Peeling with fish (Garra Rufa) will tidy up your legs

Peeling with fish is a very ancient, but not widespread procedure that came from the Middle East. These fish are called Garra Rufa. In Turkey and Egypt you can find many open thermal springs where they live.

They are used to treat certain skin diseases, including atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. Now procedures with Garra Rufa have “migrated” to big cities; they are used both in private clinics and in some public medical institutions (for example, in Turkey).

How the fish peeling procedure proceeds, what effect should be expected from it and to whom it is indicated is described below.

Garra Rufa - what kind of fish is this?

Garra Rufa is a fish that belongs to the carp family. It reaches no more than 10 cm in length, has no teeth, but has very strong lips. Therefore, you should not worry, since it cannot bite through human skin.

The main diet of the fish is plankton and small organisms, but the main feature of Garra Rufa is that it approaches the affected and keratinized areas of the skin and gently removes them. The fish does not touch healthy skin, which eliminates the possibility of injury.

Garra Rufa saliva contains certain enzymes (diethanol) that help heal the skin and restore it to a healthy state. A rejuvenating and toning effect is noted after several sessions lasting only 30-40 minutes.

It is still unknown where and when Garra Rufa began to be used for medicinal purposes, but now they are used to perform a full-fledged SPA procedure, which is called peeling with Garra Rufa fish.

The peeling effect depends on the duration of the sessions, their frequency and the number of fish in the aquarium.

The more intense the process, the brighter the result. For preventive and relaxation purposes, 1-2 sessions every few months are sufficient.

To complete a full peel, a series of visits lasting from 30 minutes to 1 hour will be required.

For people suffering from psoriasis or dermatitis of various natures, intensive courses are prescribed, which take place under the supervision of a doctor.

Medicinal use

The medicinal properties of Garra rufa are used for auxiliary therapy and elimination of symptoms of skin pathologies. Fish can remove affected tissue and prevent the problem from spreading to other areas of the body. The advantage of procedures with waterfowl is that they act locally and do not affect the entire body.

Features of treatment with Garra rufa:

  • removal of diseased tissue;
  • cleansing healthy areas from dirt;
  • relief from itching;
  • antiseptic treatment.

For psoriasis, research

Therapy with exotic fish is often prescribed for psoriasis. Due to the popularity of this treatment, scientists became interested in the mechanism of action of Garra rufa.

The following studies are known:

  1. The work of Austrian specialists in 2002–2004, who conducted an experiment involving 67 patients. Over the course of 3 weeks, patients underwent two-hour procedures in a medical facility.
  2. The work of Turkish doctors in 2000. Experts observed 87 patients undergoing ichthyotherapy in a hot spring in Kangal for 21 days.
  3. Research by New York scientists in 2021 involving 67 patients. The experiment also lasted 3 weeks.
  4. Review work of American specialists in 2021. Scientists analyzed data from Austrian and Turkish colleagues.

Studies have shown that daily immersion in a medicinal fish bath helps reduce the appearance of psoriasis. Patients experienced a reduction in the number of plaques and skin lesions by 50–95%. Further observation of patients showed that with relapse, psoriasis develops more slowly, and marks on the body are easier to eliminate.

Despite the positive results, all experts agree on the need for further research into the mechanism of influence of Garra rufa on the human body. Scientists do not exclude the possibility of side effects and worsening pathology due to non-compliance with sanitary standards and poor water filtration.

For other diseases

  1. Eczema. The procedure helps remove affected areas and speed up tissue restoration.
  2. Ichthyosis. Fish help remove dead skin, but their use is possible only before complications arise in the form of weakened immunity.
  3. Hyperkeratosis. Periodic use of fish can improve the condition of the skin. However, before applying the procedure, you need to know the cause of the pathology. If the problem is related to endocrine disorders, Garra rufa treatment cannot be used.
  4. Trophic skin lesions. The benefit of fish is that they stimulate blood flow. Procedures can only be performed at stage 1 of the disease, when the integrity of the skin is not compromised.
  5. Age spots, vitiligo. Garra rufa helps to remove the problem, but a course of treatment is necessary, the duration of which should be determined by a dermatologist depending on the severity of the disease.
  6. Immune system disorders. In this case, you need to abandon the procedures. Fish do not help strengthen the immune system, but an accidental cut when processing the skin can cause complications.
  7. Diabetes. This disease is a contraindication to the use of ichthyotherapy, even if it is accompanied by dermatological problems.

