Tiger pseudoplatystoma (Pseudoplatystoma Fasciatum)

Pseudoplatistoma tiger photo

Pseudoplatistoma tiger, also called tiger catfish, is a fairly large resident of large and deep rivers. This fish is found in South America, east of the Andes and south of the La Plata basin. It is a predator, and its size in some cases can exceed 100 cm.

An interesting feature of this species is the use of hypersensitive whiskers to recognize and subsequently capture prey. Pseudoplatistomas use almost all living inhabitants of rivers as food - they can hunt both cichlids and catfish, and crabs living in fresh water.

The behavior of these fish at home is quite unusual: they can rush around the entire space of the aquarium and destroy everything that comes in their way.

Living in natural conditions

Under natural conditions, tiger catfish can be found in the river waters of Central and North America, in fairly large rivers of the Amazon, as well as in Peruvian, Paraguayan, Brazilian, Venezuelan, Uruguayan and Colombian rivers.

The average body length of Pseudoplatistoma tiger is about 60 cm, so this species is considered quite large. The color of these fish is bright and noticeable, and the pattern is similar to tiger, which is why they got their name.

On the gray-brown background of the body, stripes, spots, and small strokes of black are randomly located. The lower part of the tiger catfish is colored in light or white shades. The colors of fish may vary depending on the characteristics of the territory in which they live, as well as on their age.

The shape of the pseudoplatistoma is unusual - its head is flattened above and below, and vaguely resembles that of a pike. One pair of whiskers is located on the upper jaw of the catfish, and two more on the lower jaw. Unlike most fish, this species has no scales at all, which is why the skin is very soft.

The caudal fin of pseudoplatistoma has a deep notch, and the dorsal fin is slightly pointed. Just like many species of catfish, the first rays of the pectoral and dorsal fins of these fish are equipped with fairly sharp spines used for self-defense.

Maintenance and care in the aquarium

Keeping astronotus is quite easy, provided you provide them with fresh and clean water.
An aquarium is a closed system and no matter how big it is, it still needs cleaning and maintenance. Over time, the level of ammonia and nitrates in the water increases, slowly poisoning the fish.

Since they are very sensitive to poisoning by these substances, it is important to change about 20% of the water in the aquarium weekly and siphon the soil. Feed residues accumulate in the soil, rot and often cause the most problems with maintenance.

Feed residues accumulate in the soil, rot, and often cause the most problems with maintenance.

Remember that fish litter while eating, and the remains of food scatter in all directions. For example, they spit out parts of fish, although they eat the same tablets almost completely.

So if you provide food such as live fish, then you need to siphon the soil and change the water even more often.

Juveniles will live comfortably in a 100 liter aquarium, but when they become adults they will need 400 or more liters.

If you plan to keep a pair for breeding, and even with other large fish, you need a much larger aquarium to reduce the number of fights.

Astronotus like water with high oxygen content, but do not like current, so you need to either use aeration or feed water from an external filter through a flute located above the surface of the water.

Since the fish are very large and quite active, make sure that the equipment and decor are installed securely, and even better, have protection. It is better to cover the heaters with large stones or other decor. Oscars can play with the decor by attacking it, but due to their size this can end badly for the decor.

If your fish are prone to this behavior, then you can deceive them by throwing some object that will distract their attention from the equipment. The best soil to use is sand, which they like to dig.

Plants are not needed, they will either be dug up or eaten. However, you can try to plant hard-leaved species, such as anubias, in pots

The best soil to use is sand, which they like to dig. Plants are not needed, they will either be dug up or eaten. However, you can try to plant hard-leaved species, such as Anubias, in pots.

And yes, if you are thinking of creating some kind of design in the aquarium so that everything looks beautiful, then remember - the main thing in the aquarium is not you, but Oscar. Astronotuses will dig up and move everything they consider necessary.

It is highly advisable to cover the aquarium, this way you will avoid splashes during feeding and your fish will not jump out.

