How do snakes poop? What does the subway smell like? We answer 20 unexpected questions


is a disease caused by Giardia - microscopic intestinal parasites belonging to the type of protozoa, the class of flagellates. Giardia are intestinal parasites, the main areas of their vital activity are the duodenum and the beginning of the small intestine. Giardia is carried by many animals, including rats, mice, cats, and dogs. But the main source of giardiasis infection for humans is humans.

Giardia infestation can lead to a functional disorder of the small intestine, although in a significant number of cases a person carrying Giardia may not have any complaints. However, in accordance with WHO recommendations, the diagnosis of giardiasis is established when Giardia is detected in any case, even in the absence of pronounced symptoms.

Giardia is named after Dr. D.F. Giardia, a Czech by birth, who described this intestinal parasite in 1859 and worked in Russia since 1860. However, the history of Giardia in European medicine begins with a description made much later by the French biologist Alfred Giard (the Latin spelling of his last name is Guard). Therefore, in foreign medicine, another name for giardiasis is accepted - giardiasis (pronounced jardiaz or guardiaz).

The prevalence of giardiasis depends on the development of hygienic culture. In European countries, no more than 3-5% of people are affected by Giardia. Among children, giardiasis is detected twice as often as in adults. This is due to the fact that children often do not follow hygiene rules.

How do snakes poop?

Through the cloaca - a special opening at the bottom of the abdomen, which serves to remove all waste products.
Snakes do not respect the bounds of decency - for example, crawling into the bushes - and usually shit where the need arises. A pooping snake raises its tail and contracts its entire body - this is the only time in the life of any animal when it looks a little stupid. Snake keepers do not recommend interrupting the procedure: reptiles at this moment are not confident in themselves, are very irritable and vulnerable, and in response to any movement in their direction are ready to attack.

How does dirt appear in the navel?

The accumulation of dirt in the navel is - no joke - the most mysterious physical process on the human body. Austrian chemist Georg Steinheiser studied the formation process and composition of “umbilical mud” and published the results of his scientific research in 2010. It turns out that during the day, the hairs around the navel collect fibers from clothing and push them inside, where they mix with dust particles, beads of sweat and microscopic particles of skin, falling into clumps.

To combat this scourge, says Steinheiser, you can either shave the hair around the problem area or get a piercing: the metal will repel dirt and there will be nothing to pick out in the shower in the evenings.

Why are eyebrows needed?

This is a natural “headband” that we inherited from our ancestors. Eyebrows prevent acrid sweat and raindrops from rolling down from your forehead directly into your eyes.

There is a possibility that the invention of umbrellas and hats, as well as the ruthless evolution over the coming millennia, will remove eyebrows from the list of organs necessary for survival and procreation. Because of this, women of the fourth millennium will no longer need to track discounts on plucking and styling on beauty salon Instagrams.


How to save a fish? Treating fish with salt and potassium permanganate!

Fish fences (constipation) of Western Siberia

How I treated hexamitosis in an aquarium in three days

Japan. How I got out of my ass

Why is there a strip between the scrotum and anus?

The question often worries boys who, during puberty, begin to study the structure of organs given by nature and, due to gaps in knowledge, assume that either they were sewn together in childhood from two different children, or their gender was changed.

But in fact, this strip does not mean any terrible things. It is called the median suture, it is formed in the womb, and its further fate depends on the gender of the child: in boys it connects the scrotum with the testicles, which descend at a conscious age, and in girls it serves as a section for the formation of the vagina.

Which fish accumulate the most mercury?

“By price and quality”: how to choose the right red caviar

Experts have named ways to distinguish a real delicacy from a fake

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have issued advisories on fish consumption. Experts have identified seven species that are best removed from the table due to their high mercury content.

These include king mackerel, marlin, Atlantic roughy (other names include orange roughy and Icelandic berix), shark, swordfish, bigeye tuna, and fish from the malacanth family (labeled - found in the Gulf of Mexico). This is a strict recommendation for pregnant, lactating women and children, the leaflet emphasizes.

The Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN) also does not recommend eating swordfish. Because of their love for it, the Spaniards were the first among Europeans in terms of mercury content in the body. From AESAN, mackerel and pike can be added to the list of dangerous fish.

Toxic Seven


Photo: Global Look Press/Walter G. Allgöwer

Make us beautiful: the healthiest fruit for women has been named

It turned out to be kiwi, rich in vitamin C and folic acid.

