Parrot fish: types, maintenance, breeding, description, video, compatibility

It is difficult to find a more exotic and spectacular aquarium fish. This species is a product of human activity. It was first bred by Taiwanese breeders, giving the species a number of characteristic features. By the first half of the 20th century, as a result of crossing the Rainbow Cichlazoma and the Citron Cichlazoma, the first offspring were bred. It aroused great interest and gave rise to a group of hybrids that is rapidly gaining popularity, under the original commercial name parrot fish.

It is worth noting some similarity of the species with the fish, which is also called the parrot - Pelvicachromis pulcher. Beginners often confuse these representatives of the aquarium world.

Features and species diversity

The parrot fish is one of the most popular peace-loving cichlids due to its unpretentiousness. The unusual name is due to the structure of the head shape. It is similar to the beak of a parrot and attracts aquarium owners with its originality.

The efforts of the breeders gave the fish:

  • rounded, slightly flattened barrel-shaped body;
  • non-standard structure of the spine;
  • small mouth (makes feeding difficult);
  • small fins;
  • infertility;
  • color variety.

Coloring comes in all sorts of variations, but yellow and red are considered natural for parrot fish. The remaining colors - purple, green, blue - are created artificially and quickly lose saturation.

Aquarium fish Parrot

Subspecies are classified by color and fin shape. In pet stores you can find breeds of different origins.

Marbled parrotA common variety that is distinguished by a rich, monochromatic marble color.
Panda parrotThe variation is in many ways similar to marble and classic. However, the body of the fish is decorated with bright black spots of various shapes.
Unicorn parrotIt has a characteristic growth at the base of the head, which is why it got its second “name”. The variety is quite rare, since not everyone likes this selection option.
Tailless parrotDuring selection, the fins are artificially trimmed, as a result of which the end of the body, unlike other fish, ends not with a tail, but with a rounded heart-shaped dent. This variation is also often called Love is.
King Kong parrotThe subspecies has enlarged sizes, a fatty growth in the place where the head meets the body. The fish is also distinguished by the fact that there is a second growth in front of the ventral fins.
Parrot red ingotThe body is flattened on the sides and resembles an angelfish in shape. Scarlet rich color.
Diamond or pearl parrotThe species has a beautiful characteristic color, and the upper part of the body near the dorsal fin shimmers with neon in the light.

In many online stores you can find unique specimens with uncharacteristic colors: albino, peacock, platie and even tattooed variations. All of them are the result of exposure to various types of substances, including chemicals.


The parrot fish has an extraordinary and bright appearance that is memorable. The unusual body shape, flattened on the sides, funny cheeks, and often a slightly open mouth look intriguing. The outline of the head resembles the beak of a parrot, which is why the very name of aquarium fish is similar. Aquarium parrots grow up to 30 cm. Body size depends on the type of parrot. There are no red parrots in natural conditions. The fish in the pet store come from breeders.

Types and colors

These aquarium inhabitants are divided into 100 species. But the most popular are:

  • red parrot - typical color is red, sometimes orange. Can grow up to 25 cm;

  • scar - grows up to 20 cm;

  • Bone-fronted (Japanese) is the largest species and the most aggressive of the parrots. Requires careful selection of “neighbors” in the aquarium.

Parrot fish are also classified by color. The most common color is red or bright orange. The natural colors of parrots are lemon, yellow, and white. In addition to plain ones, there are also variegated colors. Available in: marble, diamond, pearl, panda, blue (blue), etc.








There are individuals with a tattooed color. Then a drawing is applied to the body of the parrot aquarium fish. These are experiments of breeders from Asia. The variegated colors are created using carotenoids and chemical dyes. When painting and tattooing, aggressive chemicals and tools are used to artificially secrete mucus.

Complexity and subtleties of content

The unpretentiousness of the fish captivates many novice lovers of the underwater world. This is a hyper-mobile species that needs free space to swim and play hide and seek. A spacious aquarium must be supplemented with a powerful filter and aeration. This is due to the behavioral characteristics of parrots: they like to rummage in the ground, periodically build nests, thereby muddying the waters.