  • Water temperature - 22-26C
  • acidity ph: 6.5-7.5
  • water hardness – up to 23°

Keeping Pseudoplatistoma in an aquarium

Pseudoplatistoma tiger photo
When buying an aquarium for pseudoplatistoma, you first need to pay attention to its size. The minimum volume required for one individual is 250 liters

At the bottom of the new dwelling, you can place a variety of driftwood, large stones, caves and other objects in which the catfish can hide.

Pseudoplatistomas are quite easily tamed and over time the new owner will be able to feed the fish directly from his hands. Sand and large stones work well as aquarium soil, but gravel should not be used - the fish may accidentally swallow it and clog its stomach. You should definitely purchase a special lid for the aquarium, as tiger catfish are very shy and can jump out of the water.

Common names[edit]

In its native waters, this fish is called surubi

This name is also used in some Spanish-speaking countries and in Brazil ( surubi
In Peruvian Spanish they are called doncella
P. corruscans
may be called
[1] popularly
bagre rayado
(tiger catfish or tiger shovelnose).
[2] P. corruscans
P. fasciatum.
P. tigrinum
are also known as
spotted sorubim
barred sorubim,
tiger sorubim
[3] [4] [5] This genus contains the fish commonly known in the aquarium hobby as the tiger shovelnose catfish
, although species in the genus are relatively easy to confuse.


In nature, these fish are omnivores, eating a wide variety of foods including: insects, larvae, zooplankton, plants and algae, fish, invertebrates and amphibians.

In an aquarium, these are extremely unpretentious fish to feed, although it is preferable to give them animal food.

It is best to feed artificial high-quality food for large cichlids - pellets, granules, tablets. Fortunately, there is now a wide selection of them, from Chinese to European manufacturers. Additionally, provide live or frozen food.

They love earthworms and crawlers, but also eat crickets, shrimp, fish fillets, mussel meat, tadpoles, grasshoppers and other large foods.

Naturally, they also give them fish, such as guppies or veiltails, but this is best done only if you are completely sure that the fish are healthy and will not carry diseases.

Astronotus are very greedy and insatiable fish, so it is important not to overfeed them, otherwise illness and death may occur. At one time, cichlids were fed mammalian meat, but this should now be avoided

The fact is that due to the high content of protein and fat in such meat, it is poorly digested by fish, leading to obesity and degeneration of internal organs

At one time, cichlids were fed mammalian meat, but this should now be avoided. The fact is that due to the high content of protein and fat in such meat, it is poorly digested by fish, leading to obesity and degeneration of internal organs.

It is better to feed the same beef heart once a week, so as not to overload the fish.

Feeding pseudoplatistoma

Considering that tiger catfish are predators, in the natural environment they prefer to feed mainly on fish. However, when kept in an aquarium, they can easily adapt to other products of animal origin. These fish can be fed earthworms, mussels, lobsters, krill meat, shrimp, etc.

Larger individuals can also be offered white fish fillets.

It is very important to ensure that the food is not monotonous, otherwise the fish will get used to it and may refuse other types of food. It is also necessary to provide food in limited quantities, since pseudoplatistomas have a tendency to overeat

At first, young fish need to be fed every day, gradually reducing the frequency of feeding. Adult catfish are able to eat only once a week without harm to health.

Reproduction of pseudoplatistoma

Determining the sex of Pseudoplatistoma tiger is very difficult, and often even impossible. However, among fans of this species it is generally accepted that the female is slightly different from the male in stockiness.

Cases of successful breeding of these fish in aquarium conditions are currently unknown. This is due to the fact that in the natural environment pseudoplatistoma migrates along rivers to spawn, and in an aquarium it is simply impossible to reproduce such conditions. Therefore, fish are brought to us for sale from other countries.

Pseudoplatistoma diseases

The main way to prevent the development of any disease in aquarium fish is to properly care for them. If tiger pseudoplatistomas are kept in an aquarium that has sufficient volume and are fed suitable food, they rarely develop health problems.