Spa or procedure?

Basically, the process occurs in two modes:

  1. With partial immersion. Only selected areas of the body are processed, for example, hands or feet. This type of therapy is most common and is carried out not only in medical institutions, but also in beauty salons. The main criteria for choosing an institution should be the cleanliness and sterility of the conditions in which the session is held.
  2. Full immersion. This is highly specialized physiotherapy, which is usually carried out either in thermal springs or in medical institutions. The patient is completely immersed in a bath where small fish live.

As soon as a person places parts of the body under water, the fish immediately attack the affected areas of the skin and begin to treat them. As noted earlier, Garra Ruf has no teeth, they only touch the skin with their lips.

Their touch feels like a slight tickle. All patients online indicate that the procedure is extremely pleasant and that it is somewhat reminiscent of touching bubbles of mineral water.

Fish are not so active in relation to children's skin. This is explained by the fact that the skin of babies has not yet developed a stratum corneum and does not have the same problems as adults.

The skin treatment is not only painless, but also even pleasant, which allows us to classify the procedure as relaxing. It has already become widespread in Eastern countries.

Compatibility with other types

Despite its small size and lack of teeth, garra rufa is classified as an aggressive species. They can coexist next to fish of other species only if the aquarium is large. It is not recommended to breed them in small containers with representatives of other varieties.

Crowding does not have the best effect on the behavior and order in the school, even if only doctor fish live in the aquarium. Sometimes the hierarchy is broken and fights occur. If all placement conditions are met, then the fish are very peaceful and playful.

What results should I expect from peeling?

You won’t be able to notice any obvious changes after the first procedure. The patient will only experience pleasant sensations, but nothing more.

For a pronounced effect, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment, which will include several visits lasting more than half an hour for each.

The processing session is carried out in two cases, and each is characterized by a certain result:

  1. As a peeling. After completing the session, the duration and frequency of which is determined by the attending physician, the patient will notice that his skin has become tender and soft. The fish will delicately remove the upper stratum corneum of the skin, and the enzymes contained in their saliva will contribute to the rapid formation of new dermis. In its action, peeling with Garra Rufa fish is similar to chemical peeling.
  2. As a remedy for skin diseases. This peeling is actively used to treat dermatitis and psoriasis. When the skin becomes covered with keratinized formations due to an illness, fish are used that heal the dermis for up to 6 months.

Features of aquarium maintenance

For an experienced aquarist, keeping a unique doctor fish will not seem difficult. A flock of 5–7 specimens will feel normal in a fairly spacious freshwater aquarium, the capacity of which is selected at the rate of 7–10 liters per individual.

It is advisable to recreate conditions as close as possible to the natural biotope:

  • fast current,
  • soil made of large or medium river pebbles, sprinkled with small crushed stone,
  • driftwood, unpretentious and current-resistant plants will come in handy.

Some sources claim that the normal water temperature is +28 °C, but the fish feel quite satisfactory at lower temperatures from +22 °C to +26 °C.

Effective aeration is required, as well as good water purification from nitrites and nitrates. Thus, the set of aquarium equipment for keeping “doctor fish” should include a filter unit with a powerful pump and biofilter, an aerator, and a heater.

Bright lighting is recommended; it promotes the formation of an algae film on the surface, which is food for fish. By the way, the aquarium should be closed with a lid: cases are described when garra rufa crawled out of the tank, actively working with their powerful pectoral fins.

Indications and contraindications

The procedure should be carried out if there are certain indications.


  • as a preventive measure;
  • when expressing age-related skin changes;
  • in the presence of psoriasis and dermatitis of various nature;
  • as a relaxation and SPA procedure;
  • for the treatment of skin fungi;
  • for removing keratinized layers;
  • as an alternative to, for example, almond or ferul peeling.

The procedure has few contraindications.


  1. lupus erythematosus;
  2. skin oncology;
  3. psoriatic neuroderma.