In addition, up to 25% of the water needs to be changed weekly. It is important to consider that a parrot is a very active species and can jump out of an open aquarium; it is better to immediately purchase a lid.

The aquarium is equipped with medium-sized soil, small pebbles, driftwood and all kinds of locks would be preferable. Excessive decorations and vegetation will be unnecessary, but they must be present.

Fish owners note that at first the parrots are very timid and shy. So, they need the opportunity to hide at any time. Bright light will contribute to the rapid loss of scale pigment, so it is advisable that the lighting above the aquarium does not exceed ~ 0.3-0.5 Watts/liter. Properly selected food and balanced complementary foods can enhance the beauty and prolong the life of fish.

Reviews from parrot fish owners

In the photo there is a red parrot and a tattooed parrot

Nita, review of the red parrot

Smart, like the entire cichlid series. They are extremely curious, you put your hand into the water, the rest swim away, and you definitely need to see who you are doing there. And what faces they make. Yes, they dig periodically, but anyone who has kept a cichlid for a long time probably knows how to dig citrons, asters, brules, etc. and the like. These animals take off everything, huge boulders, snags, and the hybrids are so-so, scattered in heap after heap, and only if they try to spawn. Like all large fish, they litter a lot when they eat.

taviu, review of the red parrot

Smart, unpretentious handsome men. They dig the soil and love rearrangements. My favorites! They dig the soil, of course! But this process is so interesting to watch, because they are “cleaning the area where to spawn eggs!” They pick up pebbles in their mouths, swim away and spit them all out in one pile. And they move the plants (I only have artificial ones in my parrot tank), it’s so interesting, it’s like they’re rearranging the furniture! Very unpretentious! Beautiful, bright, if you feed them the right food! And the intelligence is higher than that of some HOMO SAPIENS. It is better to place a flock of seven or more individuals in a large aquarium, them, and only them! You’ll watch your “House 2” later, but it will be more interesting here.

Galina, review of the red parrot

Cute sociable fish, easy to tame. They hid for about a month, now they practically take food out of our hands. They love it when you talk to them and react to your voice. They don’t dig the soil, they just pick up food for the catfish from above. Sometimes they “butt” the bots, but they are harmless and do not bite. I am very surprised when I hear that parrots supposedly bite. Maybe they also have subspecies? I didn’t even find any teeth on mine. When doing something in aqua, they like to watch their hands, but out of curiosity and hoping to grab a lost piece of food, they don’t grab their fingers.

Diet for parrot fish

The species is unpretentious in food, but it is necessary to choose food based on the structure of the mouth.

Basic diet:

  • bloodworm;
  • aulophus;
  • gammarus;
  • Tetra Red Parrot pelleted food;
  • homemade minced live bait.

The diet should not be monotonous: dry food should be replaced by live bait. You should also take into account the individual preferences of the fish: protein or plant based food.

The most suitable option would be granulated food, taking into account the structural features of the fish’s mouth. You should not overfeed them; due to their altered structure, they are prone to obesity. It is better to feed a couple of times a day in fractional portions. Any food left on the surface should be removed to avoid contaminating the water.

Types and colors of parrots with photos

The main classification of parrotfish is based on their color.

You can find fish for sale in red, yellow, and orange colors. Unusual shades (blue, green, purple) are obtained by dyeing fish.

There are varieties:

  • red parrot;
  • blue;
  • yellow;
  • diamond or pearl;
  • white parrot;
  • unicorn;
  • heart in love;
  • red ingot;
  • red fortune.

Fish breeding process

Unfortunately, it is impossible to obtain offspring of fish at home. Male parrots are completely sterile. Despite this, if you raise the water temperature by a couple of degrees, the fish’s instinct to reproduce immediately awakens. They begin to actively build nests. During the mating season, it is even possible for the female to lay eggs, but they will not be fertilized, and after a while they will be eaten by the inhabitants of the aquarium.

The eggs can be fertilized by a male of closely related cichlases, but in this case the offspring will not have the characteristic features of parrot fish.