Editorial: Platidoras

It is important to remember that pseudoplatistoma has very soft skin that is susceptible to damage. You should not place these fish in an aquarium with aggressive species, otherwise injury to the fish cannot be avoided.



species are migratory fish.
[7] P. orinocense
P. tigrinum
have short migrations.
[2] At the end of the dry season, P. tigrinum
may migrate at the same time as its prey and then return at the end of the wet season. [5]

The migration of P. corruscans is largely

associated with flooding. The greatest reproductive activity, the highest rate of gonad development and the greatest amount of energy expended on migration occurs during rain. [1]

Endlicher's Polypterus or Tiger (Polypterus Endlicheri Bichir)

Polypterus Endlicher

Polypterus Endlicher

Quite a large representative of the species. Distributed from tropical zones of Africa to the Red Sea. It can reach seventy-five centimeters in length. Discreetly painted. Gray-blue body with pronounced stripes. Very strong, but slow. In nature it is most active at night, but in a home aquarium it will always be active. It is possible to keep it in a home aquarium, but only separately in a volume of at least a thousand liters. Feeding is possible only with live food.

The most comfortable water parameters for keeping: temperature 22-27°C, pH: 6.0-8.0, 5-25°H.

Types of catfish

You can get acquainted with the main types of aquarium catfish fish and their description in the photo. Bottom inhabitants can have very different colors and differ significantly from each other in external features.

The most famous and common types of aquarium fish, catfish, are the following:

  • Ancistrus;
  • Corydoras catfish;
  • otocinclus;
  • glass catfish;
  • synodontis changeling;
  • tiger pseudoplatistoma.

Ancistrus for beginners

Ancitrus is the most common type of aquarium catfish. It belongs to the chainmail family and is suitable even for beginners. The fish are excellent at cleaning aquarium walls and are quite unpretentious to keep. Their suction cup-shaped mouth allows them to effectively clean surfaces.

Catfish corridors

Corydoras catfish can have different sizes. The color scheme can also be varied. In aquariums you can often find purple, golden, and yellow Corydoras. They like to live in small groups.

Otocinclus babies

Otocinclus have a small body size and do not exceed a few centimeters in length. These fish are sensitive to water quality and constant temperature.

Glass representative of catfish

Glass catfish have an unusual appearance. They usually reach no more than 10 cm in length. The skin is without scales, but has a pearlescent hue, through which you can see the internal structure of the fish. Catfish of this species are very fastidious in their care and often die for no apparent reason.

Sinodotis changeling

Synodontis shifter swims belly up. The body is light brown in color, and the tail looks like a fork. There are antennae near the mouth. These catfish love snags and plants, where they can hide most of the day.

Tiger pseudoplatistoma

These catfish grow to impressive sizes. It is not worth keeping them with other fish, since this species is a predator and eats small representatives of the aquatic world that fit into its mouth. Pseudoplatistoma has a characteristic brindle coloration.


Currently recognized species of this genus include: [2] [8]

  • Pseudoplatystoma corruscans
    (Spix & Agassiz, 1829) (spotted cuthead)
  • Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum
    (Linnaeus, 1766) (cut down with stripe)
  • Pseudoplatistoma magdaleniatum
    Buitrago-Suárez & Burr, 2007
  • Pseudoplatistoma metaense
    Buitrago-Suárez & Burr, 2007
  • Pseudoplatistoma orinocoense
    Buitrago-Suárez & Burr, 2007
  • Stippled pseudoplatistoma
    (Castelnau, 1855)
  • Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum
    (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889) (cut down with stripe)
  • Pseudoplatystoma tigrinum
    (Valenciennes, 1840) (cut tiger)


In the aquarium, catfish reproduce through spawning. It is necessary to prepare a spawning area of ​​a certain volume (at least 10 liters). The water should be within 21 degrees. Strong aeration required.

