Riparium as one of the varieties of decorative aquarium
Beginning aquarists, when purchasing an aquarium, often wonder whether to buy an aquarium with a lid or without?
Amazon animals
The low Alocasia Amazonica is ideal for indoor conditions. Subtleties of plant maintenance.
Amazon Basin The Amazon Basin is the largest lowland on our planet. She takes
Green plaque in an aquarium: how to deal with greens, get rid of them, what to do, clean them, remove spots on the walls and decorations
Getting Rid of the Green Water Problem in a Freshwater Aquarium
Beginners in the aquarium hobby confuse algae with plants, although the difference between these concepts is enormous. Higher
clover flowers and leaves
What grass can and cannot be given to Achatina snails - greens from the forest and garden
Greens are the basis of a snail’s diet in nature, so when keeping it at home, you need to try to
How many fish can be kept in an aquarium: 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 100, 150, 300, 1000 liters
Home › Aquarium equipment › Your rating will be the first! Every aquarium owner sooner or
How to choose a lamp for an aquarium: calculating the power of lighting lamps
For beginners buying an aquarium for the first time, everything seems simple. I bought what the pet store salesman recommended.
Rotala wallich contents description photo reproduction
Description and distribution of rotala. Forms cultivated in aquariums are herbaceous perennials that grow in height.
Aquarium fish for beginners
Aquarium for beginners: what you need to know first
The mysterious word “aquarium science” has resonated in the heart, but where to start, what to grab onto?
What to do if the red-eared turtle does not eat, is very lethargic and sleeps. Possible causes of loss of appetite
The owner of a red-eared slider begins to feel anxious at the slightest change in the behavior of his pet, especially
Aquarium lighting with fluorescent lamps and other light sources
Functions of Lighting Light plays an important role in the production of oxygen that plants need for proper functioning.
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