Contraindications for fish peeling

Garra Rufa stimulates blood circulation, so the procedure is contraindicated for hypertensive patients, people with “jumping” blood pressure, pregnant women and women in the first days of menstruation. In addition, it is better to avoid peeling with fish if a person has:

  • open burns;
  • bleeding wounds;
  • deep scratches;
  • pemphigus (blisters);
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • malignant formations;
  • psoriatic erythroderma;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Is there a danger?

First of all, the danger may lie in unscrupulous entrepreneurs who perform Fish Pilling using not Garra Rufa, but other, dangerous species of fish. Most often, Chin-Chin fish are passed off as Garra Rufa, which are not as harmless as the first ones.

The main danger lies in the presence of teeth in Chin-Chin - they can damage the skin, cause wounds, and even cause infection.

Carefully examine the fish for the presence of teeth in their mouths and ask the salon for a certificate with state registration numbers.

You can also study the appearance of the fish online before visiting the salon to determine their differences at a quick glance.


Although in nature they eat mainly algae, they are not herbivores. They eat frozen and live worms, tubifex, bloodworms, brine shrimp, and artificial food.

Fresh vegetables and fruits are also eaten with pleasure, for example, cucumber, zucchini, spinach.

But if you use fish for fish spa treatments, you need to feed them special food for garra rufa, containing the elements they need.

Question answer

Basically, after one procedure, almost no effect is visible, especially in the presence of severe coarsening of the skin. To notice positive changes, it is recommended to take a course, which consists of 8-10 sessions.

Often, instead of this species, unscrupulous entrepreneurs use Chin-chin fish. They have a sharper mouth area. Garra Ruf's lips are located below the eyes. Chin-chin also has teeth. To verify the veracity, ask for the relevant documents confirming the use of the desired type of fish.

When you go to the salon, make sure that the right type of fish will be used. In addition, you should make sure that the water is changed before your session, since according to the rules this must be done before each client. You should also be examined, checked for your health, the presence of wounds, etc. If this is not done, then it is better to refuse peeling.

Is it possible to keep fish at home?

Garra rufa can be kept in home aquariums. However, they are difficult to buy and, according to experts, it is not easy to provide good living conditions.

For normal existence they need the following:

  • constant water temperature 30–35 degrees;
  • continuous liquid filtration;
  • enhanced aeration of the container;
  • flow simulation using a pump;
  • maintaining neutral acidity of water;
  • the presence of pebble and crushed stone soil;
  • varied diet.

Aquarists agree that Garra rufa live better in small ponds than in glass containers. Inexperienced fish lovers are not recommended to breed waterfowl “doctors”.

Advantages and disadvantages

Indeed, peeling with fish is an effective manipulation. But there are both positive and negative sides. Let's weigh the pros and cons.


  1. Painless. The procedure does not cause pain. On the contrary, it relaxes and distracts from problems.
  2. Safety. If everything goes according to the rules, Garra Rufa fish are used, and specialists adhere to the rules, then there is nothing to fear. This procedure will not cause harm.
  3. Clear benefit. This peeling not only removes dead cells, but also has a positive effect on metabolic processes and blood circulation.
  4. Versatility. Peeling can be done on various parts of the body (even the face).
  5. Fungus prevention.
  6. No allergies. This manipulation will not provoke an allergic reaction, since no chemical mixtures are used.
  7. Antiseptic effect. This happens due to the saliva secreted by the fish. This has a positive effect on the immune system.

Disadvantages of the procedure:

  • High price. One session is inexpensive, but you will have to pay a lot of money for the course.
  • Risk of getting into trouble. You need to be careful, since not everyone uses the right type of fish or follows hygiene rules.
  • Uselessness in advanced situations.

Indications for foot peeling

Garra Rufa not only effectively removes dead epidermis, but also eliminates some skin infections. Fish peeling is recommended for the treatment of acne, psoriasis and foot fungus. Positive results are noticeable after the first procedure in the fight against dermatitis and eczema.

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If hangnails often appear on your hands, then Garra Rufa will help you quickly and permanently forget about this problem and enjoy the beauty of your hands. In addition, the fish gently treat the nail plate.

Exotic therapy allows you to cope with such serious diseases as ichthyosis, rosacea, vitiligo, neurodermatitis and even lichen planus.

The use of Garra Rufa is recommended for poor blood circulation in the legs and poor condition of the skin of the feet and legs. Under the influence of many negative factors, it becomes flabby or too dry. Spa peeling with fish eliminates this trouble. After 30 minutes of exposure, swelling of the legs is relieved and fatigue is eliminated.