Diseases and prevention

The red parrot fish has a strong immune system, but still sometimes gets sick, as can be seen:

  • along blackened fins;

white lumps on top of the scales (semolina disease) or fins (ichthyophthyriosis disease), treated with the drug “Sera costapur”;

  • by lying on the ground for a long time;
  • spitting food;
  • by white stools;
  • by wounds.

The main causes of disease include contaminated water, overcrowding or contamination from diseased fish.

Black spots

The appearance of black spots on the body, which appear and then disappear for no reason, is associated with stress in the fish. Parrots do not like changes, and if the situation has changed, it is already stressful for them.

Another cause of stains is ammonia burn.

Other diseases

If your red parrot is covered with pale spots and its color has faded, it is worth checking the water for the presence of nitrates. Perhaps the fish was poisoned. It is necessary to replace the water and calcinate the soil. The disease goes away in 3 days.

In the case of hexamitosis, the stool changes color and becomes tear-like. The fish loses its appetite and redness or spots appear on its fins. It floats in the upper layer of water, closer to the surface, because the water is poor in oxygen. Frequent changes of water with the addition of hydrogen peroxide, non-concentrated potassium permanganate or a specially purchased product will correct the situation.

Sexual differences in parrots

Determining the sex of individuals of this species is not an easy task. Sexual dimorphism is weakly expressed, the most striking manifestation is the spawning period, but it is necessary to wait until the fish reaches sexual maturity. This age occurs at one and a half years.

The main signs by which a male can be identified:

  1. Males are much larger than females.
  2. The color of males is more saturated, unlike females.
  3. The caudal fin of females is rounded, while that of males is pointed.
  4. During the spawning period, males are more active in building nests.

During the spawning period, the vas deferens in males becomes sharper and narrower, and the ovipositor in females becomes wide and short, in the form of a tube. Before spawning, these sexual characteristics are invisible. The photo shows a male.

Parrot fish: types, maintenance, breeding, description, video, compatibility

Parrot fish are a popular aquarium inhabitant among experienced and less experienced aquarists. A member of the cichlid family. Developed through selective breeding in Taiwan more than 20 years ago. It is characterized by a peaceful nature, so it gets along well with other species of the same size. Undemanding to the environment.


The parrot fish has an extraordinary and bright appearance that is memorable. The unusual body shape, flattened on the sides, funny cheeks, and often a slightly open mouth look intriguing. The outline of the head resembles the beak of a parrot, which is why the very name of aquarium fish is similar. Aquarium parrots grow up to 30 cm. Body size depends on the type of parrot. There are no red parrots in natural conditions. The fish in the pet store come from breeders.


Not found in the wild, it was artificially bred in 1986 by step-by-step crossing of several species of South American cichlids.

Varieties of shape and color of red parrots

The main color of these fish is a solid bright orange or red. It may fade a little over time, but in this case, to restore it, it is enough to add food rich in carotene to the fish’s diet (we will talk about this in more detail in the corresponding section of the article). Less common are albino or lemon-yellow fish.

All other various colors - crimson, violet, blue, blue, green - are obtained by artificial chemical coloring of fish, they are unstable, and besides, fish that have undergone this procedure lose immunity and are more susceptible to diseases.

What can we say about tattooed fish, on whose bodies various patterns are inscribed with special injections? You should not buy such fish under any circumstances, since many of them become infected during coloring and then die quite quickly. In addition, the demand for such animals creates supply and provokes their producers to disfigure and cripple more and more batches of fish.

In addition to solid colors, there are natural spotted ones - marbled and panda (white with black spots), as well as variegated diamond or pearl, obtained by crossing red parrots with another type of cichlases. Sometimes black spots suddenly appear in fish of the same color. As a rule, this is a reaction to stress, and after the disturbing factor is eliminated, the color is restored.

In addition to coloration, red parrots differ in the shape of their body and fins. The following varieties are distinguished here:

  • a heart in love - without a tail fin, the body is shaped like a valentine;
  • unicorn - with a growth at the base of the head;
  • King Kong is a heavily weighted fish with a fatty growth on its forehead;
  • red fortune - with elongated upper and ventral fins and a very large outgrowth on the forehead;
  • red ingot - with an almost disc-shaped body.

