Glass aquarium
How to properly glue an aquarium at home
If you love fish, and you are attracted by the elegant transparent houses of their habitat, through glass
Symptoms of some aquarium fish diseases
Tetra Contralck for the treatment of skin diseases in fish
by fisher 12/05/2015 0 Comments Tetra fertilizers Healthy aquatic plants not only provide aesthetic
fin rot
Guppy swims on the surface - should you worry?
Sometimes guppy lovers notice that their fish's behavior has changed and they are constantly swimming.
Herbivorous fish in a lake commercial fish farm
In pond warm-water fish farming, the lion's share falls on fish farms engaged in carp breeding. At the same
Achatina snails
Causes and methods of treating a cracked snail shell
Recently, snails have become very popular pets. They are not demanding in care,
How to soften water in an aquarium - 8 ways to reduce hardness
Experienced aquarists know that when breeding fish, crustaceans or aquarium plants, it is necessary to provide conditions
Shrimp Filter - maintenance and care, feeding and reproduction
This aquatic inhabitant is called banana, forest, tree, Singapore shrimp, athyopsis, but its main name is
Snails in an aquarium: trouble or blessing?
Current problem: how to get rid of snails in an aquarium?
A controlled snail population in a home aquarium is good and beneficial. They clean the walls
Gill arches
Respiratory system of fish: structure of gills and auxiliary respiratory organs
There are two types of breathing in fish: air and water. These differences arose and
Mosquito larva description and photo
Mosquito larva: description and photo, development and habitat, in water and puddles
The larva is one of the first phases of mosquito development. Fishermen call them bloodworms. Often
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