How to prepare bloodworms for winter fishing so that they bite like a machine gun - the secret of an old fisherman

Aquarium shrimp differ not only in the size and color of their shell, but also in the degree of adaptation to artificial conditions. Some species are unpretentious, while others may die at the slightest failure to comply with the requirements for their maintenance. These exotic crustaceans can coexist peacefully with many fish and shellfish.

Briefly about aquarium shrimp and the difficulty of keeping them

Currently, more than 50 species of freshwater shrimp have been adapted to live in aquariums. Their body length varies from 1 to 15 cm. Most of them are brightly colored. However, their body structure is the same. These crustaceans have a durable chitinous covering that protects their internal organs from mechanical damage.

In addition, these creatures have long sensitive antennae, which provide a good sense of smell and touch in the water. Large eyes located on the sides provide a wide view.

They live most of their lives on the bottom, along which they move with the help of their legs, but when escaping from predators, they can swim quickly using a strong tail. At home, depending on the type of shrimp, they live from 6 months to 1.5 years.

Keeping freshwater crustaceans involves some difficulties, because... they are especially sensitive to the chemical composition of water and temperature conditions.

They require fairly spacious aquariums, because... in small containers it is extremely difficult to maintain the necessary conditions.

Freshwater shrimp have a built-in mechanism for regulating their numbers.

If their habitat is spacious and there is enough food for them, they reproduce quickly.

If the number of individuals becomes too large, large crustaceans begin to eat smaller ones.

Shrimps rarely attack other inhabitants of the aquarium, but they can become victims of predatory fish. These crustaceans are extremely useful for keeping the aquarium clean and eating algae and organic debris.

Features and differences

Shrimp are one of the few arthropods that change their shell - they practice molting. Moreover, the female usually changes clothes before mating.

During molting, limbs that were damaged or lost are restored - faster in young ones, but in older ones this may take several molts.

Freedom-loving shrimp that live in cold waters cannot be artificially propagated. They live and breed only in their natural habitat.

They have vision, smell, touch and a “chemical sense”.

Some species are able to change sex throughout life, a feature called “protandric hermaphroditism.”

Certain species are also able to perceive infrared rays. For example, the mantis shrimp sees four times more colors than a human.

How to choose the right type for your home

You need to choose the type of shrimp to keep taking into account the experience of the aquarist. The easiest way is to create conditions for freshwater shrimp.

If there is no experience in keeping such animals, it is better to give preference to species bred through selection. These shrimp are better adapted to the aquarium.


Click shrimp are “friends” with goby fish.

A fish has better eyesight than a shrimp. So the shrimp does all the dirty work, like digging a hole or hunting prey, and the goby fish takes care of the situation.

The click shrimp clings to the tail of the goby fish with its antennae. If the goby fish sees danger, it flicks its tail and both dudes hide in the hole. But not all click shrimp and not all goby fish, which have more than two thousand species, have this theme.

Some click shrimp live in colonies, like ants.

Misunderstanding in the US Navy

During World War II, the crackling sounds of snapper shrimp began to interfere with the sonar the U.S. military used to detect enemy submarines.
The Navy needed to know where the noise was coming from, so it turned to researchers at the University of California's Department of Military Research, who discovered its source: large communities of tiny click shrimp that inhabit coral reefs.

The Navy even recorded click shrimp sounds in a training protocol so that sonar operators could learn to recognize shrimp when they heard them.

In nature, the sound of a coral reef is usually an indicator of its health. Active hunting = balanced ecosystem.

Click shrimp in culture

Rock music

Seattle University biology professor Christine Hultgren and her colleagues from the UK named their discovery Synalpheus pinkfloydi
after their favorite rock band, Pink Floyd. Here's this handsome guy:

They even built this shrimp into the culture. If Synalpheus pinkfloydi had graced the cover of Pink Floyd's 1977 album Animals instead of the famous inflatable pig. (Image by Chris Jarvis)


Netflix brought the snapper shrimp to light through Jamie Foxx's character in the movie Project Power, in an episode where the dude destroys opponents with raindrops. It is clear that there is no question about the possibility of performing all the drawn special effects, at least because of the scale. But Netflix promoted the click shrimp; after the film’s release, viewers actively Googled the query “pistol shrimp.”


A mixture of crab and turtle with claws like a click crayfish - turtle crab.
It was invented by 3 schoolgirls from the anime “Hands Off Film Club” for their short film: The supernatural power of the turtle crab is based on the real abilities of the click shrimp.