A flat piece of plexiglass must be placed at the bottom of the spawning area. The female will lay eggs on it. You can also place a plant in the spawning area.

Differences between a female and a male

Sexual characteristics depend on the type of aquarium catfish. Most often, females are not so brightly colored and have a more rounded body shape. In the abdominal area, males have a pronounced genital tubercle and a round opening. Females do not have a tubercle, the opening is oval. Males tend to fight among themselves, especially in small aquariums. Females have a calmer behavior and do not share territory.


Spawning of catfish lasts several hours. The males begin to chase the female. She takes milk into her mouth and smears it on the glass surface, and then glues several eggs to it. During the spawning period, the temperature is reduced to 22 degrees.

The female lays more than 100-200 eggs. Afterwards it is removed, and the temperature is raised to 28 degrees. Incubation lasts approximately 3 days. After the fry of the catfish emerge, the temperature is reduced to 20-22 degrees and the babies are fed live food at least 4-5 times a day. The male must be removed after spawning.


The highest level of gonad development and the greatest reproductive activity of these catfish occurs during the rainy season. Females of P. fasciatum become sexually mature at a length of 56 cm, males at a length of 45 cm. Fertility in nature is estimated at 8 million eggs per kg of body weight. This and other pseudoplatistoma species are of interest for breeding in aquaculture in order to produce valuable food products and juveniles to saturate the aquarium fish market. An additional effect of artificial cultivation is a reduction in fishing pressure on the wild population.

Artificial ripening of wild-caught broodstock has not been a problem for a long time. The technology for capturing, transporting and keeping them in captivity is well established. Sexual materials can be obtained using two consecutive injections of a hormonal drug within 24 hours. Ovulation occurs after approximately 8 hours at 27 °C. Eggs are incubated in special apparatus at 26.5 °C. The larvae appear after 3 days. After another 48 hours, the larvae begin to be fed Artemia nauplii seven times a day. The larvae are kept in the dark to ensure even distribution in the tanks and therefore food availability. After 15 days, they begin to feed a mixture based on mammalian liver. After another 5 days, the fry are switched to high-quality granulated food adapted to their size. Successful experiments are being carried out on pseudoplatistoma hybridization. And various hybrid forms are no longer uncommon in hobbyist aquariums.

General information about catfish

Catfish is one of the largest freshwater fish. Its length can reach 3 meters, and its weight is 150 kg. Color varies. It depends on the conditions in which the individuals live and the time of year. Colors are possible from bright yellow to black.

Catfish are always found at the bottom of reservoirs. They rarely swim to the surface of the water. This type of fish does not tolerate cold, and in nature, with the onset of autumn, it immediately goes into hibernation.

The peculiarity of fish is that they are omnivores: the common catfish feeds on crustaceans, mollusks, toads, waterfowl and will not even refuse the meat of dead animals.

Catfish belongs to the catfish family. Fish are widespread in the basins of the Caspian, Baltic, and Aral seas. They also choose to live in freshwater bodies of almost all European countries.

These are predominantly nocturnal predators; during the day they prefer to sit in dug holes or snags at the bottom of reservoirs.

Features of the character and behavior of pseudoplatistoma

Tiger pseudoplatistoma is a nocturnal fish. During the day, she prefers to sit in shelters or hide in thickets of plants. If she is disturbed by something, she begins to rush around the aquarium in panic, and if it is large in size, this is fraught with destruction.

Important! An aquarium for pseudoplatistoma must have large driftwood, caves or other objects at the bottom that the catfish can use as a refuge.

Despite this behavioral feature, the pseudoplatys cannot be called a shy fish. Having the opportunity to hide, this catfish becomes the “master of the reservoir.” When the daylight changes to nighttime, it comes out of its hiding places, actively explores the bottom in search of food and knocks pebbles. At the same time, it is not limited only to the bottom layers of water, mastering the entire volume of the reservoir.

