Black Tiger shrimp: maintenance and care, how to determine sex and reproduction, feeding and compatibility

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The black tiger (Caridina cantonensis sp. "Black Tiger") is one of the newest species in the aquarium shrimp hobby. Black Tiger Shrimp is also known as Black Diamond. This species was obtained by selecting ordinary tigers with black stripes (Tiger Shrimp). The end result was a completely black looking shrimp. Now it is becoming very popular.

Black Tiger shrimp photo

Black tiger shrimp is a product of long-term selection. For a long time, breeders crossed with each other individuals of ordinary tiger shrimp, with the darkest stripes. In the end, the experiments gave a positive result. The black color gradually spread over the entire body area of ​​the resulting offspring. This is how a new type of aquarium shrimp arose.

During the molting period - this happens when the shrimp has grown and the shell becomes small; the shrimp sheds its shell. After molting, the color of the shrimp is lost for several days.

Do not throw away the shell, it will be eaten - it is a source of nutrients for the shrimp.

What does a black tiger shrimp look like?

The black tiger shrimp is a species of tiger shrimp that is distinguished by black stripes along its body. In the black tiger shrimp, these stripes merge into a bright black color, from which it gets its name. There are two types of black tiger shrimp, they differ only in eye color. One of them has orange eyes, the other black. Orange-eyed individuals are valued much higher than their black-eyed counterparts.

The sizes of this shrimp vary greatly. In amateur aquariums, the body length of males is on average 2.5 centimeters. Females are up to 3 centimeters long. A completely different picture emerges on special farms where black tiger shrimp are raised for fattening. Here, males reach a length of 25 centimeters, and females - a maximum of 30 centimeters. The weight of females is also significantly greater - from 200 to 320 grams, versus 100-170 for males.


This type of shrimp is not only very difficult to breed, but also very difficult for the survival of offspring and adult shrimp. Experienced breeders can produce a sufficient number of shrimp of this species for sale. Due to their rarity, their price is quite high and also depends on the class of shrimp and eye color. Due to closely related crossbreeding, it is very important that the required water parameters are maintained during maintenance. As a result of problems with genetics, this species turned out to be very fragile. The aquarium tiger shrimp is intended for experienced hobbyists.

Table of basic parameters of maintenance, care and nutrition:

What should be the volume of an aquarium for an aquarium shrimp?from 12 liters. For comfort you need an aquarium of 20 liters or more
What should be the temperature in the aquarium?from +17-23 °C
What pH should be in the aquarium?from 6.5-7.2 pH
What should be the hardness of the water in the aquarium?from 2-10° dkH
What should be the substrate for an aquarium?soil 3-4 mm in size with an abundance of greenery, especially mosses
What kind of lighting should be in the aquarium?moderate
What should be the movement of water in the aquarium?moderate
Aquarium Shrimp Sizesize of females up to 3 cm, males up to 2.5 cm
What does aquarium shrimp eat?eats dry aquarium food for shrimp or fish
Who is compatible with in an aquarium?get along with small non-aggressive fish species
Lifespan of an aquarium shrimpup to 1.5-2 years


Blue tigers are dwarf shrimp, about 2-3 cm in length. The body is a beautiful blue color; as the shrimp matures, the color becomes more saturated. Vertical black stripes run across the body. Orange (golden) eyes are a recessive trait.

There are several varieties of Blue Tiger shrimp, they differ in the intensity and darkness of their blue color. The blue color ranges from white, light blue to dark blue, almost black. Dark blue shrimp are more expensive, although some prefer the bluer shrimp.

Life expectancy in an aquarium is 2 years.

Black Tiger shrimp maintenance and care

The conditions for keeping this aquarium animal are approximately as follows:

  • aquarium requirements. The animal does not like too cramped spaces. Therefore, the volume of the aquarium where these pets are kept should not be less than 12-14 liters. But it is still better to purchase vessels with a larger volume. Optimal volume indicators are 20 liters and above. The habitat in the aquarium should be as saturated as possible with plants, stones and driftwood. In these places, pets rest and hide when they feel threatened. Medicines made on the basis of copper are prohibited for use for aquarium inhabitants, since shrimp are very sensitive to it and react negatively to it;
  • water requirements. This shrimp is quite demanding on aquarium water. For her, alkaline water is desirable, having a pH of 6.5-7.2 and with a hardness of 2-10 ° dH. Water that is too warm or too cold is not desirable for the animal. Optimal temperature parameters range from +17-23° C.

Black tiger shrimp likes aquarium water to be clean and well filtered. It is also desirable that the water is saturated with oxygen. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly change approximately 30% of the water to settled water.