Here are just a few photos of click shrimp:

General content tips

Each species has its own characteristics of keeping, but there are also general recommendations for creating the environment necessary for these creatures.

Aquarium and its arrangement

It is best to stock shrimp in aquariums with a volume of more than 50 liters. This will make it easier to maintain the desired microclimate. In addition, this will facilitate the procedure for replacing part of the water, which needs to be done once a week.

The container must have a special lid, because... some shrimp are capable of jumping out of their tanks.


Shrimp can be fed with fish, grain and live food.
Daphnia can be given. Shrimp are capable of eating Java moss and other aquatic plants.

In addition, they will filter out single-celled algae.

Adding shrimp to the aquarium

Crustaceans are susceptible to a large number of infectious and parasitic diseases.

Before introducing new individuals into the aquarium, they must be kept in a separate container in quarantine for at least 14 days.

Cleaning the shrimp tank

In a shrimp tank, you need to regularly filter the soil. In addition, it is necessary to clean all decorative elements and stones from possible organic contaminants.

All modes of transportation

The legs of shrimp are the majority of the functional parts of the body - several pairs have changed during the process of evolution, and some have remained walking and swimming. So, in fresh water or in the sea, shrimp both swim and crawl.

Many organs were formed from their legs: reproductive organs (the first abdominal pair in males), partially digestive organs (they also play the role of weapons) - 3 thoracic pairs of jaws.

The remaining five pectorals are walking legs.

The abdominal 5 pairs are called pleopods. They work as oars, help the shrimp to swim, and function as an apparatus for bearing offspring in females during the appropriate period.

Considering the number of movements of shrimp along the bottom, various plants and the water column in the process of life, it is not surprising that the organs of movement reached maximum efficiency in the process of formation of these animals.

Avoiding Mistakes

You need to carefully monitor the hardness and acidity of the water. These parameters are extremely important for maintaining the life of these crustaceans. The water temperature must also be maintained. To control it, you should install a thermometer in the aquarium. It is recommended to use an aerator to saturate the water with oxygen.


CrustaceansAquarium crabs are bright loners with a funny character


CrustaceansTop 9 crabs you want in your aquarium


Cavitation occurs when the speed of the water is very high, in which case the pressure drops significantly due to Bernoulli's principle.
The pressure drops even below the water vapor pressure and the water will evaporate, i.e. boil at ambient temperature. Due to the low pressure, the resulting vapor bubble will grow to about 1 cm. But when the pressure rises again, this bubble will collapse, releasing energy. The scientists recorded with a hydrophone and filmed the shrimp with a high-speed video camera that records 40,000 frames per second, i.e. Every 25 microseconds the camera takes a photo. Only at this recording speed was it possible to observe the closing of the claw, the growth of the bubble, and the collapse of the bubble.

The camera was set up so that a click became a trigger for the camera to fire, but the camera still recorded frames before the trigger. All these dances with a tambourine in order to film in super slowmo what happened in the interval immediately after the claw closed.

Then scientists combined the audio and video recordings over time and found that there was no sound during the closing of the claw, and that the instruments picked up a very strong signal precisely during the collapse of the bubble. The claw closes a long time (long on the high-speed camera time scale, 600 microseconds) before the bubble collapses, and the instruments record a very loud explosion of 200 dB.

If anything, Wikipedia says that 200 dB is a noise weapon.

130 dB — Pain threshold (plane at takeoff) 140 dB — Contusion (sound of a jet plane taking off) 160 dB — Shock, injuries (shock wave from a supersonic plane) At sound levels above 160 dB, rupture of eardrums and lungs is possible, more than 200 — death .

Cavitation erosion in ship propulsion systems is a serious problem. When water flows around a ship's propeller at high speed, a vacuum is created, and the resulting cavitation bubbles damage the ship's propeller. Large metal blades are damaged due to the collapse of bubbles that form around the propeller.

Dolphins cannot swim at a speed of more than 15 m/s - “cavitation” bites them on the side. But tuna can, they don’t have pain receptors on their fins, they don’t care about damage to the carcass.

This article describes in detail and in clear terms the hypothetical physics of the entire process.

Essentially, the snapper shrimp's claw is a hammer-on-anvil mechanism.

(a) Clicking components of shrimp claws: d corresponds to the dactyl, p to the piston and s to the socket. (b) closed claw; the channel through which the flow exits is visible. (c) Rendering of the simplified claw geometry used in the study above.

Shot schematically:

The shrimp uses the cavitation bubble to damage, stun or even kill its prey.