In short, when working with red parrots, breeders did not limit the flight of their imagination. Apart from parrots, only goldfish have such a rich set of deformities that seem cute to humans.


Fish are classified according to body shape and color. There are more than 100 species of parrotfish, but only a few of them are most famous. The most common colors are yellow, gold, white, diamond, harlequin, pearl and purple, as well as variegated varieties.

However, the most popular is the red parrot fish. It is distinguished by its bright red color with orange highlights, a humpbacked beak-like nose, and protruding fangs. Adults grow up to 25 cm and are suitable for keeping with other fish species.

The second classification criterion is the shape of the parrotfish's body and fins. Based on this characteristic, the following hybrid varieties are distinguished:

  • unicorn - a variety with a small seal on the head in the form of a horn;

  • the love heart is a species that does not have a tail, which is why its body takes on somewhat unusual shapes;

  • red ingot - representatives of this variety have a disk-shaped body and look very interesting;

  • Red Fortune is a species that has very long fins and an impressive growth on its forehead.

  • King Kong - these fish are distinguished by their enormous size and a large fatty lump on the frontal part of the head.

Compatibility with other fish

Parrotfish are one of the few species of American cichlids that do not have problems with their tankmates. They are non-aggressive and non-pugnacious, and have no claims to other fish regarding their territory. “Parrots” are compatible with almost all aquarium fish and do not cause problems for their owners, which are typical for many species of South American cichlids.

Parrotfish get along well with catfish, barbs, black knives, astronotus, characins and most species of cichlids. The exception is angelfish - one of the smallest species of cichlids. This fish is constantly hiding in thick green algae, which the “parrots” mercilessly eat. After the greens are eaten, they pay attention to the miniature angelfish, striving to devour them.

Therefore, joint keeping is allowed only in aquariums with a volume of more than 200 liters in the presence of all kinds of shelters and caves where a small angelfish can hide. The same applies to all small fish, and if their size does not exceed 5 cm, then it is better not to house them with “parrots”.

How to keep parrot fish in an aquarium

The Red Parrot is an enthusiastic fish that has the strength to stay active and mobile throughout the day. Keeping fish requires a large aquarium with free space for swimming: at least 200 cubic liters. It is recommended to build a pump with a current; all cichlids love underwater currents.

Proper care of an aquarium parrot involves maintaining acceptable parameters of the aquatic environment: temperature 23-26 degrees Celsius, acidity 6.5-7.5 pH. Aquarium parrots prefer water saturated with oxygen, which requires high-quality aeration. Once a week you need to refresh half of the water tank, replacing some of the old water with fresh water. The red parrot is quite jumpy, so the tank must be covered with a lid so that the fish does not end up behind the “house”.

In order for fish care to be beneficial for it, you should not plant a lot of decorations in the aquarium. Many cichlids are indifferent to them, since they themselves are not averse to building something new in the form of a nest. The red parrot can coexist with peaceful large fish, and so

some predators. Cichlid fish are not averse to eating small fish (neons, gracilis), so such stocking should be avoided. The red parakeet has a small mouth and can accidentally swallow small aquatic animals.

Recommended to be kept with arowanas, labeos, black knives, medium-sized South American cichlids, medium and large catfish, characins and large barbs. The parrot is a peaceful fish, so it will not attack the listed neighbors.


They consume all types of dry industrial feed and meat products. Protein supplements stimulate coloration and are more desirable than glamorous in the diet. It is recommended to purchase specialized food that takes into account the characteristics of the parrot fish, saving the aquarist from additional hassle in preparing food. Not all of the food will be eaten, be sure to remove any leftovers to prevent water contamination.


Under good keeping conditions, parrots can reproduce without much effort; they often spawn in a community aquarium. The main thing is to feed them heavily with live food, you will see how they gain color and begin to prepare for spawning. As a rule, the initiator of reproduction is the female, who, bending and trembling with her whole body, shows the male her best colors. True, if this happens in a common aquarium, then the couple becomes aggressive and can be hard on the neighbors.

You can often see a pair of parrots cleaning out a shelter, throwing out debris and soil from it. As soon as everything is brought to the cleanliness they need, the pair lays eggs in the shelter, as a rule, this is 200-300 eggs. From this moment, until the fry can swim freely, the female remains in the shelter, and the male guards her (remember, they can beat their neighbors mercilessly).

