An aquarium is not just a piece of furniture, but also a harmonious environment that requires care and
author: fisher November 14, 2017 0 Comments Family: Polycentric other fish Leaf fish (Monocirrhus polyacanthus, Heckel, 1840)
Cockerel Cockerels are beautiful aquarium fish that have earned a bad reputation due to their character.
Botanical description and habitat Anubias belongs to the Araceae family. Consists of several leaves
The cherry shrimp (Red Cherry Shrimp, or Neocaridina heteropoda) is the most popular crustacean to receive
04/20/2019Pisces0 Corydoras Julie is an active and peaceful pet, interesting to watch and useful in
The red mangrove crab is a great pet option for those who are inexperienced.
It's no secret that the quality of tap water leaves much to be desired. In it
Few aquarists know that Aulonocara multicolor, which belongs to the Cichlid family, is a fish that requires careful care.
Home/FISH DISEASES/Fin rot: treatment, how to save aquarium fish Fish disease fin rot (Pseudomonas) –