The photo below is an attempt on the life of a poor crab.

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Eliminating fogging of plastic windows

You can deal with the problem in different ways. You can use the help of industrial products that car owners often use, or you can remember old folk recipes:

You can quickly get rid of condensation on windows using ordinary candles. Just place them on the windowsill and light them. The heat generated will warm the surface, after which they will stop sweating. In winter you need to be careful not to place the candle too close to the glass.

  • Table salt is actively used to eliminate condensation on windows. To do this, you can use the following recipes: prepare a solution of water (4 liters) and salt (1 tablespoon). First, you should wash the glass surface, and then wipe it with a cloth soaked in liquid. Or simply rub with salt wrapped in a soft cloth.
  • If the inside of the windows sweat a lot, you can use the help of glycerin and vodka. Once you treat the glass with the solution, a protective film is formed on it, which will simply prevent condensation from collecting, which means that moisture will stop flowing.
  • Grind the chalk to a powder, dilute with water, and carefully treat the glass surface. It is undesirable to touch the glass after treatment; unsightly stains will remain. Chalk can be replaced with tooth powder.
  • Old newspaper has been widely used in window cleaning since the last century. The paper copes well with dirt, soap stains, and grease stains. Printing ink can create a water-repellent film on the surface of the glass, which prevents moisture from collecting on the glass. It is enough to wash the window and polish it dry with dry newspaper.

You can get rid of unwanted condensation using industrial means. The Secunda cleaning aerosol has proven itself to be excellent. The composition is sprayed over the surface and thoroughly rubbed with a dry soft cloth.

How to get rid of condensation on windows?

To regulate the humidity in your home, you need to install proper ventilation. In finished apartments, ventilation is already available, but it may not work properly; residents do not attach much importance to it and suffer from high humidity.

It is necessary to check how the ventilation compartment works. To see this, you need to place a switched-on lighter near the hood or a match. If the flame deviates to the side, it means that the hood is working properly; if the flame burns vertically, this means that the shaft is clogged or improperly constructed.

If many family members live in the apartment, then it is necessary to install a pressure valve in the toilet. Such a device forcibly draws air from the room and discharges it into the hood.

If condensation constantly forms on the windows in the apartment, which looks like wet drops, you need to pay attention to how often this happens and at what time. If after cooking, then only a hood or forced ventilation of the room will help.

If the windows are constantly wet, then the problem lies in something completely different. It is possible that the double-glazed window is not sealed or that the baseboard near the window slopes is allowing moisture to pass through.

Step-by-step description with photos

Let's start our step-by-step master class.

: make blanks

Knead the white polymer clay well until it becomes smooth and soft. Form blanks from plastic. You will need:

  • 3 small balls of different sizes;
  • 5 thick pancakes of the same size;
  • 7 small carrot-shaped cones;
  • 9 small canes in the shape of a thin sausage;
  • 3 thin ovals.

Put the blanks aside for now, leaving in front of you only 3 balls of different sizes.

: form a round coral

Take the largest ball. Using the round tip of your brush, press small indentations into this ball.

Place the indentations clearly one after another over the entire area of ​​the ball. Try to ensure that the resulting dimples are the same depth.

Repeat the same with the remaining two balls.

: Make a bowl-shaped coral

Take one of the pancakes. Place the end of a brush with a round tip in the middle of the pancake.

Wrap polymer clay around the end of the brush. Leave most of the material at the end of the tip, wrap the remaining clay in a thin layer around the handle.

Carefully separate the resulting bowl from the handle.

Repeat the same with the remaining pancakes.

: make a cone coral

Take a small piece of carrot-shaped plastic. Insert a pin into its thick end.

By rotating the pin clockwise you will create a small but visible hole.

Repeat manipulations with the remaining pieces.

The remaining blanks: 7 thin tubes and 3 thin ovals do not need to be modified in any way. They are already ready to use.

Elimination of heat loss to get rid of condensation

If the house in which the owners live is old, it may experience large heat losses. This moves the dew point into the room. In this case, insulating the walls will help get rid of the condensation problem. Moreover, it is much better if these actions are performed from the outside of the wall.

If the apartment is cold, this may also be the answer to the question of why plastic windows fog up inside. The causes of problems can sometimes be found in the operation of old radiators. It is recommended to rinse and clean cast iron batteries thoroughly. You can replace them with new ones, but steel and aluminum will be less durable, although they have greater heat transfer.

It is better to restore old cast iron. In addition to the existing heating, install an electric convector or heated floor. This will reduce condensation.

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