Peeling prices (in Russian cities)

Let's take a closer look at which clinics perform the procedure and study the estimated prices for fish peeling in:

  1. Samara. The FISH-PILLING salon operates, located at Naberezhnaya/Pervomaisky Spusk, Pervomaiskaya Street. The cost of the procedure is about 300 rubles per half-hour session.
  2. Vologda. The session can be held in the Kedrovaya Bochka salon, located at Vologda, Blagoveshchenskaya, 31a. The cost of the procedure can be found by number; you must register in advance.
  3. Yekaterinburg. The Fresh Studio salon operates here, located at Ekaterinburg, Palmiro Tolyatti Street 11A. The estimated cost of the procedure for 15-20 minutes is 450 rubles.
  4. Moscow. There are a huge number of salons and clinics operating in the capital, so the choice should be made based on standard criteria - cleanliness and sterility. The ThaiRai salon received good reviews, where a procedure lasting 20 minutes can be completed for about 300-500 rubles.
  5. Nizhny Novgorod. It is possible to undergo therapy in the Exotic SPA salon, located at Nizhny Novgorod, St. Alekseevskaya, 8a/1, shopping center "Alekseevsky Passage" 3rd floor. The cost of a session is from 350 rubles for 20 minutes.


Let's consider another possibility: for those who are interested in how such private enterprises are structured from the inside.

Business payback

Peeling fish as a business is designed for a payback of up to 3 months. The main cost items for business planning will be as follows:

  • Equipment - aquariums, 250 marine “workers”, equipment for the office itself;
  • Renting premises - an office with a transparent display window somewhere in a popular shopping center is good;
  • Consumables - aquarium service (filters, lighting), drinks, towels, etc.

With an average price for a procedure of 20 € per 1 hour and a salon workload of 10 hours daily, income before costs will be, according to analysts, approx. 200€.

Where to buy fish? Medicinal fish and their price

Knowledgeable people advise purchasing sea healers in Europe, and not in Asia, due to their better adaptation to our realities. Equipment suppliers will provide all the necessary components, as well as help train employees and issue a veterinary permit, which must be renewed on their own.

Fish 3.5-4 cm long cost about 1 euro per piece. (when purchasing a batch of 100 pcs.)

Permit to operate

The usual requirements for beauty salons do not apply in this situation: at least in the countries of the former CIS. Regulatory authorities do not yet require a license for this type of activity. That is, you can enter the market without employees with medical education and without long paper formalities.

Arrangement of the FISH SPA room

By default, the cabin must have running water and sewerage. It is better to choose chairs for procedures from washable material. It is also worth taking care of a relaxing atmosphere, music and lighting, as well as bottled water, tea, coffee and aromatherapy products.



“I have suffered from psoriasis since I was young.
Probably everyone who has encountered this problem knows how unpleasant and painful relapses are. This constant itching, the formation of plaques on the fingers, elbows, above the eyebrows, scratching them until they bleed is a quiet horror. For some period of time, relief was provided by healing and disinfecting ointments with anesthetics. But relieving symptoms for a certain period of time is not a solution to the problem. It is impossible to use ointments while constantly working; light-colored shirts get dirty, and there is simply no time to constantly treat the lesions. The fish saved me, to be honest.

When I was 35, my wife and I traveled to Eastern countries and looked into the thermal waters in Turkey and Izmir. I noticed the procedure, where the pool was full of fish, and at first I was completely scared.

The first thought: “God, how do people tolerate this, they are being eaten alive?!”, but judging by their faces they were very pleased. We contacted the administration, they told us everything and showed us everything. They advised me to try putting my hand in the water (I had to wash my hands first).

I agreed to the experiment and lowered my arm up to the elbow into the water. And then they simply “attacked” me. I realized that there was nothing to be afraid of. It was as pleasant as if I had put my hand in a jacuzzi with little pressure but small bubbles.

At first it was ticklish, but then it became very pleasant. We were in Izmir for 5 days, and all this time I went to the procedure once a day. I got rid of half the plaques for about six months, until the next relapse. Now I go to salons in my hometown every six months, and I forgot about my problem.”