Often, owners of tiger pseudoplatistomas complain that these catfish disturb their sleep at night. They float to the surface, make strong splashes and may even try to jump out of the aquarium. However, this behavior is observed only when the fish does not have enough space. In a large tank, pseudoplatistomas make only light tapping noises at night when they stir up the soil.

  1. There is evidence that pseudoplatistomas are able to get used to the owner, recognize him and tame him. Some aquarists train these catfish to take food from hands. Therefore, in good conditions they behave quite calmly.


The fish has a strong, oval-shaped body with a powerful head and large, fleshy lips. In nature, they can reach 35 cm in length, but in an aquarium they are smaller, about 20-25 cm. With good care, they live for 10 years or more.

Individuals living in the wild are usually modestly colored, dark in color with orange spots on the gills and back. The caudal fin has a large black spot edged with orange, which is how they get their name - ocellated.

Both the wild form and those bred by humans are famous for their ability to quickly change color under stress, during a fight or defending territory.

Juveniles differ from their parents in color; they are dark with white spots on the body. As already mentioned, there are many different color forms: red, brindle, albino, marbled.

Habitat in nature

Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum lives in South America, the rivers Suriname, Corentain, and Essequibo. Confirmed populations exist in Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil and Argentina. Cases in Paraguay and Uruguay appear to be unconfirmed.

Inhabits many biotopes, from large rivers and lakes to flooded forests. Presumably, Pseudoplatistoma fasciatum often occurs in habitats that are avoided by many large Pimelodids.

They can grow about a meter and are pronounced nocturnal predators, feeding mainly on other fish and crabs. Using their sensitive whiskers to identify prey, they wait in ambush for unwary fish that dare to swim too close.

In nature, they are known for preying on all living things, from other species of catfish and cichlids to freshwater crabs. Hunting is carried out mainly at night.

Pseudoplatistoma tiger

Pseudoplatistoma tiger, which is also called tiger catfish, is a fairly large resident of large and deep rivers. This fish is found in South America, east of the Andes and south of the La Plata basin. It is a predator, and its size in some cases can exceed 100 cm.

An interesting feature of this species is the use of hypersensitive whiskers to recognize and subsequently capture prey. Pseudoplatistomas use almost all living inhabitants of rivers as food - they can hunt both cichlids and catfish, and crabs living in fresh water.

The behavior of these fish at home is quite unusual: they can rush around the entire space of the aquarium and destroy everything that comes in their way.

From the editor: Cuneiform sternicle

Living in natural conditions

Under natural conditions, tiger catfish can be found in the river waters of Central and North America, in fairly large rivers of the Amazon, as well as in Peruvian, Paraguayan, Brazilian, Venezuelan, Uruguayan and Colombian rivers.

The average body length of Pseudoplatistoma tiger is about 60 cm, so this species is considered quite large. The color of these fish is bright and noticeable, and the pattern is similar to tiger, which is why they got their name.

On the gray-brown background of the body, stripes, spots, and small strokes of black are randomly located. The lower part of the tiger catfish is colored in light or white shades. The colors of fish may vary depending on the characteristics of the territory in which they live, as well as on their age.

The shape of the pseudoplatistoma is unusual - its head is flattened above and below, and vaguely resembles that of a pike. One pair of whiskers is located on the upper jaw of the catfish, and two more on the lower jaw. Unlike most fish, this species has no scales at all, which is why the skin is very soft.

The caudal fin of pseudoplatistoma has a deep notch, and the dorsal fin is slightly pointed. Just like many species of catfish, the first rays of the pectoral and dorsal fins of these fish are equipped with fairly sharp spines used for self-defense.

Pseudoplatistoma striped and brindle

There are two species of catfish belonging to the genus Pseudoplatystoma: striped and tiger pseudoplatystoma. Their main distinguishing feature is their highly flattened head, which is why they are also called paddlefish. There are two pairs of whiskers on the lower jaw, and another on the upper jaw. The first species grows to a length of more than one meter, so it is rarely seen in home aquariums. To keep such a catfish you need an aquarium with a volume of at least 500 liters. Striped pseudoplatistoma is an active predator. Its body is steel-gray in color, with narrow thin black stripes running across it. These stripes have branches and sometimes form original patterns. Like most catfish, these fish become active at dusk.