Tuna is included in the diet of Russians, but other types of fish from the DPA leaflet are still typical for the American diet, says nutritionist, member of the National Association of Dietetics and Nutritionists Natalya Kruglova.

“Although tuna contains both protein and Omega-3 fatty acids, you should consume no more than two servings per week (about 200 g),” she notes in an interview with Izvestia. — The American norm is 180 g of tuna per week.

Mackerel as a dish is not very popular in the Russian Federation, but is used to make biologically active supplements, notes Natalya Kruglova: “Omega-3 from mackerel is added to them. It is not clear how manufacturers of dietary supplements on the Russian market test for mercury content.”

If the mother of Russian cities is Kyiv, then who is the father?

First, we need to figure out why Kyiv is still a “mother”, despite the masculine gender. The pre-revolutionary spelling of Kyiv is “Kiev”. The hard sign at the end did not sound anything in the 19th century, but indicated the hardness of the previous consonant sound. But in IX it was pronounced as an unstressed “o” (for example, like the first two “o” in the word “milk”). During the reign of Prince Oleg, who called Kyiv “the mother of Russian cities,” the word was read as “Kieva” and belonged to the feminine gender.

The pope of Russian cities, according to historians, is Novgorod. It was built before Kyiv, and served as an important trading hub - it was the beginning of the legendary route “From the Varangians to the Greeks.”

Why do traffic police officers have striped batons?

The contrasting black and white coloring is equally noticeable both in the city and in the field at any time of the day and in any weather.

The traffic police came to the idea of ​​painting the batons black and white 77 years ago. Before this, back at the beginning of the century, until traffic lights appeared and the traffic flow grew to the modern endless traffic jam for the entire city, traffic controllers made do with first all-white and then red-yellow wands, similar to lightsabers from Star Wars. . Then the USSR launched a bold but unsuccessful experiment: for several years they made do with white gloves and a special set of gestures. It was after the fiasco of this venture that the traffic controllers were given the famous black and white sticks.


The development of constipation is facilitated by a lack of a component that is resistant to digestive enzymes - fiber, which stimulates the normal functioning of the digestive tract. If there is not enough fiber in food, it becomes denser, so it is difficult to move and is poorly excreted. This leads to loss of appetite, lethargy and impaired swimming function. Often such symptoms are attributed to swim bladder dysfunction.

In nature, herbivores and omnivores feed on plants, algae, and decaying objects of organic origin that contain large amounts of fiber. Predatory species consume fiber indirectly, as it is contained in the digestive system of the organisms they eat. However, the indigestible components of these organisms (such as chitin-rich mollusk shells) also provide fiber. Pellet and flake foods contain little or no fiber. Fish fed exclusively on flake or pellet foods tend to become constipated. Frozen foods are also low in fiber, so they are better as supplements than as staple foods.

The diet of all fish species without exception should be varied and include a lot of greens, fresh, live or frozen foods, depending on the specific species. Most of the diet of herbivorous and omnivorous fish should consist of plant foods. Carnivorous fish need to be fed whole organisms, since they need not only proteins as a source of energy, but also components included in the skeletal systems of the organisms they eat and in the contents of their intestines.

A sedentary lifestyle also contributes to the development of constipation. For example, a betta fish kept in an aquarium that is too small is very likely to develop constipation. The body of a goldfish and a “red parrot” under such conditions can take on a completely unnatural appearance, which will make it difficult to move in the water, and will subsequently lead to constipation and deformation of the swim bladder and intestines, increasing the risk of swim bladder pathologies.

How does Shazam recognize music?

No, contrary to myths, when you recognize a song using an application, it is not listened to by a special person with ideal musical taste who is aware of all the new releases. The company has only 250 employees, and the servers have to process about 20 million requests per day: each employee, if this were true, would have to recognize 80,000 songs every day.

In fact, songs are divided into separate simplified sound blocks, sort of audio sketches. On the company’s servers, they are almost instantly compared with a database of the same blocks taken from millions of compositions. Once the service finds the most suitable one, it shows the match.


Most often, constipation is treated with foods containing large amounts of fiber, which has laxative properties. During treatment, you cannot switch to other types of food (and in no case should you give granulated, flake, dried or frozen food). Canned peas are a classic laxative for most fish. It can be given whole (for example, goldfish) and crushed (for smaller species, for example, betta fish). Plants (such as water plague stems) and live foods rich in chitin (such as daphnia and brine shrimp) can also be provided.

Canned peas are a classic laxative for aquarium fish (to photo).

Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) relaxes muscles and is used to treat constipation of varying severity. The recommended dose of salt is 1-3 teaspoons per 19 liters of water, depending on the stage of the disease.

Will a gun fire in space?

It will definitely shoot once. A bullet, devoid of air friction, gravity and other obstacles, will fly for a very long time and very far (quite likely millions of kilometers) until it falls into the gravitational zone of a star or extinguishes inertia in another way, but the shooter will have to fight with the recoil from shot, spinning around its axis and coping with nausea and disorientation.

The second, third and other shots may well not happen: in order for some parts of the gun to work as required, they need an air gap to compensate for the friction of the parts. So every shot in space will render the gun unusable a thousand times faster than on Earth.

How did humanity survive for thousands of years without condoms?

For a long time, humanity had no idea about the existence of sexually transmitted diseases and the possibility of birth control. They preferred to deal with the first after infection rather than try to prevent it, but for the second they quietly practiced “coitus interruptus,” which is prohibited in many religious texts.

Who and under what circumstances first came up with the idea of ​​putting some kind of thin layers on the penis is still unknown. It is only known that this man lived approximately in the 15th–16th centuries and made do with washed animal intestines and fish entrails. One can only guess about the hygienic side of the issue. As well as what the faces of women looked like when men offered to have sex with sheep intestines on their penises.

Preventing constipation: using fiber-rich foods

Preventing constipation does not require serious effort or financial expenditure. Fish that naturally eat plants should be given greens in large quantities instead of pellets and flakes. Although algae contains a certain amount of cellulose, it is not enough to meet the basic needs of aquarium fish. Crucians, severums, piranhas, pacu and mbunas are fish that do well with soft aquarium vegetation. Inexpensive aquatic plants such as Elodea Canadensis and Egeria densa are readily available and work well for this purpose.

Since plants contain very little nitrogen, their decomposition does not significantly degrade water quality. If you're going on vacation for a few days, you can simply buy a couple of bunches of these inexpensive plants and your fish won't go hungry.

You can also feed canned peas, peeled friese lettuce, spinach and finely chopped cucumbers. Plecostomus (family Loricariaceae) readily eat a variety of fruits and tuberous plants, including zucchini, carrots and sweet potatoes. For some plecostomuses, wood is their natural food. It can provide energy, but most often serves as a source of fiber. Therefore, if you keep plecostomus, you need to place a fairly large tree branch in the aquarium.

Contrary to popular belief, it is rare that a home aquarium can satisfy all the needs of marine herbivorous fish, such as surgeonfish and angelfish. For these fish, it is necessary to find a suitable alternative to their natural food. While previously peeled friese lettuce and spinach were used, today it is recommended to feed the fish dried nori seaweed. Since nori is of marine origin, it is better suited for freshwater fish than soil plants. Nori is quite cheap and can be purchased at any grocery store in Asia. —— based on materials from

Why don't people sneeze in their sleep?

First, you need to understand how people sneeze: the brain receives information about irritation, transmits a signal to the chest muscles to fill the lungs with air, closes the holes in the throat and gives a signal to exhale. The air ends up exploding through the nasopharynx.

It is impossible to sneeze in a dream, because problems occur at the very first stage: the brain receives a signal about irritation, but due to the fact that the nervous system works in a suppressed “sleep” mode, it cannot do anything about it except to wake up the owner, if the irritation is strong enough. And then, you won’t be able to sneeze immediately after getting up: the nervous system has not yet entered working mode.


Typically, this disease is indicated by bloating and stringy bowel movements. In healthy fish, feces immediately settle to the bottom, while in fish suffering from constipation, excrement takes the form of threads and can hang out of the anus for a long time. As a rule, the fish become lethargic and lose interest in food. In severe cases, fish may lose the ability to move normally in water.

Symptoms of constipation often resemble those of dropsy, but in addition to bloating and lethargy, a characteristic sign of dropsy is ruffled scales, causing the fish to look like a pine cone, especially when viewed from an overhead angle.

Perciform fish such as cichlids and surgeonfish kept in captivity are prone to hexamitosis and often suffer from constipation. Both hexamitosis and constipation lead to an increase in the volume of excrement. Constipation is not so much a problem of the amount of waste excreted as a problem of removing it from the body. At the same time, hexamitoses lead to the release of excess mucus into the intestinal lumen, so the excrement acquires a characteristic light color and viscous consistency.

Aquarium fish that eat flake and granular food are prone to constipation (see photo).

