Dragon eye telescope
Telescope fish and its maintenance in a home aquarium
The inhabitants of the underwater world are fabulously beautiful and diverse, but sometimes the most amazing aquarium fish are
Clawed frog: 4 popular species and character complexity
The clawed frog (Latin Xenopus, English African clawed frog) is one of the most popular aquarium frogs.
Fish stuck description
Sticky Fish: How to Make a Shark Have a Nervous Breakdown
Many interesting creatures live in the depths of the sea. Among them there are small harmless fish, huge
Bacopa Monnieri: description and properties of the plant
Among the representatives of the underwater world, Bacopa Monnier has a rich medical past. For many centuries in a row she
Keeping and caring for betta fish: everything you need to know about the Siamese fighter
Yes, of course, bettas are hardy fish; in their natural habitat they live in muddy, silty,
Guppy, the most peaceful, small and beautiful fish in the aquarium (11 photos)
Small, peaceful, viviparous guppies, which belong to the Poeciliaceae family, are among the most common and
peeling with Garra Rufa fish
Peeling with fish (Garra Rufa) will tidy up your legs
Peeling with fish is a very ancient, but not widespread procedure that came from the Middle
Blue tang fish and what you need to know about its contents
Would you like to have an exotic and beautiful fish in your aquarium? Then pay attention to the surgeon. Surgeon fish
Clarius (Clarias) - description of species, conditions of keeping and breeding
Clarius catfish (or as it is also called, clarius catfish, clarias or African catfish) performs
Cockerel fish: types, reproduction, content, photo, video, compatibility
The betta fish is a popular resident in the aquarium of beginners and professionals. If the first ones are attracted by beauty
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