Erythrozonus or tetra firefly (Hemigrammus erythrozonus)
Erythrozonus - Hemigrammus erythrozonus Erythrozonus Hemigrammus erythrozonus Durbin, 1909). The common Russian name is Tetra firefly.
Dark angelfish in an aquarium
Who do angelfish get along with in an aquarium (compatibility)
Perhaps every owner of an angelfish knows that these are quite peaceful schooling fish, which are not so
Small aquarium
What fish and what aquarium plants can be kept in a small aquarium, how to care for them and what problems can arise with a small aquarium
The fascinating life behind the glass shores is recruiting more and more fans into the ranks of aquarists.
Philomena or red-eyed Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae
Philomena or red-eyed Moenkhausia (lat. Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae), was once one of the most common in
Honey gourami or Colisa sota
Striped gourami (Trichogaster fasciata) Bloch et Schneider, 1801. Was officially described in 1801
goldfish diseases
Goldfish diseases. How to prevent and overcome?
Optimal living conditions Symptoms of ailments Quarantine for diseases Infectious diseases Other diseases Gold
Requirements for an Argus aquarium photo
Argus scatophagus in the aquarium - contents description care
Argus scatophagus is a large aquarium inhabitant. In Latin the name of this fish is
Mileus Schomburgka
Mileus-luna (Myleus rubripinnis luna): maintenance, breeding, photos, videos.
Description Adults average up to 25 cm in length, although specimens have been recorded
Cichlazoma meeca
Contents of Cichlazoma Meeka and its compatibility with other fish
Cichlazoma Meeka is one of the most popular species of cichlids. It is distinguished by its bright colors, peaceful
The most durable aquarium fish - which one is better to add to your first aquarium?
The decision of which fish to get first in your aquarium may be sudden, or it may
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