Myths about the age and lifespan of aquarium species

The age of lake inhabitants does not exceed 25 years. Rumors that all catfish are long-lived and live for at least a hundred years are simply myths.

Common catfish that are caught by fishing live in fresh water rivers. They dig a hole at the bottom and emerge only when they go in search of food or during spawning. Experienced fishermen have always tried to figure out what the ratio of fish weight to age is. It was possible to approximately determine how long a simple catfish lives.

Thus, it was possible to establish that fish weighing up to 10 kg live five years, up to 12 kg - 12-13 years, and individuals weighing 128 kg can live up to 50.

The aquarium catfish is popular among aquarists. People bring home hybrid and decorative species of these fish. Just like in nature, in an aquarium all catfish live on the bottom.

The lifespan varies depending on the conditions of detention. Temperature and feed quality play a special role. The maximum age under optimal conditions reaches 10 years.

Pseudoplatist compatibility

When choosing neighbors for pseudoplatistomas, one should not forget that these are active predators. The length of fish claiming such a neighborhood must be equal to at least half the length of paddlefish. It is also desirable that they be mobile and tall. But aggressive bullies cannot be placed with catfish either. The reason is the absence of pseudoplatystom scales on the body. They are covered only with soft skin, which is easily injured.

The first rays of the pectoral and dorsal fins are transformed into sharp spines, with which fish can cause significant damage to others. Including people trying to catch these giants. Such injections are quite painful and do not heal for a long time.

Pseudoplatistoma compatibility

Pseudoplatistoma tiger photo
The most optimal option is to keep the pseudoplatistoma in an isolated space. And if, nevertheless, there is a need to add other species to them, it is worth carefully selecting neighbors, taking into account the predatory characteristics of the tiger catfish.

The main requirement is that the rest of the fish must be much larger than the pseudoplatys (1.5-2 times). You can add arowanas, Orinoco catfish, snakeheads, armored pikes, and other large fish to the aquarium.

It is very important that other fish species do not have a tendency to fight, since the skin of the pseudoplatistoma is soft, and therefore they are easily seriously injured. Pseudoplatistomas are not difficult fish to care for

However, there are still some requirements for the normal existence of this species at home. For example, water should have an average level of hardness, and its optimal temperature should be between 22-28°C

Pseudoplatistomas are not difficult fish to care for. However, there are still some requirements for the normal existence of this species at home. For example, water should have an average level of hardness, and its optimal temperature should be between 22-28°C.

Filtration, aeration and water changes every week are also necessary maintenance conditions. In particular, it is worth taking care of a high-quality water filter, since fish feed on protein feed, and food residues can increase the concentration of ammonium or ammonia.



is a monophyletic assemblage of catfish.
[2] P. fasciatum
was the first described species under the name
Siluris fasciatus
[4] In 1829, P. corruscans
was described under the name
Platystoma corruscans
, and more than ten years later
P. tigrinum
was described as
Platystoma tigrinum
[3] In 1862, Pseudoplatistoma
and these species were transferred to it with
P. fasciatum
as the type species. [6]

Unknown types of pseudoplatistoma

have been included under the names
P. fasciatum
P. tigrinum
for decades.
This genus traditionally contained only three species until 2007; there are currently eight species in this genus. P. orinocoense
P. magdaleniatum
P. reticulatum
were formerly called
P. fasciatum
, but are now recognized as separate species.
P. metaense
is now also recognized as a separate species from
P. tigrinum
. [2]

Two clades are recognized within the genus. One of them is P. fasciatum

a clade that includes
P. fasciatum
P. orinocoense
P. magdaleniatum
P. reticulatum
P. corruscans
Within this clade, P. fasciatum
P. punctifer
are sister species, and
P. orinocoense
is sister to the clade formed by these two species.
The other, the P. tigrinum
clade , includes only
P. tigrinum
P. metaense
. They differ in anatomical characteristics. [2]

Intergeneric relations of this kind are well established. It forms a monophyletic group with sorubim

Of these genera , Hemisorubim
is most closely related to
. [7]

Potassium fertilizer for aquarium

The nitrate and phosphate fertilizers we make contain potassium (we isolated it separately), but the amount is usually not enough to maintain potassium at the required level and we have to add it additionally.