The rate of development of the fry depends on the temperature. At a temperature of 29C, the fry will fully develop and swim within a week. You need to look closely, as it is dark and completely invisible against the background of the ground, and at the command of the female, the fry instantly hide. However, it is not difficult to understand that they swam, as soon as the female swam out of the shelter, that means. 4 month old juveniles:

The fry can be fed brine shrimp naupilii, very crushed flakes, or liquid fry food. In addition, the parents crush bloodworms in their mouths and spit them out into the middle of the flock with the fry, which looks funny. You need to feed several times a day, and a bottom siphon and water changes at such times are very important. This way, you do not allow waste to accumulate, which rots and poisons the fry. Both parents look after the fry, but sometimes they start to fight, in such cases one of the parrot cichlids needs to be removed. Within two to four weeks, the fry will reach a size of 5 mm and can be separated from their parents. From this moment, the cribensis are ready for a new spawning, and they can again be placed in a separate aquarium.

Sex differences

Hybrid parrots become sexually mature by 1.5 years. Males and females can be distinguished by a conical anal tubercle; in the female it is pear-shaped. These differences are most noticeable during the spawning period. During this period, the fish begin to dig holes in the ground and can even dig up plants. To avoid such changes in the landscape, you can prepare a spawning site for them yourself. To do this, take a flat stone and place it in the corner of the aquarium (preferably under the aerator) so that its surface is approximately 45° with the ground surface.


The immunity, like that of other cichlids, is strong. The disease goes away on its own. Treatment begins if symptoms of fish diseases appear:

  • white stool;
  • white lumps (like semolina) on the body and fins (ichthyophthyriasis);
  • blackening of fins (color change is a sign of intoxication);
  • lying on the bottom, spitting food (overeating, poisoning);
  • wounds on the body.

The main reasons are poor water quality, overcrowding of the aquarium, and contact with other sick fish. If you rarely change the water, then intoxication occurs with your own feces. Then the water change should occur twice a day every day.

For ichthyophthyriasis, it is effective to increase the water temperature to 30 degrees Celsius, as well as the use of drugs containing copper.

The aquarium must have places where the fish can hide. This will eliminate unnecessary stress.

Black spots

Parrots sometimes have black spots on their bodies. This is a symptom of stress. When the traumatic situation is eliminated, the spots disappear. The cause of stress may be some change in the external environment. The parrot fish in the aquarium loves stability.

Interesting Facts

Parrot fish are a very interesting hybrid species of cichlids and with their appearance and habits they do not leave anyone indifferent. So, at night, many of them are engaged in the formation of a cocoon of mucus, in which they safely spend the night. Another interesting fact is that the color of parrots is unstable throughout their life, changing depending on age and conditions of detention. In this case, we mean natural, uncolored varieties that have not been subjected to various executions.

The behavior of parrots in pairs is also interesting. After spawning and the appearance of fry with the participation of another male, the “spouses” often sort things out and fight with each other. Whether this is connected with the appearance of “another man” in the house or not is unknown, but the fact remains a fact. ability to remember the owner’s face and subsequently unmistakably recognize him is also worthy of attention

And one more interesting fact: in addition to parrot fish - representatives of the South American cichlid family, there are several more species of aquarium fish with the same name.

The smallest of them is Pelvicachromis pulcher . This species already belongs to the African cichlids; it differs from its larger relatives in its miniature size and absolute peacefulness. In addition, unlike large “parrots”, the fish is of natural origin and is able to reproduce naturally. In the wild, the "parrot" is found in the rivers of Nigeria, Cameroon and other West African countries.

The length of miniature “parrots” rarely exceeds 8 cm, and their life expectancy is only 5 years. And natural coloring in its decorative effect is much inferior to artificial dyes and tattoos characteristic of Asian hybrids, making the fish unnoticeable.

In addition to the miniature parrotfish, there are also larger species such as the green bumphead parrotfish. It belongs to the class of ray-finned wrasse order and, despite the same name, has nothing in common with cichlid “parrots”.

