Small aquarium (mini, small, 5, 10 liters): fish, how to care for them, with one fish, decoration, design, plants, care, lamp, heater

To become an aquarist, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on a huge fish house. A small aquarium is convenient because it is inexpensive, does not take up much space and weighs little, so it is easier to transport and does not require a special stand. Nano-aquariums also have disadvantages: a small number of fish and limited species diversity are allowed, the biological environment in 5- and 10-liter containers is unstable, and they require frequent maintenance.

Fish for a small aquarium

The fish must be unpretentious and hardy, no larger than 6 cm in size. Popular unpretentious species can be found in a separate article. For populating small aquarium fish, the following rule is relevant: for a 5-centimeter individual, 3–5 liters of water are required, so for an aquarium of 5–15 liters the following are suitable:

What will we use?

The most important. Of course the aquarium itself. It’s up to you to buy a ready-made kit for launching or select everything separately. I took the path of independently selecting everything I needed. I bought this aquarium (pictured below). At first I had the idea to glue the aquarium myself. Moreover, a bottle of aquarium silicone is available. But figuring that it’s easier to pay 180 rubles (that’s how much this aquarium cost) than to bother with buying glass, a glass cutter, etc. Plus time. I settled on an aquarium from a nearby pet store.

Aquarium dimensions: length 233 mm. height 160 mm. width 103 mm.

The new aquarium had a double-sided backdrop glued to the back and right side walls. This nano aquarium will stand on a stand next to the window, so I decided to cover the closest wall to avoid excessive lighting. I carefully trimmed the black silicone seams near the front glass with a scalpel. Since they greatly spoiled the appearance, you understand that you cannot expect super quality from an aquarium for that kind of money. The back seams seem to be left on a black background so they are not so visible and do not hurt the eye.

Next, two types of soil were prepared for the launch: medium and fine sand, both natural.

Sand from the shore of the Gulf of Finland St. Petersburg

fine sea sand from Vietnam

Two small driftwood pieces were also purchased.

Driftwood for nano aquarium “Desert” XXS UDeco Desert Driftwood 10-15 cm.

The stones are prepared.

Stones from the Southern Coast of Crimea and Putilovsky stone

We have also prepared a selection of small plants that are perfect for planting in an aquarium of such modest size. Here is a photo of everything you need to start a nano aquarium with the exception of equipment.

Soil, stones, driftwood and plants for a nano aquarium

By equipment. Even the smallest pump (pictured in the upper left corner) is placed in such a micro volume. It would look cumbersome and strange. Therefore, it had to be abandoned. In the future, a small waterfall filter will be installed, which does not take up space in the aquarium. For the same reasons, there is no heater yet.

From the editor: What to name the fish?

Everything is ready, you can proceed to the launch itself. First of all, of course, we lay the soil. The idea is that there will be one large zone of coarser sand in the background and two zones of fine sand in the foreground.

Laying soil in a nano aquarium

Laying soil in a nano aquarium

Coarse sand is laid on the bottom

Place fine sand in the foreground

Final laid soil

To level the soil, in the absence of a spatula, I used a piece of cardboard.

We've sorted out the ground, now let's move on to installing the decorations of stones and driftwood.

Installing driftwood in an aquarium

After trying several options, I arranged the driftwood like this

Now we place the stones

Add more stones.

The final layout of the decorations in the aquarium

Once the decor arrangement is complete, you can start planting.

Plants for planting

We mainly used the Windelov fern (Microsorum Pteropus “Windelov”), a small, slow-growing and fairly unpretentious aquarium plant, as well as the Thailand fern. The roots of a fern should not be buried in the sand; it needs to be able to attach its roots to stones or snags, then it will develop well.

Vindelova fern in a nano aquarium

Vindelova fern in a nano aquarium

The final planting option

Now you can start pouring water into the aquarium. The only time it is advisable to cover all our efforts with paper or cellophane so that the soil does not wash out. In this version of the device, I used water from my existing large aquarium.