Why do some drinks taste bad after brushing my teeth?

The toothpaste contains sodium lauryl sulfate. It is added as a foaming agent, which makes brushing your teeth easier and distributes the paste more evenly throughout the mouth. The substance is not considered harmful, but may cause an allergic reaction or irritation.

Another thing is that upon contact with the tongue, sodium lauryl sulfate suppresses the receptors responsible for sweetness. In addition, the component temporarily destroys the phospholipid layer, which suppresses the bitterness of food. So it turns out that the taste of food and drinks that a person consumes immediately after thoroughly brushing his teeth changes beyond recognition and not for the better.

Symptoms of giardiasis

Giardia can number up to a million per square centimeter of intestinal wall. They mechanically damage blood cells (erythrocytes), cause irritation of nerve endings, and disrupt the absorption process. As a result, inflammation develops. Giardia waste products can cause allergic reactions.

Giardiasis can occur in acute or chronic form. Symptoms of acute giardiasis may appear 1-3 weeks after infection.

Giardiasis most often manifests itself as an intestinal disorder. In some cases, giardiasis can cause disruption of the gallbladder and stagnation of bile. In the case of long-term giardiasis (especially in children), neurotic symptoms may be observed.

Abdominal pain

With giardiasis, there is pain in the epigastric region and in the navel area. The pain is usually dull, but in some cases it can be sharp.


Increased gas formation (flatulence) is usually accompanied by a feeling of fullness in the stomach. Belching and heartburn are possible.

More about the symptom

Stool disorder

Possible diarrhea up to 3-5 times a day; The stool is initially watery or foamy, but may later become greasy. Diarrhea may give way to constipation.

Allergic manifestations

Possible allergic manifestations of giardiasis:

  • hives;
  • severe itching;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis and some other manifestations.

Neurotic symptoms

With a long course of giardiasis (especially in children), the following neurotic symptoms may be observed: weakness, fatigue, irritability (tearfulness in young children), headaches, dizziness, cardialgia.

Why does ice cream hurt my forehead?

The effect is called “brain freeze” and is observed in a third of people living on earth. Unpleasant pressing sensations in the forehead or behind the ears are caused by the fact that from the cold in the mouth (specifically in the palate), the brain is “scared” that the cold will soon reach it, and begins to urgently pump warm blood to itself. Because of this, blood flow is disrupted for some time, and unpleasant sensations arise in the head.

In science, the effect is called sphenopalatative ganglioneuralgia. You can make warning stickers and use them to mark ice cream in stores.

What happens to the pages of deceased people on social networks?

In most cases, nothing. There is still no automatic deletion of a page after a certain period of inactivity in many social networks. For example, pages on Facebook, Odnoklassniki and VKontakte remain forever. However, Twitter deletes a profile in which no new posts have appeared for more than six months.

In other cases, pages change status. Facebook allows you to turn a user profile into a “memorial”. To do this, you need to send a copy of the death certificate to the network administration. The status of the page will change - the inscription “In loving memory of...” will appear, and you can continue to leave comments and entries on the wall. When changing status, access to personal correspondence is not transferred to either relatives or other close people. Your secrets will definitely remain yours forever.

A single solution to the problem of the social network has not yet been developed, but in the coming years it is already worth having in stock: around 2050, the number of pages of the dead will be equal to the number of profiles of the living, and then the ratio will change in favor of the dead.

Methods for diagnosing giardiasis

Giardiasis has no specific symptoms, and its manifestations are varied. Therefore, a typical situation is when a person is treated by different specialists for different symptoms, but giardiasis remains undetected.

You should definitely get tested for Giardia in the following cases:

  • with a tendency to intestinal diseases, as well as with their chronic course;
  • with eosinophilia (the presence of an increased number of eosinophils in the blood);
  • for allergic manifestations;
  • in case of intestinal disorder acquired while traveling abroad, especially to southern and exotic countries;
  • in case of neurotic symptoms, especially against the background of intestinal disorders.

Giardiasis is diagnosed based on laboratory tests. To diagnose giardiasis, the following are usually used:

Microscopic examination

The feces are examined for the presence of Giardia cysts, and the intestinal contents are examined for the presence of vegetative forms.

Serological blood test

Using a serological analysis, the presence of antibodies to Giardia in the blood is determined.

More information about the diagnostic method

Stool examination

An immunological test can detect a specific Giardia antigen in the stool.

Sign up for diagnostics To accurately diagnose the disease, make an appointment with specialists from the Family Doctor network.

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