The bump-fronted “parrot” is a very large fish and, under good conditions and the presence of a spacious tank, grows up to 1 m. The giant fully lives up to its name and has a characteristic growth on its forehead. Adults have a very aggressive disposition and are suitable for keeping only in separate aquariums.





Compatibility with other aquarium inhabitants

These are quite peaceful fish that get along well with other similar-sized inhabitants of the underwater world. Parrots perceive all small fish as food. Aggressive fish can drive this species, so you should avoid proximity to the following representatives of the underwater world:

  • cichlasma meeca;
  • Cichlasma Nicaraguan;
  • Acara bluish-spotted;
  • angelfish

A species aquarium would be the best solution. If you wish, you can select neighbors. Parrot fish are housed with non-aggressive:

  • cichlids;
  • black-striped cichlasomas;
  • lemon labidochromis (“Yellow”);
  • barbs;
  • large irises;
  • various catfish.

Also suitable are tetras, mettinis, congo, tetragonopterus and cyprinids.

Guppies, neons are not the best option. They will become easy prey for parrots.

Natural enemies of parrot fish

Photo: Parrot fish in the sea

Parrotfish do not have electrical discharge, spines or poison. She uses only mucus to protect herself. Therefore, one of the ways of protection is mucus, which she uses not only at night, but also during the day in case of danger. And danger to it can come from people who catch this type of fish because of its valuable, nutritional qualities and beneficial properties.

When catching fish with nets, it immediately and in large quantities begins to release its lubricant, but, unfortunately, this method of protection, when caught by a person using special equipment, is ineffective. But this cocoon is not dangerous for humans; on the contrary, it has many beneficial properties and vitamins.

Enemies can also include blood-sucking parasites from the order of higher crustaceans - isopods. Sharks, eels and other nocturnal hunters search for parrotfish using their sense of smell. To expel strangers from its territory, the parrot fish gathers in a group. Using sudden movements and his strong teeth, he intimidates and drives them out of their homes in a flock.

How to preserve the natural color of fish

First of all, add shell-less shrimp and specialized food for this type of fish to your diet. It contains a natural dye that will maintain the intensity of the pigment.

Additives in the form of living greens will also bring results: sweet peppers, peas, zucchini. A dark background will emphasize the brightness because the fish has a protective color. As the temperature drops, the color becomes pale.

Abilities and character traits of tiger parrots

Ribbon parrots have a quiet and calm disposition. They are quite fearful. These parrots, compared to many other species, prefer solitude and even loneliness. In the wild, tiger parrots also live alone or in pairs, without gathering in flocks.

They are extremely rare as pets. But if you do manage to purchase tiger parrots, then be prepared for the fact that it will be difficult and long for the parrot to adapt to new conditions.

Ribbon parrots do not require many toys or your attention. They can remain motionless for a long time. Parrots move slowly, but prefer climbing to daily flights.

Feeding rules

First of all, you need to know that this fish has an irregular mouth shape, so it needs special food that would suit its size. In addition to granulated food, you need to periodically feed aquatic inhabitants with animal food, as well as regularly add vitamins that contain carotene. It keeps their color bright.

Parrots love sea fish very much, so you can sometimes treat them to this delicacy, but first you need to freeze the fillets thoroughly, in which case you don’t have to worry about introducing parasites or bacteria into the aquarium. In addition, you can add plant foods, namely:

  • zucchini;
  • peas;
  • bell pepper;
  • corn;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • dandelion.

The fish are worth watching. If she refuses vegetables, then you need to try feeding them other vegetation. Each individual reacts to vegetables in its own way.

Feeding should be strictly on schedule. This should be done twice a day - early in the morning and in the evening. In this case, all food that the fish have not eaten must be removed from the water. It is especially important to do this after the evening feeding, otherwise the fish will eat spoiled food in the morning, which can have a bad effect on them and cause illness.

You need to feed the fish twice a day - early in the morning and in the evening.

A properly formulated diet affects the lifespan of aquarium inhabitants. It is extremely important not to overfeed them. Obesity will not allow them to move normally, and this can cause all sorts of diseases.


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