Fill the aquarium with water from an existing aquarium

Nano aquarium is completely filled with water

Time to install the lighting.

Lamp for nano and pico aquarium Aqua Ligter Pico

Lamp for nano and pico aquarium Aqua Ligter Pico.

Several photos of the finished aquarium.

Ready-made nano aquarium

Ready-made nano aquarium

Aquarium in a permanent place, type 1

Aquarium in a permanent place, type 2

Aquarium in a permanent place, type 3

Who cares to see.

Settlement rules

Some fish do well alone in a small aquarium, while others require schooling, so they are kept in large tanks. The minimum number of pets for one flock is 6 pieces. If a schooling individual is kept alone, it will become depressed, its color will fade, and its lifespan will be shortened. Some small schooling fish show aggression in the absence of a group of relatives in the aquarium. Also keep in mind that the inhabitants of a small aquarium inhabit different layers: the upper and middle ones are inhabited by mobile species, and the lower level serves as a home for catfish.

Friendly common tank

If the owner decides in any case to have a variety of inhabitants for his modest bioworld, the issue must be taken seriously, since many, even small fish, may not feel well when they have to share their own territory with neighbors. When choosing, you should consider a number of nuances:

  • it is desirable that the fish can live alone, since such conditions are not at all suitable for some schooling individuals;
  • it is important that water of the same parameters is suitable for all inhabitants of the aquarium;
  • they must have a non-conflict, calm disposition;
  • it is worth considering the volume of the tank - the more spacious it is, the more inhabitants it can live in;
  • experienced aquarists know that some representatives of the aquatic world, having a peaceful nature, pathologically cannot stand “neighbors” of a certain species.

If such aspects seem very complicated, you can go the simple route - place one fish in the tank, which will rule it alone. Or have a flock of tiny, nimble inhabitants.


Choose slow-growing plants. If there is good lighting, specialized soil containing organic matter, and a carbon dioxide supply system, plant in the soil:

  • marsilia;
  • Japanese blixa;
  • bacopa;
  • pennywort;
  • Hemianthus cube plant.
  • If the lamp is built into the lid of a small aquarium, the lighting may not be sufficient for some plants. Also make sure that the water parameters are suitable for aquarium greens. In low to moderate light the following survive:

  • mosses (key moss, Java moss, nano-moss);
  • cryptocorynes (Willis, parva, Beckett);
  • anubias (dwarf, golden, bonsai);
  • ferns (orange, narrow-leaved, Thai);
  • Cladophora globular.
  • Scenery

    The scenery serves as shelter for the animals. It is important that decorations occupy up to 50% of the height and no more than 25% of the bottom area. Aquarium decorations should not contain any hazardous substances and should have no sharp corners so that small fish cannot get hurt. Wash your decorations before diving. Good fit:

  • stones;
  • caves;
  • wood driftwood;
  • pots;
  • homemade shelters from coconut shells.
  • A snag protruding from the water looks natural, but if you have shrimp or crayfish, the animals can escape along it.


    The meaning of the word “nano” is known to many. Thinking about nanotechnology, you can understand that it means something small. The idea to create a microcosm arose when aquarists tried to make marine reef aquariums smaller. As a rule, in order to recreate a full-fledged marine picture, with anemones, living corals, various invertebrates and marine fish species, a large capacity container is needed. However, over time, aquariums smaller than 300 liters began to appear, which acquired the name “micro-reefs”. Models smaller than 100 liters began to be called “nano reefs”.

    Now, the prefix “nano” means a freshwater aquarium, the volume of which is 35 liters or less. Although the name does not indicate the volume itself, but the ability to fully contain fish and plants in it. In most cases, small fish and shrimp become pets.


    You can't do without a filter and a compressor. Only fastidious plants need a carbon dioxide supply system. A heater is also optional.


    Lighting can be arranged above the surface of the water using fluorescent or LED lamps. It is important to keep fish that are not prone to jumping out of the water. Choose lamps with white light to prevent algae from fouling the glass. Remember that yellow and green light bulbs stimulate algae growth. Place the small tank away from sunlight.