“But I periodically go to “clean” my heels with fish.
I don’t like pedicure salons; frankly speaking, they hurt me. And then I discovered fish peeling; it was recommended to me by the master I went to for a pedicure. At first, I was somehow distrustful of the proposal, I even began to dig into the network to find out what kind of procedure this was. And then I became a big fan of Fish Spa. I go almost every week.

It was pleasant, and the skin on my feet became smooth, soft and well-groomed. In the future, maybe I’ll sign up for a full body treatment.”


The Turks observed this method of cleansing and healing in wildlife: under natural conditions, these unusual fish feed on organic debris from the skin of sperm whales.

The name “Garra Rufa” is translated from Turkish as “Doctor Fish” , because the saliva and mucus of these representatives of the carp family contain special medicinal enzymes.

Today, fish spas can be found in all corners of the world. Peeling fish are especially popular among tourists.

In pursuit of impressions and fueled by all-inclusive alcohol, vacationers don’t even think about the unsanitary conditions of coastal SPA establishments, but in vain. Next we will tell you why.

Pros and cons of the FISH SPA procedure

Of course, humanity has not yet invented procedures that are ideal in all respects. Likewise, fish that peel are useful in some ways, but harmful in others if hygiene is neglected.

To be fair, let's first look at the advantages:

  1. Painless fish pedicure or manicure. The temperature in the Garra Rufa aquarium is maintained at 32°C. Under such conditions, human skin softens easily and quickly, which allows dead tissue to be eliminated without any discomfort. The fish have no teeth: only soft jaws and tickling antennae.
  2. Simultaneous micromassage activates metabolic processes, improves cellular respiration and blood circulation.
  3. The relaxing effect allows you to escape from the hustle and bustle and get rid of neurosomatic tension.
  4. The enzymes in the saliva of these 8-centimeter “cosmetologists” have a softening and antiseptic effect (for example, dithranol is used in the treatment of psoriasis).
  5. The targeted effect on hardened tissues keeps living epidermal cells intact, unlike chemical analogues of the procedure.
  6. The skin becomes softer , and, although the purely cosmetic effect of a regular pedicure is 6 times higher, for example, it is much easier to lure a man to a fish peel than to a beauty salon: even a brutal biker will allow the fish to “bite his legs” for fun.

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Alas, sea healers are not omnipotent, and a fish SPA also has its disadvantages:

  1. Even a course of 5-7 sessions will not replace a classic pedicure : corns, calluses and mycoses, if any, will only slightly decrease.
  2. The fish undergo a “medical examination” only when “hired” : in the future, no one checks them for viruses and bacteria either daily or after clients. But each Garra Rufa can have up to 12 “patients” a day! Think about it: you are not even allowed to try on shoes in stores without a follower...
  3. The sanitary and epidemiological station does not control such establishments : in the young market there are no standards for disinfecting equipment or checking clients to ensure there are no open wounds.
  4. Live Garra Rufa fish cannot be sterilized either by heat or chemical means: this is what caused the service to be banned in 14 states of America. Even if the aquarium is cleaned after each guest, the little workers will still defecate pieces of human skin directly into the common container of water, spreading infections.
  5. Foci of some localized dermatological diseases can spread through skin contact with the chair throughout the client's body (using the principle of self-infection). Therefore, even if each client brings a health certificate, it is better to ask and examine the skin, just in case. The aquarium water is sterilized after each client, but the chair is not. Therefore, it is ideal to wipe it with a cloth containing Miramistin.
  6. There is a Chinese counterfeit of Garra Rufu on the market: in appearance they are very similar, with the only difference being that the chin-chin fish bites off pieces of living skin, and this, as you understand, does not add sanitation and comfort.


Stanislav Zharikov | Shop “Everything for Garra Rufa – RufaSpa:

“Not a single case of contracting skin diseases in this way has yet been registered. After all, a client with bleeding wounds will not be allowed into the salon.

It is important to purchase healthy fish that have undergone special quarantine: then the risks tend to zero. To do this, you need to contact professionals who will be able to accurately determine whether there was a quarantine.”

Stanislav Zharikov

Application area

Fish peeling includes not only manicure and pedicure: arms, legs, back, shoulders, buttocks and even the décolleté and face . Simply put, a person can completely immerse himself in a pool with flocks of Garra Rufa and enjoy the process (unless, of course, he is timid).


