How to safely transport an aquarium? Let's understand the issue
Before settling the aquarium, it is necessary to purchase the aquatic pets themselves and properly deliver them home so that
Corbicula java, bivalve mollusk in aquarium
Blanket 220x200 cm 1799 ₽ More details Blanket 220x200 cm 999 ₽ More details Wall shelves
Pseudotropheus lombardo fish in an aquarium: how to care and what to feed
Pseudotropheus lombardoi (lat. Pseudotropheus lombardoi, Maylandia lombardoi) is a cichlid living in Lake Malawi, belonging to
What kind of heart does a fish have: structure, blood and circulatory system
The circulatory system of fish - a unique heart and why it beats 4 times slower than a human's
Fish are cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates that live in both saltwater and
Nitrates in the aquarium: description of the cause, fight, photo, video.
Aquatic plants supply underwater inhabitants with vital oxygen and act as a biological and mechanical filter.
How and what to feed small Achatina snails
What to feed small snails at home. What to feed Achatina snails at home
The African snail's diet should be varied from an early age. Firstly, it will help the snail to properly
who eats aquarium snails
Which snail eats snails in an aquarium, and other enemies of mollusks
To an experienced aquarist, the food preferences of the inhabitants of a home pond seem simple and understandable. He can
Diseases of red-eared turtles: prevention, treatment, symptoms, photos, videos.
Quick transition to article 1 Causes of fungus 2 Signs of onset of the disease 3 Treatments
Gammarus: food for fish, snails and turtles and its breeding
10.27.2019Crustaceans0 Complete nutrition for aquarium fish is provided by such a product as Gammarus. This freshwater crustacean is known
Ampullaria snails: reproduction in an aquarium and what to do with eggs
Ampullaria aquarium snails are popular aquarium inhabitants native to South America. In nature
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