    For a small aquarium, an internal filter or an external one with a tube is suitable. Check that the filter material can be easily removed for washing. In an hour, the filter should distill a volume of water equal to 8–15 volumes of the aquarium, without creating a powerful pressure. In a small volume, you can entrust aeration to a filter, but it is better if there are two different devices. Plants act as an additional source of oxygen. A suitable filter should be small and unobtrusive.

    Water heater

    A heater in a small aquarium is necessary if the room temperature is too low for a particular type of pet. Monitor temperature fluctuations by installing a thermometer.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Nanoaquariums, like any living system, have a number of advantages and disadvantages . The positive aspects of small-volume containers include:

    1. Small size and the ability to freely place the tank anywhere.
    2. It is easy to clean and maintain the ecosystem in good condition.
    3. Relatively low cost.
    4. The minimum set of necessary technical devices will not break the budget.
    5. In a small volume you can contain very small invertebrates and fish, which would literally get lost in large aquariums.
    6. Opportunity to experiment with design.

    We list the disadvantages of a micro aquarium:

    1. Creating a sustainable ecosystem will take effort.
    2. Small volume requires frequent cleaning.
    3. Plants develop amazing growth rates and need to be constantly monitored.
    4. When choosing equipment, you need to take into account the dimensions of the aquarium and look for the smallest filters, compressors and lamps.
    5. It is difficult not to miss the first time when selecting inhabitants who will be comfortable in rather cramped conditions.


    You can also decorate mini aquariums tastefully. Styles suitable even for 10 liter containers:

  • Iwagumi is a Japanese style that uses several stones of different sizes covered with moss. There must be an odd number of stones. In the center of the composition is the largest cobblestone, the second largest is next to the central one. Smaller stones should emphasize the composition, and the smallest ones should remain unnoticeable.
  • Ryoboku - decoration using driftwood. Green plants are placed on the branching frame.
  • Wabi-kusa - a hill of moss is created in the aquarium, the design is complemented by small driftwood and bushes.
  • Taiwanese. A feature of the style is the imitation of squares and parks. Paths are laid out among the vegetation, benches and figurines are placed.
  • Pets of rich colors look advantageous against a dark background, and dim fish in herbals. Think about the design of a small aquarium and look at examples in advance. If your 10-liter pond is in the nursery, you can put a toy castle and glow-in-the-dark pebbles. If the tank is in the living room or office, decorate it more discreetly.

    Features of nanoaquariums

    Nano or mini aquariums are small capacity containers. A marine nanoaquarium has a volume of up to 100 liters, a freshwater one - up to 30 liters .

    Of course, this size dictates its own conditions for the selection of inhabitants and plant content of the artificial reservoir.

    Ideally, a mini aquarium is self-cleaning and has an established ecosystem that requires virtually no human intervention.

    Starting an aquarium

    Prepare a reservoir for populating aquarium fauna:

  • pour soil and arrange decorations;
  • fill the tank with water;
  • plant plants;
  • install and turn on the necessary equipment;
  • turn on the lights for 8–10 hours a day;
  • after 2–3 days, start stocking the fish;
  • on the 7th day after start-up, replace up to a quarter of the water volume.
  • Maintain a schedule for cleaning and turning lights on and off. If a small aquarium is populated only by top-level fish, feed them small, non-sinking flakes at first. When the balance of beneficial bacteria is established, add other foods to the diet. Use water tests in the first weeks after launch.

    Why do you need to order production from?

    Here are a few arguments why you need to buy a square aquarium for a betta on the website:

    1. We work directly with the glass factory and control the quality of products at all stages of production.
    2. We don’t just sell aquariums, but we help you choose the best option, decorate it, run it and care for it. You can simply order an aquarium or immediately a full range of arrangement and installation services.
    3. We employ experienced specialists who create complex ecosystems of any type. You can get advice on an issue of interest or qualified assistance in selecting equipment.

    Square aquariums look incredibly beautiful in any interior style. Scroll through the catalog of finished works and see for yourself!

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