The most unusual sea snails: their beauty is amazing
The snail is an unusual creature that lives both in the wild and at home. Many people
Young viviparous fish
How to breed aquarium fish at home
Fish, which inhabit almost all types of water bodies, are characterized by the greatest variety of reproduction methods among animals. Behind
How to equip a terrarium or container for the Achatina snail
Manufacturing and arrangement Considering the growing popularity of snails as pets, today it is quite relevant
Features and rules for repairing aquarium lamps
Creating comfortable living conditions for pet fish is sometimes a lot of work, especially if there are few
Reproduction of Achatina snails in a home aquarium. How to care for eggs?
If you make a rating of the popularity of pets, then Achatina snails will take far from the last place.
What does the lawn and reel look like? gastropods: pond snails, meadows, bitinia, coils
It’s no longer possible to surprise anyone with aquarium fish. Experienced aquarists want something more original. And so unusual
Effect of pH on Vegetation
pH in an aquarium or one of the most important indicators of water
What is pH Hydrogen index or pH is a value indicating the logarithm of the concentration of hydrogen ions
How to determine water hardness_Table1
Examples of solving typical problems on the topic of water hardness
How to determine water hardness 03/23/2018 How to determine water hardness At first glance, this concept
Ampularia: a snail that helps with cleaning the aquarium
I can’t say that ampullaria snails appeared in our country as planned. An animal in the house that
Keeping and breeding leopard geckos at home.
The maintenance of Eublefar's house is clean, which is very good for families with small children, not
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