To produce potassium fertilizer, potassium sulfate (K2SO4) or potassium sulfate is used. This salt does not contain nitrates and phosphates, so you do not have to worry about exceeding their concentration when applying potassium fertilizer. Potassium fertilizer is produced in the same way as nitrate and phosphate fertilizers.

Dissolve 110 g of K2SO4 in 1 liter of water. The resulting fertilizer will contain 50 g/l of potassium. Accordingly, when adding 1 ml of fertilizer to 10 liters of aquarium water, the potassium concentration will rise by 5 mg/l.

As you can see, making macrofertilizers yourself is not at all difficult. In microfertilizers the principle is the same, but there are many more components. We will talk about this in the next article.

Author Igor Lakin


1. Having prepared the self-mix, we have a problem, how to store it? Fertilizer is a good nutrient medium for microorganisms, in particular algae. If you do not store the UDO liter in refrigerators, then all sorts of fouling can often form on the walls of the container, and the fertilizer itself deteriorates.

To prevent this, write down the trick, I dictate =) Take ~ 20 ml. any algaecide (glutaraldehyde), for example, from Medosa.

Pour in these 20 ml. into the prepared 1 liter fertilizer solution and voila, it can be stored at room temperature and will not turn sour.

For anyone who is worried about the effect of glutaraldehyde on their herbalist, we hasten to reassure that such a small dose will not affect the herbalist’s condition in any way. On the contrary, it will improve it. Because glutaraldehyde in small doses is beneficial to plants because it is a source of carbon – C.

In turn, being in the fertilizer solution, the algaecide will play the role of a preservative, preventing any bug from developing.

2. And finally, one more piece of advice. It is understood that to prepare fertilizer we will need accurate scales that measure weight in grams. You can buy such scales on AliExperse, let’s say, these ones + will come in handy in the kitchen.

But there are specialized electronic measuring spoons. They are very convenient for measuring even the smallest portions of fertilizers. If you decide to purchase such a spoon, we recommend taking professional things like the Ista Digital Spoon Scale - a special, one might say aquarium spoon, that will ensure accurate dosing of any chemical or additive up to 300 grams in 0.1 g increments.

Editorial: Pearl gourami

We do not recommend buying similar spoons to Ali (at least read the reviews carefully) because there have been sad precedents with their accuracy. How to check accuracy? Weight of 10 ruble coin = 5.65 grams. Put it in and check =)

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Category: Aquarium Articles / Aquascaping | 984 | Date: 12-02-2020, 20:47 |

We also recommend reading:

  • — Pseudoplatistoma tiger
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Difficulty in content

Although Astronotus is an interesting and easy-to-keep fish, it is important not to be deceived by its size as a juvenile, as well as its peaceful behavior. Most Oscars are sold at approximately 3cm in size and are kept in a community tank with other fish during this time.

However, don’t be fooled and buy yourself an astronotus for a shared 100-liter aquarium!

Most Oscars are sold at around 3cm in size and are kept in a community tank with other fish at this time. However, don’t be fooled and buy yourself an astronotus for a shared 100-liter aquarium!

It grows very quickly, for normal development it needs an aquarium volume of 400 liters or more, and feeding it is quite expensive.

In addition, it is a predatory fish that needs to be kept as a pair in a separate aquarium or with large neighbors in a very large aquarium.