Facial peeling with fish is the rarest procedure with a slight lifting effect. With long-term course use, it removes not only horn cells, but also freckles and post-acne.

Who is suitable and who is not?

The list of side effects from pedicure with Garra Rufa fish echoes the indications for the procedure. Therefore, it is very important to consider in what cases ichthyotherapy is prescribed:

  • Skin fungi;
  • Psoriasis;
  • Eczema;
  • Hyperkeratosis (thickening of the stratum corneum);
  • Ichthyosis (gene mutation with the formation of “fish scales” on the skin);
  • Ringworm and pigmentation disorders (vitiligo);
  • Trophic lesions of the epidermis (for example, bedsores).

The list of contraindications is as follows:

  • Malignant tumors;
  • Lupus;
  • Neurodermatitis (allergic inflammation);
  • Infectious skin diseases;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Acne;
  • Open wounds.

If you have this type of disease, entry to the fish salon must be reserved.

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What do doctors warn against?

Doctors agree that this is a very effective procedure that will help get rid of a serious problem that has been tormenting a person for a long time. Skin rejuvenation when performing such peeling is only an additional effect of the procedure.

However, this is an excellent reason to use this product for cosmetic purposes. Considering that this method works painlessly and is suitable even for the most sensitive skin type prone to dermatitis, it has some advantages over other types of deep peeling.

When choosing a clinic or salon where peeling will be carried out, you must adhere to some rules:

  1. Choose clean rooms where aquariums are regularly cleaned and replaced with fresh water;
  2. Ensure that patients are provided with sterilants for body cleansing. At a minimum, every patient should shower before undergoing the procedure.
  3. You should refuse to perform the session in places where sanitary conditions are poor.

The likelihood of transmitting hepatitis, fungi or other infections through the procedure has not yet been established.

Many people wonder how safe this procedure is. There are two widely held opinions on this matter:

  1. Some believe that the likelihood of contracting hepatitis is reduced to zero, because transmission of the disease through household contact has not yet been confirmed. Moreover, the fish are cold-blooded and are not capable of transmitting infection.
  2. Others are afraid to carry out the procedure for this very reason, arguing that the lack of accurate data on the transmission of viruses sometimes leads to infection. There is also controversy regarding cold-bloodedness, since some viruses can survive in aggressive conditions for up to several hours or even days.

If a medical institution or clinic requires the provision of a certificate of health, then the procedure can be carried out in such conditions without fear.

Benefits of fish peeling

Garra Rufa simultaneously performs peeling, micromassage, stimulates the nervous system and coats the affected areas with an enzyme that has rejuvenating and regenerating properties. If you have skin problems, then fish help cure diseases even in acute or chronic forms.

Fish relax the body, especially when fully immersed. The water in the aquarium is always warm (+32 - +37 degrees). At first the sensations are ticklish, but then the body gets used to it. In the meantime, scars and traces of healed acne are completely eliminated, and the keratinized layer of the epidermis is removed.

If there were no defects on the skin before peeling, then Garra Rufa will produce a tonic effect, relieve tension and stress.

After peeling, a person feels as if he has been given “new” skin - delicate, soft, pleasant to touch and no less pleasant to look at. Even plaques from wounds and lesions of psoriasis are removed.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Dermatologist

Irina Dorofeeva

practicing cosmetologist

There are two opinions about this procedure. Often it is carried out in completely unhygienic conditions. In addition, there are many other salon methods for removing rough skin. If you, nevertheless, decide to lean toward this kind of peeling, then go to specialized centers. Initially, you should be checked by doctors for the absence of viral and fungal diseases. Course sessions really lead to positive results.

Callie Papantoniou


Before you start peeling, you should ask specialists for various information.
Only Garra Rufa fish should be used for this procedure; there are no other options. It is worth asking about the necessary documents in the salon. The purpose of the method is to eliminate rough skin. Peeling does a great job with it. In addition, the procedure tones and calms. This is especially useful for people with skin diseases, since their occurrence is often provoked by a stressful situation. And when a person watches fish, he calms down, relieves stress, and normalizes his nervous state. Actually, that’s all the necessary information about this event. With a competent approach to choosing a quality place, as well as observing basic hygiene standards, the procedure will lead to positive results, cure dermatological diseases and make the skin soft.

