Online store of aquariums, terrariums, decorations and equipment for aquariums and ponds.

Atman filters overview

In this article, we decided to review external Atman filters. There are several reasons. Firstly, they are now actively imported into our pet stores. Secondly, the price is very tasty and much lower than that of branded analogues. And third, I would like to collect an objective database of reviews, which, dear aquarists, we hope you will leave in the comments under the article.

Before starting the review, let’s say a few words about how to choose external devices in general. In our aquarium practice, we have tried, perhaps, all known filters. And for us, the main qualification for them is noiselessness. But the issue of noiselessness is relative. For some, the squeak of a mosquito disturbs their sleep at night, while others snore in a reserved seat on the top bunk, as if they were sleeping.

Otherwise, we personally treat all external filters like a bucket with a motor. Almost all filters have standard equipment. It is only important to decide on the filter power that you need, and the price that you are willing to spend.

Our advice. Of course, before purchasing, read reviews on forums and watch videos on Youtube. Compare the received data. But at the same time, keep in mind that all reviews are subjective. Even the most famous external filters have both positive and negative reviews. People who are satisfied with their purchase rarely write reviews, but expressing dissatisfaction is in each of us in the blood =)

Speaking about Atman filters, let’s immediately say that they are pure Chinese. But! The thing is that all other European brands are veiled Chinese. We know of only one aquarium nonsense, which seems to be produced in Poland. And then the question is where the firewood comes from: parts, components. We think that it is no longer an open secret for everyone that all Apple gadgets are manufactured in the Middle Kingdom. Thus, “China” today does not act as a qualification for something bad; on the contrary, today it is the norm and a fact of our modern existence.

From lyrics to action, next, we will consider all models of Atman filters.

Review of Atman filter AT-S series

Atman AT-S filter review

External canister filters Atman AT-S series are a modern modification of the very first external Atman AT series. The contemporary has become even quieter and 50% more energy efficient.

Features of the Atman AT-S external filter:

Convenient external filter for freshwater and marine aquariums. Easy to install and convenient to maintain. In the kit you will find filter materials, water intake and discharge tubes, a set of hoses and suction cups for attaching the tubes. The filter is equipped with an adapter with which you can adjust the water flow rate and safely remove the hoses, as well as a water pump button for quickly starting the filter.

At the time of writing, in the Aqua Logo , Atman AT-S 1500 l/h costs 10,750 rubles. Atman AT-S 1800l/h - 11836r.

External filter kit Atman DF-1000

The filter is made in such a way that it is basically impossible to assemble it incorrectly without instructions (which are very scanty). Of the minuses, it can be noted that the water intake and return tubes are made of transparent, flimsy-looking plastic. After six months of use, I replaced them with tubes from JBL; they are made of black plastic; they look more aesthetically pleasing; the fouling of algae that appears in them over time is not visible.

The second point is that native ceramic fillers, in my opinion, should be smaller and more porous. The sponges covering the ceramics have very large cells. If their function is to trap large dirt, then why are they located on top of the ceramics and in each basket? Moreover, large particles are already retained in the first layer of filler - plastic balls. To be honest, I didn’t quite understand the manufacturers’ intentions regarding the arrangement of filter materials.

Large Atman rings, small Sera rings

Plastic balls located at the very bottom of the filter (without basket)

During the operation of the Atman DF-1000 filter, SERA filter filler was added to the ceramics (in the future I plan to replace all the original ceramics), and the black sponges were replaced with finely porous ones. The synthetic membrane, which is located last and serves to remove the smallest suspended particles, was also removed.

Was removed from the filter after some time of use

There are no problems when connecting the filter. When the tubes and hoses are connected, you need to press the quick start button several times; this is enough for water to enter the system and the filter to start. To make the first start easier, you can pour water into the filter.

The filter has been in operation for more than a year, first on a 200 liter aquarium. Now it works on 360 liter. In both cases it performed very well. I coped with my function 100%. There were no leaks or breakdowns during the entire period of work, which is encouraging. There are also no complaints about the noise level. It works quite quietly, although there are probably filter models from other manufacturers that are even quieter. I will definitely describe in the next article how you can make the filter operate almost silently.

Ceramic external filter Atman DF-1000 after three months of operation

To summarize, we can say that such aquarium equipment as the Atman DF-1000 external filter is a very good choice: the price is reasonable, the quality is good, reliable, and quite quiet, it completely copes with its task.

Review of the Atman filter CF and CF UF series

Atman CF filter review

Atman CF series external filters are a later model of the external. The prefix UF means an ultraviolet lamp built into the filter head. In the case of Atman UV at 5 watts. This is a weak lamp, as they write in some stores =) But it is quite enough for “soft sterilization”. If you are planning a herbalist, then a 5-9 Watt UV is just right. But keep in mind that UV “burns out” all applied micro-fertilizers. Read more here .