If all maintenance conditions are met, the lifespan of a black tiger shrimp will be from 1.5-2 years.

Black Tiger Prawns are quite peaceful creatures. Therefore, they can be safely kept in the same aquarium with other invertebrates and non-aggressive fish species.

Feeding the black tiger shrimp

The main food of this shrimp is all kinds of algae. But we must remember that she is by nature a “scavenger.” That is, it can eat almost anything. Feeding breaks for 1-2 days.

Experts note that overeating harms not only black shrimp, but all types of shrimp. Therefore, it is recommended to feed them once a day. The food that is given must be eaten by the shrimp in no more than 15-20 minutes, then the remaining food must be removed. If there is no aquarium algae in the aquarium, then the following are quite suitable as food:

  • shrimp granules;
  • live and frozen food;
  • granules for bottom fish and invertebrates;
  • lightly cooked vegetables.

How to choose the right seafood

To be as confident and calm as possible about the quality of the chosen product, make purchases in large and reputable chains, specialized fish shops, or directly from the supplier [13]. Forget frozen shrimp from the ice cream cooler at your local convenience store. Seafood poisoning is not the most pleasant and safe thing, so assess the risks wisely and take care of your own health.

It is best to choose a product from a reputable manufacturer. If you've seen a company's commercials on TV or receive their newsletter in the mail, great. Such a company assumes certain obligations and will definitely appear before the law if you are not satisfied with the quality of the products.

You can buy tiger shrimp either in bulk or in packages. It's just a matter of convenience, not quality or taste. The main thing is that the seafood looks good, has an even, smooth color and has a curled tail.

A straight tail indicates that the shrimp died before freezing. Such seafood does not contain any beneficial properties, and the method of preparing the product itself is cruel and unacceptable. Only with shock freezing, when the shrimp does not feel pain, can the nutritional properties of the meat be preserved.

Dry shell, unnatural shades and local dark/light spots are direct evidence of damaged goods. Seafood should not be stored in a lot of ice or lumps of snow. Such shrimp could be subjected to several freezing/thawing, which kills the beneficial vitamin and nutrient composition, depriving the product of value.

Black Tiger shrimp how to breed, reproduction

To implement the function of procreation, shrimp must be in calm conditions. Many breeders keep black tiger shrimp in separate aquariums for this purpose. When a female is ready to mate and conceive, she releases special substances into the water—pheromones—to attract males. The male swims up to the female, and if she does not show an aggressive reaction, he injects a sperm packet into her. The entire mating process lasts no more than 1 second. After 3-4 weeks the fry appear. The female usually carries 20 to 30 eggs.

Black tiger shrimp fry do not need special care. From birth they can eat adult food. At first, the fry try to cling to algae, large stones and snags. Black tiger shrimp reach sexual maturity at the age of approximately 4-5 months.

The only time in the life of an adult when it is not capable of reproduction is molting. But immediately after the end of molting, both females and males are ready to perform the function of procreation.

How to determine the sex of a black tiger shrimp

It is usually impossible to determine the sex of a young individual by eye. It is much easier to determine the sex of adult shrimp. It is mainly determined by the size and shape of the body.

As mentioned above, males are 2.5 centimeters and females are 3 centimeters. In addition to the above, females differ somewhat from males in body shape with their curved lower abdomen, where she carries her eggs.

Determination of gender

Sexing juvenile shrimp can be difficult. In adulthood, it is already possible to determine gender, or at least identify female individuals. Females are easily identified by their curved, rounded underbelly (lower abdomen). The saddle of female black tigers is almost impossible to see due to their solid black coloring. Below is a photo of a pregnant female. Note the roundness under the belly.

Black Tiger shrimp compatibility with fish and other shrimp

Representatives of this species are very non-aggressive. They almost never attack other aquarium pets. Ideal as aquarium mates for shrimp and small non-aggressive fish. For example, the following fish are suitable for keeping together:

  • Norman's blue-eye;
  • some aquarium snails;
  • Neons;
  • Guppy;
  • Mollies;
  • Swordbearer;
  • catfish;
  • Endler dwarfs;
  • Parotocinclus;
  • micropecilia.

Compatibility indicators must be taken into account when planning to keep black tiger shrimp together with fish in a home aquarium.


So, keeping black tiger shrimp in a home aquarium is not that difficult. You just need to have the desire and time to do it. The aquarist must only carefully prepare the aquarium, read as much additional literature as possible, and strictly follow the recommended rules for keeping shrimp in the aquarium.

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