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How to make a miniature home waterfall - florarium
Sand for a waterfall The choice of sand in this case plays a very important role. To illusion
How many fish can be kept in an aquarium: 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 100, 150, 300, 1000 liters
Attention! The calculator calculates the most optimal conditions for keeping fish in the most comfortable conditions for them
Choosing an aquarium for the home: tips for a novice aquarist
If you have a desire to have aquarium fish, you need to carefully select an aquarium, its equipment and
Molting in red-eared turtles, why the shell peels off
Moulting time for a red-eared slider Don’t be alarmed when the process begins for a red-eared slider
How to clean an aquarium from limescale
How to clean an aquarium with your own hands: the procedure with a description of the rules for cleaning the soil, glass, and filter from plaque
Beautifully designed aquariums enliven any interior. Slowly swimming colorful fish in bright greenery calms
aquarium fish
Mystus striped catfish: contents, compatibility, photo-video review
Mystus striped (orca shifter, Asian catfish) is an extravagant representative of aquarium inhabitants. Mystus has a snow-white belly,
Why do fish jump out of the aquarium and how to prevent it?
“Flights” of fish over the surface of the water are not such a rare sight. What if it’s artificial?
Neretina: contents, reproduction, description, photo, compatibility
Neretina snails have become increasingly popular among aquarists. This species belongs to freshwater
pH testing
Water hardness in an aquarium: how to increase or decrease what you need to know about it
When purchasing a home pond, many aquarists first think about planning the decorations and stocking the fish, forgetting
cyclops fish food photo
Cyclops food for aquarium fish - description, feeding, photo, video
To defrost or not? feeding Like other foods for aquarium fish, Cyclops can be given
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