and varieties

There are many different types of land turtles in the world, and not all of them are suitable for home keeping. But they are all born very small, up to 3 cm in length. And such a baby can grow into a giant weighing 900 kg.

Species that reach no more than 25-30 cm in adulthood are used as pets.

The most famous and widespread species of land turtles in the world are as follows.

Steppe Central Asian

A small reptile that has lived at home for more than 50 years. They reach sexual maturity by the age of 10, and grow up to 30. The average size is about 20 cm. Distributed in Central Asia, Iran, Afghanistan, and Kazakhstan. The carapace is of small height and has a yellowish or brown tint. It consists of 13 links in the upper part, 25 in the side, the plastron includes 16 shields.


This turtle is also called Greek or Caucasian. The color of the carapace may include olive, yellowish, and brown tones. The maximum size is up to 35 cm. There may be black spots on the scutes. The elephant-like legs end in 4 or 5 claws.

In nature, they are distributed in North Africa, Southern Europe, South-West Asia, the Caucasus, and Greece, Georgia, Dagestan, Azerbaijan, and Armenia.

Well suited for home keeping.

Leopard (panther)

A very large and beautiful turtle. Up to 70 cm long, weight up to 50 kg. In young turtles, the carapace shell is light beige with a dark pattern on each scute. With age, the color becomes dominated by black and yellow spots, reminiscent in their arrangement of the colors of a leopard.

Natural habitat is Africa, from Sudan to Ethiopia.

A very beautiful inhabitant of the terrarium. There is a known case of a long-lived panther being kept in captivity for up to 75 years.

European land turtles

These species live in Southern Europe, North Africa and Western Asia.

These are the following varieties:

  • Toothed turtle;

  • Greek;

  • Balkan;

  • Egyptian.

All these reptiles are small, bright and suitable for home keeping.

American land turtles

These are four species living in South America and the Galapagos:

  • Coal or redleg;

  • Argentine or Chilean;

  • Jagged (forest shabuti);

  • Galapagos or elephant.

Their sizes range from 25 to 150 cm. Three species are listed in the International Red Book.

Coal turtles have a tall black carapace with yellow spots. Their sizes reach 35-34 cm. They are kept at home in a special terrarium.

The Chilean tortoise is small, up to 25 cm, common in Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, and Paraguay. Almost exterminated by man.

Shabuti is a very beautiful large (up to 60 cm) turtle. It has a bright brown shell with a yellow spot on each scute. The number of this species is rapidly declining.


It lives in Southeast Asia, Sumatra, India - in monsoon evergreen forests. This is a fairly large species - the size of individuals reaches 50 cm and a weight of 30 kg.

The only land turtle that builds a special nest for its offspring and protects the clutch.

The meat of the brown turtle is highly valued by the local population; medicines are prepared from the shell. Uncontrolled destruction has led to a significant decline in the species.


A very bright and beautiful turtle with a body length of up to 30 cm. It lives in Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, and Burma.

Not suitable for home keeping; it dies quickly in captivity.


Natural habitats: India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka. Maximum dimensions: 15 cm for a male, 25 cm for a female.

The carapace shell is beautiful and bright. Each grey-green scute has a yellow, raised star pattern.

It is highly valued by professionals and is a decoration for any terrarium. In captivity, it lives up to 80 years.

Madagascar beak-breasted (Angonoka)

Large turtle, up to 50 cm body length. The endemic island of Madagascar is very beautiful. It has raised patterns on the olive-gray carapace.

Now the number of this unusual species in nature is still small, it is maintained in the zoos of New York, San Marino and Honolulu.


A very bright small turtle (up to 25 cm) is endemic to Burma. The black or dark brown carapace on each scute has a bright yellow pattern of rays diverging in different directions.

Almost exterminated by the inhabitants of the island. Since ancient times, people have eaten meat, and shells have been used as kitchen utensils.


The small (up to 28 cm) turtle is endemic to India. The carapace is bright - from light to dark brown. It gets along well with humans, but the number of the species has greatly decreased due to the widespread consumption of animal meat by the indigenous population.

desert gopher

Inhabitant of the deserts of North America and Mexico. Body dimensions are from 22 to 27 cm, the shell is gray-green.

Due to population decline, it is under human protection. Breeds extensively in zoos in Arizona and San Diego.

Well suited for terrarium keeping.

Mexican gopher

This turtle is endemic to Mexico. It has a dome-shaped carapace of a gray-green or brown hue, dimensions up to 40 cm. Due to the high decline in numbers, the species is under the protection of Mexico and the United States, and is propagated in zoos.

Texas gopher

A small and bright turtle, usually 15-20 cm. The carapace scutes are dark brown or almost black with a yellow spot in the middle. It lives in the USA and Mexico; sale and collection of individuals is prohibited.

Gopher polyphemus

The tall and dome-shaped carapace is brown, with a light border along the edge of each scute. The size of an adult is up to 37 cm. It lives in the USA (South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana). This species digs very long burrows for itself - up to 15 m.

Due to declining numbers, it is protected by law and breeds in zoos.

Giant species include the elephant or Galapagos tortoise, the Seychelles giant tortoise and some others.

Photo gallery of land turtles:

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