An excellent alternative to acid peels, which is no less effective and at the same time has no side effects.

Life in nature

The natural distribution area is relatively small: the Euphrates and Tigris rivers and their tributaries. These cyprinids are found in the reservoirs of Turkey, Syria, and Iraq, preferring warm, clean water in the temperature range from +24 to +28 °C. There is information that fish can survive for some time in the extremely warm water of natural thermal springs with temperatures up to +37 °C.

Due to the wide popularity and sharp quantitative decrease in the population, unauthorized catching and export outside the countries of natural habitat is prohibited.

That is why garra rufa has been grown for quite a long time both in licensed nurseries and on “wild” farms, especially in the countries of Southeast Asia. Schools of exotic Middle Eastern cyprinids can occasionally be found in the aquariums of wildlife lovers.

Subtleties of massage and pedicure

Before performing a fish massage and pedicure, it is necessary that your feet be thoroughly examined by a specialist. The presence of abrasions or blisters should be a contraindication to the procedure. In case of minor damage to the skin, they can be closed using special tapes that do not allow moisture to pass through.

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The duration and frequency of pedicure or fish massage sessions are determined by the doctor. The client himself must note the skin changes that occur with each subsequent session. This massage is considered the most gentle type of peeling, after which the skin becomes soft and tender. Garra Rufa fish do their job perfectly and remove dead skin cells.


In the wild, fish reproduce by spawning eggs into rocks and immediately lose interest in them. The fry grow on their own without the participation of their parents. On farms where garra rufa is bred, they try not to disseminate information about the process in order to reduce the number of competitors. Most likely, to provoke fish to spawn, hormonal stimulants are used and water parameters are changed.

You can find information about breeding at home, but it raises quite a lot of doubts, since there are no officially confirmed facts about this. Thus, various sources indicate that as a spawning tank you need to use a ring-shaped aquarium with a capacity of at least 100 liters with a strong current. The water temperature in it should be gradually increased to 30 degrees. Once the eggs are spawned and fertilized, the parents should be immediately removed from the future offspring. If eggs and fry end up in a pond with adults, they will be eaten.

A little about diseases

A disease that often affects aquarium doctors is ichthyophthirosis. The danger of the disease lies in its lightning-fast development and progression, which leads to global infection within the aquarium. In the first 10 days, symptoms practically do not appear. The causative agent of the disease is a parasitic ciliate found throughout Southeast Asia. Infected individuals become covered with bumps called pustules.

At the end of the incubation period, a mass pestilence begins. In the absence of preventive measures, the entire flock is likely to die. A product consisting of methylene blue oxalate and malachite green oxalate, which are taken in an amount of 3.5 g each and diluted in 1 liter of purified water, will help save the fish. During the period of sanitization of the aquarium, it is recommended to transplant the fish into another container, since the drug used can have a detrimental effect on the inhabitants and vegetation of the home pond.

Carp doctor fish are widely used in the commercial sphere, but they are no less interesting for home breeding. Frisky and agile representatives of the Garra Rufa are unpretentious to food and conditions of constant keeping. They will certainly become favorites of experienced aquarists and will create a separate atmosphere in the room, close to nature.

How does the salon procedure work?

Fish peeling, regardless of which salon you sign up for the procedure at, follows one “scenario”:

  • It is not recommended to use creams on your feet a couple of days before the session. This can make it difficult for the fish to “work” to cleanse the skin.
  • A specialist (ideally a dermatologist) should examine the client's legs for open wounds. If there are any, the session will have to be postponed.
  • Preliminary steaming of the legs gives a good effect - Garra Rufa will be easier to “gnaw” on the softened skin. Before the procedure, your feet should be washed with soap. In some salons, a disinfectant is additionally applied to the cover.
  • Feet are lowered ankle-deep into an aquarium filled with fish - the process begins.

Judging by the reviews of those who have already “experienced” the procedure, the sensations from peeling are pleasant and relaxing - no pain.

As a rule, a salon fish peeling procedure takes 10-30 minutes. To get the desired effect, at least 300 fish must “flutter” above your feet. On average, in Moscow salons a session costs 500-1000 rubles for 30 minutes.

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