Equipment and design of the Atman CF external filter:

All models of external aquarium filters are equipped with a pump for quick start-up. The filter is convenient and easy to use, easy to start and quickly proceeds to perform its main task of cleaning the aquarium.

The nozzles with removable taps located in the head of the filter can rotate 360 ​​degrees, thanks to which the filter is conveniently located inside the aquarium cabinet.

The filters are equipped with a set of simple filter elements (sponge + synthetic padding). Any other filler can be easily placed in the removable tray.

Models Atman CF-600, 800, 1000 1200. UF from 2200 liters per hour. According to Yandex.Market, Atman CF-600 costs 6,040 rubles.

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Hello dear visitors of our store!

Today we live in difficult times, the rapid pace of megacities keeps us in constant tight tension, it does not give us the opportunity to stumble, relax, and even more so to think about relaxation, the beauty of nature that surrounds us. How nice it is after a hard day at work to come to your home, warm, cozy apartment and not sit at the computer or in front of the TV, from which a stream of not entirely pleasant news sometimes falls on us, but read your favorite book next to a beautifully decorated aquarium, which is some kind of model of a large an underwater world filled with harmony, beauty and tranquility, which we sometimes miss so much.

The fabulous and alluringly beautiful world of the aquarium has always attracted people with its bright colors, unexpected shapes and bewitching, graceful movements of underwater inhabitants. Keeping an aquarium and caring for the inhabitants of your home pond is not a hobby, not a habit, and certainly not just a desire to do something in your free time from work. A home aquarium is a state of the human soul, only for this reason many people look at people who keep aquariums as strange people, but contrary to these views of amateur aquarists, and, as a rule, in the future, specialists and professionals in maintaining aquariums and breeding aquarium fish, with arithmetic progression it only gets bigger. One of my friends was given a goldfish as a child, and then it all began. More than thirty years have passed, and since then the craving for aquariums, the love for breeding aquarium fish, has not left him. Aquariums and everything connected with them became a part of his life. He now has two fish farms, and that’s over a hundred aquariums with a huge number of all kinds of aquarium fish and other aquarium inhabitants, he attends all exhibitions, hosts the “Young Aquarist” program on radio and television, and has been designing and maintaining aquariums for almost twenty years. And isn't this a strange man?

For many millennia, people have been fond of keeping fish and other inhabitants of the aquatic environment at home. Aquariums in the modern sense appeared several dozen centuries ago in Ancient China. Over this vast period of time, humanity’s interest in this original hobby has not waned. Crystal vessels, porcelain “fish” vases of Ancient China, the pools of Great Rome, multifaceted aquariums of medieval Europe and the colossal flourishing of aquariums today. People have always been fascinated and attracted by the mysterious underwater world. Aquariums, caring for aquariums and everything connected with them brings many benefits to all family members, for example, a passion for an aquarium from childhood automatically accustoms a child to systematically perform certain duties, since an aquarium and its inhabitants require almost daily, albeit not complicated , but care, for example, feeding the fish. Also, the child’s horizons broaden significantly, as a rule, success in school improves, and what is not unimportant, it completely eradicates the birth of cruelty and other negative moral and psychological characteristics of the individual. In any school or other educational institution, they pay great attention and specially arrange “living corners”, where one of the first places is, of course, an aquarium or several aquariums, which are a part of the underwater world, making us kinder and more attentive to others.

Buying an aquarium is another step towards a healthy lifestyle for you and your environment, since beautifully designed aquariums have a huge beneficial effect on the human body - a powerful surge of positive emotions, psychological relief after a hard day at work, completely normalizing intracranial blood pressure ( proven by American scientists), deep relaxation and, as a result, restoration of the functions of the human nervous and autonomic systems. It is the water element that has enormous positive energy, and by installing an aquarium at home or at work, you can feed on this life-giving energy every day and feel like the ruler of the blue element), or admire the small, fragile world of water, where everything lives in harmony and needs your care and attention. The aquarium also favorably stimulates the treatment of the respiratory tract, asthma, all types of nasopharyngeal diseases and many other diseases, and all because your aquarium works as a natural filter - it purifies the air that we breathe, and significantly increases the humidity of the air dried by air conditioners or heating, as well as polluted by car exhaust or other harmful fumes. And the main benefit of keeping aquariums is the feelings that bring you joy: pleasure, surprise, delight and just a good mood. And to get the benefits, you just need to buy and install an aquarium.

We will be very happy to help you achieve these noble and necessary goals. Over the 12 years of our team’s work, we will look into the eyes of all our customers of aquariums, aquarium equipment and various related aquarium products with a clear conscience. All our experience and professionalism is at your complete disposal.

With uv. aquarium-ami team

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