But don't be upset. If you are firmly convinced that you want just such a fish, then keeping them is not difficult, and in return you will get a beautiful, intelligent and almost tame fish.


Avoid keeping Tiger Pseudoplatistoma with shy fish, as this will make it even more shy. You also shouldn’t keep a fish that it can swallow, it will definitely do it.

But keeping large species usually does not cause problems, since the pseudoplatistoma is too huge for anyone to disturb. As a rule, this fish is kept alone in demonstration aquariums. Although it will not hesitate to eat any small fish, it is actually quite peaceful and can be kept near other species of the same size in a suitable environment.

It is territorial both in relation to its relatives and to other large catfish, so in most situations it should be the only fish of this type.

How long do catfish live?

To the question “How long do catfish live in an aquarium?” no answer. It all depends on many factors, such as:

  • water temperature;
  • type of catfish;
  • water quality;
  • food quality;
  • water aeration;
  • water salinity;
  • fish living next door.

If a clean aerated aquarium with thickets of dense plants, with an acidity of up to 8.2 and a water temperature of up to twenty-five degrees Celsius, then catfish can exist in the aquarium for about eight years.

The food that catfish eat also affects their lifespan. Live food is optimal for feeding these ground dwellers in your aquarium. Be aware that it is forbidden to keep catfish in salted or salt water - this will lead to the extinction of the fish.


They become sexually mature at a size of 10-12 cm. Astronotus breed, as a rule, in the same aquarium in which they live. You need to create several shelters and place large, flat stones on which they lay their eggs.

During courtship, the couple selects a stone and cleans it thoroughly. The caviar is white, opaque, and can change color within 24 hours after spawning.

Parents take care of the fry, but as soon as they begin to swim on their own, they can be removed from their parents. The fry are large and viable. The fry can be fed with Cyclops and Artemia nauplii.

But before you start breeding, think carefully. An adult female can lay up to 2000 eggs, the fry is strong and grows well.

This means that you need to feed and care for him constantly. At the same time, selling or giving away fry is not an easy task.

The demand for them is low, but the supply is off the charts.

Feeding and diet of swordtails

Swordtails are unpretentious in food, they are omnivores and prone to overeating. They enjoy eating dry and freeze-dried food: flakes, granules, chips. They love live and frozen food (bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia, etc.). The fish take food from all layers of the aquarium water. The food remaining on the surface and falling to the bottom will also not be left unattended.

The diet of swordtails must include plant foods: flakes or granules with spirulina, special algae tablets. In addition, they willingly eat algae from the walls of the aquarium, plants and decor.

Feeding aquarium fish should be correct: balanced, varied. This fundamental rule is the key to the successful keeping of any fish, be it guppies or astronotuses. The article “How and how much to feed aquarium fish” talks about this in detail; it outlines the basic principles of the diet and feeding regime of the fish.

In this article, we note the most important thing - feeding fish should not be monotonous; the diet should include both dry food and live food. In addition, you need to take into account the gastronomic preferences of a particular fish and, depending on this, include in its diet food either with the highest protein content or, conversely, with plant ingredients.

It should be noted that when purchasing any dry food, you should pay attention to the date of its manufacture and shelf life, try not to buy food in bulk, and also store food in a closed state - this will help avoid the development of pathogenic flora in it

What kind of fish is catfish?

can easily get their own food

In home aquariums, catfish play the role of cleaners, eating leftover food from other fish from the bottom and cleaning the walls of the container from plaque and microorganisms.

Unlike the fish that live next to them, aquarium catfish are completely unpretentious to their living conditions: they can eat almost any live fish food; the acidity and hardness of aquarium water is not an important criterion for them.

can live in very muddy and dirty aquarium water

Almost all types of catfish live at the bottom of the aquarium, where they carefully explore the shallow soil in search of food. From time to time they rise to the surface of the water to swallow air bubbles, which are subsequently absorbed in their intestines. The behavior of catfish is not affected in any way by the purity, quality and aeration of water in the aquarium.

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